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A Gis Approach To Analiyze Off Road Transportation

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scietific paper – Izvorni znanstveni rad

A GIS Approach to Analyzing Off-Road

Transportation: a Case Study in Sweden
Sima Mohtashami, Isabelle Bergkvist, Björn Löfgren, Staffan Berg

Abstract – Nacrtak

Off-road driving in logging operations began in Sweden in the 1960s. Those operations took
place at final fellings during winter on prepared ice roads that protected the soil and miti­
gated possible soil damage. Today logging operations are fully mechanized and performed all
year round. Thus forest strip roads may suffer severe impacts from off-road operations. Soil
disturbances may have physical, chemical, biological, hydrological, and economic effects and
affect the water quality. Similar problems are encountered in other regions, where driving
occurs close to watercourses or vulnerable areas. The EU Water Directive has an impact on
operations in forests, creating an incentive for improvements. Ongoing efforts in the design
of vehicles and equipment are likely to improve operations. Soil damage can be avoided by
applying GIS-based planning techniques, and by taking advantage of soil radar-scanned and
ground laser-scanned data sets, which would facilitate safer off-road driving to a great extent.
A case study in southern Sweden revealed that the use of digital planning for the improvement
of strip roads in order to avoid vulnerable terrain made forwarding of timber more profitable.
Using elevation, slope, aspect and soil type digital layers, a model has been created in ‘model
builder’ environment of ArcGIS to build up a cost-index surface, which classifies the terrain
suitability for driving into five different levels. Implementing distance analysis, the model
designs the least costly roads connecting any desired destination to the landing point. The
result of this study reveals that this kind of pre-planning tool can mitigate ecological dam­
ages to soil and water and at the same time it can also assist decision makers to evaluate dif­
ferent possible choices of road layouts regarding preserving sensitive regions in forest lands.
Keywords: GIS-based decision support system; Digital Terrain Model (DTM); ground dam­
age; forest operations; forwarding; planning; rutting; soil

1. Introduction – Uvod In the 1970s, a terrain classification system was de-

veloped to aid the planning of off-road driving in con-
The mechanization of logging operations in Swe- junction with forest operations (Forskning stiftelsen
den and other countries began in the 1960s, and it led Skogsarbeten 1969 and Skogforsk 1992). Recent guide-
to off-road driving in order to bring timber to the land- lines (Ring et al. 2008) addressed the impacts of off-
ing. Those operations took place at final fellings dur- road driving from a water-quality perspective. Off-
ing winter on prepared ice roads, thus protecting the road driving close to surface water increases the
soil and mitigating soil damage. Today, all logging op- surface water sediment load risk. Such sediments
erations are mechanized and performed throughout might be harmful to aquatic organisms (Skogforsk
the year due to the all-year-round fresh timber de- 2008). The guidelines allocate a 5–10 m zone bordering
mands of the pulp industry. Off-road driving is exten- on lakes and streams in order to mitigate sediment
sive on all forest lands during all seasons, even when release into water, avoiding driving on streams and
the ground is vulnerable to soil disturbance. Any pro- wet areas, and utilizing technical devices in order to
fessional forester has to consider the great variety in reduce physical soil disturbance at crossings. Planning
the Swedish landscape in terms of topography, soil is another important tool for reducing such negative
types and surface water. impacts.

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The aim of this paper is to; Swedish environmental objectives (Swedish EPA
Þ elucidate the risky aspects of road driving in for- 2011) regulate several impacts likely to be caused by
est operations with respect to current forms of soil damage in conjunction with forest operations and
legislation. off-road driving. Under the EU Water Framework Di-
Þ investigate ways of mitigating soil damage by rective (Anon. 2000), there is also a legal responsibility
trying out a planning decision support system to maintain the water status. The generally anticipated
in a case study in South-Eastern Sweden. This process leading toward global warming (Peters 1990)
decision support system facilitates routing in is likely to affect the frequency of rainfall, droughts
terrain considering soil, water and restricted ar- and what is nowadays called extreme weather, espe-
eas. Proper route alignment for avoiding prob- cially in Europe (Bolte et al. 2009). The authors believe
able sliding of the loaded forwarders on steep that similar legal and consequent political pressure
slopes was considered as part of this method. will affect forest planning and forest operations.
Þ estimate possible financial gains by evaluating
1.2 Technical means for mitigating ground
different route alternatives at a felling site.
damage – Tehničke mjere za ublažavanje
1.1 Environmental and social significance oštećivanja podloge
Okolišne i socijalne značajke Ground damage is caused when forces and pres-
Primary soil damage in conjunction with off-road sures are exerted on the ground surface via the wheels
driving may have secondary effects that cause physi- or tracks of terrain vehicles. The resultant effect is com-
cal, chemical, biological, hydrological, economic or paction of the soil, skidding, and shearing of vegeta-
aesthetic impacts. Although not specifically regulated tion or soil layers. These effects can technically be
in the environmental standards for forestry, the event avoided either by the design of the machine/vehicle or
of forest certification manifested in schemes like PEFC mitigated via operational skills, for example adjusting
(2012) or FSC (2012) has stressed the importance of vehicle properties by reducing the impact of the load
disturbance control in connection with off-road driv- on the ground (Ziesak 2003; 2004) or the use of ancil-
ing. One reason for this is the less permissive attitude lary equipment (Staland & Larsson 2002) along
to soil disturbance in Central Europe (Hauk 2001; Hil- planned routes to enable passages over brooks or
debrand and Schack Kirchner 2002). Off-road opera- other watercourses. Technical improvements in laser
tions increase soil density down to 50 cm, and decrease scanning have also provided quite precise data layers
soil aeration and thereby reduce root penetration (Eli- representing terrain surfaces in the form of Digital Ter-
asson and Wästerlund 2007). This impact varies with rain Models (DTM). These DTM layers, especially high
moisture content (Ziesak 2003; Yavuzcan et al. 2005). resolution ones, have been quite attractive in support-
Rutting may result in compaction (Jamshidi et al. 2008) ing forestry operations in recent years since they pro-
and adverse driving conditions, leading to costly inter- vide thorough and detailed information about terrain
ruptions and breakdowns, which eventually increase topography (i.e. terrain elevation and steepness),
the energy use and related emissions. Reduction of soil which in turn are used to choose the best skidding
disturbances at off-road operations can be beneficial system in complex forest fields (Lubello 2008; Vega et
both for the environment and for operational cost re- al. 2009). Krč and Košir (2008) have also used Digital
duction. Physical soil disturbances may affect ecosys- Elevation Models (DEM) to develop a model for ter-
tem pools of C and N in the soil (Finér et al. 2003).
rain classification based on the best predicted skidding
European environmental policies stipulate that pro-
direction on steep terrain. Benefiting from DEM along
cesses in agriculture and forestry (e.g. draining, off-
with other inventory information about the rockiness
road driving and harvesting) which in general reduce
and stoniness of a terrain, Mihelič and Krč (2009) ana-
C storage, should be avoided (Anon. 2004 and 2006).
lyzed how to define new skidding systems or forward-
Increased nitrate leaching is commonly found after
ing possibilities on different terrain classes in Slovenia.
clear cutting and soil scarification (Ring et al. 2008).
Logging tracks often induce similar disturbances to High resolution DTMs are also used to define var-
the soil and thus there is a risk of elevated N-mineral- ious soil wetness indexes like the Depth to Water In-
ization and denitrification in these areas. Final fellings dex, DTW (Murphy et al. 2008), and Compound Top-
might result in the discharge of Hg and its consequent ographic Index (CTI) (Goetz 2010), to predict
accumulation in fish (Bishop et al. 2009). This might vegetation terrain types and ground bearing capacity
be attributed to anoxic conditions in the soil caused by in forest lands which are of great help for planning
the raised water level in tracks. silvicultural activities.

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A GIS Approach to Analyzing Off-Road Transportation: a Case Study in Sweden (275–284) S. Mohtashami et al.

1.3 Design of machines – Konstrukcija strojeva evant knowledge, evaluate possible alternatives and,
Via machinery design, basic properties of a ma- finally, make appropriate decisions. A number of re-
chine impact can be altered and adjusted to actual searchers have assessed the trafficability of terrain
conditions. This can be done by adjusting the wheel types for different goals with the aid of GIS. Initially,
pressure exerted on the soil through changing the tire GIS was used for military off-road planning (Lubello
pressure (wheel width) or using wider tires (Jonsson 2008), and gradually it was introduced in the fields of
2011). Tracks might be added in order to distribute agriculture and forestry. In most cases, GIS has been
forces more evenly over the ground surface, which used for choosing the optimal routes out of a number
itself will enhance the risk of shearing at turns. By ad- of already-existing possible networks: Rongzu and
justing the air pressure in the tires to the soil and the Mikkonen (2004) used GIS to provide an optimized
load or vice versa, the operator has the means of re- wood logistics GIS model based on a combined cost
ducing ground damage (rut depths). Tests made with surface created from road transport costs and off-road
a CTI-system (Löfgren 1994) on a forwarder showed transport cost surfaces. Pentek et al. (2005) used GIS to
that the rut depth of 600 mm – wide tires with low analyze the quality and quantity of an existing forest
pressure is the same as that of 800 mm – wide tires and road network to determine potentials for planning fu-
high pressure. Basic machine properties have an im- ture routes. Suvinen (2006) used a GIS-based simula-
pact on the ability to negotiate terrain. Positioning of tion model to assess terrain tractability regarding two
the wheels before driving over obstacles using hydro- sets of constant and dynamic factors as well as ma-
static driving may be beneficial. The reduction and chine characteristics to suggest a proper route layout
damping of vibrations has a similar effect (Baez 2008). for different load/terrain conditions. However, lateral
Geometric design is the determining factor for a ben- inclination, which is an essential factor for properly
eficial distribution of pressure on the wheels. guiding a machine on steep terrain, was neglected in
that study.
1.4 Supporting equipment – Pomoćna oprema
With the aid of different sorts of technical equip- 2. Materials and methods – Materijal i
ment, it is possible to reduce the damage to virtually metode
nil; however, there is a cost and the issue is to have the
required equipment on the right spot at the right occa- 2.1 Study area and scenario definition – Područje
sion. The means for doing this are fixed or temporary istraživanja i definiranje scenarija
bridges along the hauling route, or carrying prefabri- The study area under consideration was the prop-
cated bridges for immediate use, for example when erty of Selesjö in Östergötland, located in South-Eastern
crossing a ditch. Other solutions are to work with Sweden, and it was mainly dominated by Norway
ground cover rigs made of timber or tire mats. More- spruce and Scots pine, Fig. 1. In the close vicinity of the
over, the use of harvest residues and downgraded harvesting site, with an area of 6.72 ha, a possible land-
wood logs constitute other possible means. Residues or ing point was selected, where the harvested timbers
straw can be spread out along the hauling route in order were to be stored for further operations. This landing
to mitigate the ground damage when passing over sen- point was to be reached from 4 arbitrary destination
sitive spots (Eliasson 2007; Saunders and Ireland 2005). points at the harvesting site. However, there was a wet-
Consequently, it is important to plan the harvesting of land between the landing point and part of the stands,
residues, considering where the residues are needed to which needed to be protected against driving damage.
improve the bearing capacity of the ground, and where This area as well as other existing sensitive parts, like
they could be harvested as forest fuel. ditches and streams, were called ‘No Go’ areas and were
totally excluded for the purpose of locating the routes.
1.5 Planning – Planiranje Possible route alignment to reach the destination points
The issue of the right application of routes and an- with minimum disturbances to the surrounding envi-
cillary equipment, as well as where the residues ronment was evaluated under two different scenarios:
should be used on the forest road, is coordinated by in Scenario 1, the routes were expected to go beyond the
planning. In order to plan the operations and utilize wetland and reach the landing point, while in Scenario
the ancillary equipment, updated maps are manda- 2 the possibility of building a corduroy road to pass the
tory. Planning based on the Geographic Information wetland was analyzed to see how the route layout
System (GIS) is a great step forward compared to for- would have to be adjusted to the new conditions and
mer methods as it is feasible to explore a variety of how much it could reduce the cost of transportation
digital layers of information, extract the required rel- by providing shorter route stretches.

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Fig. 1 Location of the study area on a map of the world (left) and in Sweden (right)
Slika 1. Područje istraživanja na karti svijeta (lijevo) i u Švedskoj (desno)

2.2 Input data and software – Ulazni podaci i Spatial Analysis and the 3D Analysis extensions were
softver used to build up the desired model within the ‘Model
Builder’ environment of ArcGIS.
Data layers used in this model were as follows: a
high resolution, 0.5 × 0.5 meter Digital Terrain Model
2.3 Procedure of the analysis – Postupak analize
(DTM), FORAN SingleTree® Laser Method, which are
both the products of high density, 8–10 points/m2, and Planning sustainable forestry operations requires
laser scanning of the area using Foran Remote Sensing simultaneous consideration of the economic and eco-
AB. The former layer was in raster format and the lat- logical values in the forest. These two aspects do not
ter was in point format, containing information about always introduce similar approaches for forest manag-
tree species, crown diameter, stem diameter and the ers in practice and consequently there is always an
gross volume of stands. Slope and Aspect grid layers essential need to reach a consensus among all the
were extracted from the DTM and were used to evalu- stakeholders regarding evaluating and integrating
ate the topography of the study area. All the grid ma- various criteria and making the best decision. Eastman
terials were reclassified to a coarser resolution of 4 × 4 et al. (1998) defined it so simply: »decision is a choice
to be sure that each pixel can support the width of between alternatives«, and Multi-Criteria Decision
forwarders. Soil types, in polygon format, provided Analysis (MCDA) is a procedure that can unify sev-
by the Swedish Geological Research Institute (SGU), eral attributes and/or objectives as part of the decision-
represented different textures of the soil in the area. making process (Malczewski 2006). Therefore, this
Environmentally-sensitive spots such as nature re- procedure formed the basis of the analysis for finding
serves, key biotopes and habitat-protected regions as the optimal routes in this study. Weighted Linear
well as historical values, were prepared by the Swed- Combination (WLC) was the rule applied in this pro-
ish Forest Agency, or Skogsstyrelsen (2011); these ar- cess as it was compatible with the ArcGIS software.
eas were to be set aside as protected. Separate shape Applying MCDA, elevation, slope and soil types
layers localizing the landing point (source) and the were regarded as the most determining factors for es-
destinations were other inputs in the model. In this timating different levels of suitability of the area for
study, the 10th version of the ArcGIS software pack- driving. Since soil bearing capacity for supporting mas-
ages provided by the Environmental Systems Re- sive forest machinery has a direct relation with the de-
search Institute, Inc. (ESRI 2012), including ArcMap, gree of soil moisture, it has been assumed that the
ArcCatalog were used for data preparation, data pro- lower the elevation in an area, the higher the probabil-
cessing, information exploration, evaluation and, ulti- ity of having wetness in soil would be, and thus the
mately, for viewing the final results. The Slope, Aspect, worse the ground conditions for driving would be. Fol-
Path Distance and Cost Path tools available from the lowing this assumption, the elevation layer was used as

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A GIS Approach to Analyzing Off-Road Transportation: a Case Study in Sweden (275–284) S. Mohtashami et al.

Table 1 Summary of data reclassification for cost-index surface weights and was used as a complementary layer to find
preparation the areas with the best bearing capacity, and finally Slope
Tablica 1. Zbirni prikaz razredbe podataka za pripremu vrijednosnih gained the remaining 30% in order to avoid technical
indeksa površine problems under operational conditions. Later on, soil
classes with unsuitable bearing conditions (such as wet-
Factor classification – Razredba faktora lands, peat lands), as well as steep slopes (> 18 degrees)
Original values Cost-index values and ditches were regarded as constraints on the study
Faktori area and were extracted from the cost-index surface by
Izvorne vrijednosti Vrijednosti indeksa
assigning »No Data« to their values and visualized with
65–60 1 the darkest grey color in Fig. 2 and Figure 3. Afterwards,
60–55 2 feeding the cost-index surface as a cost raster into the
Visina Path Distance tool together with the landing point lay-
55–50 3
(46–65 metres) er, as the source, with DTM layer as the surface raster
50–46 5
and Aspect as the horizontal factor into the Path Dis-
0–6 1 tance tool, the least accumulative cost of getting back to
Slope 6–11 2 the landing point, raster distance, and also the proper
Nagib 11–18 3 direction of moving to the neighboring cell, backlink
(0–90 degrees) 18–27 4 raster, was determined at this stage. A maximum incli-
nation of 5 degrees with respect to the slope direction
27–90 5
of the ground was meant to be achieved for the route
Soil classes Rocks-outcrop 1 layouts. This was implemented by applying the hori-
Tipovi tla Till 3 zontal factor parameters in the Path Distance tool. The
Silt 5 Aspect layer, defining the direction of the slope of the
ground, was used as the input horizontal raster. The
horizontal factor was set as a table type in ASCI format.
This table consists of two columns; the first one is called
a simple model to identify the risky wet parts in the
the Horizontal Relative Moving Angle (HRMA) and
area. Slope layer was used to quantify the terrain steep-
defines the relationship of the moving direction with
ness and to avoid driving on steep terrains (slope > 18
respect to the horizontal direction of the terrain, while
degrees). The soil type layer was used to find water
the second column is called the Horizontal Factor (HF),
courses, wetlands and similar sensitive parts in the area.
These three layers were reclassified to a new scale of 1 and defines the difficulty of moving from one cell to
to 5, called a cost index, in order to have a common scale another (ESRI 2011). In this case, all the HRMA between
for defining the suitability of the ground for terrain 5 and 175 degrees, which indicate uphill or downhill
driving on all layers. The better the driving conditions, movement with too much tilting, were assigned very
the lower the assigned cost index value to the corre- high HF (100), while for other HRMA (0 ≤ HRMA ≤ 5
sponding class in each of the data layers was, Table 1. degree or 175 ≤ HRMA ≤ 180) that would not cause too
much tilting on the terrain, the HF varied linearly be-
For example the elevation values in this area
tween a value of 1 to 5; the smaller the tilting, the lower
ranged between 46 and 65, and therefore it was reclas-
the assigned HF was.
sified so that the values between 46 and 50 got the cost
index (5), elevations between 50 and 55 got the cost in- The formula applied to calculate the values of the
dex (3), elevations between 55 and 60 got the cost index raster distance in Path Distance tool is (ESRI 2011):
(2), and the highest part with elevations between 60 and Þ For perpendicular movement:
65 got the minimum cost index (1). Finally, in order to Cost_distance = Cost_Surface * Surface_distance *
integrate all these input layers into a single cost-index {[Friction(a)* Horizontal_factor(a) + Friction(b) *
layer with 5 levels of suitability, different weights of Horizontal_factor(b)] / 2} * Vertical_factor
importance were assigned to them based on ideas from
Þ For diagonal movement:
a panel of 7 experts at the Forestry Research Institute of
Sweden; Skogforsk. Elevation resulted in a weight gain Cost_distance = Cost_Surface * Surface_distance *
of 50%, since in this case it had much better precision 1.414214 * {[Friction(a) * Horizontal_factor(a) +
compared to the soil type layer for predicting where the Friction(b) * Horizontal_factor(b)] / 2} * Vertical_
moist soil texture could be located. Flat and low elevat- factor
ed areas are assumed to be wet and unsuitable for driv- The outcomes of this part aligned with the destina-
ing. The soil type layer gained 20% in terms of the tion layer were inserted into the Cost Path tool to de-

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sign the route layout in the harvesting site. As ex- ers the opportunity of comparing the route alignments
plained earlier, a wetland was located in the way of in two different scenarios, with or without a corduroy
connecting the destinations within the site to the land- road, in order to find the most appropriate course of
ing point, outside the harvesting border. In Scenario 1, action. In this case, it was conceived that following the
the model was supposed to plan the routes by going route design in Scenario 2 and building a corduroy
beyond this restricted part, while in Scenario 2, a strip road on the preserved wetland could contribute to a
with the minimum cost-index (1) was added to the reduction of almost 700 m in the length of the routes
cost-index surface, over the wetland to a corduroy to be passed from the destination points to the landing
road that could be built on the wetland and contribute point. Using the FORAN SingleTree® Laser Method
to a different route layout in the field. layer, the standing volume in the southern and central
part of the area was measured as almost 2 526 m3. This
is actually the timber volume on the part that would
3. Results – Rezultati be connected to the harvesting point through the cor-
The model suggested the routes with the lowest duroy road. The following table describes the equiva-
cost index within the context of two different scenari- lent volume in solid over bark and in tons, Table 2.
os (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). Both of these two route align- Thus, having almost 1 573 tons of timber at this site,
ments are promising for reducing soil and water dis- and assuming the maximum possible load of large
turbances by suggesting the routes on the lowest (PONSSE ElephantKing) forwarders to be 20 tons, the
cost-index values (i.e. the best driving conditions), number of loaded forwarders required for collecting
while compensating for the surface distance and slope the timber is 79, which would result in 158 (79×2) pas-
directions. Moreover, this model gives decision mak- sages of the mentioned forwarder over the terrain.

Fig. 2 Least costly routes suggested by the model for Scenario 1 Fig. 3 Least costly routes suggested by the model for Scenario 2
Slika 2. Izvozni pravci predloženi modelom za inačicu 1 Slika 3. Izvozni pravci predloženi modelom za inačicu 2

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A GIS Approach to Analyzing Off-Road Transportation: a Case Study in Sweden (275–284) S. Mohtashami et al.

Table 2 Timber stands described as m3 standing and volume solid probably more economically rewarding and are likely
over bark and mass as metric tons to be asked for by planners, decision-makers or auditors
Tablica 2. Sastojinske značajke; drvo na panju u m3, obujam s ko- from any certification agency. The case investigated in
rom i masa u tonama this study demonstrated that a practical application of
available digital information and models for the plan-
m3 standing m3 solid over bark Tons ning and construction of alternative shorter and better
routes in fact resulted in improved profitability of tim-
Drvo na panju u m Obujam s korom u m3 Masa u tonama
2 526 2 097* 1 573** ber forwarding. Applied in a wider context, such im-
provements might result in substantial monetary sav-
* Conversion factor: m3 solid over bark/m3 standing = 0.83 ings and less disturbance to soil and water.
** Conversion factor: tons/ m3 solid over bark to = 0.75
The impact any vehicle has on soils is influenced
by its basic design, its wheels, and its load. The dam-
Based on the experts’ ideas at the Forestry Research In- age caused is a combination of the driving and plan-
stitute of Sweden, it has been assumed that the maxi- ning applied. Improvements in machine properties
mum velocity of a large forwarder is 0.8 m/s and its will take a long time before they have an effect on the
average operational cost is 85 Euro/hour. Thus, the sec- fleet of logging machines, and some will be more ef-
ond route layout over the corduroy road would result fective than others. Planning tools will have an im-
in a reduction of EUR 3,200 for the whole forwarding mediate effect and will enable better allocation of log-
operation. The estimated cost of constructing the cor- ging machines to appropriate logging areas.
duroy road was EUR 500, according to a panel of ex-
perts, which is less than the operational cost saving in Acknowledgement – Zahvala
Scenario 2 and therefore makes it more profitable.
This research was performed at the Swedish For-
estry Research Institute, Skogforsk, and the authors
4. Discussion and Conclusion – Rasprava i would like to thank the program managers Johan
zaključci Sonesson and Magnus Thor for their valuable support.
Dr. Wayne McCallum is also acknowledged for his
Anticipated changes due to global warming and help in checking the authors’ English. The editor and
international agreements require well-considered reviewers are thanked for their comments and recom-
planning of forest operations. The negative chemical, mendations.
biological and physical consequence of soil damage is
proven (e.g. Finér et al. 2003; Bishop et al. 2009). As a
result of legislation and forest certification, it is impor- 5. References – Literatura
tant to show that operation managers have identified Anon. 2000: Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parlia-
this aspect, and actions have been undertaken in order ment of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a frame-
to remedy or improve deviations from the standards, work for community action in the field of water policy. L
which means that the operations must be close to best 237/1 EN Official Journal of the European Union 22/12/2004.
practices. Anon. 2004: Directive 2004/35/EC of the European Parlia-
Means are available for mitigating damage, name- ment and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on environmental
ly equipment for crossing water streams and wetlands, liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of en-
vironmental damage. L 143/56 EN Official Journal of the
or tracks to mitigate rutting, but their successful use
European Union 30/4/2004.
depends on access to relevant terrain information. Not
just any equipment will be used when the right equip- Anon. 2006: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parlia-
ment is not available when needed. The advent of bet- ment and of the Council establishing a framework for the
protection of soil and amending Directive 2004/35/EC.COM
ter pre-planning tools with the aid of GIS can facilitate
(2006) 232 final 2006/0086 (COD). Commission of the Euro-
that. High-resolution digital terrain models generated pean Communities Brussels, 22/9/2006.
from laser scanning of the forest lands have improved
the task of planning by providing comprehensive de- Bishop, K., Allan, C., Bringmark, L., Garcia E., Hellsten, S.,
Högbom, L., Johansson, K., Lomander.A., Meill, M., Munthe,
tails about the terrain structure e.g. elevation, slope,
J., Nilsson, M., Porvari, P., Skyllberg, U., Sörensen, R., Zetter-
etc. The digital maps in general use, with information berg, T., Åkerblom, S., 2009: The Effects of Forestry on Hg
about factors such as wetland areas or other objects of Bioaccumulation in Nemoral/Boreal Waters and Recommen-
concern to be safeguarded, can ensure improved plans dations for Good Silvicultural Practice. AMBIO 38(7): 373–
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Raščlamba terenskoga transporta uz pomoć GIS-a: primjer iz Švedske

Izvoženje drva pri njegovu pridobivanju započelo je u Švedskoj 1960-ih godina. Taj se oblik primarnoga trans­
porta obavljao nakon dovršnih sječa tijekom zime na pripremljenim zaleđenim sekundarnim prometnicama, što je
štitilo šumsko tlo i ublažavalo njegovo moguće oštećivanje. Današnji šumski radovi u potpunosti su mehanizirani i
provode se cijele godine. Zbog toga su sekundarne šumske prometnice (vlake i putovi) pod značajnim utjecajem ra­
dova koji se provode u šumskom bespuću. Oštećivanje tla izaziva mehaničke, kemijske, biološke (smanjen prirast),
hidrološke i ekonomske promjene i narušava kakvoću podzemnih i površinskh voda zbog prekomjernoga otpuštanja
zagađivača, kao što je metil-živa koja nastaje od anorganske žive u anaerobnim uvjetima u jezerima ili rijekama (http://
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaerobic_organism). Slični problemi pojavljuju se i u drugim regijama, gdje se privlačenje
drva izvodi u blizini vodotoka ili u područjima podložnim oštećenju tijekom toplijih godišnjih razdoblja. Direktiva
Europske unije o vodama utječe na šumske radove tako što stvara poticajno okruženje za ublažavanje i otklanjanje
tih problema. Trenutačni napori u konstrukciji vozila i pripadajuće opreme vjerojatno će poboljšati provedbu šumskih
radova. Oštećivanje tla može se izbjeći primjenom privremenih prijelaza preko ugroženoga područja ili pomoćne
opreme, ali i upotrebom nove generacije tehnika i tehnologija laserskoga skeniranja u šumama, s 8–10 lokacija po
kvadratnom kilometru, koje pruža prilično precizne podatke o sastojinskim i terenskim značajkama.
Ta je vrsta sustava za pomoć pri donošenju odluka o određivanju izvoznih pravaca s manjim posljedicama za okoliš
bila izrađena i testirana u pokusnom području smještenom u jugoistočnoj Švedskoj. Različiti digitalizirani slojevi, na
primjer nadmorska visina i nagib, izlučeni su iz digitalnoga modela reljefa visoke razlučivosti (0,5 m × 0,5 m) radi
pronalaženja najpovoljnijih područja za vožnju izbjegavajući pri tome tehničke probleme koji se javljaju na strmim
terenima. Ti su slojevi bili združeni sa slojevima tipova tla i zaštićenih područja da bi se dobila osnovna karta vrijed­
nosnoga indeksa područja. Ta karta dijeli područje u pet razina prikladnosti za vožnju primjenom razredbe koja se
zove vrijednosni indeks. Niži indeks označuje pogodniji teren s obzirom na nosivost tla. U sljedećem koraku pomoću
navedenoga indeksa vrijednosti površine model pronalazi najkraće putove najmanjega kumulativnoga vrijednosnoga
indeksa spajajući bilo koje željeno odredište u sječini s odabranom lokacijom pomoćnoga stovarišta. Svakako, u tom

Croat. j. for. eng. 33(2012)2 283

S. Mohtashami et al. A GIS Approach to Analyzing Off-Road Transportation: a Case Study in Sweden (275–284)

je studijskom području močvara, koja je trebala biti izuzeta od vožnje, bila locirana uz pomoćno stovarište, što je
zahtijevalo da se pri planiranju procijene dva različita pristupa izradi izvoznih pravaca za prikupljanje drva, 1)
vožnjom iza močvare i dosegom odredišta u sječini za utovar drva, ili 2) izgrađivanjem prijelaza preko močvare radi
dolaska do pomoćnoga stovarišta. Rezultati su pokazali smanjenje udaljenosti vožnje dobivene prelaskom preko
izgrađenoga mosta uz smanjenje operativnih troškova, ali i povećanje troškova zbog izgradnje mosta, do čega se došlo
uz pomoć opisanoga modela za planiranje izvoznih putova.
Ključne riječi: sustav GIS za pomoć pri odlučivanju, digitalni model reljefa, oštećivanje tla, šumski radovi,
izvoženje drva, planiranje, gaženje, tlo

Authors’ addresses – Adrese autorâ:

Sima Mohtashami, MSc.
Isabelle Bergkvist, MSc.
Björn Löfgren, PhD.
Staffan Berg, Doctor in forestry*
The Forest Research Institute of Sweden
Received (Primljeno): February 17, 2012 SE-90183 Uppsala Science Park
Accepted (Prihvaćeno): April 30, 2012 SWEDEN

284 Croat. j. for. eng. 33(2012)2

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