KNOWN: Steady-state, one-dimensional heat conduction through an axisymmetric shape.
FIND: Sketch temperature distribution and explain shape of curve.
and that q x ≠ q x x . That is, the heat rate within the object is everywhere constant. From Fourier’s
q x = − kA x ,
Ax = Constant.
That is, the product of the cross-sectional area normal to the heat rate and temperature gradient
remains a constant and independent of distance x. It follows that since Ax increases with x, then
dT/dx must decrease with increasing x. Hence, the temperature distribution appears as shown above.
COMMENTS: (1) Be sure to recognize that dT/dx is the slope of the temperature distribution. (2)
What would the distribution be when T2 > T1? (3) How does the heat flux, q ′′x , vary with distance?
KNOWN: End-face temperatures and temperature dependence of k for a truncated cone.
FIND: Variation with axial distance along the cone of q x , q x , k, and dT / dx.
qx is independent of x.
Since A(x) increases with increasing x, it follows that qx q x / A x decreases with increasing x.
Since T decreases with increasing x, k increases with increasing x. Hence, from Fourier’s law,
q x k ,
COMMENT: How is the analysis changed if the coefficient a has a negative value?
KNOWN: One-dimensional system with prescribed thermal conductivity and thickness.
FIND: Unknowns for various temperature conditions and sketch distribution.
ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Steady-state conditions, (2) One-dimensional conduction, (3) No internal heat
generation, (4) Constant properties.
ANALYSIS: The rate equation and temperature gradient for this system are
dT dT T2 T1
qx k and . (1,2)
dx dx L
Using Eqs. (1) and (2), the unknown quantities for each case can be determined.
dT 20 50 K <
(a) 280 K/m
dx 0.25m
qx 50 280 14.0 kW/m 2 .
mK m <
10 30 K 80 K/m
dx 0.25m
qx 50 80 4.0 kW/m 2 . <
mK m
(c) qx 50 160 8.0 kW/m 2
mK m
dT K
T2 L T1 0.25m 160 70 C. <
dx m
T2 110 C.
(d) qx 50 80 4.0 kW/m 2
mK m
dT K
T1 T2 L 40 C 0.25m 80
dx m <
T1 60 C.
(e) qx 50 200 10.0 kW/m 2
mK m
dT K
T1 T2 L 30 C 0.25m 200 20 C. <
dx m
KNOWN: Electrical heater sandwiched between two identical cylindrical (30 mm dia. 60 mm
length) samples whose opposite ends contact plates maintained at To.
FIND: (a) Thermal conductivity of SS316 samples for the prescribed conditions (A) and their
average temperature, (b) Thermal conductivity of Armco iron sample for the prescribed conditions
(B), (c) Comment on advantages of experimental arrangement, lateral heat losses, and conditions for
which T1 T2.
ASSUMPTIONS: (1) One-dimensional heat transfer in samples, (2) Steady-state conditions, (3)
Negligible contact resistance between materials.
PROPERTIES: Table A.2, Stainless steel 316 T=400 K : k ss 15.2 W/m K; Armco iron
The total temperature drop across the length of the sample is T1(L/x) = 25C (60 mm/15 mm) =
100C. Hence, the heater temperature is Th = 177C. Thus the average temperature of the sample is
Continued …..
PROBLEM 2.17 (Cont.)
0.030 m
15.0 C
qiron q heater qss 100V 0.601A 15.0 W/m K
4 0.015 m
qiron 60.1 10.6 W=49.5 W
q ss k ssA c T2 / x 2 .
q x 49.5 W 0.015 m
k iron iron 2 70.0 W/m K. <
Ac T2 0.030 m / 4 15.0 C
The total drop across the iron sample is 15C(60/15) = 60C; the heater temperature is (77 + 60)C =
137C. Hence the average temperature of the iron sample is
T= 137 + 77 C/2=107C=380 K. <
We compare the computed value of k with the tabulated value (see above) at 380 K and note the good
(c) The principal advantage of having two identical samples is the assurance that all the electrical
power dissipated in the heater will appear as equivalent heat flows through the samples. With only
one sample, heat can flow from the backside of the heater even though insulated.
Heat leakage out the lateral surfaces of the cylindrically shaped samples will become significant when
the sample thermal conductivity is comparable to that of the insulating material. Hence, the method is
suitable for metallics, but must be used with caution on nonmetallic materials.
For any combination of materials in the upper and lower position, we expect T1 = T2. However, if
the insulation were improperly applied along the lateral surfaces, it is possible that heat leakage will
occur, causing T1 T2.
KNOWN: Wall thickness, thermal conductivity, temperature distribution, and fluid temperature.
FIND: (a) Surface heat rates and rate of change of wall energy storage per unit area, and (b)
Convection coefficient.
h = 4.3 W / m2 ⋅ K. <
COMMENTS: (1) From the heat equation,
2 2
(∂T/∂t) = (k/ρcp) ∂ T/∂x = 60(k/ρcp),
it follows that the temperature is increasing with time at every point in the wall.
(2) The value of h is small and is typical of free convection in a gas.
KNOWN: Plane wall with no internal energy generation.
FIND: Determine whether the prescribed temperature distribution is possible; explain your
reasoning. With the temperatures T(0) = 0°C and T∞ = 20°C fixed, compute and plot the temperature
T(L) as a function of the convection coefficient for the range 10 ≤ h ≤ 100 W/m2⋅K.
ASSUMPTIONS: (1) One-dimensional conduction, (2) No internal energy generation, (3) Constant
properties, (4) No radiation exchange at the surface x = L, and (5) Steady-state conditions.
ANALYSIS: (a) Is the prescribed temperature distribution possible? If so, the energy balance at the
surface x = L as shown above in the Schematic, must be satisfied.
E& in − E& out = 0 q′′x ( L ) − q′′cv = 0 (1,2)
where the conduction and convection heat fluxes are, respectively,
dT ⎞ T ( L) − T (0)
q′′x ( L ) = − k = −4.5 W m ⋅ K × (120 − 0 ) C 0.18 m = −3000 W m 2
⎟ = −k
dx ⎠ x = L L
Substituting the heat flux values into Eq. (2), find (-3000) - (3000) ≠ 0 and therefore, the temperature
distribution is not possible.
(b) With T(0) = 0°C and T∞ = 20°C, the temperature at the surface x = L, T(L), can be determined
from an overall energy balance on the wall as shown above in the schematic,
T ( L) − T (0)
E& in − E& out = 0 q′′x (0) − q′′cv = 0 −k − h [ T ( L ) − T∞ ] = 0
−4.5 W m ⋅ K ⎡ T ( L ) − 0o C ⎤ 0.18 m − 30 W m 2 ⋅ K ⎡ T ( L ) − 20o C ⎤ = 0
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
T(L) = 10.9°C <
Using this same analysis, T(L) as a function of 20
0 20 40 60 80 100
ASSUMPTIONS: (1) One-dimensional conduction, (2) No heat generation, (3) Constant properties.
ANALYSIS: (a) For Ti T , the temperature distributions are
(b) The heat flux distribution, qx x,t , is determined from knowledge of the temperature gradients,
evident from Part (a), and Fourier’s law.
(c) On qx x,t t coordinates, the heat fluxes at the boundaries are shown above.
(d) Perform a surface energy balance at x = L and an energy balance on the wall:
qcond qconv h T L, T (1), qcond q o . (2)
For the wall, under steady-state conditions, Fourier’s law gives
dT T 0, T L,
qo k k . (3)
dx L
Combine Eqs. (1), (2), (3) to find:
T 0, T .
1/h L/k