Call For Book Chapter - Sports Law
Call For Book Chapter - Sports Law
Call For Book Chapter - Sports Law
The law ought to establish and advance guidelines of morals and spirit of sportsmanship
among contenders and the bodies associated with decision making. Moral answer for legal
issues in sports is the core thought behind the vision. This will upgrade the morale of the
players by improving legally binding elements among them and the regulatory bodies.
Agreements must explain desires and duties from the players and agents.
The part of sports law is generally new in our nation. Sports law alludes to the assortment of
legal standards and guidelines that fundamentally administer the universe of sports and
professional athletics. These laws and policies can incorporate guidelines and regulation
about diversifying, drugs tests, sports-related torts, contracts, antitrust and other issues.
Note: The above sub-themes are only illustrative. Editors would welcome papers on other topics related
to Sports Law and Policy.
This is a call to all academicians, lawyers and research scholars to make their contributions
in the form of book chapter on the given themes.
Submission Guidelines
• Contributions should be between 4,000-6,000 words. The word limit mentioned is
inclusive of footnotes. Kindly note that the word limit will be strictly enforced.
• All the submissions must consist of an Abstract of not more than 250 words, the main
contribution and a declaration of originality. The abstract will not be included in the
word limit.
• A submission can be co-authored by a maximum of two people.
Format and Citation Guidelines
• Font Type and Size of the main text must be Times New Roman, 12.
• Font Type and Size of footnotes must be Times New Roman, 10.
• Line Spacing of the main text and footnotes must be 1.5, Single respectively.
• Use of headings and Sub-Headings is encouraged. Headings and Sub-Headings should
be numbered, should be of the same font type and size as the main text and should be
in bold.
• Citations must be in OSCOLA format.
• Manuscripts should be sent on e-mail Id:
• Last Date for Submission of book chapters: 7 May 2020
Submission Procedure
• Authors are requested to send their original, unpublished submissions in .doc/.docx
format to
• The name of the file must contain Title of the Submission.