GCUF Teaching PDF

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Government College University, Faisalabad

Allama Iqbal Road, Faisalabad, Pakistan For Office use only

Tel: 041-9200702 Fax: 041-9201416
Diary #: ___________
Application & Biodata Form Date: ___________
(For Teaching Positions in BPS /TTS)
1. Post Applied for: ______________________________________
(i) Subject (where applicable): ____________________________________________
Please attach a
(ii) Campus: Main Campus Other Campus: _________________ Passport size attested
photo with
(Please specify)
blue background

(iii) Nature of Appointment: BPS  TTS Other: _________

(iv) Applying on Quota: No / Yes: (if yes: Disabled, Minority)
(v) Demand Draft detail:
Bank Draft No. ____________ Date: ___________ Amount: ____________
Bank Name / Branch: _________________________________________________________

2. Personal Information:
(i) Full Name (Block letters): ________________________________________________________________________

(ii) Father’s Name (Block letters): ________________________________________________________________________

(iii) Marital Status : _____________ (iv) Gender : ___________ (v) Religion : ______________

(vi)(a) Permanent Address:

_____________________________________________________________________________ Contact No.: _____________________
Mobile: _________________ Landline:_________________ E-mail: ______________________

(b) Mailing Address (if different from the permanent address):

_____________________________________________________________________________ Contact No.: _____________________
(vii)Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy): ____/____/________ (viii) Age (on Closing Date): ____ /____ /_________
(ix)Nationality: (x) Domicile: (xi) CNIC No.
Self: __________________ District: _________________ ____________________________
Spouse: __________________ Province: _________________

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3. Educational Qualifications:
Years Attended Marks
Name of BISE /
Certificate / Division Obtained
University / Degree From To Major Subjects
Degree obtained /CGPA / Total
Awarding Institute
Matric or
equivalent BISE ____________
Intermediate or
equivalent BISE ____________
Bachelor’s degree
or equivalent
Master’s degree
or equivalent
M. Phil. /MSor
Ph. D*
Any other
*For applicants, having PhD degree from a Foreign University are required to submit HEC Equivalence Certificate

(ii) Ph.D Thesis was evaluated by:

Sr.#. Name & Designation Institution

For Assistant Professor Candidates: if you have obtained PhD degree from a local University, its thesis must
be evaluated by at least 2 evaluators belonging to the technically and academically advanced countries, otherwise at
least 2 publications in HEC recognized journals are mandatory and must be mentioned in part-4(i) of this form,
alongwith evidence.
(iii) Professional Qualifications / Trainings: (use extra sheet if required)
Name &Place of Certificate / Period Attended
Area / Field
Institution Diploma obtained From To

(vi) Academic & Sports Distinctions:


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(v)Languages Proficiency (Very Good, Good, Fair):

Language Reading Writing Speaking


4. (i) Research Publications:

Please provide a list of all the publications (Research papers, book chapters, books) in your CV, to be
attached with this biodata form along with the copies of the first pages of the mentioned publications:
(a) For all the Subjects other than Arts&Design&Architecture
(Indexation for Total
Sr. #. Publication Type in Last 5
Publications)/ ISBN Published
for Books
Publications in HEC Recognized Local Journals (Indexed in ISI Master List, without Impact
Factor) / Books Published by Local Publishers
X category
Research Papers (1 ,
st 2 and/or Y category
Corresponding Author) Z category
(only for languages)
X category
Y category
2. Research Papers as Co-Author
Z category
(only for languages)
Book Chapters Published as Principal
Author (1stand/or Corresponding Author)
Books Authored (having ISBN) as Main
Author (First Author)
Books Authored (having ISBN) as Co-
6. Books Edited (having ISBN) as Main Editor
7. Books Edited (having ISBN) as Co-Editor
Publications in Impact Factor Journals (W category), Book Chapters/BooksEdited,
Publishedby International Publishers (having ISBN)

Research Papers (1st, 2nd and / or

Corresponding Author)
2. Research Papers as Co-Author

Page 3/9
(Indexation for Total
Sr. #. Publication Type in Last 5
Publications)/ ISBN Published
for Books
Book Chapters Published by International
3. Publishers (having ISBN) as Principal
Author (1stand/or Corresponding Author)
Books Authored as Main Author, published
by International Publishers (having ISBN)
Books Authored as Co-Author, published
by International Publishers (having ISBN)
Books Edited/Co-Edited, published by
International Publishers (having ISBN)

(b) For the subjects of Fine Arts/Design/Architecture

Sr. In Last
Parameter National International
#. 5 Years
1. Total Number of Exhibitions
No. of Exhibition(s), in which at least 2 new works of art
have been presented
3. Participation in Total No. of Competitions
No. of Competition(s), in which at least 2 new works of art
have been presented.
5. No. of Architectural Design Competitions
6. No. of Design Excellence Awards

(ii). Employment Record and Experience (Starting from recent one):

Duration Experience Certificate
Post Held Institution / Organization Attached?
Salary From To Year Month Day

Total Experience (upto the closing date of submission of applications)

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(iii). Research Supervision:
Are you an approved HEC PhD Supervisor? Yes / No (if yes, attach evidence)
Only supervision of those Ph.D./M.Phil. /MS students will be considered, who have successfully secured
their respective degrees (attach evidence).
No. of Students Supervised
Sr. #. Major Second Supervisor
Supervisor or Co-supervisor
1 No. of Ph.D. students supervised
2 No. of MS/M.Phil students supervised
(iv).Research Grants / Funds:
Only completed and competitive research grants as Principal Investigator (PI) only. No weightage will
be given for the Co-PI.
National / Funding (in
Sr.#. Funding Agency Project Title
International? PKR Millions)

(v). Teaching Profile:

Teaching Profile should reflect the academic contribution of the candidate for the department / subject
in particular and University in general.
a. Courses Taught (both Graduate / Undergraduate):
Sr. Credit
Course Title (with Code) Semester Department (PhD / M Phil
#. Hours
/ M. Sc. / BS)
Total Credit Hours:

b. New Courses Developed (both Graduate / Undergraduate):

Sr. Credit
Course Title (with Code) Semester Department (PhD / M Phil
#. Hours
/ M. Sc. / BS)
Total Credit Hours:

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c. Other Achievements in Teaching (if any):

(v). Market Factor:

If you have a strong Market Factor, please provide details on separate sheet along with supporting
documents. The Market Factor is determined through MoUs Signed, patents awarded / commercialized,
startups of your business value idea, Publications in collaboration with reputed Industry, product or
prototype development, or publishing of original research articles (as 1 st, 2ndand/or corresponding
author) in Top-10 ranked journal (internationally valid evidence required) of your field.

5. Other Information:
(i) Membership/ Fellowship of Professional Bodies:
(Give the name and nature of membership s or offices held)
(ii) Foreign Visits: Official / Personal (Starting from the recent one):
Country Purpose of Visit
From To

(iii) Are you suffering from any physical disability? Yes / No

If Yes, Specify: __________________________________________________ (attach certificate)

(iv) Have you ever been convicted from any court of law Yes / No.
If Yes, Specify: __________________________________________________

(v) Is any inquiry or disciplinary proceeding currently pending /

undergoing against you? Yes / No
(vi) Have you obtained NOC / Permission from your present
employer to apply for this post (if yes please attach evidence): Yes / No

(vii) If you are under liability to repay money to any institution or person,
please state the particulars:

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(viii) Give names and addresses of at least two references:
a. _____________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________
(ix) List of Documents Attached (original or attested copies):
(i) (vi) (xi)

(ii) (vii) (xii)

(iii) (viii) (xiii)

(iv) (ix) (xiv)

(v) (x) (xv)

General Declaration:
I hereby solemnly declare that all the information given in this Application & Biodata Form is true
& correct to the best of my knowledge & belief. Moreover, the documents (testimonials, degrees,
diplomas, experience certificates etc…) attached alongwith are valid and authentic.
I have read the instructions carefully and will be responsible if any of the information / document,
provided by me, is proved wrong, at any stage of my employment.

Declaration about Genuineness of Research Publications (Specifically for Section 4)

I solemnly declare that research work, mentioned in this Application & Biodata Form, accurately
reflects my own contribution and no misrepresentation, whatsoever, has been made in this regard.
I understand the Zero Tolerance Policy of the HEC about Plagiarism. Therefore, I, as an Author of
the listed publications (papers, books etc.) in this Application & Biodata Form as well as in the
attached CV, declare that no publication (as a whole or its part / chapter) is plagiarized and any
material used as reference is properly referred/cited.
I further undertake that if I am found guilty of any kind of plagiarism in the mentioned publications,
even after joining Government College University, Faisalabad, the University reserves the rights to
review my appointment and to take any other disciplinary action under the HEC’s Plagiarism Policy
/ rules & regulations of the University.

Date: _______________ Signature of the Applicant: ___________________

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In continuation to the instructions mentioned in the advertisement: -
1. This form must be accompanied by an updated CV, 3 recent attested passport size photographs, original
demand draft and attested copies of educational testimonials, experience certificates and other such
documents, as per information provided in the application form.
2. Incomplete applications or the applications received after the due date will not be entertained.
3. Those already in service should submit applications Through Proper Channel (by filling the attached
proforma), within the due date, as mentioned in the Advertisement.
4. The University reserves the right not to fill any vacancy, increase or decrease the number of positions,
consider any applicant for appointment in a lower grade or on any other position, without assigning any
5. Additional sheets may be attached where space in columns is insufficient.
6. The information provided in Section 4 may be used for evaluation to grant the Advance Increments, in the
cases of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor under Tenure Track System. However, the
Selection Board / Higher Education Commission shall be the final authorities to grant or not to grant advance
increment to any candidate.
7. The information provided in the Application / Biodata form must be accompanied with attested copies of
relevant documents / evidences. No claim will be accepted without provision of valid evidence.
8. In case a candidate is not selected for the post applied for, he/she may take his/her published work material
back from the concerned branch of the Registrar’s Office within six months of the meeting of the Syndicate,
as per University policy, if he/she so desires. Upon expiry of period of six months, such applications
alongwith the copies of testimonials and publications etc... would be destroyed.
9. The applications complete in all respects should be submitted as under :
 Professor / Associate Professor: Five Copies
 Assistant Professor / Lecturer: Three Copies

Name of Applicant: ______________________________ Post Applied for: _________________________

Diary#: ______________
Diary Date: ____________ Signature of Official: _____________________

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Departmental Permission Certificate
(To be submitted by the candidate, serving in Government, Semi-Government or
Autonomous body other than Government College University, Faisalabad)

1. To be filled by the Candidate:

a. Name: __________________________________________________________________
b. Father’s Name: __________________________________________________________________
c. Presently working as: ____________________________________ BPS/Salary: _______________
d. Office / Department: __________________________________________________________________
e. Post, Applying for: __________________________________________________________________

(Signature of the Candidate with Date)

2. To be filled by the Administrative Office:
 It is certified that the above named employee is working in this organization / institution on
regular / adhoc / temporary / other ___________ basis since ______________.
 The above named candidate has been granted permission to apply for the said post by the
Competent Authority of the parent organization.
 If the candidate is selected in Government College University, Faisalabad, he / she will be
relieved of by the parent organization, immediately.
 There is no audit para / inquiry and pending dues against the applicant. There are no adverse
remarks against him / her in the last five years of his / her PERs / ACRs.

Ref #: __________________ ______________________________

Dated: _________________ Signature with Stamp of
the Appointing Authority
or the Authorized Officer

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