CAP High School Prize Exam: April 8th, 2014 9:00 - 12:00 Competitor's Information Sheet
CAP High School Prize Exam: April 8th, 2014 9:00 - 12:00 Competitor's Information Sheet
CAP High School Prize Exam: April 8th, 2014 9:00 - 12:00 Competitor's Information Sheet
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Canadian Association of Physicists Part A: Multiple Choice
2014 Prize Exam
Each multiple choice question is worth 1 point.
This is a three-hour exam. National ranking and prizes Question 1
will be based on students’ performance on sections A Consider the electric power dissipation due to resis-
and B of the exam. Performance on the questions in tance in a circuit. Which of the following changes leave
part A will be used to determine whose written work the dissipated electric power unchanged?
in part B will be marked for prize consideration by the
CAP Exam National Committee. Part A consists of a) Doubling the voltage and reducing the current by a
twenty-five multiple-choice questions. The questions factor of two.
in part B span a range of difficulties, and may require b) Doubling the voltage and increasing the resistance
graphing. Be careful to gather as many of the easier by a factor of four.
marks as possible before venturing into more difficult c) Doubling the current and reducing the resistance by
territory. If an answer to part (a) of a question is a factor of four.
needed for part (b), and you are not able to solve part d) None of the above.
(a), assume a likely solution and attempt the rest of e) Both (b) and (c) are correct.
the question anyway. f) (a),(b) and (c) are correct.
Non-programmable calculators may be used. Please be
careful to answer the multiple-choice questions on the Question 2
answer sheet provided; most importantly, write your A U-shaped glass tube closed at both ends and posi-
solutions to the three long problems on three separate tioned vertically is partly filled with water. At a cer-
sheets as they will be marked by people in different tain time the levels of water are different in the two
parts of Canada. Good luck. arms of the tube due to a difference in air pressure
above each arm. If there is no temperature change,
Notice: Full marks will be given to a student who
what will happen to the water level on both sides?
provides any full correct solution to the long problems.
Partial marks will be given for partial solutions. There
are no penalties for incorrect answers. The questions
are not of equal difficulty. Remember we are challeng-
ing the best physics students in Canada; it is possible
that even the best papers may not achieve an overall
score of 80%. This is meant to be tough!
Question 5
What is the average horizontal force acting on a ball
when it elastically bounces off a wall, assuming the
collision time is 0.1 s and the momentum of the ball
before the bounce was 2 kg · m/s, perpendicular to the
a) 0.2 N
b) 0.4 N
c) 40 N
d) 20 N
Question 6
A small explosion occurs in a model airplane which rips a) It increases.
it into two pieces. The model was flying with velocity b) It decreases.
v just before the explosion. Which combination of v1 c) It remains the same.
and v2 are possible velocities of the two pieces after
the explosion? Question 9
Two identical loudspeakers, placed close to each other,
are supplied with the same sinusoidal voltage. One
V can imagine a pattern around the loudspeakers with
alternating areas of increased and decreased sound in-
tensity. Which of the actions below will not change
the positions of these areas?
a) Moving one of the speakers.
b) Changing the amplitude of the voltage.
c) Changing the frequency.
d) Replacing the air in the room with a gas of a differ-
ent density.
a) b) c)
Question 10
Two artificial satellites, named Argo and Navis, have
Question 7 circular orbits of radii R and 2R, respectively, about
Three ping-pong balls are electrically charged and are the same planet. The orbital speed of Argo is v. What
arranged in the plane of the page in an equilateral is the orbital speed of Navis?
triangle as shown below. What is the direction of
the force acting on the ping-pong ball charged with a) v/2√
Q3 = −10 µC? b) v/ 2
c) v √
d) v 2
e) 2v
Question 11
When someone drags their fingernails across a chalk-
board, a terrible high-pitched sound is produced due to
small bumps in the chalkboard. Assume these bumps
are uniformly spaced by 0.5 mm. Audiologists have
determined that humans find sounds in the range of
2 ∼ 4 kHz to be very annoying. An evil teacher wants
to produce the longest duration continuous sound in
this range by dragging her fingernails across the chalk-
a) Towards the top of the page. board. At what speed should she drag her nails to
b) Towards the bottom of the page. accomplish this?
c) Towards the left.
d) Towards the right. a) 0.28 m/s
e) Another direction. b) 0.56 m/s
c) 1.00 m/s
d) 2.00 m/s
Question 8
In the circuit shown below, the resistance R1 is in-
creased. What happens to the magnitude of the po-
tential difference across R1 ?
Question 12
The Hall Effect occurs when both a current and mag-
netic field are present and perpendicular to each other
in a solid. The result is the generation of an electric
field and a corresponding potential difference (the Hall a) t b) t
voltage) across the width of the solid. Suppose a two-
dimensional rectangular material carries a current of
0.5 A in the positive x direction and is penetrated by
a magnetic field of 1.4 mT in the negative z direction.
The number of mobile charges per unit area of the c) t d) t
Question 14 Question 18
To submerge a block of wood which is less dense than A circuit contains nothing but a battery of voltage V
water, one needs to exert a force downward which does wired to three resistors of resistance R. Which of the
a positive amount of work on the block. Which of the following cannot be the power dissipated in the circuit
following is correct for this situation to occur? (assuming negligible resistance for the wires)?
a) P = V 2 /(3R)
a) The work done by the external force is stored as
b) P = 3V 2 /R
potential energy in the block.
c) P = 3V 2 /(2R)
b) The block is moving downward, therefore its poten-
d) P = 2V 2 /(3R)
tial energy is decreasing, thus the work done by the
e) All of the above are possible
external force is all converted to heat, due to friction.
c) The work done by external force is all stored as ki-
netic energy in the block. Question 19
d) The potential energy of the water is increased while In a binary star system consisting of two stars of equal
the potential energy of the block is decreased. mass, where is the gravitational potential equal to
e) The total energy of the block is conserved. zero? Assume that for a single star in empty space,
f) The total energy of the block and water is conserved. the potential is zero at infinity.
Question 20 A
In Young’s double-slit experiment, both slits are illu-
minated by a laser beam and the interference pattern
is observed on a screen. If the viewing screen is moving
farther from the slits, what will happen to the inter-
ference pattern?
c) T/s d) T/sQuestion 25
Which of the following is closer to the dimensions of
a solar cell panel that can produce enough energy for
a family in Vancouver in summer time? The following
Question 22 information might be useful:
What will happen to the magnitude of the optical The price of residential electricity in British Columbia
power of a lens when it is placed in water (n = 1.33) is approximately 6.90 cents per kWh. A typical house-
compared to its power in the air (n = 1)? hold’s monthly electricity bill is $40 in the summer.
The power per area from sunlight that reaches the city
of Vancouver is about 0.5 kW/m2 (averaged over 24
a)It will increase. hours) during the period of June-September.
b)It will decrease. The efficiency of a typical solar cell is about 20%.
c)It will stay the same.
a) 30 cm × 30 cm
d)It will depend on whether the lens is converging or
b) 3 m × 3 m
c) 30 m × 30 m
d) 300 m × 300 m
e) The size of the panel must be much bigger than any
Question 23 of these numbers, since it is always cloudy in Vancou-
The three electric heaters in the following circuit all ver and the city does not get enough sunshine!
have the same resistance. Given that the total heat
emitted by a heater is proportional to the power dis-
sipated, the total heat produced by B and C together,
compared with the heat produced in A, is:
Part B: Problems
Problem 1
When an objects breaks, many of the molecular bonds
get detached, but in this process, some of the energy
that caused the break turns into heat and sound wave
In this problem we want to understand what percent-
age of the energy that causes a break is actually used to
break the molecular bondings. As a simple model we
can think of glass as a cubical structure, which means a) What was the average speed of the “tooth” in one
each SiO2 molecule occupies a cube of side length a, of the expansion joints?
and each cubic molecule site has 1 bonding with each of
b) At 6 in the morning a piece of tire rubber fell into
its neighbouring cubes. The energy required to break
a crack in front of one of the “fingers”, filling it com-
this bond is called bonding energy, denoted by Eb .
pletely. The rubber was 10 cm long and had a cross
Furthermore, in this problem we are only interested section of 4 cm2 . What was the force acting on the
in the order of magnitude of the values we obtain. rubber along its length at 2 PM?
The following image shows a piece of glass of dimen-
sions 25 mm × 75 mm × 1 mm that is fallen down from c) What will be the vertical force needed to pull this
a height 150 cm and broken into pieces. piece of rubber vertically to remove it?
Clearly state all the assumptions that you made while
solving this problem. Data: The elastic constant of
such a piece of rubber compressed along its length is
28 N/m. The coefficient of friction between the rubber
and steel is 0.35. The linear Expansion coefficient of
steel 13 × 10−6 K−1 . The linear Expansion coefficient
of rubber 77 × 10−6 K−1 .
Problem 3
A planet without atmosphere in orbit around a star ra-
diates away an amount of energy equal to the amount
of energy it receives from the star. Therefore, the aver-
a) Using the image, estimate the total length of cracks
age surface temperature of the planet is constant over
and thereby the total number of broken bonds.
decades. Imagine an Earth-sized planet without at-
b) Using the latent heat of vaporization for glass, esti- mosphere orbiting around a Sun-sized star (with the
mate the bonding energy of glass. same radiation power as the sun) at a distance of 1 AU
c) What percentage of the energy in this collision is (AU is the Astronomical Unit, equal to the Earth-Sun
used to break the bonds? distance).
Numerical Values:
a) What portion of the energy radiated by the star is
captured by the planet? (Assume that planet absorbs
• Density of glass: ρg = 2 g/cm3 all the energy it receives)
Question 1 a b c d e f
Question 2 a b c d e f
Question 3 a b c d e f
Question 4 a b c d e f
Question 5 a b c d e f
Question 6 a b c d e f
Question 7 a b c d e f
Question 8 a b c d e f
Question 9 a b c d e f
Question 10 a b c d e f
Question 11 a b c d e f
Question 12 a b c d e f
Question 13 a b c d e f
Question 14 a b c d e f
Question 15 a b c d e f
Question 16 a b c d e f
Question 17 a b c d e f
Question 18 a b c d e f
Question 19 a b c d e f
Question 20 a b c d e f
Question 21 a b c d e f
Question 22 a b c d e f
Question 23 a b c d e f
Question 24 a b c d e f
Question 25 a b c d e f