Some Takes On Multicultural Pedagogy
Some Takes On Multicultural Pedagogy
Some Takes On Multicultural Pedagogy
Analysis of Inclusion and Teaching Writing Reading—Review your book then choose three
selections to focus on carefully from your first self-selected text. First, define your author’s
overall project. Next, choose key ideas and major concepts to focus on defining. Finally,
explore key ideas and concepts in terms of practical ideas for the classroom.
We have learned that expert teachers act as mediators, give more in less time, and contribute to
the betterment of society by making their students effective citizens. We have also designed
syllabi according to our institutions’ curriculum. We designed activities according to learning
needs and the goals/objectives decided in the curriculum. Our evaluation criteria are guided by
rubrics designed according to OUR designated curriculum standards. Reading this book
challenged my preconception about equality. The how’s and what’s of instruction and the
learning-teaching environment are given justice, too. Each element of design and facilitation is
fully-prescribed for educators. Curriculum, students, teaching methods, instructors, and
classroom climate and group dynamics are essential components to insure successful facilitation
of the social justice approach to education.
The journey starts with educators’ self-awareness vis-à-vis their socio-cultural persona,
professional profile, “personalities, and biases” (57). The second component of this utopic
teaching-learning journey is the student. Facilitators should consider the various factors that
affect the learners, “their multiple social identities, interests, expectations, needs, prior
experiences, lived realities, and learning preferences” (57). Choosing appropriate contents and
pedagogical perspectives in SJE is geared to “increasing personal awareness, expanding
knowledge, and encouraging action” (60). Instructors should skillfully attune learning outcomes
to students’ needs, perceptions, and aspirations, and particularly avoid content which presents
stereotypical views on particular groups. Pegadogy-wise, Bloom and Krathwohl’s teaching
model appropriately addresses the learning stages that every learner goes through, Bell
It follows from the above-stated pre-requisites, practices, and selections of activities that SJE
takes a systems’ approach to education; a whole-world view inside the learning environment.
Assessment and classroom dynamics are equally important to the success of this approach. A
universal instructional design is adopted to fit all types of learners “with or without disabilities”
(67). Both formative and summative assessments are taken, but the aim is “a neutral grading
schema, based on work completed and knowledge demonstrated, rather than views or opinions”
(68). Instructors’ self-assessment is another facet of the dynamism that the systems approach to
education encourages. Aware of the needs to readjust, or change learning objectives and
assessment protocols in the learning process, facilitators should use Student Evaluations of
Teaching and students’ reflections as part of their teaching and assessment strategies.
How do these ideas translate to my future classroom practice? I chose to explore another
dimension that the authors described, as I demonstrate in the remainder of this paper, for my
seminar project. How can teachers’ help students navigate their identities via exposure to various
texts on various religious beliefs? What are the steps teachers should take to design multicultural
lessons? As part of ethnic content, incorporating religion into a multicultural curriculum should
be presupposed by a needs analysis of the learners’ interests. ESL/EFL curricular are already
built on needs analysis. Four levels of ethnic content integration Banks proposes, “the
contributions approach”, “the additive approach”, “the transformative approach”, and “the social
approach”. In the first level, teachers should focus on “heroes, holidays, and discrete cultural
elements”. In the second level, teachers can add “content, concepts, themes, and perspectives to
the curriculum without changing its structure”. If teachers aspire to transform the curriculum,
they should change the curriculum “to enable students to view concepts, issues, events, and
themes from the perspectives of diverse ethnic and cultural groups”. In the fourth level, “the
students make decisions on important social issues and take actions to help solve them” (qt in
Lim Na 12).
The SJE approach tackles the last two levels, which require a transformation of the whole
curriculum. In each chapter, the authors offer four quadrants of activities with detailed learning
objectives for teachers to consider, but the challenge for composition and literature teachers is
what texts should be chosen. As I mentioned in the second post, the Iserian reading stages
unequally benefit ESL learners who demonstrate different levels of information processing and
connections between text and world. I would plan the first lesson as a model of think out aloud
strategy through comprehension, analysis, and synthesis questions about two texts akin to adding
the religious dimension to the curriculum. The two tentative texts for my project are The
Giver by Lois Lowry, and Love, Hate and Other Filters by Samira Ahmed. What resources
should we choose to provide 'repertoire' information for students? Which resources fit all
learners? What visuals, multimedia should we incorporate that would be 'openly' accepted by
learners from other cultures? It is a tedious task yet very rewarding.
3. My personal experience
As an authentic example of an educated immigrant who came to observe, and test prior
assumptions about pluralism, and above all to be part of this society, forms of oppression, white
supremacy, and religious stereotypes that are elaborated in the book answered and obscured
some of my preconceptions. It is true that my head covering was stereotyped overtly by a
teenager, and another person appreciated and questioned my ‘good pronunciation’, but it all
depends on my perceptions of acceptance to be part of the society and to take action to live
peacefully together. White race supremacy and religious oppression are explained in the book to
account for cases like the ones I have experienced.
Racism is, as most of us know, the most noticeable kind of oppression, segregation, alienation,
and hyphenation that individual feelings of superiority act against ‘others’. The denotations of
the term have expanded through the ages to include all types of non-white race, religion,
ethnicity, and education. The authors define racism as “a pervasive system of advantage and
disadvantage based on the socially-constructed category of race…. It is enacted on multiple
levels: institutional, cultural, interpersonal, and individual” (134). Racism is also classified into
covert and overt acts towards others. It can be directly exerted by verbal and physical
discrimination and violence, or implicitly such as “cultural and religious marginalization, color-
blind racism, and tokenism” (136).
White supremacy, which is engraved in all domains, is sustained by a lack of historical
knowledge of the origins of racism. The authors provide thorough historical and recent
investigations of white racism in the US vis-à-vis the original inhabitants of the ‘New World’,
people of color, Europeans, Asians, and Arabs, among others. Their approach to making changes
on individual and socio-political levels is three-fold, “understanding the different ways that
racism operates on diverse communities of color, understanding the cumulative and systemic
nature of white privilege, and discussing central themes in US history that undergird the racism
that continues to operate today” (139). Among the limitations of this approach to social justice
education is its application to the ‘uneducated’ population. Indeed, taking action is a way of sane
socialization practices that all people are required to do; but how can we make sure that all
people understand it, especially the elderly, it is hard to change their fossilized conception of
supremacy and inferiority. Another impediment is the lack of training that instructors have in this
field and ‘foreign’ students’ conceptions of the ‘American white-supremacy’ that they developed
in their homelands due to globalization and the media.
The third dimension that I chose to explore is religious oppression. The example that I mentioned
above about being called ‘ISIS’ because of my hijab (head-cover) is an example of individual
religious prejudice. Adams and Joshi see religious oppression as a “systematic subordination of
non-Christian minority religious groups, and those who are atheists, agnostics, or freethinkers….
It occurs at all levels of society through individual actions, institutional policies, and cultural and
societal norms and values associated with Christianity” (255). Considerations of the interrelated
relationship between religion and other forms of oppression led to the extension of stereotyping
following the dramatic historical events in US history. Ideological judgments of ‘otherness’
intensified interfaith tension in institutional academic settings. Educators are developing courses
that foster religious plurality to reduce bias and enforce cooperation. To this end, the authors of
this chapter aim at building a genuinely pluralistic society that is inclusive of all religions as well
as those who do not belong to any (280).
What? So what? Now what? Answers to this set of questions are the sequencing of activities and
learning objectives when designing a SJE course. The cooperative work in this thoroughly-
designed book strengthened the symbolic character of the American pluralistic society, and
clarified, among others, the basic tenets of strong social justice education and the pedagogical
principles which underlie it. Science proved that we all are equal homosapiens, world religions
confirm that we are all equal under some strong power, common sense tells us that we should
give love to others, but limited education and psychological issues bring about racism,
oppression, and hatred. For a successful social justice education to succeed, the change should
start from us as individuals who raise generations by educating them on the importance of
equality and the drastic effects of prejudice and oppression.
Works Cited
Adams, Maurianne & Bell, Lee Anne Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice. New York,
Taylor & Francis, 2016.
Lim Na, Yoo. Multicultural Curriculum: Models and Methods in Elementary Art Education.
2015. Georgia State University, MA thesis.
article=1202&context=art_design_theses accessed 14 February, 2020.
Appendix a
Six internal activities structuring models proposed for instructors and curriculum-developers to
1. Identify Key Concepts and Establish Learning Objectives Criteria
2. Establish How Learners will Demonstrate Progress
3. Select or Design Learning Activities and Allot Time for Each Activity
4. Organize directions and procedures for each activity and Gather Equipment and Material
5. Develop Processing Format and questions for each activity
6. Sequence learning activities. (63)