Fall Term 2014 Scheduling Instructions FOR UP-TO-DATE Information Visit The Web at
Fall Term 2014 Scheduling Instructions FOR UP-TO-DATE Information Visit The Web at
Fall Term 2014 Scheduling Instructions FOR UP-TO-DATE Information Visit The Web at
The 2013-14 Academic Register contains full descriptions of courses as well as information on pre-requisites. Additional course
descriptions may be found within this document.
COURSE NUMBERING SYSTEM: Courses numbered 0-49 carry no credit. Courses numbered 50-99 are designated for
Common Curriculum or do not count for the major. Courses numbered 100-199 are all introductory level offerings. Courses
numbered 200-299 are those at the sophomore/junior level that may also be taken by non-majors. Courses numbered 300-399
are upper-level that are primarily intended for majors, i.e., which represent the depth component of the major. Courses
numbered 400-499 are all advanced level courses for seniors, including those used to fulfill the Senior Writing Experience (WS),
seminars, research, thesis and independent studies.
Schedule Changes:
Last Day without permission Tuesday, Sept. 16th
Last day to finalize schedule without a $100.00 late fee Tuesday, Sept. 16th
Last Day with written permission of instructor .................................................. Tuesday, Sept. 23rd
Withdraw from Course: Last Day without a "W" Tuesday, Sept. 23rd
Last Day with a “W” Tuesday, Nov. 4th
(After this day "F" on Transcript)
Pass/Fail Option: Last Day to place request Tuesday, Sept. 30th
Winter Term Course Schedule available on the web (tentative) Friday, Oct. 10th
Prescheduling appointment times on Webadvisor Monday, Oct. 13th
Faculty Academic Advising Monday, Oct. 13th – Friday, Oct. 31st
Petition Course Sign Up Saturday, Oct. 18th – Tuesday, Oct. 21st
Faculty Review & Approval ..................................................... Wednesday, Oct. 22nd – Monday, Oct. 27th
Petition Acceptance Tuesday, Oct. 28th – Thursday, Oct. 30th
Prescheduling Appointments Monday, Nov. 3rd – Thursday, Nov. 6th
Classes End Tuesday, Nov. 18th
Exams Begin Thursday, Nov. 20th
Exams End Tuesday, Nov. 25th
Grades due at Registrar’s Office……………………………………………………. Wednesday, Dec. 3rd
Last Day to preschedule on Webadvisor for WINTER 2015 courses………………… Sunday, Dec. 14th
For the Search engine to find courses that satisfy different requirements in the Common Curriculum:
Sophomore Research Seminar or Scholars Research Seminar ensures you have an early hands-on experience thinking and
working as an academic researcher. In the spring of their first year, students will express their preferences for an SRS
section, and will be assigned to an SRS in one term during their sophomore year. (Note that Union Scholars take their
Scholars Research Seminar in their first year.) SRS will not be credited toward any major or minor.
Literature (HUL) expands the moral imagination needed to understand yourself and your fellow human beings through
literary analysis, interpretation, and reflection. Any course from EGL, MLT, or any courses listed in the course schedule as
Natural Sciences with Lab (SCLB) changes the way you think about the natural world when you understand the scientific
method and put it to work. Any Lab course in AST, BCH, BIO, CHM, ENS, GEO, PHY, and
PSY-210 (depending on term) or PSY-312.
Quantitative and Mathematical Reasoning (QMR) equips you with unique insights and skills necessary to solve complex
problems. Any course from MTH (except MTH-100) or any courses listed in the course schedule as QMR.
Humanities (HUM) enable you to find yourself and your voice in creative expression and the exploration of works of the
imagination. Any course from AAH, AMU, ATH, AVA, CLS, EGL, GRK, LAT, PHL, or courses offered by the
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures.
Social Sciences (SOCS) confront you with the complexity and challenges of our world by analyzing the societies we create.
Any course from ANT, ECO, HST, PSC, SOC, or PSY-100.
Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) introduces you to Union’s unique commitment to teaching Science and
Engineering as Liberal Arts and examining their impact on our humanity. Any science (lab or no), Engineering, CSC, or any
courses listed in the course schedule as SET.
Linguistic and Cultural Competency (LCC) empowers you as a citizen of a global community to contribute across cultural
boundaries and shape our shared future. Approved Study Abroad, or any two courses listed in the course schedule as LCC.
Also, any two courses in the same language coded as LCCA (Arabic), LCCB (Biblical Greek) LCCC (Chinese), LCCF
(French), LCCG (German), LCCH (Hebrew), LCCK (Greek), LCCJ (Japanese), LCCL (Latin), LCCR (Russian), LCCS
Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) courses encourage you to explore and create your own understanding of the liberal
arts through your writing. http://www.union.edu/Resources/Academic/WAC/index.php. Five WAC credits in at least two
Divisions and Senior Writing Experience (WS).
PRACTICUM COURSES – (Fees applicable): One course credit is optionally available for participation after three terms
of a practica: Ceramics, Choir, Dance, Ensembles, Instrumental lessons, Orchestra, Theater, and Vocal lessons. For full
details regarding prerequisites, check the catalog or Departmental Offices.
WHICH HAVE MULTIPLE SECTIONS: Due to the possibility of over and under enrollments in certain sections of
multiple section courses or lab sections, the Registrar’s Office, at the request of department chairs, may switch students out
of their originally scheduled courses in order to balance the sections.
CROSS-REFERENCED COURSES: Students have the option of signing up for the course under one of the two
department headings. If you have a question about the course, or if it is designated as a “petition” course, please see the
department that is listed second (the main course).
The annual tuition at Union allows a student to register for three terms taking three courses per term. This allows students to
complete the required 36 courses for graduation. In some engineering programs as many as 40 courses may be required and
those students are permitted to enroll in 10 courses per year. Under certain circumstances students may be allowed to take a
fourth course in a term.
Students who are making satisfactory progress in their program of study are allowed to enroll in one fourth course during an
academic year at no extra charge, provided they have a GPA of at least 3.3. These courses can be used to enhance the
student’s academic experience at Union. All such courses will appear on the transcript and can be used to fulfill program
requirements; however, they cannot be used for the purpose of accelerated graduation. (This includes fourth courses
taken on a Term Abroad.)
Fourth courses can also be used to make up a deficiency in credits due to withdrawals or failure. A 4th course fee will be
charged under these circumstances. Students whose GPA is below 2.5 will need the written permission from Dean
Wunderlich before signing up for a fourth course.
ALL students, INCLUDING ENGINEERING STUDENTS, with the exception of Leadership in Medicine (LIM) and
Scholar Students, will be required to fill out the “Petition to Enroll in a Fourth Course” form. Forms are available at the
Registrar’s Office in Silliman Hall or on the web http://muse.union.edu/advising/files/2013/06/fourth-course.fillable.pdf
Cross Registration has been a service of the Member Institutions of the Hudson Mohawk Association since 1970, when the
Association was chartered by the New York State Board of Regents. All full time matriculated students at Union are eligible
to cross register in courses during the academic year offered at:
Please Note: Union College and *Union Graduate College are two separate Colleges. All graduate level courses taken by
Union undergraduates, including Leadership in Medicine and Combined Degree students will be taken through Union
Graduate College and will require completion of a special “Union Graduate College” Cross Registration Form. These forms
are available in the Registrar’s Office in Silliman Hall.
The purpose of the cross registration program is to provide students the opportunity to study areas not represented by the
offerings of their home college, at no additional tuition charge. In addition to general guidelines, each college has its own set
of regulations, regarding cross-registration and students should make themselves aware of these for both their home campus
and the campus they are visiting.
For more information contact Drew Lentz, Assistant Registrar (518) 388-6015.
Location Codes:
PLEASE NOTE: The Following Art History courses have been renumbered for the 2014-2015 academic year.
AAH-215 Pyramids to Skyscrapers: An Introduction to the History of Architecture. L. Matthew. This course will
introduce students to the history of the built environment in the Western tradition, with significant excursions to the Middle
East. Our study of architecture will involve the description, visual analysis and interpretation of buildings and their sites. It
will consider patronage and function as well as changes and adaptations over time. The course is designed as a broad survey
that will also provide a foundation for further art historical study of the Western tradition, including further courses in the
history of architecture.
AAH-265 Environmentalism and Globalization in Contemporary Art. L. Cox. This course examines artistic practices
that meld science, aesthetics, and politics in imaginative and critical ways as they address the environmentalism and
globalization. After a brief study of 19th and 20th century precedents, the course primarily focuses on 21st c. artists whose
work takes on such subjects as nature and technology, pollution and waste, sustainability and climate change, globalization
and economic crisis. Throughout the course we will consider the blurring of the boundaries between art and activism and the
many art genres and strategies used to address these issues including painting, installation, technology, engineering,
performance, community collaborations, and public art.
ADA-038 Yoga Dance Practicum. M. Rogers. The Yoga Dance Practicum will meet once a week for an hour. Each week
the class will begin with a centering, followed by warm-ups, a series of Asana’s (postures or poses), and will finish with a
brief meditation. YOGA is the unification of the mind, body and spirit. This class will be taught to music and primarily
focus upon connecting the physical body with the inner-self through breathing and sequencing of poses. In this therapeutic
movement class, students will gain an awareness of the body, improve flexibility and stamina, and will leave feeling
rejuvenated, refreshed, and relaxed.
AMU-225 Music at the Court of Henry VIII. J. Cox. This course will explore music at the Court of Henry VIII. Henry
VIII was a great patron of the arts and himself an accomplished composer. As our guide for the course, we will use the
manuscript known as "Henry VIII's partbook" which includes nearly forty ballads, part-songs, sacred-compositions, and
dance pieces. Students will analyze, listen to and eventually perform works from this collection. There was a great deal of
continental influence at the court, French being the most prominent. Students will read contemporary accounts of life at
court, as well as explore the context of each style and genre represented in the partbook. No musical knowledge is required
to take the course, although those students who play instruments or sing will be encouraged to help bring the music to life
through performance in class.
CSC-120 Programming on Purpose. A. Cass. An introduction to software design principles aimed at making software
more efficient, robust, readable, maintainable, and reusable. An introduction to object-oriented programming and design,
including classes, objects, methods, and sub-typing. Prerequisites: one course from CSC-103 to CSC-109. Not open to
students who have already taken CSC-150.
ECE-420 Introduction to State Space Analysis and Control. J. Sanchez. Formulations of the state equations. State space
representation of linear systems Dynamic characteristics of linear systems. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Solution of state
equations. Controllability and Observability. Pole placement. Linear observers. Prerequisite: ECE 366 or equivalent.
ENS-299 Environmental Forensics. A. Ghaly. An interdisciplinary course that will present topics detailing the intersection
between the environment, ethics, law, society, litigation, policy, economics, pollution/contamination, cleanup, testing,
standards, and sustainability. Sources of environmental problems are usually related to emissions, pollution, contamination,
and/or waste disposal. Whether the cause is intentional or non-intentional, natural factors or a man-made disaster, or due to
normal operation or accident, a crisis ensues and cleanup becomes necessary. This inevitably leads to legal actions and
litigations that rely on experts in conducting scientific investigations to establish the facts surrounding potential
controversies. Topics discussed in the course include liability, environmental site assessment, insurance litigation, toxic torts,
science tools, sampling & measurements, statistical analysis, chemical fingerprinting, contaminant transport models, and
environmental forensic microscopy. The course will illustrate the above points using case studies.
FRN-412 The Other Woman: Gender Stereotypes and Immigration in France. C. Mouflard. This interdisciplinary
course explores the public image of immigrant women writers in relation to French institutions (national museums,
publishing houses and official media). The goal of the course is to highlight the historical, ideological and socio-cultural
background behind the eroticization of the immigrant female in France. The texts (novels, short stories, films) and paratexts
(publishing materials, visual, online and print media) presented in class will include works by Suzanne Cesaire, Calixthe
Beyala, Nora Hamdi, Nina Bouraoui, Yamina Benguigui and Geraldine Nakache.
PLEASE NOTE: The Following History course have been renumbered for the 2014-2015 academic year.
HST-124 (was HST-224) Monuments, Museums & Movies: Introduction to Public History
PLEASE NOTE: The following Interdisciplinary (ISC) courses, formerly Interdepartmental (IDM), have been
renumbered for the 2014-2015 academic year.
MER-495, 496, 497 Engineering Design Competition Team Senior Practicum. B. Bruno & A. Tchako. By completing 3
consecutive terms (MER-494, 495, and 496) students participating at the level of senior designer and/or system design lead
on a departmentally approved engineering design competition team (e.g. SAE Aero, SAE Baja, ASME Human Powered
Vehicle) are eligible to earn one “Mechanical Engineering Depth Elective” credit subject to the following restrictions? The
student must have senior standing, the student must also complete MER-487 to meet their WS requirement, the student must
complete MER-311, 333, and 322 concurrently with registration in 494-496, the student’s specific design responsibilities
must be approved by the team’s faculty adviser prior to registration. Weekly meeting with the faculty adviser are required, as
is travel to and participation in the design competition. Registration requires approval of the selected team’s faculty adviser
who will grade the student. The credit and grade accrue with the completion on MER-496.
PHL-174 Biomedical Ethics: An Introduction. R. Baker. This introduction to issues in biomedical ethics analyzes ethical
issues that have arisen in biomedical sciences and healthcare. It traces the history of the field from the Hippocratic Oath
sworn in ancient Greece, to the trials of the Nazi Doctors who performed atrocious experiments on Gays, Jews, Polish
people, Roma (gypsies) and others. It also addresses moral issues about the beginning and ends of human life, including
abortion and euthanasia, and issues surrounding the use of humans as subjects of scientific experimentation. No prior
knowledge of the subject or of philosophy is required. Recommended for students in biology, philosophy, psychology and
pre-health fields.
PSC-231 Theories of Peace and War. G. Seri. Do aggression and violence arise from individuals or groups from nations,
global forces, or from entire civilizations? Is warfare an eliminable pathology or just part of the human condition? Any
answer to these questions ultimately involves ontological claims on how things are key in shaping the ways in which we
imagine and inhabit our world. This course revisits arguments on peace, war, and violence central in the tradition of Western
political thought. By exploring works of classical, modern, and contemporary political thinkers, contextualized in reference
to key cases, we will identify and critically assess contentious explanations and philosophical justifications.
REL-280 Science and Religion. K. Wegter-McNelly. This course explores the historical and contemporary relations
between the world’s religions and the sciences. The presently pervasive “conflict” view is examined, along with alternative
views. The course assumes no background in science beyond high school, nor adherence to any religious tradition. The
course's basic goals are 1) to introduce students to a broad range of topics relevant to the relation
between religion and science in contemporary culture; 2) to examine and assess several typologies for mapping out the
relations between religion and science; 3) to explore the history of these relations, the role of philosophy in contemporary
discussions, the views of science espoused within various religious traditions, as well as various areas of intersection such as
cosmic origins, intelligent design, human cognition, environmental well-being, and genomics; and 4) to evaluate various
contemporary claims made about the relations between scientific and religious accounts of reality and to have students
develop their own views.
SCH-010 First-Year Scholars Practicum. M. Tongue. The Scholars Practicum is an introduction to the Scholars Program
at Union. Through this course, the first year Scholars will learn to develop meaningful academic and personal goals that will
help them make the most of their opportunities at Union and beyond. They will use the campus as a learning laboratory and
organic framework for their projects.
SPN-314 Spain is Different. S. Mueller. The slogan “Spain is Different” was coined by Fancisco Franco’s dictatorial
regime in the 1960s as part of its campaign to advertise Spain to its northern neighbors as an exotic tourist destination
comprised of sunny beaches, siestas, flamenco, and bullfights. Today, many Spaniards use the phrase colloquially, not to
celebrate their country’s uniqueness, but rather to comment on its perceived backwardness in comparison to other
industrialized countries. The evolving meaning of this slogan epitomizes Spain’s sometimes contradictory efforts to maintain
local traditions and values while aligning with broader European and global identities. These opposing forces change and
tradition are at the root of many of the economic, social and cultural issues dividing public opinion in Spain today. In this
course we will examine a few of these current debates through discussion of literature, cinema, and the media.
Course # Title Petition Location Meeting Times Instructor CC Credit
Africana Studies________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
AFR-100-01 Intro to Africana Studies TMC 224+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Olsen, T. LCC/WAC 1.00
AFR-498-01 Africana Studies Sen Thesis 1 Aslakson, K. 0.00
AMU-132-01 History of Jazz TMC 120+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Olsen, T. LCC 1.00
HST-323-01 Race & Revolution Y LIPM 201+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Aslakson, K. LCC 1.00
SPN-431-01 Colonial Latin Amer: 1492-1800 BAIL 312+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Mosquera, D. LCC 1.00
American Studies________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
AAH-265-01 Environmentalism in Cont. Art VART 215+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Cox, L. 1.00
ADA-140-01 Amer Musical Theater & Dance VART 215+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Moutillet, M. LCC 1.00
HENL 108 TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM
AFR-100-01 Intro to Africana Studies TMC 224+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Olsen, T. LCC/WAC 1.00
AMS-490-01 American Studies Ind Study 1 TBA Cox, L. 1.00
AMS-490-20 American Studies Ind Study 1 TBA Staff 1.00
AMS-498-20 American Studies Sen Thesis 1 TBA Staff 0.00
AMS-499-20 American Studies Sen Thesis 2 TBA Staff WS 1.00
AMU-132-01 History of Jazz TMC 120+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Olsen, T. LCC 1.00
ATH-140-01 Amer Musical Theater & Dance VART 215+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Moutillet, M. LCC 1.00
HENL 108 TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM
ECO-339-01 Public Finance LIPM 101+ TTH 07:00PM 08:45PM O'Keeffe, M. 1.00
EGL-100-01 Intro to Study of Lit: Poetry BAIL 300+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Smith, J. HUL/WAC 1.00
EGL-100-02 Intro to Study of Lit: Poetry WLDC 010+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Sargent, J. HUL/WAC 1.00
EGL-101-01 Intro to Study of Lit: Fiction BREZ 106+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Burkett, A. HUL/WAC 1.00
EGL-101-02 Intro to Study of Lit: Fiction BREZ 106+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Burkett, A. HUL/WAC 1.00
EGL-101-03 Intro to Study of Lit: Fiction NWSE 116+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Heinegg, P. HUL/WAC 1.00
EGL-101-04 Intro to Study of Lit: Fiction BAIL 312+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Selley, A.R. HUL/WAC 1.00
EGL-101-05 Intro to Study of Lit: Fiction NWSE 210+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Doyle, K.A. HUL/WAC 1.00
EGL-290-01 Studies in Film Genre/Style NWSE 222+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Troxell, J. WAC 1.00
EGL-296-01 The Power of Words LIPM 101+ MWF 03:05PM 04:10PM Pease, A. HUL/WAC 1.00
GEO-201-01 Strat Dep Environ of NY w/Lab Y OLIN 307+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Garver, J. I. WAC 1.00
GEO-201L-01 Strat Dep Environ of NY Lab OLIN 307+ M 01:00PM 04:45PM Garver, J. I. 0.00
GEO-201L-02 Strat Dep Environ of NY Lab OLIN 307+ T 01:00PM 04:45PM Garver, J. I. 0.00
HST-121-01 Depression & New Deal LIPM 016+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Morris, A.J. 1.00
HST-124-01 Monuments, Museums, & Movies WLDC 128+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Lawson, M. 1.00
HST-125-01 America in the Sixties LIPM 016+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Feffer, A. 1.00
HST-211-01 American Indian History BAIL 104+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Foroughi, A.R. LCC 1.00
HST-225-01 U.S. Environmental History Y NWSE 116+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Morris, A.J. 1.00
HST-312-01 Bonds of Womanhood BREZ 106+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Foroughi, A.R. WAC 1.00
HST-323-01 Race & Revolution Y LIPM 201+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Aslakson, K. LCC 1.00
PSC-111-01 Introduction to U.S. Politics LIPM 012+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Hays, B. SOCS 1.00
PSC-111-02 Introduction to U.S. Politics LIPM 012+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Weiner, T. SOCS 1.00
PSC-251-01 American Foreign Policy LIPM 014+ MW 07:00PM 08:45PM Brown, C. 1.00
PSC-268-01 Electoral Politics LIPM 012+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Oxley, Z.M. 1.00
PSC-277-01 Local Political Internships TBA Hislope, R. 1.00
PSC-281-01 Issues in American Education LIPM 016+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Weiner, T. 1.00
PSC-370-01 Constitutional Law LIPM 016+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Hays, B. 1.00
SOC-364-01 Sex & Motherhood LIPM 101+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Grigsby, J. WAC 1.00
WGS-100-01 Intro Women's & Gender Studies RCC 301 MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Nelson, E. 1.00
ANT-110-01 Intro to Cultural Anthropology NWSE 116+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Cool, L. LCC/SOCS/WAC 1.00
ANT-110-02 Intro to Cultural Anthropology LIPM 017+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Witsoe, J. LCC/SOCS 1.00
ANT-242-01 Economic Anthropology LIPM 016+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Staff LCC 1.00
ANT-251-01 Anthropology of Aging NWSE 116+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Cool, L. LCC/WAC 1.00
ANT-295H-20 Anthro Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Staff 0.00
ANT-296H-20 Anthro Honors Ind Project 2 TBA Staff 1.00
ANT-490-01 Anthropology Ind Study 1 TBA Witsoe, J. 1.00
ANT-490-02 Anthropology Ind Study 1 Brison, K. 1.00
ANT-490A-20 Independent Study TBA Staff 1.00
ANT-498-01 Anthropology Senior Thesis 1 TBA Brison, K. WS 0.00
ANT-498-02 Anthropology Senior Thesis 1 TBA Cool, L. WS 0.00
ANT-498-03 Anthropology Senior Thesis 1 TBA Staff WS 0.00
ANT-498-04 Anthropology Senior Thesis 1 TBA Witsoe, J. WS 0.00
ANT-498-05 Anthropology Senior Thesis 1 Samet, R. WS 0.00
ANT-498-20 Anthropology Senior Thesis 1 TBA Staff 0.00
ANT-499-20 Anthropology Senior Thesis 2 TBA Staff WS 1.00
Course # Title Petition Location Meeting Times Instructor CC Credit
ARB-100-01 Basic Arabic 1 OLIN 211+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Chekima, S. LCC 1.00
ARB-200-01 Intermediate Arabic OLIN 211+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Chekima, S. LCCA 1.00
Art History_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
AAH-101-01 Islamic Art and Architecture VART 215+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Matthew, L. LCC 1.00
AAH-105-01 Arts of Japan VART 215+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Lullo, S. LCC 1.00
AAH-120-01 17th-18th Century European Art VART 215+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Ogawa, D. LCC 1.00
AAH-194-01 Visual Culture Communist China VART 215+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Lullo, S. LCC/WAC 1.00
AAH-215-01 History of Architecture VART 215+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Matthew, L. LCC 1.00
AAH-265-01 Environmentalism in Cont. Art VART 215+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Cox, L. 1.00
AAH-295H-20 Art History Honors Ind Proj 1 TBA Staff 0.00
AAH-296H-20 Art History Honors Ind Proj 2 TBA Staff 1.00
AAH-490A-20 Independent Study TBA Staff 1.00
AAH-498-20 Art History Senior Thesis 1 TBA Staff 0.00
AAH-499-20 Art History Senior Thesis 2 TBA Staff WS 1.00
Asian Studies___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
AAH-101-01 Islamic Art and Architecture VART 215+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Matthew, L. LCC 1.00
AAH-105-01 Arts of Japan VART 215+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Lullo, S. LCC 1.00
AAH-194-01 Visual Culture Communist China VART 215+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Lullo, S. LCC/WAC 1.00
AIS-295H-20 Asian St Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Staff 0.00
AIS-296H-20 Asian St Honors Ind Project 2 TBA Staff 1.00
AIS-490-20 Asian Studies Ind Study 1 TBA Staff 1.00
AIS-497-20 Asian Studies Senior Project TBA Staff WS 1.00
AIS-498-01 Asian Studies Sr Thesis 1 TBA Madancy, J. 0.00
AIS-498-20 Asian Studies Sr Thesis 1 TBA Staff 0.00
AIS-499-20 Asian Studies Sr Thesis 2 TBA Staff WS 1.00
CHN-100-01 Basic Chinese 1 LIPM 200+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Zhang, Z. 1.00
CHN-200-01 Intermediate Chinese 1 STZH 106+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Zhang, Z. LCCC 1.00
CHN-300-01 Advanced Chinese 1 STZH 106+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Li, F.B. LCCC 1.00
HST-184-01 Making Modern India BAIL 102+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Mazumder, R. LCC 1.00
JPN-102-01 Basic Japanese 3 WLDC 028+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Ueno, J. LCCJ 1.00
JPN-202-25 Intermediate Japanese 3 TBA Lafave, S. LCCJ 1.00
JPN-302-01 Advanced Interm Japanese 3 LAMT 002+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Lafave, S. LCCJ 1.00
MLT-250-01 Lang., Identity & Power Japan LIPM 201+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Ueno, J. LCC/HUL/WAC 1.00
AST-051-01 Intro to Astronomy w/Lab Y NWSE 114+ MWF 03:05PM 04:10PM Wilkin, F.P. SCLB 1.00
AST-051L-01 Intro to Astronomy Lab OLIN 211+ M 07:00PM 10:00PM Koopmann, R. 0.00
AST-051L-02 Intro to Astronomy Lab OLIN 211+ T 07:00PM 10:00PM Wilkin, F.P. 0.00
AST-051L-03 Intro to Astronomy Lab OLIN 211+ W 07:00PM 10:00PM Koopmann, R. 0.00
AST-052-01 Relativty, Blck Holes & Quasrs LIPM 017+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Orzel, C.R. SET 1.00
AST-100-01 Intro to Astrophysics Y NWSE 114+ MWF 03:05PM 04:10PM Wilkin, F.P. 1.00
OLIN 301+ T 03:50PM 04:40PM
AST-240-01 Radio Astronomy NWSE 303 TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Marr, J.M. 1.00
At the request of the Dept. Chair; students in multiple section courses may be switched from their originally scheduled section in order to optimize enrollment.
BNG-101-01 Graphics & Image Process W/Lab NWSE 102 MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Khetan, S. SET 1.00
OLIN 206+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Cotter, S.
BNG-101L-01 Graphics & Image Process Lab NWSE 102 M 01:50PM 04:40PM Khetan, S. 0.00
BNG-101L-02 Graphics & Image Process Lab NWSE 102 W 01:50PM 04:40PM Khetan, S. 0.00
BNG-345-01 Orthopedic Biomechanics Y BAIL 300+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Currey, J. 1.00
BNG-497-01 Bioengineering Sr. Project 1 TBA Currey, J. 1.00
BNG-497-02 Bioengineering Sr. Project 1 TBA Lauzon, R. 1.00
BNG-497-03 Bioengineering Sr. Project 1 Buma, T. 1.00
BNG-497-20 Bioengineering Sr. Project 1 TBA Staff 1.00
BNG-498-20 Bioengineering Sr. Project 2 TBA Staff 1.00
At the request of the Dept. Chair; students in multiple section courses may be switched from their originally scheduled section in order to optimize enrollment.
BIO-050-01 Contemporary Biology w/Lab Y WLDC 225+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Willing, R. SCLB 1.00
BIO-050L-01 Contemporary Biology Lab SWSE 004 TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Willing, R. 0.00
*BIO-110-01 Heredity Evolution Ecology Y BAIL 207+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Bishop, J. SET 1.00
*BIO-110-02 Heredity Evolution Ecology Y BAIL 207+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Yukilevich, R. SET 1.00
*BIO-110X-01 Heredity/Evol/Eco Recitation OLIN 306+ T 01:55PM 03:15PM Bishop, J. 0.00
*BIO-110X-02 Heredity/Evol/Eco Recitation OLIN 306+ T 03:25PM 04:45PM Bishop, J. 0.00
*BIO-110X-03 Heredity/Evol/Eco Recitation OLIN 306+ TH 01:55PM 03:15PM Yukilevich, R. 0.00
*BIO-110X-04 Heredity/Evol/Eco Recitation OLIN 306+ TH 03:25PM 04:45PM Yukilevich, R. 0.00
BIO-112-01 Cells & Organisms w/Lab Y BAIL 207+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Pytel, B.A. SCLB/WAC 1.00
BIO-112L-01 Cells & Organisms Lab SWSE 101 T 01:55PM 04:45PM Pytel, B.A. 0.00
BIO-112L-02 Cells & Organisms Lab SWSE 101 W 01:50PM 04:40PM Rice, S.K. 0.00
BIO-210-01 Cognitive Neuroscience W/Lab Y BAIL 312+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Chabris, C. SCLB/WAC 1.00
BIO-210L-01 Cognitive Neuroscience Lab BUTR 325+ T 01:55PM 03:40PM Chabris, C. 0.00
BIO-210L-02 Cognitive Neuroscience Lab BUTR 325+ W 01:50PM 03:35PM Chabris, C. 0.00
BIO-225-01 Molecular Bio of Cell w/Lab Y WLDC 225+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Salvo, J.L. 1.00
BIO-225-02 Molecular Bio of Cell w/Lab Y WLDC 225+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Horton, J. S. 1.00
BIO-225L-01 Molecular Bio of Cell Lab SWSE 103 M 01:50PM 04:40PM Horton, J. S. 0.00
BIO-225L-02 Molecular Bio of Cell Lab SWSE 103 T 01:55PM 04:45PM Horton, J. S. 0.00
BIO-225L-03 Molecular Bio of Cell Lab SWSE 103 W 01:50PM 04:40PM Lauzon, R. 0.00
BIO-225L-04 Molecular Bio of Cell Lab SWSE 103 TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Salvo, J.L. 0.00
BIO-225L-05 Molecular Bio of Cell Lab SWSE 103 F 01:50PM 04:40PM Pytel, B.A. 0.00
BIO-264-01 Epigenetics Develop & Diseases Y WLDC 128+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Chu-LaGraff, Q. 1.00
BIO-291-01 Biology Research Practicum Y TBA Danowski, B. 0.00
BIO-291-02 Biology Research Practicum Y TBA Kirkton, S. 0.00
BIO-291-03 Biology Research Practicum Y TBA Cohen, B.D. 0.00
BIO-291-04 Biology Research Practicum Y TBA Hagerman, M. 0.00
BIO-291-05 Biology Research Practicum Y Olberg, R. 0.00
BIO-291-20 Biology Research Practicum TBA Staff 0.00
BIO-292-01 Biology Research Practicum 2 Y TBA Danowski, B. 0.00
BIO-292-20 Biology Research Practicum 2 TBA Staff 0.00
BIO-293-01 Biology Research Practicum 3 Y Olberg, R. 1.00
BIO-293-20 Biology Research Practicum 3 TBA Staff 1.00
BIO-295H-01 Biology Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Chu-LaGraff, Q. 0.00
BIO-295H-20 Biology Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Staff 0.00
BIO-296H-01 Biology Honors Ind Project 2 Yukilevich, R. 1.00
BIO-296H-20 Biology Honors Ind Project 2 TBA Staff 1.00
BIO-320-01 Ecology w/Lab Y BAIL 100+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM LoGiudice, K. WAC 1.00
BIO-320L-01 Ecology Lab SWSE 201 M 01:50PM 04:40PM LoGiudice, K. 0.00
BIO-320L-02 Ecology Lab SWSE 201 W 01:50PM 04:40PM LoGiudice, K. 0.00
BIO-324-01 Plant Ecology W/ Lab Y OLIN 206+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Corbin, J. WAC 1.00
BIO-324L-01 Plant Ecology Lab SWSE 301 W 01:50PM 04:40PM Corbin, J. 0.00
BIO-332-01 Comp Vertebrate Anatomy w/Lab Y NWSE 222+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Kirkton, S. 1.00
BIO-332L-01 Comp Vertebrate Anatomy Lab SWSE 105 W 01:50PM 04:40PM Kirkton, S. 0.00
BIO-332L-02 Comp Vertebrate Anatomy Lab SWSE 105 TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Kirkton, S. 0.00
BIO-365-01 Neural Circuits & Behavior Y BAIL 201+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Olberg, R. 1.00
BIO-378-01 Cancer Cell Biology W/Lab Y BAIL 207+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Danowski, B. WAC 1.00
BIO-378L-01 Cancer Cell Biology Lab WLDC 201+ M 01:50PM 04:40PM Danowski, B. 0.00
BIO-378L-02 Cancer Cell Biology Lab WLDC 201+ T 01:55PM 04:45PM Danowski, B. 0.00
BIO-380-01 Biochm:MmbrnsNuclAcids w/Lab Y OLIN 204+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Cohen, B.D. WAC 1.00
BIO-380L-01 Biochm: Mmbrns Nucl Acids Lab WLDC 201+ W 01:50PM 04:40PM Cohen, B.D. 0.00
BIO-380L-02 Biochm: Mmbrns Nucl Acids Lab WLDC 201+ TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Cohen, B.D. 0.00
BIO-488-01 Topics: Organismal & Physiolo Y LIPM 010+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Rice, S.K. WS 1.00
Course # Title Petition Location Meeting Times Instructor CC Credit
At the request of the Dept. Chair; students in multiple section courses may be switched from their originally scheduled section in order to optimize enrollment.
CHM-060-01 Meals to Molecules Y WLDC 028+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Adrian, J.C. SCLB 1.00
OLIN 207 F 01:50PM 04:40PM
CHM-101-01 Intro Chemistry I W/Lab Y OLIN 115+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Huisman, A. SCLB 1.00
CHM-101-02 Intro Chemistry I W/Lab Y OLIN 115+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Fox, K. SCLB 1.00
CHM-101-03 Intro Chemistry I W/Lab Y WLDC 225+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM MacManus-Spencer, L. SCLB 1.00
CHM-101L-01 Intro Chemistry 1 Lab OLIN 201 M 01:50PM 04:40PM Huisman, A. 0.00
OLIN 204+ M 01:50PM 04:40PM
CHM-101L-02 Intro Chemistry 1 Lab OLIN 201 T 09:00AM 11:50AM McGarrah, J. 0.00
OLIN 204+ T 09:00AM 11:50AM
CHM-101L-03 Intro Chemistry 1 Lab OLIN 201 T 01:55PM 04:45PM Huisman, A. 0.00
OLIN 204+ T 01:55PM 04:45PM
CHM-101L-04 Intro Chemistry 1 Lab OLIN 201 W 01:50PM 04:40PM Huisman, N. 0.00
OLIN 204+ W 01:50PM 04:40PM
CHM-101L-05 Intro Chemistry 1 Lab OLIN 201 TH 09:00AM 11:50AM Huisman, N. 0.00
OLIN 204+ TH 09:00AM 11:50AM
CHM-101L-06 Intro Chemistry 1 Lab OLIN 201 TH 01:55PM 04:45PM McGarrah, J. 0.00
OLIN 204+ TH 01:55PM 04:45PM
CHM-110H-01 Honors Introductory Chemistry Y OLIN 206+ MW 01:50PM 05:15PM Anderson, J. 1.00
OLIN 207 MW 01:50PM 05:15PM
OLIN 206+ F 01:50PM 02:55PM
CHM-110H-02 Honors Introductory Chemistry Y OLIN 206+ TTH 09:00AM 12:25PM Lou, K. 1.00
OLIN 207 TTH 09:00AM 12:25PM
OLIN 204+ F 01:50PM 02:55PM
CHM-231-01 Organic Chem 1 W/Lab OLIN 115+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Paulick, M. 1.00
OLIN 115+ TH 03:50PM 04:55PM
CHM-231L-01 Organic Chem 1 Lab SWSE 102 M 01:50PM 05:40PM Paulick, M. 0.00
SWSE 109 M 01:50PM 05:40PM
CHM-231L-02 Organic Chem 1 Lab SWSE 102 T 09:00AM 12:50PM Kehlbeck, J. 0.00
SWSE 109 T 09:00AM 12:50PM
CHM-231L-03 Organic Chem 1 Lab SWSE 102 T 01:55PM 05:45PM Kehlbeck, J. 0.00
SWSE 109 T 01:55PM 05:45PM
CHM-260-01 Foundation Inorgan Chem W/Lab Y WLDC 028+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Hagerman, M. WAC 1.00
CHM-260L-01 Foundation Inorgan Chem Lab SWSE 102 W 01:50PM 05:40PM Hagerman, M. 0.00
SWSE 109 W 01:50PM 05:40PM
CHM-291-01 Research Practicum I Y TBA Paulick, M. 0.00
CHM-291-02 Research Practicum I Y TBA Kehlbeck, J. 0.00
CHM-291-03 Research Practicum I Y TBA Hagerman, M. 0.00
CHM-291-04 Research Practicum I Y TBA Carroll, M.K. 0.00
CHM-291-20 Research Practicum I BAIL 207+ TH 12:50PM 01:45PM Staff 0.00
CHM-292-20 Research Practicum 2 BAIL 207+ TH 12:50PM 01:45PM Staff 0.00
CHM-293-01 Research Practicum 3 Y Hagerman, M. 1.00
CHM-293-20 Research Practicum 3 BAIL 207+ TH 12:50PM 01:45PM Staff 1.00
CHM-295H-01 Chemistry Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Tyler, L.A. 0.00
CHM-295H-02 Chemistry Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Adrian, J.C. 0.00
Course # Title Petition Location Meeting Times Instructor CC Credit
CHM-295H-20 Chemistry Honors Ind Project 1 BAIL 207+ TH 12:50PM 01:45PM Staff 0.00
CHM-296H-20 Chemistry Honors Ind Project 2 BAIL 207+ TH 12:50PM 01:45PM Staff 1.00
CHM-340-01 Chemical Instrumentation w/Lab Y OLIN 204+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Carroll, M.K. WAC 1.00
CHM-340L-01 Chemical Instrumentation Lab SWSE 102 TH 09:00AM 12:50PM Carroll, M.K. 0.00
SWSE 219 TH 09:00AM 12:50PM MacManus-Spencer, L.
CHM-491-01 Chemical Research 1 TBA Carroll, M.K. WS 1.00
CHM-491-02 Chemical Research 1 TBA Hagerman, M. WS 1.00
CHM-491-20 Chemical Research 1 BAIL 207+ TH 12:50PM 01:45PM Staff WS 1.00
CHM-492-20 Chemical Research 2 BAIL 207+ TH 12:50PM 01:45PM Staff WS 1.00
CHM-493-20 Chemical Research 3 BAIL 207+ TH 12:50PM 01:45PM Staff WS 1.00
Before signing up for your first Chinese course at Union, you must check with the Modern Languages Dept. in Silliman Hall
CHN-100-01 Basic Chinese 1 LIPM 200+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Zhang, Z. 1.00
CHN-200-01 Intermediate Chinese 1 STZH 106+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Zhang, Z. LCCC 1.00
CHN-295H-20 Chinese Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Staff 0.00
CHN-296H-20 Chinese Honors Ind Project 2 TBA Staff 1.00
CHN-300-01 Advanced Chinese 1 STZH 106+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Li, F.B. LCCC 1.00
CHN-320T-01 Chinese Civilization TBA Ferry, M.M. 1.00
CLS-121-01 History of Greece OLIN 115+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Toher, M. LCC 1.00
CLS-178-01 Ancient World Mythology RCC AUD MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Mueller, H. LCC/WAC 1.00
CLS-295H-01 Classics Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Raucci, S. 0.00
CLS-295H-20 Classics Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Staff 0.00
CLS-296H-20 Classics Honors Ind Project 2 TBA Staff 1.00
CLS-490A-20 Independent Study TBA Staff 1.00
CLS-497-01 Classics Senior Project Toher, M. WS 1.00
CLS-497-20 Classics Senior Project TBA Staff WS 1.00
CLS-498-01 Classics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Mueller, H. 0.00
CLS-498-02 Classics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Raucci, S. 0.00
CLS-498-03 Classics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Toher, M. 0.00
CLS-498-20 Classics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Staff 0.00
CLS-499-20 Classics Senior Thesis 2 TBA Staff WS 1.00
Computer Science________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
*By permission of Instructor Only
CSC-103-01 Taming Big Data W/Lab Y OLIN 107+ M 03:05PM 04:45PM Webb, N. QMR/SET 1.00
OLIN 107+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM
CSC-105-01 Game Development: Intro to CS Y OLIN 107+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Rieffel, J. QMR/SET 1.00
OLIN 107+ T 10:55AM 12:40PM
CSC-109-01 Comp Programming for Eng Y OLIN 107+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Anderson, M. SET/QMR 1.00
CSC-118-01 Computer and Logic Design Y NWSE 116+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Hedrick, J.N. SET 1.00
CSC-118L-01 Computer and Logic Design Lab NWSE 106 W 01:50PM 04:40PM Traver, C. 0.00
CSC-118L-02 Computer and Logic Design Lab NWSE 106 TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Traver, C. 0.00
CSC-118L-03 Computer and Logic Design Lab NWSE 106 M 01:50PM 04:40PM Traver, C. 0.00
CSC-120-01 Programming on Purpose OLIN 107+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Cass, A. 1.00
OLIN 107+ TH 10:55AM 12:40PM
CSC-236-01 Computer Network Protocols NWSE 100 MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Spinelli, J. 1.00
CSC-280-01 User Interfaces WLDC 128+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Cass, A. 1.00
CSC-281-01 CSC Practicum 1 Rieffel, J. 0.00
CSC-281-20 CSC Practicum 1 TBA Staff 0.00
CSC-282-01 CSC Practicum 2 TBA Rieffel, J. 0.00
CSC-282-02 CSC Practicum 2 TBA Striegnitz, K. 0.00
CSC-282-20 CSC Practicum 2 TBA Staff 0.00
CSC-283-20 CSC Practicum 3 TBA Staff 1.00
CSC-325-01 Robotics OLIN 107+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Rieffel, J. 1.00
CSC-329-01 Neural Networks NWSE 222+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Cotter, S. 1.00
CSC-370-01 Programming Languages OLIN 107+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Anderson, M. 1.00
*CSC-490-01 Computer Sci Ind Study 1 Rieffel, J. 1.00
*CSC-490-20 Computer Sci Ind Study 1 TBA Staff 1.00
*CSC-491-20 Computer Sci Ind Study 2 TBA Staff 1.00
*CSC-492-20 Computer Sci Ind Study 3 TBA Staff 1.00
CSC-497-01 CS Capstone Design Seminar TBA Cass, A. 0.50
CSC-498-01 CSC Capstone Design Project 1 TBA Rieffel, J. 0.75
CSC-498-02 CSC Capstone Design Project 1 TBA Webb, N. 0.75
Course # Title Petition Location Meeting Times Instructor CC Credit
*By permission of instructor only.
ECO-101-01 Introduction to Economics LIPM 017+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Yaisawarng, S. SOCS 1.00
ECO-101-02 Introduction to Economics LIPM 017+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Yaisawarng, S. SOCS 1.00
ECO-101-03 Introduction to Economics LIPM 017+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Foster, E. SOCS 1.00
ECO-101-04 Introduction to Economics LIPM 017+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Schmidt, S.S. SOCS 1.00
ECO-123-01 Values & Economic Justice Y LIPM 014+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Schmidt, S.J. 1.00
ECO-211-01 Consumer Finance LIPM 014+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Dvorak, T. 1.00
ECO-211-02 Consumer Finance LIPM 014+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Dvorak, T. 1.00
ECO-241-01 Microeconomic Analysis Y LIPM 014+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Davis, L.S. 1.00
ECO-242-01 Macro Theory & Policy Y WLDC 225+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Motahar, E. 1.00
ECO-243-01 Intro to Econometrics Y WLDC 225+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Song, Y. WAC 1.00
ECO-243-02 Intro to Econometrics Y WLDC 225+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Song, Y. WAC 1.00
ECO-295H-01 Economics Honors Ind Project 1 Schmidt, S.J. 0.00
ECO-295H-20 Economics Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Staff 0.00
ECO-296H-20 Economics Honors Ind Project 2 TBA Staff 1.00
ECO-332-01 Eco of Technological Change WLDC 225+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Sener, M.F. 1.00
ECO-334-01 Intro to Financial Analysis LIPM 101+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Kenney, J. WAC 1.00
ECO-339-01 Public Finance LIPM 101+ TTH 07:00PM 08:45PM O'Keeffe, M. 1.00
ECO-352-01 Cont Prob in Macroeconomics LIPM 201+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Motahar, E. WAC 1.00
ECO-445-01 Managerial Economics LIPM 101+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Kenney, J. WAC 1.00
ECO-490-01 Economics Independent Study 1 TBA Schmidt, S.J. 1.00
ECO-490-02 Economics Independent Study 1 Kenney, J. 1.00
ECO-490A-20 Independent Study TBA Staff 1.00
ECO-491-01 Economics Independent Study 2 Lewis, B.G. 1.00
ECO-498-01 Economics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Davis, L.S. 0.00
ECO-498-02 Economics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Dvorak, T. 0.00
ECO-498-03 Economics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Foster, E. 0.00
ECO-498-04 Economics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Fried, H. 0.00
ECO-498-05 Economics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Kenney, J. 0.00
ECO-498-06 Economics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Klein, D. 0.00
ECO-498-07 Economics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Lewis, B.G. 0.00
ECO-498-08 Economics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Motahar, E. 0.00
ECO-498-09 Economics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Ren, Y. 0.00
ECO-498-10 Economics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Sener, M.F. 0.00
ECO-498-11 Economics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Schmidt, S.S. 0.00
ECO-498-12 Economics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Song, Y. 0.00
ECO-498-13 Economics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Schmidt, S.J. 0.00
ECO-498-14 Economics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Yaisawarng, S. 0.00
ECO-498-20 Economics Senior Thesis 1 TBA Staff 0.00
ECO-499-01 Economics Senior Thesis 2 TBA Motahar, E. WS 2.00
ECO-499-20 Economics Senior Thesis 2 TBA Staff WS 1.00
Course # Title Petition Location Meeting Times Instructor CC Credit
ECE-011-01 Practicum: Elec & Comp Engr Y NWSE 106 W 12:50PM 01:45PM Hedrick, J.N. 0.00
Catravas, P.
ECE-118-01 Computer and Logic Design Y NWSE 116+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Hedrick, J.N. SET 1.00
ECE-118L-01 Computer and Logic Design Lab NWSE 106 W 01:50PM 04:40PM Traver, C. 0.00
ECE-118L-02 Computer and Logic Design Lab NWSE 106 TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Traver, C. 0.00
ECE-118L-03 Computer and Logic Design Lab NWSE 106 M 01:50PM 04:40PM Traver, C. 0.00
ECE-225-01 Electric Circuits w/Lab Y NWSE 116+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Dosiek, L. 1.00
ECE-225L-01 Electric Circuits Lab NWSE 100 T 01:55PM 04:45PM Dosiek, L. 0.00
ECE-225L-02 Electric Circuits Lab NWSE 100 TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Dosiek, L. 0.00
ECE-241-01 Discrete Systems w/Lab Y NWSE 102 MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Catravas, P. WAC 1.00
ECE-241L-01 Discrete Systems Lab NWSE 102 TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Catravas, P. 0.00
ECE-281-01 ECE Research Practicum 1 TBA Traver, C. 0.00
ECE-281-20 ECE Research Practicum 1 TBA Staff 0.00
ECE-282-01 ECE Research Practicum 2 TBA Traver, C. 0.00
ECE-282-20 ECE Research Practicum 2 TBA Staff 0.00
ECE-283-20 ECE Research Practicum 3 TBA Staff 1.00
ECE-295H-01 Elec Engr Honors Ind Project 1 Hedrick, J.N. 0.00
ECE-295H-02 Elec Engr Honors Ind Project 1 Catravas, P. 0.00
ECE-295H-20 Elec Engr Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Staff 0.00
ECE-296H-20 Elec Engr Honors Ind Project 2 TBA Staff 1.00
ECE-329-01 Neural Networks NWSE 222+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Cotter, S. 1.00
ECE-336-01 Computer Network Protocols NWSE 100 MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Spinelli, J. 1.00
ECE-351-01 Probability & Digital Comm NWSE 100 MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Spinelli, J. 1.00
ECE-363-01 Desgn of Electronic Circ w/Lab Y NWSE 100 TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Hedrick, J.N. 1.00
ECE-363L-01 Desgn of Electronic Circ Lab NWSE 102 T 01:55PM 04:45PM Hedrick, J.N. 0.00
ECE-420-01 States Space Analysis Control NWSE 102 MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Sanchez, J. 1.00
ECE-490-01 Electrical Engr Ind Study 1 TBA Traver, C. 1.00
ECE-490A-20 Independent Study TBA Staff 1.00
ECE-497-01 Elec Eng/Comp Eng Capstone 1 TBA Traver, C. 0.50
ECE-498-01 Electr/Comp Engr Capstone 2 TBA Catravas, P. 0.50
ECE-498-02 Electr/Comp Engr Capstone 2 TBA Buma, T. 0.50
ECE-498-03 Electr/Comp Engr Capstone 2 TBA Spinelli, J. 0.50
ECE-498-04 Electr/Comp Engr Capstone 2 TBA Traver, C. 0.50
ECE-498-05 Electr/Comp Engr Capstone 2 TBA Hanson, H. 0.50
ECE-498-06 Electr/Comp Engr Capstone 2 TBA Gustafson, S. 0.50
ECE-498-07 Electr/Comp Engr Capstone 2 TBA Dosiek, L. 0.50
ECE-498-08 Electr/Comp Engr Capstone 2 TBA Hedrick, J.N. 0.50
ECE-498-20 Electr/Comp Engr Capstone 2 TBA Staff 0.50
ECE-499-01 Elec/Comp Engr Capstone 3 Hedrick, J.N. WS 1.00
ECE-499-20 Elec/Comp Engr Capstone 3 TBA Staff WS 1.00
Engineering Science_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
ESC-100-01 Exploring Engineering OLIN 115+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Mafi, M. SET 1.00
Anderson, A.M.
ESC-100L-01 Exploring Engineering Lab WLDC 010+ TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Mafi, M. 0.00
ESC-100L-02 Exploring Engineering Lab WLDC 128+ TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Anderson, A.M. 0.00
ESC-100L-03 Exploring Engineering Lab WLDC 010+ TH 09:00AM 11:50AM Hodgson, D. 0.00
ESC-100L-04 Exploring Engineering Lab BUTR 106+ TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Khetan, S. 0.00
ESC-100L-05 Exploring Engineering Lab OLIN 106+ TH 09:00AM 11:50AM Hanson, H. 0.00
ESC-100L-06 Exploring Engineering Lab NWSE 201+ TH 09:00AM 11:50AM Elacqua, A. 0.00
ESC-100L-07 Exploring Engineering Lab NWSE 201+ TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Elacqua, A. 0.00
ESC-100L-08 Exploring Engineering Lab BUTR 106+ TH 09:00AM 11:50AM Khetan, S. 0.00
EGL-100-01 Intro to Study of Lit: Poetry BAIL 300+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Smith, J. HUL/WAC 1.00
EGL-100-02 Intro to Study of Lit: Poetry WLDC 010+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Sargent, J. HUL/WAC 1.00
EGL-101-01 Intro to Study of Lit: Fiction BREZ 106+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Burkett, A. HUL/WAC 1.00
EGL-101-02 Intro to Study of Lit: Fiction BREZ 106+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Burkett, A. HUL/WAC 1.00
EGL-101-03 Intro to Study of Lit: Fiction NWSE 116+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Heinegg, P. HUL/WAC 1.00
EGL-101-04 Intro to Study of Lit: Fiction BAIL 312+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Selley, A.R. HUL/WAC 1.00
EGL-101-05 Intro to Study of Lit: Fiction NWSE 210+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Doyle, K.A. HUL/WAC 1.00
EGL-200-01 Shakespeare to 1600 LIPM 014+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Jenkins, H. WAC 1.00
EGL-202-01 Amazons, Saints, and Scholars BAIL 207+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Doyle, K.A. WAC 1.00
EGL-212-01 The Restoration LIPM 017+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Jenkins, H. WAC 1.00
EGL-220-01 British Lit: Romantic Revolut BREZ 106+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Burkett, A. WAC 1.00
Course # Title Petition Location Meeting Times Instructor CC Credit
EGL-265-01 Jewish Women Writers BREZ 106+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Lewin, J.M. WAC 1.00
EGL-290-01 Studies in Film Genre/Style NWSE 222+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Troxell, J. WAC 1.00
EGL-294-01 Workshop in Fiction BAIL 102+ TTH 07:00PM 08:45PM Selley, A.R. WAC 1.00
EGL-295H-20 English Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Staff 0.00
EGL-296-01 The Power of Words LIPM 101+ MWF 03:05PM 04:10PM Pease, A. HUL/WAC 1.00
EGL-296H-20 English Honors Ind Project 2 TBA Staff 1.00
EGL-304-01 Jr. Sem: Don DeLillo Y MESA 105+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Kuhn, B. WAC 1.00
EGL-305-01 Jr Seminar: Shakespeare 21st Y OLIN 211+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Wareh, P. WAC 1.00
EGL-400-01 Sr. Sem: Poetry Workshop Y GREN 105+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Smith, J. WS 1.00
EGL-402-01 Honors Thesis Seminar I Y OLIN 211+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Murphy, J. 0.00
EGL-490-01 English Independent Study 1 Smith, J. 1.00
EGL-490-02 English Independent Study 1 Burkett, A. 1.00
EGL-490-20 English Independent Study 1 TBA Staff 1.00
EGL-491-20 English Independent Study 2 TBA Staff 1.00
EGL-496-20 English Senior Thesis 1 TBA Staff 0.00
EGL-497-20 English Senior Thesis 2 TBA Staff WS 1.00
AAH-265-01 Environmentalism in Cont. Art VART 215+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Cox, L. 1.00
*BIO-110-01 Heredity Evolution Ecology Y BAIL 207+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Bishop, J. SET 1.00
*BIO-110-02 Heredity Evolution Ecology Y BAIL 207+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Yukilevich, R. SET 1.00
*BIO-110X-01 Heredity/Evol/Eco Recitation OLIN 306+ T 01:55PM 03:15PM Bishop, J. 0.00
*BIO-110X-02 Heredity/Evol/Eco Recitation OLIN 306+ T 03:25PM 04:45PM Bishop, J. 0.00
*BIO-110X-03 Heredity/Evol/Eco Recitation OLIN 306+ TH 01:55PM 03:15PM Yukilevich, R. 0.00
*BIO-110X-04 Heredity/Evol/Eco Recitation OLIN 306+ TH 03:25PM 04:45PM Yukilevich, R. 0.00
BIO-320-01 Ecology w/Lab Y BAIL 100+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM LoGiudice, K. WAC 1.00
BIO-320L-01 Ecology Lab SWSE 201 M 01:50PM 04:40PM LoGiudice, K. 0.00
BIO-320L-02 Ecology Lab SWSE 201 W 01:50PM 04:40PM LoGiudice, K. 0.00
BIO-324-01 Plant Ecology W/ Lab Y OLIN 206+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Corbin, J. WAC 1.00
BIO-324L-01 Plant Ecology Lab SWSE 301 W 01:50PM 04:40PM Corbin, J. 0.00
CHM-101-01 Intro Chemistry I W/Lab Y OLIN 115+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Huisman, A. SCLB 1.00
CHM-101-02 Intro Chemistry I W/Lab Y OLIN 115+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Fox, K. SCLB 1.00
CHM-101-03 Intro Chemistry I W/Lab Y WLDC 225+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM MacManus-Spencer, L. SCLB 1.00
CHM-101L-01 Intro Chemistry 1 Lab OLIN 201 M 01:50PM 04:40PM Huisman, A. 0.00
OLIN 204+ M 01:50PM 04:40PM
CHM-101L-02 Intro Chemistry 1 Lab OLIN 201 T 09:00AM 11:50AM McGarrah, J. 0.00
OLIN 204+ T 09:00AM 11:50AM
CHM-101L-03 Intro Chemistry 1 Lab OLIN 201 T 01:55PM 04:45PM Huisman, A. 0.00
OLIN 204+ T 01:55PM 04:45PM
CHM-101L-04 Intro Chemistry 1 Lab OLIN 201 W 01:50PM 04:40PM Huisman, N. 0.00
OLIN 204+ W 01:50PM 04:40PM
CHM-101L-05 Intro Chemistry 1 Lab OLIN 201 TH 09:00AM 11:50AM Huisman, N. 0.00
OLIN 204+ TH 09:00AM 11:50AM
CHM-101L-06 Intro Chemistry 1 Lab OLIN 201 TH 01:55PM 04:45PM McGarrah, J. 0.00
OLIN 204+ TH 01:55PM 04:45PM
CHM-110H-01 Honors Introductory Chemistry Y OLIN 206+ MW 01:50PM 05:15PM Anderson, J. 1.00
OLIN 207 MW 01:50PM 05:15PM
OLIN 206+ F 01:50PM 02:55PM
CHM-110H-02 Honors Introductory Chemistry Y OLIN 206+ TTH 09:00AM 12:25PM Lou, K. 1.00
OLIN 207 TTH 09:00AM 12:25PM
OLIN 204+ F 01:50PM 02:55PM
CHM-231-01 Organic Chem 1 W/Lab OLIN 115+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Paulick, M. 1.00
OLIN 115+ TH 03:50PM 04:55PM
CHM-231L-01 Organic Chem 1 Lab SWSE 102 M 01:50PM 05:40PM Paulick, M. 0.00
SWSE 109 M 01:50PM 05:40PM
CHM-231L-02 Organic Chem 1 Lab SWSE 102 T 09:00AM 12:50PM Kehlbeck, J. 0.00
SWSE 109 T 09:00AM 12:50PM
CHM-231L-03 Organic Chem 1 Lab SWSE 102 T 01:55PM 05:45PM Kehlbeck, J. 0.00
SWSE 109 T 01:55PM 05:45PM
CHM-340-01 Chemical Instrumentation w/Lab Y OLIN 204+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Carroll, M.K. WAC 1.00
CHM-340L-01 Chemical Instrumentation Lab SWSE 102 TH 09:00AM 12:50PM Carroll, M.K. 0.00
SWSE 219 TH 09:00AM 12:50PM MacManus-Spencer, L.
ECO-243-01 Intro to Econometrics Y WLDC 225+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Song, Y. WAC 1.00
ECO-243-02 Intro to Econometrics Y WLDC 225+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Song, Y. WAC 1.00
ENS-100-01 Intro to Environ Studies W/Lab Y OLIN 106+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Verheyden, A. SCLB 1.00
ENS-100L-01 Intro to Environ Studies Lab OLIN 332+ M 01:50PM 04:40PM Verheyden, A. 0.00
Course # Title Petition Location Meeting Times Instructor CC Credit
ENS-100L-02 Intro to Environ Studies Lab OLIN 332+ W 01:50PM 04:40PM Verheyden, A. 0.00
ENS-209-01 Renewable Energy Systems W/Lab OLIN 206+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Wicks, F. SET 1.00
ENS-209L-01 Renewable Energy Systems Lab OLIN 206+ T 01:55PM 03:40PM Wicks, F. 0.00
ENS-252-01 Environmntl Geotechnique W/Lab OLIN 306+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Ghaly, A. SCLB 1.00
ENS-252L-01 Environmntl Geotechniques Lab OLIN 106+ TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Ghaly, A. 0.00
ENS-299-01 Environmental Forensics OLIN 306+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Ghaly, A. SET 1.00
ENS-490A-20 Independent Study TBA Staff 1.00
ENS-497-01 Senior Research in Env Sci TBA Anderson, A.M. WS 1.00
ENS-497-20 Senior Research in Env Sci TBA Staff WS 1.00
ENS-498-01 Environmental Stu Research 1 TBA Kaplan, I. 0.00
ENS-498-02 Environmental Stu Research 1 TBA Corbin, J. 0.00
ENS-498-03 Environmental Stu Research 1 TBA MacManus-Spencer, L. 0.00
ENS-498-04 Environmental Stu Research 1 TBA Anderson, A.M. 0.00
ENS-498-05 Environmental Stu Research 1 TBA Klein, D. 0.00
ENS-498-06 Environmental Stu Research 1 TBA Morris, A.J. 0.00
ENS-498-07 Environmental Stu Research 1 TBA Grigsby, J. 0.00
ENS-498-08 Environmental Stu Research 1 Mafi, M. 0.00
ENS-498-09 Environmental Stu Research 1 Dell'Aera, A. 0.00
ENS-498-20 Environmental Stu Research 1 TBA Staff WS 0.00
ENS-499-20 Environmental St Research 2 TBA Staff WS 1.00
GEO-110-01 Intro to Phys Geology w/lab OLIN 307+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Hollocher, K. SCLB/WAC 1.00
GEO-110L-01 Intro to Physical Geology Lab OLIN 332+ T 09:00AM 11:50AM Hollocher, K. 0.00
GEO-110L-02 Intro to Physical Geology Lab OLIN 332+ T 01:55PM 04:45PM Hollocher, K. 0.00
GEO-112-01 Environmental Geology w/Lab Y OLIN 307+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Frey, H. SCLB 1.00
GEO-112L-01 Environmental Geology Lab OLIN 307+ W 01:50PM 04:40PM Frey, H. 0.00
GEO-112L-02 Environmental Geology Lab OLIN 307+ TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Frey, H. 0.00
GEO-202-01 Geomorphology W/Lab Y OLIN 306+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Rodbell, D. WAC 1.00
GEO-202L-01 Geomorphology Lab OLIN 306+ M 01:00PM 04:45PM Rodbell, D. 0.00
GEO-202L-02 Geomorphology Lab OLIN 306+ W 01:00PM 04:45PM Rodbell, D. 0.00
GEO-207-01 Stable Isotopes Env Sci W/Lab Y OLIN 307+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Gillikin, D. WAC 1.00
GEO-207L-01 Stable Isotopes Env Sci Lab OLIN 332+ TH 01:00PM 04:45PM Gillikin, D. 0.00
HST-138-01 Big History LIPM 016+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Walker, M. 1.00
HST-138-02 Big History LIPM 016+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Walker, M. 1.00
HST-225-01 U.S. Environmental History Y NWSE 116+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Morris, A.J. 1.00
MER-231-01 Thermodynamics Y NWSE 222+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Keat, W.D. 1.00
MER-231-02 Thermodynamics Y WLDC 010+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Bruno, B. 1.00
MTH-110-01 Calculus 1 Y WLDC 128+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Friedman, P. QMR 1.00
WLDC 128+ T 08:00AM 08:50AM
MTH-110-02 Calculus 1 Y OLIN 306+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Jauregui, J. QMR 1.00
OLIN 306+ T 08:00AM 08:50AM
MTH-110-03 Calculus 1 Y BAIL 102+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Khatami, L. QMR 1.00
BAIL 102+ T 08:00AM 08:50AM
MTH-110-04 Calculus 1 Y BAIL 102+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Khatami, L. QMR 1.00
BAIL 102+ T 03:50PM 04:40PM
MTH-110-05 Calculus 1 Y WLDC 225+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Lesh, K. QMR 1.00
WLDC 225+ T 03:50PM 04:40PM
MTH-113-01 AP Calculus Y BAIL 100+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Tonnesen-Friedman, C QMR 1.00
MTH-113-02 AP Calculus Y BAIL 102+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Niefield, S. QMR 1.00
MTH-113-03 AP Calculus Y BAIL 106 MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Wang, J. QMR 1.00
MTH-113-04 AP Calculus Y BAIL 106 MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Wang, J. QMR 1.00
PHY-110-01 Physics/Life Sciences 1 w/Lab NWSE 114+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Maleki, S. SCLB 1.00
NWSE 114+ T 08:00AM 08:50AM
PHY-110L-01 Physics/Life Sciences 1 Lab NWSE 300 TH 09:00AM 11:50AM Vineyard, M.F. 0.00
PHY-110L-02 Physics/Life Sciences 1 Lab NWSE 300 TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Amanuel, S. 0.00
PHY-111-01 Physics/Life Sciences 2 w/Lab NWSE 114+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM LaBrake, S.M. 1.00
NWSE 114+ TH 08:00AM 08:50AM
PHY-111L-01 Physics/Life Sciences 2 Lab NWSE 304 T 09:00AM 11:50AM Reich, G. 0.00
PHY-111L-02 Physics/Life Sciences 2 Lab NWSE 304 T 01:55PM 04:45PM Reich, G. 0.00
PHY-120-01 Matter in Motion W/Lab Y NWSE 300 MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Vineyard, M.F. SCLB 1.00
NWSE 300 T 09:00AM 10:45AM
PHY-120-02 Matter in Motion W/Lab Y NWSE 300 MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Hallenbeck, G. SCLB 1.00
NWSE 300 T 01:55PM 03:40PM
PHY-121-01 Principles of Electromag W/Lab Y NWSE 304 MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Ray, M. 1.00
NWSE 304 TH 01:55PM 03:40PM
PHY-123-01 Heat, Light & Astronomy w/Lab NWSE 304 MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Amanuel, S. 1.00
NWSE 304 TH 09:00AM 10:45AM
PHY-310-01 Adv Topics: Classical Optics NWSE 303 MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Newman, J. 1.00
PSC-277-01 Local Political Internships TBA Hislope, R. 1.00
PSY-200-01 Statistical Methods in Psych Y BAIL 312+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Wells, E. 1.00
Course # Title Petition Location Meeting Times Instructor CC Credit
PSY-200-02 Statistical Methods in Psych Y BAIL 300 MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Romero, S.G. 1.00
SOC-300-01 Quantitative Social Research OLIN 306+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Cotter, D. 1.00
Film Studies____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
FLM-201-01 Documentary Film Making OLIN 211+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM de Seve, J. 1.00
FLM-202-01 Digital Filmmaking OLIN 211+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM de Seve, J. 1.00
FLM-490-01 Film Independent Study TBA Feffer, A. 1.00
FLM-490-02 Film Independent Study TBA de Seve, J. 1.00
FLM-490-20 Film Independent Study TBA Staff 1.00
FPR-100-01 First-Year Preceptorial BEUT 104+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Gazzarri, T. 1.00
FPR-100-02 First-Year Preceptorial GOLB 103 MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Mueller, H. 1.00
FPR-100-04 First-Year Preceptorial LIPM 201+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Sargent, J. 1.00
FPR-100-05 First-Year Preceptorial NWSE 210+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Troxell, J. 1.00
FPR-100-06 First-Year Preceptorial WLDC 128+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Mafi, M. 1.00
FPR-100-07 First-Year Preceptorial RCC 301 MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Scheiter, K. 1.00
FPR-100-09 First-Year Preceptorial WLDC 010+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Hislope, R. 1.00
FPR-100-10 First-Year Preceptorial YULM THR MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Finlay, W. 1.00
FPR-100-11 First-Year Preceptorial NWSE 114+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Heinegg, P. 1.00
FPR-100-12 First-Year Preceptorial WOLD 109+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Singy, P. 1.00
FPR-100-13 First-Year Preceptorial LIPM 200+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Calandra, N. 1.00
FPR-100-14 First-Year Preceptorial BUTR 203 MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Clark, C.C. 1.00
FPR-100-15 First-Year Preceptorial OLIN 306+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Dosiek, S. 1.00
Before signing up for your first French course at Union, you must check with the Modern Languages Dept. in Silliman Hall.
FRN-100-01 Basic French 1 Y NWSE 210+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Chilcoat, A. M. 1.00
FRN-102-01 Basic French 3 NWSE 210+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Chilcoat, A. M. LCCF 1.00
FRN-200-01 Intermediate French 1 LIPM 201+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Mouflard, C. LCCF 1.00
FRN-200-02 Intermediate French 1 LIPM 201+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Batson, C.R. LCCF 1.00
FRN-295H-20 French Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Staff 0.00
FRN-296H-20 French Honors Ind Project 2 TBA Staff 1.00
FRN-311-01 Quebec & French N.America LIPM 201+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Batson, C.R. LCCF/HUL/WAC 1.00
FRN-412-01 Gender & Immigration in France NWSE 116+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Mouflard, C. LCCF/HUL/WAC 1.00
FRN-490A-20 Independent Study TBA Staff 1.00
At the request of the Dept. Chair; students in multiple section courses may be switched from their originally scheduled section in order to optimize enrollment.
GEO-110-01 Intro to Phys Geology w/lab OLIN 307+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Hollocher, K. SCLB/WAC 1.00
GEO-110L-01 Intro to Physical Geology Lab OLIN 332+ T 09:00AM 11:50AM Hollocher, K. 0.00
GEO-110L-02 Intro to Physical Geology Lab OLIN 332+ T 01:55PM 04:45PM Hollocher, K. 0.00
GEO-112-01 Environmental Geology w/Lab Y OLIN 307+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Frey, H. SCLB 1.00
GEO-112L-01 Environmental Geology Lab OLIN 307+ W 01:50PM 04:40PM Frey, H. 0.00
GEO-112L-02 Environmental Geology Lab OLIN 307+ TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Frey, H. 0.00
GEO-201-01 Strat Dep Environ of NY w/Lab Y OLIN 307+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Garver, J. I. WAC 1.00
GEO-201L-01 Strat Dep Environ of NY Lab OLIN 307+ M 01:00PM 04:45PM Garver, J. I. 0.00
GEO-201L-02 Strat Dep Environ of NY Lab OLIN 307+ T 01:00PM 04:45PM Garver, J. I. 0.00
GEO-202-01 Geomorphology W/Lab Y OLIN 306+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Rodbell, D. WAC 1.00
GEO-202L-01 Geomorphology Lab OLIN 306+ M 01:00PM 04:45PM Rodbell, D. 0.00
GEO-202L-02 Geomorphology Lab OLIN 306+ W 01:00PM 04:45PM Rodbell, D. 0.00
GEO-207-01 Stable Isotopes Env Sci W/Lab Y OLIN 307+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Gillikin, D. WAC 1.00
GEO-207L-01 Stable Isotopes Env Sci Lab OLIN 332+ TH 01:00PM 04:45PM Gillikin, D. 0.00
Course # Title Petition Location Meeting Times Instructor CC Credit
Before signing up for your first German course at Union, you must check with the Modern Languages Dept. in Silliman Hall.
GER-100-01 Basic German 1 LIBR 222 MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Ricci Bell, M. 1.00
GER-100-02 Basic German 1 LIBR 222 MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Ricci Bell, M. 1.00
GER-200-01 Intermediate German 1 LIPM 010+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Nelson, E. LCCG 1.00
GER-295H-20 German Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Staff 0.00
GER-296H-20 German Honors Ind Project 2 TBA Staff 1.00
GER-402-01 German Film Studies LIPM 201+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Ricci Bell, M. HUL/LCCG/WAC 1.00
GER-490-01 German Independent Study 1 Ricci Bell, M. 1.00
GER-490-20 German Independent Study 1 TBA Staff 1.00
GRK-103-01 Greek Reading GOLB 103 MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Watkins, S. LCCK 1.00
GRK-331-01 Herodotus & Thucydides LAMT 201 T 01:55PM 03:40PM Toher, M. HUL/LCC/WAC 1.00
LAMT 201 W 05:00PM 06:45PM
GRK-490A-20 Independent Study TBA Staff 1.00
GRK-498-20 Greek Senior Thesis 1 TBA Staff 0.00
GRK-499-20 Greek Senior Thesis 2 TBA Staff WS 1.00
Before signing up for your first Hebrew course at Union, you must check with the Modern Languages Dept. in Silliman Hall.
HEB-100-01 Basic Hebrew 1 Y BEUT 104+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Almog, M. 1.00
Hebrew - Classical______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
HST-121-01 Depression & New Deal LIPM 016+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Morris, A.J. 1.00
HST-124-01 Monuments, Museums, & Movies WLDC 128+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Lawson, M. 1.00
HST-125-01 America in the Sixties LIPM 016+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Feffer, A. 1.00
HST-138-01 Big History LIPM 016+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Walker, M. 1.00
HST-138-02 Big History LIPM 016+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Walker, M. 1.00
HST-145-01 Early Modern Europe WLDC 010+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Ellis, A. 1.00
HST-148-01 Europe Between Two Wars LIPM 101+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Hansen, E. 1.00
HST-184-01 Making Modern India BAIL 102+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Mazumder, R. LCC 1.00
HST-211-01 American Indian History BAIL 104+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Foroughi, A.R. LCC 1.00
HST-225-01 U.S. Environmental History Y NWSE 116+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Morris, A.J. 1.00
HST-240-01 The Crusades NWSE 114+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Sargent, S. 1.00
HST-295H-01 History Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Madancy, J. 0.00
HST-295H-02 History Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Sargent, S. 0.00
HST-295H-20 History Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Staff 0.00
HST-296H-20 History Honors Ind Project 2 TBA Staff 1.00
HST-312-01 Bonds of Womanhood BREZ 106+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Foroughi, A.R. WAC 1.00
HST-323-01 Race & Revolution Y LIPM 201+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Aslakson, K. LCC 1.00
HST-431-01 Seminar: Black Death LIPM 200+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Sargent, S. WAC 1.00
Course # Title Petition Location Meeting Times Instructor CC Credit
*Application required for ISC-080 and is available in OLIN-209.
JPN-102-01 Basic Japanese 3 WLDC 028+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Ueno, J. LCCJ 1.00
JPN-202-25 Intermediate Japanese 3 TBA Lafave, S. LCCJ 1.00
JPN-302-01 Advanced Interm Japanese 3 LAMT 002+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Lafave, S. LCCJ 1.00
JPN-490-01 Japanese Independent Study 1 TBA Ueno, J. 1.00
LAT-101-01 Principles of Latin 1 LIPM 101+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Watkins, S. 1.00
LAT-102-01 Principles of Latin 2 BAIL 104+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Raucci, S. LCCL 1.00
LAT-102-25 Principles of Latin 2 TBA Raucci, S. LCCL 1.00
LAT-237-01 Latin Epic: Ovid Metamorphoses BAIL 100+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Raucci, S. HUL/LCC/WAC 1.00
LAT-490A-20 Independent Study TBA Staff 1.00
LAT-498-20 Latin Senior Thesis 1 TBA Staff 0.00
LAT-499-20 Latin Senior Thesis 2 TBA Staff WS 1.00
HST-323-01 Race & Revolution Y LIPM 201+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Aslakson, K. LCC 1.00
LAS-295H-20 Latin Am Studies Honors Proj 1 TBA Staff 0.00
LAS-296H-20 Latin Am Studies Honors Proj 2 TBA Staff 1.00
LAS-490A-20 Independent Study TBA Staff 1.00
LAS-497-20 Latin Am/Caribb St. Sr. Projct TBA Staff WS 1.00
LAS-498-01 Latin Amer Studies Sr Thesis 1 TBA Meade, T. 0.00
LAS-498-20 Latin Amer Studies Sr Thesis 1 TBA Staff 0.00
LAS-499-20 Latin Amer Studies Sr Thesis 2 TBA Staff WS 1.00
PSC-245-01 Populisms in Latin America OLIN 106+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Seri, G. 1.00
SPN-325-01 One-Act Mexican Theater LIBR 222 MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Garcia, W. LCCS/WAC 1.00
SPN-431-01 Colonial Latin Amer: 1492-1800 BAIL 312+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Mosquera, D. LCC 1.00
LIM-500-01 Introduction to Health Systems LIPM 014+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Goldner, M.A. 1.00
MTH-057-01 Game Theory & Its Applications WLDC 128+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Zwicker, W. QMR 1.00
MTH-064-01 Statistical Thinking BAIL 201+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Hoerl, R. QMR 1.00
MTH-100-01 Calculus With Precalculus Y BAIL 106 MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Rosenthal, K. 1.00
BAIL 106 T 08:00AM 08:50AM
MTH-100-02 Calculus With Precalculus Y BAIL 106 MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Rosenthal, K. 1.00
BAIL 106 TH 08:00AM 08:50AM
MTH-100-03 Calculus With Precalculus Y BAIL 100+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Taylor, A. 1.00
BAIL 100+ T 03:50PM 04:40PM
MTH-110-01 Calculus 1 Y WLDC 128+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Friedman, P. QMR 1.00
WLDC 128+ T 08:00AM 08:50AM
MTH-110-02 Calculus 1 Y OLIN 306+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Jauregui, J. QMR 1.00
OLIN 306+ T 08:00AM 08:50AM
MTH-110-03 Calculus 1 Y BAIL 102+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Khatami, L. QMR 1.00
BAIL 102+ T 08:00AM 08:50AM
MTH-110-04 Calculus 1 Y BAIL 102+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Khatami, L. QMR 1.00
BAIL 102+ T 03:50PM 04:40PM
MTH-110-05 Calculus 1 Y WLDC 225+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Lesh, K. QMR 1.00
WLDC 225+ T 03:50PM 04:40PM
MTH-113-01 AP Calculus Y BAIL 100+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Tonnesen-Friedman, C QMR 1.00
MTH-113-02 AP Calculus Y BAIL 102+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Niefield, S. QMR 1.00
MTH-113-03 AP Calculus Y BAIL 106 MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Wang, J. QMR 1.00
MTH-113-04 AP Calculus Y BAIL 106 MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Wang, J. QMR 1.00
MTH-115-01 Calculus 3 BAIL 201+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Cervone, D.P. 1.00
MTH-115-02 Calculus 3 BAIL 201+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Cervone, D.P. 1.00
MTH-115H-01 Enriched Differential Calc BAIL 104+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Zimmermann, K. 1.00
MTH-117-01 Calculus 4:Integral Vector BAIL 100+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Barbanel, J. 1.00
MTH-117-02 Calculus 4:Integral Vector BAIL 100+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Barbanel, J. 1.00
MTH-127-01 Numerical Methods BAIL 201+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Cervone, D.P. 1.00
MTH-199-01 Intro to Logic & Set Theory Y BAIL 104+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Johnson, B. WAC 1.00
MTH-199-02 Intro to Logic & Set Theory Y BAIL 104+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Johnson, B. WAC 1.00
MTH-219-01 Topics in Discrete Math Y WLDC 128+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Zwicker, W. 1.00
MTH-235-01 Number Theory Y WLDC 128+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Friedman, P. 1.00
Course # Title Petition Location Meeting Times Instructor CC Credit
Mechanical Engineering__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
*If registering for MER-010 as a Senior you are required to register for the co-requisite of MER-497, 498, or 499 as well.
**By Instructor Permission Only.
MLT-250-01 Lang., Identity & Power Japan LIPM 201+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Ueno, J. LCC/HUL/WAC 1.00
MLT-260-01 Vampire As Other E Eur/Am Cult OLIN 115+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Bidoshi, K.A. LCC/HUL 1.00
Organizing Theme________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
PHL-051-01 Ethics Bowl Practicum Y BAIL 102+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Scheiter, K. 0.00
PHL-105-01 Introduction to Ethics BAIL 104+ MW 07:00PM 08:45PM Zaibert, L. 1.00
PHL-110-01 Moral Problems BAIL 106 MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Scheiter, K. 1.00
PHL-123-01 Values & Economic Justice Y LIPM 014+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Schmidt, S.J. 1.00
PHL-174-01 Biomedical Ethics: Intro BAIL 201+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Baker, R. 1.00
PHL-248-01 Philosophy & Current Affairs BEUT 104+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Davis, F. WAC 1.00
PHL-263-01 Issues in Feminism LAMT 002 MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Clark, C.C. 1.00
PHL-295H-01 Philosophy Honors Ind Proj 1 Scheiter, K. 0.00
PHL-295H-20 Philosophy Honors Ind Proj 1 TBA Staff 0.00
PHL-296H-20 Philosophy Honors Ind Proj 2 TBA Staff 1.00
PHL-305-01 Relativism in Ethics & Politic BEUT 104+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Davis, F. WAC 1.00
PHL-408-01 New Directions in Philosophy 1 LAMT 201 MW 07:00PM 08:45PM Davis, F. 0.00
PHL-411-01 Writing Philosophy Workshop 1 TBA MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Baker, R. 0.00
PHL-412-01 Writing Philosophy Workshop 2 LAMT 002 MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Baker, R. WAC 1.00
PHL-418-01 New Directions in Philosophy 2 LAMT 201 MW 07:00PM 08:45PM Davis, F. WAC/S 1.00
PHL-476-01 Philosophy of Law LAMT 002 MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Zaibert, L. 1.00
PHL-490A-20 Independent Study TBA Staff 1.00
PHL-498-01 Philosophy Honors Thesis 1 Barnett, D. 0.00
PHL-498-20 Philosophy Honors Thesis 1 TBA Staff 0.00
PHL-499-20 Philosophy Honors Thesis 2 TBA Staff 1.00
PHY-100-01 First Year Seminar NWSE 304 MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Koopmann, R. SET 1.00
Newman, J.
PHY-110-01 Physics/Life Sciences 1 w/Lab NWSE 114+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Maleki, S. SCLB 1.00
NWSE 114+ T 08:00AM 08:50AM
PHY-110L-01 Physics/Life Sciences 1 Lab NWSE 300 TH 09:00AM 11:50AM Vineyard, M.F. 0.00
PHY-110L-02 Physics/Life Sciences 1 Lab NWSE 300 TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Amanuel, S. 0.00
PHY-111-01 Physics/Life Sciences 2 w/Lab NWSE 114+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM LaBrake, S.M. 1.00
NWSE 114+ TH 08:00AM 08:50AM
PHY-111L-01 Physics/Life Sciences 2 Lab NWSE 304 T 09:00AM 11:50AM Reich, G. 0.00
PHY-111L-02 Physics/Life Sciences 2 Lab NWSE 304 T 01:55PM 04:45PM Reich, G. 0.00
PHY-120-01 Matter in Motion W/Lab Y NWSE 300 MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Vineyard, M.F. SCLB 1.00
NWSE 300 T 09:00AM 10:45AM
PHY-120-02 Matter in Motion W/Lab Y NWSE 300 MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Hallenbeck, G. SCLB 1.00
NWSE 300 T 01:55PM 03:40PM
PHY-121-01 Principles of Electromag W/Lab Y NWSE 304 MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Ray, M. 1.00
NWSE 304 TH 01:55PM 03:40PM
PHY-123-01 Heat, Light & Astronomy w/Lab NWSE 304 MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Amanuel, S. 1.00
NWSE 304 TH 09:00AM 10:45AM
PHY-230-01 Int Classical Mechanics W/Lab NWSE 112+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Maleki, S. 1.00
NWSE 112+ TH 09:00AM 10:45AM
PHY-295H-20 Physics Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Staff 0.00
PHY-296H-20 Physics Honors Ind Project 2 TBA Staff 1.00
PHY-310-01 Adv Topics: Classical Optics NWSE 303 MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Newman, J. 1.00
PHY-310L-01 Adv Topics: Classical Opt Lab NWSE 014 T 01:55PM 04:45PM Newman, J. 0.00
PHY-490-01 Physics Research 1 NWSE 303 W 03:05PM 04:10PM Orzel, C.R. 0.00
PHY-490-02 Physics Research 1 TBA Wilkin, F.P. 0.00
PHY-490-03 Physics Research 1 TBA Koopmann, R. 0.00
PHY-490-04 Physics Research 1 TBA Staff 0.00
PHY-490-05 Physics Research 1 TBA Vineyard, M.F. 0.00
PHY-490-06 Physics Research 1 Amanuel, S. 0.00
PHY-490-20 Physics Research 1 TBA Staff 0.00
PHY-491-20 Physics Research 2 TBA Staff WS 1.00
PHY-495-20 Physics Ind Study 1 TBA Staff 1.00
Course # Title Petition Location Meeting Times Instructor CC Credit
Political Science_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
PSC-111-01 Introduction to U.S. Politics LIPM 012+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Hays, B. SOCS 1.00
PSC-111-02 Introduction to U.S. Politics LIPM 012+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Weiner, T. SOCS 1.00
PSC-112-01 Intro to Global Politics VART 215+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Lobe, T. SOCS 1.00
PSC-113-01 Intro to Political Thought LIPM 012+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Marso, L.J. 1.00
PSC-113-02 Intro to Political Thought LIPM 012+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Brown, C. 1.00
PSC-231-01 Theories of Peace and War OLIN 106+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Seri, G. 1.00
PSC-245-01 Populisms in Latin America OLIN 106+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Seri, G. 1.00
PSC-251-01 American Foreign Policy LIPM 014+ MW 07:00PM 08:45PM Brown, C. 1.00
PSC-254R-01 Politics of Arab Israeli Cnflt LIPM 101+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Lobe, T. WAC 1.00
PSC-268-01 Electoral Politics LIPM 012+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Oxley, Z.M. 1.00
PSC-277-01 Local Political Internships TBA Hislope, R. 1.00
PSC-281-01 Issues in American Education LIPM 016+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Weiner, T. 1.00
PSC-295H-01 Pol Sci Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Dell'Aera, A. 0.00
PSC-295H-20 Pol Sci Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Staff 0.00
PSC-296H-20 Pol Sci Honors Ind Project 2 TBA Staff 1.00
PSC-349-01 Seminar:Comparative Politics Y LIPM 100+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Angrist, M.P. LCC/WAC 1.00
PSC-370-01 Constitutional Law LIPM 016+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Hays, B. 1.00
PSC-490A-20 Independent Study TBA Staff 1.00
PSC-491-01 Political Science Ind Study 2 TBA Angrist, M.P. 1.00
PSC-498-01 Political Sci Senior Thesis 1 TBA Dallas, M. 0.00
PSC-498-02 Political Sci Senior Thesis 1 TBA Oxley, Z.M. 0.00
PSC-498-03 Political Sci Senior Thesis 1 TBA Angrist, M.P. 0.00
PSC-498-04 Political Sci Senior Thesis 1 TBA Brown, C. 0.00
PSC-498-05 Political Sci Senior Thesis 1 TBA Cidam, C. 0.00
PSC-498-06 Political Sci Senior Thesis 1 TBA Dell'Aera, A. 0.00
PSC-498-07 Political Sci Senior Thesis 1 TBA Hays, B. 0.00
PSC-498-08 Political Sci Senior Thesis 1 TBA Hislope, R. 0.00
PSC-498-09 Political Sci Senior Thesis 1 TBA Lobe, T. 0.00
PSC-498-10 Political Sci Senior Thesis 1 TBA Marso, L.J. 0.00
PSC-498-11 Political Sci Senior Thesis 1 TBA Seri, G. 0.00
PSC-498-20 Political Sci Senior Thesis 1 TBA Staff 0.00
PSC-499-20 Political Sci Senior Thesis 2 TBA Staff WS 1.00
*Must register for three additional credit courses.
PSY-100-01 Intro to Psychology BAIL 312+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Morton, L. SOCS 1.00
PSY-100-02 Intro to Psychology BAIL 312+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Wells, E. SOCS 1.00
PSY-100-03 Intro to Psychology BAIL 312+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Morton, L. SOCS 1.00
PSY-200-01 Statistical Methods in Psych Y BAIL 312+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Wells, E. 1.00
PSY-200-02 Statistical Methods in Psych Y BAIL 300 MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Romero, S.G. 1.00
PSY-210-01 Cognitive Neuroscience W/Lab Y BAIL 312+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Chabris, C. SCLB/WAC 1.00
PSY-210L-01 Cognitive Neuroscience Lab TBA T 01:55PM 03:40PM Chabris, C. 0.00
PSY-210L-02 Cognitive Neuroscience Lab BUTR 325+ W 01:50PM 03:35PM Chabris, C. 0.00
PSY-220-01 Psy of Memory & Thinking W/Lab Y BAIL 312+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Burns, D. J. 1.00
PSY-220L-01 Psy of Memory & Thinking Lab BAIL 303 T 01:55PM 03:40PM Burns, D. J. 0.00
PSY-220L-02 Psy of Memory & Thinking Lab BAIL 303 TH 01:55PM 03:40PM Burns, D. J. 0.00
PSY-230-01 Social Psychology Y BAIL 312+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Bizer, G. 1.00
PSY-230-02 Social Psychology Y BAIL 300+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Hart, J.J. 1.00
PSY-240-01 Developmental Psychology Y BAIL 300 MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Stanhope, L. WAC 1.00
PSY-250-01 Abnormal Psychology Y BAIL 100+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Nydegger, R.V. 1.00
PSY-251-01 Personality Y BAIL 300 TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Donaldson, G. 1.00
PSY-295H-01 Psy Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Hart, J.J. 0.00
PSY-295H-02 Psy Honors Ind Project 1 DeBono, K. 0.00
PSY-295H-03 Psy Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Romero, S.G. 0.00
PSY-295H-04 Psy Honors Ind Project 1 Wells, E. 0.00
PSY-315-01 Neural Circuits & Behavior Y BAIL 201+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Olberg, R. 1.00
PSY-350-01 Psychotherapy Y BAIL 300+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Benack, S. 1.00
*PSY-402-01 Honors Colloquium Pt 1 Y TBA Hart, J.J. 0.00
Chabris, C.
PSY-411-01 Clinical Neuropsychology Y BAIL 306 TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Anderson-Hanley, C. WAC/S 1.00
PSY-430-01 Sem in Social Psych: Sports Y STZH 106+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Bizer, G. WAC/S 1.00
PSY-432-01 Love & Death Y BAIL 306 TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Hart, J.J. WAC/S 1.00
Course # Title Petition Location Meeting Times Instructor CC Credit
Religious Studies_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
AAH-101-01 Islamic Art and Architecture VART 215+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Matthew, L. LCC 1.00
CLS-178-01 Ancient World Mythology RCC AUD MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Mueller, H. LCC/WAC 1.00
EGL-265-01 Jewish Women Writers BREZ 106+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Lewin, J.M. WAC 1.00
HST-240-01 The Crusades NWSE 114+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Sargent, S. 1.00
REL-103-01 Intro to Religious Studies BAIL 100 TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Staff HUL/LCC 1.00
REL-280-01 Religion and Science LAMT 201 TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Wegter-Mcnelly, K. 1.00
REL-295H-20 Rel Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Staff 0.00
REL-296H-20 Rel Honors Ind Project 2 TBA Staff 1.00
REL-490-01 Religious Indep. Study TBA Bedford, P. 1.00
REL-490A-20 Independent Study TBA Staff 1.00
REL-498-20 Religious Studies Sr. Thesis 1 TBA Staff 0.00
REL-499-20 Religious Studies Sr Thesis 2 TBA Staff 1.00
Before signing up for your first Russian course at Union, you must check with the Modern Languages Dept. in Silliman Hall.
RUS-100-01 Basic Russian 1 LIPM 010+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Bidoshi, K.A. 1.00
RUS-200-01 Intermediate Russian 1 GOLB 103+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Pease, A. LCCR 1.00
RUS-300-01 Russian Literature 1 BAIL 306 MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Bidoshi, K.A. HUL/LCCR 1.00
RUS-490-01 Russian Independent Study 1 Bidoshi, K.A. 1.00
RUS-490A-01 Independent Study TBA Bidoshi, K.A. 1.00
Scholars Program________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
BIO-050-01 Contemporary Biology w/Lab Y WLDC 225+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Willing, R. SCLB 1.00
BIO-050L-01 Contemporary Biology Lab SWSE 004 TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Willing, R. 0.00
CHM-060-01 Meals to Molecules Y WLDC 028+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Adrian, J.C. SCLB 1.00
OLIN 207 F 01:50PM 04:40PM
CSC-103-01 Taming Big Data W/Lab Y OLIN 107+ M 03:05PM 04:45PM Webb, N. QMR/SET 1.00
OLIN 107+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM
CSC-105-01 Game Development: Intro to CS Y OLIN 107+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Rieffel, J. QMR/SET 1.00
OLIN 107+ T 10:55AM 12:40PM
ECO-332-01 Eco of Technological Change WLDC 225+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Sener, M.F. 1.00
ENS-100-01 Intro to Environ Studies W/Lab Y OLIN 106+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Verheyden, A. SCLB 1.00
ENS-100L-01 Intro to Environ Studies Lab OLIN 332+ M 01:50PM 04:40PM Verheyden, A. 0.00
ENS-100L-02 Intro to Environ Studies Lab OLIN 332+ W 01:50PM 04:40PM Verheyden, A. 0.00
ENS-209-01 Renewable Energy Systems W/Lab OLIN 206+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Wicks, F. SET 1.00
ENS-209L-01 Renewable Energy Systems Lab OLIN 206+ T 01:55PM 03:40PM Wicks, F. 0.00
ENS-252-01 Environmntl Geotechnique W/Lab OLIN 306+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Ghaly, A. SCLB 1.00
ENS-252L-01 Environmntl Geotechniques Lab OLIN 106+ TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Ghaly, A. 0.00
ESC-100-01 Exploring Engineering OLIN 115+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Mafi, M. SET 1.00
Anderson, A.M.
ESC-100L-01 Exploring Engineering Lab WLDC 010+ TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Mafi, M. 0.00
ESC-100L-02 Exploring Engineering Lab WLDC 128+ TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Anderson, A.M. 0.00
ESC-100L-03 Exploring Engineering Lab WLDC 010+ TH 09:00AM 11:50AM Hodgson, D. 0.00
ESC-100L-04 Exploring Engineering Lab BUTR 106+ TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Khetan, S. 0.00
ESC-100L-05 Exploring Engineering Lab OLIN 106+ TH 09:00AM 11:50AM Hanson, H. 0.00
ESC-100L-06 Exploring Engineering Lab NWSE 201+ TH 09:00AM 11:50AM Elacqua, A. 0.00
ESC-100L-07 Exploring Engineering Lab NWSE 201+ TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Elacqua, A. 0.00
ESC-100L-08 Exploring Engineering Lab BUTR 106+ TH 09:00AM 11:50AM Khetan, S. 0.00
GEO-110-01 Intro to Phys Geology w/lab OLIN 307+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Hollocher, K. SCLB/WAC 1.00
GEO-110L-01 Intro to Physical Geology Lab OLIN 332+ T 09:00AM 11:50AM Hollocher, K. 0.00
GEO-110L-02 Intro to Physical Geology Lab OLIN 332+ T 01:55PM 04:45PM Hollocher, K. 0.00
GEO-112-01 Environmental Geology w/Lab Y OLIN 307+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Frey, H. SCLB 1.00
GEO-112L-01 Environmental Geology Lab OLIN 307+ W 01:50PM 04:40PM Frey, H. 0.00
GEO-112L-02 Environmental Geology Lab OLIN 307+ TH 01:55PM 04:45PM Frey, H. 0.00
HST-138-01 Big History LIPM 016+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Walker, M. 1.00
HST-138-02 Big History LIPM 016+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Walker, M. 1.00
MTH-057-01 Game Theory & Its Applications WLDC 128+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Zwicker, W. QMR 1.00
SMT-490A-20 SMT Independent Study TBA Staff 1.00
SMT-498-20 Sci, Med, Tech Thesis Pt 1 TBA Staff 0.00
SMT-499-20 SMT Thesis Part 2 TBA Staff WS 1.00
SOC-372-01 Comparative Health Care System LIPM 014+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Goldner, M.A. 1.00
SOC-100-01 Intro to Sociology LIPM 016+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Grigsby, J. SOCS 1.00
SOC-100-02 Intro to Sociology LIPM 012+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Stablein, T. SOCS 1.00
SOC-203-01 Social Psychology Y BAIL 312+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Bizer, G. 1.00
SOC-203-02 Social Psychology Y BAIL 300+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Hart, J.J. 1.00
SOC-222-01 Schools & Societies OLIN 106+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Cotter, D. 1.00
SOC-262-01 Juvenile Delinquency LIPM 101+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Stablein, T. 1.00
SOC-295H-20 Sociology Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Staff 0.00
SOC-296H-01 Sociology Honors Ind Project 2 TBA Kaplan, I. 1.00
SOC-296H-20 Sociology Honors Ind Project 2 TBA Staff 1.00
SOC-300-01 Quantitative Social Research OLIN 306+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Cotter, D. 1.00
SOC-360-01 Domestic Violence Y OLIN 106+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Gandarilla, S. 1.00
SOC-364-01 Sex & Motherhood LIPM 101+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Grigsby, J. WAC 1.00
SOC-372-01 Comparative Health Care System LIPM 014+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Goldner, M.A. 1.00
SOC-490-01 Sociology Independent Study 1 Stablein, T. 1.00
SOC-490A-20 Independent Study TBA Staff 1.00
SOC-498-01 Sociology Senior Thesis 1 TBA Grigsby, J. 0.00
SOC-498-02 Sociology Senior Thesis 1 TBA Goldner, M.A. 0.00
SOC-498-03 Sociology Senior Thesis 1 TBA Cotter, D. 0.00
SOC-498-04 Sociology Senior Thesis 1 TBA Kaplan, I. 0.00
SOC-498-05 Sociology Senior Thesis 1 TBA Stablein, T. 0.00
SOC-498-20 Sociology Senior Thesis 1 TBA Staff 0.00
SOC-499-20 Sociology Senior Thesis 2 TBA Staff WS 1.00
Course # Title Petition Location Meeting Times Instructor CC Credit
SRS-200-01 Slavery in the United States OLIN 211+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Aslakson, K. 1.00
SRS-200-02 Moral Revolutions LAMT 002 TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Baker, R. 1.00
SRS-200-04 Drugs and Cultures LIPM 012+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Madancy, J. 1.00
SRS-200-05 Colonialism in Africa GREN 105+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Peterson, B. 1.00
SRS-200-06 Cognition in the Wild BUTR 325+ MWF 10:30AM 11:35AM Romero, S.G. 1.00
SRS-200-07 Emergence of Sexuality LIPM 101+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Singy, P. 1.00
SRS-200-08 Alexander the Great BAIL 201+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Toher, M. 1.00
Before signing up for your first Spanish course at Union, you must check with the Modern Languages Dept. in Silliman Hall.
SPN-100-01 Basic Spanish 1 Y BAIL 207+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Moyano, P. 1.00
SPN-200-01 Intermediate Spanish 1 LIBR 232+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Mueller, S. LCCS 1.00
SPN-200-02 Intermediate Spanish 1 BAIL 201+ MWF 03:05PM 04:10PM Osuna, M. LCCS 1.00
SPN-201-01 Intermediate Spanish 2 STZH 106+ MWF 08:00AM 09:05AM Garcia, W. LCCS 1.00
SPN-201-02 Intermediate Spanish 2 STZH 106+ MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Garcia, W. LCCS 1.00
SPN-202-01 Intermediate Spanish 3 BAIL 201+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Osuna, M. LCCS 1.00
SPN-203-01 Advanced Spanish Y WLDC 028+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Moyano, P. LCCS/WAC 1.00
SPN-314-01 Spain Is Different"" BREZ 106+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Mueller, S. LCC/WAC 1.00
SPN-325-01 One-Act Mexican Theater LIBR 222 MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Garcia, W. LCCS/WAC 1.00
SPN-431-01 Colonial Latin Amer: 1492-1800 BAIL 312+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Mosquera, D. LCC 1.00
Studio Arts_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
*Students requesting petitions for AVA-010 will be contacted and must meet with instructor prior to faculty approval.
**Students must bring 35mm SLR film camera to first class and must attend first class to remain enrolled.
ATH-140-01 Amer Musical Theater & Dance VART 215+ TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM Moutillet, M. LCC 1.00
HENL 108 TTH 09:00AM 10:45AM
ATH-151-01 Directing YULM THR MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Finlay, W. 1.00
ATH-231-01 Voice for the Stage HENL 108 TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Culbert, P. 1.00
ATH-295H-20 Theatre Honors Ind Project 1 TBA Staff 0.00
ATH-296H-20 Theatre Honors Ind Project 2 TBA Staff 1.00
ATH-490-20 Theatre Ind Study 1 TBA Staff 1.00
ATH-491-01 Theatre Ind Study 2 TBA Culbert, P. 1.00
ATH-497-20 Theatre Senior Project TBA Staff WS 1.00
ATH-498-20 Theatre Senior Project 1 TBA Staff 0.00
ATH-499-20 Theatre Senior Project 2 TBA Staff WS 1.00
EGL-202-01 Amazons, Saints, and Scholars BAIL 207+ TTH 01:55PM 03:40PM Doyle, K.A. WAC 1.00
EGL-265-01 Jewish Women Writers BREZ 106+ TTH 10:55AM 12:40PM Lewin, J.M. WAC 1.00
FRN-412-01 Gender & Immigration in France NWSE 116+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Mouflard, C. LCCF/HUL/WAC 1.00
HST-125-01 America in the Sixties LIPM 016+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Feffer, A. 1.00
HST-312-01 Bonds of Womanhood BREZ 106+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Foroughi, A.R. WAC 1.00
MLT-250-01 Lang., Identity & Power Japan LIPM 201+ MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Ueno, J. LCC/HUL/WAC 1.00
PHL-263-01 Issues in Feminism LAMT 002 MWF 11:45AM 12:50PM Clark, C.C. 1.00
SOC-360-01 Domestic Violence Y OLIN 106+ MW 03:05PM 04:45PM Gandarilla, S. 1.00
SOC-364-01 Sex & Motherhood LIPM 101+ MWF 01:50PM 02:55PM Grigsby, J. WAC 1.00
WGS-100-01 Intro Women's & Gender Studies RCC 301 MWF 09:15AM 10:20AM Nelson, E. 1.00
WGS-295H-20 Women Gender Honor Ind Proj 1 TBA Staff 0.00
WGS-296H-20 Women Gender Honor Ind Proj 2 TBA Staff 1.00
WGS-498-01 Womens Studies Sr Thesis 1 TBA Foroughi, A.R. 0.00
WGS-498-02 Womens Studies Sr Thesis 1 TBA Batson, C.R. 0.00
Donaldson, G.
WGS-498-20 Womens Studies Sr Thesis 1 TBA Staff 0.00
WGS-499-20 Womens Studies Sr Thesis 2 TBA Staff WS 1.00