Arabic Course Summary

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90 Hrs Certificate Course

Towards Understanding
Qur’«nic Arabic
Teaching Arabic through the Qur’«n

Dr Muhammad Ibrahim H. I. Surty

QAF Qur’«nic Arabic Foundation


In the name of Allah the Merciful the Mercy Giver

Foundation 90 Hrs Certificate Course

Towards Understanding Qur’«nic Arabic
Teaching Arabic through the Qur’«n

by Dr Muhammad Ibrahim H. I. Surty

Brief Outlines

The Scope and Significance of Qur’«nic Arabic:

It is remarkable to witness that Qur’«nic Arabic has set a uniform

standard for the Arabic language, which has been meticulously
and ardently followed over the last fourteen centuries. This set
standard of excellence has never permitted any deviation in
literary Arabic at any time from the Qur’«nic standard. In fact,
the Qur’«n continues to resolve Arabic linguistic disputes up to
the present day. This uniform set standard eases the study and
comprehension of the immense body of Arabic literature,
contributed over fourteen centuries, on different disciplines of
language and human civilisation. Thousands of Arabic
manuscripts have so far been catalogued worldwide and this
process still continues. Each day witnesses many new
manuscripts. This is the principal reason why Qur’«nic Arabic has
been studied from its inception to this day.

The galaxy of Qur’«nic scholarship is gargantuan and includes a
large number of shining stars in almost all of its disciplines. Like
other Qur’«nic disciplines, the literary genius of Qur’«nic Arabic,
throughout the generations, has always attracted thousands of
Muslim scholars. In closely related prominent components of
Qur’«nic style, grammar and rhetoric – there exists an extremely
rich academic contribution from Muslim scholarship, which is
thought-provoking, meticulous and painstaking. Indeed, the
encyclopaedic merits of such works cannot be ignored. Celebrated
works on Qur’«nic exegesis generally incorporate grammatical as
well as rhetorical analysis of Qur’«nic Arabic.

It is fascinating to witness that the Qur’«n, time and time again,

invites its readers with great emphasis towards reflection over its
revealed Arabic language; it encourages exploration, observation
and experimentation of the hidden forces of nature1 as methods
for the enhancement of the horizons of human knowledge – the
basis of the glory and dignity of humanity at all times.

QAF provides a modern learning environment through analysis

and research, and educates on linguistics, literary and Qur’«nic
Arabic using the Qur’«n and the Sunnah as its core source of

What kind of Problems are Students confronted with when trying

to Learn Arabic as a Foreign Language?

The greatest difficulty which beginners studying the Arabic

language encounter is the recognition of various forms of nouns
 It is to be noted that these themes cover one-eighth of the Qur’an. 

and verbs. Nouns exist in three numbers, e.g. singular, dual and
plural; two genders, masculine and feminine. The dual as found
in Arabic is usually something with which students are not
acquainted because it does not exist in most other languages. The
Plural in Arabic is formed by adopting different methods and
nouns in all three cases -the nominative2, accusative3 and
genitive4. If nouns and pronouns in their singular, dual and plural
numbers, two genders and then three cases are presented
simultaneously, it causes confusion in the minds of beginners and
they tend to lose interest in learning Arabic.

The same is true for verbs. Again there are three numbers:
singular, dual and plural, two genders: masculine and feminine;
two tenses: used for first person, second person and third person.
Furthermore verbs are either active or passive, and have several
derived forms. Naturally, if all these patterns are presented
together, then it will create confusion, especially for beginners.
Conversely, this method may not be very effective for those
whose mother tongue is Arabic; they may not find these
variations difficult in view of their familiarity with them. But
certainly for beginners who have tried to learn Arabic as a
Foreign Language it can be something of a maze.

The Salient Features of the Course:

 The Course is the result of around fifty years of research

and practical teaching both at University level and to the

A form noun used when it is the subject of a verb.
Grammatical case indicating the object of an action.
Grammatical case showing source or possession. 

Muslim community at the principal mosques and at QAF
House in the City of Birmingham.
 The Course includes Two Modules. The First Module
comprises of seven lessons and it is strictly confined to
singular forms in nouns, verbs, pronouns and their
suffixes. Experience of teaching suggests that this is
effective for students who learn Arabic as a Foreign
Language. The Course is taught through graded
progression which remains its backbone.
 All sixteen lessons based on their grammatical themes are
judiciously divided into Sixty-Three small Units. In each
Unit new grammatical themes are presented and fitted
together like precious jewels in a necklace in such a way
that either their removal or replacement would damage the
beauty and elegance of the necklace as a whole. In their
present order, Ninety-Three designed grammatical rules
are incorporated. Rules are systematically analysed and
synchronised with examples that are cited from the text
with graded progression, to provide extra strength toward
the comprehension of the grammar. This method strictly
discourages rote learning.
 Around one thousand four hundred words are included,
both in the designed text and Qur’«nic text, comprising of
over five hundred references to the Qur’«n, which greatly
assist the comprehension of the Qur’«n, classical Arabic
literature and grammatical themes.
 Qur’«nic text is cited as evidence for the selected
grammatical themes. This method can be traced as having
been adopted by Muslim scholarship from the inception of

the revelation of the Qur’«n for its comprehension. In this
exercise all attempts have been made to make sure that
there exists no difference of opinion from Muslim scholars
throughout fourteen centuries, and contextual meaning is
presented to the students. All accept that the grammatical
evidences provided are genuine.
 According to the adopted method each word can generally
be analysed and its basic forms can be ascertained.
Undoubtedly, Al-Amr, the Imperative and Al-Nahy, the
Prohibitive are not introduced at an early stage. Their
inclusion is deliberately deferred till Lesson Fourteen
owing to the strict graded progression in the presentation
of grammatical themes. The Mu±«ri‘majz−m, Imperfect
Jussive is presented in Lesson Thirteen. For the
comprehension of their word formation the knowledge of
Mu±«ri‘majz−m is inevitable. With this method students
are saved from rote learning.
 Modern Arabic words are deliberately avoided because the
principal aim of the Course is to bring students close to
the Qur’«nic text.
 In the first Module Five Pillars, namely (1) al-M«±»,
Perfect (Past Tense), (2) al-Mu±«ri‘, Imperfect (Present
and Future tense), Ism al-F«‘il, Active Participle, Ism al-
Fi‘l, Verbal Noun and (5) Ism al-Maf‘−l, Passive
Participle are introduced through graded progression.
Their methods enable students to construct a large number
of new words. In the appendix of the course, tables have
been provided which include all five pillars. At the same


time, through graded progression, tri-literal sound and
weak roots are presented in ascending numerical order.
 A4 size colour coded tables have been provided to
students. These tables comprise of nine pages which
indicate tri-literal roots of verbs with three different
colours for each root. These tables are provided free and
can be accessed via QAF’s website:
 In Module Two (Lessons 8-16) with graded progression of
the grammatical themes, nine Thul«thi Maz»dfih, Derived
Forms of the verbs are introduced. Each lesson in this
Module includes one of the nine derived forms and these
can be comprehended with the Rules, their grammatical
analysis and examples from the Text. Tables are also
provided in which Five Pillars are presented which enable
students to compose many more new words. In these
lessons the remaining important grammatical themes are
 A pocket size glossary of fifty-two pages containing
around one thousand four hundred words is published
which is provided free as part of the course material. It is
available on QAF’s website:
 Each lesson at its end includes the glossary and exercises.
These are essentially a supplement to the taught lesson. A
key to the exercises is provided at QAF’s website:
 From lesson five till lesson sixteen a selection of over five
hundred references to the Qur’«n are presented. Up to
lesson twelve the designed text runs parallel to the

Qur’«nic text. It is to be noted that al-Shaykh ‘Abdul
M«jid Dary«b«d» was a prolific scholar of the Qur’«nic
sciences and his English translation of the Qur’«nic text,
published by Islamic Foundation, Leicester is provided in
the appendix. This translation is very close to the
Qur’«nic words and assists the students greatly.
 Tried and tested methods are used in the Course. All in all
it is a ninety hour course presented systematically and
structured to facilitate careful graded progression. It is
nevertheless a step by step climb up a hill, with progress
to the next step depending upon confidence with the step
preceding it. The climb should not however be seen as
threatening, rather each step is short to allow a secure
foothold before the next is attempted. It presents an ideal

The Teaching of the Course at the University of Birmingham,


The Course has been taught in Two Modules as an M.A. Degree

requirement by Dr Surty, first at CSIC, Selly Oak Colleges
affiliated with the University of Birmingham, and later at the
University of Birmingham, Department of Theology and Religion
for twenty successive years.

For a few years Dr Surty also taught the Course on Fridays at The
Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, Oxford.


Teachers’ Training of the Course by QAF:

 A number of attempts have been made both at home and

abroad for teachers’ training. The Vice Chancellors of
International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan and
one of the oldest Universities of India, Aligarh Muslim
University, have invited Dr Surty to conduct extensive
teachers’ training for Qur’«nic Arabic and invited scores
of teachers for this purpose. They launched an Urdu
translation of the Course which received wider media

Video Recording of the Course at Islamic Research Foundation

(IRF) Studio:

 Fortunately, the entire Course has been recorded by IRF

on twelve DVDs in a classroom setting with students and
taught by Dr Surty with visual aids on the request of IRF
in 2007. It is the first such English language course of its
kind in the world. DVDs provide an ample opportunity to
the students to revise and learn rapidly. By the grace of
Allah, serial programmes on Qur’«nic Arabic have been
televised by Peace TV worldwide and this noble venture
has and is enabling thousands of interested people the
world-over to learn Qur’«nic Arabic. The Course, in
colour-coded format, is accompanied by an album of
twelve DVDs comprising of sixty-six half hour episodes.
The album is given free as Course material to those who
buy the Course book.


Learn Qur’«nic Script Rapidly
An Illustrated text book
With two free DVDs (Containing 12 episodes)

by Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim H. I. Surty

This Course has been taught by Dr. Surty in a classroom setting to

children. The Moroccan Q«r» al-Shaykh ‘Abdul Kar»m Shar»b»
has recited the text of the book. The Course begins with the
Arabic alphabet, and then leads students, through graded
progression, towards the recitation of the Qur’«nic text. This
Course is equally good for adults. Watch a clip on QAF’s
website. The Course also develops skills for writing Arabic
script, with graded progress.

 By the grace of Allah QAF has published a fully

illustrated A4 sized coloured Course book on Art paper.
 Intermediate and advanced Courses on Qur’«nic Arabic
are being compiled and both of them will be published in
the near future, insh« All«h.
 So far over two thousand male and female students have
benefitted from the course through classroom teaching.
 It is indeed encouraging to note that a large number of
interested people who have purchased the Qur’anic Arabic
Course material from different countries of the world,
have studied it and many among them have expressed
their appreciation. The Course has been taught over the
years in Birmingham, Britain’s second largest city , which
has proven to be its cradle.


Wam« Tawf»q» Ill« bill«h

Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim H. I. Surty
B.A. (Hons), M.A, Ph. D. (London)
Senior Lecturer, University of Birmingham (Retired)
Director, Chairman & Founder of QAF Trust

J Views of the Muslim Scholars L

“I consider the noble endeavors of Dr Surty to teach Arabic, the
language of the Noble Qur’«n, which remained alive among
Arabs for more than fourteen centuries, as praise worthy. It is also
the language of the Traditions of the Messenger of Allah  and
from where stems all the Islamic Shar»‘ah which is followed by
Muslims throughout the world.
Among the tasks which Dr Surty accomplished is compiling a
book comprising of lessons to teach Qur’«nic Arabic based on
introducing its vocabulary and expanding its meaning to the
students in a simple direct method taking into consideration the
context and atmosphere of Britain and Western countries. Two
aims have been achieved by his approach: teaching Arabic
language in general and Qur’«nic terms in particular.
His attempt deserves recognition and admiration. I am hopeful
that students who wish to learn Arabic will find the book very
useful. In collaboration with Dr Surty and on his request, I am
contributing this introduction to his book.”

Al-Shaykh Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

“I am much obliged to Dr Surty who kindly showed me his book
and explained its teaching methodology. I found the book and its
methodology a new approach to facilitate the teaching of the
language of the Qur’«n. I am hopeful that this novel book will
promote its universal usage and help teachers of Arabic as a
second language to follow his new methods. Any efforts in this
direction will be very rewarding since teaching Qur’«nic Arabic is
certainly included in the saying of the Prophet : ‘the best of you
is he who learns and teaches the Qur’«n’.”

Professor Dr Shaykh Idris - Institute of Islamic and Arabic

Sciences of America, USA

“Arabic language has been honored to be the language of the

Noble Qur’«n. Beginners always find difficulties in the
comprehension of this language which increases the need to
develop new methods of teaching it. This big challenge has been
confronted by the author who compiled this valuable and
extremely useful work based on his long experience and aptitude
of research. He has succeeded in its presentation as he has
selected its examples and applications mainly from the Qur’«n, in
addition to some extracts from Had»th, proverbs and wise

Professor Dr Ahmed Ali al-Imam, Vice Chancellor, Qur’«nic

University and Islamic Sciences, Omdurman, Sudan.

“Having gone through the work, I have found it to be unique. It is

a book seeking to teach Arabic with the Holy Qur’«n as its focus.
Every word used in this important book is to be found in the Holy
Qur’«n and in the Had»th of the Prophet Muhammad . By the
time one reads this book through, one would end up not only

learning Arabic vocabulary and grammar, but becoming very well
acquainted with the teachings of Islam.
In this well researched work, Dr Surty, no doubt putting to good
use his long experience in teaching Arabic to non-Arabs, has
started with the assumption that the reader is an absolute
beginner. This book is a must for all those who wish to learn
Qur’«nic Arabic without tears. I commend it to all non-Arabic
speaking people who want to learn Qur’«nic Arabic easily.”

Professor Dr Abubakar A. Gwandu - Former Vice Chancellor,

Usman Danfodio University, Sokoto, Nigeria.

“This book fills a major gap in the field of Arabic language

teaching. Very well written, systematically compiled to make
Qur’«nic Arabic easy to learn and a joy to teach. The author
manages in this work to combine a scholar’s depth with Arabic
teacher’s skills to produce a masterpiece in Qur’«nic studies that
make the eyebrows of all experts rise.”

Professor Dr Mawil Izzi Dien

J Views of the Students L

Comments from ladies:

“Clear graded progression facilitates rapid learning, specially

written texts highlight grammatical themes, and lead smoothly
into the student being able to tackle Qur’«nic texts directly.
Grammatical themes are backed up by clear reference tables that
keep consolidation of lessons. Wherever possible new rules are
presented in a systematic way that aids assimilation.”

Lucy Hudson - M.A Student, CSIC, University of Birmingham,


“This book is logical, clear and well presented with relevant and
interesting exercises and extracts. The methodology is well
defined and demonstrates an organised progression which
facilitates learning and enables very fast progression to be made.
Following the Course was very enjoyable and has stimulated me
to continue further any study of Arabic.”

Clair Norton – Graduate Student, Department of Byzantine

Studies, University of Birmingham, U.K.

“I am an English Muslim. I have made several attempts to teach

myself Arabic but by far the best method I have come across is Dr
Surty’s Course ‘Towards Understanding Qur’«nic Arabic.’

Jannat Al-Haddad – Wisbech

“I have attended Dr Surty’s classes on Qur’«nic Arabic at the

Oxford Center for Islamic Studies and I was amazed at how much
we had learnt and managed to remember from each lesson!
The method is very clear and easy to follow. I recommend the
Course to everyone for self study and teaching.”

D. K. Maryam – Oxford

“I found the book to be very helpful in learning the Qur’«nic

language and grammar. I am also involved with a small group of
ladies who are learning Qur’«nic Arabic, and we have found Dr
Surty’s Course to be of enormous help.”

Rashda Ali – London

“Attending the Quranic Arabic course has been a real eye-opening
experience for me. For many years my dream was to understand
the language of the Quran. Alhamdulillah, that was made possible
through the efforts of Dr Surty and QAF. The approach that this
course takes, is one that allows students who have very little
background in Arabic language to grasp grammatical rules very
quickly and is done so systematically and gradually that the
comprehension of the Arabic language is made easy. I have no
doubt that this unique approach to teaching Quranic Arabic will
continue to benefit generations to come inshaAllah.”

Nimo Mohamed – BSc Hons, Optometry - Birmingham

“Alhamdulillah, I had the privilege of attending Dr Surty’s

classes. It was a pleasure to witness such a fresh technique of

Dr Surty has come up with a truly revolutionary and ground

breaking way of teaching Qur’anic Arabic in as little as 16
lessons. I found this absolutely phenomenal. The evidence speaks
for itself; students are achieving remarkable results and are able to
grasp not only the forms and the roots of the Arabic words but are
exposed to the use of dictionaries right from the start.

Dr Surty’s approach is innovative of verb conjugation using just

the singular form initially. Once the students are confident and
therefore don’t get overwhelmed with too much information, he
introduces them to dual and then the plural; this is very
impressive. This also is true of the way he presents the moods of
the verbs and nouns. He introduces it gradually and backs the
concepts up with a respectable amount of resource material which
the students can refer to in order to enhance their learning. I wish
I had this when I first set on the road to learning Arabic.”

Parveen Akhtar - MA Arabic/English Translation graduate – Leeds

Saying of the Prophet Muhammad ( ):

“The best among you is one who learns and teaches the Qur’«n.”



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