HE Heosophical Ociety: Winter 2 6 L S

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THE OBJECTS OF THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY: To form a nucleus of the Universal Brother
& Sisterhood of Humanity regardless of race, sex, caste, creed or color. To encourage the
study of comparative religion, philosophy and science. To investigate the unexplained laws of
nature and the powers latent in humanity.

Unless otherwise announced, all lectures are presented Sundays from 1:30 to approx.
3:00 PM and are held in room 1500 on the 1st floor of Posvar Hall (formerly the
Forbes Quad. classroom building) on the Campus of Pitt University (next to Hillman
Library). Attendees need not be a member of the society. Unless otherwise indicated,
all programs may be attended free of charge. Call our 24-hour automated phone
system at (412) 462-4200 for the most current information on lectures and Society
sponsored events. This number will have all the latest information on weather and
unforeseen cancellations. Officers can be reached at this same number.

19th THE “WORK”
An Overview of the Philosophy of G. I. Gurdjieff – Bill Heath with Ron Fry
Come join us for the opening lecture of the winter lecture series with an investigation of the
esoteric teachings of G. I. Gurdjieff. Bill Heath has been studying and teaching Gurdjieff’s
“Work” for over a quarter century and has received his teaching from Mr. Thomas Forman
who studied directly with both Gurdjieff and P.D. Ouspenskyi.


The New Consciousness – Nancy McGowan
Unity in Motion is The New Consciousness – not a form of motion directed at simply “feeling
better”. Through participating in the practice one can feel a whole new sense of energy and
clarity as our bodies become fully connected to the EXPERIENCE of Universal Balance of

The Theosophical Society in Pittsburgh
February Cont.
energy and clarity. Rediscovering our Essential Self as Self-Equilibrium occurs through
unifying all our Centers and is a study that matches the human self with the Universal Self.
This is the Self-living as the whole movement – the movement of life.


MARKET EXCHANGE & JUSTICE – William Clare Roberts
Dr Roberts will be speaking on the relationship between everyday practices of market
exchange and our concepts of justice. In particular, He’ll be looking at Greek tragedy and at
Aristotle’s theory of justice in order to show that a non-market understanding of justice as
appropriate judgement is at odds with market-based understanding of justice as balancing costs
and benefits.

Movie version of Herman Hesse’s epic novel about one man’s encounter with forces of enlightenment.
Out of print and hard to rent… a must see.. (See description: Page 4)

19th EXISTANCE & NON-EXISTANCE – Andrew Nicholson

Dr. Nicholson will discuss Indian theories of the existence and non-existence of the world.
While some schools of Indian philosophy teach that this world is unimportant or even illusory
(“maya”), others affirm its reality and assert the importance of this-worldly ethical action.
Drawing on the latest research in the history of Indian philosophy, Dr. Nicholson will discuss a
few of the many different approaches traditional Indian philosophers take to questions of
illusion and reality.


Turning It Back on Itself – Andrew Nesky
At the center of creation lies a hunger – a predator intent on its next meal. Some have called it
Ouroboros others have called it Kirtimukha (Face of Glory) - its significance is that in its last
act of perfect hunger it begins to eat itself. What is this beast and what does it mean for us?
Join Theosophical Society President Andrew Nesky for a Socratic investigation into… the
A New Model for the Values that Shape Our World – Damon Che
Understanding Spiral Dynamics allows one to understand what drives the thinking and behavior
of any person or group. Learn how to communicate with them, manage them, help them – or
defend yourself from them! It also helps one to better understand one’s own motives, actions
and personal evolution. Spiral Dynamics investigates the real driving force between national
and international conflicts that seem to be about religion, class, gender, politics, economics,
nationalism, and other common distinctions. Learn how common perceptions about the
solutions to these problems don’t work – and what really needs to be done to resolve them.

April Cont.
THE TRANSFORMATION OF MAN: Part 1 – A dialogue between J. Krishnamurti, Physicist
Dr. David Bohm and Psychologist Dr. David Shainberg. (See Description Page 4)


In the West, most of us are raised with the idea that the creation story in the King James version
of Genesis is truth. However, when this same passage is read using alternate translations and
the numbers corresponding to Hebrew letter, a very different picture appears. In one hour, we
will only skim the surface of Genesis 2 and 3 and (hopefully) stimulate your interest for further


Look for the Spring Lecture Series calendar!

Speaker’s Biographies
Damon Che - a local area musician and recording artist - has spent the last 20 years performing in around a dozen
countries. He is also a participant in Centerpionte Research Institute’s Holosync program where he came into contact
with the biopsychosocial development that is Spiral Dynamics which he practices and is always excited to teach and
discuss with others

Bob Heath was raised in Protestant churches (Evangelical, Baptist, and Presbyterian) and always had a strong sense
that something was missing or hidden from view. He studied Christian theology, learned Greek, read and studied the
scriptures in search of their hidden meanings. After much studying, he realized that by searching alone, and
searching only in a cerebral way would not lead to any understanding of higher matters. He joined the “Work”
(Gurdjieff’s teachings) in Cleveland 25 years ago. He worked with Mr. Thomas Forman for many years until his
passing. Through Mr. Forman He learned in part how to search. Mr. Forman has worked directly with G. I.
Gurdjieff and P.D. Ouspenskyi. Occupationally he is an ecosystem ecologist working on the Great Lakes and a
biology professor at Kent State University.

Nancy McGowan is a Unity in Motion Master teacher who has committed the last 30 years advancing and
forwarding work relating to Health, Wholeness and Well Being. When Unity in Motion came into her life she felt
that everything she had done relating to health and wholeness now made even more sense. Here was the technology
that she could access the true full spectrum of her mind her body and her emotions into the experience of Unity.
Through her practice she was paying attention to the learning that was making her feel a whole lot better, but also
changing her life and that of others in front of her eyes. As a teacher of Unity in Motion for the past 10 years, she has
learned to live inside of Balance with a sense of strength and purpose and her desire is to assist others to do the same.
Nancy conducts seminars, private sessions and classes and has led seminars at Lilydale New York, Pittsburgh and
Santa Barbara California.

Andrew Nesky is the president of the Theosophical Society in Pittsburgh. He has twice been elected to the position of
Master of a Masonic Lodge and is a published writer. An actor with regional credits, he also lectures on the subject of
metaphysics and human development and coaches high-school competitive public speaking, specializing in value-based
Lincoln-Douglas format debate. In addition to being a ULC Minister, he has hosted the web-casted talk show “Science
and the Outer Streams” which investigates the frontiers of human thought, science and spirituality. The show can be
viewed at www.inecom.com/outer

Dr. Andrew Nicholson is Assistant Professor of religious studies at Saint Vincent College, Latrobe, Pennsylvania.
He received his Ph.D. in South Asian Languages and Civilizations from the University of Chicago, specializing in
interpreting Indian philosophical texts written in Sanskrit. He has traveled extensively in India, where he studies
Yoga and Vedanta philosophy with traditional pandits.

Biographies Cont.

Dr. William Clare Roberts is Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Washington & Jefferson College. He
received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from Penn State in 2005. His research centers on Ancient Greek Philosophy, 19th
century Philosophy, and Political Philosophy.

Carol Nicholson Ward is a second generation Theosophist, National Board Member and Lecturer, President of the
Mid-South Federation and Treasurer of Pumpkin Hollow Farm. She holds a Master’s degree in Psychology and also
studied Jungian psychology for two years.

Theosophical Society Movie Series

Ever finish a move and say, “Wow – that was really deep,” maybe wishing you had some way
to further explore the ideas you’d just encountered? Well wish no more! Join the Theosophical
Society once each month after a scheduled lecture to view some of the finest “deep” movies and
documentaries ever made. Each month the movie will be introduced by a member or guest
lecturer and then after the movie – stay for the discussion and questions! (See the main schedule
for dates and times)

Director: Fred Haines
Run Time: 105 min
Starring: Max von Sydow, Dominique Sanda
Description: Max von Sydow and Dominique Sanda star in this adaptation of Herman Hesse's classic novel about a man's
internal struggle to find peace within himself. "A lush cinematic landscape, engagingly real yet properly
symbolic" (Anne Hanley).

THE TRANSFORMATION OF MAN:Part 1 & 2 – Documentary

Director: KPA
Run Time: 120 min
Starring: J. Krishnamurti, Physicist Dr. David Bohm and Psychologist Dr. David Shainberg
Description: This popular series of dialogues, held in 1976 between Krishnamurti, Dr. David Bohm, and Dr. David
Shainberg, delves deeply into the quintessential questions facing each individual who sees the need to bring
about a radical, fundamental change in human consciousness. Each conversation is sixty minutes in length
and is filmed in color.
Conversation 1: Are We Aware that We are Fragmented?
Conversation 2: A Mechanical Way of Living Leads to Disorder.

The Theosophical Society in Pittsburgh

322 Mall Boulevard ~ Suite 201 ♦ Monroeville, PA 15146

For information call (412) 462-4200


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