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Nand Foundation Academy, Shegaon: Xii - A Div

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Nand Foundation Academy, shegaon

Total Questions : 50 Total Marks : 50
Roll No.
XII - A Div 10:00 AM To 12:00 PM
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Candidate’s Signature JEE Physics Invigilator’s Signature

Note :
i) All Questions are compulsory
ii) Darken ( ) the appropriate circle(#) of the most correct option/response with black ball point pen.

Current Electricity

1) Calculate the value of E, for given circuit, when 4) Potentiometer wire of length 1m is connected in
value of 2 A current is either flowing in series with 490 Ω resistance and 2 V battery. If
clockwise or anticlockwise direction 0.2 mV/ cm is the potential gradient, then
resistance of the potentiometer wire is

A) 4.9 Ω B) 7.9 Ω C) 5.9 Ω D) 6.9 Ω

5) In the circuit given below, galvanometer reads

zero, find value of X :
A) 3V, 28 Volt B) 38V, 2 Volt

C) 3V, 30 Volt D) 3V, 2.8 Volt

2) The equivalent resistance between the points A

and B in the following circuit is

A) 10Ω B) 100Ω C) 500Ω D) 200Ω

6) A strip of copper and another germanium are

cooled from room temperature to 80 K. The
resistance of

A) each of these decreases

A) 3.12Ω B) 1.56Ω C) 6.24Ω D) 12.48Ω
B) copper strip increases and that of
3) How much work is required to carry a 6 µC
germanium decreases
charge from the negative terminal to the
positive terminal of a 9 V battery
C) copper strip decreases and that of
A) 54 × 10−3 J B) 54 × 10−6 J germanium increases

C) 54 × 10−9 J D) 54 × 10−12 J D) each of these increases

7) When the key K is pressed at time, which of the 11) When a piece of aluminium wire of finite length
following statements about the current I in the is drawn through a series of dies to reduce its
resistor AB of the given circuit is true diameter to half its original value, its resistance
will become

A) Two times B) Four times

C) Eight times D) Sixteen times

A) I = 2mA at all t 12) A meter bridge is used to determine the

resistance of an unknown wire by measuring
the balance point length l. If the wire is
B) I oscillates between 1 mA and 2mA
replaced by another wire of same material but
with double the length and half the thickness
C) I = 1mA at all t
the balancing point is expected to be :

D) At t = 0, I = 2mA and with time it goes to 1 1 1

A) B) C) 8l D) 16l
mA 8l 4l
13) In the absence of applied potential, the electric
8) Which arrangement of four identical
current flowing through a metallic wire is zero
resistances should be used to draw maximum
energy from a cell of voltage V
A) The electrons remain stationary

B) The electrons are drifted in random direction

with a speed of the order of 10−2 cm/s

C) The electrons move in random direction with

a speed of the order close to that of velocity
of light

D) Electrons and ions move in opposite

9) The power dissipated in the circuit shown in the
figure is 30 Watts. The value of R is
14) In a metre bridge experiment, resistances are
connected as shown in figure. The balancing
length l1 is 55 cm. Now an unknown resistance
x is connected in series with P and the new
balancing length is found to be 75 cm. The
value of x is
A) 20 Ω B) 15 Ω C) 10 Ω D) 30 Ω

10) The carbon resistor has orange bands.The

maximum value of resistance offered by the
resistor will be

A) 49.9 K Ω B) 39.6 K Ω
54 20 48 11
A) Ω B) Ω C) Ω D) Ω
12 11 11 48
C) 33 K Ω D) 26.4 K Ω
15) If current I is flowing through ABC. Then the
correct relationship is :
A) T1 > T2 B) T1 ≈ T2 C) T1 = T2 D) T1 < T2

19) Two conductors of same length and

cross-sectional area but different specific
resistances ρ1 and ρ2 , are connected in series.
Then equivalent specific resistance of
combination is :
A) ρ1 + ρ2 B) (ρ + ρ2 )
2 1
B) power across BC is four times power across

C) 2 (ρ1 + ρ2 ) D) ρ1 ρ2
C) current densities in AB and BC are equal
20) Two conductors have the same resistance at 0◦
D) electric field due to current inside AB and but their temperature coefficients of resistance
BC are equal. are α1 and α1 . The respective temperature
coefficients of their series and parallel
16) Two sources of equal emf are connected to an combinations are nearly :
external resistance R. The internal resistances
α1 + α2 α1 + α2 α1 + α2
of the two sources are R1 and R2 (R2 > R1 ) . If A) , B) , α1 + α2
the potential difference across the source 2 2 2
having internal resistance R2 is zero, then α1 + α2 α1 α2
C) α1 + α2 , D) α1 + α2 ,
2 α1 + α2
A) R = R1 R2 /(R1 + R2 ) 21) A wire has resistance of 24 Ω is bent in the
following shape. The effective resistance
B) R = R1 R2 /(R2 − R1 ) between A and B is

C) R = R2 × (R1 + R2 )/(R2 − R1 )

D) R = R2 − R1

17) On increasing the temperature of a conductor,

its resistance increases because A) 24 Ω B) 10 Ω C) 30 Ω D) 20 Ω

A) Relaxation time decreases 22) Three resistance of 4 Ω each are connected as

shown in figure. If the point D divide the
B) Mass of the electrons increases resistance into two equal halves, the resistance
between point A and D will be :
C) Electron density decreases

D) None of the above

18) The voltage V and current I graph for a

conductor at two different temperatures T1 and
T2 are shown in the figure. The relation between A) 12 Ω B) 6 Ω C) 3 Ω D) 1/3 Ω
T1 and T2 is
23) Shown in the figure below is a meter−bridge set
up with null deflection in the galvanometer. The
value of the unknown resistance R is
A) 55 Ω B) 13.75 Ω

C) 220 Ω D) 110 Ω A) Half the current in the arm ABC

24) When a piece of aluminium wire of finite length B) Zero

is drawn through a series of dies to reduce its
diameter to half its original value, its resistance C) Twice the current in the arm ABC
will become.
D) Four times the current in the arm ABC
A) Two times B) Four times
28) In the circuit shown here, what is the value of
C) Eight times D) Sixteen times. the unknown resistor R so that the total
resistance of the circuit between points P and Q
25) A metal were is subjected to a constant is also equal to R
potential difference. When the temperature of
the metal wire increases, the drift velocity of
the electron in it

A) Increases, thermal velocity of the electron

increases. √
A) 3 ohms B) 39 ohms

B) Decreases, thermal velocity of the electron √

C) 69 ohms D) 10 ohms
29) The figure below shows currents in a part of
C) Increases, thermal velocity of the electron electric circuit. The current i is

D) Decreases, thermal velocity of the electron


26) In the circuit shown the value of I in ampere is

A) 1.7 amp B) 3.7 amp

C) 1.3 amp D) 1 amp

30) In the given circuit the current I1 is

A) 1 B) 0.60 C) 0.4 D) 1.5

27) Five resistors of given values are connected

together as shown in the figure. The current in
the arm BD will be
A) 0.4 A B) − 0.4 A A) R B) 2 R C) 4 R D) 8 R

36) If an ammeter is connected in parallel to a

C) 0.8 A D) − 0.8 A
circuit, it is likely to be damaged due to excess
31) A wire is bent in the form of circle of radius 2m.
Resistance per unit length of wire is 1/πΩ/m A) Current B) Voltage
Battery of 6V is connected between A & B.
AOB= 900 Find the current through the battery C) Resistance D) All of these

37) There is a current of 1.344 amp in a copper wire

whose area of cross−section normal to the
length of the wire is 1 mm2 . If the number of
free electrons per cm3 is 8.4 × 1022 , then the
drift velocity would be

A) 1.0mm/sec B) 1.0m/sec
A) 8A B) 4A C) 3A D) 9A
C) 0.1mm/sec D) 0.01mm/sec
32) A potentiometer circuit has been set up for
finding the internal resistance of a given cell. 38) In a potentiometer of one metre length, an
The main battery, used across the unknown e.m.f. voltage source is balanced at
potentiometer wire, has an emf of 2.0 V and a 60 cm length of potentiometer wire, while a 3
negligible internal resistance. The volt battery is balanced at 45 cm length. Then
potentiometer wire itself is 4 m long. When the the e.m.f. of the unknown voltage source is
resistance, R, connected across the given cell,
has values of (i) Infinity (ii) 9.5 Ω the balancing A) 3V B) 2.25V C) 4V D) 4.5V
lengths, on the potentiometer wire are found to
39) A wire of diameter 0.02 metre contains 1028 free
be 3 m and 2.85 m, respectively. The value of
electrons per cubic metre. For an electrical
internal resistance of the cell is
current of 100 A, the drift velocity of the free
electrons in the wire is nearly
A) 0.5 Ω B) 0.75 Ω C) 0.25 Ω D) 0.95 Ω

33) Resistors of 1, 2, 3 ohm are connected in the A) 1 ×10−19 m/s B) 5 ×10−10 m/s
form of a triangle. If a 1.5 volt cell of negligible
internal resistance is connected across 3 ohm C) 2 ×10−4 m/s D) 8 ×103 m/s
resistor, the current flowing through this
resistance will be : 40) A current of 1 mA is flowing through a copper
wire. How many electrons will pass a given
point in one second
A) 0.25 A B) 0.5 A C) 1.0 A D) 1.5 A

34) What is the reading of voltmeter in the following A) 6.25 × 1019 B) 6.25 × 1015
C) 6.25 × 1031 D) 6.25 × 108
A) 3 V B) 2 V C) 5 V D) 4 V
41) A wire of a certain material is stretched slowly
35) Each branch in the following circuit has a by ten percent. Its new resistance and specific
resistance R. The equivalent resistance of the resistance become respectively
circuit between the points A and B is:
46) AB is a wire of uniform resistance. The
A) Both remain the same
galvanometer G shows no current when the
length AC = 20cm and CB = 80 cm. The
B) 1.1 times, 1.1 times
resistance R is equal to

C) 1.2 times, 1.1 times

D) 1.21 times, same

42) Equal potentials are applied on an iron and

copper wire of same length. In order to have the
same current flow in the two wires, the ratio r A) 2 Ω B) 8 Ω C) 20 Ω D) 40 Ω
(iron)/r (copper) of their radii must be (Given
that specific resistance of iron = 1.0 × 10−7 47) Two wires of the same material and equal
ohm-m and specific resistance of copper = length are joined in parallel combination. If one
1.7 × 10−8 ohm-m) of them has half the thickness of the other and
the thinner wire has a resistance of 8 ohms, the
A) About 1.2 B) About 2.4 resistance of the combination is equal to
5 8 3 8
C) About 3.6 D) About 4.8 A) ohms B) ohms C) ohms D) ohms
8 5 8 3
43) A storage battery has e.m.f. 15 volts and 48) In the given figure, battery E is balanced on 55
internal resistance 0.05 ohm. Its terminal cm length of potentiometer wire but when a
voltage when it is delivering 10 ampere is resistance of 10 Ω is connected in parallel with
the battery then it balances on 50 cm length of
A) 30 volts B) 1.00 volts the potentiometer wire then internal resistance
r of the battery is
C) 14.5 volts D) 15.5 volts

44) A material "B" has twice the specific resistance

of "A". A circular wire made of "B" has twice
the diameter of a wire made of "A". Then for the
two wires to have the same resistance, the ratio
of their respective lengths must be A) 1 Ω B) 3Ω C) 10 Ω D) 5 Ω
49) R1 < R2 length is the same for AB and CD as in
A) 1/2 B) 1/4 C) 2 D) 1 question 24. Choose the correct statements :
45) To draw maximum current from a combination
of cells, how should the cells be grouped

A) Series

B) Parallel A) The current density in AB is the same as in

C) Mixed
B) The field in AB is greater than field in CD.
D) Depends upon the relative values of external
and internal resistance C) The current in the thicker wire AB > the
current in the thinner wire CD.

D) The current is the same in AB and CD.

50) If in the circuit shown below, the internal
resistance of the battery is 1.5 Ω and VP and
VQ are the potentials at P and Q respectively,
what is the potential difference between the
points P and Q

A) Zero B) 4 volts (VP > VQ )

C) 4 volts (VQ > VP ) D) 2.5 volts (VQ > VP )

Answer Sheet

Physics : Current Electricity

Total Questions : 50 Total Marks : 50

1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 C 7 D 8 B 9 C 10 B 11 D 12 C
13 B 14 C 15 B 16 D 17 A 18 A 19 B 20 A 21 B 22 C 23 C 24 D
25 B 26 C 27 B 28 B 29 A 30 B 31 A 32 A 33 B 34 D 35 B 36 A
37 C 38 C 39 C 40 B 41 D 42 B 43 C 44 C 45 D 46 C 47 B 48 A
49 D 50 D
Solution Sheet

Physics : Current Electricity

Total Questions : 50 Total Marks : 50

1) 2 × 6 + 2 × 3 = E−20 ⇒ E = 38V for clock wise 6) The temperature coefficient of resistance of

current copper is
positive and that of germanium is negative,
therefore when copper and germanium are
cooled resistance of copper strip decreases
and that of germanium increases.
7) At time t = 0 i.e. when capacitor is charging,
current i = = 2mA
When capacitor is full charged, no current will
through it, hence current through the circuit
i= = 1mA
8) For maximum energy equivalent resistance of
should be minimum
9) PT otal =
2) RAB = 3.12Ω Req
V2 10 × 10 10
Req = = =
PT otal 30 3
R1 R2 10 5R
Req = ⇒ = ⇒ R = 10Ω
R1 + R2 3 5+R
10) Orange has a value 3, hence the resistance
R = 33 × 103 = 33KΩ
for Rmax we will consider maximum tolerance of
hence Rmax = (33 ± 20%)KΩ = 39.6KΩ
11) In stretching of wire R ∝ 4 , where d=Diameter
of wire
12) The potential difference across unit length= 0
3) W = qV = 6 × 10−6 × 9 = 54 × 10−6 J V0
e R P.D. across R1 = ×l
4) Potential gradient x= L0
(R + Rh + r) L ∈
P.D. across R1 = R1
0.2 × 10−3 2 R r + R1
⇒ −2
= × ⇒ R = 4.9Ω ρl
10 (R + 490 + 0) 1 R1 =
where (a = radius) of the wire.
ρ · 2l
5) For zero galvanometer reading R2 = = 8R1
iX = 2......(1) [Using (2) in (1)] π
12 4
Also, i = , ...(2) then ∈ V
500 + X P.D. across R2 = R = 0 ×l
(r + R2 ) 2 L0
X = 100Ω
17) Resistance of conductor depends upon relation
as R ∝ .
With rise in temperature rms speed of free
electron inside the
conductor increase, so relaxation time
decrease and hence
resistance increases
18) Slope of the V−i curve at any point equal to
resistance at that point.
From the curve slope for T1 > slope for
13) The drift velocity is small and random. It is of T2 ⇒ RT1 > RT2 .
the order of 10−2 cm/s Also at higher temperature resistance will be
When the potential is applied, the electric field higher so T1 > T2
is setup with the speed of light. When 19) RS = R1 + R2
no potential is applied, the random motion does ρ2l ρ l ρ l
not contribute to the motion of the = 12 + 22
πr2 πr πr
charge in a specific direction. Rfinal −Rinitial
20) αeq =
Rinitial ∆θ
In series :
14) For the given meter bridge Rinitial = 2R, Rfinal = 2R + R(α1 + α2 )∆θ
P l1 R(α1 + α2 )∆θ α + α2
= ∴ αeq = = 1
Q 100−l1 2R∆θ 2
l1 = 55cm ⇒ 100−l1 = 45cm In parallel
p = 3Q Rinitial = R/2
45 9 27 R R(1 + α1 .∆θ).R(1 + α2 .∆θ)
⇒ Q = 3× = 3× = Ω (1 + αeq .∆θ) =
55 11 11 2 R(1 + α1 .∆θ) + R(1 + α2 .∆θ)
when x is connected in series with P, l1 = 75cm α + α2
∴ αeq = 1
P+x 75cm 9 27 2
⇒ = ⇒ 3× =
Q 25cm 11 11 21) Given resistance of each part will be
81 48
x= −3 ⇒ x = Ω
11 11

15) R ∝ for constant ρ, l
∴ RAB : RBC = : 1 : 1 : 4
or VAB : VBC = IRAB : IRBC = 1 : 4
∴ PAB : PBC = I2 RAB : I2 RBC = 1 : 4
J1 : J2 = : =1:4
EAB : EBC = ρJ1 : ρJ2 = 1 : 4
16) i =
R + R1 + R2 22) ABD, ACD are in series, they are connected in
From cell (2) E = V + iR2 = 0 + iR2 parallel
2E 1 1 1 1
⇒E= × R2 ⇒ R = R2 − R1 = + = ⇒ Rp = 3Ω
R + R1 + R2 Rp 6 6 3
23) Since the bridge is balanced
55 20
∴ = ⇒ R = 220Ω
R 100−20
24) In stretching of wire R ∝ 4 , where d =
Diameter of wire
25) When the temperature increases, resistance 30) The circuit can be simplified as follows
increases. Applying KCL at junction A
As the e.m.f. applied is the same, i3 = i1 + i2 .....(i)
the current density decreases. The drift velocity Applying Kirchoffs voltage law for the loop
decreases. ABCDA
But the rms velocity of the electron due to −30i1 −40i3 + 40 = 0
√ motion proportional to , ⇒ −30i1 −40(i1 + i2 ) + 40 = 0
T . The Thermal velocity increases. ⇒ 7i1 + 4i2 = 4......(ii)
Applying Kirchoffs voltage law for the loop
26) Total resistance of the circuit
R = [{(4||4) + 4}||4] + 1.6 = 4Ω
−40i2 −40i3 + 80 + 40 = 0
Total current through battery= = 1Amp and ⇒ −40i2 −40(i1 + i2 ) = −120
shown current ⇒ i1 + 2i2 = 3 ...(iii)
4 On solving equation (ii) and (iii) i1 = −0.4A
I = 1× = 0.4Amp

27) This is a balanced Wheatstone bridge circuit.

So potential at B and D will be same and no
current flows through 4R resistance
31) R = (2π)(1/π) = 4Ω
28) The given circuit can be simplified as follows
10 × (3 + R) 30 + 10R Here 1 ohm and 3 ohm will now be in parallel
R = 3+ = 3+ ∴ Reff = (3/4)Ω ⇒ I = V/Reff = 8A
10 + 3 + R 13 + R  
39 + 3R + 30 + 10R 69 + 13R I1
R= = 32) r = −1 R
13 + R 13
√ +R  I2 
13R + R = 69 + 13R ⇒ R = 69Ω 3 0.15
= − 1 9.5Ω = × 9.5Ω = 0.5Ω
2.85 2.85
33) i1 + i2 = = 1A
i1 3
= ⇒ i1 = i2
i2 3
∴ i2 = 0.5A = i1

34) Resistance between A and B

1000 × 500 1000
= =
(1500) 3
So, equivalent resistance of the circuit
29) According to Kirchhoff"s first law 1000 2500
At junction A, iAB = 2 + 2 = 4A Req = 500 + =
3 3
At junction B, iAB = iBC −1 = 3A ∴ Current drawn from the cell
At junction C, i = iBC −1.3 = 3−1.3 = 1.7 amp 10 3
i= = A
(2500/3) 250
Reading of voltmeter i.e.
potential difference across
3 1000
AB = × = 4V
250 3
45) Maximum current will be drawn from the circuit
resultant resistance of all internal resistances
is equal to
the value of external resistance if the
arrangement s mixed.
In series, R >> nr and in parallel, the external
resistance is negligible
35) Each has resistance R.
R R R R R R 46) By Wheatstone bridge,
+ + + + + = 2R
2 4 4 4 4 2 R AC 20
= = ⇒ R = 20 Ω
80 BC 80
1 r
47) ρ − same, l − same, A2 = A1 (as r2 = 1 )
4 2
By using
l R A R 1
R = ρ ⇒ 1 = 2 ⇒ 1 = ⇒ R1 = 2Ω
A R2 A1 8 4
R1 R2 2×8 8
36) When ammeter is connected in parallel to the Hence, Req = = = Ω.
circuit, net resistance of the circuit decreases.   R1 + R2 (2 + 8)  5
l1 −l2 55−50
Hence more current is drawn from the battery, 48) r = × R0 ⇒ r = × 10 = 1Ω
l2 50
which damages the ammeter
i 1.344 49) i = circuit current = =
37) vd = = −6 R1 + R2
nAe 10 × 1.6 × 10−19 × 8.4 × 1022 V iR
1.344 E1 (Electric field in AB)= = 1 = 1
= = 0.01cm/s = 0.1mm/s l l
10 × 1.6 × 8.4 V iR
E2 (Electric field in CD)= = 2 = 2
38) E1 =?, I1 = 60cm; E2 = 3V, I2 = 45cm l l
AsR1 < R2 ; V1 < V2
in balance condition ∴ E1 < E2
E1 I E 60
= 1 ⇒ 1 = ⇒ E1 = 4volt i i
E2 I2 3 45 J1 = 2 and J2 = 2
πr1 πr2
50) Req = Ω
39) By using 2
i 100 i= = 5A
vd = = π 5
neA 1028 × 1.6 × 10−19 × × (0.02)2 + 1.5
4 2
Potential  difference between X and P,
= 2 × 10−4 m/ sec 5

1 × 10−3 VX −VP = × 3 = 7.5V ....(i)
40) n = 6.25 × 1015 2
1.6 × 10−19  2
VX −VQ = × 2 = 5V ...(ii)
R1 l 2
41) In Stretching of wire R ∝ ⇒ l2 = 1 On solving (i) and (ii)
R2 l2
VP −VQ = −2.5volt;VQ > VP
100 2
R1 i
IF l1 = 100, then then l2 = 110 ⇒ = Short Trick : (VP −VQ ) = (R2 −R1 )
R2 110 2
⇒ R2 = 1.21R1 5
Resistivity doesnt change with stretching. = (2−3) = − 2.5
s ⇒ VQ > VP
riron ρiron 1 × 10−7
42) = = ≈ 2.4
rCopper ρcopper 1.7 × 10−8
43) V = E − IR = 15 − 10 × 0.05 = 14.5V
1 r2 lB rB pA
44) R = p  ⇒l∝ ⇒ = ×
πr 2 p lA rA pB
lB 2 1 2
⇒ = × =
lA 1 2 1

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