Enterobacter Aerogenes and Enterobacter Cloacae Versatile: Bacterial Pathogens Confronting Antibiotic Treatment
Enterobacter Aerogenes and Enterobacter Cloacae Versatile: Bacterial Pathogens Confronting Antibiotic Treatment
Enterobacter Aerogenes and Enterobacter Cloacae Versatile: Bacterial Pathogens Confronting Antibiotic Treatment
genus. It is interesting to note that phenotypic dissimilarities et al., 1997; Jalaluddin et al., 1998). Until, 2003, E. aerogenes was
between E. aerogenes and the genus Klebsiella include not only the considered as an important emerging MDR pathogen, particu-
motility but also the presence of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) larly in ICUs (Bosi et al., 1999; Chevalier et al., 2008; Figure 1).
activity and the lack of urease activity in E. aerogenes (Farmer The situation in 1990s in Europe pointed to the dispersion
et al., 1985). However, recently, the whole genome sequenc- of an epidemic clone and, since then, it has been extensively
ing of a multidrug-resistant (MDR) clinical isolate, (including detected in European hospitals and health care facilities. The
colistin) suggested a possible reclassification of the species in event fitted in with the international spread of the ESBL TEM-24
the genus Klebsiella, under the name K. aeromobilis (Diene (blaTEM−24 ) harbored by an epidemic plasmid (Bosi et al., 1999).
et al., 2013). E. aerogenes particular phenotype can be attributed The prevalence of Enterobacter sp. infections in clinical wards
to the horizontal acquisition of additional genes from other has also increased due to the introduction of extended-spectrum
Enterobacteriaceae species and mobile elements that rapidly inte- cephalosporins and carbapenems in the antibiotic therapy (Arpin
grated and translated as easily as its own ancestral heritage (Diene et al., 1996; Anastay et al., 2013). The consequence of this antibio-
et al., 2013). For example, the flagellar genes and its assembly sys- therapy is the emergence of “pan-drug E. aerogenes isolates”
tem have been acquired in bloc from the Serratia genus. Plasmid resistant to last-line antibiotics such as carbapenems and also to
conjugation is a chimera of transposons and genetic elements colistin, for which no therapeutic option was available (Chevalier
(conjugation, integration) of various bacterial origins. E. aero- et al., 1999; Thiolas et al., 2005; Diene et al., 2013). Interestingly,
genes also contains eight rRNA operons and 87 tRNA associated the role of efflux mechanism in E. aerogenes resistance has been
with the ability to translate imported genes that use different studied within an 8 years of period. This study indicated a
codons, improving its ability to use its integrated foreign genes. noticeable increase of the prevalence of an efflux mechanism, sus-
E. aerogenes has been involved in significant European outbreak ceptible to pump inhibitor, in clinical isolates collected during
between 1993 and 2003 and is considered as the paradigm of this period (Chevalier et al., 2008). After the emergence of ESBL
opportunistic bacteria. in E. aerogenes and the characterisation of porin mutations in
Species of the E. cloacae complex are widely encountered clinical isolates, this role of efflux mechanism highlights a new
in nature, but they are also pathogens: E. cloacae and E. step in the adaptative evolution in E. aerogenes (Charrel et al.,
hormaechei are most frequently isolated from human clini- 1996; Malléa et al., 1998; Gayet et al., 2003).
cal specimens. Thus, E. cloacae is among the most common Since 2010, E. aerogenes in France is the fifth highest
Enterobacter sp. causing only nosocomial infections in the Enterobacteriaceae and the seventh highest Gram-negative
last decade and a lot has been published on the antibiotic- Bacillus responsible for notorious nosocomial infections
resistance features of these microorganisms. Despite the rele- (Carbonne et al., 2013; Figure 2). Despite its intrinsic resistance
vance of E. cloacae as a nosocomial pathogen, the pathogenic to ampicillin and constant expression of ESBL that is associated
mechanisms and factors contributing in the disease associ- with other resistance mechanisms contributing to MDR pheno-
ated with the E. cloacae complex are not understood yet; this type, its prevalence has significantly dropped (reduction factor
could be due to the scarcity and the dispersion of informa- of 20) in France (Anastay et al., 2013; Jarlier and INVS, 2014).
tion available. Its ability to form biofilms and to secrete vari- Its position was displaced in the context of hospital acquired
ous cytotoxins (enterotoxins, hemolysins, pore-forming toxins) infections, because of the dramatic rise of the E. coli pandemic
are important for its pathogenicity (Mezzatesta et al., 2012). clone O25:H4-ST131 along with K. pneumoniae and E. cloacae,
Some genotypes and species, have previously exhibited some ESBL, and/or carbapenemase producing strains. Although, E.
associations with clinical specimens, in particular urines and
sputum, when clonal outbreaks with members of the E. cloa-
cae complex were rare (Izdebski et al., 2014). Interestingly,
due to the diffusion of most frequent extended spectrum
β-lactamases (ESBL) and carbapenemases in this species, E. cloa-
cae has now become the third broad spectrum Enterobacteriaceae
species involved in nosocomial infections after Escherichia coli
and K. pneumoniae (Potron et al., 2013; Jarlier and INVS,
et al., 2008; Lavigne et al., 2012). Carbapenemases of NDM and hospital acquired E. cloacae isolates might arise via stepwise
VIM types are now, as anticipated, reported in E. aerogenes in accumulations of MDR determinants in different clones. Today,
India and those for the serine protease group as KPC or class E. cloacae is the second Enterobacteriaceae carrying carbapen-
D β-lactamases possessing carbapenemase properties as OXA-48 emase and strains co-expressing two carbapenemases has been
types are described in Europe/Asia (Khajuria et al., 2014; Torres reported (Izdebski et al., 2014).
et al., 2014). Regarding the aminoglycosides, the major mechanism of
Similarly to E. aerogenes, E. cloacae is also naturally resistant to resistance of the Enterobacteriaceae is due to aminoglycoside-
ampicillin, amoxicillin–clavulanic acid, cephalothin, and cefox- modifying enzymes that are often plasmid-encoded, but it may
itin by low production of the natural inducible cephalosporinase also be associated with transposable elements. These enzymes
of Bush group 1 (class C). They are capable of overproduc- are assigned to three groups: acetyltransferases (acetylation of
ing AmpC β-lactamases by blocking the repression of a chro- an amino group/AAC), phosphotransferases (phosphorylation
mosomal gene or by the acquisition of a transferable ampC of a hydroxyl group/APH), and adenylyltransferases (adenylyla-
gene on plasmids conferring the resistance to third-generation tion of a hydroxyl group/AAD or ANT). Plasmid exchanges and
cephalosporins (Nauciel et al., 1985; Zaher and Cimolai, 1997). disseminations of transposons facilitate the rapid acquisition of
Cefepime alone can keep its activity (Sanders and Sanders, 1997). resistance phenotypes (Mezzatesta et al., 2012).
Clinical AmpC resistance represents 50% of the isolates and fre- The resistant strain varies from 0 to 51% resistance for gen-
quently co- exists with the expression of ESBL. In 1989, appeared tamicin, and 0 to 34% for amikacin (Sanders and Sanders, 1997).
the first nosocomial isolate cases bearing plasmidic ESBL caus- In 2013, an important epidemiological study confirmed that the
ing also resistance to third generation cephalosporins except aminoglycoside-modifying genes involved in aminoglycoside-
cefamycins (De Champs et al., 1989). Together, these enzymes clinical resistance were aac(3)-IIa, aac(6 )-Ib, and ant(2 )-Ia,
are responsible for a global resistance to all β-lactams except genes that confer resistance to tobramycin, gentamicin, and
carbapenems (Pitout et al., 1997). In the last decade, E. cloa- amikacin (Miró et al., 2013). Strains have frequently more than
cae has emerged as the third most common Enterobacteriaceae one enzyme (Miró et al., 2013). This enzymatic type resistance
resistant to third generation cephalosporins with enteric E. coli is associated in 77% of clinical isolates in China to other plas-
and K. pneumoniae (Jarlier and INVS, 2014). Imipenem remains mid genes (armA, rmtB; Huang et al., 2012). Among these,
the most effective molecule for treating E. cloacae infections. the aminoglycoside AAC(6 )-Ib is the most common cause of
Since then, various ESBL of TEM, SHV, and CTX -M types amikacin resistance among members of the Enterobacteriaceae
have been characterized in E. cloacae including resistant TEM family. In a previous study, it was observed that over 40% of the
inhibitors or IRT (for inhibitor-resistant TEM; Arpin et al., 2002; E. cloacae isolates had the aac(6 )-Ib gene, although many of the
Szabo et al., 2005; Galas et al., 2008). However, among ESBL isolates with this gene were susceptible to amikacin and gentam-
producers, some sub-clones are now identified, associated with icin, which were the most active of all tested drugs (Kim et al.,
CTX-M-3 and 15 production, when other TEM or SHV (SHV-12 2009).
for example) types are also associated with epidemic-episodes- The enzymatic resistance to fluoroquinolones has been
involved isolates. Diffusion of E. cloacae producing CTX-M-15 recently described and attributed to a two-point mutation allele
ESBL is the consequence of the wide dissemination of identical of aac(6 )-Ib [named aac(6 )-Ib-cr], the aminoglycosides resis-
or related plasmids harboring the CTX-M-15 gene firstly identi- tance enzymatic determinant, which acetylates ciprofloxacin and
fied in the epidemic E. coli clone, and the CTX-M β-lactamases norfloxacin (Huang et al., 2012). A systematic molecular survey
are now the most prevalent ESBL globally (Hammami et al., reporting prevalence and characteristics of aac(6 )-Ib-cr in Korea,
2012). characterized a high prevalence of the mechanism (23%) in E.
In recent years, clinical isolates resistant by producing car- cloacae (Huang et al., 2012). Dissemination of this new enzymatic
bapenemases have been identified (Nordmann et al., 1993; Galani resistance mechanism occurs since the aac(6 )-Ib-cr is highly
et al., 2005). In 2010, CDC first reported carriage of NDM-1 associated with blaOXA−1 , ISCR1, and class 1 integron. This
in E. cloacae from patients who received medical care in India. supports the previous finding where aac(6 )-Ib-cr was located
Especially in Asia, strains harboring metallo-β-lactamases as IMP upstream of blaOXA−30 (synonymously called blaOXA−1 ) in com-
-type enzymes, NDM, GIM, VIM, and serine carbapenemase plex class 1 integron, In37 containing ISCR1 (Quiroga et al.,
type KPC have been described (Huang et al., 2012; Dai et al., 2007). A genetic linkage between aac(6 )-Ib-cr and blaCTX−M−15
2013; Hamprecht et al., 2013; Jaskulski et al., 2013). The OXA- has been demonstrated (Huang et al., 2012).
48 type serine carbapenemase is the most prevalent because
its gene is located on a plasmid, associated to the bla-CTX-
M-15 gene coding ESBL, thus explaining its spread and the Membrane Barrier and Antibiotic
associated resistance (Potron et al., 2013; Torres et al., 2014). Resistance
A hike in the imipenem resistance rate in E. cloacae, from
0.4 to 8 %, has been observed (Lee et al., 2005; Poirel et al., Porin and Membrane Permeability
2007; Robert et al., 2014). An epidemic study concerning E. Carbapenems are the most powerful agents for the treat-
cloacae blood stream infections indicated a 25% production of ment of serious nosocomial infections caused by MDR
metallo-β-lactamase in corresponding strains (Khajuria et al., Enterobacteriaceae. Due to the imipenem use, it was rapidly
2014). Thus, the decreased susceptibility to carbapenems in reported a decreased penetration of β-lactams due to a change
in the expression of porins in E. aerogenes isolates. Charrel et al. 2002; Masi et al., 2005, 2006; Martins et al., 2010). Several studies
(1996) showed that MDR strains of E. aerogenes exhibited a on E. cloacae have also reported the presence of efflux pumps
characteristic phenotype associated with an altered expression belonging to RND and MATE families (Pérez et al., 2007; He
of porins and then successive studies comforted description of et al., 2011). In addition, the AcrAB–TolC and OqxAB genes
more frequent MDR strains in treated patients by β-lactams have been characterized in E. cloacae clinical resistant isolates
(Bornet et al., 2000; Fernandez-Cuenca et al., 2006). This mech- (Pérez et al., 2007, 2012; Veleba et al., 2013). In E. aerogenes and
anism of resistance is reversible upon discontinuation of treat- E. cloacae, the sequence similarities and biological activity are
ment (Bornet et al., 2000) and progressive during treatment. particularly high in AcrAB–TolC (Pradel and Pagès, 2002; Pérez
Among intermediate strains which are susceptible to imipenem et al., 2007). Moreover, various chemicals such as salicylate, chlo-
but resistant to ertapenem, there is a loss of porin Omp35 ramphenicol, and imipenem are also able to trigger the genetic
but the expression of porin Omp36 is preserved. When treat- cascade controlling the expression of Enterobacter AcrAB–TolC
ment with imipenem continues, the disappearance of two porins pump (Davin-Regli et al., 2008). The regulation seems to be asso-
and resistance to all carbapenems is noted (Lavigne et al., ciated with the internal concentration of chemicals that plays a
2013). Recently, a novel mechanism of resistance has been key role during the switch on of the cascade that provides the
observed in a clinical strain where the antibiotic cannot be effi- efflux expression (Valade et al., 2013).
ciently translocated through a mutated porin (see Mutation and MarA acts as a key regulator for the expression of porin
Antibiotic Resistance). Additionally, imipenem and carbapene- genes and tolC in Enterobacteriaceae (Levy, 2002; Piddock, 2006;
mase KPC type have been described as responsible for resistance Alekshun and Levy, 2007; Davin-Regli et al., 2008). SoxS is
to carbapenems associated to decrease in membrane permeabil- another key transcriptional regulator that is positively controlled
ity (Jaskulski et al., 2013). The conductance and selectivity of by oxidative stress and can trigger the MarA expression (Masi and
these porins, Omp35, and Omp36, correspond to the proper- Pagès, 2013). Some Enterobacteriaceae sp., such as Enterobacter,
ties obtained with OmpC and OmpF of E. coli (Bornet et al., Klebsiella, Salmonella, have an additional global regulator, RamA.
2004; James et al., 2009). Moreover, several studies have further It plays a strategic role in controlling both the porins and
described a decrease in production of these porins in resistant the efflux expression, either directly or via the MarA cascade.
isolates (Bornet et al., 2000; Yigit et al., 2002; Gayet et al., 2003; This coordinated control of influx and efflux directly and effi-
Doumith et al., 2009; Tran et al., 2009). Two major outer mem- ciently governs the intracellular accumulation of antibacterial
brane porins have been identified in E. cloacae and studied by agents. Importantly, this internal accumulation of antibacterial
liposome swelling assays (Lee et al., 1992). These porins are molecules below the threshold corresponding to the MIC can
involved in the carbapenem susceptibility (Raimondi et al., 1991; favor the emergence and acquisition of additional mechanisms
Lee et al., 1992) and exhibit important cross antigenicity with of resistance such as target mutation, production of detoxify-
the E. aerogenes porins in specific key parts, e.g., eyelet region, ing enzymes (e.g., β-lactamases, acetyltransferase, etc), and con-
membrane insertions, subunit connections (Malléa et al., 1995). tributing to the extension of MDR phenotype (Nikaido and Pagès,
In addition, their respective involvement in β-lactam and fluoro- 2012; Masi and Pagès, 2013).
quinolone uptake has been reported (Chevalier et al., 2000; James Regarding the active structure of efflux pumps involved in
et al., 2009). E. aerogenes and E. cloacae; we can hypothesize that a com-
Interestingly, the expression of porin in Enterobacteriaceae is mon structural organization is conserved, due to the high
rapidly and notably altered by various stress compounds present conserved homology between Enterobacter and E. coli. This
in the external medium (Dupont et al., 2007). During the first structural organization can be similar to the recent descrip-
hours of incubation in the presence of salicylate, novobiocin, nor- tion of the AcrAB–TolC complex in E. coli (Du et al.,
floxacin a significant increase of OmpX is observed and this over- 2014).
expression negatively controls the synthesis of porins (Dupont
et al., 2007).
Mutations and Antibiotic Resistance
Efflux and Membrane Permeability
Furthermore, an efflux mechanism that is involved in the Regarding the β-lactam antibiotics, the resistance due to tar-
expelling of molecules from the bacteria such as fluoro- get mutation occurs incidentally in Enterobacter sp. However,
quinolones, tetracycline, and chloramphenicol is active in the diverse β-lactamases identified today is the result of a series
Enterobacter sp. (Malléa et al., 1998). This mechanism is highly of mutations that have successively appeared in the original
efficient since the AcrAB–TolC efflux pump can eject about β-lactamases TEM-1/2, SHV-1, OXA-1.
80–90% of the norfloxacin during the first 10–15 min (Malléa Furthermore, strains in which AmpC cephalosporinase was
et al., 1998). Interestingly, this process is energy-dependent and derepressed have been affected by mutations affecting AmpR-
requires the membrane energy (proton motive force) as exten- promoter recognition site. Mutations that are best known and
sively described (for a recent review see Nikaido and Pagès, 2012). studied are those that affect the target of fluoroquinolones
Approximately 40% of MDR clinical strains have an active efflux and more recently those responsible for polymyxin resistance.
(Chevalier et al., 2008). The EefABC and AcrAB–TolC efflux As a matter of fact, the quinolones were widely prescribed
genes of E. aerogenes have been described and their involvement antimicrobial agents because of their proven safety, high oral
in antibiotic exportation has been studied (Pradel and Pagès, bioavailability, multiple approved indications, and bactericidal
MarR, RamR, and AcrR, could be intimately associated at a global et al., 2007). This control of an outer membrane protein (OmpX)
and local level to conjointly organize the resistance in clinical on the synthesis of the outer membrane porin, in addition to
Enterobacter isolates (Davin-Regli et al., 2008). At this moment, it the major regulator of the resistance cascade that are fully active,
is also important to mention that the RamA regulator is described are present in various clinical isolates. This suggests a common
in Enterobacter, Salmonella, and Klebsiella, but not reported in evolution path and the selection of a common regulation cas-
Escherichia in contrast to the Mar regulon (Lawler et al., 2013). cade involved in the membrane adaptation to environmental
An illustration of the sophisticated regulation of the various stresses (Gayet et al., 2003). About the drug transporters, it is clear
resistance mechanisms in Enterobacter is presented in Figure 3. that AcrAB–TolC system, OqxAB, EmrE, MdfA, and MacA are
present in the two species (see data bank for a complete descrip-
tion). In addition, regarding Mar, Ram, and Sox regulators all of
Conclusion them are preserved and active in the triggering of antibiotic resis-
tance. Interestingly, the redundant global regulatory control, Mar
During the last decade, we observed the rise and the fall of sev- and Ram, are reported in E. aerogenes and E. cloacae (Veleba et al.,
eral infectious episodes due to resistant Escherichia, Enterobacter, 2013). The close species proximity is reinforced by the presence of
Klebsiella strains in French and European hospitals. Regarding similar regulators and adaptive response and support the descrip-
Enterobacter, we can note the successive waves of E. cloacae, tion of these species in the human infection and their response
followed by E. aerogenes and now again E. cloacae reported in face to antibiotic therapy.
hospital wards (Potron et al., 2013). This bacterial species is a
member of the ESKAPE group recently described as the main
contributor to the health human infection problem (Boucher Acknowledgments
et al., 2009; Rice, 2010). Consequently, it is important to exam-
ine the various ways used by E. aerogenes and E. cloacae to detect We greatly appreciate the S. Dam s’ help for his care-
and respond to the modification of environmental conditions and fully reading of the manuscript. This work was supported by
the presence of drugs in the medium. Aix-Marseille Université. The research leading to the results
Interestingly, the two Enterobacter species, aerogenes and cloa- discussed here was conduced as part of the translocation
cae, present highly preserved regulation mechanisms acting to consortium (www.translocation.eu) and has received support
modulate the expression of porins integrated into the outer mem- from the Innovative Medicines joint Undertaking under Grant
brane: for example OmpX the small outer membrane protein, Agreement no. 115525, resources which are composed of finan-
plays a role in controlling the production of the OmpF-like porin cial contribution from the European Union’s seventh frame-
(Omp35) and OmpX overproduction is reported in clinical iso- work program (FP/2007–2013) and EFPIA companies in kind
lates showing a porin failure (Stoorvogel et al., 1991; Dupont contributions.
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