Bioethics B1B017025 Syamsul Ma'arif Short Paper Clone

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SYAMSUL MA’ARIF March 22, 2020


INTRODUCTION another side, therapeutic cloning tried to make

Cloning is a process in biotechnology in spare part to help the sick.
which generating genetically identical copy of a DISCUSSION
cell or an organism. This technique involves Scientist start to develop new method to
removing the nucleus from an unfertilized egg, make a sustainable life of organism.
adding the nucleus from a cell in the body, and Reproductive and therapeutic cloning using the
activating development. Rarely, an animal can be same way, by using the cell of person or animal
born with the same sequence of genetic building to create tiny embryo. Animal test will be
blocks as the donated nucleus. Cloning is isolated, well cared in the special cage for
inefficient, because it is difficult to fully reset laboratory treatment. It needs to be considered
chemical modifications to DNA and proteins in that the therapeutic has to creating an embryo to
the donated nucleus. The goal of reproductive cure, which is his/herself clone, and then you
cloning is a baby. The technology is identical in have to kill it just for several importance. This
both cases; the only difference is the ultimate use raise questions for everyone. Is this right? But
of the clone. yes, all the treatment was done for ‘sustainability
Science cloning is not exactly new. It of life’ reason. Second reason, to get a desired
found in nature. Plants are not the only organisms organ for curing a disease, it may use animal
that can be cloned naturally. The unfertilized cloning just to get their organ to be transplanted
eggs of some animals (small invertebrates, on human. Hence, education in this new field
worms, some species of fish, lizards and frogs) should be voiced.
can develop into full-grown adults under certain Geneticist has developed cloned pig for
environmental conditions, usually a chemical organ transplantation as new development in
stimulus of some kind. This process is called biotechnology. All we know as biologist is, there
parthenogenesis, and the offspring are clones of is rejection possibilities of transplanted organ in
the females that laid the eggs. Another example our body, due to structural and genetical
of natural cloning is identical twins. Although differences. Making condition of a person better,
they are genetically different from their parents, or even worse. So, the regulation of this
identical twins are naturally occurring clones of procedure often rejected to be legislated.
each other. Some consideration was taken for us to
Cloning has 2 completely different goals. see the disadvantages of cloning. Firstly, make a
Most people think that cloning closely related to clone of organism would be Antigod. A lot of
making a copy of an animal or person, that was embryo clone just to be killed for desired reason.
reproductive cloning, such as Dolly. There is Embryo is the beginning of organism life, it risen
question whether is embryo has been called resurrection of extinct animal was developed and
living organism, or is embryo has already souled? generated until now. But, there are some barriers
Another scene was showed by how much animal that keep the cloning fails to fertile, or even
used for generating this method, considering that viable. Some cases, such cloned embryo and
the research is not always succeeded at the first transplantation into the maternal uterus may
attempt. Also, after animal been cloned, they are succeed bring a new life. But for several days, the
killed just for several interest, let’s say we take cloned animal cannot stand their condition, weak,
just a particular organ. In every religion, killing is and dead thereafter.
a sin, so do the uses of animal for therapeutic. Our stem cell could be transformed into
Some religion has stated that several animals is many types of somatic cells. Stem cell that is
haram such in Islam. Uses of pig for every kind injected through circulation system, would
of interest is prohibited. migrate, find their own way to the injured site.
There are plenty of positive things in Most of the immunity cases may used this
cloning idea. In the industry of poultry, clone method to rejuvenate their immune system. New
may be beneficial to enhance the quality also white blood cells seem to be streaming out of the
quantity of the product. Lets we see about the bone marrow. Such cells not only hold the
clone of laying hens and broiler, brings them to immunity but more remarkably help make major
have big chicken with which can produce more repair by fixing heart muscle after got coroner,
big eggs than the normal one. This used also for the brain could be healed following the stroke,
pet, cow, beef cattle to increase the income, also and joint would be healed.
the population. For scientific purposes,

Interest Principle
Group Well-Being Autonomy Justice
Scientist Pride, financial reward, Open-minded approach to Compassionate
informed and sympathetic new development interpretation of legislation
regulation of procedures
Yes No Abstain Yes No Abstain Yes No Abstain
Treated Animal welfare behavioral freedom Intrinsic value
Animal Yes No Abstain Yes No Abstain Yes No Abstain
Human Improved health, Product Freedom of choice among Compassionate and
safety available therapies and informed recognition of the
product harms to the test animals
and humans
Yes No Abstain Yes No Abstain Yes No Abstain
Future Better generation, advance Possibilities of unexpected The conservation of the
Generatio technology thing resources and environment
n Yes No Abstain Yes No Abstain Yes No Abstain
Cloning is a promising science fiction to be real in life. Since biology developed rapidly,
many scientists compete to develop new discovery and try to commercialized their invention.
However, there is no perfection in this world. Tested organism cannot be ensured to be well treated
and the result of discovery does not always succeed. Any scientific development must be continued,
and any consideration should be taken on several aspect, to make better generation in the future.

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