Internet Quiz

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Internet Quiz

Note :

1. There are 35 questions ,the one who answers most of questions correctly within the given time wins.

2. You need to submit back to reception in assigned time ,else will not be accepted.

3. Answers should be written on the sheet of paper we have provided.

1. What is an ISP?

2. Which are Top three Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in India?

3. Which state in India has the highest number of Internet service providers

4. Which is the largest Internet service provider (ISP) in Asia?

5. What is the difference between surfing and browsing?

6. What is considered the "backbone" of the World Wide Web?

a. url

b. html

c. http

7. What is a search engine?

8. Name the website of yahoo which failed to compete with facebook and
orkut ?

9. What was the initial storage capacity gmail had provided users ?

10. What is a URL field ?

11. What does HTTP stand for?

12. What do u mean by torrenting ?

13. Who are the watch dogs of crime in internet ?

14. Documents, spread sheets and presentations can be opened in internet

using ?

15. What do u mean by spam ?

16. Why do we need phishing filter while accessing internet ?

17. What do following have in common: (a) Mozilla, (b)Konqueror, (c) Amaya,
(d) Enigma, &(e) Arena?

18. What is RSS ?

19. What is Wi-Max ?

20. Country with the highest percentage of net users is?

21. Name the fathers of internet ?

22. What is web crawler?

23. Which one of the following is NOT an example of an extension in a URL?

a. .tc

b. .edu

c. .npr

d. .com

24. A computer on the Internet that hosts data, that can be accessed by web
browsers using HTTP is known as?

25. What is web log ?

26. What do the following have in common:(a)ChiBrow,


27. What's one way you can use the Internet without using HTTP?

a. Using a browser

b. Accessing e-mail

c. Using a telephone

28.The Internet began with the development of:



c. Ethernet

29.Who coined the term Web 2.0?

a. Tim O'Reilly

b. Dale Dougherty
c. Steve Jobs

30.What's an example of a Web 1.0 site?

a. An online bookstore that lets customers post reviews

b. A social networking site that lets userts share photos and make public

c. An official online encyclopedia

31. What are the three main search expressions, or operators, recognized by
Boolean logic?





32. Which of the following is a true statement about the Internet and the library?

a. They both have an expert librarian or specialist to answer your questions.

b. They both provide up-to-the-minute news and information.

c. They both close after hours.

d. They both provide access to newspapers, magazines, and journals.

33. The Internet was originally developed by whom?

a. computer hackers

b. a corporation

c. the U.S. Department of Defense

d. the University of Michigan

34. What do you mean by microbrowser ?

35. What is the approximate Number of Internet service providers (ISPs)


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