Report The Future of
Report The Future of
Report The Future of
Report: The future of category management: Top trends for the next decade
Date: April 28, 2020
When Big Data is incorporated, companies can develop a complete consumer identity strategy;
an authentic and evolving portrait of a consumer and his or her informed shopping trip through
persistent assessment of online and offline behavior along with demographics and
The idea of observing people's actions, habits and behaviors may not seem so innovative, but
being able to observe consumers at the level and use behavioral data models is, in fact,
detrimental to marketers and is fast becoming the core of every identity strategy.
As self-informed surveys increase, behavioral data analysis creates a picture of a consumer based
on their actual behaviors. These behaviors can range from what they buy online and offline to
behaviors as specific as the time of day they like to shop or how often they actually go to the
gym. With the data collected, it is possible to decide which is the ideal content for each of the
segments and which channel is more effective in delivering it. For example, Facebook and
Instagram are a great information bank that allows the clustering of profiles, where it is possible
to segment by sex, age, interests, demographics, among others. This is a huge advantage for
Name: Camila Andrea Ocampo O 2190960
Report: The future of category management: Top trends for the next decade
Date: April 28, 2020
Using big data we can improve consumers' experiences and increase engagement, a real life case
of this is Netflix, it knows how to take advantage of the data that the platform provides, offering
a wide and personalized platform and certainly understanding its market niche has been key to
determine what type of movie or series works best with the female audience or which are the
series that may interest you according to what you have seen.
Intelligent marketing experts are continually developing methods that enhance and expand on the
knowledge gained from traditional qualitative and quantitative research. As a result, consumer
research as a whole is embracing a new wave of audience understanding with the help of Big
To reinvent the consumer experience, you have to take into account the big data; these two issues
are linked, because when you want to offer an unbeatable customer experience, the first thing
you have to do is know who your customer is. And not only having a generic profile of our client
(young 20 years) but knowing each and every one of our clients in detail to be able to adapt the
communication to their specialty. It will be through data analysis that we will be able to know
each consumer so thoroughly. That said, it is important to process and centralize all the data that
can be collected from each consumer. Both online data (interactions in Instagram, purchases in
ecommerce, websites, etc) and offline data (purchases in physical establishments, amounts,
Name: Camila Andrea Ocampo O 2190960
Report: The future of category management: Top trends for the next decade
Date: April 28, 2020
favorite shops). With them, we can have a comprehensive view of the customer, knowing their
tastes and characteristics in detail. It should also be taken into account that most of the data will
Managing these individualized experiences can be a huge task, since the possibilities, like the
customers, are endless. That is why we must use automation to carry out very precise campaigns,
but profitable in effort, time and money invested. Automation allows us to create diverse
scenarios that contemplate the multiple interactions that customers can carry out, and plan how
Although the great transformation of the customer experience is taking place in digital, we must
not forget that the offline channel is still the preferred one for the older generations. The
interaction in the physical store not only has to be of quality reinforcing the customer experience,
but it has to be aligned with the rest of the channels. Employees who carry out this physical
interaction need to have access to the customer data set. This is possible thanks to the clientele.
Customer service is a technique at the point of sale, which aims to incorporate humane treatment
and technology to improve the shopping experience. This tool allows access to all customer
information through a mobile device. In addition, the benefit is twofold because it also allows
store personnel to collect customer information, which is integrated into the customer's history.
Name: Camila Andrea Ocampo O 2190960
Report: The future of category management: Top trends for the next decade
Date: April 28, 2020
When companies develop the customer interaction dimension, they manage to provide a unique
vision of their brand to customers, ensuring the consistency of the experience in the different
channels and simplifying the interaction standards to focus on the experience. However, there is
still potential to better exploit customer segmentation and customer journeys. When the firm
interprets what the customer wants, they follow up on the initiatives they have carried out in
order to act accordingly, they listen to and analyze customer feedback in moments of truth, and
they observe the consumer in order to better understand their behavior and be able to innovate. In
short, it is about identifying and interacting with the most influential people in your brand, and
doing so at the best time, through the best channel and with the right strategic message.
In the world we live in, capturing the attention of stimuli is a growing challenge. It is no longer
enough to create powerful and innovative messages: we must now communicate with each of our
potential customers in a unique way, appealing to their tastes, interests and needs in an
individualized way. Against this backdrop, personalization in our product and service offerings is
key to success. Consumer expectations are higher than ever, which means everyone is redoubling
their efforts. The future of marketing lies in generating relevant, useful and supportive
Name: Camila Andrea Ocampo O 2190960
Report: The future of category management: Top trends for the next decade
Date: April 28, 2020
Brands need statistics and technology to work for today's consumer. Consumers have hundreds
of points of contact along their buying route and it is necessary to identify what is relevant and
what is not. We are introducing innovations and new tools that make attribution, measurement of
business visits and programmatic purchases easier and more effective. Being clear about the
To stay one step ahead of consumer needs, it is important to lay the foundation for working with
mobile devices. Marketers must think about how to optimize the entire brand presence on mobile
devices to ensure success in the future. And here, speed is key. No matter how great your mobile
site looks, if it takes too long to load, users will abort the mission. Business executives would say
that the trend is to continue improving customer interaction and connectivity. The Internet of
Things and the constant advances of 5g technology will have a big impact on marketing in less
than five years. Of course, vendors will continue to focus on mobile transactions, a market that
will grow thanks to the possibilities already offered by major manufacturers such as Apple or
Name: Camila Andrea Ocampo O 2190960
Report: The future of category management: Top trends for the next decade
Date: April 28, 2020
Hetherington. Ruesink. McCourtie. Goodwin (2016). THE FUTURE OF CATEGORY MANAGEMENT.
Ayeli. I, Avery. J(2018) predicción de los gustos del consumidor con big data en Gap. LACC N 518-530,
HBS 517-115.