Man From The South (Activities)
Man From The South (Activities)
Man From The South (Activities)
A) Before reading.
Work in pairs, discuss what “gambling” means and finally choose one of these options for
its definition:
a. Casual betting with friends.
b. An activity characterized by a balance between winning and losing that is governed
by a mixture of skill and chance.
c. Serious statistics.
d. An addictive teenage-problem.
Do you like to bet? Have you ever bet and won or lost? What? Comment on your
experience or somebody else´s experience you know.
B) After reading.
Match the following words in the box with the information given
The girl
The woman
D) Answer the following questions.
2. What are the three things the old man asks for the maid?
3. Is there any hint in the story that tells us the old man had cut other fingers before?
E) Writing.
Write a summary of the story (50-70 words).