Urinary Tract Infection-A Survey of Local Population
Urinary Tract Infection-A Survey of Local Population
Urinary Tract Infection-A Survey of Local Population
ISSN 1553-6203
© 2008 Science Publications
Abstract: Urinary Tract Infection, commonly known as UTI, affects as many as 50% women at least
once during their lifetime. All individuals are susceptible to Urinary Tract Infection (UTI); however
the prevalence of infection differs with age, sex and certain predisposing factors. With the above
background in mind we conducted a survey of the local population (women of 3 age groups) to
compare the urinary tract microbial community of control individuals with the UTI positive patients.
Attempts were made to identify pathogens through Serum Bactericidal Antibody Response. 200 urine
samples collected from control as well as UTI patients were randomly inoculated in parallel on four
varieties of chromogenic agar plates and the Colony Forming Units (CFU) per milliliters (ml) of each
microbe was determined. The serum bactericidal antibody assay was performed to demonstrate the
presence of serum antibodies with bactericidal activity against the bacterium found in urine. However,
with further experimental analysis, this bactericidal activity was found to be non specific and a similar
percentage of bacteriolysis was observed incase of the control population also. 104-105 CFU mL−1 was
the demarcating value between normal and pathological samples in asymptomatic cases. A significant
variation was also noted in the microbial profile of various age groups. E. coli is the most prevalent
pathogen in the post menopausal group. 15 different bacterial isolates were obtained of which the 16S
rDNA sequence of the 6 novel ones are available in GenBank. The control and patient population
showed a clear cut variation in the percentage of urinary tract microbes.
Key words: Urinary tract infection, serum bactericidal antibody response, CFU, urine microbial flora
Chromogenic substrates have been widely used in used for the enumeration of urinary tract microbes,
culture media for the detection, isolation, identification namely Hicrome UTI Agar (M1353), Pseudomonas
and enumeration of microorganisms in clinical samples. Agar(M120), Hicrome Kleb Selective Agar Base
Chromogenic media incorporates enzymatic methods (M1573), Klebsiella Selective supplement (FD225),
using specific chromogenic substrates added to primary Hicrome Aureus Agar Base (M1468) and Egg Yolk
selective and nonselective media. Colourless substrates Tellurite Emulsion (FD046) as per the manufacturers
produce characteristic colours when cleaved by protocol (Himedia). Hicrome UTI Agar is a differential
organism-specific enzymes[13]. medium that can be used for presumptive identification
A survey was conducted of women from in and of E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella
around Kolkata. A regular supply of urine samples was pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus
obtained from the pathological centres of Peerless faecalis, Proteus mirabilis and Candida albicans. When
Hospital as well as Nilratan Sarkar Medical College and the chromogenic substrate is cleaved by enzyme ß-
Hospital (N.R.S.M.C.H.). The subjects were divided glucosidase possessed by Enterococci, it produces blue
into three age groups. A total of 200 samples were coloured colonies. E. coli produces pink coloured
screened, out of which 150 were of control individuals colonies due to the presence of the enzyme ß D-
and 50 were pathological samples. The control or galactosidase while Proteus sp. due to the presence of
normal samples were also collected from members of tryptophan deaminase activity produces brown
the university and their family. The objective of the colonies[14]. Hicrome Klebsiella Agar and Hicrome
study was to compare the variation in the urine Aureus Agar were selective media. Klebsiella sp.
microbial flora among normal and infected women showed typical bluish pink coloured colonies while
population within this geographical location. Staphylococcus aureus shows typical black coloured
colonies with a zone of clearing around it, which was
MATERIALS AND METHODS due to lecithinase activity in the egg yolk media[15].
Study cohorts: The study subjects included six cohorts Isolation of UTI causing microbes: Early morning
of women. The first three cohorts were of a group of midstream urine samples were collected in sterile 15ml
healthy women, free of urinary tract infection. The falcon tubes. 50 µL of urine sample from each of the
subjects were divided into three age groups: first subjects was spread on the four different types of
cohort-age group of less than 1-19 years, second cohort hicrome agar plates. The plates were incubated
20-45 years, third cohort 46 years onwards i.e. the overnight at 37ºC under inverted condition. The aureus
postmenopausal group. The remaining three cohorts media plates were incubated for 48 h. Next day the
were of women with urinary tract infection. They were numbers of different coloured colonies were counted
also similarly divided into three age groups (fourth, and the CFU mL−1 was determined. 15 different
fifth and sixth cohort). coloured colonies were isolated. Each isolate was
The clinical history of each subject was recorded. identified through 16S rDNA based molecular
Incase of the control group population the informed characterization.
consent of the subject was obtained. For the test group
population which mainly consisted of UTI positive Serum bactericidal antibody assay: A modification of
hospitalized patients and samples obtained from the technique described by David L. Smalley and
pathological centres, the informed consent of the Donald D. Ourth (Smalley and Ourth, 1979), was used
subject could not be obtained, because the study did not to perform the bactericidal assay. Urine samples from
involve direct interviews. These were samples for two catheterized UTI positive patients from
routine examination from hospitalized patients. This N.R.S.M.C.H. were spread on hicrome agar plates. The
study was approved by the Bioethical Committee of bacterial strains whose CFU mL−1 was found to be
West Bengal University of Technology. more than 105 were isolated and cultured separately.
The urine and serum samples from two UTI Ten fold serial dilutions (10−1-10−10) of each of the
positive catheterized patients from cohort five and six bacterial strains were made in sterile 0.85% NaCl.
were analyzed for serum bactericidal antibody assay. Fresh sera were obtained from the individual patients.
This test was repeated thrice in triplicate. Eight control 200 µL of each bacterial dilution and 200 µL of the
subjects were also analyzed. respective patient’s serum were pipetted into
eppendorfs with each dilution in a separate marked
Media used: Four types of commercially available tube. Control A had only 200 µL of bacterial dilution
chromogenic media (selective and differential) were and 200 µL of sterile 0.85% NaCl.
Am. J. Infect. Dis., 4 (2): 117-123, 2008
Population (%)
(serum samples from 8 clinically non UTI subjects were 25
analysed). The test as well as control tubes were 20
incubated at 37ºC water bath for one hour. 50 µL of 15
each dilution was then plated on Luria Bertanni (L.B.) 10 Normal
agar plates and this experiment was done in triplicate. 5 Patient
The entire test was repeated five times. The plates were 0
0 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000
incubated overnight at 37ºC. CFU mL−1
Next day, the number of colonies of the test and (A)
control plate was counted. The number of colonies from
the control plate was compared with the number of 50
CFU mL −1 of Enterococci in normal and patient population
colonies in the test plate at each culture dilution to 45
Population (%)
activity at the dilution at which 50% or more of the 30
Isolation of UTI causing microbes: The specificity of Normal
the media was verified through 16S rDNA based Patient
molecular analysis of the 15 isolates. The media was
found to be specific upto the genus level i.e. some of 0
1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000
the colonies isolated from Hicrome Aureus agar plates, CFU mL−1
meant to be specific for isolating only Staphylococcus (C)
aureus were found to be Staphylococcus haemolyticus
(data not shown). The novel sequences are available at Fig. 1: Comparison of colony counts in CFU mL−1 in
GenBank with the following Accession Numbers, control and patient population of (A) E. coli, (B)
EF644491-EF644496. Enterococci and (C) Klebsiella
Comparison of colony counts In CFU mL−1 of The starting point of the patient graph almost
different microbes in control and patient merges with the end point for the control group. The
population: In majority of the cases, under percentage population increases steadily with CFU
asymptomatic conditions, 104-105 seems to be the mL−1 in patient group.
demarcating value between normal and pathological
samples (Fig. 1). In case of each of the urinary tract Comparison of urinary rract microbes in different
microbes, we find that the percentage population of age groups: Figure 2 reveals a significant amount of
control individual declines with increase in CFU mL−1. variation in the microbial profile of women among
The case is just the reverse in patient population. various age groups. In normal 0-19 years age group the
Am. J. Infect. Dis., 4 (2): 117-123, 2008
(A) Percentage of urinary tract microbes in (B) Percentage of urinary tract microbes in
Normal population of age group 0-19 years Normal population of age group 20-45 years
(C) Percentage of urinary tract microbes in (D) Percentage of urinary tract microbes in
Normal population of age 46 years and above Patient population of age group 0-19 years
E.coli E.coli
Enterococci Enterococci
Klebsiella Klebsiella
Staphylococcus Staphylococcus
(E) Percentage of urinary tract microbes in PATIENT POPULATION OF AGE 46 YEARS AND ABOVE
Patient population of age group 20-45 years (F) Percentage of urinary tract microbes in
Patient population of age 46 years and above
Fig. 2: Comparison of relative abundance of urinary tract microbes in (A) Control population of 0-19 years, (B)
Control population of 20- 45 years, (C) Control population of 46 years and above, (D) Patient population of
0-19 years, (E) Patient population of 20-45 years and (F) Patient population of 46 years and above
Table 1: Results of serum bactericidal antibody assay at 10−5 dilution with three different bacterial isolates for two UTI positive patients 200
Patient I Strain CFU mL−1 in test plate CFU mL−1 in control A plate (%) of bacteriolysis in test plate
E. coli O157 H7 40×10 1380×105 97.1
Pseudomonas 60×105 2200×105 97.2
Klebsiella 180×105 4820×105 96.2
Patient II Strain CFU mL in test plate CFU mL−1 in control A plate (%) of bacteriolysis in test plate
E. coli O157 H7 700×105 3240×105 78.39
Pseudomonas 2280×105 6160×105 62.98
Klebsiella 3200×105 9700×105 67.0
Fig. 3: (A) Control a slide showing intact rod shaped E.coli 0157 H7 cells and (B) Test slide showing cell lysis due
to the bactericidal effect of serum antibodies under 40X bright field of Axiostar Plus fluorescence
microscope from Zeiss. Both were incubated for the same time at the same temperature. The difference was
only the addition of serum for B as compared to A
and E. coli (40%) are almost equally prevalent in 50% of bacterial colony growth was inhibited as
infected cases (Fig. 2D). In the postmenopausal group compared to the control plates at the same dilution
of normal as well as patient population E.coli is the (Table 1). When the bacterial dilutions incubated with
most predominant microbe in the urinary flora; about serum was observed under a microscope, there was
85%, followed by Enterococci in the normal population clear evidence of cell lysis (Fig. 3). In case of Control
(Fig. 2C). B, results as expected were not obtained. There was
inhibition in cell growth in clinically non urinary tract
Result of serum bactericidal assay: The test plate infected subjects. Eight subjects analyzed were found to
counts were considered to be positive for serum inhibit the growth of E.coli 0157 H7 isolated from both
bactericidal activity at 10-5 dilution, since more than the patients (Table 2). Incase of subject 8 this test was
Am. J. Infect. Dis., 4 (2): 117-123, 2008
repeated after 4 months (after the subject underwent culture and significant reduction in growth due to
antibiotic treatment with complete course of Ofloxacin circulating antibodies was observed. To prove that the
with Ornidazole) and the percentage of bacteriolysis, reduction in colony count was due to bacteriolysis and
which was 89.95% drastically diminished to 27.23%. not due to any bacteriostatic mechanism, the bacterial
Another point to be noted was that the subject had the serum mixture was observed under the microscope after
recent history of immunization with Anti Rubella incubation, post crystal violet staining (Fig. 3).
(R-VAC from Serum Institute of India) and Hepatitis B Cell debris in the test sample indicates a positive
(Engerix B GlaxoSmithKline, Belgium) vaccine. bactericidal effect. Intact cells in Control A slides
Another subject (subject 9-data not shown) was illustrate an expected absence of bactericidal effect.
analyzed who did not undergo any antibiotic treatment But, this cannot be considered as a full proof assay to
detect the exact pathogen as there was a significant
for years and had no history of immunization after
amount of reduction in Control B plates where bacterial
childhood. In this case there was no bacteriolysis at all.
dilution was incubated with non-UTI subject's serum.
Thus, this bactericidal activity observed in control
Statistical analysis: For each of the microbes the group (subject 1-8) might be due to some partially non-
calculated value was greater than the tabulated value specific interaction between the circulating serum
(for E.coli, t = 2.11>2 at d = 62, for Enterococci, t = antibodies and bacterial antigen. These antibodies
2.09>2 at d = 68, for Pseudomonas, t = 5.79>2 at d = appear either due to immunization or some other
70, for Klebsiella, t = 2.93>2 at d = 62, for infection. The observation of decrease in percentage of
Staphylococcus t = 2.30>2.02 at d = 51). Since the lysis after antibiotic treatment incase of subject 8 points
calculated t-value exceeds the tabulated value, the towards the second cause of inhibition i.e. preexisting
means are significantly different at that probability, i.e. (throat) infection.
the test was found to be significant for the variation in On the other hand no inhibition in case of subject 9
microbial population among the control and patient but still partial inhibition in case of subject 8 (after
group. antibiotic treatment) points towards the possible role of
immunization towards generation of circulating
antibody which nonspecifically bind to the bacteria and
causes the cell lysis. In all the subjects except 7 there is
a notable difference in the percentage of bacteriolysis
The two curves (representing the control and for the two different strains of E.coli. It might be that
patient population microbial counts) in the graphical the percentage inhibition is more in that particular
diagram of Fig. 1 intersect at the range of 104-105 CFU E.coli strain which is more frequently found as
mL−1 which is considered as the region of transition and compared to a rear variety. These facts lead to the
the demarcating value between normal and pathological understanding that most likely a partially non-specific
samples. However this range cannot be considered as inhibition operates in these cases, where the circulating
the absolute indicator of UTI, as some symptomatic antibody binds to each and every type of antigen on the
patients have CFU mL−1 less than 104. The normal and bacterial cell surface.
patient population graphs show a clearcut variation in
the colony counts and the percentage population of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
E.coli, Enterococci and Klebsiella. The reason for the
high Enterococci percentage in patient population (Fig. The authors would like to acknowledge the
2) is due to the spreading of infection mainly through financial support of Department of Biotechnology,
an ascending route by the fecal reservoir through the India; West Bengal University of Technology, India;
urethra to the bladder. Department of Science and Technology, India under the
The postmenopausal group, both incase of normal DST Fast Track Scheme as well as Department of
and patient population, seems to reflect a true picture of Atomic Energy, India under the Board of Research in
the literature survey which states E.coli is the most Nuclear Sciences scheme. They would like to thank
predominant microbe in urine in postmenopausal Bioinormatics Infrastructure Facility (DBT, GOI
women due to the absence of Lactobacilli. In case of supported) of West Bengal University of Technology
infection the picture changes slightly with a slight for its computational facility.
reduction in the percentage of E. coli as compared to Authors from would also like to acknowledge the
normal followed by simultaneous increase in the assistance of Dr S Das of Pearless Hospital during
population of Klebsiella (Fig. 2F). To verify the sample collection and the members of the University as
efficiency of the serum antibody assay, serum from two well as their family who volunteered to be a
infected individuals were incubated with bacterial part of this study.
Am. J. Infect. Dis., 4 (2): 117-123, 2008