Bhatia LMR 2019 All Subjects PDF
Bhatia LMR 2019 All Subjects PDF
Bhatia LMR 2019 All Subjects PDF
Upper Limb
Median Nerve
1. Median nerve is also known as the "laborer's nerve".
2. Median nerve injury at wrist, is commonly tested by the contraction of
abductor pollicis brevis.
3. Median nerve injury at the wrist causes loss of opposition of thumb.
4. Compression of a nerve within the carpal tunnel produces inability to
oppose the thumb.
5. Pointing index sign is seen in Median nerve palsy.
6. Ape thumb deformity is seen in involvement of the Median nerve.
7. Nerve damaged due to lunate dislocation (in carpal tunnel) is the Median
8. Median nerve injury at elbow affects flexion at DIP joints of2nd finger,
flexion at PIP joints of 3rd finger and flexion at DIP of 1st fingers.
Ulnar Nerve
1. Deep branch of ulnar nerve supplies the Adductor pollicis .
2. Loss of extension of little and ring finger, along with hypothenar atrophy is
seen in injury of Ulnar nerve.
3. Froment's sign is characteristically seen in Ulnar nerve injury.
4. Claw hand is caused by lesion of the Ulnar nerve.
5. Low ulnar nerve palsy is characterized by increase in severity of claw hand
(Ulnar Paradox).
6. injury to the Ulnar nerve at the wrist causes paralysis of Adduction of the
7. A cut injury of the ulnar nerve results in the loss of all interossei.
8. Wasting of the intrinsic muscles of the hand can be expected to follow
injury of the Ulnar nerve.
9. Adduction of thumb is lost in ulnar nerve injury.
10. The term "Guyon's canal" is in relation to the Ulnar nerve.
Radial nerve
1. Damage to the radial nerve in the spiral groove spares Long head of triceps.
2. Injury to radial nerve in lower part of spiral groove leaves extensions at
elbow joint intact.
3. ECRL will be paralyzed when radial nerve is injured just below the spiral
4. Wrist drop is due to injury of Radial nerve.
5. The thumb action that is totally affected in radial nerve trauma is extension.
6. Lower lateral cutaneous nerve of arm is a branch of the Radial nerve.
Other Nerves
1. Axillary nerve supplies the Deltoid + Teres minor.
2. Carpel tunnel syndrome is due to compression of the Median nerve.
3. The nerve supply of nail bed of index finger is the Median nerve.
Venous Drainage
1. The Great saphenous vein starts as a continuation of medial marginal vein.
2. The Saphenous opening is covered by cribriform fascia.
3. Hunterian perforators are seen in mid-thigh.
Femoral triangle
1. In femoral triangle the most medial structure seen is Lymphatics.
2. Adductor canal lies beneath the Sartorius.
3. Structure passing deep to flexor retinaculum is Post tibial artery.
4. Gluteofemoral bursa is in between gluteus maximus and Vastus lateralis.
Ankle joint
1. Stability of ankle joint is maintained by
a. Collateral ligaments
b. Tendons muscles attached
c. Close approximation of articular surfaces
d. Fibrous capsule
e. Syndesmotic ligaments
2. Deltoid ligament is attached to medial malleus, Navicular tuberosity,
sustentaculum tali. Spring ligament &talus (medial tubercle).
3. Ankle joint is hinge joint & is more stable at dorsiflexed position.
4. Ankle movements
a. Dorsiflexors - Tibialis anterior, EDL, EHL, Peroneus tertius.
b. Plantar flexors - Gastrocnemius, soleus, FHL, FDL
Arterial supply
1. Right coronary artery supplies - Right atrium, right ventricle, part of left
ventricle, part of left atrium , posterior 1/3 of inter ventricular septum, SA
node(65%), AV node, AV bundle.
2. Left coronary artery supplies - Most of left atrium & left ventricle. Anterior
2/3 of ventricular septum, RBB, LBB & SA node (35%).
3. Anterior inter ventricular artery is a branch of left coronary artery.
4. Koch's triangle has blood supply from right coronary artery.
5. Artery which gives the posterior inter ventricular branch is the dominant
artery in cardiac dominance.
6. LAD (Anterior interventricular) artery is most commonly involved in
thrombotic occlusion.
7. In Right cardiac dominance, Posterior interventricular artery is a branch of
Right Coronary artery in 90%
Venous drainage
1. Coronary sinus is guarded by Thebesian valve.
2. Anterior cardiac vein directly opens in the right atrium.
3. Tributaries of coronary sinus are:- Great cardiac vein, middle cardiac vein,
posterior vein of left ventricle, small cardiac vein, oblique vein of left
Nerve supply
1. Sympathetic innervations of heart is by T1-T5.
2. Surface marking of the aortic valve is sternal end of left 3rd costal cartilage.
3. Surface marking of the mitral valve is behind sternal end of left 4th costal
4. SA node is located at the right border of the ascending aorta.
Mediastinal structures
1. Arch of aorta lies in the superior mediastinum.
2. Heart with pericardium lies in the middle mediastinum.
3. Ascending aorta lies in the middle & descending aorta lies in the posterior
4. Right recurrent laryngeal nerve is not a content of superior mediastinum
5. Contents of posterior mediastinum include esophagus, descending aorta,
azygous vein & sympathetic trunk.
1. Constrictions of esophagus are at C6, T3, T6, T10 vertebral levels.
2. Distance of lower oesophageal sphincter from upper incisors is 37.5 cm
3. Trachea extends from cricoids cartilage (lower border) to T4 (lower border)
or T5 (upper border).
Thoracic duct
1. Thoracic duct does not drain:- Right upper part of body.
2. Tributaries of thoracic duct.
a. Right & left lumbar trunk.
b. Posterior mediastinal nodes.
c. Small intercostals lymph nodes
3. Additional tributaries include the:
a. Left angular trunk
b. Left subclavian trunk
c. Left bronchomediastinal trunk.
Blood vessels
1. Superior vena cava opens into right atrium at the level of T5.
2. Left superior vena cava drains into coronary sinus.
3. Arch of aorta begins and ends at T4 level.
4. Hemiazygos vein crosses left to right at T8 level.
Phrenic nerve
1. Right phrenic nerve is shorter and more vertical.
2. Phrenic nerve is formed by anterior rami of C3, C4 & C5. (C4 being major
Triangles of Neck
1. Carotid sheath encloses
a. Common carotid artery &lnternal carotid artery
b. Vagus
c. Internal Jugular vein
2. Oral diaphragm is formed by mylohyoid.
3. Lateral pterygoid is depressor of mandible.
Temporomandibular Joint
1. In TM joint, least vascular part of articular disc is central part.
2. Mental foramen is located near lstpremolor of mandible.
Cavernous Sinus
1. Draining channels of cavernous sinus are:-
a. Superior petrosal sinus
b. Inferior petrosal sinus
c. Superior ophthalmic vein
2. Abducent nerve& Internal carotid artery are the direct contents of the
cavernous sinus
3. Structures related to the lateral wall of cavernous sinus are Oculomotor
nerve, trochlear nerve, ophthalmic nerve & maxillary nerve (from above
1. Submental lymph nodes drain - tip of tongue, central part of lower lip,
adjoining gums, Ant. Part of the floor of the month & superficial tissue
below chin.
2. Tonsils drained by in jugulodigastric lymph nodes.
3. Lymph node of tongue is jugulo-omohyoid lymph nodes.
1. Fossa of Rosenmuller corresponds to the ICA.
2. Killian dehiscence is in inferior constrictor.
3. Passavant tonsil is tubal tonsil.
4. Rouviere's nodes are situated in Retropharynx.
Tonsils (Palatine Tonsil or Faucial Tonsil)
1. Plica triangularis is present in antero-inferior part of tonsil.
2. Bed of tonsil is formed by superior constrictor.
3. Tonsil is mainly supplied by tonsillar branch of facial artery.
1. Larynx extends from C3-C6
2. Cricoid cartilage lies at C6 level.
3. Abductor of vocal cord-posterior cricoarytenoid.
4. Safety muscle of larynx is posterior cricoarytenoid
5. Tensor of vocal cord is cricothyroid
6. Cricothyroid is supplied by External laryngeal nerve.
7. Sensory supply of larynx below vocal cord is recurrent laryngeal nerve.
1. Palsy of right genioglossus causes deviation of tongue to right.
2. Safety muscle of tongue is genioglossus.
3. Taste sensations from Ant. 2/3rd of tongue is carried by chorda tympani.
4. Tip of tongue drains into submental lymph nodes.
5. Posterior l/3rd of tongue develops from hypobranchial eminence
6. Tongue muscles are derived from occipital somites.
1. Sensory fibres from the taste buds in the hard & soft palate travel along
facial nerve.
2. Soft palate is supplied by cranial accessory nerve.
3. All muscles of soft palate are supplied by Vagoaccessory complex except
tensor veli palatini.
Cranial Nerve;
1. Smallest cranial nerve is trochlear nerve.
2. Cranial nerve with longest intracranial course- trochlear.
3. Middle superior alveolar nerve is a branch of maxillary nerve.
4. Nucleus of masseteric reflex is mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve.
5. 1st branch of facial nerve in greater petrosal nerve.
6. Stapedius is supplied by 7th nerve.
7. Alderman's nerve is auricular branch of vagus nerve.
8. Jacobson's nerve is tympanic branch of Glossopharyngeal nerve.
9. Vidian nerve is nerve to pterygoid canal.
10. Galen's anastomosis is between RLN & Internal laryngeal nerve.
Eustachian tube
1. Length of Eustachian tube is 36 mm.
2. Tensor veli palatine causes opening of Eustachian tube
Inner ear
1. Cochlear aqueduct connects internal ear with subarachnoid space.
2. In carcinoma base of tongue, pain is referred to the ear through
glossopharyngeal nerve.
1. Cornea is supplied by nasociliary brands of ophthalmic.
2. Sclera is thinnest at posterior to attachment of superior rectus.
3. Pigmented layer of retina is continuation of inner layer of choroid.
1. Falx cerebri contains straight sinus.
2. Dura is supplied by all cranial nerves except 4th cranial nerve.
3. Diencephalon represents 3rd ventricle.
Forebrain (Prosencephalon)
1. The lunate sulcus is an example of operculated sulcus
2. Broca's area is present in inferior frontal area.
White Matter
1. Cortico nuclear tract is carried by genu of internal capsule.
2. Corpus callosum is an example of commissural fibres.
1. Reticular thalamic nuclei do not project to neocortex.
2. Optic tract is related to lateral geniculate body.
Brain Stem
1. Olive is seen in medulla
2. Nucleus fasciculata is seen in medulla.
3. Inter peduncular fossa contains mammillary body, posterior perforated
substance& oculomotor nerve.
1. Cerebellar connection to other parts of the brain is projected through deep
cerebellar nuclei.
2. Pontocerebellar pathway is transmitted by middle cerebellar peduncle.
Ventricles of Brain
1. Pineal gland forms posterior wall of 3rd ventricle.
2. Facial colliculus is seen in pons.
Inguinal Canal
1. Length of inguinal canal is 4 cm.
2. Inguinal canal is an intermuscular canal.
3. Deep inguinal ring is a deficiency in the Transversalis fascia.
4. A common structure in the Hesselbach's triangle and femoral triangle is
the inguinal ligament.
5. Inferior epigastric artery forms the lateral boundary of Hesselbach's
Posterior Abdominal Wall
1. Ovarian artery is a branch of Abdominal aorta
2. Superior Pancreaticoduodenal artery is a branch of Gastroduodenal artery
3. The gastroduodenal artery is derived from the Hepatic artery
4. The right suprarenal vein drains into the Inferior vena cava
5. Hepatic vein drains directly into IVC
6. Obstruction of Inferior vena cava' presents in the thoracoepigastric
7. Left testicular vein drains into left renal vein.
1. The cisterna chyli are situated in the abdomen.
2. Lymphatic drainage of cervix is to the iliac lymph nodes.
3. Anterior or anterolateral to Aorta positions best describes the location of
celiac plexus.
4. Greater splanchnic Nerve supplies the celiac plexus .
1. Branch of internal iliac artery is the superior vesical artery.
2. Branch of posterior division of internal iliac artery is superior gluteal artery.
3. In case of aberrant obturator artery, it arises most commonly from inferior
epigastric artery.
4. Pain is mediated by Autonomic nerves.
5. Pelvic splanchnic nerve is formed by Anterior rami of S2, S3, S4.
6. The inferior hypogastric plexus is located on the side of rectum.
7. The Superior Hypogastric plexus is located at the anterior aspect of the
aortic bifurcation and fifth lumbar vertebra.
8. Hypogastric Sheath is a condensation of Pelvic fascia.
9. Sacral promontory is the landmark for the termination of presacral nerve.
1. The narrowest part of the ureter is at the uretero-vesicle junction.
2. Ureters are identified during surgery by peristalsis d/t flow of urine.
Suprarenal Gland
1. Para-aortic lymph nodes drain the supra renal gland.
2. The right adrenal vein drains into the inferior vena cava.
1. Nerve of Grassi is the branch of Right vagus Nerve.
2. Nerve of later jet of vagus is seen in stomach.
3. Most important blood supply to stomach is the Left gastric artery .
Small Intestine
1. Brunner's glands are seen in the duodenum.
2. Superior mesenteric vein is related to third part of duodenum.
3. Minor duodenal papilla is opening of the accessory pancreatic duct.
4. In the ileum the lymphatic patch is along antimesenteric border.
5. Valvulae conniventes are seen in the jejunum.
6. On Contrast radiography the proximal part of duodenum has a cap.
Large Intestine 5
1. The shortest part of colon is the ascending colon.
2. The terminal group of lymph node for colon is the pre aortic.
3. Appendix epiploicae is present in the sigmoid colon.
4. The commonest anatomical position of appendix is the retrocecal.
5. Length of anal canal is 35 - 40 mm.
6. The upper half anal canal is insensitive to pain.
7. 'Valves of Houston' disappear after mobilization of the rectum.
8. Puborectalis is essential to maintain continence of the anal canal.
9. Referred pain in external hemorrhoids is due to Inferior rectal nerve
(branch of pudendal nerve).
10. Waldeyer's fascia lies behind the rectum.
11. External anal sphincter is innervated by S2, S3, S4.
Hepatobiliary System
1. Weight of liver is between 1400-1600gm.
2. Space of Disse is seen in the liver.
3. The Cournand's segmental nomenclature is based on the position of the
Hepatic veins and the Portal vein.
4. The right lobe of liver consists of V, VI, VII and VIII.
5. Relation of caudate lobe of liver is the anterior to right inferior phrenic
6. Venous blood of liver is drained by the Hepatic veins.
7. Ligamentum teres of the liver is remnant of the Left umbilical vein.
8. Blood supply of liver is 20% from the hepatic artery and 80% from the
portal vein.
1. Structure immediately posterior to pancreatic head is the Right renal vein.
2. The neck of pancreas is related on its posterior surface to the Superior
mesenteric vein.
3. Tail of pancreas related with the splenorenal ligament.
4. Most common congenital anomaly of the pancreas is Pancreas divisum.
5. Pancreas divisum indicates failure of fusion of dorsal & ventral pancreatic
1. Haploid number of chromosomes is seen in secondary spermatocyte.
2. Meiosis in spermatogenesis occurs in during the process of conversion of
Primary spermatocyte to secondary spermatocyte.
3. One primary oocyte forms 1 ovum.
4. Meiosis occurs in human males in the seminiferous tubules.
5. Spermatogenesis occurs at the temperature lower than core body
6. Sperm acquires motility in the epididymis.
7. Sperm maturation (capacitation) takes place in the female genital tract.
8. After first meiotic division, the primary oocyte remains arrested in the
diplotene stage of Prophase I.
9. In a female child at birth oocyte is in a stage of Prophase (1st meiotic).
10. Polar bodies are formed during Oogenesis.
Pre-Embryo Phase
1. Fertilized ovum reaches the uterus in 3-4 days.
2. Implantation occurs at 6-7 days.
3. Implantation occurs at the stage of blastocyst.
4. The outer layer of the blastocyst forms the trophoblast.
5. Morula is a 16 celled stage .
6. During the third week of human embryo development primitive streak
formation takes place.
7. Disc with three germ layers are formed at 3 weeks of gestation.
8. Notochord develops in 3rd week.
9. Indicator of start of gastrulation is the formation of the primitive streak.
10. Gastrulation establishes all the three germ layers .
11. Development of peritoneal cavity is from ectoderm.
12. Pericardial cavity is an intra embryonic coelomic cavity.
13. Somites initially form at the cervical level .
14. Regarding the vertebral development, the sclerotome surrounds the
notochord and the neural tube .
15. Lumbar hemivertebra results due to the abnormal development of the
ventral sclerotome.
16. Embryological development of the human vertebra is from the somite.
17. Paraxial mesoderm contributes to the development of the Skeletal
18. Closure of Neural Tube begins at the cervical region.
19. Nodal gene has important role in initiation and maintenance of primitive
20. First to be developed is Primitive streak.
21. Remnant of notochord is Nucleus pulposus.
Systematic Embryology
1. Maxillary prominence develops in the 1st pharyngeal arch.
2. The endoderm and ectoderm approach each other in the head & neck,
region during the 4th week in the Pharyngeal membrane.
3. Tympanic membrane represents all the 3 components of the embryonic
4. Artery of 2nd pharyngeal arch is the Stapedial artery.
5. Nerve of 6th arch is the Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
6. Palatine tonsil develop from Second pharyngeal pouch.
7. Gland derived from foramen Caecum is the Thyroid.
8. Parafollicular ’C’ cells of thyroid develop from the Neural crest cells
>ultimobranchial body.
9. Skeletal derivative of 2nd pharyngeal arch is the Stapes.
10. Foot plate of stapes is developed from the Otic capsule.
11. Reichert's cartilage is the cartilage of the second arch.
12. Greater cornu of hyoid is derived from cartilage of the third arch.
13. Thymus develops from the 3rd pouch.
14. Nerve of VI pharyngeal arch is the Vagus.
15. Posterior one-third of the tongue develops from the hypobranchial
16. Tongue muscles are derived from the occipital somites/ myotomes.
17. The Glossopharyngeal nerve supplies the posterior part of the tongue,
because it develops from the Hypobranchial eminence.
18. Epiglottis is derived from the 4th arch.
Cardiovascular System
1. Jelly formed around the heart tube during early development, contributes
to the formation of the myocardium.
2. Unequal division of the conus cordis resulting from anterior displacement of
the con truncal septum gives rise to Tetralogy of Fallot.
3. Heart is fully developed at 3rd month of intrauterine life.
4. Right horn of Sinus venosus forms smooth wall of right atrium.
5. Coronary sinus develops from left horn of Sinus venosus.
6. Foramen ovale closes because of fusion of the Septum primum + Septum
7. Fossa ovalis is a remnant of septum primum.
8. Double aorta occurs due to persistence of distal portion of the right dorsal
9. The commonest variation in the arteries arising from the arch of aorta is the
Left common carotid artery arising from brachiocephalic trunk.
10. Ductus venosus connects the Portal vein and IVC.
11. The most important structure involved in development of inferior vena
cava are Supracardinal vein & Subcardinal vein.
12. The structure derived from the right forth aortic arch is the Right subclavian
13. Left sided superior vena cava drains into the Coronary sinus.
14. Double inferior vena cava is formed due to persistence of subcardinal veins.
Genitourinary System
1. Collecting tubules of kidney develop from the ureteric bud.
2. Epithelium of ureter develops from the mesonephros.
3. Proximal convoluted tubules develops from the metanephric tubules.
4. Uro-rectal septum separates the Cloaca into rectum and urogenital sinus.
5. Bladder develops from endoderm(except trigone).
6. Urachal fistula is patent allantois.
7. Differentiation of genital ridge takes place at 2 months.
8. Primordial germ cells are derived from the yolk sac endoderm.
9. Germ cells in the ovary develop from the Yolk sac.
10. Number of primordial follicles in ovary at birth are 2 million.
11. Development of labia majora is from genital swelling.
12. Scrotum is analogues to Labia majora.
13. Genital swellings in male differentiate into scrotum.
14. Clitoris develops from the genital tubercle.
15. Leydig cells are derived embryo logically from the mesoderm of gonadal
16. Origin of ovary is from the genital ridge.
17. Mullerian ducts mainly forms female genital organ.
18. Appendix of epididymis is derived from Wolffian duct.
19. Vaginal wall is derived from the endoderm (of urogenital sinus) and
mesoderm (of Mullerian duct).
20. The upper 2/3rd of vagina develops from the Mullerian duct.
21. Vaginal epithelium develops from the endoderm of urogenital sinus.
22. Uterus and cervix develop from the Mullerian duct.
Nervous system
1. Spinal cord develops from the neural tube.
2. Myelination is completed by the age of 2 years.
3. The retina is an outgrowth of the diencephalon.
4. First commissure to develop is the anterior commissure.
1. Pinna develops from the 1st and 2nd pharyngeal arch .
2. Eustachian tube develops from the 1st pharyngeal pouch.
3. Ear ossicles attains adult size before birth.
4. Myoblast of diaphragm develops from the somites, cervical 3-5.
5. Facial skeleton develops from the neural crest.
6. A midline cleft lip is due to the failure of fusion between Medial Nasal
7. Supernumerary renal artery is the most common renal vascular anomaly.
8. Y chromosome is acrocentric.
9. A person showing two cell lines derived from two different zygotes is known
as mosaicism.
10. Barr body appears in female fetus at 10 weeks.
11. Right isomerism is asplenia.
12. Melanoblast cells appear in basal layer of epidermis during 3rd month of
intrauterine life.
13. Umbilical vesicle attains full development in 4 weeks.
14. If there is absence of precursor cell of an organ with the subsequent non
development of the organ, the condition is called as agenesis.
Cell Membrane
1. ECF is 33% of the total body water.
2. 1 mole of NaCI is58.5gmsof NaCI.
3. Ammonia transport in the kidney is Non-ionic diffusion.
4. Isoelectric potential is given by Nernst equation.
5. RMP of a neuron is approximately -70 mV.
6. 70 percentage of ECF sodium is exchangeable(100% K+ is exchangeable).
7. Phosphate is the most abundant intracellular anion.
8. RMP is mostly due to K+diffusion.
9. Iodide transport in the thyroid cell is an example of Secondary active
10. Lead is a non essential mineral.
11. Glucose transporter in myocyte is GLUT4.
12. Pseudohyponatremia is seen in dyslipidemia.
13. First change seen with salicylate poisoning is Metabolic acidosis.
14. D2O is used in determination of Total body water.
15. Auto-regulation is not seen in Cutaneous circulation.
16. pH of extracellular fluid is 7.4
17. Auto-regulation maintains the blood flow.
18. Skeletal muscle has the maximum oxygen consumption after liver followed
by brain.
19. Na+ symport transports glucose in GIT and PCT.
20. Basal metabolic rate is dependent on the amount of lean body mass.
21. Ketone bodies produced by Liver.
22. Maximum triglycerides are in Chylomicron.
23. Triple helix structure is seen in Collagen.
24. EDRF simulates the action of nitric oxide.
25. Dynein is the force generating protein.
26. After chloride ions, Bicarbonates is the most abundant anion in blood
27. Nitric oxide is released from Endothelial cells.
28. The cell junctions allowing exchange of cytoplasmic molecules between the
2 cells are called as Gap junctions.
29. Second messenger mediates intracellular activities of enzymes and
30. Carrier proteins meditates the transport of chemicals across cell membrane
against the gradient.
31. Sodium-potassium-ATPase helps in the maintenance of Cell surface charge,
Cell volume and RMP
32. Albumin acts as a co-transport for Fatty acids
33. Barr body is found in the Interphase phase of the cell cycle.
34. Oral rehydration mixture contains glucose and sodium because both of
them facilitate the transport of each other from the intestinal mucosa to
35. The endothelial cells produce thrombomodulin, except those found in
Cerebral microcirculation.
36. " Non constitutive exocytosis is the example of "Regulated pathway
37. The poison cyanide inhibits the reaction between Cytochrome oxidase and
molecular oxygen.
38. Cyclic AMP is Intraneural secondary messenger.
39. Number of bonds broken in protein synthesis is Four.
40. Earliest definite sign of death is Absent brain stem reflexes.
41. 7 cal of energy is yielded by one ml of alcohol (per gram) in the body.
42. Various cells respond differentially to a second messenger (such as
increased cAMP) because they have different Enzymatic composition.
43. Adenylate cyclase is a membrane bound enzyme that catalyzes the
formation of cyclic AMP from ATP.
44. Inositol triphosphate increases the release of Ca++ from endoplasmic
45. The most abundant glycoprotein present in basement membrane is
46. Sweating is mediated through Sympathetic Cholinergic.
47. In Brain ischemia the level of creatinine kinase I Increases.
48. Acetyl choline is not therapeutic because as it is rapidly metabolized.
49. The first physiological used response to high environmental temperature is
50. Kidney has the most permeable capillaries due to fenestration.
51. Muscle phosphorylase is activated by Calmodulin.
52. RBC rouleaux formation is due to increased blood viscosity and slow
53. Content of Na+ in ringer lactate is 130meq/L.
54. Androgen receptors are coded in Long arm of X chromosome.
55. Extra cellular fluid has the majority of body sodium.
56. Nissl's substance is composed of rough endoplasmic reticulum.
57. K+ is the most diffusible ion in excitable tissue.
58. Fe++ is state of Iron responsible for 02 transport.
59. Troponin & Calmodulin are the calcium ion binding protein.
60. Compound action potential is seen in Mixed nerve.
61. Chronaxie is minimum in Myelinated Nerve.
62. Amplitude of action potential can be increased maximally by increased no.
of open Na+ channel.
63. Increasing lipid solubility of the membrane increases particle diffusion
across the cell membrane.
64. Thin filament are made up of Actin, Troponin and tropomyosin
65. Relaxation protein is tropomyosin.
66. The term Milieu interior was coined by Claude Bernard (Father of
67. In Preload, there is Isotonic contraction with shortening of muscle fibres.
68. Van't Hoff gave the Osmotic principle.
69. ECF is measured by Inulin .
70. Evans blue dye is used to measure the Plasma volume.
71. Facilitated diffusion does not require energy
Nerve - Muscle Physiology
Membrane Potentials
1. Presynaptic inhibition occurs due to hyperpolarization of presynaptic
2. End plate potential follows Depolarization law.
3. Continuous sub-threshold stimulus leading to sustained response and
increase in threshold for action potential is known as Accommodation.
4. Rheobase is an indicator of Magnitude of current.
5. Antidromic conduction is seen in Axon reflex.
6. Synaptic conduction is mostly orthodromic because Chemical mediator is
located only in the presynaptic terminal.
7. Action potential is produced because of Na+ influx.
8. The permeability of Na+ ions increases during depolarization of a nerve
9. Mg+is not associated with nerve transmission.
10. Nerve impulse is initiated at axon hillock because it has lower threshold
than the rest of axon.
11. In a motor nerve fiber, lower threshold potential is seen in Axon hillock.
12. Initiation of impulse starts in Axon hillock + initial segment.
13. EPSP is due to Na+influx.
14. Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP) Are proportional to the amount of
transmitter released by the presynaptic neuron.
15. A traveling nerve impulse does not depolarize the area immediately behind
it, because it is refractory.
16. Renshaw cell inhibition is an example of bio feedback inhibition.
17. Concentration of Potassium determines the resting membrane
potential(RMP) on nerve.
18. Nerve action potential conduction requires a threshold stimulus to be
19. Synaptic potentials can be recorded by Microelectrode.
20. Neuronal degeneration is not seen in Neuropraxia.
21. Saltatory conduction in myelinated axons results from the fact that
Voltage-gated sodium channels are concentrated at the nodes of Ranvier.
22. Tetanus toxin and botulinum toxin exert their effects by disrupting the
function of SNARES, inhibiting the docking and binding of synaptic vesicles
to the presynaptic membrane.
23. A high membrane resistance of the postsynaptic neuron would optimize the
effectiveness of two closely spaced axodendritic synapses.
24. The action potential in a nerve is the action potential occurs due to sudden
opening of Na+ channels.
25. An increase in the action potential frequency in a sensory nerve usually
signifies increased intensity of the stimulus.
26. Sensory receptors that adapt rapidly are well suited to sensing the rate at
which an extremity is being moved.
27. Adaptation in a sensory receptor is associated with decline in the amplitude
of the generator potential.
1. Muscle's blood supply increases during exercise due to Accumulation of
active metabolites.
2. Ca2+ binding troponin C triggers muscle contraction.
3. The motor unit consists of motor nerve and muscle fibers that it supplies.
4. Intercalated disks are found in Cardiac muscles.
5. Myasthenia gravis is a disorder of Neuromuscular junction.
6. Contraction of covering binding sites on actin is prevented by Troponin.
7. Tropomyosin covers myosin and prevents attachments of actin and myosin.
8. Muscle contraction dependent on calcium.
9. Amongst the muscles, skeletal muscle is the most excitable tissue because
there are two "T tubules per sarcomere and has well developed
sarcoplasmic reticulum.
10. Duchenne Muscular dystrophy is a disease of Sarcolemmal proteins.
11. In severe exercise muscle spasm occurs due to Accumulation of K+.
12. Golgi tendon organ determines Muscle tension.
13. Many signaling pathways involve the generation of inositol triphosphate
(IP3) and diacylglycerol (DAG). These molecules are derived from PIP2.
Acid-Base Balance
1. Anion gap is mainly due to albumin.
2. The enzyme required for the generation of the ammonium ion in the kidney
is Glutaminase.
3. The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation is used for measuring the acid base
4. I cells are responsible for acid secretion in kidney.
Principles of Hemodynamics
1. Capillaries contain 5% blood.
2. Laminar flow is dependent on critical velocity.
3. Maximum peripheral resistance is at Arterioles.
4. Bernoulli's principle states that Sum of kinetic energy of flow and pressure
energy is constant.
5. Maximum cross sectional area is present in Capillaries.
6. Blood flow through a vessel varies directly with pressure of difference.
7. Cutaneous shunt vessels have help in thermoregulation.
Blood Pressure
1. Mean circulatory pressure is Pressure at any point when the heart is stopped.
2. The blood pressure measured by Sphygmomanometer is Higher than the
intraarterial pressure.
3. Pulmonary (capillary) wedge pressure corresponds to Left atrial pressure.
4. Mean arterial pressure is equal to Diastolic + l/3rd Pulse pressure.
5. Occlusion of common carotid artery on both sides leads to increases in HR
& BP.
6. Carotid sinus baroreceptor is most sensitive to Mean blood pressure.
Diastolic Pr. In Aorta is maintained by Elastic recoil of aorta
Blood pressure measured using a sphygmomanometer may be falsely high
in obese patients.
Mechanics of breathing
1. The intrapleural pressure is negative both during inspiration and expiration
because thoracic cage and lung's opposite recoil.
Regulation of Respiration
1. Loading reflex to monitor tidal volume is the Thoracic muscle spindles
2. Pacemaker for the start of rhythmic respiration is Pre - botzinger complex
3. Central chemoreceptors are most sensitive to Increase in C02 Tension
4. "Inflation of lungs induces further inflation" is explained by Heads
paradoxical reflex.
5. The vasodilatation produced by carbon dioxide is maximum in Brain.
6. Peripheral chemoreceptors are stimulated maximally by Cyanide.
7. In Asthma there is increased FRC and Increased Residual Vol
Applied Respiratory Physiology
1. Nitrogen narcosis is caused due to Increased solubility of nitrogen in nerve
cell membrane.
2. Due to High position of the larynx an infant can breathe while suckling breast
3. Cyanosis doesn't occur in Anemia because Certain min. amount of reduced
Hb should be present.
4. At high altitude pulmonary edema is more likely to occur above height of
5. Earliest change in high altitude is Hyperventilation.
6. An untrained person going to higher altitude for training can have maximum
anabolic effect by: Decrease in workload, increase in duration of exercise.
7. Cyanosis which is not corrected by 100% oxygen therapy is due to shunt.
8. In moderate exercise stimulation of respiration is due to Joint proprioception
9. Conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II the best-known metabolic
function of the lung.
10. Hypoxia causes vasoconstriction in Lungs
11. In Cyanide poisoning, there is tissue hypoxia without alteration of oxygen
content of blood.
12. Death due to cyanide poisoning results from Histotoxic hypoxia.
13. 100 feet deep under water, the pressure is 4 atm
14. Partial pressure of oxygen in venous blood is 40 mm Hg.
15. Diaphragm is lowest in sitting posture.
16. Maximum increase in minute volume is seen in exercise
17. In healthy individuals, the cause of an (A-a)O2 gradient is a bronchial
circulation (physiological)shunt.
1. Spinocerebellar ataxia exclusively involve neurons.
2. Cerebellum in motor performance smoothens and coordinates ongoing
3. Archicerebellum is Flocculus.
4. Mossy fibers which are cerebellar component that would be abnormal in a
degenerative disease that affected spinal sensory neurons.
1. Shivering is not occurring in child exposed to cold climate due to Brown fat.
2. Sleep is primarily regulated by Hypothalamus.
3. Satiety center is located in Ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus; hunger
center is located in lateral nucleus of hypothalamus.
4. Thermoregulatory center is located at Hypothalamus.
5. Primary motor area for shivering is Dorsomedial posterior hypothalamus.
6. Thirst is activated by Extracellular hyperosmolarity.
7. Circadian rhythm is controlled by Suprachiasmatic nucleus.
8. Drinking can be induced by Electrical stimulation of the preoptic nucleus.
9. Osmoreceptor is located at Anterior hypothalamus.
10. Non shivering Thermogenesis is that Fatty acids show uncoupled oxidative
11. In animals with chronic exposure to cold true Vagal inhibition of heart is
Higher Functions
1. Remembering things a week old is remote memory.
2. Representation in Cerebral cortex is vertically.
3. Conversion of short term memory into long term memory occurs in
4. Papez circuit in limbic system involves Anterior thalamic nuclei.
5. Prosopagnosia is Inability to recognize faces.
6. Emotional effect to a physical response is given by Hippocampus.
7. Arousal response in mediated by Reticulo activating system.
8. Part of brain most sensitive to hypoxia is Hippocampus.
1. CSF pressure depends primarily upon Rate of absorption
2. CSF plasma glucose ratio is 0.64.
3. Normal pressure of CSF in adult is 6-l2mmHg (50-l80mmH20).
4. CSF production per minute 0.30—0.35 ml/min.
5. Blood brain barrier is deficient at Area postrema.
Special Senses
1. Bitter taste is mediated by action of G protein.
2. Red Green spectrum of colour is highest visualized due to central cones.
3. The rod receptor potential differs from other sensory receptors in that it
shows Hyperpolarization.
4. During the dark phase of visual cycle, the form of vitamin A combines with
opsin to make Rhodopsin is 11-cis-Retinaldehyde.
5. The parvocellular pathway from lateral geniculate nucleus to visual cortex is
most sensitive for the stimulus of Color contrast.
6. Amacrine cells are seen in Retina.
7. Receptor itself is a dendrite of a nerve is Olfactory
8. In the inner ear, stereocilia are the mechan sensing organelles of hair cells,
which respond to fluid motion.
Thyroid Gland
1. Thyroid act by nuclear receptors
2. T3 level gives an indication of Thyroid state.
3. "C" cells are found in thyroid.
1. Somatomedin mediates the deposition of chondroitin sulphate.
2. Epinephrine decreases insulin release.
3. Delta cells or 'D' cells of pancreas Secrete Somatostatin.
4. Human insulin differ from beef insulin by 3 Amino acid.
5. Insulin does not cause Lipolysis.
6. Insulin does not cross placenta.
7. HbAlc level in blood explains the long term status of blood sugar.
1. Vanillylmandelic acid is the principal metabolite in norepinephrine
metabolism excreted in urine.
2. In the adrenal gland, androgens are produced by the cells in the Zona
3. Zona glomerulosa secretes aldosterone.
4. Non-shivering Thermogenesis in adults is due to Noradrenaline.
Calcium And Potassium
1. Ionized calcium is the active form of calcium in the body.
2. The mechanism by which hyperventilation may cause muscle spasm is
decreased calcium.
3. Osteoclast has specific receptor for Calcitonin.
4. Sudden decrease in serum calcium is associated with increased sensitivity of
muscle and nerve.
5. Inositol triphosphate acts to increase the release of Ca 2+ from endoplasmic
6. Parathyroid hormone is responsible for increased production of 1, 25
&Dihydroxycholecalciferol in kidney.
7. Osteomalacia is associated with increase in osteoid maturation time.
8. Main mineral salt of bone in Hydroxyapatite.
5. Sertoli cells in the testis have receptors for FSH.
6. Sperms acquire motility in Epididymis.
7. Inhibin hormone is secreted by Sertoli cells.
8. Antibodies against sperms develop after vasectomy.
9. Progesterone causes increase in basal body temperature during ovulation.
10. In postmenopausal women, estrogen is metabolized mostly into Estrone.
11. Elasticity of cervical mucous is seen at time of MID cycle.
12. The correct position of OH groups in estradiol are C3 and C17.
13. Nucleus is the site of estrogen action.
14. Normal or elevated LH/FSH is seen during polycystic ovary disease.
15. Gene coding for androgen receptors is situated in Long arm of X
16. FSH is inhibited by Inhibin
17. After formation, the sperms are stored in Epididymis.
Thyroid Gland
1. Reabsorption Lacunae in thyroid are seen in Colloid, in active follicles.
2. Thyroglobulin synthesis does not take place in colloid.
3. The R.M.P of thyroid cell is approximately 50mv.
4. Iodide uptake into thyroid cell is an example of Secondary active transport
5. The minimum amount in thyroid secretion is that of MIT.
6. Active form of thyroid hormone is T3.
7. An increase in both TSH as well as thyroid hormones can be encountered in
T3, T4 resistance.
Adrenal Glands
1. in the adrenal medulla 90% of cells are of epinephrine secreting type.
2. Most of the total mass of adrenal gland is made up of Zona fasciculate.
3. Secretion of adrenal androgens is controlled mainly by ACTH.
4. Glucocorticoids act as anti-inflammatory / anti-allergic agents because they
Prevent release of histamine/cytokines.
5. ACTH bursts are maximum in Early morning.
6. The primary form of cortisol in the plasma is Bound to corticosteroidbinding
globulin (CBG).
7. The rate-limiting step in the synthesis of cortisol is catalyzed by Cholesterol
side-chain cleavage enzyme.
1. The enzyme that controls entry of glucose into circulation from liver is
Glucose - 6 phosphatase.
Parathyroid Glands
1. Main effect of VIT.D. (1,25 DHCC) isTes intestinal absorption of Ca++.
2. The major site(s) for control of body's phosphorous is Kidney.
3. The major storage form of VIT. D is 25 OHCC.
4. Hyperparathyroidism responsible for osteoporosis.
1. Epinephrine and glucagon have effects on glycogen metabolism in the liver.
Glycogen phosphorylase is activated, whereas glycogen synthase is
2. Pompe's disease is due to deficiency of enzyme Acid maltase i.e. a 1,4
3. Glucokinase Km value is higher than normal blood sugar, Found in liver.
4. In Glycolysis, Glucose is converted to 3C products.
5. Fluoride inhibits Enolase. In mitochondria, it also inhibits ETC by chelating
Ca++ . In blood, by chelating Ca++, it causes hypocalcemic symptoms.
6. Aldolase a and b act on Fructose-1, 6-Bisphosphate. Aldolase b also acts on
Fructose-1 phosphate.
7. Pasteur effect is inhibition of glycolysis by oxygen i.e. inhibition of glycolysis
under aerobic condition. It basically involves Inhibition of anaerobic glycolysis
by oxygen to prevent excess lactate production. It explains the brain's
protection against conditions like hypoxia or even anoxia where further
lactate production is inhibited by decreasing glucose utilization when
exposed to air.
8. Crabtree effect is opposite to that of Pasteur effect i.e. inhibition of oxygen
consumption by addition of glucose to tissues having high aerobic involves Inhibition of aerobic glycolysis by glucose.
9. Adenylyl kinase is the enzymes that allows the high-energy phosphate of ADP
to be used in the synthesis of ATP while Adenylyl cyclase utilizes the
high-energy phosphate of ATP to be used in the synthesis of cAMP.
KREB's Cycle
1. The citric acid cycle occurs in subcellular compartment, Mitochondrial Matrix.
2. The pyruvate utilization in tissues is decreased in Beri Beri as Pyruvate
Dehydrogenase Complex enzyme is Thiamine (BI) dependent. Thiamine is
present as TPP (Thiamine Pyrophosphate).
3. Alpha ketoglutarate, a metabolite of TCA cycle is used in detoxification of
ammonia in brain.
4. In TCA cycle, substrate level phosphorylation occurs at the level of succinyl
5. Fluoroacetate inhibits Aconitase.
6. TCA cycle does not take place in Erythrocyte (Mature RBC), due to absence of
7. Oxaloacetate + Acetyl CoA + H20 = Citrate + CoA This is an example of
Condensation (Claisen/Classical condensation).
8. Number of ATP formed per turn of the citric acid cycle is 10.
9. In TCA cycle, fumarase catalyses hydration of fumarate to form Malate.
Malate Synthesis
1. During gluconeogenesis reducing equivalents/reduced coenzymes from
mitochondria to the cytosol are transported by Malate.
2. Lactate is transported from muscle to Liver because Liver has Glucose 6
Glycogen Metabolism
1. Skeletal muscle is deficient in Glucose - 6 - phosphatase.
2. Blood glucose levels cannot be augmented by mobilization of muscle
glycogen due to lack of Glucose - 6 - phosphatase.
3. Phosphorylase b kinase deficiency is the only Glycogenosis to be transmitted
by X-linked genes.
4. Muscle glycogen is mainly utilized for supplying energy to Muscle .
5. The major fate of glucose-6-phosphate in the tissue in the fed state is
Conversion to glycogen.
6. The tissue with the highest glycogen content/concentration (mg/lOOgm) is
7. Cyclic AMP accelerates glycogenolysis by : Converting inactive protein kinase
to active protein kinase.
8. Glycogen synthase is allosterically regulated by Glucose 6-phosphate.
9. Glucokinase enzyme plays an important role in regulating blood glucose
levels after feeding.
10. After a meal, blood glucose enters cells and is stored as glycogen, particularly
in the liver which is controlled by Insulin.
11. UDP-glucose (UDPG) is the donor of new glucose molecules in elongation of
glycogen chain.
1. Acetoacetate, (3-hydroxy butyrate and Acetone (Ketone bodies) are NOT
substrates for gluconeogenesis.
2. Major contribution towards gluconeogenesis is by Alanine participating in
Glucose-Alanine Cycle (CAHILL cycle)
Hmp Shunt
1. NADPH + H+ is required for Fatty acid synthesis in Cytosol
2. The most common enzyme deficiency in man is Glucose — 6— phosphate
dehydrogenase(G6PD) that leads to Hemolytic anemia.
3. NADP is used as a coenzyme by Glucose 6— phosphate dehydrogenase
Galactose Metabolism
1. Galactosemia commonly is due to deficiency of Galactose- 1-phosphate
uridyl transferase(GALT)
2. Galactosemia can also be due to deficiency of Galactokinase & Uridine
3. Pathognomonic of Galactosemia is Oil Drop Cataract appreciated in Slit
Lamp examination
4. Cataract in Galactosemia is due to accumulation of Galactitol/Dulcitol.
5. Treatment of Galactosemia is Lactose-free diet.
1. An enzyme involved in the catabolism of fructose to pyruvate in the liver is
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase.
2. In hereditary fructose intolerance there is defect in Aldolase B Which is
predominant in Liver
1. Aldose sugar is converted to ketose sugar by Isomerase
2. Production of fructose in seminal fluid is by following steps Glucose — 6 —
phosphate glucose -> sorbitol -^fructose
3. The end product of one stage fermentation is Ethanol
4. After alcohol ingestion, Acetaldehyde accumulates in liver that is not typical
of glycolysis or the citric acid cycle
5. Guaiac test is used for Hematuria
6. Untreated diabetes leads Tissues to use fatty acids as main fuel
7. Ketoacidosis without glycosuria is seen in Prolonged starvation
8. Retina is completely dependent on glucose as fuel
9. The problem of regenerating NAD+ from NADH for cytoplasmic processes by
using mitochondria is solved in the most energy-efficient manner by
intercellular shuttle systems Malate -> citrate shuttle also known as
Citrate-Malate antiport or Malate oxaloacetate shuttle
10. Glucose& galactose is a pair of epimer with respect to C-4 while Glucose &
Mannose are epimers with respect to C-2
11. Routine examination of the urine of an asymptomatic pediatric patient
showed a positive reaction with Clinitest (a copper reduction method of
detecting reducing sugars), but a negative reaction to glucose oxidase test.
->Sucrose is least likely to be present assuming a single elevated
->Fructose is likely to be present (Essential Fructosuria is asymptomatic)
1. Mucopolysaccharidoses are inherited storage diseases. They are caused by
defects in the degradation of proteoglycans i.e. by glycosaminoglycans.
Proteoglycans = glycosaminoglycan + protein (< 5%).
2. The most likely cause of the hemolysis is a less than normal level of Reduced
form of glutathione.
3. In a well-fed state, acetyl CoA obtained from diet is least used in the
synthesis of acetoacetate.
4. In oxidative phosphorylation, the ATP production and respiratory chain are
linked by Chemiosmotic methods.
5. Thiamine is coenzyme for pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and a keto
dehydrogenase complex.
6. Insulin regulates fatty acid synthesis by Acetyl CoA carboxylase.
7. The synthesis of glucose from pyruvate by gluconeogenesis requires the
participation of biotin.
8. The conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA and CO2 involves the participation
of lipoic acid.(thioctic acid).
9. The reaction catalyzed by phosphofructokinase-1 is the rate-limiting
reaction of the glycolytic pathway.
10. Substrate level phosphorylation seen in reaction catalyzed in Succinate
thiokinase (bi-functional enzyme with succinyl CO-A synthetase activity)
11. In fasting state, increased levels of alanine indicate Increased breakdown of
muscle protein.
12. Major determinant factor in gluconeogenesis in liver is ADP.
13. Fluoroacetate inhibits the combination of acetyl co-A with oxaloacetate
(basically inhibits citrate to cis-aconitate conversion step).
14. After overnight fasting, level of glucose transporters are decrease in
adipocytes and muscles.
15. A patient present with Hypoglycemia & Hepatomegaly with renal
enlargement. Most likely Diagnosis von Gierke's.
16. Thiamine requirement by body depends on consumption of Carbohydrates.
17. Phosphorylase b is inactivated by Glucose.
18. Mucopolysaccharide hyaluronic acid is present in vitreous humor.
19. The function of 2,4-DNP is Uncoupler of electron transport chain.
20. Hypoxia increase glycolysis due to: 2, 3 DPG which causes activation of
pyruvate dehydrogenase complex.
21. Phosphorylase B in the muscle is normally kept in inhibited state by AMP.
22. Glycogen in muscle cannot contribute directly to Blood Glucose.
23. First substrate of Krebs's cycle is acetyl CoA.
24. Enzymes of glycolysis are present in Cytoplasm.
25. Glucose finally metabolized to CO2 and water in Mitochondria.
26. Inorganic phosphate is used in enzyme of glycolysis Phosphoglycerate
27. Final common pathway of metabolism of carbohydrate, lipids and protein
metabolism isTCA.
28. Cori-Forbes disease is due to defect in Debranching enzyme.
29. Glucose is transported in pancreas through which GLUT 2 rapid transporter).
30. Epimer of glucose = Mannose {C2} & Galactose {C4}.
31. Cyanide affect respiratory chain by Non-competitive irreversible inhibition.
32. Hyaluronic acid is the major proteoglycan of synovial fluid.
33. GLUT 2 receptors Insulin independent.
34. The energy for glycogenesis is provided by UTP.
Lipid Transport
1. Activator of LCAT is Apo A-l, whereas Apo A-ll inhibits LCAT.
2. Enzyme deficient in Type I Hyperlipidemia/Hyperlipoproteinemia
(Chylomicron Syndrome) is Lipoprotein lipase.
3. Oligodendrocytes helps in expression of Brain lipid binding protein.
4. Apo B of Chylomicron is used to transport cholesterol from intestine to liver.
5. Primary Familial hypercholesterolemia (Type 11 A) is due to deficiency of
LDL receptors.
6. Cholesterol is maximally carried in LDL.
7. Apoprotein-A is Present in HDL.
8. Fredrickson's type IIA hyperlipoproteinemia is due to excess amounts of LDL
whereas in type 11B there is elevation of VLDL, LDL & IDL.
9. The major source of extracellular cholesterol Low -density lipoproteins
Cholesterol Synthesis
1. The regulatory enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of cholesterol is Hydroxy
methyl glutaryl (HMG) Co-A reductase
2. The compound metabolized in a manner similar to xenobiotics is Bilirubin.
3. Atherosclerosis is due to Apolipoprotein E deficiency
1. Immediate precursor in the production of Keto acid — acetoacetate is
Hydroxymethyl Glutaryl CoA(HMG CoA)
2. Ketone body which is maximum in Diabetic ketoacidosis is beta hydroxyl
3. Enzymes levels which are decreased during starvation : Fatty acid synthase
4. Ketone bodies utilized by conversion of Acetoacetate to acetoacetyl CoA
5. Heart uses as energy source during starvation : Acetoacetate
6. During starvation, which shows the most marked increase in plasma
concentration Ketone bodies
7. Transition temperature of lipid bilayers of cell membranes is increased by
Saturated fatty acids
8. Lipotropic factor is Choline
9. Phospholipase C, hydrolyses phosphatidyl inositol 4,5 bisphosphate to
inositol 1,4,5 triphosphate (IP3) and 1,2 diacylglycerol (DAG)
10. Lipolysis in adipocytes is controlled by Activation of triglyceride lipase as a
result of hormone-stimulated increases in cyclic AMP levels
1. A teenager, attempts to maintain a fat-free diet for a period of several week
Miscellaneous most deficient in her ability to synthesize Prostaglandins.
2. Active form of vitamin D is 1,25 OH2 Cholecalciferol (calcitriol)
3. Long chain fatty acid transported through inner mitochondria membrane by
Acyl carnitine
4. Transition temperature of lipid bilayers of cell membranes is increased by
Saturated fatty acids.
5. Chylomicron and VLDL remnants are metabolized with the help of Apo E.
6. Best marker for dyslipidemia is LDL/HDL ratio.
7. Deficiency of sphingomyelinase occurs in Niemann pick disease.
8. Rothera's test used for Ketone bodies
9. In electrophoresis lipoprotein which will migrate least is Chylomicrons .
10. Most important lipoprotein in causing CAD is LDL.
11. Receptors present in liver for uptake of LDL are Apo E & Apo B 100.
12. The main function of Apoprotein C II : Increases activity of lipoprotein lipase.
13. Apoprotein C-ll activates Lipoprotein lipase while Apo A-ll & C-lll does the
14. Triglycerides are rich in VLDL (chylomicron> VLDL).
15. Hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) doesn't remove 2ndcarbon from Tri Acyl
Glycerol as HSL is best suited for breaking DAG.
16. Post prandial utilization of glucose is by enzyme Glucokinase.
17. In Gaucher's diseases, there is deficiency of Glucocerebrosidase.
18. Apolipoprotein E is rich in Histidine (arginine> histidine).
Amino Acids
1. Phospholamban is a protein That leads to sequestration of calcium in
smooth endoplasmic reticulum
2. Most abundant collagen in body is Type I
3. Regarding isoelectric PH, (regarding enzymes) Net +ve and —ve charge on
molecule are equal
4. In cytochrome P 450, P stands for Pigment
5. Albumins and globulins are Simple proteins
6. Liver doesn't synthesis Gamma-globulin
7. Urinary protein is detected by Boiling test/Heat coagulation test
8. The enzyme primarily responsible for protein degradation in stomach is
9. Glutathione is a Tripeptide (Glutathione is Glutamyl Cysteinyl Glycine -
10. Calcium binding protein is Troponin —C.
11. Amount of proteins excreted in urine 24 hours Less than 150 mg, which is
primarily due to Tamm Horsfall Protein, a glycoprotein secreted by the
epithelial cells of PCT & The ascending limb of loop of Henle.
12. Protein synthesis of secretory proteins occurs in Rough endoplasmic
13. At its isoelectric point, a protein has No net charge.
Extra Edge:
a. Arginine is nutritionally semi essential amino acid.
b. Nutritionally non-essential amino acids are, in fact, biologically more
essential than nutritionally essential amino acids as the body has evolved
the ability to manufacture the former but not the latter.
c. In general, the number of enzymes required to synthesize nutritionally
non-essential amino acids in the body is much less as compared to that
required for the synthesis of nutritionally essential amino acids.
Amino Acids
1. Indole ring is present in Tryptophan
2. Methyl donor is S- Adenosyl methionine (SAM)
3. The protein rich in basic amino acids, functions in the packaging of DNA in
chromosomes, is Histone.
4. An example of phosphoprotein is Casein.
5. Structure of Antibodies is composed of 2 long & 2 short peptide chain.
6. Protein acts as buffer due to Amphipathic property (amphoteric in nature).
7. The amino acid whose Ionization is maximum affected by changes in local
microenvironment is Histidine.
8. Protonation and deprotonation at neutral pH occurs for Histidine which
accounts for buffering capacity of plasma proteins and hemoglobin at pH of
9. Creatine is synthesized from Glycine, Arginine and methionine.
10. Aspartate is a neuro transmitter.
11. Tyrosine is a Non-essential amino acid.
12. Acidic amino acids are Asparagine
13. Aromatic amino acids are Tryptophan, Phenylalanine, Tyrosine & Histidine
14. Leucine is purely ketogenic.
15. 8-Aminolevulinic acid synthase activity Catalyzes a rate-limiting reaction in
porphyrin biosynthesis.
15. Serine can be phosphorylated
17. The highest concentration of cystine can be found in Keratin
1. Arthritis occur in Alkaptonuria.
2. In phenylketonuria, FeCI3 test gives Green color.
3. In maple syrup urine FeC13 test gives Blue color.
4. Increased uronic acid in the urine is pathognomonic of
5. Metabolite of epinephrine is Metanephrine.
6. Albinism results from deficiency of Tyrosinase.
7. Hydrogen peroxide is a product of reaction catalyzed by L-amino acid
8. Decarboxylation of Histidine yields a vasoactive substance Histamine.
9. Amino acid used in the synthesis of purines Glycine, Glutamine, Aspartate
10. Biological value of protein directly relates to Essential amino acid content
11. In acute myocardial infarction, Homocysteine level will rise in blood.
12. Homocysteine is associated with increased risk of Myocardial Infarction.
13. Guanido acetate is converted to Creatine phosphate.
14. Thyroxine and catecholamine are derived from Tyrosine.
15. (3-alanine is end product of Thymidylate , uracil and Cytosine(alI pyrimidine)
16. Tyrosinemia type II is due to deficiency of Tyrosine Transaminase/
17. Amino acid that enters the TCA cycle for gluconeogenesis & also ketogenic in
nature Phenylalanine.
18. Conversion of proline to hydroxy proline is by Vitamin C mediated
hydroxylation (it is a type of post translational modification ).
19. S. Adenosyl methionine is necessary for synthesis of Choline.
20. Xanthurenic acid is a product of metabolism of Tryptophan.
21. In Hartnup's disease Tryptophan is excreted in the urine:
22. S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) is a universal methyl group donor in
biosynthesis of tRNA, DNA, Epinephrine & Phosphatidylcholine
23. Isoleucine contributes carbon atom for the conversion of methionine to
succinyl CoA
24. Xanthurenic acid is formed in the metabolism of Tryptophan
25. In Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), there is increased excretion of
Branched ChainAmino Acids (BCAA).
Urea Cycle
1. Source of ammonia in urine is Glutaminase.
2. One nitrogen atom of urea is derived from NH of Aspartate.
3. Urea is formed In Liver.
4. The reactions of the urea cycle occur both in the mitochondrial matrix and
the cytosol.
5. Carbamoyl phosphate is used in Urea cycle.
Structure of Protein
1. Triple helix is found in Collagen.
2. The Coiling & folding of protein requires Hydrogen/Covalent bonds.
3. Alpha helix, a secondary structure is formed due to INTRA CHAIN H-bond
within peptides.
4. The primary role of chaperones is to help in Protein folding.
5. An alpha helix of a protein is most likely to be disrupted if a missense
mutation introduces Aspartic acid and glutamic acid at carboxy terminal
within the alpha helical structure.
6. Insulin receptors is a tetrameric glycoprotein.
7. Structure of proteins is best studied by X-ray diffraction crystallography.
8. Vibrational property(Spectrum) of proteins is due to Tertiary Structure.
9. Two amino acids most commonly found in turns in proteins are Glycine and
Protein Purification
1. The molecular weight of a protein can be determined by Sodium Dodecyl
Sulphate PAGE.
2. Similarly charged proteins: separation is done by DEAE Cellulose.
3. Iron is complexed in hemoglobin to Histidine.
4. A peptide bond has a partial double-bond character.
1. Xanthurenic acid is a product of metabolism of Tryptophan.
2. p-alanine is end product of Thymidylate , uracil and Cytosine(all
3. Quaternary structure of protein is the inter relation and. Spatial
arrangement of polypeptides in a protein with more than 2 polypeptide
4. Cysteine is an essential amino acid in individuals consuming a diet severely
limited in methionine.
5. In Maple syrup urine disease Urinary urea is increased by a diet rich in
6. ADH requires NAD+for catalytic activity. In the reaction catalyzed by ADH, an
alcohol is oxidized to an aldehyde as NAD+ is reduced to NADH+H+ and
dissociates from the enzyme. The NAD+ is functioning here as a (an)
7. All enzymes are not proteins. This statement is justified by RNase that act as
enzymes, i.e., ribozymes.
8. Enzymes mediating transfer of one molecule to another are known as
9. Urea cycle occurs in Liver.
10. Process in which exchange of ions in solution form with that on to surface
form occurs is Ion exchange.
11. Fastest moving amino acid in methanol chloroform electrophoresis is
Aspartic acid.
12. Zn is a cofactor of Alcohol Dehydrogenase.
13. Best method of separation of ammonium sulphate from protein solution
Salting in and salting out.
14. Thiamine is coenzyme for pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, transketolase,
branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase and a keto dehydrogenase
15. Thiamine deficiency decreases energy generation because of Decreased
activity of alpha ketoglutarate complex and pyruvate dehydrogenase
16. In a critically ill patient Amino acid supplementation will maintain positive
nitrogen balance Both, by decreased protein degradation and increased
protein synthesis.
17. Trypsin can be activated by Enterokinase.
18. Enzyme Glucose oxidase, followed by Peroxidase (GOD-POD) is used for
estimation of Glucose.
19. A person who is running the main source of energy he will be using after 1st
minute is Glycogen.
20. Selenocysteine is formed from amino acid serine(O " of COO- in serine is
replace by selenium).
21. Isoelectric point of protein is located by Isoelectric focusing Method.
22. Protein structure not lost in denaturation is Primary structure.
23. In urea cycle, hydrolysis of arginine form Ornithine & urea.
24. Tryptophan is glucogenic & ketogenic by producing Acetyl CoA & alanine
25. Heme is porphyrin Type III.
26. Amino acid with double chiral character is Threonine.
27. Ninhydrin test is used for Amino acid (only a amino acid detection).
28. An X linked disease in urea cycle defect is Ornithine transcarbamoylase
(type II hyperammonemia).
29. One gram of hemoglobin contains 3.4 mg of iron.
1. FIGLU(Form Imino Glutamate) is a metabolite of Histidine.
2. Carboxylase activity is affected by biotin deficiency.
3. Vit. K participates in Gamma carboxylation.
4. Hypervitaminosis A induces damage to Lysosome.
5. Glutathione peroxidase contains selenocysteine.
6. In Beri-Beri, enzyme activity measured is erythrocyte Transketolase.
7. People eating only maize as staple diet develop niacin deficiency due to high
leucine as it inhibits QPRT (Quinolinate phosphoribosyl transferase) enzyme,
so niacin can't be converted to NAD+(leucine pellagra).
8. Vitamin necessary for CoA synthesis is pantothenic acid.
9. Wernicke's encephalopathy is due to the deficiency of Thiamine.
10. Biotin is essential for Carboxylation.
11. Methyl Malonyl aciduria is seen in deficiency of B12.
12. Metal in Vit. B12 is Cobalt.
13. The vitamin that is useful in treating cancer is vitamin A.
14. Vitamin E prevents rancidity by virtue of its property as antioxidant
15. Vitamin C is present in the largest amount in the body in Adrenal cortex
16. Anti-infective vitamin is Vitamin A.
17. The most active form of vitamin D is 1,25 dihydroxy chole-
18. Vitamin B12 is Extrinsic factor of castle
19. Vitamin used for inhibiting lactation is B6
20. Vitamin A deficiency leads to all, EXCEPT Petechial hemorrhages which is
classically seen in vitamin C deficiency
21. Tryptophan deficiency is seen in Hartnup disease
22. Tocopherol is Vitamin E
23. Coenzyme required for decarboxylation is Pyridoxal phosphate (only for non
-oxidative type, for oxidative type the coenzyme is thiamine)
24. In scurvy, defective post translational modification is caused by deficient
formation of Hydroxyproline
25. Vitamin K is involved in Carboxylation (Gama Carboxylation of glutamate
residues to form 'Gia' residues)
26. Fully activated pyruvate carboxylase depends on the presence of substances
viz. Acetyl-CoA and biotin
1. Insulin receptors are Tyrosine kinase receptors.
2. cAMP,IP3 are second messengers.
3. Epinephrine activates the enzyme Adenyl cyclase.
4. Glycogen synthesis is allosterically activated by Insulin.
5. The enzyme acetylcholine esterase is synthesized in Liver.
6. 17-a hydroxylase deficiency causes decreased testosterone .
7. Adrenaline acts on glycogen Phosphorylase in glycogenolysis (all
catecholamines target this enzyme).
8. Glycogen Phosphorylase is the rate limiting enzyme of glycogenolysis
1. Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia causes include Ineffective erythropoiesis
2. In myoglobin , the innate affinity of heme for carbon monoxide is diminished
by the presence of Histidine E-7.
3. In porphyria cutanea tarda the type of porphyrin excreted in urine is Type I
& III uroporphyrins.
4. At pH 7 the binding of 2,3 BPG to hemoglobin occurs at Amino terminal.
5. Ferritin stores are absent in Bone.
6. The most important buffer in RBC is 02 Hb + K Hemoglobinate.
7. Ascorbic acid which basically favors iron absorption by converting ferric
form of iron to ferrous form (absorbable form).
8. Iron in the Hemoglobin is held by Co-ordinate bonds.
9. The total body iodine stores are about 50mg.
10. Bilirubin glucuronide (conjugated form of bilirubin) in the urine in the
absence of Urobilinogen suggests Obstructive jaundice.
11. Iron is absorbed actively in the Duodenum and jejunum.
12. The defect in hemoglobin of sickle cell anemia is due to replacement of 6
glutamate by valine of both 3 chains.
13. In infective hepatitis with cholestasis, in urine there is Conjugated
14. Increased serum levels of bilirubin diglucoronide is seen in Obstructive
15. Hormone sensitive lipase is inhibited by Insulin. HSL is activated by glucagon,
epinephrine, growth hormone, ACTH, thyroid hormone.
16. Insulin inhibits the activity of the enzyme Hormone sensitive lipase.
17. Insulin promotes transport of glucose in Hepatocytes.
18. Retinol Is transported from the intestine to the liver in chylomicrons.
19. Vitamin K Is synthesized by intestinal bacteria, (only Menaquinone form)
20. An individual with insulin resistance: Usually shows elevated fasting insulin
21. Relative or absolute lack of insulin in humans would result in Increased
formation of 3-hydroxybutyrate in liver, (it is a ketone body).
22. The catabolism of hemoglobin Involves the oxidative cleavage of the
porphyrin ring.
23. Thiamine deficiency causes decreased energy production because It is a co-
enzyme for pyruvate dehydrogenase complex & alpha ketoglutarate
dehydrogenase complex.
24. Vitamin K carboxylates Glutamate.
25. Vit. K dependent clotting factor Factors are II, VII, IX, X , Protein C and
Protein S.
26. Somatomedin(IGF-l)is needed To promote deposition of chondroitin sulfate
27. Carboxylation of clotting factors by Vit. K is through y-carboxylation of
Glutamate of clotting factors.
28. Insulin doesn't promote lipogenesis by Decreasing cAMP. Decrease in cAMP
by insulin is done though activation of phosphodiesterase that degrades
cAMP ->This shows Anti-lipolytic role of insulin.
29. The "c" terminal peptide of androgen binding protein is essential for Binding
to hormone binding domain.
30. Biotin is required for treatment of Multiple carboxylase deficiency
31. Gamma carboxylation of glutamic acid in clotting factors II, VII, IX, X and
protein C, S is dependent on Vitamin K.
32. Thiamine deficiency seen in all except Homocysteinemia.
33. Vitamin A intoxication causes injury to Lysosomes.
34. Active form of vitamin D is 1, 25 (01-1)2 Cholecalciferol (Calciferol).
35. Hemoglobin electrophoresis is based on Charge and mobility.
36. Vitamin K is required for Carboxylation.
37. Cofactor of carbonic anhydrase is Zinc.
38. Essential Pentosuria is due to defect in Xylitol dehydrogenase(major) &
xylulose reductase (minor) enzymes in Uronic acid pathway.
39. All are true about Vitamin B12, except it is required for conversion of
pyruvate to lactate.
40. Ceruloplasmin contains- Cu.
41. Neurotoxicity is seen with excess of Vitamin B6 (It causes sensory
neuropathy in patients of premenstrual syndrome taking 2-7gram of vitamin
B6 per day).
42. The function of vitamin K largely depend on mineral Calcium.
43. According to IUB system, hydrolases belong to class EC-3.
1. The conjugation of bilirubin to glucuronic acid in the liver Converts a
hydrophobic compound to a hydrophilic one.
2. Correct pair of Ig subclass with their heavy chain IgG - y.
3. Lignin is a plant component that is not fermented by gastrointestinal
4. 40nm gap in between the tropocollagen molecule in collagen which serve as
the site of bone formation is occupied by Ca2+
5. Prothrombin time estimation processed within 4 hrs.
6. NO is formed in the body by L-Arginine.
7. Glowing of Firefly is due to ATP.
8. Phosphatidylcholine in a lipid monolayer with its pH=3.5 (below its pKa)
leads to decreases surface tension.
9. Vit. A doesn't handle free radical in lens.
10. Thrombin activity is inhibited by Heparin cofactor II.
11. Blood spills on the floor are cleaned by Sodium hypochlorite.
1. Okazaki fragments are required for DNA synthesis which are formed in
lagging strand.
2. Apo B48, B100 belongs to same RNA, difference between them is due to
RNA editing.
3. Lipogenesis occurs in Cytosol.
4. Ketogenesis occurs in Mitochondria.
5. Restriction endonuclease recognized AAGCTT sequence.
a. The gaps between segments of DNA on the lagging strand produced by
restriction enzymes are rejoined / nick sealed by DNA Ligases
b. CAP in lac operon is an example of Positive regulator.
c. Triplex DNA is formed because of Hoogstein Base pairing.
d. Increased euchromatin formation due to Histone acetylation.
e. FRAP method is use for detection of protein motion from cell nuclei to
f. Gene duplication leads to maximal evolution of m-RNA.
g. Poly A tail translates into Polylysine.
6. Sanger got Nobel prize for discovery of amino acid sequence of insulin and
its functions in different animals.
7. Four encode codon instead of three, number of combination of unique
codons = 256.
8. Same amino acid coded by multiple codons is due to Degeneracy .
9. A Inducible promoter ,in the expression of vector ensures increase in the
yield of recombinant protein produced.
10. Two plants grown in garden soil, one to express Growth Fluoro Protein (GFP)
and other firefly luciferase. In dark, Plant expressing firefly luciferase will
11. Maternal disomy is found in Prader Willi syndrome.
12. In Duchenne muscular dystrophy, dystrophin gene mutation occur in
promoter region.
13. Gaps between segments of DNA produced by restriction enzyme are sealed
by DNA ligase.
14. Splicing activity present in snRNA.
15. DNA Microarray technique is used for detecting genetic transfer of disease.
16. Hemophilia is diagnosed by RT PCR.
17. Noble prize recently given for the discovery of RNAi (2006).
18. NARP syndrome seen in Mitochondrial disease.
19. Karyotyping under light microscopy G-banding.
20. Western blot technique is done for DNA.
21. Oligomer with a mutant base substitution is used as a primer for site
directed mutagenesis.
22. Ribozyme has Peptidyl transferase enzyme activity.
23. Gene for folic acid absorption is present on Chromosome XXI.
24. BRCA 1 gene is located on chromosome 17.
25. HLA genes are located on Short arm of chromosome 6.
26. Blue-white Color Screen technique is Used In DNA Cloning to find out If
plasmid incorporated in DNA.
27. Northern blotting is used for identification of m-RNA.
28. Transport of ascorbic acid in lens is done by Na+-K+ ATPase.
29. Study of protein elaboration under different condition is known as
Proteonomic or proteomics.
30. Okazaki fragments are formed during replication of dsDNA.
31. In the study of evolution we see that the protein sequence is different but
the shape of protein is same, this is known as Drift.
32. PCR uses Mg2+
33. Gout is a disorder of Purine metabolism.
34. Ribonuclease-P is Ribozyme.
35. Beta alanine is end product of metabolism of Uracil.
36. Anticodon is located on t-RNA.
37. P50 is increased by decrease in pH.
38. DNA model described by Watson and crick was Right handed anti parallel.
39. Enzyme used in PCR isTaq polymerase.
40. Orotic aciduria is due to deficiency of OMP Decarboxylase.
41. 1st carbon of pentose sugar of nucleic acid joins N-l of pyrimidine or N-9 of
1. Fatty acid not synthesized in man is Linoleic acid.
2. Phenylketonuria is detected by Guthrie test.
3. Exhaustive treatise on scurvy was published by James Lind.
4. Respiratory quotient on a mixed diet is 0.85.
5. Quantity of Hb catabolized everyday in a normal adult is 6 gm.
6. Allosteric activator of phosphofructokinase-1: Fructose 2,6 bisphosphate.
7. Aromatic amino acids are Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Phenylalanine & Histidine.
8. Amino acids with its PKa value close to physiological range Histidine.
9. Dietary fibers are rich in Collagen.
10. Vibrational spectrum of proteins is due to Tertiary structure.
11. Overnight fasting gastric output is 10-20 mEq/L .
12. "Squalene" is the intermediate product during synthesis of Cholesterol.
13. The no. of net ATP gained after complete oxidation of palmitic acid {C16
fatty acid} is 106.
14. Bence Jones proteins are Light chains.
15. Mature RBC contains Glycolytic enzymes.
16. Coproporphyrin-lll is Excreted in Lead poisoning.
17. Cofactor in one carbon metabolism is Folic acid.
18. Pyruvate decarboxylase requires as coenzyme thiamine.
19. Aerobic oxidation of reduced cytochromes shows P/O ratio of 1.
20. Sulkowitch test is used to estimate Urinary Calcium.
21. Addis urine sediment count is a renal test of severity of disease.
22. Gerhardt's test is positive in significant degree of Ketosis (This test detects
presence of acetoacetate).
23. In mature erythrocytes the major dialyzable anion is chloride .
24. "Reducing power" is usually in the form of Reduced NADP+ (= NADPH + H+,
known as Reducing equivalent).
25. Lipotrophic factors are Choline, Methionine.
26. The most direct source of nitrogen in urea biosynthesis is Ammonium ion,
27. Glutathione hydrolysis produces Glycine, Glutamate & cystine.
28. An increase in the rate of operation of the tricarboxylic acid cycle occurs
when there is an increase in the ratio of NAD+/NADH, ADP/ATP.
29. The term secondary structure of proteins refers to Alpha helix, Beta pleated
sheet, loops, turns, bends, (3-hairpin, Greek key, p-meander, ip loop, p-a-P
loop,p-barrel, p-helix, p-propeller, p-sandwich
30. Unwinding of DNA is done by Helicase.
31. Ubiquinone (coenzyme) Accepts electrons from succinate dehydrogenase
32. Cofactor for sulphite oxidase is Molybdenum (exact cofactor is
Molybdopterin + Heme).
33. Cholesterol is transported to extrahepatic tissue mainly through LDL.
34. Chargaff's rule states that A/T=G/C.
35. Substantial quantity of K+ (inorganic ions) is required for ribosomal
36. The molecular weight of linoleic acid is 280 and the atomic weight of iodine
is 127. The iodine number of this acid is 180.
37. Kinases require Mg+ +
38. In anaerobic glycolysis, one mole of glucose yields 2 moles of ATP.
39. Carnitine is synthesized from Lysine, methionine & Vit. C.
40. Vit. D is fat soluble vitamin functioning like a hormone.
41. The rate limiting step in the extra mitochondrial synthesis of fatty acids is
Acetyl CoA carboxylase.
42. The monosaccharide most rapidly absorbed from the small intestine is
43. The first product of Glycogenolysis is Glucose 1-phosphate.
44. An Amino acid that is incompatible with an alpha - helix is Proline.
45. Cyanide poisoning causes Inhibition of Cyt a3 component of cytochrome
46. Ai intermediate in 'active acetate' formation from acetate is Acetyl AMP.
47. In oxidative phosphorylation, oxidation of one NADH to NAD+ produces ATPs.
48. With help of pyridoxine, serotonin is synthesized from Tryptophan.
49. Substrate concentration affects velocity of enzymatic action, described by
Michaelis Menten equation.
50. Flexibility of protein chain is determined by Glycine.
51. Sulphur containing amino acids are Cysteine, methionine & Cystine.
52. Urea & Creatinine are Physiological constituents of urine".
53. Urine urobilinogen is tested with Ehrlich's aldehyde test (also used for
detecting porphobilinogen-PBG of porphyrias).
54. Cytochrome oxidase contains Fe & Cu.
55. The most important buffer in extracellular fluid is SO2, Bicarbonate.
56. The normal pH of blood is 7.4 (7.35-7.45).
57. The commonest enzyme deficiency is of Glucose -6-phosphate
58. Placenta and Ovary synthesize and release physiologically significant
amount of estradiol.
59. Cholesterol contains 27 carbon atoms, a hydroxyl group on carbon number
60. Citrate & ATP inhibit phosphofructokinase-1.
61. The semi essential amino acids is Arginine.
62. Essential fatty acids are Arachidonic acid, Linoleic acid, Linolenic acid
,Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) & Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA).
63. Base stacking measurement of DNA (or DNA duplex stability) is done by
Hyperchromicity @ 260 nm & @ pH of 7.
64. Michaelis-Menten hypothesis states that enzyme substrate complex
formation essential in enzymatic reaction.
65. Degeneracy of the genetic code denotes the existence of Multiple codons
for a single amino acid.
66. Specific dynamic action is maximum in Protein.
67. Pyridoxine is required for Heme synthesis.
68. Isotope has same Atomic number but different mass number.
69. Banding is Method of detecting single gene deletion
70. Besides Liver, Gluconeogenesis occurs in Kidney (Primarily in cortex).
71. Number of ATPs formed in conversion of glycogen glucose to lactate is 3
(Note that it can be 2 as well considering debranching enzyme yield free
glucose instead of Glucose 1 phosphate, this is commonly seen in
prolonged starvation, for simplicity choose 3 > 2).
72. Normal renal threshold for glucose excretion is 180 mg %.
73. Benzoic acid is detoxified by binding with Glycine (forms Hippuric acid).
74. ATPs are formed in the conversion of alpha-ketoglutarate to succinate.
75. Cori cycle or lactic acid cycle involves blood, liver, muscle.
76. Net ATPs formed in glycolysis are 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 ATPs (depending on cell,
fuel, shuttle and conditions (aerobic/anaerobic)).
77. The key enzyme in the bile acid synthesis is 7 alpha hydroxylase.
78. LDL form of cholesterol is found in plasma most.
79. 4 ATPs are formed by one turn of beta oxidation, (without considering the
ATPs generated by kreb's cycle).
80. The normal daily fecal fat excretion in man is 5gm.
81. Endogenous triglyceride highest concentration in Plasma is VLDL.
82. Rate limiting step in cholesterol synthesis is HMG CoA Reductase.
83. Non essential amino acid is not needed in diet.
84. Man, Monkey, Guinea pig Cannot synthesize vitamin C due to absence of
L-gulonolactone oxidase.
85. Basic amino acid is Histidine , Arginine & Lysine (Note Arginine is most
86. Ketone body produced maximum in starvation is Beta- hydroxybutyrate (3
times acetoacetate).
87. The base found in RNA but not in DNA Uracil.
88. Glycogen phosphorylase requires Pyridoxine in form of PLP as phosphate
89. Messenger RNA attaches to Operator codon for regulating protein
90. The common feature of enzyme cascade system is Feedback inhibition.
91. "The process in which amino group of the amino acid is transferred to the
keto acid and the keto group of the keto acids transferred to the amino
acid" is called Transamination.
92. Alcohol is converted into methanol by Reduction.
93. The only tissue where NAD and NADP are equally distributed Liver cytosol
(Not in liver mitochondria).
94. NADPH is used for fatty acid biosynthesis.
95. Glutathione peroxidase contains Selenium/Selenocysteine.
96. Most catalytically active enzyme is Trypsin
97. The vitamin important for carboxylation is Biotin.
98. Vitamin which prevents auto-oxidation Tocopherol.
99. Vitamin essential for transamination is B6.
100. The major vitamin deficiency in Wernicke's encephalopathy BI.
101. Dermatitis, diarrhea, and dementia are seen in deficiency of Niacin.
102. Nicotinic acid and serotonin are formed from Tryptophan.
103. Embryonic hemoglobin is Alpha2, gama2.
104. Alpha antitrypsin is synthesized in Lungs.
105. Surfactant is secreted by Pneumocyte-ll.
106. Best stimuli for pancreatic secretion rich in electrolytes Secretin.
107. Cholesterol is transported to extrahepatic tissue mainly through LDL (Note
VLDL transports endogenous TAG to extrahepatic tissues).
108. Beta 1 receptor activation causes Decarboxylation of keto acid.
109. Free fatty acid is transported by Albumin.
110. HMP Shunt pathway produces CO2.
111. Atherosclerosis is not found in Rabbit.
112. Thirst is stimulated by ADH.
113. Galactolipid is accumulated in Gaucher's disease.
114. -CH3 transfer reaction is mediated by Folic acid.
115. Activated pantothenic acid is found in GMP.
116. Glycine is inhibitory agent in neuron.
117. Chromosomal studies are done in Metaphase.
118. The amino acids that are heterocyclic are Proline, Tryptophan Histidine.
119. Tertiary structure present in keratin.
120. Heart at rest utilizes Fatty acids.
121. The vitamin synthesized in the body is Vit. D & B3 (Niacin).
122. The vitamin deficiency implicated in metaplasia of respiratory epithelium is
Vit. A.
123. Dietary fibre is Non-starch polysaccharide.
124. Dietary fibre reduces atherosclerosis by Binding to cholesterol.
125. Bence -Jones proteins is not a normal ingredient of human urine.
126. The mechanism of action of uncouplers of oxidative Phosphorylation
Involves Disruption of proton gradient across the inner membrane.
127. The cytochrome involved in mono-oxygenase mediated detoxification of
drugs is Cyt P 450.
128. In Chylomicrons, the main apoprotein is Apo B-48.
129. Insulin secretion is associated with Zinc.
130.The site at which 1,25 hydroxylation of vitamin -D takes place in the kidneys
is Mitochondria of Proximal convoluted tubules
131. Allosteric activator of Acetyl CoA carboxylase is Citrate
132.The Fenton reaction leads to free radical generation when Ferrous ions are
converted to ferric ions
133.To which family of chemical mediators of inflammation, the lipoxin belong
Arachidonic acid metabolites
134. Beta-oxidation of odd chain fatty acids produces Propionyl CoA
135.A person on a fat free carbohydrate rich diet continues to grow obese. The
lipoproteins is likely to be elevated in his blood is VLDL
136. Dielu. y cholesterol is carried from intestine to liver by APO-C
137. RFLP method is used for reading large chromosomes 50-100 base pairs.
138.A segment of an eukaryotic gene that is not represented in the mature
mRNA, is known as Intron
139. Hypervitaminosis -A induces damage to Lysosome
140. Telomerase contains RNA dependent DNA polymerase
141. The purines salvage pathway is for Hypoxanthine, Guanine & Adenine
142. Diphosphoglycerate in red blood cells does not increase on stimulation in
Chronic anemia
143. Function of Sertoli cells is to Aid in spermiogenesis
144. Enzyme responsible for respiratory burst is Oxidase
145. In carboxylation of clotting factors by vitamin K, Glutamate is carboxylated.
146. A major lipid of mitochondrial membrane is Cardiolipin
147. Alpha fetoprotein is genetically and structurally related to Albumin
148. In the mucosal cells, triglycerides are formed primarily in the Golgi apparatus
149. Biosynthesis of the enzyme pyruvate carboxylase is repressed by Insulin
150. Microalbuminuria is defined as protein levels of 151-300mg/L
151. Mucin dot test is done to detect Hyaluronate in synovial fluid
152. The cofactor required for the activity of sulfite oxidase is Molybdenum
153. The estimation on-methyl histidine in urine is used to study Skeletal muscle
154. The screening test for gestational diabetes mellitus that has the highest
sensitivity is 50gm glucose challenge test
155. Nephelometry is based on the principle of Light attenuated in intensity by
156. Type -II collagen is found in hyaline cartilage.
157. Replacing alanine by Tryptophan will increase UV absorbance of protein at
280nm wavelength as Tryptophan is aromatic
158. NO is synthesized from Arginine
159. Splicing is done by Sn RNA
160. Hyaluronic acid a mucopolysaccharide is present in Vitreous humor
161. In Maple syrup disease, the amino acids Not excreted in urine: Phenylalanine
162. NARP is related to Mitochondria
163. Zinc is required for Alcohol dehydrogenase
164. Western blotting is used for Proteins
165. Rancid butter (boiled cabbage- like) smell in urine is seen in Tyrosinemia
Type I & Hypermethioninemia
166. Hemoglobin formation requires Histidine
167.Somatostatin-.-acts by decreasing - cAMP
168. Functional plasma enzyme is Lipoprotein lipase
169. In familial hypercholesterolemia ll-a LDLR is not properly transported
170. Most abundant extracellular anion is Chloride
171. Milieu interior refers to ECF
172. Thyroxine is derived from amino acid Tyrosine
173. Alpha oxidation of fatty acid occurs in Peroxisomes
Analytical Application - used in diagnostic kits ___________________________
Extra Edge:
a. "Sweaty Feet" odour is seen in Isovaleric acidemia & glutaric aciduria
b. "Mousy or Musty Odour" of skin, hair and urine is seen in PKU.
c. Boiled cabbage like urinary odour is seen in - Tyrosinemia &
d. Swimming pool urine odour is seen in - Hawkinsinuria.
Biochemical tests
1. ForCBH Molisch's test (Positive for Pentose
Sugars & above > 5C)
Seliwanoff's test, Foulger's test(+ve forD-fructose)
Fearson's test (+ve For sucrose)
Benedict's & Fehling's test (+ve For Reducing
Barfoed's test (positive for Reducing
Monosaccharides & negative for
Reducing disaccharides
Moor's test (+ve For glucose)
2. For Ketones Rothera's test, sodium nitroprusside test,
3.For cholesterol Salkowski, Liebermann-Burchard, Ziemann's
(Mnemonic-Sali Zi), Zak's method
4.For bile pigment Fouchet's agent (also Cole, Foam, Iodine)
5.For bile salts Hay's Sulphur test, Pettenkofer's test
6.For Urobilinogen Ehrlich's aldehyde test(also for porphobilinogen)
1. Coagulative necrosis is due to denaturation of proteins.
2. Coagulative necrosis is seen in gangrene.
3. Necrosis means enzymatic degradation.
4. Fat necrosis is common in breast.
1. Characteristic feature of apoptosis is the intact cell membrane.
2. Mitochondria plays a pivotal role in apoptosis.
3. Bcl-2 is an anti apoptotic gene.
4. Ladder pattern of DNA electrophoresis in apoptosis is caused by the action
of endonuclease.
5. Annexin V is a marker of apoptosis.
6. In apoptosis, Apaf-1 is activated by release of Cytochrome C from the
7. Isoprenoid induces apoptosis in cell.
Cell Aging
1. Increased free radical injury is associated with aging.
2. Werner disease is associated with premature ageing.
1. In cell death, myelin figures are derived from cell membrane.
2. Eosinophilia in necrosed tissue is due to coagulation of proteins.
3. Liquefactive action in necrotic tissue results in gangrene.
4. Apoptotic bodies are cell membrane bound with organelles.
5. Cytosolic cytochrome C plays an important function in Apoptosis.
6. Caspase is involved in apoptosis.
7. Brown atrophy is due to accumulation of Lipofuscin.
8. Metastatic calcification is most seen in lungs.
9. Calcification in necrotic tissue is called dystrophic calcification.
10. Dystrophic calcification is seen in atheroma.
Acute inflammation
1. Most characteristic features of acute inflammation are vasodilatation and
increased vascular permeability.
2. Role of P-selectin in inflammation is homing.
3. Chemotaxis in response to activation of cells result in unidirectional motion.
4. Major basic protein is formed by eosinophil.
5. NADPH oxidase helps in generating reactive 02 intermediates in neutrophils.
6. Oxidase is responsible for generating 'oxygen burst' with neutrophils for
killing intracellular bacteria.
7. In acute inflammation due to the contraction of endothelial cell
cytoskeleton, there is early transient increase in permeability.
8. Earliest transient change following tissue injury will be neutrophilia.
9. Delayed prolonged leakage is the mechanism of "late appearing sunburn".
10. Increased permeability in acute inflammation is due to Histamine.
11. Sequence of event in acute inflammation Transient vasoconstriction ->
Vasodilatation -> Increased permeability Stasis.
12. Delayed prolonged bleeding is caused by direct injury to endothelial
13. cells.
Most important for diapedesis is PECAM.
Inflammatory Mediators
1. Complement responsible for activation of bacterial lysis is C5b-9.
2. Leukotriene B4 is produced by the action of lipoxygenase on arachidonic
acid, is a potent Chemotactic factor for neutrophils and causes aggregation
and adhesion of leukocytes.
3. Mast cell is most likely to cause histamine mediated increased vascular
4. Bradykinin is responsible for enhancing permeability for capillaries.
5. The prostaglandin derivative, not implicated in inflammation is PGE2.
6. Interleukin IL -8 is an example of a C-X-C or alpha chemokine.
7. Most effective bacterial system within phagocytes is the reactive oxygen
Leucocyte defects
1. In leucocyte adhesion deficiency Type I, the defect is in the synthesis of
Chronic inflammation
1. The most common cause of chronic granulomatous disease is the defect in
the enzyme NADPH oxidase.
2. The epithelioid cell and multinucleated giant cells of Granulomatous
inflammation are derived from Monocytes - Macrophages.
3. Atherosclerosis is a type of chronic inflammation.
4. Macrophages are converted into epithelioid cells by IFNy.
5. Epithelioid granulomas are caused by Helper T cells.
6. Delayed prolonged bleeding is mediated by Interleukin.
7. IFN-gamma activates macrophages.
8. Prostacyclin is produced by vascular endothelium.
9. Complement responsible for activation of bacterial lysis is C5-9.
10. Both antibody dependent and independent complement pathway
converge on complement component C5.
11. Most effective bactericidal system within phagocytes is reactive oxygen
metabolite mediated.
12. Characteristic of protective epithelium is regeneration of membrane.
13. Touton giant cells are seen in Xanthomas.
14. Highest concentration of hydroxyproline is seen in collagen.
Growth Factors
1. Basic fibroblast is a growth factor that is capable of inducing all the steps
necessary for angiogenesis.
2. Acid phosphatase is specific to Monocyte cells.
Structural Proteins
1. Basement membrane degeneration is mediated by metalloproteinases.
2. Articular cartilage is made up of Type II collagen.
3. Collagen most abundant in Hyaline cartilage is Type II.
4. The most abundant glycoprotein present in basement membrane is Laminin.
1. Sickle cell anemia is due to point mutation.
2. Single gene disorder which does not follow mendelian inheritance is the
Fragile X-syndrome.
3. In-situ DNA nick end labeling can quantitate fraction of cells in apoptotic
4. The approximate number of genes contained in the human genome is 30,
5. Y-chromosome is acrocentric.
6. Loss of heterozygosity means loss of normal allele in mutant gene.
7. NK cell is a large granular lymphocyte.
8. CD8 is CD marker of cytotoxic cells.
9. Cells involved in humoral immunity is B-cells.
10. Macrophages are converted to epithelioid cells by IFN-r.
11. Phagocytosis is the function of microglia.
12. MALT is most commonly present in Ileum.
13. The primary location of Toll like Receptors is plasma membrane.
14. Natural killer cells attack cells which are not able to express MHC1.
15. Toll like receptors recognize bacterial products & stimulate immune
response by transcriptions of nuclear factor mediated by NFK 3 which
recruits cytokines.
Chromosomal disorders
1. Commonest chromosomal syndrome is Trisomy 21.
2. Coarctation of aorta is common in Turner's Syndrome.
3. Klinefelter's syndrome is characterized by subnormal intelligence.
4. Streak gonads are seen in Turner's syndrome.
5. Chromosome 22 deletion syndrome is Di George syndrome
6. Patau's syndrome is due to Trisomy 13
7. Edwards syndrome is Trisomy 18
8. Number of chromosomes in Turner syndrome is 45
9. Known gene loci can be diagnosed by Fish
10. Resolution of light microscope of viewing chromosome is 5 mb
11. Real time polymerase chain reaction is done for monitoring amplification
of target nucleic acid
12. Karyotyping is done during metaphase
13. Microarray is the study of multiple genes
14. Karyotyping is useful in diagnosis of X-linked recessive disorders
15. In- situ DNA nick end labeling can quantitate fraction of cells in apoptotic
can quantitate
1. Gene instability associated with malignancy is seen in Ataxia telangiectasia.
2. Single gene disorder which does not follow mendelian inheritance is Fragile
X syndrome.
3. Genomic imprinting Differential expression of gene depending on parent of
4. G-banding is a routine technique for karyotyping using light microscopy.
5. Down syndrome is most commonly caused by Maternal nondisjunction.
6. Superotemporal ental subluxation is seen in Marfan's Syndrome.
7. Feulgen reaction is a cytochemical test for DNA.
8. Multifactorial inheritance is known as Cardiac septal defect.
Introduction to Neoplasia
1. Vascular invasion helps in differentiation of follicular carcinoma from
follicular adenoma of thyroid gland.
2. Small cell carcinoma lung most frequently metastasizes to brain.
3. A simple bacterial test for mutagenic carcinogen is Ames test.
4. In colon cancer, the overall survival is increased by screening procedure.
5. Differentiating point between invasive carcinoma and carcinoma is situ is
the penetration of basement membrane.
6. Factor responsible for high intrinsic resistance to conventional therapies in
cancer stem cells is MDR l(Multiple drug resistance-1).
7. Hamartoma is development malformation.
Molecular Basis of Cancer
1. Lynch syndrome is associated with cancers of the colon, endometrium and
2. The most radiosensitive cells are the lymphocytes.
3. An example of a tumour suppressor gene is Rb gene.
4. p53 is known as the "guardian of the genome'.
5. Xeroderma pigmentosum Is caused due to a group of closely related
abnormalities in Nucleotide excision repair (NER).
6. Philadelphia chromosome occurs due to reciprocal translocation of 9 and
22 chromosomes.
7. In the mitogen activated protein kinase pathway, the activation of RAS is
counteracted by GTP ase activating protein.
8. Breast carcinomas is familial.
9. The most common Inherited malignancy is Retinoblastoma.
10. Mutations of BRCA-1& BRCA-2 are seen in 3% of breast cancers.
11. Cancers are usually associated with loss of heterozygosity.
12. BRAF mutation is seen in Melanoma.
13. Most common translocation in Ewing's sarcoma is t-(11.22).
14. BRCA-1 gene is located at chromosome 17q21.
Paraneoplastic Syndrome
1. Migratory superficial thrombophlebitis is seen in carcinoma Pancrease
Tumor Markers
1. Tumour positive for cytokeratin is likely to be a carcinoma.
2. A testicular tumor marker is Alpha-fetoprotein.
3. In Hepatocellular carcinoma, alpha fetoprotein ismaximallyelevated.
4. Gastrin is a biochemicalmarker in Pancreaticneuroendocrine tumor
5. In Ovariandysgerminomathere is a normal level of alpha fetoproteinvalue
in serum.
6. Serumfetoproteinlevel is elevated in Endodermal cell tumour.
7. Alpha fetoprotein is Increased in Embryonal cell carcinoma.
8. CA-125 is specificallyassociated with Ovarian carcinoma.
9. Specificmarker for prostaticcancer is Alkalinephosphatase.
1. Whenstemcellstransforms to formcellscharacterstic of othertissues, the
process is calledtrans-differentiation.
2. Centrosomeduplication takes place in S phase.
3. Viruscausinghemopoietic tumor is EBV, HTLV-1, HHV-8..
4. SYT - SSX1 gene is associated with synovial sarcoma.
5. Philadelphia chromosome is an example of Balancedtranslocation.
6. Increasedsusceptibility to breastcancer is likely to be associated with a
mutation in P53.
7. Keratin is a tumor marker for carcinoma cervix.
8. Tumourmarker for a highly vascular tumour is keratin.
1. Cell type which lacks HLA antigen is RBC.
2. HLA antigen locus is on short arm of chromosome 6.
3. Toll like receptors, recognize bacterial products and stimulates immune
response by the transcriptions of nuclear factor mediated by NFKb which
recruits cytokines.
4. Nitroblue tetrazolium test is used for Phagocytes.
5. Type 1 MHC presents peptide antigen to T cell, so that peptide binding site
is formed by the distal domain alfa 1 and 2.
6. Memory T cells can be identified by using CD45RO marker.
7. Most potent stimulator of naive T cell is Mature dendritic cell.
8. Interleukin IL-8 is an example of a C-X-C or alpha Chemokine.
9. MHC class III genes encode Tumor necrosis factor.
Hypersensitivity Reactions
1. Epithelial granuloma is caused by Helper T-cells.
2. Granulomatous reaction is an example of Type IV hypersensitivity.
3. Type 2 hypersensitivity reaction is seen in myasthenia gravis.
4. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is classically an Immune complex mediated
5. Necrotizing vasculitis is mediated through complement activation.
6. Type V hypersensitivity reaction is a subtype of Type- II.
7. Most important mediator of late phase of immediate type of
hypersensitivity reaction is Major basic protein.
8. Atopy is type I Hypersensitivity Reaction.
9. Immune complex mediated reaction is Type-lll hypersensitivity reaction
10. Transfusion reaction and erythroblastosis fetalis are Type-ll hypersensitivity
11. Type 2 Lepra reaction is an example of type III hypersensitivity reaction
12. LATS is a IgG Ab.
1. Lardaceous spleen is due to deposition of amyloid in sinusoids of red pulp
2. Amyloidosis is found in Medullary carcinoma thyroid.
3. Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy is caused by mutation of the
Transthyretin protein.
4. Senile cardiac amyloidosis associated protein is Transthyretin.
5. Secondary amyloidosis is associated with AA.
6. The best investigation for the diagnosis of amyloidosis is Rectal biopsy.
7. In amyloidosis Beta pleated sheet will be seen in X-ray crystallography.
8. Most common site of biopsy in amyloidosis is kidney.
9. Medullary thyroid carcinoma is associated with calcitonin amyloid
10. Gingival biopsy is used for diagnosis of Amyloidosis.
11. Major fibril protein in primary amyloidosis is AL.
12. Amyloid deposition in patients with long term hemodialysis usually takes
place in Carpal tunnel.
Transplant rejection
1. Preexisting antibodies in case of renal transplantation will lead to
Hyperacute rejection.
2. Graft survival in the initial 48 hours depends on the ingrowth of capillaries.
3. Transfer of the graft of different species are called as Xenograft.
4. Neo intimal hyperplasia causes vascular graft failure as a result of
hypertrophy of smooth muscle cells.
5. HLA-I is present on all nucleated cell.
6. Allograft rejection is an example of GVHD.
1. Speckled pattern is seen in Anti Sm antibody.
2. The most specific antibody for SLE is Anti Sm.
3. Wire loop thickening of glomerular basement membrane is seen in SLE.
4. kidney is spared in CREST syndrome.
5. In the past, the Kveim skin test was used to assist in the diagnosis of
6. Autoimmunity in EBV infection is the result of Polyclonal B cell activation.
7. Necrotizing lymphadenitis is seen in Kikuchi Fujimoto disease.
8. LE cell phenomenon is seen in neutrophil.
9. Most sensitive test for screening of "Systemic Lupus Erythematosus" (SLE) is
Anti nuclear factor (ANF).
10. Anti Ul-RNP Ab is associated with mixed connective tissue disease.
11. Band test is done in SLE.
12. Most common type of lumps nephritis is Diffuse Proliferative Nephritis.
13. Antinuclear antibody specific for SLE is Anti ds DNA.
14. HLA associated with psoriasis is HLA -CW6.
15. Drug induced lupus antibodies are Anti-Rho.
16. HLA marker of Behcet's syndrome is HLA -B51.
17. HLA associated with rheumatoid arthritis is HLA -DR4.
18. Thromboangiitis obliterans is associated with HLA-B5.
19. Anti-Ro& Anti-LA in mother with SLE is responsible for congenital heart
disease in Child.
Immunodeficiency syndromes
1. AIDS affects selectively by CD4 T cells.
2. Tumor that does not occur with increased frequency in AIDS is Astrocytoma.
3. The commonest primary immunodeficiency is Isolated IgA immune-
4. Developmental failure of pharyngeal pouches 3 and 4 is DiGeorge's
5. Recurrent bacteria infection in an 8 month child is suggestive of X-linked
agammaglobulinemia of Bruton.
6. Adenosine deaminase deficiency is seen in Severe Combined
7. Most common site for lymphoma in AIDS patients is CNS.
8. HIV was discovered in the year 1983.
9. HIV affects Helper T-cells.
10. Most common HIV subtype in India is HIV-1M.
11. Rapid progression of disease with full blown manifestation in AIDS occurs
when CD4 cell count falls below 200/UL.
1. Following injections of lymphokines, the same class of immunoglobulin are
produced. This is referred to as Clonal selection.
2. Natural killer cells attack cells which are not able to express MHC 1.
3. Toll like receptors, recognize bacterial products and stimulates immune
response by transcriptions of nuclear factor mediated by NF-kappa beta
which recruits cytokines.
4. Necrotizing arteriolitis with fibrinoid necrosis is antigen-antibody complex
5. Most important antigen initiating graft rejection is HLA-Antigen.
1. Thalassemia is associated with Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia.
2. Elevated serum ferritin, serum iron and percent transferrin saturation are
most consistent with the diagnosis of Hemochromatosis.
3. Spherocytes are seen in Autoimmune hemolysis.
4. Fragmented RBCs are seen in HUS.
5. Howell-Jolly bodies are seen in Post splenectomy.
6. Hb level at birth is 20 gm%.
7. Diastolic murmur is not a feature of anemia.
8. Most common cause of splenic rupture is Malaria.
9. Supravital staining is used for Reticulocytes.
10. Common site of hematopoiesis in fetus is the liver.
11. Which of the following indicates hemolysis : Schistocytes.
12. The stain used for the demonstration of reticulocyte is Brilliant cresyl blue.
13. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is zero in Afibrinogenemia.
14. In win robe's method for ESR , anti coagulant used is Double oxalate.
15. ESR is raised in Acute myocardial infarction.
Iron deficiency anemia (IDA)
1. Increased TIBC, decreased serum ferritin is diagnostic of iron deficiency
2. The earliest sign of iron deficiency anaemia is decrease in serum ferritin
3. Bone marrow iron is decreased earlier than serum iron in iron deficiency
4. Most sensitive and specific test for diagnosis of iron deficiency is Serum
ferritin levels.
5. Response to iron in iron deficiency anemia is denoted by Reticulocytosis.
Macrocytic anemia
1. Megaloblastic anemia in blind loop syndrome is due to bacterial
2. Type of anaemia caused by lleocaecal TB is Megaloblastic Anaemia.
3. Deficiency of the 'intrinsic factor of Castle' causes Pernicious anemia.
4. Hypokalemia can occur in the treatment of Pernicious anemia.
5. Megaloblastic anemia due to folic acid deficiency is commonly due to
inadequate dietary intake.
6. Megaloblastic anemia should be treated with both folic acid vitamin B12
because Folic acid alone causes improvement of hematologic symptoms
but worsening of neurological symptoms.
7. Thiamine deficiency lead to lactic acidosis.
Aplastic anemia
1. Pancytopenia with cellular marrow is seen in PNH G6PD Deficiency.
Hemolytic Anemia
1. Cold hemolysis is associated with Donath Landsteiner antibodies.
2. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is seen in CLL.
3. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is associated with malignancy of which
lineage B cell.
4. Spur cell anemia is seen in Alcoholic liver disease.
Hereditary Spherocytosis
1. Osmotic fragility is increased in Hereditary spherocytosis.
2. Decreased osmotic fragility is seen in Sickle cell diseases.
3. Aplastic anemia in hereditary spherocytosis precipitated by Parvo virus.
4. Splenectomy is most useful in Hereditary spherocytosis.
1. A stem cell disorder affecting all the three cell line platelets, RBCs and
leucocytes is Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinemia
2. PNH is associated with GPI.
3. Chronic Hemolysis from Hereditary spherocytosis may be associated with
iron deficiency.
4. HAM test is based upon GPI Anchor Proteins.
5. Most common cause of death in PNH : venous thrombosis.
6. Treatment of PNH is Eculizumab.
1. In Beta thalassemia, there is decrease in beta chain and increase in alpha
2. The most common mutations in Beta thalassemia involves lntron-1.
3. HbH is characterized by deletion of three alpha chain genes.
4. In Alpha thalassemia, there is deletion of alpha genes.
5. Diagnosis of beta Thalassemia is best established by Hb electrophoresis.
6. NESTROFT is used as a screening test in Beta thalassemia.
7. Hair on end appearance in X-rays skull is seen in Thalassemia.
8. In Thalassemia, there is ineffective erythropoiesis and hemolysis.
66PD deficiency
1. Hemolysis in G6PD may be caused by Primaquine, Chloroquine, Quinine.
2. Causes hemolysis in G6PD deficiency are Salicylates, Primaquine,
1. Hepatitis C is associated with Porphyria Cutanea tarda.
2. Hepatoma is associated with Porphyria Cutanea tarda.
Multiple myeloma
1. Bence Jones protein mostly derived from which Gamma chains.
2. Commonest site of lytic lesion, in multiple myeloma is the vertebral column.
3. Russell bodies is seen in Multiple Myeloma.
4. Russell body is found in the plasma cells.
5. Maximum ESR is seen in Multiple myeloma.
6. Franklin's disease is associated with Gamma heavy chain disease.
7. Proliferation and survival of myeloma cells are dependent on IL-6.
1. Cells characteristic of Hodgkin's disease are Reed-Sternberg cells.
2. The lymphocytic and Histiocytic variant of Reed Sternberg cell is seen in
Lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin's disease.
3. Hodgkin's lymphoma of the nodular subtype is associated with Lacunar
4. Most common type of Hodgkin's lymphoma in India is Mixed cellularity.
5. Best prognostic type of Hodgkin's lymphoma is Lymphocytic predominant
6. Classical markers for Hodgkin's disease are CD 15 and CD 30.
7. The paraneoplastic syndrome associated with Hodgkin's disease is the
Cerebellar degenerative disease.
8. Radiotherapy is best in Hodgkin stage IA.
9. Treatment of choice in Hodgkin's Lymphoma is ABVD.
10. Necrotizing lymphadenitis is seen in Kikuchi disease.
11. Popcorn cells is seen in Nodular Sclerosis type of Hodgkins lymphoma.
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
1. The classification proposed by the International Lymphoma Study Group for
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is known as REAL classification.
2. Most malignant form of NHL is Burkitt lymphoma.
3. In Burkitt's lymphoma, translocation seen is 8 -14 translocation
4. Burkitt's is associated with infection by EBV.
5. MALToma is positive for CD43.
6. Lethal midline granuloma is NK/T cell lymphoma.
7. Most common ocular lymphoma is B-cell NHL.
8. Cyclin- D & IGH fusion gene is associated with Mantle cell lymphoma.
9. Commonest site for extranodal lymphoma is stomach.
10. BCL-2, when mutated, protects tumor cells from Apoptosis.
11. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia almost never develops after radiation.
12. Starry sky appearance is seen in Burkitt's lymphoma.
13. Histological presence of "HALLMARLK CELLS " with horse shoe-like or
embryoid like nuclei and voluminous cytoplasm are seen in anaplastic large
cell lymphoma.
14. Over- expression of BCL-2 proteins occurs in Follicular lymphoma.
15. "Smudge cells " in the peripheral smear are characteristic of Chronic
lymphocytic leukemia.
16. t(2;8) is characteristically seen with Burkitt's lymphoma.
17. CD marker specific for myeloid series is CD117.
18. Periodic acid Schiff stain shows block positivity in Lymphoblasts.
Acute Leukemia
1. The marker for B lymphocyte is CD 19
2. Marker specific for myeloid lineage is MPO
3. CD3 is a pan-T lymphocyte marker
4. Memory T cells can be identified by using the following Marker is CD45RO
5. The most common type of ALL is Pre B cell ALL
6. L-asparaginase is particularly used in ALL
7. Treatment of choice in intracranial ALL is Intrathecal methotrexate
8. In ALL, Methotrexate is administered for CNS prophylaxis
9. Poor prognostic factors for ALL are t(9;22) t(4;ll)
10. Age < 2 yrs has poor prognosis in ALL
11. Marker for granulocytic Sarcoma is CD117
Bleeding disorder
1. Converging point of both pathway in coagulation is at Stuart factor X.
2. Factor VII deficiency may present with isolated prolongation of prothrombin
time (PT).
3. P.T. is increased in Vit. K deficiency.
Platelet Disorders
1. Normal platelet counts and prolonged Bleeding Time are the findings in
functional defect in platelets.
2. The presence of small sized platelets on the peripheral smear is
characteristic of Wiskott Aldrich syndrome.
3. Thrombocytopenia is not seen in H.S. purpura.
4. In ITPBT increase and CT is normal.
1. False about Von Willebrand's disease is :. PT increases
2. Best assay for deficiency of von Willebrand factor is BT + APTT + vWF
ristocetin factor assay.
3. The commonest mode of inheritance of Von Willebrand's disease is
Autosomal dominance.
4. Bleeding time may be used to differentiate hemophilia A from von
Willebrand disease.
5. In a case of hemophilia, spontaneous bleeding occurs when factor VIII level
is below 1% .
6. Early solubilization of clot is a feature of factor XIII deficiency.
7. Laki Lorand factor is FACTOR XIII.
8. Plasmin is responsible for degradation of fibrin.
9. Hemophilia B is due to deficiency of Factor-IX.
10. Factor Xa is a necessary for conversion of prothrombin to thrombin in both
extrinsic and intrinsic pathways.
11. Isolated rise in APTT is seen in Von Willebrand's disease.
1. Causes of DIC include Leukemia, massive transfusion and Abruptio
2. Causes of DIC include Lymphoma, Leukemia and Adenocarcinoma in
3. DIC is commonly seen in M3 AML.
4. Increased FDP, decreased PT and increased antithrombin III are the findings
seen in DIC.
5. Clot retraction time is normal in DIC.
Hypercoagulable States
1. Predisposing factor for arterial thrombosis is Protein S deficiency.
2. Hypercoagulability due to defective factor V gene is called Leiden mutation.
3. Most common inherited thrombotic disorder is Factor V Leiden mutation.
Blood Transfusion
1. Blood components products are the platelets.
2. MC blood transfusion reaction is Febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction.
3. Complement mediated Hemolysis is seen in Acute Hemolytic Blood
Transfusion Reactions.
1. Piecemeal necrosis on liver biopsy is characteristic of Chronic active
2. Large giant cells are found in neonatal hepatitis.
3. Councilman bodies are seen in Acute viral hepatitis.
In Chronic Viral Hepatitis grading refers to the extent of necrosis and
6. HBV DNA polymerase is encoded by P gene.
7. Gene responsible for mutation of HBV is X gene.
8. Hepatitis virus that causes chronic liver disease is Hepatitis C.
9. Ground glass hepatocyte is seen in which hepatitis is Hepatitis B.
Micro vesicular fatty change in hepatocytes is seen due to infection
10. Hepatitis D.
Histopathology of chronic hepatitis shows bridging fibrosis Liver & Gall
1. Macronodular cirrhosis occurs in Postnecrotic cirrhosis.
2. Lipoprotein-X is elevated in Primary biliary cirrhosis.
3. Macronodular cirrhosis refers to nodule diameter greater than 3 mm.
Circulatory Disorders
1. Commonest cause of Budd-Chiari syndrome is thrombosis of hepatic veins.
2. Nutmeg liver is a feature of Chronic venous congestion.
1. Vinyl chloride has been implicated in Angiosarcoma of liver.
2. Hepatocellular CA is most frequently associated with Alcoholic cirrhosis
3. Fibrolamellar carcinoma of liver has better prognosis.
4. Commonest benign tumor of liver is Hemangioma.
5. Hepntocellular Ca is associated with liver cirrhosis.
6. Ulcerative colitis is a risk factor for Cholangiocarcinoma.
7. Thorium dioxide causes Angiosarcoma.
1. Nutmeg liver is seen in right sided heart failure.
2. Centrizonal necrosis of liver occurs with carbon tetrachloride toxicity.
3. Piece meal necrosis on liver biopsy is a feature of chronic active hepatitis.
4. Mallory bodies contain cytokeratin.
5. Definite markers for Hepatoblastoma is alpha fetoprotein.
6. Klatskin's tumor is nodular type of cholangiocarcinoma.
7. Sclerosing cholangitis is associated with ulcerative colitis.
8. Onion skin fibrosis of bile duct is seen in primary sclerosing cholangitis.
9. Gall stones in hemolytic anemia are pigment stones.
Myocardial Disease
1. The familial form of the abnormality seen in HOCM is due to an autosomal
dominant disorder associated with an abnormal a-myosin gene.
1. The most likely to be present in a patient's serum suffering from PAN is
Hepatitis B antigen.
2. Histologic abnormalities most likely to be seen in a lung biopsy suffering
from Wegner's disease are large, serpiginous necrosis with peripheral and
palisading macrophages.
3. Thromboangiitis obliterans, arteries, nerves and veins are involved.
4. Thrombosis with microabscesses in a histological finding of blood vessel
would be most consistent with a diagnosis of Buerger's disease.
5. Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis is seen in Systemic lupus erythematosus
6. ANCA is associated with Wegener's granulomatosis.
Hypersensitivity vasculitis most commonly involves Post-capillary venules.
Polyarteritis nodosa can occur in association with hypertension.
1. Most common cause of aortic aneurysm is atherosclerosis.
2. Dissection of the Splenic artery is common in pregnancy.
3. The most likely change to be the first visible gross evidence for the
formation of an atheroma is the Thrombus.
Vascular tumor
1. Pathological feature of pyogenic granuloma is the capillary hemangioma.
2. Most common site of Angiosarcoma is Liver.
3. CD marker of Angiosarcoma is CD 31.
1. Infective agent causing atherosclerosis is C pneumonia.
2. Most common cause of abdominal aneurysm is atherosclerosis.
3. Classic PAN is associated with vasculitis of medium size vessels.
4. Creatine kinase is elevated in Ml after 2-4 hrs.
5. Cross reactivity with endogenous antigen is the mechanism of acute
rheumatic fever.
6. Suppurative pericarditis is not a complication of Infective endocarditis
7. Large warty vegetations are characteristic of SABE.
8. Alcohol causes Dilated Cardiomyopathy.
9. Tigered effect in myocardium is seen in fat deposition.
10. Monckeberg's sclerosis involves media of the blood vessels.
11. Metastasis to heart are mostly from the breast.
12. Commonest complication of prosthetic valve is embolism.
13. The substance that accumulates in cardiac myxoma is
14. Commonest complication of infective endocarditis is Myocardial abscess.
The Lungs
1. Lung abscess is common following Streptococcal pneumonia.
2. Infraclavicular lesion of tuberculosis is known as Ashman's focus.
3. Accumulation of fibrin is a finding.
4. Heart Failure cells are pigmented alveolar macrophages.
5. Terminal stage of pneumonia is resolution.
6. ARDS is due to defect in Typel Pneumocyte.
7. In Hyaline Membrane Disease the pathology in the lung consists of Fibrin.
8. Miliary TB is post primary.
1. Characteristic histopathological finding in shock lung is diffuse alveolar
2. There is increased Sweat chloride in cystic fibrosis.
3. The most common source of pulmonary embolism is large veins of lower
4. Most common type of carcinoma lung is adenocarcinoma.
5. Histopathology of lung cancer shows Clara cells, probable diagnosis is
Bronchoalveolar carcinoma.
6. Marker of small cell cancer of lung is Chromogranin.
7. Characteristic feature of viral pneumonia is Interstitial mononuclear
8. Sarcoidosis is mimicked by chronic poisoning with Beryllium.
9. Bronchogenic carcinoma commonly metastasize to the adrenals.
10. Scar carcinoma of lung is seen most commonly following T.B.
General aspects of Renal Pathology
1. 5HIAA is increased in urine in carcinoid syndrome.
2. Hematuria of glomerular origin is diagnosed by > 20% dysmorphic RBCs in
urine, > 100 RBCs/ml dysmorphic, dark red urine.
3. Multinucleated giant cells in kidney may be seen in Multiple myeloma.
4. Glutaraldehyde is the most common fixative used in electron microscopy
5. Normal level of serum uric acid in males is 3.1-7 mg/dl.
6. The protein in glomerular basement membrane responsible for charge
dependent filtration is proteoglycan.
7. RBC cast is seen in Acute Glomerulonephritis.
Glomerular Disease
1. Thickening of basement of glomerulus is seen in Membranoproliferative
2. Epithelial 'crescents' in the Bowman' capsule of kidney are observed in
rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.
3. In glomerular disease, albumin is mainly excreted in urine.
4. Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease is diagnostic of Diabetic glomerulosclerosis
5. Albuminuria is the best early indicator for Diabetic nephropathy.
6. The protein in glomerular basement membrane responsible for charge-
dependent filtration is proteoglycan.
7. The most common gene defect in idiopathic steroid resistance nephrotic
syndrome is NPHS 2.
8. The pathological feature in Wegener's granulomatosis on renal biopsy is
focal necrotizing glomerulonephritis.
9. In Goodpasture's syndrome the antibodies are directed against the
basement membrane.
10. "Flea-bitten" kidney is seen in malignant hypertension.
11. Lipoid nephrosis of kidney produces ultra- structural change in epithelium
of the glomerulus.
Tubular Diseases
1. In acute tubular necrosis due to mercuric chloride, the site affected is the
straight portion of proximal tubule.
2. Papillary necrosis is seen in Diabetes Mellitus, Analgesic Nephropathy,
Sickle cell anaemia and Acute pyelonephritis.
3. In pyelonephritis, the diagnostic urinary finding is pus cell cast.
4. In benign nephrosclerosis bilateral contrast Kidney are characteristically
5. Michaelis Gutmann bodies are seen in malacoplakia.
6. ENaC mutation is seen in Liddle syndrome.
7. Least likely cause of renal papillary necrosis is the posterior urethral valves.
8. Dent disease is due to defect of the chloride channel.
1. Crescents are derived from parietal epithelial cells, fibrin and macrophages.
2. In IgA nephropathy, there are mesangial deposits.
3. Organized glomerular deposits in kidney is present in IgA nephropathy
4. The finish type of congenital nephritic syndrome occurs due to gene
mutations affecting Nephrine.
5. The electron microscopy is virtually diagnostic in renal biopsy study of
Alport's syndrome.
6. Renal papillary necrosis is almost associated with DM.
7. Mercury affects PCT.
8. Visceral leishmaniasis causes Mesangioproliferative GN.
1. Giant hypertrophy of gastric mucosa similar to brain surface is seen in
Menetrier's disease.
2. Non Hodgkins lymphoma is the commonest variety of gastric lymphoma.
3. Gastrointestinal stromal malignancy arises in Interstitial cells of Cajal.
4. When carcinoma of stomach develops secondarily to pernicious anemia, it
is usually situated in the fundus.
5. Zone of cicatrization is the most outermost histological layer of peptic ulcer.
6. Most common type of gastric polyp is the hyperplastic polyp.
7. MC site for stomach Ca is the antrum.
8. Most common site of curling's ulcer proximal duodenum.
9. Most common site of GIST is the Stomach.
Small Intestine
1. Coeliac disease is due to sensitivity to wheat.
2. Commonest malignancy of the small intestine is Adenocarcinoma.
3. Gluten sensitive enteropathy is most strongly associated with HLA-DQ2.
4. In the intra-epithelial region of the mucosa of intestine the predominant cell
population is that of T-cells.
5. Megaloblastic anemia is caused by Ileocecal TB.
6. Transverse ulcers are seen in Tuberculosis.
7. Anti-gliadin antibodies are detectable in Celiac disease.
8. Whipple's disease is characterized by foamy macrophages.
9. Macrophages with PAS(+) material inside them is a histological features of
Whipple's disease.
Large Intestine
1. Colorectal carcinoma is associated with high fat intake.
2. Skin lesion most likely seen with ulcerative colitis is Pyoderma gangrenosum.
3. Toxic megacolon is seen in Chronic nonspecific ulcerative colitis.
4. Pipe stem appearance in barium enema is seen in Ulcerative colitis.
5. "Skip areas" are pathognomonic of Crohn's disease.
6. Mucosal surface in Crohn's disease is described as Cobble stoning.
7. The most definitive indication of malignant transformation of a benign polyp
of colon is the ulceration at the tip of polyp.
8. Juvenile polyposis is benign and not related to malignancy.
9. Inheritance of Gardner syndrome is autosomal dominant.
10. Sigmoid colon is the most common site for Diverticulum.
11. Most important prognostic factor for colorectal carcinoma is the Lymph
node status.
12. Cryptitis is seen in ulcerative colitis.
13. Backwash ileitis is seen in Ulcerative colitis.
14. Most common site of carcinoid tumor in hindgut is the Rectum.
15. Most common site of carcinoid tumor in gut is the Ileum.
16. Pseudopolyps are features of Ulcerative colitis.
17. Inheritance of Gardner syndrome is Autosomal dominance.
18. Aganglionic segment is encountered in the distal part to dilated segment in
case of Hirsch sprung disease.
19. Sigmoid colon is the most common site of Acquired diverticulum.
1. Toxic granules in neutrophils will be most likely seen in Acute appendicitis
2. Neutrophils within muscular wall defines the pathological picture of acute
3. Appendix is most commonly associated with pseudomyxoma peritonei.
1. Endoscopic biopsy from a case of H. Pylori related duodenal ulcer is most
likely to reveal antral predominant gastritis.
2. Lymphoepithelial change in stomach is seen in MALToma.
3. Anti - Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies are seen in Crohn's disease.
4. Small intestinal biopsy is specific for Whipple's disease.
5. Anti transglutaminase antibody is seen in celiac disease.
6. Osteoma, adenomatous polyps of intestine and periampullary carcinomas
are seen in Gardener's syndrome.
7. Least predilection for distal ileum is Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
8. Yellowish exudates at multiple sites seen in colonoscopy indicates Crohn's
9. Erythrophagia and mononuclear cell infiltration ulcers are seen in Typhoid
10. Single most important prognostic indicator of colorectal carcinoma is the
extent of the tumour.
11. Transmural involvement and granuloma are seen in Crohn's disease.
12. Mesentric tumors are usually cystic.
Central Nervous System
Disorders Affecting Brain
1. Rosenthal fibres are intracytoplasmic inclusions.
2. Rosenthal fibres in astrocytoma are composed of heat shock proteins.
3. Phagocytosis in brain is caused by Microglia.
4. Microglia is a mesenchymal cell.
5. Fibroblasts does not participate in repair after brain infarction.
CNS Infection
1. Inclusion body in oligodendroglia is a feature of Progressive Multifocal
2. Perivascular lymphocytes and microglial nodules are seen in HIV
3. Albumino-cytologic dissociation occurs in cases of Guillain Barre syndrome
4. Owl eye inclusion bodies are seen in CMV.
5. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy spares the Spinal cord and
optic nerve.
6. Hippocampus is not affected in HIV infection.
7. Negri bodies are seen in neurons.
Degenerative Disorders
1. Parkinson's disease is not a Prion disease.
2. Neurofibrillary tangles are seen in Alzheimer's disease.
3. Spongiform degeneration of cerebral cortex occurs in Creutzfeldt-Jakob
4. The nucleus involved in Alzheimer's disease is the Basal nucleus of Meyer
Intracranial Aneurysms
1. Most common cause of intracerebral bleed/ hemorrhage is hypertension.
2. The best described etiology for Berry aneurysm is degeneration of tunica
3. Most common site for berry aneurysm is the anterior communicating artery.
CNS Tumor
1. Most common site for medulloblastoma is cerebellum.
2. Most common cerebellar tumor in children is Astrocytoma.
3. CD133 receptor on neuronal membrane induces development of glioma
4. Ependymoma is not a neuronal tumor.
5. Most common CNS tumor in NF1 Optic nerve glioma.
6. In Medulloblastoma most common metastasis is to the CNS.
7. Most common CNS neoplasm in HIV patient Primary CNS lymphoma.
8. The commonest intracranial tumor is metastases.
9. Rosenthal fibres are seen in Pilocytic astrocytoma.
1. Gitter cells are modified macrophages in CNS.
2. Berry aneurysm defect lies in degeneration of media/ muscle cell layer.
3. Ash leaf macules are seen in Bourneville's disease.
4. Most common site of glioblastoma multiforme is Frontal lobe.
5. Rosenthal fibres are seen in Pilocystic astrocytoma.
6. Most common glial tumor is astrocytoma.
7. Most common cerebellar tumour in children is astrocytoma.
8. Most common tumour in lateral hemisphere of brain is astrocytoma
9. Similar features between cerebral abscess and cerebral infarct is liquefactive
10. Onion bulb appearance on nerve biopsy is seen in diabetic neuropathy.
11. Intranuclear inclusions of oligodendrocyte are seen in progressive multiple
Parathyroid Gland
1. Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid is associated with MEN II.
2. Rb gene defect is associated with development of medullary carcinoma of
3. FNAC is least diagnostic in Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma.
4. Most common thyroid cancer is Medullary carcinoma.
5. Papillary carcinoma thyroid most commonly metastasizes to lymph nodes.
Struma ovarii is composed entirely of mature thyroid tissue.
Orphan Annie eye nuclei appearance is characteristic of Papillary
carcinoma of thyroid.
Active form of Vit. D is 1,25 (OH)2 Vit. D3.
10 Diagnostic feature of parathyroid carcinoma is metastasis.
. Most common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism is adenoma.
1. Pituitary tumor is present in 10% of brain tumors
2. Human chorionic thyrotropin is secreted from placenta
3. Posterior pituitary secretes ADH
4. Commonest thyroid tumor in MEN (multiple endocrine neoplasia) is
5. Wermer syndrome is MEN 1
1. Zell ballen pattern are found in Pheochromocytoma
2. In Cushing syndrome, the tumor is associated with elevated levels of cortisol
3. Parathyroid is most commonly involved in multiple endocrine neoplasia
4. Tumor that follows rule of 10 is Pheochromocytoma
5. Involvement of lymph nodes is most reliable feature of malignant
transformation of pheochromocytoma.
6. Glomus Cells are found in Carotid body Tumour
1. Posterior pituitary secretes ADH.
2. Wermer syndrome is MEN.
3. Hurthle cell carcinoma is a variant of Follicular carcinoma.
4. FNAC is least diagnostic in Follicular carcinoma.
5. Most common thyroid cancer is Papillary carcinoma.
6. The feature that differentiates a follicular carcinoma from a follicular
adenoma of thyroid is capsular invasion.
7. Zellballen pattern on Histopathology is observed in carotid body tumour
8. Paraganglioma may show production of catecholamines.
9. Average weight of thyroid gland where diet is rich in iodine is 10 -12 gms.
10. Commonest thyroid tumour in MEN is Medullary tumour.
1. Malignancy of the breast is associated with atypical epithelial hyperplasia.
2. Most common carcinoma of breast is intraductal carcinoma
3. Bilateral breast ca is lobular Ca.
4. Characteristic feature of paget disease is Eosinophilic cytoplasm.
5. ER positive status in Ca breast indicates prognosis.
6. Women carrying BRCA 1 gene are most likely to develop which medullary
Diseases of Uterus
1. Histologic changes most characteristic of atypical hyperplasia in a post
menopausal patient is the crowding of endometrial glands with budding
and epithelial atypia.
2. Carcinosarcoma may arise in the uterus.
3. With regard to the malignant behaviour of leiomyosarcoma, the most
important criterion is the number of mitoses per high power field.
4. Uterine leiomyoma is least likely to undergo malignant change.
5. Swiss cheese pattern endometrium is seen in Metropathic hemorrhagica.
6. In Endometrial Carcinoma, there is risk of Granulosa theca cell tumor.
7. Complete mole can be differentiated from partial mole by P57.
8. Sarcoma botryoides is a type of Rhabdomyosarcoma.
9. Sarcoma Botryoides is mostly seen in children under 2 years.
Diseases of Ovary
1. Stromal tumor of the ovary is likely to produce masculinizing features and
2. Reinke's crystals are found in Hilus cell tumor.
3. Rokitansky protuberances are seen in Teratoma.
4. The incidence of bilaterality in a dermoid cyst is approximately 10%.
5. Schiller - Duval bodies are seen in Teratoma.
6. Call-Exner bodies are seen in Granulosa cell tumor.
7. LH is increased in PCOS.
8. Most common ovarian tumor is the serous cystadenoma.
9. Marker for ovarian carcinoma in serum is CA-125.
Fallopian Tube
1. Choriocarcinoma is characterized by Primarily trophoblastic tumor, It can
occur following hydatidiform mole, It can metastasize to lungs.
1. Tennis racket cells is seen in sarcoma botryoid.
2. Smoking is not a risk factor of endometrial carcinoma.
3. Carcinosarcoma may arise in the uterus.
4. Adenocarcinoma of the uterus along with rhabdomyosarcoma of the uterus
is seen mixed mullerian tumour.
5. Reinke's crystals are found in hilus cell tumour.
6. Most common ovarian tumour is serous cystadenoma.
7. Usual size of chocolate cyst of the ovary in diameter is 2 inches.
8. Mucinous cystadenoma of the ovary arises from surface coelomic
9. Most common radiosensitive ovarian tumour is dysgerminoma.
10. The largest ovarian tumour is seen with dysgerminoma.
11. Dysgerminoma is the ovarian counterpart of testicular seminoma.
12. CA-125 is a marker for ovarian carcinoma in serum.
Male Genital Tract
1. Condyloma are mostly caused by HPV types 6 and 11.
2. Verrucous carcinoma is extremely well differentiated squamous cell
3. Carcinoma penis is rarest among the Jews.
Cholinergic Drugs
1. Tolazoline is used as a vasodilator before coronary catheterization.
2. Obstructive sleep apnea is an FDA approved indication for use of modafinil
as an adjunct.
3. Intrinsic activity is present in Pindololceliprolol,acebutolol.
4. Drug used to perform stress ECHO is Dobutamine.
5. Triptans are used for acute attack of migraine
6. Ipratropium bromide is absolutely contraindicated in urinary retention.
7. Mechanism of action of PAM/pralidoxime is reactivation of cholinesterase.
8. Tiotropium is used for the treatment of asthma.
9. The therapeutic actions of p-adrenergic receptor blockers in chronic stable
angina pectoris are primarily the result of decreased myocardial oxygen
10. Reserpine acts by inhibiting the release of granules at the nerve terminal.
11. Labetalol is a combined alpha and beta-blocker
12. Ipratropium is administered by inhalation to cause bronchodilation for
patients with COPD.
13. Propranolol is not used in variant angina, diabetes, asthma, PVD
14. Acetazolamide is not used topically for treatment of open angle glaucoma
15. Phenylpropanolamine has been associated with hemorrhagic stroke.
16. Brimonidine can cause drowsiness, lid retraction.
17. Brinzolamide is contraindicated in patients with allergy to sulphonamides.
18. Propranolol is useful in prophylaxis of migraine.
19. Selective ala blocker is Tamsulosin.
20. pi, selective agonist is Dobutamine.
21. Phenylephrine is not a catecholamine.
22. Botulinum toxin produces skeletal muscle paralysis by inhibiting release of
23. Glycopyrrolate does not produce central anticholinergic syndrome.
24. Phenylephrine is not used in ventricular tachycardia.
25. Pirenzepine is a Ml blocker.
26. Neostigmine is not used in cholinergic crisis.
27. Haloperidol does not cause weight gain.
28. Sweating is reduced by atropine.
29. Neostigmine is the drug of choice for myasthenia gravis.
30. The difference between uses of a selective alpha-1 blocker to using a non-
selective alpha-blocker is less tachycardia and postural hypotension
31. Guanethidine is not an alpha-adrenoceptor agonist.
32. DOC for hyperactive bladder is Tolterodine.
33. Anticholinergics causes dry mouth/warm skin tachycardia, mydriasis.
34. Long acting P2 adrenoreceptor agonist is Salmeterol.
35. Hypokalemia, muscle tremor is a side effect of beta 2 agonist.
36. Phosphodiesterase inhibitor like sildenafil is used for erectile dysfunction.
37. Lid retraction is caused by Apraclonidine.
38. Dilator papillae is supplied by postganglionic sympathetic from cervical
sympathetic chain
39. Darifenacin is used for overactive bladder
40. Trochlear nerve does not carry parasympathetic outflow.
41. The most important action of beta-blockers in glaucoma is decrease in the
production of aqueous humor
42. Finasteride acts by 5a-reductase Inhibition
Respiratory System
1. Salbutamol is drug of choice for acute attack of asthma both exercise
induced and aspirin induced.
2. Corticosteroids are given for prophylaxis.
3. Ipratropium is prescribed to acute attack of asthma in pregnancy.
1. Long acting 02 adrenoreceptor agonist is Salmeterol.
2. Zafirlukast acts as a leukotriene receptor antagonist.
3. Hypokalemia is a side effect of beta 2 agonist.
4. Beclomethasone can be administered by inhalation.
5. Phenylbutazone if used along with tolbutamide (sulfonylurea), may cause
6. Theophylline is used in asthma due to PDE-4 inhibitor.
7. Ipratropium bromide is absolutely contraindicated in urinary retention.
8. Tiotropium is used for the treatment of Asthma.
9. To prevent exercise induced bronchial asthma drug used is Sodium
10. The loading dose of aminophylline is 5-6 mg/kg.
11. Inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase is useful in bronchial asthma is Zileuton
12. The drug not used in acute asthma is Montelukast.
13. Inflammation in the airways can be reduced by Fluticasone.
14. The most prominent and dose related side effect of salbutamol is muscle
1. Perindopril is best for reducing proteinuria in a diabetic patient.
2. Coronary steal phenomenon is seen with Dipyridamole.
3. The diuretic of choice for rapid relief of congestive symptoms in a patient of
CHF is Furosemide.
4. Impotence is caused beta blockers.
5. Ezetimibe acts by Decreased absorption of cholesterol.
6. Digoxin is contraindicated in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy.
7. Serum transaminase measurements is advisable when using lovastatin.
8. SLE is caused by Procainamide.
9. Isosorbide mononitrate does not undergo first pass metabolism.
10. Quinidine is contraindicated in Digitalis toxicity.
11. Sodium nitroprusside infusion may result in cyanide toxicity.
12. Postural hypotension is a common adverse effect of Alpha-receptor
13. Nimodipine is approved for the treatment of hemorrhagic stroke.
14. Alpha-methyldopa is used most commonly in pregnancy induce
15. Tolazoline is used as a vasodilator before coronary catheterization.
16. Intrinsic activity is present in Pindolol.
17. Beta blocker is not used in treatment of pulmonary hypertension.
18. ACE inhibitor is contraindicated in pregnancy.
19. Mechanism of action of Nitric oxide is Increase cGMP.
20. Nimodipine is used for reversal of cerebral vasospasm and infarct following
subarachnoid hemorrhage.
21. Ivabradine is indicated in the management of Angina pectoris.
Diabetes Meiiitus
1. Strontium is used in osteoporosis for decreasing bone resorption and
increasing bone formation.
2. Drug causing hyperglycemia is Corticosteroids.
3. The primary mechanism of action of fluoride on topical application is
conversion of hydroxyapatite to fluoro apatite by replacing the OH- ions.
4. Metyrapone is useful in testing endocrine function of Pituitary-adrenal axis.
5. Long-term use of glucocorticoid may lead to osteoporosis.
6. Oral contraceptive failure is seen with the concurrent use of Rifampicin.
7. The unique property of SERMs is that they act as agonists in some tissues
and antagonists in other tissues.
8. Finasteride has efficacy in the prevention of male-pattern baldness by virtue
of its ability to reduce the production of dihydrotestosterone.
9. DOC for prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis is Raloxifene.
10. Octreotide is used in secretory diarrhea.
11. Bisphosphonates are not used in Vitamin D intoxication.
12. Metformin can cause vitamin B12 deficiency.
13. Hypospadias in the baby is caused by maternal use of Clomiphene.
14. Acarbose does not cause hypoglycemia.
15. Contraceptive that should be avoided in epilepsy is Oral contraceptives.
16. Prolonged testosterone treatment to a man results in azoospermia.
17. In spider nevi, dilatation of blood vessels is due to Estrogen.
18. Loeffler's syndrome is an indication for the use of corticosteroids.
19. Levonorgestrel is used in emergency contraception.
Central Nervous System
Antiepileptic drugs
1. Depression of deep tendon reflexes is an early sign of magnesium toxicity.
2. In a patient taking oral contraceptive pills, the chance of pregnancy
increases after taking Phenytoin.
3. Disulfiram like reactions to alcohol is due to accumulation of Acetaldehyde.
4. Flumazenil is a specific antagonist of benzodiazepine receptors.
5. Phenytoin shows zero order kinetics.
6. Carbamazepine can be used in treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.
7. Granulocytopenia, gingival hyperplasia and facial hirsutism are all possible
side effects of Phenytoin.
8. Bromocriptine is a Dopamine agonist.
9. Drug contraindicated in porphyria is Phenobarbitone.
10. Ethosuximide acts via the T-type calcium channel antagonism.
11. Imipramine is Antidepressant drug that can be used in nocturnal enuresis
is Imipramine.
12. Buprenorphine is partial agonist at Mu Receptor. And antagonist at Kappa
Obstructive sleep apnea, is an FDA approved indication for use of
modafinil as an adjunct.
Fetal-hydantoin syndrome is seen in case of Phenytoin.
Most effective drug for myoclonic seizures is Sodium valproate.
Flumazenil is a specific antagonist of benzodiazepine receptors.
Buspirone is an anti-anxiety drug.
Narcolepsy is an FDA approved indication for use of modafinil.
Carbamazepine can be used in treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.
Bone marrow depression is maximum with Clozapine.
Vigabatrin does not act via sodium channel blockade.
Carbamazepine is not contraindicated in pregnancy.
Phenytoin, At very low doses, zero order kinetics occurs
Naltrexone is used in a case of opioid dependence to prevent relapse.
Naloxone is a 'specific' opioid antagonist. Used in opioid poisoning
Ondansetron does not act on opioid receptor.
Buprenorphine is an opioid with strong analgesic property.
1. Most common cardiac defect caused due to lithium is Ebstein's anomaly.
2. Clozapine causes metabolic syndrome.
3. The therapeutic serum levels of lithium is 0.8-1.1 mmol/L.
4. Increased suicidal tendency is associated with alteration in the brain levels
of Serotonin.
5. Antipsychotic drug with the longest elimination half life is Aripiprazole.
6. Drug-induced agranulocytosis is commonly seen with Clozapine.
7. SSRIs are much less effective than tricyclic in the management of chronic
pain of neuropathic origin.
8. Imipramine is used in attention deficit hyperkinetic disorder, enuresis, and
chronic pain.
9. Conjunctival reddening is likely to occur with marijuana.
10. "Date rape" drug is chemically known as Gamma-hydroxybutyrate.
11. Tianeptine is not a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.
12. The drug of choice for obsessive compulsive disorder is Fluoxetine.
13. Risperidone increases the risk of extrapyramidal symptoms.
14. Mother is on lithium during pregnancy is tested for cardiac anomaly.
15. Carbamazepine can be used with MAO inhibitors.
1. Uses of PPI:
a. Duodenal ulcer.
b. Gastric ulcer.
c. Stress ulcer.
d. NSAID induced ulcer.
e. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
f. GERD.
2. Vomiting- drug of choice:
a. Chemotherapy- Palonosetron.
b. Migraine-Metoclopramide.
c. Levodopa induced- Domperidone.
d. Radiation induced-Ondansetron.
e. Pregnancy- Doxylamine and pyridoxine.
f. Cisplatin induced-Aprepitant.
Corticosteroid are given for Crohn disease.
5_ASA- Ulcerative colitis.
Lactulose- Hepatic encephalopathy.
Misoprostol is a Prostaglandin El analogue.
Neostigmine increases gastrointestinal motility.
8. Drug implicated for prolonging QT interval in a premature baby is
9. Dimethyl polysiloxane acts as defaming agent.
10. Proton pump inhibitors are most effective when given before meals.
11. Ondansetron is a potent antiemetic.
12. Omeprazole is a PPI with CYPP450 enzyme inhibiting activity.
13. Promethazine is an anti-emetic drug that also decreases acid secretion
due to its action on Hl receptors.
14. Pentoxifylline is used to prevent hepatorenal syndrome in case of
alcoholic hepatitis.
15. Most potent anti-emetic is PA alosetron.
16. Lubiprostone is used in irritable bowel syndrome with constipation.
17. Glipizide is the anti-diabetic drugs can cause vitamin B12 deficiency.
18. Octreotide is used in secretory diarrhea.
19. Octreotide is useful in medical treatment of variceal bleeding.
20. Metoclopramide enhances gastric motility.
21. For chemotherapy induced vomiting, 5HT3 antagonist having maximum
potency is Palonosetron.
Cinnarizine is not an antiemetic/ anti vertigo
Anti emetic action is produced through decreased CTZ stimulation.
5 Pharmacolo,
Ondansetron acts by acting on CTZ.
Gynecomastia can occur as a side effect of Cimetidine.
1. Heparin is introduced in cardiac patient with pregnancy 36 weeks.
2. Antagonist of heparin is Protamine sulfate.
3. Filgrastim is used for Neutropenia.
4. Drug used to prevent hepatorenal syndrome in case of alcoholic hepatitis
5. Heparin in pregnant female if given, should be supplemented with Calcium.
6. Streptokinase is used as fibrinolytic. The following is its mechanism of
action It activates the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin.
7. Interaction between erythromycin and terfenadine is Torsades de pointes
8. The laboratory data for your pregnant patient indicate that she does not
have macrocytic anemia but instead has microcytic anemia. Optimal
treatment of normocytic or mild microcytic anemia associated with
pregnancy uses Ferrous sulfate tablets
9. If this patient has a young child at home and is taking iron-containing
prenatal supplements, she should be warned that they are a common
source of accidental poisoning in young children and advised to make a
special effort to keep these pills out of her child's reach. Toxicity associated
with acute iron poisoning usually includes Necrotizing gastroenteritis,
shock, and metabolic acidosis
10. Relative to filgrastim (G-CSF), Sargramostim (GM-CSF) Stimulates
production of a wider variety of hematopoietic stem cells
11. If a fibrinolytic drug is used for treatment of this woman's acute
myocardial infarction, the adverse drug effect that is most likely to occur is
Hemorrhagic stroke
12. Anti-coagulant of choice in heparin induced thrombocytopenia is
13. Antagonist of heparin is Protamine sulfate
14. A patient on aspirin will have increase in BT
15. Filgrastim is used for neutropenia
16. Clopidogrel is a prodrug
17. If Heparin if given in pregnant female, it should be supplemented with
Antimicrobials General
Anti amoebicDrugs
1. A patient with AIDS is treated with a combination of agents, one of which is
zidovudine. This drug exerts its main effects by inhibiting of the Nucleoside
reverse transcriptase.
2. DOC in severe complicated falciparum malaria is Quinine.
3. Cephalosporin is not immunosuppressive.
4. Nevirapine is non nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI).
5. Drug causing maximal peripheral neuropathy is Stavudine.
6. OC pills are contraindicated in patients Rifampicin.
7. Anti-malarial used for resistant P. falciparum malaria in children is
8. Drug of choice for Diphtheria chemoprophylaxis is Erythromycin.
9. Digoxin levels are increased by addition of Quinidine.
10. Pulmonary fibrosis is a common complication with Bleomycin.
11. The 'most bactericidal' drug in leprosy is Rifampicin.
12. Intestinal amebiasis is treated with Diloxanide furoate.
13. Chloroquine is most effective against Blood schizont.
14. Discoloration of urine is not seen with the use of Quinidine.
15. Streptomycin is not hepatotoxic.
16. Itraconazole is used for treating aspergillosis.
17. Hypokalemia is caused by amphotericin B
18. "Flu-like syndrome is usually seen in people taking rifampicin on daily basis
during TB therapy.
19. Amphotericin B toxicity can be lowered by incorporating it in liposomal
20. Pancreatitis occur with Didanosine.
21. DOC in severe complicated falciparum malaria is Quinine .
Cancier Chemotherapy
1. Olaparib is a poly ADP ribose polymerase inhibitor used for ovarian cancer.
2. Atezolizumab act on programmed cell ligand 1.
3. Pembrolizumab is approved for non small cell lung cancer.
4. Cycloserine and tacrolimus are calcineurin inhibitors.
5. Basiliximab and daclizumab is monoclonal antibodies against CD25.
6. Sirolimus and everolimus inhibits mTOR.
7. Drugs causing pulmonary fibrosis:
a. Carmustine.
b. Cyclophosphamide.
c. Busulfan.
d. Amiodarone.
e. Bleomycin.
8. Sunitinib Anssorafenic is approved for renal cell carcinoma.
9. Imatinib is drug of choice for CML and GIST.
10. Erlotinib and gefitinib are the tyrosine kinase inhibitor indicated for non
small cell lung cancer.
11. Doxorubicin and daunorubicin are cardiotoxic.
12. Methotrexate is drug of choice for choriocarcinoma.
13. Tocilizumab is IL-6 inhibitor used for rheumatoid arthritis.
14. Nephrotoxicity is seen with Tacrolimus.
15. Mesna is given orally. For hemorrhagic cystitis
16. 5-FU is an antimetabolite agent
17. Ifosfamide is an alkylating agents
18. EGFR antagonist, Cetuximab is used in cases of palliative t/t of head and
neck cancer
19. Vinblastine is cell cycle specific
20. Bleomycin toxicity affects Type 1 Pneumocyte
21. 'Hand Foot' syndrome can be caused by 5-FU Capecitabine
22. Topical MITOMYCIN-C is used in urinary bladder cancer
23. Allopurinol should be avoided, or reduced doses should be used if given
with Mercaptopurine
24. Carmustine causes persistent leucopenia.
25. Temozolomide is an alkylating agent.
26. Alkalinization of urine ameliorates the toxicity of Methotrexate
27. Finasteride acts by 5- alpha reductase Inhibition.
28. L-asparaginase causes hypercoagulable syndrome.
29. Methotrexate resistance is due to overproduction of DHFR ase.
30. High dose methotrexate is given in osteosarcoma.
31. Imatinib mode of action competitively antagonizes the ATP binding site.
32. Paclitaxel acts by exaggerating polymerization and causes the stabilization
of the microtubules.
33. Bleomycin is an anti-cancerous drug .
34. Drug of choice for chronic myeloid leukemia is Imatinib.
35. ATRA is useful in the treatment of Promyelocytic leukemia.
36. Leucovorin is used as Rescue therapy for patients who are on
37. Peripheral neuropathy is the most likely adverse response to occur as a
result of Vincristine.
38. Most important side effect of cisplatin is nephrotoxicity and vomiting
39. Mechanism of action of Pentostatin is adenosine deaminase enzyme
40. Cyclosporine is active against T lymphocyte.
41. Irinotecan is topoisomerase I inhibitor.
42. Infliximab is directed against Tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a).
43. Maintenance of a high urinary pH is important during methotrexate
treatment in this patient because Methotrexate is a weak acid.
44. Sterility is caused by alkylating agents.
45. Hemorrhagic cystitis is caused by Cyclophosphamide.
46. FDA approved drug for treatment of breast cancer which is ER positive is
47. Dose-limiting toxicity of anticancer chemotherapy is myelosuppression
48. Hypomagnesemia is caused by Furosemide .
49. Drug causing oligospermia is corticosteroids.
50. Lapatinib is HER-2 and EGF receptor antagonist.
51. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors are most commonly used in GIST
52. Thalidomide not used in HIV associated neuropathy
53. Cerebellar ataxia is caused by Cytosine arabinoside
54. 'Hand Foot' syndrome can be caused by Capecitabine
55. 5-FU is eliminated by lung.
56. Vincristine can cause syndrome of Inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH).
57. Decitabine acts by hypo methylation.
58. High dose methotrexate is given in Osteosarcoma.
59. The mode of action of Imatinib is competitively antagonizes the ATP binding
60. Methotrexate is an antimetabolite.
61. Fk-506 is macrolide antibiotic.
62. Paclitaxel acts by exaggerating polymerization and causes the stabilization
of the microtubules.
1. Administration of a vaccine stimulates artificial active immunity.
2. Natural active immunity results following infection due to a pathogen
3. Passive natural immunity -transplacental transfer of antibodies to foetus
4. When transfer factor is given as treatment, it results in adoptive immunity
5. First barrier encountered by microorganisms for common exposed sites is
6. Lymph node consists of an outermost cortex and an inner medulla. The
cortex is composed of an outer cortex of B cells organized into lymphoid
follicles, and deep, or paracortical, areas made up mainly of T cells and
dendritic cells.
7. In Spleen, T cell concentrate in the Peri arteriolar lymphoid sheath (PALS) of
the white pulp. B cell localise in the follicles around the PALS.
8. CRP is P 1 globulin synthesized in the liver. It is an acute phase reactant. It
reacts with the somatic 'C' carbohydrate antigen of Pneumococcus. The
gene is located on the chromosome 1. Half-life of CRP is 18 hours.
Normal concentration in healthy human serum is between 5 and 10
mg/L.CRP levels rise within two hours of the onset of inflammation, up to a
9. Natural killer cells are part of innate immunity. The main function of the NK
cells is to patrol the body looking for cells that have lost the expression of
MHC class I molecule. This is the major mechanism in protection from virus
infected cells and cancerous cells. CD16 (Fc receptor for IgG antibody) is
required for lysis of IgG coated target cells (antibody dependent, cell
mediated cytotoxicity) by NK cells.
10. Proteins have the highest antigenicity and lipids have the least.
11. The main aim of an adjuvant is to increase antigenicity. More antibodies are
produced when an adjuvant is added.
12. T Dependent antigens are those that do not directly stimulate the
production of antibody without the help of T cells. Eg. Proteins.
13. T independent antigens are antigens which can directly stimulate the B cells
to produce antibody without the requirement for T cell help. Eg. Bacterial
capsule, flagella, lipopolysaccharides.
14. Structurally distinct or discreet areas on an antigen which are recognized by
the T cells and the B cells and to which immune response develops are
called epitopes.
15. A discontinuous/ Non sequential/Conformational antigen Epitope is
produced by amino acid residues on nonadjacent polypeptide sequences,
they are recognized generally by B cells.
16. A linear/sequential Epitope is formed by amino acid sequences next to each
other; they are recognized by both B orT cells.
17. Same/ closely related antigens present are present in different biological
species/ classes/ kingdoms are called Heterophile antigens.
18. A protein or other substance that is present in only some members of a
species is called isoantigens.
19. Superantigens do not need processing by antigen presenting cells and cause
activation of very large number of T cells irrespective of their antigenic
specificity (T cell mitogen).
20. Antibodies are secreted by plasma cells. Each antibody molecule consists of
2 identical heavy chains of 50 kda or more and 2 identical light chains of 25
kda each.
21. L chains: 2 varieties, kappa and lambda. H chains5 varieties; a, y, p, e and
22. H chain type is class specific antigenic determinant of the antibody.
23. Treatment of antibody with pepsin forms one F(ab)2 and small peptides.
24. Treatment of antibody with papain forms 2 Fab and 1 Fc fragments.
25. Antigen binding part of antibody (Idiotypic determinants) are located within
hypervariable regions of heavy and light chains (N terminus).
26. Different immunoglobulin chains are coded by different chromosomes. H
chain is encoded on chromosome 14 and L chain genes on chromosome 2
(kappa) and 22 (lambda)
27. Most abundant immunoglobulin in serum is IgGl. IgE has least concentration
in serum.
28. IgM is present as pentamer in the serum. It is also called Millionaire
molecule. It has a valency of 2 or 10.
29. IgM and IgD act as B cell receptor on B cells.
30. IgA is the most abundant antibody in mucosal secretions.
31. The secretory component of IgA is formed by epithelial cells of lining
mucosa not by the plasma cells.
32. Anti sera are prepared in rabbits.
33. Antigen antibody precipitation is maximally seen in equivalence of
antibody and antigen.
34. Weil Felix, Paul Bunnel and Widal are tube agglutination reactions.
35. Coombs' test is an Agglutination test.
36. Wasserman reaction is a complement fixation test.
37. Rose Waaler test is a passive agglutination test.
38. Eleks test is a gel precipitation test.
39. Schick test is a neutralization test.
40. Lancefield sero grouping is by ring precipitation.
41. VDRL is a slide Flocculation/precipitation test.
42. DNA is detected by Southern blot. RNA is detected by Northern blot.
Protein is detected by Western blot.
43. Most complement proteins are enzymes.
44. Ag Ab complex activates the classical complement pathway IgM and IgG.
45. Patient with C5 through C9 complement deficiencies are most likely to be
susceptible to meningococcal infection.
46. Centre of complement pathway is C3. All 3 pathways converge on C3.
47. C3 convertase in alternate complement pathway is C3bBb.
48. C5 convertase in alternate complement pathway is C3bBb3b.
49. C3 convertase in classical complement pathway is C4b2a.
50. C5 convertase in classical complement pathway is C4b2a3b.
51. Complements formed in liver are C3, C6 and C9.
52. IPS and Snake venom act by alternate pathway.
53. Most abundant complement in serum is C3.
54. C5a and C3a are chemoattractant.
55. Membrane attack complex is C5-9.
56. Opsonizing complement C3b.
57. Guinea pig is the source of complement.
58. Neonatal thymectomy leads to decreased size of paracortical areas of
lymph nodes.
59. Marker of T cells CD3.
60. Marker of helper T cells CD4.
61. Marker of cytotoxic T cells CD8
62. The most important cytokine of Thl cells IFN gamma. The most important
cytokine of Th2 cells IL 4.
63. Rosette formation with sheep RBC's (E rosettes) indicate functioning of T
64. Most potent stimulator of naive T cells is mature dendritic cells
65. Perforin and granzymes are released by activated TC cells and NK cells.
66. CD19 is a pan B lymphocyte marker.
67. B cells form EAC rosettes.
68. Memory T cells can be identified by using the following marker CD45 RO.
Naive T cells have the isoform CD45 RA.
69. Clonal selection implies that antigens increase mitosis in specific
lymphocytes (which recognize antigen).
70. IgG, IgA and IgE are produced from class switching from IgM.
71. Isotype switching by B cells is dependent on the interaction between CD40
on the B cell surface and its ligand on activated T cells, CD40L.
72. Synthesis of immunoglobulin in membrane bound or secretory form is
determined by differential RNA processing.
73. Cell type which lacks HLA is Red blood cell.
74. MHC class II molecules are found on B cells, dendritic cells and
75. Helper T cells are MHC II restricted.
76. Cytotoxic T cells are MHC I restricted.
77. MHC restriction of T cells is due to positive selection in the thymus.
78. Allergy/ Atopy is mediated by IgE
79. Guinea pig is most susceptible to anaphylaxis.
80. Casoni's test is an examples of type I hypersensitivity
81. Goodpasture's syndrome is a type II hypersensitivity.
82. Serum sickness is a type III hypersensitivity.
83. In tuberculin test there is delayed hypersensitivity
84. Type I Lepra reaction is Type IV hypersensitivity.
85. In contact dermatitis, T cells play a major role
86. A xenograft is best described as transplant from one species to another
87. Isograft is best suited for renal transplantation.
88. In transplantation reaction, Eichwald - Silmer effect is unilateral sex linked
89. Adenosine deaminase deficiency is seen in severe combined
90. There is defective Phagocytosis in Job's syndrome (Hyper IgE).
91. Schwachman disease is a disorder of Phagocytosis.
92. Chronic Granulomatous disease is a disorder of Phagocytosis.
93. In hyper IgE syndrome, there is early onset of eczema
94. The NBT reduction assay is used to determine whether PMN's can produce
95. Candida infection is commonest in neutropenia.
96. IL- 2 is produced by helper T cells.
BBl Hemophilus. Mycoplasma. Legionella [Hl
Bordetella pertussis is a nonmotile, nonsporing strict aerobe.
2. The capsule is nonantigenic.
3. It produces Mercury drop colonies or bisected pearl appearance on Bordet
Gengou medium.
4. Pertussis toxin acts by increasing adenyl cyclase activity by ADP ribosylation
of G protein.
5. Pertussis toxin and adenyl cyclase toxin inhibit function of phagocytes.
6. The incubation period for pertussis is 7-14 days.
7. Catarrhal stage is the most infectious stage.
8. A child with pertussis should be isolated for 3-4 weeks
9. Whooping cough can best be diagnosed by culture of respiratory secretion
(nasopharyngeal swab) on Regan Lowe agar or Bordet -Gengou medium.
10. Erythromycin should be given to contacts of pertussis.
11. Acellular pertussis vaccine (in DTaP) contains Pertactin, fimbrial
hemagglutinin, fimbriae and pertussis toxoid.
12. Brucella is a nonmotile, nonsporing, non capsulated strict aerobe.
13. Capnophilic Brucella is B. abortus
14. Animal reservoir for Brucella species B. melitensis, B. Abortus, B. Suis and
B. Canis.
15. Brucella causes spontaneous abortion and has tropism for placental tissue
due to the presence of erythritol in allantoic and amniotic fluid of the
reservoir host.
16. Main virulence factor is the ability to survive intracellularly in the
reticuloendothelial cells.
17. Malta or Mediterranean or undulant fever is caused by Brucella.
18. Arthritis, osteomyelitis, spondylitis, meningitis, epididymo-orchitis,
prostatitis, salpingitis and pyelonephritis are seen in chronic brucellosis.
19. Castaneda's biphasic method is used for blood or bone marrow culture.
20. Serology is the most widely used method for diagnosis. Standard
agglutination test (IgM), 2mercaptoethanol agglutination test (IgG) and
Direct Coombs' test are used.
21. Doxycycline with rifampicin for 6 weeks is the treatment.
22. The first bacterium whose genome was sequenced completely is
Hemophilus influenzae.
23. Haemophilus influenzae is nonmotile, nonsporing GNCB.
24. Capsulated and non capsulated. Six capsular serotypes a, b, c, d, e and f.
Hib has PRP in its capsule.
25. X factor (Hemin) and V factor (NAD) are required for the growth of
Haemophilus Influenzae.
26. Satellitism is seen in H. influenzae.
27. Invasive infections (meningitis, pneumonia) are most commonly associated
with encapsulated strains (Hib).
28. Third generation Cephalosporins are used for of H. Influenzae meningitis.
29. For prophylaxis of H. Influenzae meningitis, drug used is Rifampicin
30. 'School offish' appearance under microscope is seen in chancroid caused
by H. ducreyi.
31. H. aegyptius causes pink eye and Brazilian purpuric fever.
32. Mycoplasma needs cholesterol and other lipids for growth.
33. Mycoplasma lack cell wall and contain sterols in the cell membrane.
34. Diene s's stain is used for Mycoplasma.
35. Colonies have fried egg or mulberry appearance.
36. Primary atypical pneumonia is caused by Mycoplasma. It can occur in
healthy persons.
37. M. pneumoniae induced pneumonia may be rapidly identified by Cold
agglutinin test and Streptococcus MG test.
38. Erythromycin is the treatment for Mycoplasma lung infections.
39. Mycoplasma hominis can cause nongonococcal urethritis in humans.
40. Ureaplasma urealyticum is associated with nongonococcal urethritis in
41. Ureaplasma is naturally resistant to Cephalosporins
42. Legionella pneumophila is a motile gram negative bacillus.
43. It requires supplemental ingredients like iron and cysteine to grow in
laboratory media.
44. BCYE medium is used to culture of L. pneumophila.
45. Reservoir for Legionella is aquatic environment. It can survive
intracellularly in free living amebae.
46. Legionnaire's disease due to L. pneumophila is an important cause of
pneumonia in renal transplant patients, DM, elderly and smokers.
47. Most commonly used test for diagnosis is antigen detection in urine by
48. Pontiac fever is caused by L. Pneumophila.
General Virology
1. Quantitative assays like plaque assay and pock assay are done for quantifying
the number of infectious virus particles
2. Quantal assays indicate only presence or absence of infectious viral particles.
3. Von Magnus phenomenon: When a large number of influenza virus are
inoculated in a hen's egg, a number of defective or incomplete viruses are
synthesized; as a result the amniotic fluid has a high hemagglutinin titer but
low infectivity.
4. An abortive infection is one in which progeny virus is not produced
5. Size of viruses can be estimated by pore diameter of the finest gradocol filter
that permits the passage of the virion or by ultracentrifuge using the Stokes'
6. Smallest pathogenic virus is Parvovirus B 19 (18-26 nm). Largest are the
Poxviruses (300 X 200 nm).
7. The protein core which surrounds the nucleic acid of animai viruses is called
8. Lipid envelope is found in Herpes virus, Hepadna and Pox viruses (DNA).
9. Lipid envelope is found in all RNA viruses except Picorna, Astro viruses, Reo
viruses and Caliciviruses.
10. A negative stranded viral RNA requires a RNA dependent RNA polymerase in
the virion. Eg. Rhabdo, Orthomyxo and Paramyxoviruses.
11. Transfection with naked nucleic acid would result in active virus replication
with all DNA viruses (except Hepadna and Pox) and all +stranded RNA
viruses (except Retroviruses).
12. Genetic reassortment is seen with Rotavirus and Influenza virus as they have
a segmented RNA genome.
13. Double stranded RNA virus is Reo viruses. Eg, Rotavirus.
14. Retroviruses replicate through a DNA intermediate (have RT). Eg. HIV.
15. Hepadna virus replicate through a RNA intermediate (have RT). Eg. HBV.
16. Suckling mice are used for cultivation of Arbovirus and Coxsackie virus
17. Pocks on chorioallantoic membrane of chick embryo are formed by
poxviruses and Herpes simplex 1 and 2.
18. Enders, Weller and Robbins grew polio viruses in human embryo cell lines for
the first time.
19. WI38 (Human embryonic lung strain) is diploid cell line.
20. Chick embryo fibroblast and monkey kidney is a primary cell line.
21. HeLa, Hep2, Vero, McCoy are continuous cell lines.
22. Rounding and aggregation of cells is the cytopathic effect of Adenovirus
23. Hemagglutination is used for the detection and assay of the influenza virus in
specimens, titration of killed influenza virus vaccines.
24. Myxoviruses agglutinate fowl, guinea pig, human RBC's. Rabies virus
agglutinates goose RBC at 4°C
25. Hemagglutination by myxovirus can be reversed by neuraminidase.
26. Hemagglutination inhibition used for detection of antiviral antibody in
27. Viruses which survive chlorination HAV, Polio
28. Vaccines produced in Chick embryo Influenza, yellow fever, rabies
29. Latent infections are seen in Herpesviruses, HIV and Polyoma viruses
30. Oncolytic viruses are therapeutically useful anticancer viruses that will
selectively infect and damage cancerous tissues.
26. The chance that a health worker gets HIV from an accidental needle prick
is 0.3%.
27. There is as yet no vaccine available.
28. Prion are infectious and composed of only proteins.
29. Prion catalyze abnormal folding of other proteins.
30. Prion are very resistant to inactivation, including formaldehyde, boiling,
proteases and radiation. They can be inactivated by bleach and
31. Prion diseases (transmissible spongiform encephalopathies) are scrapie in
sheep, CJD in humans and mad cow disease in cattle. These progressive
neurologic diseases have long incubation periods.
Helminths Cestodes
1. Diphyllobothrium latum infection produces megaloblastic anemia due to
B12 deficiency.
2. Human diphyllobothriasis results from consuming infected freshwater fish
with plerocercoid larva.
3. Taenia saginata spreads to man from eating poorly cooked cow meat with
the larval stage called cysticercus bovis.
4. Taenia solium spreads to man from eating poorly cooked pig meat with
the larval stage called cysticercus cellulosae.
Man can become intermediate host in T. solium not in T. saginata.
7. Commonest parasite of CNS in India is cysticercosis,
Most common site of neuro cysticercus in humans is cerebral
8. hemispheres.
9. Coenurus is the larval form of Taenia Multiceps
The egg of Hymenolepis nana parasites consists of polar filaments arising
10. from either end of the embryophore.
The smallest tapeworm of man is H. nana. The longest tapeworm of man
is D. latum.
Helminths Nematodes
1. Prepatent period in filariasis is entry of parasite to detection of first
microfilaria in blood
2. Commonest filarial agent in India is Wucheraria bancrofti
3. The third stage larva of W. bancrofti spread to humans by bite of Culex,
Aedes, Anopheles.
4. Microfilariae of W. bancrofti are sheathed, tail tip free of nuclei and have
a nocturnal periodicity.
The third stage larva of Brugia malayi is mainly spread by Mansonia.
Microfilariae of Brugiai are smaller, sheathed, two nuclei in tail tip and
have a nocturnal periodicity.
7. In the diagnosis of filariasis the blood sample is collected for identification
of microfilaria is stored in EDTA.
8. Hetrazan test (DEC provocation test) is used for detection of microfilaria in
9. Involvement of genitals does not occur in filariasis due to Brugia.
10. 'Mayers Kouwenaar syndrome' is Occult filariasis
11. Diagnosis of occult filariasis can be made by detection of antibody in blood
12. Simulium/black fly is the vector for Onchocerca volvulus.
13. Unsheathed microfilaria of O. volvulus are non periodic and present in
14. Onchocerca volvulus causes river blindness and leopard skin.
15. Mango fly is the vector for Loa loa.
16. Loa loa shows sheathed microfilaria with terminal nuclei which show
diurnal periodicity.
17. Calabar or fugitive swelling is seen in Loa loa.
18. Man is the definitive host of guinea worm.
19. Intermediate host for guinea worm is Cyclops.
20. Dracunculosis is acquired by ingestion of water containing Cyclops with
21. Nematode residing in Caecum and appendix is Trichiura and Enterobius
22. Rectal prolapse, coconut cake rectum and iron deficiency anemia is seen in
23. Eggs of Trichiura are bile stained, unembryonated and barrel shaped with
mucus plugs at the poles.
24. Pruritus ani is caused by Oxyuriasis/ Enterobiasis.
25. NIH swab is used to collect eggs from the perianal skin for enterobiasis.
26. Eggs of Enterobius are planoconvex, non bile stained and embryonated.
27. Autoinfection via contaminated nails and hands can occur in enterobiasis,
28. Strongyloides stercoralis causes opportunistic infection in AIDS.
29. Free living sexual forms in soil are seen in Strongyloides
30. For Strongyloides stercoralis, infecting stage for man is filariform larva.
31. Infection with Strongyloides is acquired by penetration of skin by filariform
larva that develop in soil from rhabditiform larva.
32. S. stercoralis is ovoviviparous.
33. 'Larva currens' is caused by Strongyloides larva.
34. Diagnosis of strongyloidiasis is done by detection of rhabditiform larva in
stool by Baermann funnel technique or Harada Mori filter paper technique.
35. Ascaris lumbricoides is the largest roundworm infecting man.
36. Ascariasis of the small intestines manifests as malnutrition, growth
retardation and vitamin A deficiency.
37. Bile stained fertilized and unfertilized eggs of A. lumbricoides are
detectable in stools.
38. Chandler's index is no. of hookworm eggs/gm of stool.
39. Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus infection is acquired by
penetration of skin by filariform larva that develop in soil from
rhabditiform Larva.
40. Microcytic hypochromic anemia is seen in hookworm infection.
41. Cutaneous larva migrans is produced by nonhumanAncylostoma
braziliense, A. caninum and Uncinaria
42. Consumption of uncooked pork is likely to cause infection with Trichinella
43. Eosinophilic meningitis is caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis.
44. 'Visceral larva migrans' is due to nonhuman roundworms, eg. Toxocara
canis and T.cati.
Helminths Trematode
1. Trematode/Flukes are helminths with absent body cavity and incomplete
alimentary canal.
2. Gynecophoral canal is seen in male worm of Schistosoma.
3. The intermediate host in the life cycle of Trematode is snail.
4. The 2nd intermediate hosts are fresh water fish/plants.
5. Infective form for humans is metacercaria except in schistosomes where it
is cercariae.
6. Largest trematode infecting man is Fasciolopsis buski.
7. Natural habitat of Schistosoma japonicum is superior mesenteric plexus.
8. Natural habitat of Schistosoma mansoni is inferior mesenteric plexus.
9. Natural habitat of Schistosoma hematobium is vesical plexus.
10. Fairley's test is positive in Schistosomiasis.
11. Katayama fever is acute schistosomiasis.
12. Ova/eggs with terminal spine is a feature of Schistosoma haematobium.
13. Finding of eggs in urine is diagnostic of Schistosoma hematobium.
14. Ova/ eggs with lateral spine is a feature of Schistosoma mansoni.
15. Squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder is associated with infection with
Schistosoma haematobium.
16. Oriental/ Chinese liver fluke is Clonorchis sinensis.
17. Cholangiocarcinoma is associated with Clonorchis sinensis. And
18. Sheep liver fluke is Fasciola hepatica.
19. 'Endemic hemoptysis' occurs in infection with Paragonimus westermani.
20. P^osites causing lung infestation is Paragonimus westermani.
Crab/ Cray fish are the 2nd intermediate host in Paragonimus.
Trematode in the GIT lumen- Fasciolopsis buski, Gastrodiscoides and
1. 'Perfect state' of a fungus is when it forms perfect sexual spores.
2. Fungi without sexual cycle are classified as Fungi
3. Mycelia are mesh of intertwined branching hyphae.
4. Methenamine silver stains fungi.
5. Culture media for fungi routinely used is Sabouraud's agar.
6. Tinea versicolor is caused by M. furfur.
7. Tinea nigra is caused by Horae werneckii.
8. White Piedra is caused by Trichosporon.
9. Black piedra is caused by Piedrae hortae.
10. Trichophyton, Epidermophyton and Microsporum are dermatophytes.
11. Favus is caused by Trichophyton schoenleinii and T. violaceum.
12. Kerion is caused by T. Verrucosum.
13. Tinea imbricate is caused byT. concentricum.
14. The most common cause of mycetoma in India is Actinomadura madurae.
15. In a mycetoma, there are multiple discharging sinuses. The granules in the
discharge are called as Sulphur granules.
16. Botryomycosis is caused by Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Proteus, S.
17. Brown, spherical, septate bodies in pus are diagnostic of
18. Sclerotic or Medlar bodies are seen in Chromoblastomycosis
19. In India, Rhinosporidiosis is prevalent in Tamil Nadu.
20. Rhinosporidium is now classified as a protista subgroup mesometazoa
21. Rhinosporidium is noncultivabie.
22. The genus Candida reproduces by Blastospore formation
23. Candida is a normal flora in the oral cavity, on skin and in GIT.
24. White membrane in throat is seen in infection with Candida called thrush.
25. Reynold Braude phenomenon or germ tube test is characteristic of Candida
26. Most common fungal infection in non HIV (immunocompetent) individuals
and HIV infected is Candidiasis
27. Assimilation tests are used for identification of Candida species
28. Cryptococcus neoformans is a yeast.
29. Capsulated fungus is Cryptococcus.
30. Urease test is positive for Cryptococcus neoformans.
31. Eucalyptus camaldulensis is reservoir of Cryptococcus.
32. Environmental source of Cryptococcus neoformans is Pigeon droppings.
33. Latex agglutination study of the antigen in CSF or blood helps in the
diagnosis of Cryptococcus neoformans.
34. The most common cause of acute meningitis in AIDS patient is
Cryptococcus neoformans.
35. Aspergillus is the most common fungal agent in paranasal sinus mycoses.
36. Most common cause of otomycosis is Aspergillus niger
37. Fungus capable of forming fungus ball is Aspergillus.
38. Cerebral infarction is seen in invasive Aspergillosis.
39. Aflatoxin are produced by Aspergillus flavus.
40. Zygomycetes are aseptate/ pauci septate molds.
41. Sporangiospore are formed in asexual reproduction of Zygomycetes.
42. Zygomycosis/Mucormycosis/Phycomycosis most often presents as
rhinocerebral disease.
43. Most important risk factor for zygomycosis is metabolic acidosis.
44. Vascular invasion is a common feature of Mucormycosis.
45. Asteroid bodies and cigar shaped yeast cells are seen in Sporotrichosis.
46. North American blastomycosis is caused by Blastomyces.
47. Broad based budding yeasts are seen in blastomycosis.
48. The portal of entry in all dimorphic except Sporothrix is Respiratory tract.
Desert rheumatism or San Joakin valley fever is caused by Coccidioides
51. Tuberculate spores are diagnostic in Histoplasmosis.
Soil contaminated with bat or bird droppings is associated with
52. Histoplasma capsulatum.
Penicillium marneffei produces a diffusible red pigment when grown on
standard culture media.
Example -
Granted before 15th august 1947 in territories which are now part of Pakistan
Granted before before 1st April 1937 in territories which are now part of Burma
Schedule III, Part B Recognized medical qualifications granted outside
India, not included in schedule 2
1. Cephalic index and Nasal Index is related to determination of Race
1. In a typical hanging the knot of ligature is placed At the nape of the neck on
the back (occipital).
2. Type of hanging in which constricting force is weight of the whole body is :
complete hanging.
3. Most significant finding in case of ante-mortem hanging is dribbling of saliva
from the angle of mouth.
4. 'Le facies sympathies' is a condition seen in cases of Hanging (antemortem).
5. Constricting force required obliterating carotid arteries in hanging is 4 to 5
6. The commonest cause of death in hanging is Combination of asphyxia &
cerebral venous congestion.
7. Partial hanging is almost always suicidal.
8. Cause of death in Judicial hanging is Fracture or dislocation of cervical
9. Lynching is Homicidal hanging.
10. In death due to asphyxia, last to be opened in autopsy is Neck.
11. In hanging last to be occluded is vertebral arteries.
12. Glove and stocking distribution of hypostasis is usually seen Hanging.
13. Transverse tear of intima of carotid arteries and neck muscles may be seen
in judicial hanging.
14. The position of knot in judicial hanging is angle of mandible.
15. Sexual asphyxias are commonly associated with Partial hanging.
16. Hyoid fracture is seen commonly in hanging is Antero-posterior
17. Throttling is manual strangulation.
18. A typical homicidal strangulation is garroting.
19. Spanish windlass technique is a kind of Garroting.
20. Maximum congestion of face and neck is observed in Strangulation.
21. Most important sign of death of ligature strangulation is Horizontal
ligature mark with ecchymosis around the edges.
23. Inward compression fractures of hyoid bone is seen in Throttling.
24. Hyoid bone fracture is most commonly associated with Throttling.
25. Death following a 'commando punch' is due reflex cardiac inhibition
26. A positive finding in case of traumatic asphyxia is Body upper half
congested lower half normal.
27. A positive finding in case of smothering death is Abrasions on the inner
side of the lips.
28. Burking consists of smothering & traumatic asphyxia
29. Cafe coronary is associated with Choking
30. Cause of death in cafe coronary is cardiac arrest due to vagal inhibition
31. Dry drowning is drowning where death is due to laryngeal spasm
32.. Hemodilution is not a feature of seawater drowning.
33. Feature which suggest that the drowning was ante-mortem is Weeds,
twigs and leaves firmly grasped in hands, (cadaveric spasm)
34. In case of drowning post mortem hypostasis is most marked at face and
35. Fresh water drowning is associated with hyperkalemia.
36. Paltauf's hemorrhage occur at Subpleural region.
37. In fresh water drowning the death occurs within 5 minutes of submersion
due to ventricular fibrillation. It is due to hemodilution, overloading of
heart and hemolysis leading to release of potassium.
Emphysema aquosum is seen in wet drowning
38. Gettler test is based on study chloride level of blood in heart chambers
39. Useful in case of drowning
40. Diatoms test help in diagnosis of Drowning.
41. A sure sign of death due to drowning Diatoms detected in bone marrow
42. Acid digestion test is used for Detection of diatoms in drowning.
43. Cause of death in Immersion Syndrome is Reflex cardiac inhibition.
44. Secondary drowning is Post immersion syndrome
45. The commonest type of drowning is accidental
46. Hydrostatic lung is seen When dead body is thrown in water.
47. Hyperventilation before jumping into water may cause death due to Air
48. In starvation gall bladder may be Distended.
49. In chronic starvation only organ which does not show reduction in size and
weight is Brain.
50. In case of starvation, part of the body where fat is spared till late stage is
orbital area.
Forensic Psychiatry
1. Tube is used for gastric lavage of infants and children is Ryles tube.
2. Common preservative used for preservation of urine sample for chemical
analysis is Thymol.
3. In autopsy of suspected poisoning case, common preservative used for
toxicological analysis specimens is Saturated solution of common salt
4. The best preservative used for toxicological analysis specimens is 90%
5. Rectified spirit should not be used as preservative in case phenol poisoning.
6. Cocaine poison cannot be detected from the decomposed body.
7. Cyanide poison may be produced by decomposition process giving false
positive results in toxicological analysis.
8. The preservative used for biochemical analysis of vitreous is Na Fluoride
9. Administering of any poison, stupefying or intoxicating agent with intent to
cause hurt and facilitate commission of crime is punishable under 328 IPC.
10. Cocaine, LSD, barbiturates are included in the list of banned
drugs/substances under NDPC Act.
11. Minimum punishment involving commercial quantity of banned substances
under NDPS Act is 10 years imprisonment & Rs. 1,00,000 fine.
Agricultural Poisons
Organic Irritants
CNS depressants
Psychotropic drugs
Deliriant poisons
Spinal poison
Miscellaneous poisons
Agricultural Poisons
Organophosphates Carbamates
(all are Irreversible inhibitors)
ALKYL Aryl A) Irreversible B) Reversible
1) HETP 1) Parathion, inhibitors Inhibitors
(Follidol) 1) Aldicarb 1) Physostigmine
2)TEPP (temik)
2) Methyl 2) Neostigmine
3) OMPA Parathion 2) Aminocarb
4) Dime fox 3) Chlorthion 3) Aprocarb
(baygon) 4) Demecarium
5) Malathion 4) Diazinon
(TIK 20) 4) Carbaryl (sevin) 5) Rivastigmine
5) Paraoxon 5) Carbofuran
7) Trichlorfon
6) Propoxur
1) Chlordane 2) DDT 3) Lindane 4)Toxaphene
5) Aldrin 6) Endrin 7) Dieldrin 8)Gammexane
9) Strobane
1. Vossius ring is the impression of miotic pupil on lens After Trauma
2. Typical appearance of diabetic cataract is Snow flake opacities
3. Lens originates from surface ectoderm
4. In incipient cataract constantly changing refractive error is seen
5. Christmas tree cataract is seen in myotonic dystrophy
6. Laser used for management of after-cataract is Nd YAG(1064 nm
7. Ideal intraocular lens is Posterior chamber lens
8. Finchams test differentiates cataract from acute narrow angle glaucoma
9. In children, the most common cataract is blue dot
10. In aphakia, the treatment of choice is posterior chamber IOL
11. Anterior lenticonus is seen in Alport syndrome
12. INH is associated with cataract
13. Posterior subcapsular cataract is steroid-induced cataract
14. Riders are seen in zonular cataract
15. Sunflower cataract is seen in Chalcosis
16. Rosette shaped cataract is caused By trauma
17. Early visual rehabilitation is seen in phacoemulsification
18. Opacification of posterior capsule is the most common late complication of
extracapsular cataract surgery
19. A common criterion for cataract operation is Loss of vision
20. Posterior subcapsular cataract is the most common type of cataract
following radiation
21. Ideal site for implantation of I.O.L. is In capsular bag
22. Subluxation of lens is seen in Homocystinuria
23. Rosette cataract is characteristic of concussion injury to eye
The phenomenon of "Second sight" is seen in Nuclear cataract
The molecule, which is the initiator of cataract formation in the eye lens
and whose 1-phosphate derivative is responsible for liver failure is
26. Complicated cataract is a type of Cataract due to existing ocular disease
27. Most common cause of blindness in children in India is Vitamin A Def (
nutritional blindness).
28. The best accounted function of MIP-26 in lens is that it maintains lens
The anterior surface of the lens has a greater radius of curvature than the
posterior surface
Steroids is known to cause cataract
32. Lens has no sensory innervation
33. Hypermature cataract predisposes to phacolytic glaucoma
34. The major cause of blindness globally is cataract.
35. The IOL implantation rate is 94%
Hruby lens has a dioptric power of -58D
38. Weill-Marchesani syndrome may lead to positional myopia
39. Myopia of -20 D is a contraindication to IOL implantation
40. The advantage of IOL implantation in aphakia is minimal aniseikonia
41. Pseudoexfoliation syndrome is an acquired cause of subluxated lens
Persistence of anterior end of primary vitreous is Mittendorf's dot
Most common type of congenital/ developmental cataract is Blue dot/
44. punctate cataract.
45. Thickest basement membrane of body is lens capsule
46. Lens protein denaturation leads to nuclear sclerosis
Lens sutures are located in fetal nucleus
Intumescent cataract predisposes to phacomorphic glaucoma
Highest refractory index is at center of lens
Neuro - Ophthalmology
Ocular Injury
1. Wall most often fractured in a blowout fracture of orbit due to fist (Blowout)
injury is the inferior wall
2. Hutchinson's pupil is seen in extradural hematoma of brain.
3. The first sign in sympathetic ophthalmia is Retrolental flare
4. The best treatment in cortico cavernous fistula is balloon embolization
5. Frill excision is done in Panophthalmitis
6. 'Inert' intraocular foreign body is Gold
7. Treatment of choice for 'advanced' panophthalmitis is Enucleation
8. Blow out fracture of orbit leads to fracture in postero-medial part of floor of
9. Injury to forehead causes fracture of roof of orbit
10. Telecanthus means increased inter canthal distance with normal
interpupillary distance.
Diseases of Orbit
1. In Graves' ophthalmopathy, inferior rectus is First to be involved
2. Three snip operation is done for punctum block
3. Absence of blinking reflex and incomplete closure of lids in thyrotoxicosis is
known as Stellwag's sign
4. Chloroma commonly presents as bilateral proptosis
5. PHPV is associated with Patau syndrome
6. Most common malignant cause of bilateral proptosis in children is acute
Myeioid leukemia
7. Orbital varices causes intermittent proptosis
8. Most common intraconal lesion causing proptosis in adults is cavernous
9. Most common primary malignant orbital tumor in children is
10. Signs are suggestive of orbital blow-out fracture : infra orbital anaesthesia,
fluid level in ipsilateral maxillary sinus on x-ray, limitation of vertical eye
1. Fasanella Servat operation is specifically indicated in Horner's syndrome
2. The operation of plication of inferior lid retractors is indicated in senile
3. In India most common cause of cicatricial Entropion is Trachoma
4. Most common type of lid carcinoma is Basal cell Carcinoma
5. Chalazion is the chronic lipogranulomatosis inflammation of meibomian
6. Stye occurs due to inflammation of Zeiss gland
7. Ptosis with weakness of orbicularis oculi is seen in Myasthenia gravis
8. Blaskovics' or ever buch operation is done in Ptosis
9. Internal hordeolum is acute suppurative infection of meibomian glands
10. Stocker line is seen in Pterygium
11. Pterygium is characterized by excessive collagen degeneration of the
subconjunctival tissue
1. Otospongiosis is inherited as an autosomal dominant disease ( 50% of
2. In otosclerosis, deafness occurs in 20 - 30 yrs but less in before 10 yrs and
40 years.
3. Common age for otosclerosis is 20 - 30 yrs.
4. Commonest site of otosclerosis is oval window.
5. Most common site for the initiation of otosclerosis is fistula ante
6. Otospongiosis causes B/L conductive deafness.
7. Paracusis willisii is a feature of otosclerosis.
8. In otosclerosis tinnitus is due to cochlear otosclerosis.
9. In majority of the cases with otosclerosis the tympanic membrane is
10. Schwartz sign seen in otosclerosis.
11. Carhart notch in audiometry is seen in otosclerosis.
12. Acoustic dip occurs at 4000 Hz.
13. Medication which may prevent rapid progress of cochlear otosclerosis is
14. In otosclerosis during stapes surgery prosthesis used is Teflon piston.
15. A pure tone audiogram with a dip at 2000 Hz in bone conduction is
characteristic of otosclerosis.
Glomus Tumour
Meniere's Disease
1. Meniere's disease is characterized by vertigo, tinnitus hearing loss and
2. The dilatation of Endolymphatic sac is seen in Meniere's disease.
3. Meniere's disease is also known as endolymphatic hydrops.
4. Endolymphatic hydrops occurs between 3rd and 4th decades.
5. Glycerol test is done in Meniere's disease.
6. Recruitment phenomenon is seen in Meniere's disease.
7. Vasodilators in Meniere's disease are useful because they increase
endolymph reabsorption.
8. Vasodilators of internal ear are Nicotinic acid, Histamine.
9. Endolymphatic decompression is done in Meniere's disease.
10. Destructive procedure for Meniere's disease is Labyrinthectomy.
Rehabilitative Methods
1. In cochlear implants electrodes are most commonly placed at through
round window in scala tympani replaces organ of corti.
2. Absolute indication for cochlear implantation is B/L Severe to profound
sensorineural hearing loss.
Anatomy & Physiology of Nose
Tumors of PNS
1. In tumors of PNS and Nose, Squamous cell Ca is the MC type
2. Most common malignancy in maxillary antrum is Squamous cell Ca
Anatomy of Pharynx
Embryological Development
Epidemiological Studies
1. Epidemiology can be defined as the study of the distribution and
determinants of frequency of disease in humans.
2. Study of time, place, person is known as descriptive epidemiology.
3. British study of Anti-asthmatic drug and death due to it is a type of
ecological study.
4. Prevalence of disease can be assessed by cross sectional study.
5. Longitudinal studies for identifying risk factors of disease.
6. Study of a person who has already contracted the disease is called case
7. Nested case control study is type of prospective study.
8. Bias is defined as systemic error in determination of association between
exposure and disease.
9. Berkesonian bias is due to different rates of admission to hospital due to
different diseases.
10. Recall bias most commonly associated with case control study.
11. The use of matching as a technique to control for confounding is most
appropriate for a case-control study with a small number of cases.
12. Odds ratio is calculated from case control study.
13. Odds ratio is related to relative risk.
14. Incidence can be directly calculated from prospective study.
15. 'Propensity score matching' is a technique used for removing the effects of
confounding when estimating the effects of treatment on outcomes.
Method of propensity score matching - inverse probability of treatment
16. RCT is not an Analytical study.
17. Association is best implicated by experimental epidemiology.
18. Selection bias can be eliminated by randomization.
19. Crossover study is done when control and case are the same.
20. Double blind study means both observer and observed group is blind.
21. Randomization in a clinical trial is done mainly to reduce selection bias in
allocation of treatment.
22. Missing cases are detected by sentinel surveillance.
23. Type of surveillance included in integrated disease control program for
non-communicable disease is periodic regular survey.
24. Sentinel Surveillance is for Routine Supplementary notification.
25. Most important function of sentinel surveillance is to find the total amount
of disease in a population.
26. Sentinel Surveillance: The primary purpose of sentinel surveillance is to
monitor the rate of occurrence of specific conditions to assess the stability
or change in health levels of a population.
1. TT is the most efficacious vaccine.
2. Adjuvant used in DPT vaccine Aluminum hydroxide.
3. Vaccine contraindicated during pregnancy is Rubella.
4. Mumps confers lifelong immunity.
5. Regime for Human Diploid Cell Vaccine for pre-exposure rabies vaccination
is 0,7,28 then booster dose 2 years.
6. Normal saline is used as diluent for BCG.
7. BCG vaccine is administered to children intradermally.
8. WHO recommends Danish 1331 strain for BCG vaccine production.
9. Immunization against Hepatitis B is included by WHO in immunization
schedule recently.
10. Neurological complications at the rate of 0.5/1000 is seen with rabies
nervous tissue vaccine.
11. Live vaccine is Yellow fever vaccine.
12. In acetone killed typhoid vaccine, the immunity lasts for 3 years.
13. Immunity develops in 30 days after the administration of Japanese
encephalitis vaccine.
14. The vaccine for yellow fever is valid till 10 years.
15. 17 D is a live vaccine.
16. MMR is a Live attenuated.
Concept of Prevention & ICD -10
1. Risk modification in CAD is primary prevention.
2. Vitamin A prophylaxis is an example of specific protection.
3. Vaccination against diseases is an example of specific protection.
4. Iron and folic acid supplementation forms Specific protection.
5. Primordial prevention deals with individuals without risk factor.
6. Desks provided with table top to prevent neck problems is an example of
primary prevention.
7. Screening of the diseases is secondary prevention.
8. ICD-10 has 22 chapters.
Indicators of health
1. PQLI includes IMR, life expectancy at 1 year, literacy.
2. One DALY signifies 1 year of healthy life lost
3. In case fatality rate, numerator and denominator are 2 separate quantities.
4. Case fatality rate is a good index of severity of disease
5. Standardized mortality ratio is expressed as a percentage although a ratio.
6. Maternal Mortality Rate is calculated by maternal deaths/100000 live
7. Denominator in maternal mortality rate is the total number of live births.
8. Perinatal mortality rate includes death from 28 weeks to within the 1st wk
of life.
9. Incidence is defined as the number of new cases occurring during a
specified period.
10. Longer duration of the disease will cause an increase in the prevalence of
the disease.
11. Increase in new cases in a community denotes increase in incidence rate.
1. Most number of false positives by a screening test is because of low
2. Most important factor for a test to be a good screening test is
3. The ability of a test to correctly diagnose the percentage of sick people
who are having the condition is called sensitivity.
4. If rapidly progressive cancers are missed by a screening test length bias
will occur.
5. Positive predictive value is most affected by prevalence.
6. Specificity of a screening test is the ability of a test to detect true negative.
7. Diagnostic power of the test is reflected by Predictive value.
1. Savlon contains Cetrimide + Chlorhexidine.
2. Bacillus stearothermophilus is used to test the efficiency of sterilization of
an autoclave.
3. The amount of bleaching powder necessary to disinfect choleric stools, is 50
4. Sterilization and disinfection of blood spills is done by sodium hypochlorite.
5. Syringes and glassware are sterilized by hot air oven.
Types of scales
1. If the results of a test were given as very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, it
represents ordinal scale
2. Mean and SD can be worked out only if the data is on Interval / Ratio scale
1. In 13 - 15-year female child recommended daily intake of protein in grams is
2. Suggested intake of dietary fat per day in pregnancy is 30g.
3. The protein efficiency ratio (PER) is defined as the gain in weight of young
animals per unit weight of protein-consumed.
4. Egg protein is known as reference protein.
5. Age independent anthropometric measure of malnutrition is weight /
6. Common to both acute and chronic malnutrition weight for age.
7. Infection does not indicate poor nutrition.
8. The best Indicators for chronic malnutrition is the rate of increase in height
and weight.
9. Salter scale is a useful method employed in the field to measure is birth
10. Omega-3 fatty acids is a cardio-protective fatty acid.
1. Halibut liver oil is the richest source of vitamin A.
2. Under NIS, total dose of Vit. A given to a child is 17 lac IU.
3. Xerophthalmia is a problem in the community if the prevalence of Bitot's
spot is more than 0.5%.
4. Vitamin D requirement for children is 200 IU .
5. Pellagra is caused by deficiency of Niacin.
6. Pulse with highest iron content is soya bean
7. Iodized salt at production level and at consumer level should be 30 ppm
and 15 ppm.
8. Safe limit of fluorine in drinking water is 0.5-0.8 mg/lit.
9. Nalgonda technique is useful in endemic fluorosis.
1. Nitrates in excess of 45 mg/L may cause infantile methemoglobinemia.
2. The vital layer in a slow sand filter is zoogleal layer
3. Trickling filter has biological zoogleal layer.
4. Chlorine demand of water is measured by Horrock's apparatus.
5. Disinfecting action of chlorine is due to Hypochlorous acid.
6. Residual chlorine is determined by Orthotolidine test.
7. Minimum chlorine content of water after chlorination should be 0.5 mg/L.
8. Orthotolidine test can detect Free & combined chlorine.
9. Chlorination acts best when pH is around 7.
10. Disinfecting action of chlorine on water is mainly due to Hypochlorous acid.
11. Indicator solution in Horrock's apparatus contains Starch iodide.
12. Hardness of drinking water should be 1-3 mEq / L .
13. Softening is for drinking water when hardiness of water is more than 150
14. Normal fluoride level for drinking purposes is in mg per liter 0.5-0.8 mg /1.
15. Nalgonda technique for de fluoridation is in the sequence Lime + Alum.
16. Proposed guideline values for radioactivity in drinking water is gross a
activity 0.5 Bq/L & gross P activity lBq/L.
17. Faecal contamination of drinking water is evaluated by E coli.
18. Most reliable evidence of fecal contamination of water is provided by
19. E. coli is as an indicator for recent fecal contamination of water.
1. Kata thermometer is used to measure cooling power of air.
2. CO2 is the major greenhouse gas emission.
3. Humidity is measured by sling psychrometer.
4. Air velocity is measured by anemometer.
5. According to Floor Space standards, the half unit is considered at child age
of 1-10 years.
Disposal of wastes
1. Sewage is defined as waste water from community containing solid and
liquid excreta.
2. Sullage is defined as waste water which does not contain human excreta.
3. The amount of sewage flowing in a system in 24 hours is called dry
weather flow.
4. Biological oxygen demand gives an indication of organic matter.
5. Waste water from kitchen is called sullage.
A good trap should have effective seal of 2.5 cm.
Medical entomology
1. Tics transmit KFD.
2. Aedes aegypti is a vector of chikungunya.
3. Arthropod transmitted disease not found in India yellow fever.
4. The breeding place for anopheles' mosquito is clean water.
5. The cycle of yellow fever virus in Aedes is propagative.
6. Cyclo propagative biological transmission takes place in malaria.
7. The average life of a Cyclops is about 3 months.
8. Drinking water is best made free of Cyclops by filtration.
9. The concentration of abate recommended for killing Cyclops is 1 mg/L 1.
10. Culex is not resistant to DDT.
11. Pyrethrum is of plant origin.
12. Paris green is a larvicidal for Anopheles.
13. Malathion spray is effective for 3 months.
14. Dose of malathion used for residual insecticidal action is 100-200 mg/sq.
15. Mite transmits scrub typhus
16. Sand fly is a vector in Kala-azar
17. Dengue is transmitted by Aedes
18. Endemic typhus is transmitted by flea
19. Epidemic relapsing fever is transmitted by louse
Communicable Diseases -1
1. World was declared free of small pox by WHO in 1980.
2. Smallpox was declared globally eradicated on 8th May 1980.
3. Smallpox was eradicated from India in the year in 1977.
4. Koplik's spots are seen in Rubeola.
5. Erythema infectiosum is known as Fifth disease.
6. The incubation period of mumps is 18 days.
7. McKeon's theory on reduced prevalence of Tb is based on social and
environmental factor.
8. Rx for sputum positive pulmonary TB in First Trimester Cat I under DOTS.
9. TB is known as the barometer of social welfare.
10. As per the latest RNTCP guidelines, 2 weeks history of cough is required to
qualify a patient as a TB suspect.
11. As per WHO, tuberculosis is said to be under control when prevalence of natural
infection in the age group 0-14 years is of the order of 1 %.
12. Sputum positive TB is 1 out of 2 sputum sample +ve.
13. Case finding in RNTCP is based on sputum microscopy.
14. Tuberculin positive means patient is infected with mycobacterium .
15. For Mantoux test the standard dose of tuberculin used in India is 1.0 TU
16. The most common mode of HIV transmission in India is sexual transmission.
17. The highest number of AIDS cases in India have occurred in the age group
of 30-44 years.
18. Nevirapine is used to prevent transmission of HIV from an infected pregnant
mother to newborn child.
19. MC subtype of HIV in India is HIV-C.
20. HIV virus was discovered in the year 1983.
21. In an HIV infected child OPV should not be given.
22. Window period for HIV infection is 3-12 weeks.
23. Lymphogranuloma venereum is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis.
Communicable Diseases - II
1. Recommended adult prophylaxis for meningococcal infection is Rifampicin
600 mg twice daily for 2 days
2. In Salmonellosis, isolation is done till 3 consecutive negative stool cultures.
3. In AFP surveillance, re-evaluation of post-polio residual paralysis is done
after 60 days.
4. Acute flaccid paralysis is reported in a child aged 0-15 years.
5. Man is the only known reservoir of infection in polio.
6. Roosevelt had polio.
7. Classification of leprosy depends on clinical examination.
8. Leprosy is considered a public health problem if the prevalence of leprosy is
more than 1 per 10,000.
9. Lepromin test is used for prognosis.
10. In lepromin test, Mitsuda reaction is read after 4 weeks.
11. In typical tuberculoid form of leprosy, lepromin test is highly positive.
12. Herpes simplex-2 is sexually transmitted disease.
Non-communicable Diseases
1. Blindness as defined by WHO is the visual acuity of less than 3/60.
2. Commonest cause of blindness in India is cataract.
3. Under the National Programme for control of blindness, school teachers are
supposed to conduct the vision screening of school students.
4. Goal for blindness under NCPB is to reduce prevalence of blindness in 2020
to 0.3%.
5. In vision 2020 ophthalmic surgeon population ratio is follows is 1:500000.
6. Mass treatment is given in trachoma if prevalence of moderate and severe
trachoma in children below 10 years of age is more than 5%.
7. SAFE strategy is recommended for trachoma.
8. Type of surveillance included in integrated disease control program for
non-communicable disease is periodic regular survey.
9. Obesity is defined as BMI more than 30.
10. Normal range of BMI Asian Individual is 18.5 to 22.99.
11. In morbid obesity, BMI is > 40.
12. Height in centimeters by cube root of body weight is also known as Ponderal
13. Screening of cervical cancer at PHC level is done by colposcopy.
1. Regarding 'Late expanding phase of demographic cycle', death rate
declines more than birth rate.
2. India is in the late expanding phase of demographic cycle.
3. First disability census was done in the year 2001.
4. If annual growth rate of a population is 1.5 - 2%, then 47-35 yrs will be
required to double the population.
5. Targets for IMR and MMR under 12th five-year plan is 25/1000 Live Births
and 100/100000 Live Births.
6. Demographic Gap attains its maximum limit in late Stage II.
7. Contraction of demographic Gap starts in early stage III.
8. Demographic processes does not include morbidity.
Health Statistics
1. Total fertility rate is an indicator of COMPLETED FAMILY SIZE.
2. NRR is the only indicator of fertility which takes mortality into consideration
3. If the TFR in India is 2.2, the CBR would be 18.6 per 1000 population.
4. Number of live birth per 1000 women in reproductive age group is GFR.
5. Denominator in General fertility rate is women in reproductive age group in
a-given year.
Family Planning
1. Contraception of choice in newly married couple is OCP.
2. Contraceptive of choice in lactating female is progesterone only pill.
3. Best index of contraceptive efficacy is Pearl index.
4. Pearl index is defined as accidental pregnancies per 100 women-years of
5. Conventional contraceptives include condom.
6. Emergency Contraception of choice is IUD.
7. Most common complication associated with IUD is bleeding.
8. Most common complication resulting in removal of IUD is pain.
9. MTP Act was passed by Parliament in 1971.
10. Under MTP Act, termination can be done maximum upto 20 weeks.
11. Population control can be achieved by spacing between the pregnancies.
12. Pearl index is used to evaluate contraceptive failure.
Disaster Management
1. Most commonly reported disease in the post disaster period is
2. In post disaster phase; for ensuring safe water supply, it is advisable to
have a Residual Chlorine Level of 0.7 mg/ litre.
3. In draughts, commonly noticed vitamin deficiency is Vitamin A.
4. As per the most common classification of Triage system that is
internationally accepted, the colour code that indicates high priority
treatment or transfer is Red.
5. Black color in triage is death.
6. Triage is green-ambulatory.
7. Flood is the calamity with most amount of damage.
8. Natural disaster causing maximum deaths hydrological.
9. District is the nodal centre for disaster management.
10. Triage is categorization of patients and treating them according to the available
1. "Eugenrcs" is the study of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled
selective breeding.
2. Environmental Manipulation which enables genes to express themselves readily is
known as Euthenics.
3. Hemophilia is a genetic disorder of coagulation seen only in males and is
transmitted as X-linked recessive.
4. Polygenic inheritance is seen in Hypertension.
5. Hardy Weinberg law is related to Population genetics.
6. The primary goal of Human Genome Project is to identify genes and
sequence of base pairs in DNA of human genome.
7. Amniocentesis to detect chromosomal abnormalities can be done as early
as 14th week of gestation.
8. "Founder effect" describes the distribution of diseases on the basis of
9. Punnet's square is used for finding genotype of offspring.
Mental health
1. Most commonly abused agent in India tobacco.
2. Anxiety is a socio-pathological factor associated with mental illness.
3. Endocrine diseases is associated with mental illness.
4. Maximum loss of DALY occurs in depression of all the psychiatric disorders.
5. Amphetamine is known as "superman drug".
6. Hereditary cause of mental health disorder is schizophrenia.
7. Mental retardation is defined if IQ is below 70.
8. WHO grading of IQ for mild mental retardation is 50-70.
9. The 1995 persons with disability act passed by the parliament included 7th
disability, conditions was included as the 7th disability in Mental illness.
1. Basic reproduction rate of infection best correlates to the rate of contact
with infectious person.
2. HPV vaccine is bivalent & quadrivalent.
3. The first scientist to observe bacteria and other microscopic organisms
was Anton Van Leeuwenhoek.
4. Anticonvulsant used in migraine is Valproic acid.
5. For operating the Blood bank, license given by Drug controller general of
6. NDPS provides for punishment of drug addicts and illicit sale of drugs.
7. Rickettsial pox is caused by Rickettsia akari.
8. Rat is associated with Leptospirosis.
9. Father of Medicine/First true Epidemiologist - Hippocrates.
10. 'Epidemiological Triad 'comprises of-Agent, Host and Environment.
11. Extermination of organism is Eradication.
12. Action taken prior to onset of disease is Primary Prevention.
13. Early diagnosis and treatment Secondary Prevention.
14. Ivory Towers of disease Large hospitals.
15. Framingham heart study is a cohort study.
16. Sensitivity identifies true positives.
17. DANISH 1331 strain for BCG vaccine.
18. Chandler index for hookworms is Av. No of Eggs / gm of stool.
19. MC complaint of IUD insertion is bleeding.
20. MTP Act, 1971 was passed in - April 1972.
21. Paris green is a-Stomach poison.
22. Pyrethrum is a-Space spray.
23. Sickness benefit under ESI Act, 1948 - 91 days.
24. World Health day-7th April.
25. HEV transmission - Faeco - oral route.
26. DOC cholera (pregnancy) - Furazolidone.
27. Maximum allowable sweat rate - 4.5 liters per 4 hours.
28. The Factory Act and ESI Act were passed in 1948.
29. Q- fever is caused by Coxiella burnetii.
30. Amplifier host of Japanese encephalitis pigs.
31. MDR TB is - Resistance to INH and Rifampicin.
32. Most abundant Ig in breast milk IgA.
33. In DOTS diagnosis is based on Sputum smears.
34. Maximum tolerable sound level to human ears - 85dB.
35. Father of Modern Toxicology Mathieu OR fila.
36. Web of causation proposed by- McMahan and Pugh.
37. India is Demographic cycle - Stage 3 (Declining Birth rate and Declining Death
38. Avian influenza DOC Oseltamivir 150mg BD X 5 days.
39. Normal distribution curve is - Bell shaped symmetric.
40. MPW is located at Sub center level.
41. MC disorder to be screened in neonate's Neonatal hypothyroidism.
42. Richest source of Vit. A/D is - Halibut liver oil.
43. Small pox was declared Eradicated on 8th may, 1980.
44. MCC of blindness: Cataract.
Extensive drug resistance (XDR) in a TB case is resistance to a
fluoroquinolone and 2nd live injectable anti TB drug (Kanamycin, Amikacin
or capreomycin).
46. Bedaquiline targets mycobacterial ATP synthase.
47. April 25,2016 is national switch date for switching from trivalent OPV to
bivalent OPV.
48. Waste sharps are discarded in white translucent puncture proof contains.
49. Zika virus is transmitted to people through the bite of an infected Aedes
species mosquito, through sexual contact & could pass to body during
50. RKSK is a health programme for adolescents in the group of 10-19 years.
51. VISION 2020 includes trachoma, Refractive errors & low vision,
onchocerciasis, childhood blindness & cataract.
52. Under JSSK, free drugs & consumables, free diet is given up to 3 days
during normal delivery and up to 7days for C- section.
1. Regarding Factory Act: Child age less than 14 years cannot be employed in
dangerous work.
2. Meningococcal vaccine not included in mission indradhanush.
3. The minimum gap to be kept while giving two live vaccines is 4 weeks.
4. In a screening test done on 1000 people 90 were found to be positive and
on using gold standard test out of 1000, 100 were found positive, the
sensitivity of the screening test is 90/100.
5. Nikshay is online TB registration system.
6. RDA of Iodine in lactating women is 250 mcg/day.
7. True about measles: Immunity after vaccination develops in 11-12 days.
8. If a person develops a disease from a primary case in a certain time period, then it
is called Secondary attack rate.
9. Unit of ecological study is Population.
10. A new drug was found to be as effective as old drug in remission of
patients in cancer after 1 year of treatment. The P value of the study was
0.4 the true statement is Insufficient data to comment on the efficacy of
11. Most peripheral microscopic facility for treatment of TB under the program
RNTCP is Designated Microscopy centre.
12. You went to a sub center as part of an audit. 100 infants should be
registered with a health worker working there.
13. Under National Health Mission Village health sanitation and nutrition
committee (VHSNC) committee makes plan for village health.
14. Heart rate/min and Age cannot be analyzed with chi square test.
15. The parameters are used to determine the sensitivity of vaccine due to
heat is VVM.
16. 2 or more proportions: Chi square test.
17. Comparing means of 2unrelated data sets: Unpaired t test.
18. 6-month old fast breathing: Above 50 breaths / minute.
19. Bird arthropod human are present in life cycle of JE.
20. Incidence over period of time shown by line diagram.
21. Probability of disease being positive out of those who test positive on a
screening test: Positive predictive value.
22. Cross product ratio: Case control study.
23. Paradoxical carrier: Carrier to Carrier.
24. Malaria parasite indices incorrect: Annual parasite index.
25. Severe acute malnutrition: Weight for height < 3SD
26. Vaccine changed every year is influenza.
27. Confounding factor: independent association with risk factor and disease.
28. Area covered under 1SD is 68%.
29. Fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family are the natural host of Nipah virus.
• Nipah virus is on the WHO list of Blueprint priority diseases.
30. The recommended isolation period in Measles is 15 days.
31. Adult JE is not included in UIP.
32. BCG is protective against CNS & disseminated TB.
33. Pulmonary TB with documented resistance to INH & Rifampicin.
Appropriate management is 6 drugs for 6 months & 4 drugs for 18 months.
34. Blood bag should be disposed at yellow bin.
35. Urine bag should be disposed in red bin
36. In a trial, BP of patient was measured independently between two groups.
The statistical test is applied is unpaired t test.
37. True about the screening tests done in series are Specificity increases
sensitivity decreases.
38. Maternal Mortality Ratio is described in terms of No. of maternal deaths
per 100000 births.
39. Mid-day meal scheme includes provision of l/3rd calories & 1/2 protein.
40. According to WHO the dose of Levonorgestrel in Emergency
Contraception is 1.5 milligram
41. Test to identify the damaged drug due to over freezing is Shake test.
42. A health center reports 40 to 50 dengue cases in a week in the
community. This week there are 48 cases normally. This is called as
43. Provisions of mental health act 2017 based on WHO health action gap are
Future will, Treatment services, Directive will.
44. North eastern state P. Falciparum treatment are artemether +
lumefantrine + primaquine.
45. Scrub typhus doc is doxycycline.
46. Setup for health planning at village level are village health sanitation and
nutrition committee.
47. Estimated no. of infant under health care worker in sub centre is 100
1. eAG (Estimated Average Glucose) is based on HBA1C
2. For diagnosis of DM, FBS >126mg/dl.
3. HbAlC > 6.5% is a new diagnostic criterion for DM
4. Impaired glucose tolerance on an oral GTT is indicated by 2 hrs after
glucose load is 140-199 mg/dl; or fasting blood sugar < 126 mg/dl or
HbAlC between 5.7 to 6.4 %.
Types of Diabetes
Type -I DM
1. Patient has normal Weight or under weight
2. Anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) antibodies
3. HLADR3, DR4
Type - 2 DM
1. Patient has over Weight
2. Family history strongly positive
3. Initially Serum insulin levels are very high (hyperinsulinemia)
4. Thrifty Genes Cause over eating and obesity
5. Leptin reduces insulin resistance
Treatment of diabetes
1. For any obese type II diabetic patient best initial therapy is diet therapy and
2. BMI = body weight (kg) / height in meters2
3. Metformin Best Initial Drug in type II obese diabetic
4. Sulfonylurea is a Insulin secretogogue
5. Thiazolidinediones (Pioglitazone) can precipitate heart failure
6. Alpha-glucosidaseinhibitor can be given in both type I & type II DM
7. Meglitinide is a insulin secretogogue
1. Ultra Short-acting a. Aspart b. Glulisine
2. Long acting a. Detemir b. Glargine
3. Insulin degludec is an ultra-long-acting insulin
4. Injection Dulaglutide it itself is a GLP-1. It is given once a week
5. Insulin Resistance when requirement of Insulin is more than 200 units per
6. Insulin resistance in liver disease is due to steatosis
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Clinical feature
1. Abdominal pain
2. Kussmaul respiration
3. Fruity odour of the breath
4. Pseudohyponatremia
5. Hyperkalemia
6. Leucocytosis
7. Metabolic acidosis with increase anion gap
8. Treatment: l/v Regular insulin, normal saline, Antibiotic
9. Cerebral edema is the most dangerous complication of DKA
Lactic Acidosis
1. The Cohen-Woods classification is for lactic acidosis
2. Thiamine deficiency causes lactic acidosis
3. In lactin acidosis, there is metabolic acidosis with increase anion gap
1. TGFR is the 1st manifestation of diabetic nephropathy.
2. Microalbuminuria is the most reliable marker of diabetic nephropathy.
3. ACEI are given as nephro protective drug.
4. ACEI are contraindicated in CRF because they cause hyperkalemia
5. In Diabetes Hyperkalemia can occur due to RTA type IV
Other Complications of DM
1. Malignant otitis Extern caused by Pseudomonas infection
2. Rhino cerebral mucormycosiscaused by Fungus
3. Emphysematous pyelonephritis caused by E. coli
4. Emphysematous cholecystitis caused by Clostridium or E. coli
Skin Involvement in DM
1. Pigmented pretibial papules
2. Necrobiosis lipoidica
3. Acanthosis nigricans
4. Granuloma annulare
5. Lipoatrophy and lipohypertrophy
6. Scleredema
7. Dupuytren's contracture.
1. Somogyiphenomena = hypoglycemia at Midnight and hyperglycemiain the
morning (8 am)
2. Dawn phenomena = hyperglycemia at Midnight and hyperglycemiain the
morning (8 am)
3. In Addison disease, hypoglycemia occurs
4. In Nesidioblastosis, Infants and Children have fasting endogenous
hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia
5. Glucagonoma is characterized by Necrolytic migratory erythema
1. Weight gain occurs in Insulinoma
2. 72 hours Fasting blood glucose levels is the "gold standard" test for
3. Whipple criteria is used in hypoglycemia
4. Diazoxide and octreotide are used in the treatment of Insulinoma
Metabolic Syndrome
1. Raised LDL cholesterol is not a feature of metabolic syndrome
1. If we give high dose of iodine for short period it inhibits T4 synthesis (Wolf
Chaikoff effect)
2. If we give low dose of iodine for a long period it increases T4 synthesis (Job
Basedow effect)
3. Drugs which inhibit peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 are:
a. Propranolol b. Dexamethasone c. Propylthiouracil
d. High dose of iodine e. Radiographic contrast media
4. Raised TSH is the best test to assess primary hypothyroid.
5. Thyrotoxicosis with reduced RAIL) is seen in
a. Factitious hyperthyroid
b. De Quervain thyroiditis (Sub acute thyroiditis)
6. Hypothyroid with increased RAIU = l2 deficiency Hypothyroid (endemic
Graves disease
1. Pre tibial myxedema occurs in dermopathy of Grave disease
2. Grave disease = HLA B8, DR3
3. Clinical features
a. Means Lerman sound (it is scratchy sound heard over the precordium), AR,
Systolic HT
b. Proximal myopathy, Periodic paralysis
c. Diplopia occurs when patient looks up and laterally. Inferior rectus is most
commonly involved
d. Thyroid acropathy (clubbing) occur in Grave disease
4. Propyl thiouracil (PTU) is DOC in pregnancy with hyperthyroid
5. Carbimazole& PTU can cause skin rash and aplastic anemia
Factitious Thyrotoxicosis
1. Factitious thyrotoxicosis occurs in nurses
2. In Factitious Thyrotoxicosis RAIU is low.
Causes of Hypothyroidism
1. Amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, hemochromatosis, scleroderma, cystinosis
2. Drugs-amiodarone, Lithium
3. Hashimoto thyroiditis
Clinical Features
1. Ankle Jerk relaxation is delayed (Hung up reflex).
2. Toad like face
3. Non-pitting oedema
4. Proximal myopathy
5. Sideroblastic anemia
6. Cerebellar ataxia
Parasitic diseases Causing thyroiditis = Strongyloidiasis, Echinococcosis,
Cysticercosis (MNEMONIC = SEC)
Riedel's Thyroiditis
1. Hard, non-tender Goiter,
2. Diagnosis is by open biopsy
Clinical Features
1. Painful and enlarged thyroid
2. High ESR
3. Low RAIU
Lymphocytic (Silent I Painless/Post-Partum) Thyroiditis
a. RAIU xk
b. ESR Is Normal
The combination of dyshormonogenesis goitre and sensorineural deafness is
Myxoedema Coma
Clinical feature
1. Myxoedema coma is a medical emergency
2. I/V Hydrocortisone (1st to be given) ,T3 should be given after that
3. Hypoglycemia, hypothermia, hyponatremia occur
Hyper parathyroid
Bone conditions with increase ALP =
1. Hyper parathyroid
2. Paget disease,
3. Bone metastases,
4. Rickets, osteomalacia,
5. Osteogenesisimperfecta
6. Osteogenic sarcoma.
Secondary hyperparathyroidism
a. Low vitamin D intake
b. Chronic renal failure
c. Rickets
d. Osteomalacia
e. Malabsorption
Tests Serum abnormality in Hyper parathyroid
Serum Serum Alkaline PTH
Ca phosphate phosphatase
Primary hyperparathyroidism t t t
Secondary hyperparathyroidism 4- t t t
due to CRF
Secondary hyperparathyroidism T T
due to malnutrition
Important Point
1. Hypercalcemia in malignancy occur due to increase level of PT HRP. In this
PTH level are not raised.
2. Hypercalcemia occurs in squamous cell lung cancer
Features of hypoparathyroid
1. Polyuria
2. Constipation
3. Short QT interval in ECG
4. Psychiatric manifestation
5. Pain abdomen
6. Renal stones
7. Ectopic calcification
William syndrome
a. Chromosome -7
b. Cocktail party personality
c. Elfin facies
d. Aortic stenosis
e. Hypercalcemia
1. Treatment of acute hypercalcemia = Saline + Frusemide
2. Thiazide cause hypercalcemia so they are never used in the treatment of
3. Treatment of chronic hypercalcemia = a. Biphosphonatesb. Prednisolone
4. Cinacalcet is used for primary hyper parathyroid
Magnesium Disorders
1. Hypomagnesemia occurs in
a. Gitelman syndrome b. Foscarnet
2. The clinical features (Tetany) and ECG finding (Prolong QT Interval) of
hypomagnesemia are same as of hypocalcemia
1. Bradycardia, Hypotension occur in Hypermagnesemia.
2. Treatment of hypermagnesemia Cal. Gluconate, Frusemide
Drugs causing hypophosphatemia
•Diuretics • Cisplatin .Ifosfamide .Foscarnet
•Calcitonin .Pamidronate
1. CRF
2. Pseudo Hypoparathyroidism
3. Vitamin D intoxication
4. Tumour lysis syndrome
Cushing's Syndrome
1. Loss of diurnal variation of cortisol level is the earliest features of Cushing
2. High dose DM suppression test is done to differentiate between pituitary
adenoma and ectopic secretion of ACTH
3. Medical adrenalectomy is done by
i. Metyrapone ii. Mitotane iii. Aminoglutethimideiv. Ketoconazole
Adrenal insufficiency
1. TB is the most common cause of Adrenal Insufficiency in India
2. The most common site of primary Cancer in a patient presenting with
secondaries to adrenals is Melanoma
3. Due to low BP &hypoglycemia, the commonest presenting symptom of
Addison's disease is Asthenia (Fatigue, Malaise).
4. ACTH stimulation test is the Most Confirmatory Test for Addison Disease
5. Low plasma cortisol (<3 mcg/dl) at 8 AM is diagnostic of Addison Disease
especially if accompanied by simultaneous elevation of plasma ACTH level
(usually >200 pg/ml)
6. Clinical Feature of addisonian crises, a. Extreme weakness
b. Pain in low back/ leg c.
Intractable vomiting d. Acute pain abdomen
e. Hypotension f. Fever g. Coma and death
1. Oedema feet is not a feature of primary hyperaldosteronism& SIADH
2. Polyuria is a feature of primary hyperaldosteronism
1. Headache, palpitation & diaphoresis are the classic triad of
2. Pheochromocytoma is a highly vascular tumor that is why FNAC is not done
in this case.
3. Beta blocker alone are contraindicated in pheochromocytoma
4. Most common post operative complication is Hypotension which is
managed by giving normal saline.
Anterior Pituitary
1. Insulin induced hypoglycemia is the most accurate test to diagnose
1. Most common cause of hypopituitarism in children
2. Pituitary Calcification
3. Bitemporal hemianopia
1. Increase heal pad thickness seen on X-ray
2. OGTT test is the most definite test
Diabetes Insipidus
1. Polyuria = Urine Output >3L/day
2. Urine osmolality < 250 mOsmol = diabetes insipidus
3. Urine osmolality (>300 mOsm/kg) = Solute Diuresis
Respiratory Systems
Pulmonary Function Test (PFT)
1. Feature of restrictive lung disease is FEV1/FVC increases and compliance
2. Compliance is increase inEmphysema
3. Decreased maximum mid-expiratory flow rate indicates obstruction in Small
4. Most common cause of cyanosis is Chronic bronchitis
5. In methemoglobinemia the color of blood is Chocolate brown
Respiratory failure
1. In type I respiratory failure: A-a gradient is increased
2. In type - II respiratory failure, there is Low paO2 and high paCO2
3. Commonest cause of type II respiratory failure is Chronic bronchitis
4. Most common cause of type III respiratory failure is Lung atelectasis
5. Most common cause of type IV respiratory failure is Shock
6. Hypoxia is if PaO2 is less than 60 mmHg.
1. Bronchial Asthma is best diagnosed by Demonstration of Reversible
2. In Asthma Small airways are involved.
3. In Idiosyncratic Asthma IgE is not increased.
4. Aspirin-sensitive asthma is associated withNasal polyp.
5. Charcot Leyden crystals consist of Granules of eosinophils.
6. The size of a droplet for a drug is to be delivered by a nebulizer should be
<2.5 micron.
7. Bradycardia indicate the most severe attack of bronchial asthma.
8. Montelukast is not useful in the treatment of a patient with acute bronchial
9. Drug used in refractory asthma is Omalizumab.
10. Most effective drug to treat brittle asthma is Epinephrine.
1. Bronchiectasis is most common in left lower lobe.
2. Lung cancer is NOT a complication of bronchiectasis.
3. TB is not a cause of clubbing.
1. Most important cause of nosocomial pneumoniae is Gram negative
2. Tubular breathing is heard in Consolidation.
3. CURB - 65 score is used in pneumonia to assess its Severity.
4. Cavitatory lesion in lung are seen in Staph aureus.
5. Chocolate color sputum is seen in Klebsiella.
6. Hemolytic anemia is seen in Mycoplasma pneumonitis.
7. Indication for prophylaxis in Pneumocystiscarinii pneumonia is CD4 count
<200 /p.1.
8. Pneumocystic Jiroveci is best diagnosed by BAL.
9. Commonest sign of aspiration pneumonitis is tachypnea.
10. Most common cause of empyema is Bacterial pneumonia.
11. Hypotension is not a Feature of SIRS.
12. Endotoxic shock is initiated by Endothelium damage.
1. The most infective form of TB is Cavitary lesion.
2. Rich focus is present at Meninges.
3. True regarding presentation of primary T.B. is U/L hilar lymphadenopathy
4. Cavitatory lesion is not a feature of primary Tuberculosis.
5. Features indicating is hypersensitivity to Mycobacteria Phlyctenular
6. The commonest feature in Poncet's disease is Joint pains.
7. In Miliary Tuberculosis Mantoux is negative.
8. Cavity formation is not a feature of TB in HIV.
9. Streptomycin is not given in TBM.
10. Source of recurrent hemoptysis is Bronchial artery.
1. B/L hilar lymphadenopathy, along with non caseating granulomas is a
characteristic feature of Sarcoidosis.
2. Cavity formation of lungs is not a feature of sarcoidosis.
3. Seventh cranial nerve is most commonly involved in patients with
4. Uveoparotid fever is seen in Sarcoidosis.
5. Cause of nephrocalcinosis in Chronic granulomatous disease is Increased
extrarenal conversion of 25 (OH) cholecalciferol to 1, 25 (OH)2
cholecalciferol vitamin D.
6. Serum ACE level is raised in sarcoidosis.
7. True about sarcoidosis = CD4/CD8 ratio is more than 3.5 in BAL.
8. PANDA sign is sarcoidosis is seen in Gallium scan.
9. Treatment of sarcoidosis is steroid.
Pneumoconiosis (ILD)
1. Silicosis
a. Has predilection for upper lobes
b. Is associated with calcific Hilar Adenopathy
c. Is associated with Tuberculosis
2. Tobacco smoking is characteristically not associated with the development
of interstitial lung disease.
3. Pleural plaques are seen in asbestosis.
4. Disease seen in weavers is Byssinosis.
5. Byssinosis occur due to Cotton fiber.
1. In primary pulmonary hypertension basic abnormality in gene lies in Bone
morphogenic protein receptor II.
2. Sickle cell disease can cause PAH.
3. T Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure is not seen in pre capillary pulmonary
Cor Pulmonale
1. The most common cause for chronic cor pulmonale is COPD.
2. Murmur seen in cor pulmonale TR.
Lung Cancer
1. Skeletal connective tissue syndromes including clubbing is usually seen in
non small cell carcinomas
2. Clubbing is least common with small cell carcinoma of lung.
3. Most common histological variant associated with clubbing non small cell
4. Most common histological variant presenting at peripheral location non
small cell carcinoma.
5. Most common primary bronchogenic carcinoma is Adenocarcinoma.
6. Most common type of primary carcinoma lung in India is Squamous cell
7. Commonest type of primary lung carcinoma in non-smokers is
8. True statement about adenocarcinoma lung are a. Common in females, b.
Not associated with smoking, c. Peripheral involvement is common.
9. Lung to lung metastasis is most commonly seen in Adenocarcinoma of lung.
10. In a chronic smoker, a highly malignant aggressive and metastatic lung
carcinoma is Small cell Carcinoma.
11. Oat cell type carcinoma lung responding best to chemotherapy.
12. Most common symptom of primary lung carcinoma is Cough.
13. Bronchial adenoma commonly present as Recurrent hemoptysis.
1. Broca's area is located at Dominant inferior frontal gyrus
2. Wernicke area is located at Dominant superior temporal gyrus
3. Motor aphasia refers to defect in Verbal expression
4. Lesion in inferior frontal gyrus causes Motor aphasia
5. If Wernicke's area is damaged in the dominant hemisphere, it will result in
Irrelevant and rapid speech
Urinary Bladder
1. Nerve carries parasympathetic fibers to urinary bladder Pelvic
2. Pudendal nerve supplies External sphincter
3. Site of disease of autonomous bladder is S2-4
4. Loss of social inhibition occurs when the site of disease is Frontal cortex
1. Dura is a pain sensitive structure.
2. Ophthalmoplegic migraine means When the headache is followed by partial
paralysis of the IIIrd nerve on the same side
3. Telecagepant is a new drug for treatment of migraine
Cerebrovascular Diseases
1. Most common cause of stroke in young women in India among OCP users
Cortical vein thrombosis
2. Most common cause of cerebrovascular accident is Embolism
3. Most common cause of intracranial hemorrhage is Intracerebral
4. The commonest cause of Intracerebral Bleed is Trauma
5. Lacunar infarcts are caused by Lipo hyalinosis of penetrating arteries
6. The most common location of hypertensive hemorrhage is Putamen
7. Anterior cerebral artery occlusion can cause Contralateral lower leg
8. Hemiplegia is commonly associated with infarction of the area of
distribution of the Middle cerebral artery
9. Posterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm can cause compression of
Oculomotor nerve
10. Nerve most commonly involved in aneurysm of anterior cerebral artery is
oculomotor (III)
11. Thalamic syndrome occurs due to involvement of PCA
12. Artery is involved in locked in is syndrome Basilar artery
13. True about carotid stenosis Aspirin reduces risk of TIA
14. In cerebral infarct maximum enhancement in CT scan is seen in 14 days
15. Investigation of choice for screening of proximal internal carotid artery
stenosis is Doppler flow study
16. The only thrombolytic agent approved for the treatment of acute ischemic
stroke is Tissue Plasminogen activator.
17. Watershed infract is most commonly seen in Brain
18. Dejerine -Roussy syndrome is seen in recover phase Thalamus Bleeding
19. Jackson's Sign is seen in Hemiplegia
20. B/L positive Babinski sign is seen in Pontine hemorrhage
J. Most common cause of SAH Trauma
2. The most common site of Berry aneurysm is Junction of anterior
communicating artery with anterior cerebral artery
3. Sudden excruciating headache is most characteristic of SAH
4. Most common nerve involved in intracranial aneurysm is Oculomotor
5. Triple H therapy is done in SAH
6. Subdural hematoma most commonly results from rupture of Superior
cerebral veins
7. Lucid interval is seen in Extra dural hematoma
8. Extradural hematoma occur most commonly due to trauma to Temporal
1. Nerve is most commonly involve in uncal herniation is lllrd
2. Part of the brain which herniates in central herniation is Thalamus
3. Part of the brain which herniates in cingulate herniation is Medial Frontal
Spinal Cord
1. Sensation transmitted by the Dorsal Tract / Posterior column Fine are
position, vibration
2. Temperature sense not affected in lesion of posterior column of spinal cord
3. Type of sensation lost on same side in Brown Sequard syndrome is
Proprioception, vibration
4. Painless burn in hand is a characteristic feature of Syringomyelia
5. Sacral sparing is a feature of Intramedullary tumour
6. In conus medullaris syndrome Ankle reflex is Absent
7. Beevor sign is seen in Abdominal muscle
Cranial Nerves
1. Olfactory cranial nerve is involved in Kallmann syndrome
2. In superior quadrantic hemianopia site of lesion in Temporal Lobe
3. Head ache with bitemporal hemianopia with 6/6 vision...seen with Chiasmal
4. Trigeminal cranial nerve is involved in Tic Douloureux
5. TRUE regarding upper motor neuronVIlth nerve paralysis is Contralateral
lower face paresis
6. In mimic paralysis Emotional movement of face impaired
7. Lateral medullary syndrome is caused by thrombosis of Vertebral artery or
by posterior cerebellar artery.
8. Lesion of posterior inferior cerebellar artery at brain involves/affects Spinal
tract of trigeminal nerve
9. Wallenberg's syndrome involves Ipsilateral 5, 8, 10 nerve palsy
10. Clinical features of medial medullary syndrome Ipsilateral 12th nerve palsy,
Contralateral pyramidal tract sign
11. Contralateral hemiplegia is a feature of Medial Medullary Syndrome
12. True about Weber's syndrome Ipsilateral 3rd nerve palsy + contralateral
13. Facial Paralysis is a feature of Mobius syndrome
14. Facial Paralysis is a feature of Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome
15. Ramsay - Hunt Syndrome is due to Herpes virus
16. Griesinger's sign is seen in Sigmoid sinus thrombosis
Multiple sclerosis
1. Impotence is a feature of Multiple sclerosis
2. Uhthoff's phenomenon is worsening of symptom due to Exposure to heat
3. Hydrocephalus is not a feature of multiple sclerosis
4. Dawson's finger sign is seen in MRI of MS
5. Visual evoke potential is used in the diagnosis of MS
6. Oligoclonal bands in CSF occur in multiple sclerosis.
7. Interferon Beta used in the prophylaxis of Multiple Sclerosis.
1. Parkinson can occur in Wilson disease
2. Drug of choice in phenothiazine-induced Dystonia is Benztropine
3. Lazabemide is a MAO-B inhibitor
4. In Shy Drager syndrome is Parkinson + Autonomic neuropathy
5. Pick's body in pick's disease is Tau protein
6. In Parkinson's disease the deposit seen in the brain are Alpha-synuclein
7. Milkmaid's sign is seen in Chorea
Cerebellar Diseases
1. Akinesia is a feature of cerebellar disease
2. Pendular jerk is best elicited at Knee joint
3. Dysmetria is seen in Cerebellar lesion
1. A chromosomal anomaly associated with Alzheimer's dementia is Trisomy
2. Neurofibrillary tangles is a feature of Alzheimer's disease.
3. Part of the brain is most commonly involved in Alzheimer disease Nucleus
basalis of Meynert
4. Biochemical abnormality in the brain in Alzheimer disease is Decrease
5. Loss of consciousness is not a feature of Alzheimer disease
6. 'Huntington's disease is due to the loss of Intra striatal cholinergic and
GABAergic neurons
7. Gait difficulty, urinary incontinence, memory loss, occur in Normal pressure
8. Localised regional cerebral atrophy is seen in Frontotemporal dementia
9. Vitamin B12 Deficiency is a cause of reversible dementia.
10. Increase level of Homocystine can lead to dementia
1. Neurocysticercosis is the most common central nervous system parasitic
2. Commonest presentation of neurocysticercosis is Seizures
3. Brain parenchyma is the most common location of intracranial
4. Albendazole is superior to praziquantel in the treatment of
Seizure Disorder
1. Absence seizures are seen in Petit mal epilepsy
2. Absence seizures are characterized on EEG by 3 Hz spike & wave
3. Commonest type of seizure in newborn Subtle
4. Lamotrigine drug has a wide range of action
5. Carbamazepine is not used for managing status epilepticus
6. Generalized Tonic clonic status epilepticus, Rx of choiceis Lorazepam
7. Valproate has a very wide range of action
8. Catamenial epilepsy occur most common is Young ladies during
9. Urinary incontinence is the characteristic feature to distinguish seizure
from syncope
10. Epileptic surgery is the most effective treatment for medically non
responsible seizures
1. Bilateral loss of ankle jerk and extensor plantar response is seen in
Friedreich's ataxia
2. Regions of the spinal cord involved first in Friedreich's Ataxia Dorsal Root
3. Subacute combined degeneration due to Vit. B12 deficiency mainly
involves Corticospinaltract Posterior column
Neurocutaneous Syndrome
1. The most common tumor associated with type I neurofibromatosis Optic
nerve glioma
2. Acoustic neuromas is important feature of Neurofibromatosis type 2
3. Neurofibromatosis type-ll is associated with
a. B/L acoustic schwannoma, b. Chromosome-22,
c. Posterior subcapsular lenticular cataract
4. CNS tumor seen in Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome is Cerebellar
5. Seizures, Mental retardation and Sebaceous adenoma are seen in
Tuberous sclerosis
6. Brain tumor is not associated with Sturge Weber syndrome
7. Ophthalmoplegia &hemolytic anemia occur in deficiency of Vit E
Peripheral Neuropathy
1. Neuropathy is not seen in Tuberculosis
2. Pure motor paralysis is seen in Polio
3. Predominantly sensory neuropathy are caused by a. Cisplatin b. Pyridoxine
4. Organism is involved in the pathogenesis of GBS Campylobacter jejuni
5. Best Treatment of GBS is Plasmapheresis
6. Autonomic neuropathy is characterized by Resting tachycardia
7. Onion bulb appearance on nerve biopsy is seen in CIDP
Myasthenia Gravis
1. Myasthenia gravis is associated with Decreased myoneural junction
2. The most sensitive test for the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis is
Measurement of jitter by single fibre electromyography.
3. Drug of choice for myasthenia gravis is Pyridostigmine
4. In Myasthenia Gravis, thymectomy Should be done in all cases of
generalized myasthenia between the age 20-55.
5. Hypogammaglobulinemia is associated with Thymomas
6. Thymoma is associated with Myastheniagravis
7. Eaton-Lambert syndrome Repeated electrical stimulation enhances muscle
power in it.
8. Site of dubious abscess is Thymus
Muscular Dystrophies
1. Dystrophic gene mutation leads to Duchenne muscular dystrophy
2. Dystrophin pathy is not a limb girdle dystrophy
3. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a disease of Sarcolemmal proteins
4. In Duchenne's muscular dystrophy, muscle not involved is Vastusmedial
5. Gene for myotonic dystrophy is coded on chromosome number 19
6. Age of onset of Duchenne muscular dystrophy is 1 to 5 years
7. Inverted Champaign bottle muscle atrophy occurs in Peroneal muscular
8. Muscular weakness due to deficiency of magnesium is enhanced by
presence of Metabolic alkalosis
9. Primary idiopathic polymyositis does not involve Ocular muscles
10. In dermato polymyositis CPK is Increased
11. Critical illness myo neuropathy, is due to Diaphragm atrophy due to
prolonged mechanical ventilation
12. Heat stiffening occurs when a person is exposed at a temp of 60°C
1. Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis Attack are precipitated by heavy exercise
followed by Heavy Meals & Rest.
2. Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis Attack are precipitated by heavy exercise
followed by No Meals & Rest.
Motor Neuron Disease
1. UMN lesion is characterized by Weakness & spasticity
2. Lower motor neuron lesions is associated with Flaccid paralysis
3. Fasciculation is seen in LMN type of lesions
4. Bulbar paralysis refers to LMN lesion Paralysis of cranial nerve IX to XII
5. Fasciculation is pathognomonic for motor neuron disease
6. Spinomuscular atrophy is seen in lesion of Anterior horn
7. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis involves Anterior horn cell + cortico spinal
8. Ocular motility is spared in Motor neuron disease.
9. Cerebellar degeneration is seen in Hodgkin Lymphoma
1. Point which helps to exclude the diagnosis of seizure in a patient with
sudden loss of consciousness is Sudden return to normal mental function
upon awakening.
Arterial pulse
1. Slow rising pulse is seen in AS
2. Pulsus alternans occurs in CHF
3. Pulses bigeminus is seen in Digoxin therapy
4. Dicrotic pulse is seen in Dilated cardiomyopathy
5. Pulsus paradoxus is seen in
a. Cardiactamponade
b. Constrictivepericarditis
c. Severeasthma
6. Water hammer pulse is seen in Aortic regurgitation
7. Pulsus bisferiens is best felt in Radial artery
Heart Sounds
1. Loud SI is caused by a. Short PR interval b. Tachycardia
2. Loud SI in Mitral stenosis is caused by Prolonged flow through mitral valve
3. Reverse splitting of 2nd heart sound in heard in a. LBBB b.AS
4. Wide fixed split S2 occurs in ASD
5. Wide and variable -split second heart sound is seen in
a. RBBB x b. PS
6. Single second heart sound is seen in
a. TOF b. Pulmonary atresia c. Severe pulmonary stenosis
7. Loud pulmonary component of second heart sound heard in
a. Pulmonary hypertension
b. Eisenmenger's syndrome
8. Fourth heart sound S4 IS Heard during ventricular filling late phase
9. Opening snap is a high-pitched diastolic sound.
Heart Murmurs
1. AS has mid systolic murmur
2. MVP has late systolic murmur
3. AR has early diastolic murmur
4. Atrial myxoma has late diastolic murmur
5. Continuous murmur is found in Systemic A V fistula
6. HOCM murmur increases with Valsalva
1. Heart rate is 1500 / RR interval
2. P wave is due to Atrial depolarization
3. PR interval is reduced in WPW syndrome
4. In LVH, SV1 + RV6 is more than 35 mm
5. QT interval is shortened in Hypercalcemia
6. Congenital long QT syndrome can lead to Polymorphic ventricular
7. ECG findings seen in Hypokalemiadncreased PR interval with ST depression,
Prolong QT, U wave.
8. ECG changes in a patient with left pneumothorax Right axis deviation
9. Alternating RBBB with LBBB is seen in Trifascicular block
10. Prolongation of QRS is a feature of Bundle Branch Block.
11. Tachycardia is the commonest ECG finding in pulmonary embolism
12. Most characteristic finding in ECG in pulmonary embolism is Si Qm Tm
13. Normal axis is Between -30° and +100°
14. Left axis deviation is seen in Septum primum ASD
15. Low voltage ECG in seen in Hypothyroid
16. Osborn wave is seen in Hypothermia
17. Electrical alternans is seen in Cardiactamponade
18. Treatment of asymptomatic bradycardia is No treatment is required
19. Earliest finding in acute Ml is Tall T wave
20. Correct sequence of ECG changes in acute Ml is ST elevation, T inversion, Q
21. Most important ECG finding in non Q Ml is Symmetrical T wave inversion
22. Saw tooth appearance in ECG is seen in Atrial flutter
23. Embolic phenomena is most likely seen in Atrial fibrillation
24. Broad complex tachycardia, due to ventricular a tachycardia is suggested
by a. Fusion Beats b. A V dissociation c. Capture Beats
25. Feature of Torse de pointes is Prolonged QTc interval
26. High idio ventricular rhythm is seen in Digitalis toxicity
27. Best Treatment of congenital long QT syndrome is Implantable
28. Morbus Caeruleus is Congenital Heart Diseases with Cyanosis
29. Digoxin is not a treatment of WPW syndrome
30. Sudden RBBB is seen Ashman's phenomenon
Heart Failure
1. Most common cause of acute right heart failure is Pulmonary embolism
2. Anaemia is a cause of high output failure
3. Hepatomegaly is a minor Framingham criteria in CHF
4. Left atrial filling pressure closely approximates Pulmonary capillary wedge
pressure (PCWP)
5. Normal PCWP with pulmonary oedema is seen in High altitude
6. Normal Ejection Fraction is 50 to 75%
7. Nesiritide is an BNP Analogue
8. Levosimendan is used in the treatment of CHF
9. Coenzyme Q is used in the treatment of CHF
10. First line Treatment of acute pulmonary edema Sublingual nitroglycerin
1. Risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD)
a. Increased homocysteine levels
b. Increased lipoproteins a
2. Nephrotic syndrome increases the susceptibility to coronary artery disease
3. In an old patient, the best indicator of probability of developing
cardiovascular disease can be calculated by LDL/HDL ratio.
4. Tendon xanthoma is seen in Familial hypercholesteremia
5. MC cause of abdominal aortic aneurysm Atherosclerosis
6. Coronary flow is maximum at early diastole phase of cardiac cycle
7. Angina pectoris is best diagnosed by History
8. A criteria of positive TMT: ST Depression >0.1 mm lasting for >0.08 sec
9. Agatston score is used for Quantification of calcified plaque
10. Test performed to detect stunned (reversible) myocardial ischemia PET
11. Complete occlusion of coronary artery is denoted by 0 in TIMI by
12. Agent of first choice in an acute attack of Prinzmetal's angina is Nitrates
13. Ranolazine is used in the treatment of Angina
14. Echo is not a part of diagnostic criteria of acute Ml in WHO criteria
15. Bradycardia is a feature of Inferior wall Ml
16. Murmur that can be there in acute Ml isMRandVSD
17. Anterior septal wall of left ventricle is the most common site of myocardial
18. ST segment elevation is diagnostic of fresh myocardial infarction in ECG
19. Tall T wave is the first feature of acute Ml in ECG
20. ECG is poor at detecting ischemia in areas supplied by Right coronary
21. Intraoperative myocardial infarction is best diagnosed by Trans esophageal
22. In stable angina The levels of cardiac markers remain unchanged
23. In Ml, enzyme raised in 4 to 6 hrs & decreases in 3 to 4 days is CPK
24. Drug used to perform stress ECHO Dobutamine
25. The best possible intervention for acute myocardial infarction is
Streptokinase or PTCA.
26. Death in acute Ml with thrombolytic therapy is due to Intracranial
27. Reperfusion is useful for Hibernating myocardium
28. Right ventricular infarction is the most likely cause of shock
29. A patient had an inferior wall myocardial infarction and was in shock. The
reason for the patient being in shock is- Right ventricular infarction
30. Myocardial infarction the mortality and morbidity of the patient is best
indicated by Left ventricular ejection fraction
31. In a patient with myocardial infarction the valvular lesion commonly seen
in- Mitral regurgitation
32. Maximum mortality of Ml occurs in day 1
33. Pulmonary edema, systolic BP >90 indicate which class of Killipe's
classification in acute Ml Class III
34. Dressler's syndrome is seen in Ml
35. Raised level of biomarker which predict the increased risk of Ml is CRP
36. LAD also known as Widow's artery
37. Best biomarker of acute Mi is Troponin T
38. In Ml, thrombolytics can be given if patient comes within 12hrs
1. Amyloidosis is the most common cause for 'Restrictive cardiomyopathy
2. A young basketball player suddenly collapsed and has sudden cardiac death,
is due to HOCM
3. The murmur of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy is decreased in
Supine position
4. Aggravation of symptoms of angina in a patient when given nitrates is seen
in Idiopathic hypertrophic sub aortic stenosis (HOCM)
5. Double apex beat is seen in HOCM
6. Digoxin is contraindication in HOCM
Pericardial diseases
1. Hydralazine causes pericarditis
2. Acute rheumatic fever is least likely to cause constrictive pericarditis (CP)
3. Kussmaul's sign is seen in Constrictive Pericarditis (CP)
4. Nephrotic syndrome is seen in CP
5. During ventricular pressure pulses square root wave is seen in Constrictive
6. Pulsus paradoxus is a characteristic feature of Cardiac Tamponade
7. Beck's triad seen in Cardiactamponade
8. Ewart's sign is seen in Cardiactamponade
9. Electric alternans is seen in Cardiac tamponade
1. Mean arterial pressure is Diastolic + l/3rd Pulse pressure
2. Pulse pressure is Systolic - diastolic B.P.
3. The blood pressure measured by a sphygmomanometer Is higher than the
intraarterial pressure
4. Spuriously high BP is seen in Silent gap
5. Critical ischemia for peripheral arterial disease if Ankle brachial index is 0.3
6. J curve phenomena is related to Hypertension
7. Characteristic feature seen in the kidney in malignant hypertension is
Fibrinoid necrosis
8. Sustained severe hypertension in children is most commonly suggestive of
Renal parenchymatous disease
9. MRI angiography is a specific and a sensitive screening test for
Renovascular Hypertension.
10. In hypertensive retinopathy A-V nipping is seen in class II
11. Best drug for angina with hypertension is Metoprolol
12. Drugs contraindicated in diabetes with hypertension Thiazide
13. Drug of choice in BHP with hypertension is Alpha blocker
14. Side effect of ACEI Hyperkalemia
15. Side effect of hydralazine is SLE like feature
16. Aliskiren is a Renin antagonist
17. Main action of Ivabradine is Bradycardia
18. Fenoldopam is a DI receptor agonist
19. Urapidil is Alpha 1 blocker
1. Most common tumour of heart is Myxoma
2. Distant metastasis is not seen in Cardiac myxoma
3. Gradient in pulmonary artery wedge pressure and left ventricular end
diastolic pressure is seen in Left atrial myxoma
4. Secondary in the heart which come maximum from primary tumor is
MeL :oma
Rheumatic Fever
1. In Rheumatic fever Chorea is aggravated during pregnancy
2. Earliest valvular lesion in a case of acute rheumatic fever is Mitral
regurgitation (MR)
3. True statement about Rheumatic fever in children a. Polyarthritis b. MC
valve involvement is Mitral
4. Erythema Marginatum in Acute Rheumatic fever is Usually associated with
5. Subcutaneous nodule in Rheumatic fever a. Non tender b. Present in
extensor surfaces
6. Fever is a minor criteria for diagnosis of RF according to modified Jones
7. Diagnostic feature in rheumatic heart disease is Aschoff's nodule
8. McCallum's patch is diagnostic of Rheumatic heart disease.
1. Infective endocarditis is least likely to occur in Atrial septal defect
2. Most common heart valve involved in IV drug user is Tricuspid valve
3. Bacterial endocarditis is most commonly caused by Staphylococcus aureus
4. A patient has prosthetic valve replacement and he develops endocarditis 8
months later. Organism responsible is Coagulase negative staphylococci
5. Vegetations on under surface of AV. valves are found in Libman Sacks
6. Flat vegetations in pockets of valves are due to Libman sacks Endocarditis
7. Osler's nodes are seen at Tip of Palm & Sole
8. Roth spots are seen in Endocarditis
9. Best investigation to diagnose endocarditis is Echo and blood culture.
10. Duke criteria is used in Endocarditis
11. MVP without MR has very low risk factor for endocarditis
12. In a patient of heart disease antibiotic prophylaxis for dental extraction is
1. Unconjugated Bilirubin is absent in urine because it is attached to albumin
2. Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia is seen in hemolytic anemia
3. Crigler-Najjar type II syndrome is Autosomal Recessive trait
4. The test used to diagnose Dubin Johnson syndrome is BSP test.
5. Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia is seen in Dubin Johnson syndrome
6. 5'-Nucleotidase activity is increased in Cholestatic disorders.
7. Low serum alkaline phosphatase is seen in Hypothyroid
8. Menghini needle is used for biopsy of Liver
9. HIDA scan is done to diagnose Acute cholecystitis
Viral Hepatitis
1. Non-parenteral hepatitis is Hepatitis E & A.
2. Councilman Bodies are seen in Acute viral hepatitis in liver biopsy.
3. The commonest hepatotropic virus progressing to chronicity is HCV
4. Hepatitis B viruses have significant perinatal transmission
5. Window period in hepatitis B is Disappearance of HBsAg and the
appearance of anti HBs
6. Chance of vertical transmission in Hepatitis B is 90%
Hepatitis B
1. Acute infection of hepatitis B virus is diagnosed by IgM antibody of HBc Ag
2. Hepatitis B infectivity is indicated by HBsAg + HBeAg
3. A blood donor is not considered for safe transfusion, if he has HBS Ag +ve.
4. Reserve transcriptase of hepatitis B virus is coded on the P gene
Hepatitis E
1. The most common route of spread in hepatitis E is feco-Oral
2. During an epidemic of hepatitis E, Fatality is maximum in Pregnancy
3. Most common type of hepatitis responsible for epidemics in India is
Hepatitis E
4. Human immunoglobulin are used in prophylaxis for hepatitis A
Chronic Hepatitis
1. Chronic persistent hepatitis can be differentiated from chronic active
hepatitis by Liver biopsy
2. Treatment of a case of chronic hepatitis B is needed if Increase in DNA
copies & raised ALT
Chronic Hepatitis C
1. Chronic liver disease is most commonly caused by Hepatitis C
2. Treatment of hepatitis C is Sofosbuvir
3. Cryoglobulinemia is seen in Hepatitis C
4. Characteristic episodic pattern of aminotransferase activity is seen in
Hepatitis C
1. Ratio of A5T/ALT > 1 is present in Alcoholic hepatitis and in Pregnancy.
2. Enzyme assay useful to diagnose alcoholism Glutamyl aminotransferase
3. Pentoxifylline is useful to decrease mortality and renal failure in acute liver
disease due to alcoholism
4. Steroid is used with treatment of Discriminant function
5. Most common symptom of primary biliary cirrhosis is Pruritus
6. Nutmeg liver is seen in Cardiac cirrhosis
Portal Hypertension
1. Normal portal pressure is 2-5 mmHg (10-15 cm of water)
2. In portal hypertension portal pressure is more than 30 cm of saline. (10
mm of Hg)
3. For severe hematemesis,the management of choice to increase the BP is
Whole blood transfusion
4. Rockall score is used for Upper Gl bleed
5. Propranolol is not a treatment for acute variceal blood
6. USG can detect as little as 100 ml of peritoneal fluid
7. First line of treatment in Ascites is Salt and water Restriction
8. Most common organism causing spontaneous bacterial peritonitis E. coli
9. Features of Hepatorenal syndrome are
a. Urine sodium < 10 mEq/l
b. Normal renal histology
c. Proteinuria < 500 mg/day
10. Best treatment of Hepato renal syndrome is Liver transplantation
11. Vasodilation in spider Naevi is due to Estrogen
12. Orthodeoxia is a feature of Hepatopulmonary syndrome
Hepatic Encephalopathy
1. First lab abnormality to occur in hepatic encephalopathy is Raised PT
2. In child with acute liver failure, the most important prognostic factor for
death is Increasing prothrombin time
3. A symmetric high-voltage, triphasic slow wave pattern is seen on EEG in the
Hepatic encephalopathy
4. Terry's nails are seen in Liver failure
Budd-Chiari Syndrome
1. Most common site of Budd Chiari syndrome is Hepatic veins
2. Common cause for Budd Chiari syndrome is Polycythemia vera, PNH
Wilson disease
1. It is a Autosomal recessive disorder occurs in persons under age 40.
2. Excessive deposition of copper in the liver and brain.
3. Basic defect is reduce biliary copper excretion
4. K F ring seen in Wilson's disease
5. Diagnosis of Wilson disease
a. Increased urinary copper excretion
b. Low serum ceruloplasmin levels
c. The most confirmatory test is elevated hepatic copper concentration
(>250 mcg/g of dry liver).
6. Treatment of Wilson's Disease
a. Zinc (Drug of choice for initial hepatic disease)
b. Trientine
1. Aetiology
a. Autosomal recessive,
b. Gene is located on chromosome 6.
c. Approximately 90% of patient have a single-point mutation at position
C282Y & H63D in a protein (HFE).
2. Clinical features
a. Features of hepatic cirrhosis (especially hepatomegaly),
b. Diabetes mellitus
c. Heart failure.
d. Leaden-grey skin pigmentation due to excess melanin & iron occurs,
especially in exposed parts, ('bronzed diabetes').
e. Impotence, loss of libido, testicular atrophy.
f. Arthritis with chondrocalcinosis secondary to calcium pyrophosphate
deposition, (pseudogout)
g. Joints of hands especially 2nd& 3rd MCP joint are 1st to be involved.
1. Main treatment consists of weekly venesection phlebotomy of 500 ml blood
until the serum iron is normal.
Liver Carcinoma
1. a-fetoprotein levels are Normal in fibrolamellar hepatic carcinoma
2. Fibrolamellar carcinoma Has good prognosis
3. Following liver transplantation, recurrence of primary disease in the liver
most likely occursin Autoimmune hepatitis
4. Hepatomegaly is not the important feature of Porphyria
Peptic Ulcer
1. Stress ulcers seen in burns are Curling's ulcer
2. Helicobacter pylori is not associated with Gastricleiomyoma
3. Endoscopic biopsy from a case of H. pylori related duodenal ulcer is most
likely to reveal Antral predominant gastritis
4. Epidemiological studies of H. pylori are done by using Serological markers
5. The best method to detect presence of residual H. Pylori infection is Urea
breath test
6. Commonest site of peptic ulcer is First part of duodenum
7. Most common complication of chronic gastric ulcer is Haemorrhage
8. Artery to bleed in duodenal ulcer haemorrhage Gastroduodenal artery
9. Hypergastrinemia with hypochlorhydria is seen in Pernicious anemia
10. Best screening test for ZES is Secretin injection test.
11. Best treatment for ZES is Proton pump inhibitor
1. A patient is said to have chronic diarrhea if it is occurring for more than 4
2. Treatment of pseudomembranous colitis Oral Vancomycin
3. Giardiasis is parasitic infestation can lead to malabsorption syndrome
4. Most common site of TB of abdomen is lleocaecal junction
Coeliac disease
1. Celiac sprue is associated with Dermatitis herpetiformis
2. Rice can be used safely in patients with celiac sprue
3. Most sensitive and most specific immunological test to diagnosis coeliac
disease is Anti tissue transglutaminase antibodies
4. Most common CNS manifestation of Whipple's disease is Dementia
5. An intestinal biopsy is diagnostic in Whipple's disease
6. Macrophages containing large quantities of undigested and partial digested
bacteria in intestine are seen in Whipple's disease
1. Post-Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis secondary to skin infection, is more
common in summer
2. Crescent formation is characteristic of Rapidly progressive
3. The prognosis of rapidly proliferating glomerulo-nephritis (Crescentic GN)
depends upon Number of crescents
IgA nephropathy
1. IgA-nephropathy is seen in Mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis
2. Henoch - Schonlein Purpura Platelet count is Normal
3. A feature of Renal vasculitis in children is IgA nephropathy
Nephrotic syndrome
1. Edema is nephrotic syndrome is predominantly due to Hypoalbuminemia
2. Most common cause of nephrotic range proteinuria in an adult is Diabetes
3. Nephrotic syndrome may be associated with HDL cholesterol
4. True about light microscopy in minimal change disease is No change seen
5. Minimal change glomerulopathy may progress to FSGS
6. Reflux nephropathy is most likely to cause FSGS
7. Tram Tract appearance is seen in Membrano proliferative GN
8. Complement level is reduced in Membrano proliferative GN
9. Renal Vein Thrombosis is most common in Membranous GN
10. Most sensitive test for renal vein thrombosis CT Angiography
1. Hyperkalemia occurs in Type IV RTA
2. Fanconi syndrome occurs in Type II RTA
3. Type 1 (Distal)
a. Features include rickets, or osteomalacia, due to buffering of H+ with
calcium in bone.
b. Nephrocalcinosis with renal calculi is a feature.
c. Urine citrate is reduced.
4. Type 2 (Proximal) RTA is due to a 'bicarbonate leak' a defect in HCO3
reabsorption in the proximal tubule resulting in excess HCO3 in the urine.
Barter Syndrome
1. Hypocalciuria occur in Gitelman
2. Hypertension occur in a. Liddle, b. Gordon syndrome
3. Hyperkalemia occur in Gordon syndrome
1. Adult polycystic kidney is inherited as Autosomaldominant
2. Berry Aneurysm in Circle of Willis is associated with adult polycystic kidney
3. Hepatic Cyst is the most common extra renal involvement in ADPKD.
4. The neonatal kidney achieves concentrating ability equivalent to adult's
kidney by One year of age
1. Osteoarthritis is not an inflammatory arthritis.
2. HLA B5 is associated with Behcet.
3. Proximal interphalangeal, distal interphalangeal& 1st carpometacarpal joint
involvement and sparing of wrist is a feature of Osteoarthritis.
4. Least common site to be involved in osteoarthritis is Metacarpophalangeal
5. Heberden's arthropathy affects Distal interphalangeal joints.
6. Arthroscopic washout is the best treatment of a patients of Osteo arthritis
Aphrolan grade II.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
1. HLA most characteristically associated with Rheumatoid arthritis - HLA
2. TNF-alpha is involved in the pathogeneses of RA.
3. Synovium is the initial site of disease in RA.
4. DIP joint least likely involved in RA.
Erosion radiological feature would help differentiate rheumatoid arthritis
with SLE.
>,6.; Cervical spine is most commonly affected Vertebral Joint in Rheumatoid
Ulnar deviation of fingers is Pathognomic of RA.
Hammer toe is seen in Rheumatoid arthritis.
Rheumatoid arthritis causes pleural effusion with low sugar.
Type of anemia seen in Rheumatoid arthritis is Normocytic normochromic
Rh factor is a Antibody.
Rheumatoid factor is IgM.
Rheumatoid factor in rheumatoid arthritis is important because RA factor
is associated with bad prognosis.
Anti CCP is the most specific antibody for rheumatoid arthritis.
ii Sclerosis is a X-ray finding in RA.
16. Leucocytosis is not a marker of active RA.
17. Hemophilia with Rheumatoid arthritis, analgesic of choice is
18. Anakinra is the IL-1 Receptor antagonist.
19. Flupirtine is Analgesic.
Spondylo - Arthrosis
1. Ankylosing spondylitis in associated with HLA-B27.
2. Sacroiliitis is the earliest joint involved in ankylosing spondylitis.
3. The Schober test is done for Ankylosing Spondylitis.
4. Bamboo spine is seen in Ankylosing Spondylitis.
5. Treatment of choice in seronegative spondyl-arthritis is Indomethacin
6. Subcutaneous nodules are not seen in Reiter's syndrome.
7. Chlamydia most commonly causes reactive arthritis.
8. Reiter's disease can occur in epidemic form.
9. Circinate balanitis is seen in Reiter's disease.
10. Sausage dactylitis is seen in Reiter's disease.
11. Keratoderma blennorrhagica is seen in Reiter's disease.
12. Patrick test is done for Sacroiliitis.
Systemic Sclerosis
1. Sudden renal failure occurs in PSS.
2. Anti centromere antibodies are most commonly associated with CREST
3. Bosentan is used to treat Raynaud's phenomena.
4. Hypothyroidism occurs in Scleroderma.
Sjogren syndrome
1. Commonest cause of secondary Sjogren's syndrome is RA.
2. Alpha fodrin antibodies are present in Sjogren's syndrome.
3. Focus score is use in the diagnosis of Sjogren's syndrome.
4. Schirmer's test is done to diagnose Sjogrensyndrome.
Behcet's Syndrome
1. Recurrent Bilateral Hypopyon formation associated with thrombophlebitis
is most consistent with Behcet's syndrome.
2. Pathergy test is done for Behcet's syndrome.
3. Thalidomide is used to treat Behcet's syndrome.
1. ANCA is sensitive and specific for Idiopathic crescentic glomerulonephritis.
2. C-ANCA Positivity is specific for Wegener's granulomatosis.
3. c-ANCA positivity indicates, antibody formed against Proteinase 3.
4. p-ANCA is characteristic for Microscopic polyangiitis.
5. Headache is the most frequent presenting symptoms in patients with Giant
cell arteritis.
6. The investigation of choice for diagnosis of Giant cell Arteritis is Temporal
Artery biopsy.
7. Biopsy in PAN shows Necrotizing arteritis.
8. Kawasaki disease is common cause of Vasculitis in children.
9. Kawasaki disease is associated with coronary artery aneurysm.
10. The treatment of choice for Kawasaki disease is Immunoglobulins.
11. Intravenous immunoglobulin is given in a. Kawasaki disease, b. GB
syndrome, c. Myasthenia gravis.
12. Cavitating lesion in lung is seen in Wegner's granulomatosis.
13. Churg Strauss diseases manifest as asthma.
14. A characteristic of Henoch - Schonlein Purpura Blood in stool.
15. Henoch - Schonlein purpura is characterized by the deposition
IgAimmunoglobulin around the vessels.
16. Hypersensitive vasculitis involves Post capillary venules.
Marfan's syndrome
1. Root of aorta is the site of Aortic aneurysm in Marfan syndrome.
2. Ghent criteria is used to diagnose Marfan syndrome.
3. Most important differential diagnosis of Marfan syndrome is
1. Thalassemia is associated with microcytic hypochromic anemia.
2. Elevated serum ferritin, serum iron and increase transferrin saturation are
most consistent with the diagnosis of Hemochromatosis.
3. Spherocytes are seen in Autoimmune hemolysis.
4. Fragmented RBCs are seen inHUS.
5. Howell-Jolly bodies are seen in Post splenectomy.
6. Hb level at birth is 20 gm%.
7. Soft Systolic murmur is a feature of anemia.
Macrocytic anemia
1. Megaloblastic anemia in blind loop syndrome is due to bacterial
2. Type of anaemia caused by lleocaecale TB is Megaloblastic.
3. Deficiency of the 'intrinsic factor of Castle' causes Pernicious anemia.
4. MCH is high & MCHC is normal in pernicious anemia.
5. Hypokalemia can occur in the treatment of pernicious anemia.
6. Megaloblastic anemia due to folic acid deficiency is commonly due to
Inadequate dietary intake.
7. Folate Deficiency occurs in Celiacdisease.
8. Thiamine deficiency lead to lactic acidosis.
Aplastic anemia
1. Pancytopenia with cellular marrow is seen in PNH.
Sideroblastic anemias
1. Sideroblasticanaemia is seen in Hypothyroid.
2. Sideroblasticanaemia is caused by INH.
3. In Sideroblastic anaemia transferrin saturation is increase.
4. Treatment of sideroblastic anemia is Pyridoxine.
5. Pearson syndrome is Congenital sideroblastic anemia.
Hemolytic anemic
1. Cold autoimmune hemolysis is associated with Donath Landsteiner
2. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is seen in CLL.
3. Coombs positive hemolytic anemia associated with SLE.
4. Low serum haptoglobin in hemolysis masked by burns.
5. Hemolysis is most likely occur in Army soldier due to prolong March.
6. Spur cell anemia is seen in Alcoholic liver disease.
1. In Beta thalassemia, there is decrease in beta chain, increase in alpha chain.
2. The most common mutations in Beta thalassemia involves lntron-1.
3. HbH is characterized by deletion of three alpha chain genes.
4. Cause of alpha thalassemia deletion of alpha genes.
5. Diagnosis of beta Thalassemia is best established by Hb electrophoresis.
6. NESTROFT test used as screening test in beta thalassemia.
7. Hair on end appearance in X-rays skull is seen in thalassemia.
8. In thalassemia Ineffective erythropoiesis and hemolysis occurs.
G6PD deficiency
1. Oestrogen doesn't cause hemolysis in G6PD deficiency.
2. Heinz bodies are seen in G6PD deficiency
Bone marrow transplantation
1. Herpes simplex is the earliest infection to occur in BMT.
2. After BMT interstitial pneumonitis occurs at Seven week.
1. Porphyria is AD
2. Hepatitis C is associated withPorphyriaCutanea tarda.
3. Hepatoma is associated withPorphyriaCutanea tarda.
1. Gaisbock syndrome occurs in Dehydration.
2. Arterial oxygen tension <90% on room air can differentiate primary
polycythemia from secondary polycythemia.
3. Tumor associated with polycythemia is Cerebellar hemangioblastoma,
Hepatoma, Renal Cell Carcinoma.
4. Erythropoietin level is not increased in polycythemia vera.
5. Severe infection is not commonly seen in Polycythemia.
6. Presence of JAK2 mutation is an essential (Major) criteria for diagnosis of
polycythemia vera.
7. Peripheral smear with increased neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, and
platelets is highly suggestive of Chronic myelogenous leukemia.
8. Size of spleen is a criteria of prognosis in CML.
9. Leukocyte alkaline phosphate is decreased in CML.
10. Drug of choice for chronic myeloid Leukemia is Imatinib
11. Best Rx for CML is allogenic BMT.
12. Hemoglobin F is raised in Juvenile chronic myeloid leukemia.
13. Priapism is seen in bite by Spanish fly.
14. Giant platelet are seen in Myelofibrosis
15. Extra medullary hemopoiesis occurs in Myelofibrosis
Multiple myeloma
1. Bence Jones protein are derived from Gamma chains.
2. Commonest site of lytic lesion, in multiple myeloma is Vertebral column.
3. Russell bodies is seen in Multiple Myeloma.
4. Lytic bone lesions is a minor criteria for diagnosis of multiple myeloma.
5. Bone scan is not useful investigation in multiple myeloma.
6. Elevated alkaline phosphatase is not a feature of multiple myeloma.
7. High ESR is seen in Multiple myeloma.
8. Best marker for poor prognosis of the disease is Beta 2 micro globulin.
9. Bortezomib is used in the treatment of MM.
10. Franklin's disease is associated with Gamma heavy chain disease.
11. Plasmacytoid lymphoma is associated with IgM.
1. The subtype of Hodgkin's disease, which is histologically distinct from all
the other subtypes, is Lymphocyte predominant.
2. Cells characteristic of Hodgkin's disease are Reed-Sternberg cells.
3. The lymphocytic and Histiocytic variant of Reed Sternberg cell is seen in
Lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin's disease.
4. Hodgkin's lymphoma of the nodular subtype is associated with Lacunar
5. Most common type of Hodgkin's lymphoma is Nodular sclerosis.
6. Most common type of Hodgkin's lymphoma in India is Mixed cellularity.
7. Best prognostic type of Hodgkin's lymphoma is Lymphocytic predominant.
8. Classical markers for Hodgkin's disease is CD 15 and CD 30.
9. The paraneoplastic syndrome associated with Hodgkin's disease is
cerebellar degenerative disease.
10. Treatment for Hodgkin stage IA is Radiotherapy.
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
1. The classification proposed by the International Lymphoma Study Group
for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is known as REAL classification.
2. Angiocentric lymphoma is not a B-cell neoplasm.
3. Most malignant form of NHL is Burkitt lymphoma.
4. In Burkitt's lymphoma, translocation seen is 8 -14 translocation.
5. Translocation t (2- 8) is associated with Burkitt lymphoma.
6. Epstein-Barr virus can lead to non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Acute Leukemia
1. The marker for B lymphocyte is CD 19.
2. MPO is marker specific for myeloid lineage.
3. CD3is a pan-T lymphocyte marker.
4. Memory T cells can be identified by using the CD45RO marker.
5. Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria is not a preleukemic condition.
6. The most common type of ALL is Pre B cell ALL.
7. L-asparaginase is particularly used in ALL leukemia.
8. Treatment of choice in intracranial ALL is Intrathecal methotrexate.
9. In ALL methotrexate is administered for CNS prophylaxis.
10. Poor prognostic factor for ALL is t(9;22) t(4;ll).
11. Poor prognosis in AML is indicated by Monosomy 7.
12. Arsenic is used in treatment of Acute promyelocytic leukemia.
Bleeding disorder
1. Converging point of both pathways in coagulation is at Stuart factor X.
2. Factor VII deficiency may present with isolated prolongation of
prothrombin time (PT).
3. Platelet function may be assessed by Platelet adhesion Assays.
4. A patient is on aspirin, Prolonged BT will occur.
5. Feature of hemorrhagic disease of new born is Prolonged prothrombin
6. P.T. is most likely to be increased in Vit. K deficiency.
Platelet Disorders
1. Normal platelet counts and prolonged Bleeding time is the finding in
functional defect in platelets.
2. The presence of small sized platelets on the peripheral smear is
characteristic of Wiskott Aldrich syndrome.
3. Thrombocytopenia is not seen in H.S. purpura.
4. Cause of ITP is antibody to platelets.
5. Bleeding time is abnormally prolonged in ITP.
6. Platelet transfusion is not indicated in immunogenic thrombocytopenia.
1. The commonest mode of inheritance of Von Willebrand's disease
autosomal dominant.
2. Bleeding time is used to differentiate hemophilia A from von Willebrand
3. In a case of hemophilia, spontaneous bleeding occur when serum factor VIII
level is below 1%.
Hypercoagulable States
1. Predisposing factor for arterial thrombosis a). Protein S deficiency, b).
Protein C deficiency, c). Homocystinemia.
2. Hypercoagulability due to defective factor V gene is called Leiden mutation.
3. Most common inherited thrombotic disorder is factor V Leiden mutation.
4. A Female with recurrent abortions, pain in calves, It is most likely due to
deficiency of Protein C.
Blood Transfusion
1. Blood components products are a). Platelets, b). Fresh frozen plasma , c).
Leukocyte depleted RBC.
2. Most Common blood transfusion reaction is- Febrile nonhemolytic
transfusion reaction.
1. Clopidogrel is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor.
2. Factor Xa inhibition and Thrombin inhibition is the mechanism of
action of Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin.
3. Factor Xa inhibition is the mechanism of action of Penta saccharide.
Antiplatelet drugs
1. GPIIb/llla Receptor Antagonists Abciximab, eptifibatide, and tirofiban
2. New Antiplatelet Agents
A. Direct-acting reversible P2Y12 antagonists
a. Cangrelor b. Ticagrelor
B. Orally active inhibitors of protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR-1), the major
thrombin receptor on platelets.
a.Vorapaxar b. Atopaxar
Electrolyte Disturbance
1. RTA type IV is a cause of hyperkalemia.
2. Calcium Gluconatedoes not reduce potassium level.
3. Tall P wave is a ECG finding in hyperkalemia.
4. Pseudo hyperkalemia is seen inLeukemia.
5. Vit. B12 therapy is a cause of hypokalemia.
1. Osmotic demyelination syndrome occur in Rx of SIADH.
2. Hyponatremia occurs in Small cell lung carcinoma.
3. Convulsion is the feature of SIADH.
4. Pseudohyponatremia occurs in Hyperlipidemia.
5. Drug used in treatment of cerebral salt wasting syndrome is
Achalasia Cardia
1. Impaired relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter.
2. Progressive dysphagia is the most cardinal symptom, begins with liquids
and progresses to solids.
3. Manometry most confirmatory investigation
4. Barium swallow " bird-beak sign " "Pencil's tip”, "Rat's tail " appearance.
5. Mecholyl test is positive in Achalasia
6. Treatment of choice is Heller myotomy.
7. Botulinum toxin injection (High rate of recurrent).
Dysphagia Lusoria
1. Disorder of swallowing caused due to vascular anomalies
2. MC anomaly is right Subclavian artery arising from the descending aorta.
3. Angiography or HRCT is done to Identify the anomalous anatomy".
4. Odynophagia, painful swallowing seen in inflammatory lesion
Barrett's Oesophagus
1. Barrett's esophagus is a metaplastic change in response to chronic gastro
esophageal reflex in lower esophagus.
2. Treatment of choice for Barrett's esophagus is Proton Pump Inhibitor and
regular surveillance with endoscopy.
Carcinoma Oesophagus
1. Leiomyoma (M.C. benign tumour)
2. Adenocarcinoma (M.C. tumour)
3. Most common site of ca esophagus is middle 1/3 of esophagus
4. Squamous Cell Carcinoma
5. Most common site is middle 1/3 of esophagus
6. The most common symptoms are dysphagia and weight loss.
Treatment I Oesophagectomy
1. Treatment of choice for esophageal carcinoma is esophagectomy.
2. Orringer's Trans-hiatal esophagectomy, 2 incisions (Abdomen &Neck).
3. Ivor Lewis Transthoracic esophagectomy: Midline laparotomy followed by
right sided thoracotomy.
4. McKeon En Bloc Esophagectomy:
THREE incisions are right sided thoracotomy, midline laparotomy, followed
by cervical incision.
5. Best conduit after esophagectomy (overall) is Stomach
6. Gastric conduit is based on right gastric and right gastroepiploic vessels
1. Muscularis mucosa is responsible for the rugae.
2. Submucosa is the strongest layer.
3. Parietal cells secrete hydrochloric acid.
4. Chief cells secrete pepsin and leptin
5. G cells secrete gastrin.
6. Gastric pacemaker Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC).
Peptic Ulcer
Helicobacter pylori
1. First successful culture of organism was done by Marshall and Warren
2. MC site of colonization.
3. Produces potent urease
4. Highly selective vagotomy:
a. Procedure of choice of chronic or intractable duodenal ulcers.
5. Vagotomy and Antrectomy:
a. Procedure of choice for recurrent duodenal ulcers
b. Lowest recurrence rate
Upper Gl Bleeding
1. The Forrest Classification:
(For Endoscopic Findings and Rebleeding Risk)
2. Best tool for localization of the bleeding source is endoscopy
3. Radionuclide scanning with technetium-99m labeled RBCs is the most
sensitive but least accurate method for localization of Gl bleeding
Gastric Carcinoma
1. Commonest presentation Weight loss / abdominal pain
2. Lauren's classification
a. Intestinal type
b. Diffuse type
Leather Bottle Stomach (Linitis Plastica)
1. Stomach is massively thickened (feels like leather)
2. Treated by radical gastrectomy
3. Gastric Carcinogenesis:
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and biopsy is investigation of choice PET CT
- Most sensitive and specific radiological investigation for gastric cancer
4. Prognostic factor:
Depth of invasion and presence or absence of regional LN
5. Treatment:
Surgery is the only prospective of cure
a. Subtotal gastrectomy for tumors of distal stomach
b. Esophagogastrectomy for tumors of cardia & GE junction
Gastric lymphoma
1. Stomach is commonest extranodal primary site
2. Antibiotic to treat H. pylori can cause regression of 75% MALT lymphomas
1. Trichobezoars: Hair
2. Phytobezoars: Vegetable matter (most common bezoar)
3. Rapunzel Syndrome Gastric trichobezoars with long extension of hairs that
trail into the duodenum.
4. Lacto bezoar: Undigested milk
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
1. Most common in first born males
2. Presents between 3 and 6 weeks of age
3. Metabolic abnormality hypochloremic, hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis
with Paradoxical aciduria and Non-bilious vomiting
4. Typical olive in right upper quadrant.
5. Diagnosis ultrasound scanning is confirmatory,
6. Treatment is extra mucosal pyloromyotomy (Ramstedt's operation)
procedure of choice is gastric carcinoma
Gastric Volvulus
1. Organo-axial is Most common type.
2. Gastric volvulus is the most common complication of paraesophageal
3. Borchardt's triad (pain, retching, and inability to pass a nasogastric tube) is
diagnostic of acute volvulus.
4. Emergent surgical intervention
1. Most gastric diverticula occur in the posterior cardia or fundus
2. Asymptomatic diverticula do not require treatment
3. Symptomatic lesions should be removed.
Duodenal Stricture
1. Prune-belly syndrome describes the wrinkled appearance of the anterior
abdominal wall
2. Also known as Eagle-Barrett syndrome
a. Extremely lax lower abdominal musculature
b. Dilated urinary tract including the bladder
c. Bilateral undescended testes
3. Hour-Glass Stomach-contraction of saddle shaped ulcer at the lesser
4. Tea-Pot Stomach (Hand-Bag Stomach)-longitudinal shortening of gastric
ulcer at the lesser curvature of stomach
5. Duodenal Adenocarcinoma:
a. MC site of small intestinal adenocarcinoma distal duodenum (MC)
b. Most often presents as obstruction,
6. Diagnosis is Endoscopy is the diagnostic test of choice
7. Treatment:
a. For 1st or 2nd portion: Whipple procedure
b. For 3rd or 4th portion: Segmental duodenal resection
Emphysematous cholecystitis
1. T/T: Ultrasound guided per cutaneous cholecystostomy is the treatment
of choice
2. Caused by gas: forming Organisms-E-coli (Most common)
3. Typical male older than 60 years, with type II diabetes mellitus
4. Treatment: A. Intravenous antibiotics B. Lap or open cholecystectomy
5. Focal or diffuse destructive inflammatory process with lipid-laden
6. Thickening of GB wall is most common radiological finding sometimes
7. Surgical treatment (Laparoscopic cholecystectomy)
Mirizzi syndrome
1. Mirizzi's Syndrome
a. Obstruction of the common hepatic duct or CBD by stone in the
Hartmann pouch or cystic duct.
b. Types of Cholecystectomy: 1. Retrograde 2. Antegrade
4. Treatment:
Stage Procedure
I Simple cholecystectomy
II Radical cholecystectomy
1. Latrogenic is most common
2. Investigation of choice is CT Angiography
3. Selective hepatic angiography with embolization
Liver Cancer
1. HCC is the most common primary malignancy of the liver.
2. HCV infection (Conversion to HCC is highest - 90%)
3. Cirrhosis of liver is most common etiology for HCC.
4. Diagnostic approach:
A. CAT scans B.MRI most sensitive investigation
5. Okuda Staging System for HCC
6. Surgical resection is the treatment of choice
7. Specialized procedures are Transcatheter arterial embolization,
Percutaneous ethanol
8. Sorafenib is approved as a standard therapy for unresectable HCC
9. Immature variant of HCC.
10. In children below 2 year of age Very high level of serum AFP
11. Presentation: Most common is asymptomatic abdominal mass
Neoplasm of Pancreas
1. Carcinoma of the Pancreas
2. Most common site head of the pancreas
4. Obstructive jaundice (characteristic sign of head pancreatic carcinoma)
5. Mutations in K-ras gene have been found in >85% cases
6. Tumor marker is CA 19-9
7. CT-Scan is the investigation of choice.
8. Surgical Care: Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple operation)
9. Chemotherapy: Gemcitabine
10. Pylorus Preserving Pancreaticoduodenectomy (PPPD) or Longmire-Travers
Procedure preferred surgery for carcinoma head of pancreas
11. Insulinoma is Most Common
12. Associated with the Whipple triad
13. Gold standard is 72 hours, fasting test
14. Treatment laparoscopic resection or enucleation.
15. MC site gastrinoma is duodenum Passaro's Triangle
Pancreatic Divisum
1. Pancreas divisum is Most common congenital anomaly of Pancrease
2. Failure of fusion of dorsal and ventral pancreas
3. Treatment: Operative dorsal duct sphincterotomy
Meconium Ileus
1. Neuhauser sign
2. Investigation of choice is Contrast enema
3. Gastrografin enemas (GGE) in the treatment of simple Ml, Contrast agent of
choice is N- acetylcysteine.
4. Acute mesenteric arterial embolus (AMAE) most common cause of AMI
5. C/F Classical triad are:
A. Severe abdominal pain with paucity of abdominal signs
B. Increased Gl emptying
C. Cardiac problem.
6. Investigation of choice for MVT is CT- Scan
7. Angiography: Investigation of choice of acute mesenteric arterial ischemia.
8. Prompt laparotomy is indicated when expeditious angiography is not
9. Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome Vascular compression of duodenum.
Paralytic Ileus
1. Caused by impaired intestinal motility pain is not a feature of paralytic ileus
2. Hydrostatic reduction by contrast agent or air enema is the diagnostic and
therapeutic procedure of choice.
1. Sigmoid is commonest site of colonic volvulus
2. Sign in plain X-Ray-Coffee bean sign
3. Initial management
A. Resuscitation
B. Decompression/detorsion
4. Sigmoid colectomy is indicated after the patient has stabilized
5. Cecal volvulus is actually a cecocolic volvulus
6. Predisposing factor Incomplete midgut rotation (clockwise)
7. Plain abdominal x-ray comma shaped caecal shadow
8. Elective right hemicolectomy performed.
9. Most common, neuroendocrine tumors from the argentaffin of Kulchitzky
10. Most common site is bronchus.
11. Malignant Carcinoid syndrome is due to the excessive 5- hydroxytryptamine
12. CT with scintigraphy with octreotide is investigation of choice
13. Surgical resection is the standard curative modality.
14. Familial Polyposis Syndromes: 5th chromosome association: APC gene
mutation or deletion
15. Gardner syndrome: FAP associated with desmoids, Osteoma,
16. Turcot syndrome: FAP associated with brain tumor (Medulloblastoma)
17. Inflammatory Bowel Disease is increase the risk of colon cancer.
18. (HNPCC) Lynch Syndrome
19. (MMR) genes mutation, autosomal dominant
20. Lynch syndrome I CRC only
21. Lynch syndrome II CRC and associated malignancies
22. Right-sided lesions Iron deficiency anaemia due occult Gl Blood loss
23. Left-sided lesions Alteration in bowel habit, increasing constipation.
24. Rectal Cancer Bleeding is most common symptom.
25. Investigation of choice is colonoscopy and biopsy
26. Staging: A. Modified Duke Staging System B.TNM Staging
27. Surgical option is the treatment of choice.
28. Right hemicolectomy is for Lesion in right colon
29. Left hemicolectomy is for Lesion in left colon
30. Sigmoid colectomy is for early lesion in sigmoid colon
1. Wound infection MC postoperative complications
2. Adhesive intestinal obstruction
3. MC late complication of appendectomy
Neoplasm of Appendix
1. MC neoplasm of appendix (MAC) Mucinous adenocarcinoma
2. Majority of carcinoid are located in the tip of the appendix.
Rectal Prolapse
1. Partial is most common type.
2. Treatment in children is digital reposition after each and every defecation.
3. Operative treatment:
A. Repstein (preferred) or Thiersch's operation
B. Total (procidentia)
C. Actually a hernia - en - glissade of the rectum,
D. Definitive treatment is for complete prolapse is surgery.
E. Trans anal approach
F. Thiersch's operation
G. Delorme's operation
H. Altemeier operation
I. Abdominal approach
4. Laparoscopic mesh rectopexy is the option of choice
5. Well's operation
Renal Collar
1. Renal vein
2. Left side
Surgical Management
1. Ureteral division with relocation ureteroureterostomy in cases of obstruction.
Ureteral Injuries
1. Mid ureter is most common site in penetrating injuries
2. CECT Extravasation of contrast from the injured ureter
3. Immediate exploration and repair is indicated.
4. A bladder tube flap can be used if the ureter is short (Boari flap).
1. Most common renal stone is calcium oxalate
2. Struvite (triple phosphate or stag horn calculi)
3. Associated with alkaline urine
4. Uric acid calculi
5. Associated with acidic urine
6. Softest stone
7. Cystine stone is hardest stone
8. Most common symptoms are Pain
9. Hypercalciuria is the single most common metabolic abnormality found.
10. NCCT scan is the most sensitive and specific is imaging modality of choice.
Renal Cell Ca
1. Hypernephroma/Grawitz's tumor.
a. Upper pole of kidney (most common), from proximal tubular cells.
b. Most common gene associated is VHL gene
c. Chromosome 3 (3p)
2. Most common histopathology is clear cell cancer.
3. Paraneoplastic syndromes, including hypercalcemia, erythrocytosis, and
nonmetastatic hepatic dysfunction
4. Most common site of distant spread lung
5. Contrast is enhanced CT scanning imaging procedure of choice
6. FNAC not required if operable case
7. Robson modification of the Flocks and Kennedy system
8. Radical nephrectomy is standard procedure
9. Partial nephrectomy for tumor up to 4 cm localized at either pole of kidney
10. Targeted therapy (tyrosine kinase inhibitor): Sorafenib, Sunitinib It is gold
standard for metastatic renal cell cancer.
WAGR syndrome
1. Deletion of Wilms' tumor gene, WT1, and on chromosome llpl3.
2. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome from mutations at the llpl5.5 locus.
3. The most common feature at presentation is an abdominal mass
4. Lump, Pain & Fever is triad for Wilms.
5. IOC: CT Scan
6. Surgical therapy is treatment of choice
Emphysematous Pyelonephritis
1. Characterized by the presence of gas within the renal parenchyma
2. Most frequently
3. E. coli(MC)
4. Triad "Fever, flank pain, and vomiting"
5. CT scan is more sensitive
6. Most cases require nephrectomy.
7. Most commonly caused by Proteus >E. coli
8. Affected kidney is almost always hydronephrotic and obstructed
Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
1. CT scan is lOCforXGP
2. Partial nephrectomy is indicated in XGP
3. Kidney is a bag of pus
4. MC cause Renal stones
1. Mostly unilateral
2. Immediate antibiotic therapy and drainage of the infected collecting
3. Causes:
a. Extramural
b. Intramural
c. Intraluminal obstruction
4. Unilateral hydronephrosis (commonly caused by idiopathic pelviureteral
junction obstruction or calculus)
5. Bilateral hydronephrosis
6. Bladder outflow obstruction predominate.
7. Ultrasound is the least invasive means of detecting hydronephrosis
8. Complete development of lower anterior abdominal wall with incomplete
development of ant. wall of bladder
9. In males, complete epispadias with a wide and shallow scrotum.
10. In females, bifid clitoris with wide separation of the labia
11. Congenital Pulsion diverticulum in outlet obstruction
12. Commonest site is near the ureteric orifice
13. Traction diverticulum: Sliding hernia
Vesical Calculus
1. Primary-in absence of any known functional, anatomic or infectious factors
2. Secondary injection with bladder outlet obstruction.
3. Most common type of stone in adult is uric acid stone
4. Spiral CT is Most sensitive & specific test in transurethral cystolithalopaxy.
Carcinoma of Bladder
1. Smoking is most common risk factor
2. Schistosoma hematobia
3. Increased risk of squamous carcinoma (Bilharzia)
4. 4.80% present with painless hematuria
5. Superficial TCC
6. Transurethral resection and Immunotherapy
7. BCG
8. Invasive TCC
9. Radical cystectomy
10. Urinary diversion achieved by:
a. Ureterosigmoidostomy
b. Ileal conduit
c. Neo-bladder
11. Cystoscopy Diagnosis is confirmed by Cystoscopy.
12'. Gold standard for diagnosis is cystoscopy & biopsy.
1. Causes of acute urinary retention
2. Bladder outlet obstruction (the commonest cause)
3. In males it is commonly caused by BPH
4. A flow rate of <10 is considered evidence of obstruction
5. In males most common cause is outlet obstruction (BPH) and overflow
6. In female most common cause is stress incontinence.
1. Endemic in Africa, Egypt and Middle East
2. Man is the only definitive host and intermediate host is snail.
3. Produce a calcified bladder or bladder stones.
4. Schistosomiasis is the MC cause of bladder calcification worldwide.
5. Squamous cell carcinoma (Most serious complication)
6. MC symptom of urinary schistosomiasis is urinary frequency
7. On plain radiographs (Fetal head appearance)
8. Praziquantel (DOC)
Prostatic Calculi
1. Composed of calcium phosphate
2. Usually asymptomatic
Carcinoma Prostate
1. Commonest malignant condition in men over 65 years.
2. Posterior lobe peripheral zone
3. Commonest type is Adenocarcinoma.
4. Most common site of origin to bone metastasis.
5. Diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound guided needle biopsy of mass lesion
6. Bone secondary in Ca prostate is sclerotic
7. PSA is the single test with highest positive predictive value for CA prostate.
8. Gleason Grading system is most widely used grading system.
9. Radical prostatectomy is surgical option of choice
10. Radiation Therapy
11. Hormone ablation therapy:
A. GnRH analogue, Leuprolide is hormonal therapy of choice
1. E. Coli (commonest),
2. Rectal examination reveals hot and tender prostate
3. Treatment: Antibiotics
4. Urethral instrumentation should be avoided in acute phase.
5. Commonest presenting symptom is acute urinary retention and fever >
6. Main diagnostic tools are TRUS and CT scan.
7. Treatment: Transurethral drainage under antibiotic cover
8. Prostatodynia (PD)
9. A symptoms of prostatitis but, no H/O UTI, culture is negative and
typically normal Prostatic secretion.
1. Testicular biopsy will show whether azoospermia is a result of obstruction or
failure of sperm maturation
Semen Analysis
1. Sperm concentration should be >20 million sperm/mL
2. Sperm morphology is a sensitive indicator of overall testicular health
1. Obstructive Azoospermia
2. Azoospermia due to obstruction
3. Hypogonadotrophic Azoospermia
4. Azoospermia due to hypothalami or pituitary failure
5. Hypergonadotropic Azoospermia
6. Azoospermia due to testicular (end organ) failure
Peyronie's Disease
1. Penile fibromatosis
2. Deviation of penis toward the site of plaque.
3. Spontaneous remission occurs in 50% of cases.
4. Nesbitt operation
5. Over correction on contra lateral side.
6. Phimosis and Paraphimosis
7. Phimosis
8. Causes congenital, poor local hygiene and chronic infection
9. Difficulty in micturition, (MC)
10. Treatment: Circumcision if no response to steroids
11. Paraphimosis
12. Acquired condition
13. Foreskin, once retracted over the glans, cannot be replaced in its normal
positiory venous congestion leading to edema
14. Ice bags, gentle manual compression and injection of a solution of
15. Circumcision if conservative method fails
1. Painful, persistent erection
2. In Children: Most common due to sickle cell disease
3. In Adults: Latrogenic
4. Winter's procedure (percutaneous cavern glandular shunt)
5. Corpora-saphenous shunts
6. Gray hack shunt
Carcinoma Penis
1. Most commonly occurs in 6th decade of life
2. Most common etiology; poor hygiene
3. Carcinoma in Situ; Bowen's disease,
4. Erythroplasia of Queyrat
5. MC symptom is lesion associated with foul smell discharge.
6. Earliest metastasis is to the inguinal nodes
7. Most frequent on the glans
8. Surgery: Circumcision
9. Partial amputation
10. Total amputation with perineal urethrostomy.
11. Prognosis Depends on the presence or absence of nodal disease.
1. Urethra opens on the dorsum
2. Dorsal Chordee
Ectopic Testis
1. Superficial inguinal pouch (MC location)
1. Incidence Preterm infants-30%.
2. Treatment is Surgical. Testis is brought down to the scrotum
3. Best time of operation is 6 months.
Testicular Torsion
1. Called "Winter syndrome"
2. Inversion of testis (most common)
3. Main D/D is Epididymo-orchitis
4. Prehn's sign
5. Doppler study is confirmatory
6. Trans scrotal exploration is option of choice
1. Unilocular retention cyst derived from
2. Sperm: conducting mechanism of the epididymis.
3. Typically lies in the epididymal head
Fournier's Gangrene
1. Necrotizing fasciitis involving the soft tissues of the male genitalia.
2. Hallmark of FG is a rapid progression
3. Broad-spectrum antibiotics
4. All necrotic tissue must be excised
Testicular Tumor
1. Undescended testis is a very important predisposing factor
2. More common on the right side.
3. Seminoma
4. Commonest between 35-40 years
5. Patient presents with a nodule or painless testicular enlargement
6. The commonest tumour in children is Yolk sac tumour.
Radioactive Iodine (RAI) therapy
1. Radioiodine is the agent of choice because it is selectively taken up by the
thyroid gland
2. Advantage: Avoidance of a surgical procedure
3. Surgical Care:
A. Preoperative preparation involves the use of Lugol's iodine or
saturated Potassium Iodide for about 7-10 days prior to surgery to make
the goiter less vascular, reduces the risk of precipitating thyroid crisis
B. Propranolol- administered for at least 48 hours before surgery
Thyroid Cancer
1. Papillary cancer of thyroid is most common
2. Peak onset ages 30 - 50, WOMEN mainly affected, due to radiation
exposure, multicentricity
3. RARELY encapsulated
4. Orphan Annie appearance
5. Papillary projections
6. PS mamma bodies
7. Lymph node metastases are common
8. FNAC is the investigation of choice.
9. Treatment total or near total thyroidectomy
10. Excellent prognosis
Follicular Carcinoma
1. More commonly in iodine deficient areas.
2. Solitary, with a capsule
3. MOST common Distant spread is BONES
4. FNAC is unable to differentiate between follicular carcinoma and benign
follicular lesions.
5. Treatment: Follicular lesion Hemithyroidectomy
6. Thyroid cancer total thyroidectomy
Medullary Carcinoma
1. Origin from parafollicular C cells / neural crest
2. 80 % cases are sporadic
3. DIAGNOSIS: FNAC, I 131 scan is of no use, since the carcinoma is iodine
4. High level of calcitonin, and CEA
5. Germ line abnormality of chromosome 10 (RET protooncogene)
6. Familial pattern (both MEN II a, MEN II b)
7. Amyloid is seen in stroma on histology.
8. Diagnosed by FNAC
9. Treatment: Total thyroidectomy + Central LN dissection
Anaplastic Carcinoma
1. Most aggressive form of thyroid cancer
2. Rapidly growing neck mass along with Hoarseness of voice
3. <6 months' survival
4. Treatment is only supportive (Palliative)
5. Most patients of malignant thyroid nodule are euthyroid.
6. Serum level of thyroglobulin may be used as tumour markers for well
differentiated carcinoma
1. Biochemical investigations for hormonally active tumors are followed by
consideration of size criteria.
2. Tumors >6 cm carry a >25% risk for malignancy
3. Remove all incidentalomas measuring >5 cm and to strongly consider removal of
those measuring 3-5 cm
1. Tumors arising from chromaffin cells
2. Most Common site of extra adrenal tumor is organ of Zuckerkandl
3. Also called 10% tumor
Anaplastic Carcinoma
1. Unilateral and solitary
2. Classic triad Headache + Diaphoresis + Palpitation
3. MC symptom is headache
4. MC manifestation is hypertension
5. Biochemical test:
A. Most sensitive screening test Urinary catecholamines and VMA level
B. Best test for diagnosis Fractionated plasma metanephrine
6. Biopsy is contraindicated as it precipitates hypertensive crisis.
7. Imaging: MRI is IOC for adrenal, extra adrenal pheochromocytoma
8. Treatment: Resection followed by chemotherapy
1. MC tumor in infants < 1-year age
2. MC intra-abdominal malignancy in children.
3. Most common site is neural crest, sympathetic chain
4. Spontaneous regression is unique behavior especially in stage 4S.
5. MC presentation Fixed, lobular mass extending from the flank toward the
midline of the abdomen.
6. MC site of metastasis in older children are bones
7. MRI is superior to CT scan.
1. Primary hyperparathyroidism is due to intrinsic abnormality of one or
more parathyroid glands
2. PHPT-presents with the "classic" pentad for symptoms:
a. Kidney stones d. Psychic moans
b. Painful bones e. Fatigue overtones
c. Abdominal groans
however, these clinical features are not seen these days due to advanced
diagnostic modalities.
3. Secondary hyperparathyroidism is increased secretion of PTH by the
parathyroids in response to a lowered serum ionized calcium level
4. Chronic renal failure is the most common cause
Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism
1. Follows long standing secondary HPT when the chronically stimulated
parathyroid glands act independently of the serum calcium concentration.
2. Treatment:
A. Single parathyroid adenoma Resection
B. Hyperplasia of all four glands Resection of 31/2 glands or
3. All four glands can be removed autotransplantation of a parathyroid gland
in the forearm or sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia
1. Medullary carcinoma thyroid
2. Pheochromocytoma
3. Intestinal ganglioneuromas
4. Mucosal neuromas
5. Marfanoid features
1. Pituitary Adenoma-prolactinoma is most common
2. Prophylactic Thyroidectomy in RET Mutation Carriers
Inguinal Hernia
1. Strangulated is blood supply of bowel is obstructed
2. Direct inguinal hernia does not strangulate
3. Direct through the Hesselbach's triangle
4. Indirect Inguinal hernia is most common of all forms of hernia.
5. Bubonocele: hernia is limited in the inguinal canal.
6. Direct: Through Posterior Wall of Inguinal Canal (Hesselbach's Triangle)
7. Indirect: Through Deep Inguinal ring
8. Triangle of Doom:
a. Bounded laterally by the gonadal vessels
b. Medially by the vas deferens
9. Hernia Repairs:
a. ModifiedBassini's
b. Shouldice repair
c. Lichtenstein on-lay patch repair (Tension-Free Hernia Repair)
d. Stoppa: Rives giant prosthetic repair of the visceral sac
Femoral Hernia
1. More common in elderly women
2. Strangulation occurs often without pain
3. Treatment:
a. Low Approach (LOCKWOOD)
b. High Approach (McEVEDY)
c. Inguinal Approach (LOTHEISSEN)
Umbilical Hernia
1. Observe as most hernias close spontaneously before 5 years of age.
Incisional Hernia
1. Develops in scar of prior laparotomy or drain site
2. Repair of larger defects generally requires the use of prosthetic materials, a
tension free repair
Other Hernia's
1. Sliding hernia (Hernia en glissade)
a. Posterior wall of sac is also formed by cecum (right), Sigmoid colon (left)
b. MORE common on the left side.
2. Spigelian hernia Occurs commonly at the level of arcuate line
3. Lumbar hernia through inferior lumber triangle of Petit
4. Obturator hernia through the obturator canal
5. Paraduodenal hernia MC variety of internal hernia
6. Richter's hernia: Hernia in which the sac contains only a part of the
circumference of the intestine
1. Derived from Rathke s Pouch,
2. MC cause of suprasellar calcification
3. Visual field abnormalities (bitemporal hemianopsia)
4. Treatment: Transcranial/Transsphenoidal surgical resection followed by
postoperative radiation.
a. MC PNET; Medulloblastoma
b. MC malignant brain tumor in children
c. Investigation: MRI is best
1. Usually benign
2. MC site is along sagittal sinus
3. Investigations is CT/MRI
4. Treatment is Total surgical resection
1. Fried egg appearance seen.
Brain Metastasis
1. MC intracranial tumors in adults.
2. MC mode of spread is HEMATOGENOUS.
3. MC Primary is Lung cancer
4. Investigation of Choice is Contrast enhanced MRI
5. Treatment: Palliative therapy mainly
6. Mainstay of initial treatment is corticosteroids
7. TOC of solitary, surgically accessible metastasis is surgical excision
8. RADIATION is primary treatment for curative brain metastasis
Brain Metastasis
1. Secondaries in Brain
2. MC intracranial tumors in adults.
3. MC mode of spread is HEMATOGENOUS.
4. MC Primary is Lung cancer
5. MC Symptom is Headache, Sign is focal neurological deficit
6. Choice of contrast is enhanced MRI
7. Mainstay of initial treatment is corticosteroids
8. RADIATION is primary treatment for brain metastasis
9. Leptomeningeal Metastases
10. CA Breast 41% (MC)
11. Treatment: Mainstay — Intrathecal chemotherapy (Methotrexate/ara-C,
Carcinoma of Breast
1. Risk Factors:
a. Increasing Age is the most important risk factors.
b. Increase risk
c. By Early menarche.
d. By Late menopause.
e. Nulliparous women
2. BRCA1 (Chromosome 17)-increased cancer incidence of breast and ovary.
3. BRCA2 (Chromosome 13)-increased cancer incidence of male Breast
4. Carcinoma Breast Risk Assessment Models-Gail Model is Most frequently
5. DCIS: Ductal Carcinoma in Situ-DCIS most frequently presents as
mammographic calcifications.
6. Comedo type is Central necrosis of the involved ducts is a prominent
7. Peau-d-orange is due to cutaneous lymphatic edema
8. Due to obstruction of subdermal lymphatic
9. Lymphatic metastasis occurs primarily to the axillary (75%)
Investigation of Ca Breast
1. MC type of CA breast Invasive ductal (scirrhous) carcinoma
2. Most malignant type of CA breast Inflammatory breast cancer
3. MC site of CA breast Upper outer quadrant (left breast >right)
4. MC site of metastasis is Bone (Osteolytic deposit in Lumbar vertebra
5. Triple Assessment:
a. Clinical examination
b. Imaging (USG or mammography)
c. Tissue sampling (FNAC or true cut biopsy)
6. First investigation FNAC:
7. Best and diagnostic investigation is Biopsy
Ultrasonography in Breast Disease
1. Initial investigation for palpable lesions in women <35 years
2. MRI indicated in post lumpectomy, breast scar and breast implant.
3. Carcinoma Breast Management
4. Modified Radical Mastectomy removes the entire breast parenchyma
including the nipple-areolar complex, an ipsilateral axillary dissection is
5. Subcutaneous Mastectomy is Indicated in gynecomastia.
6. Halstead's Radical mastectomy:
A. Multicentric tumour
1. Diffuse microcalcification involved in whole breast.
2. T4 tumor.
Complications of Mastectomy
1. Injury to the Intercostobrachial (Sensory) Nerve is a permanent numbness
in the lateral axillary and the inferior aspect of the arm
2. Injury to the Long Thoracic (Motor) Nerve create a classical winged scapula.
3. Seroma is MC complication
Breast Reconstruction
1. Most common implant internal / external is silicone
2. Autologous Tissue Flaps, most common are the latissimus dorsi flap and
the TRAM flap. (TRAM) flap is currently considered the gold standard of
breast reconstruction.
1. Most common benign breast tumours younger female population (Breast
2. Diagnosis is confirmed by FNAC
3. Mammographic appearance is Popcorn appearance.
4. Treatment is excisional biopsy
Breast cyst
1. Multiple & Bilateral
2. Treatment is Aspiration
Breast Abscess
1. Typically seen in staphylococcal infections
2. Drainage procedure is best accomplished via circumareolar incisions or
incision paralleling Langer's lines.
General Surgery
Necrotizing Fasciitis
1. Rapidly progressive bacterial infection
2. MC site of infection is Lower extremities
a. MC single etiological agents Group A beta hemolytic streptococci
b. Pain is the most important presenting symptom
c. Surgical emergency and surgical debridement is mandatory.
d. Mortality rate is nearly 100% without surgical debridement
3. Non-suppurative inflammation, spreading along the subcutaneous tissues
4. MC causative organism IS Streptococcus pyogenes
5. Rest and elevation of the part to reduce edema
6. Penicillin is still sensitive against streptococci
7. Demarcated streptococcal infection of the superficial lymphatic vessels,
8. Prompt administration of broad is spectrum antibiotics
1. An abscess larger than a boil
2. Most commonly by Staphylococcus aureus; MC location Nape of the neck
3. Proper excision by cruciate incision
Gas Gangrene
1. Caused by C. perfringens (Gram-positive, anaerobic, spore-bearing bacilli
2. Risk Factors are Immunocompromised, diabetics or patients with
malignant disease
3. Antibiotic prophylaxis in patients at risk,
1. Caused by Clostridium tetani (anaerobic, terminal spore-bearing, Gram-
positive bacterium), mediated by the release of the exotoxin
2. MC initial symptoms Trismus (lockjaw),
3. Risus sardonicus: Highly characteristic
4. Prophylaxis with tetanus toxoid is the best preventative treatment.
1. Early Congenital Syphilis: Snuffles (rhinitis) is earliest feature.
2. Late Congenital Syphilis is characterized by Hutchinson's triad (interstitial
keratitis + 8th nerve deafness +
3. Hutchinson's teeth i.e. pegged central upper incisors)
a. Caused by Treponema pertenue
b. Several primary lesions ("mother Yaws") followed by multiple
disseminated skin lesions.
4. A single intramuscular injection of penicillin
Felon - Felon is terminal Pulp space infection
Acute Paronychia
A. MC hand infection, Often due to Inappropriate nail trimming
Chronic Paronychia Usually a fungal infection,
a. MC nosocomial or hospital acquired infection Surgical site infections
b. MC non-surgical hospital acquired infection UTI
c. Hilton's method protects underlying important vessels and nerves.
Thyroglossal fistula
1. Follows infection or inadequate removal of a thyroglossal cyst
2. Excised along with the thyroglossal tract up to the base of the tongue.
3. Removing the central (middle one third) of the hyoid bone.
1. It is a non-chromaffin paraganglioma
2. Most commonly in the 5thdecade.
3. Mass is firm, rubbery pulsatile and is mobile from side to side but not up
and down
4. Operation is best avoided in elderly patients.
5. Preoperative embolization is performed for tumors >3 cm.
Cystic hygroma
1. Most cystic hygromas involve the lymphatic jugular sacs
2. MC site Posterior neck region
3. It may show spontaneous regression.
4. Complete surgical excision is the preferred treatment.
5. Injection of sclerosing agent so such as bleomycin
6. Typically present as a lateral neck mass on a toddler.
Branchial Cyst
1. Develops from the vestigial remnants of 2nd branchial cleft
2. Found at the junction of upper third and middle third of the SCM muscle at
its anterior border.
Branchial Fistula
1. Represent a persistent 2nd branchial cleft.
2. External orifice is nearly always situated in the lower third of the neck near
the anterior border of the SCM
3. Lower trunk of the plexus (mainly Tl) is compressed in injuries.
4. Virchow or left supraclavicular nodes are included in level IV.
5. Radical Neck Dissection Removal of lymph nodes
6. I-V + spinal accessory nerve + internal jugular vein + sternocleidomastoid
7. Modified Radical Neck Dissection type III Removal of level l-V lymph nodes
with preservation of spinal accessory nerve, internal jugulate vein and
sternocleidomastoid muscle (Mnemonic SISm)
8. Modified Radical Neck Dissection type II: Removal of level l-V lymph nodes
with preservation of spinal accessory nerve and internal jugular vein
(Mnemonic SISm)
9. Modified Radical Neck Dissection type I: Removal of level l-V lymph nodes
with preservation of spinal accessory nerve (Mnemonic SISm)
Plastic Surgery
Skin Grafting
1. Full-thickness skin grafts (FTSGs) and split-partial thickness skin grafts
2. STSGs are most commonly used when Cosmesis is not a primary concern or
when the defect to be corrected is of a substantial size
3. Specific locations for FTSGs include the nasal tip, helical rim, forehead,
eyelids, medial canthus, concha, and digits.
4. Split-thickness skin grafts- donor sites are anterior, lateral, or medial part
of the thigh; the buttock; or the medial aspect of the arm
Graft Take
1. Graft survives up to first 48 Hours because of plasma Imbibition
2. Partial Thickness is also known as Thiersch or Split Skin Graft
3. MC cause of skin graft failure hematoma (or seroma),
4. The Z-plasty is an ingenious principle to revise and redirect existing scars or
to provide additional length in the setting of scar contractor.
Skin Flaps
1. Unlike a graft, a flap has its own blood supply.
2. Random-flaps rely on the low Perfusion pressures found in Subdermal
plexus to sustain the flap
3. Axial based on a named blood vessel
4. Free Autogenous transplantation of vascularized tissue
1. Most common site is trunk
2. Surgical Removal is required for tumour removal.
Hemangioma/Skin Patch/Stain
1. Types of hemangioma are:
A. Capillary Hemangioma
B. Venous Hemangioma
C. Arterial Hemangioma
2. Capillary hemangioma is most commonly known as a strawberry
3. As most strawberry birthmarks disappear without any treatment by
themselves over 5-7 years,
4. Cavernous hemangioma caused by overgrown blood vessels deep within the
skin, resulting in a bluish swollen-up appearance.
5. Kasabach-Merritt syndrome is also known as hemangioma-
thrombocytopenia syndrome
6. Small capillary spots are called Campbell de Morgan lesions
7. Treatment of a cavernous hemangioma:
a. Injection of a sclerosant material
b. Embolization injection
c. Surgical excision
d. Laser radiation
Malignant Melanoma
1. Develop most commonly in junctional nevi.
2. Most important clinical sign of the disease is a change in the color in a
pigmented lesion
3. Most important prognostic factor is the stage
4. The prognosis depends on thickness of the primary tumor
5. The earliest metastasis is often to regional lymph nodes.
6. MC staging method used is CLARK'S METHOD (assesses the level of
7. Most widely used antigenic marker for:
a. S-100 protein
b. HMB-45 (more specific
8. TOC is primarily surgical excision with wide margin:
Verrucous carcinoma
1. Type of squamous cell carcinoma
2. Deep invasion without metastasis
Marjolin's ulcer
1. Squamous cell carcinoma arises in a chronic benign ulcer or Burn scar.
2. Commonest ulcer to become malignant is long standing venous ulcer.
a. Premalignant disease of Skin
b. Bowen's Disease
3. SCC in situ
4. Topical therapy with 5-fluorouracil is an effective treatment.
1. Affect the peripheries in cold climates.
Pyoderma Gangrenosum
1. Uncommon destructive cutaneous lesion
2. A rapidly enlarging, necrotic lesion
3. First line therapy Systemic treatment by corticosteroids and cyclosporine
Pyogenic Granuloma
1. Common vascular lesion of skin and mucosa.
2. Misnomer (it is neither a granuloma, nor pyogenic in origin)
1. Usually affects black men
2. Fissure appears at the level of the interphalangeal joint of a toe, usually of
the little toe.
3. Neuropathic Foot/Trophic Ulcers
4. Basic Defect
5. Loss of sensation due to neurological disorder.
6. Ulcer occurs due to repeated injury or pressure.
1. Most common route is hematogenous.
2. Most common primary tumour:
a. Female: Breast
b. Male: Developed world - Prostate
c. Male: Developing world - Lung
3. Bone scan is investigation of choice for bone metastasis.
4. Treatment options are Bisphosphonates, corticosteroids, radiotherapy
(EBRT) and radio nucleotides.
5. X-rays and gamma rays are sparsely ionizing.
6. Delivered in two ways are
(1) Intracavitary implants (2) Interstitial implants
Two types:
A. Permanent implants
B. Temporary implants
Spleen trauma
1. MC organ injured in blunt trauma abdomen spleen
2. Kehr's sign Pain may be referred to tip of left shoulder in splenic rupture.
3. Unstable patients with intra-abdominal fluid on FAST require exploration.
4. In stable patients, abdominal CT performed with IV contrast is the mainstay
for diagnosing
5. Variety of "spleen- sparing" techniques are Considered in cases of less
server splenic injury (e.g., grades I and II, and occasionally grade III).
Splenic abscess
1. Unusual but potentially life threatening illness'
2. 70% of splenic abscesses result from hematogenous spread of the infective
organism from another
3. Location, as in endocarditis, osteomyelitis and IV drug use.
4. CT is Investigation of choice
1. MC benign tumor of the spleen.
2. Splenectomy is the treatment of choice for larger and symptomatic
Flail chest
1. Paradoxical respiration
2. Fracture of 3 or 4 ribs
3. Treatment are oxygen administration, adequate analgesia, IPPV
Panda eye
1. Periorbital hematoma or "Raccoon eyes"
2. Battle sign Bruising behind the ear
1. Full thickness (3rd degree, burn is usually pale, bloodless and insensitive to
the firm touch of a sterile needle.
2. Escharotomy is the procedure of incising through the burnt tissue until
healthy tissue is reached,
3. 'Rule of nines' -preferred method of assessment of the extent of the burn
4. Acaurate assessment of the burnt area is done through the use of the
Lund-Browder Chart.
5. Wallace's rule of nines is not applicable to children under the age of 14
6. Superficial partial is thickness burn injury Blisters or bullae may be present,
7. Fluid resuscitation is instituted as soon as possible.
8. Parklands: Crystalloid resuscitation with Hartmann's Solution / RL 24-hour
fluid requirement = 4 x %BSA x Wt (Kg)
9. Modified parkland used now.
10. Laryngeal oedema develops from direct thermal injury leading to early loss
of the airway.
11. For topical treatment of deep burns is 1% silver sulphadiazine cream
12. Curling's ulcers are associated with severe burns
HLA antigens
1. Most common cause of graft rejection is HLA-A, -B (class I) and -DR (class II)
are the most important in organ transplantation
2. CMV is most important pathogen in clinical transplantation
3. BK virus is Polyoma virus associated with nephropathy, typically after I-
4moths after transplant.
4. Urinary ascites occurs when high intraluminal pressure forces urine to
extravasate from the kidney, usually across a renal fornix.
Oral Cavity
1. A cystic translucent lesion seen in the floor of mouth on one able of
2. Arises from the sublingual salivary gland.
3. Some extend into the neck (plunging ranula)
4. Treatment is Surgical removal or marsupialization,
Oral carcinoma
1. Risk factor for oral cavity malignancies (squamous cell carcinoma) is
significantly associated with the use of pan masala areca nut
2. Scarring produces contracture, resulting in limited mouth opening and
restricted tongue movement
3. MC site of CA oral cavity Tongue >Lip
4. MC histological type of CA oral cavity Squamous cell carcinoma
5. MRI IOC for staging of head and neck malignancies
6. Most Common Site Vermillion of lower lip
7. Most Common Lymph node involved is submental
8. Treatment are:
a. For T1 and T2: Surgery is TOC
b. For T3 and T4: Combined radiation and surgery (vermilionectomy or
lip shave)
9. CA lip has the best prognosis in CA oral cavity
10. Lip-Switch (Abbe-Estlander) flap used to repair defects of either upper or
lower lip, based on labial artery
11. M. C. site is middle 1/3 of the lateral margins or vential aspects.
12. M. C. Lymph nodes involved are submandibular and upper deep cervical
13. M. Common aetiological agents are Tobacco chewing & smoking,
14. M. C. site is buccal sulcus (where tobacco quid is kept).
15. Commando's operation Total glossectomy hemimandibulectomy Removal
of floor of mouth + Radical lymph node dissection
16. CT & MRI are best for imaging tumors
Sjogren syndrome
1. Characterized by dry eyes (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) and dry mouth
(xerostomia) resulting from immunologically mediated destruction of the
lacrimal and salivary glands,
2. Occurs most commonly in women between the ages of 50 and 60.
Parotid abscess
1. MC organism (responsible for) Staph, aureus
2. Abscess develops then it is drained by giving a J shaped incision.
Bariatric Surgery
1. A male came to the ER after car accident. He had dyspnea and chest
pain with ecchymosis on anterior chest wall. On examination, pulse -
120/min, BP-80/50mmHg, breaths sounds were decreased on left side,
JVP was raised and tympanic note was present on percussion. Pelvis
and extremities were normal. The diagnosis is Tension pneumothorax.
2. Correct Statement regarding the boundaries of triangle of doom are
Medially vas deferens, laterally gonadal vessel, interiorly peritoneum.
3. Class 3 hemorrhagic shock refers to Blood loss between 30%-40%.
4. An intubated patient with eye opening to pain with abnormal flexion.
The possible GCS score is E2VTM4.
5. The second step of damage control resuscitation carried out In ICU.
6. A 20-year old male presents with hard painless testicular swelling. On
investigation AFP is 3080. No paraaortic or iliac nodes as well as no
mediastinal lymph nodes found. USG shows uniform echotexture and
small areas of necrosis. Surrounding structure are normal. The next
best step os investigation is High inguinal orchidectomy.
7. A 50 years old male presented in the emergency with high BP
(160/100) and heart rate of 120. A CECT is done which is given. The
best management for the given condition is Surgical repair.
8. Best graft for femoro-popliteal anastomosis is to Reverse saphenous
vein graft.
9. The Class 3 non-heart beating donor is awaiting cardiac arrest.
10. Heller's operation is done for the treatment of Achalasia cardia.
11. True about upper Gl bleed is Rockall scoring is for risk assessment.
12. A patient of 50kg with 40% burn surface area was brought to casualty.
The initial fluid should be given in first 8 hours is 4 liters.
13. A patient of chronic pancreatitis with hypovolemic shock was brought
to casualty. The first line of treatment is Wide short bore cannula with
isotonic solution.
14. Ankle brachial index is falsely increased in Calcified and thickened
15. True about keloid that It has more vascularity and collagen.
16. Size of asymptomatic abdominal aortic aneurysm which needs active
management is 55mm.
17. The technique is used for repair of intestinal anastomosis is Double layer
repair including sub mucosa.
18. Most common site of gastric ulcer is to Lesser curvature at incisura
19. First investigation for a suspected case of cancer head of pancreas is
Endoscopic USG guided FNAC.
20. Laxative abuse causes Ammonium acid urate type of stones in kidney.
21. A patient came with a Chest trauma and Tachypnea (RR >40) and after
checkup he had hypertension (BP- 90/60) and hyperresonant note on
involved side. The next best step us Wide bore needle insertion on 2nd
22. Patient presents with Osteomalacia and severe phosphoturia. The
cancers are known to this case is Fibrosarcoma.
23. Death due to smoke inhalation is due to Anemic hypoxia.
24. Breast abscess t/t: I & D.
25. Retrosternal thyroid surgery approach is neck approach.
26. Omphalocele is due to intestine not moving into abdomen.
27. Cushing Ulcer: Head trauma.
28. Dohlam Surgery: Endoscopic stapling.
29. Most common cause of chronic pancreatitis is Alcohol.
30. The abdominal mass in pyloric stenosis in a new born child can be best
palpated in the epigastric area.
31. The color of triage is given the highest priority is Red.
32. In a burn patient, the doctor should be looking for the curling 1st part of
33. The reflex which reverts back after a spinal anaesthesia is
Bulbocavernosus reflex.
34. Gamma probe is used to locate sentinel node position.
35. The best position to insert Ryle's tube is Ideal position is sitting with
neck flexion (if conscious).
36. While doing an Emergency Laparotomy for an intestinal obstruction, the
organ which is first visualize to say whether it's a Small Bowel or Large
bowel obstruction is Caecum.
37. Tinel's sign is representative used of Carpal Turner syndrome.
38. In a trauma patient color of cannula will resident use to obtain
maximum flow rate is Grey.
39. When taking ABG wrist is generally kept in hypersecretion. This is to
make the vessel straight and to fix the position. Flexion will make the
vessel loose & the vessel will slip easily while poking.
40. Reason for thyroid storm after thyroid surgery is Inadequate
41. The surgical flap procedure used for Pilonidal sinus treatment is
Rhomboidal flap.
42. Sentinel lymph node biopsy most useful for Ca endometrium.
43. 16F Foley's catheter colour is Orange.
| Physiological Changes
Endocrinology in Pregnancy
Postpartum Hemorrhage
1. IUGR is defined when birth weight is below the tenth percentile of the
average of gestational age
2. Best parameter for ultrasound evaluation of IUGR is abdominal
3. Birth weight of a baby can be increased by cessation of smoking
4. A large baby is born with which complication in pregnancy is gestational
1. Puerperal fever from breast engorgement is less severe and less common if
lactation is suppressed
2. Involution of uterus is completed by 6 weeks
3. The weight of the uterus at 8 weeks postpartum is lOOg
4. Postpartum decidual secretion presents as lochia
5. Breast-feeding can be encouraged despite maternal acute puerperal
Malpresentation and Positions
1. The commonest cause of breech presentation is prematurity
2. Best method to deliver arms in breech is Lovset's method
3. The complication that can occur with internal podalic version for transverse
lie is uterine rupture
4. The commonest cause of occipito-posterior position of fetal head during
labour is android pelvis
5. In brow presentation, presenting diameter is mento vertical
6. Incidence of cord prolapse is least in Frank breech
7. In an after coming head, the occiput is perforated during delivery
8. The most common form of fetal traumatic injury incurred during breach
extraction is intracranial hemorrhage
9. In a case of direct occipitoposterior position, face to pubis delivery, most
commonly encountered problem is complete perineal tear
10. Blood in urine in a patient in labour is diagnostic of obstructed labour
11. Transverse lie in early labor, liquor adequate and no C/l for vaginal delivery
= Do ECV
12. Transverse lie in late or active labor or with ruptured membranes = Do CS
13. MC cause of unstable lie is idiopathic > placenta previa>polyhydramnios
14. MC location of placenta in unstable lie is fundal
15. Primigravida with breech is a relative indication for CS
16. Primigravida with breech + any complication or high risk factor = prefer CS
1. Hydatidiform mole is not an absolute contraindication of oral contraceptive
2. Mechanism of action of spermicide is disrupting cell membrane and motility
3. Dysmenorrhea is not a side effect of oral contraceptives
4. Emergency contraception is contraception provided to unprotected
5. Hepatic adenoma has been associated with the use of oral contraceptives
6. Lowest dose of ethinyl estradiol used in combination contraceptive is 10 pg
- Lo Loestra
7. Micronized progesterone can be given by oral and vaginal routes
8. In a young female of reproductive age, an absolute contraindication for
prescribing oral contraceptive pills is impaired liver function
9. The most common complication of IUCD is bleeding
10. Most commonly removed/resected parts of loop in tubectomy include
11. The intra-abdominal pressure during laparoscopy should be set between
10-15 mmHg
12. Mifepristone and misoprostol can be used for induction of abortion for a
maximum of up to 9 weeks of amenorrhea
Important Topics
1. The findings of a single umbilical artery on examination of the umbilical
cord after delivery is an indicator of considerably increased incidence of
major malformations of the fetus
2. Complications of polyhydramnios include placental abruption, uterine
dysfunction, and postpartum hemorrhage
3. Least vital capacity is seen in Trendelenburg position
4. Drug contraindicated during pregnancy is Captopril
Vaccine contraindicated in pregnancy is rubella
7. In Sheehan's syndrome, the most effective drug is Corticosteroid
8. Posterior urethral valve in the fetus is a cause of oligohydramnios
Stilbestrol administered during pregnancy can produce vaginal
9. adenocarcinoma in teenage
10. Cerebral infarction is seen with maternal use of cocaine
Primary postpartum hemorrhage is most commonly caused by uterine
Excessive intake (hypervitaminosis) of Vitamin A is associated with
increased risk of congenital malformations
During foetal life, maximum growth is caused by Insulin
13. Most common cause of maternal mortality in India is pregnancy related
14. Commonest cause of perinatal mortality is infection
1. In ovarian cycle increased levels of LH are due to increased Estrogen
2. In 40 days of menstrual cycle the ovulation occurs at 26th day
3. The ovarian cycle is initiated by FSH
4. Maximum function of corpus luteum occurs 8 days after ovulation.
5. The earliest morphological evidence of ovulation on endometrial biopsy is
basal vacuolation
6. Pulsatile GnRH is used for managing anovulatory infertility
7. Maturation Index on vaginal cytology is a diagnostic method for evaluating
the endocrine status of cervix
8. Vaginal cytology for hormonal changes is best taken from lateral wall
9. Cornification index or eosinophilic index indicates estrogen effects
1. The production of cervical mucus is stimulated by estradiol
2. Ferning of cervical mucus depends on estrogen
3. Clomiphene citrate is antiestrogen
4. Clomiphene citrate is indicated in Stein - Leventhal syndrome
5. The most serious complication of clomiphene therapy for induction of
ovulations is hyperstimulation syndrome
6. Danazol is used in the treatment of cyclical mastalgia
7. The probable source of Relaxin is ovary
8. Granulosa cells produces estrogen with the help of the enzyme aromatase
9. SERM used for contraception = Ormeloxifene
10. S/E of clomiphene for which it should be immediately stopped is visual
11. MC Androgen produced by ovary = Androstenedione
12. Most potent androgen = Dihydrotestosterone
13. Androgen produced only by adrenal = DHEA - sulfate
Infections in Gynae
1. Strawberry vagina is seen in Trichomonas vaginalis
2. Clue cells are seen in bacterial vaginosis
3. Non-gonococcal urethritis is caused by Chlamydia
4. During laparoscopy, the preferred site for obtaining cultures in a patient
with acute PID is fallopian tubes
5. Asymptomatic carriage of gonococcal infection in female is commonly seen
in endocervix
6. Gonococcal vaginitis occurs in infants
7. Chlamydia cannot be detected by wet film
8. The most sensitive method for detecting cervical chlamydia trachomatis
infection is polymerase chain reaction
9. Drug of choice for Chlamydia in pregnancy is Azithromycin
10. Creamy fishy odor is caused by Gardnerella
11. Most common site for genital tuberculosis is fallopian tube
12. Most common route of transmission of endometrial tuberculosis is
13. The most common cause of tubal block in India is Tuberculosis
14. Salpingitis/Endosalpingitis is best confirmed by Hysteroscopy and
15. Cause of infection in tuberculous fallopian tube is hematogenous spread
from a primary focus
16. Most common pregnancy outcome following treatment of genital
tuberculosis is ectopic pregnancy
17. The LEAST chance of PID is seen with the use of condom
18. Gold standard for diagnosis of PID is diagnostic laparoscopy
19. Posterior colpotomy is done in pelvic abscess
20. Endosalpingitis is best diagnosed by Laparoscopy is to Avoid hysteroscopy
21. MC vaginitis in pregnant women - Candidiasis
22. MC cause of PID in virgin female - Tuberculosis
23. Amsel's criteria is used for bacterial vaginosis
Congenital Malformations, Amenorrhea, PCOD &
1. Complete failure of fusion of the Mullerian duct leads to Uterus didelphys
2. Paramesonephric duct develops into uterus
3. To diagnose uterus didelphys, procedure of choice MRI > 3D-USG
4. The most important indication for surgical repair of a bicornuate uterus is
habitual abortion
5. Vaginal atresia is associated with uterine atresia
6. Ideal age for repair of vaginal agenesis is before marriage
7. Ovary develop from genital ridge
8. Transverse vaginal septum corresponds to external os
9. Rokitansky Kuster Hauser syndrome is associated with vaginal atresia
10. Bicornuate uterus is due to incomplete fusion of paramesonephric duct
11. Unicollis bicornis means two uterine cavities with one cervix
12. SRY gene is located on short arm of Y chromosome
13. Gartner's cyst can be differentiated from cystocele by the absence of
impulse on coughing
14. MC cause of primary amenorrhoea is gonadal dysgenesis (Turner's
15. MC cause of hirsutism= Idiopathic > PCOS
16. Clitoromegaly is defined if clitoris is > 10mm.
17. Modified FerrimanGallwey score > 8 means hirsutism is present
18. Percentage of PCOS patients having diabetes = 10%
19. Percentage of PCOS patients having Impaired glucose tolerance = 35%
20. DOC for hirsutism is OCPs
21. MC congenital anomaly of uterus is septate uterus
22. MC anomaly causing abortion = septate uterus
23. MC anomaly a/w infertility = septate uterus
24. MC anomaly with renal anomalies = Unicornuate uterus
25. Best reproduction outcome seen in Arcuate uterus
Puberty & Intersex
1. Endometriosis is commonly associated with bilateral chocolate cyst of
2. Pain in endometriosis correlates with the depth of invasion
3. Best investigation to establish the diagnosis of endometriosis is
4. Most accepted theory of endometriosis is Sampson's theory of retrograde
menstruation and implantation
5. Recurrence rate of endometriosis after medical therapy is 30-50%
1. Red degeneration of fibroid occurs most commonly in 2nd trimester
2. In a pregnant woman with red degeneration, management is conservative
3. In leiomyoma of uterus Squamous metaplasia does not occur
4. Percentage of myomas which undergo sarcomatous transformation is 0.5%
5. The common complication of fibroid uterus in pregnancy is red
6. Sarcomatous changes is the rarest modification in a fibroid uterus
7. To start with all fibroids ARE INTRAMURAL
8. Calcareous degeneration occurs most commonly subserous fibroids
9. Uterine fibromyoma is associated with endometriosis, follicular cysts of
ovary, endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer
10. Treatment of red degeneration of fibroid during pregnancy is analgesics
11. Least common complication of fibroid is malignancy
12. Most common type of uterine polyp is mucous polyp
13. Wansteker's classification - hysteroscopic ally submucous fibroid are
further divided into:
a. Type 0-fibroid totally in cavity
b. Type 1 - > 50% in cavity
c. Type 2 - < 50% in cavity (i.e. >50% in myometrium)
1. Drug not helpful in induction of ovulation is progesterone
2. Spinnbarkeit phenomenon is due to elasticity of cervical mucus
3. The commonest Indication of IVF is abnormality of fallopian tube
4. Asherman’s syndrome is due to curettage
5. Cryptomenorrhea is seen in imperforated hymen
6. The presentation of Asherman syndrome typically involves
7. The most common cause of primary amenorrhea is ovarian dysgenesia
8. Gonococcal infection in female is commonly found in endocervix
9. In IUCD, the organism causing infection is Actinomyces
10. The drug of choice for bacterial vaginosis is Metronidazole
11. The most sensitive method for detecting cervical Chlamydia trachomatis
infection is Polymerase chain reaction
12. Gonococcal infection spreads by Involvement of adjacent structures
13. Gonococcal infection in a female is commonly found in the endocervix
14. Normal menstrual blood loss is 80ml
15. Enclomiphene is anti-estrogenic
16. Fern test is due to the presence of NaCI under estrogenic effect
17. Anti hormonal substance used to induce ovulation is Clomiphene citrate
18. Fallopian tube dysmotility is seen in Kartagener syndrome
19. Best Investigation to assess tubal patency is Laparoscopic chromotubation
20. Post coital test (PCT) is done for cervical receptivity (detecting antisperm
21. According to WHO criteria, the minimum normal sperm count is 20 million/
22. Aspermia is the term used to describe absence of semen
23. In azoospermia, the diagnostic test which can distinguish between
testicular failure and obstruction of Vas deferens is the estimation of
24. In vitro fertilization is indicated in tubal pathology
25. Aspiration of sperms from testes is done in TESA
26. In semen banks, semen is preserved at low temperature using liquid
27. The major contribution to the human seminal fluid is from seminal vesicles
28. Max semen inseminated in IUI=0.5 ml
29. Most important semen parameter for ICSI is sperm morphology
30. MC cause of B/L cornual block on HSG is cornual spasm
31. First test to assess tubal patency is hysterosalpingography
32. Polar bodies are not preferred for PIGD as it cannot detect paternal defects
33. MC fibroid causing infertility is sub mucous fibroid
Prolapse, Uro-Gynecology
1. Most common cause of VVF in India is obstetrical trauma
2. Stress incontinence is a common symptom of prolapse of uterus
3. Most common cause of vesicovaginal fistula in developing countries is
obstructed labor
4. Retention of urine in a pregnant woman with a retroverted uterus is seen at
12-16 weeks
5. Stress incontinence is best corrected by bladder neck suspension
6. Retention of urine in a pregnant woman with retroverted uterus is seen in
12-16 weeks
7. Most common site of injury to ureter is where it crosses uterine A
8. Burch colposuspension for Stress incontinence has highest success rate at
the end of 5 yrs
9. Most useful investigation for VVF is Cystoscopy
10. Most important support of pelvic viscera is levator ani muscle
11. Most important ligament support of uterus is the cardinal ligament
12. Decubitus ulcer is due to venous congestion in the prolapse
13. Baden walker halfway system, reference point for classification of prolapse
is the hymen
14. In POPQ classification, reference point is hymen
1. Most common vaginal carcinoma is squamous cell carcinoma
2. In a case of vaginal carcinoma of stage III, there is involvement of the pelvis
3. Common differential diagnosis of verrucous carcinoma is condylomata
4. Brachytherapy is used in Stage lb Ca cervix
5. Characteristic feature of carcinoma fallopian tube is watery discharge
6. Sentinel biopsy is most effective in vulval ca
7. The most common site of vulval cancer labia majora
8. Endometrial hyperplasia is seen in PCOD
9. Long-term tamoxifen therapy may cause endometrium Ca
10. Endometrial carcinoma is predisposed by diabetes mellitus, hypertension
and obesity
11. The most malignant endometrial carcinoma is Clear cell carcinoma
12. Investigation of choice in a 55-years-old post-menopausal woman who has
presented with postmenopausal bleeding is endometrial biopsy. Gold
standard is fractional curettage (Preferably with Hysteroscopy)
13. Carcinoma endometrium with positive superficial inguinal lymph node
status is classified as stage IV
14. Metropathiahemorrhagica can cause endometrial cancer
15. Therapeutic conization is indicated in microinvasive carcinoma
16. MC agent responsible for Ca cervix is HPV 16
17. HPV associated with adenocarcinoma of cervix is Type 18
18. Most common type of human papilloma virus causing Ca cervix are 16 and
19. Virus associated with cancer cervix is HPV
20. MC Site of Ca Cervix is transformation zone
21. Earliest symptom of carcinoma cervix is irregular vaginal bleeding
22. In microinvasive cervical cancer, most common treatment is simple
23. M/C site of metastasis of Ca cervix is lymph nodes
24. Most common ovarian tumor in less than 20 years is germ cell tumour
25. Dysgerminoma is the most radiosensitive ovarian tumors
26. According to WHO classification of ovarian tumours, Brenner tumor of
ovary belongs to epithelial tumours
27. Ovarian tumours commonly arise from epithelium
28. Brenner's tumor resembles fibroma
29. Masculinizing tumors of the ovary arrhenoblastoma
30. The most common pure germ cell cancer of the ovary dysgerminoma
31. Pain of ovarian carcinoma is referred to medial surface of thigh
32. Meigs’ syndrome is associated with fibroma
33. The most common complication of an ovarian tumor is torsion
34. Most common ovarian cyst to undergo torsion is benign cystic teratoma
35. The pseudomyxoma peritonei occurs as a complication of the mucinous
cyst adenoma (ovary)
36. Attacks of flushing and cyanosis occur in carcinoid tumors of ovary
37. Reinke's crystals are found in hilus cell tumor
38. Schiller-duvaI bodies are seen in endodermal sinus tumor
39. In a case of Dysgerminoma of ovary, serum lactic dehydrogenase is likely to
be raised
40. CA -125 is a tumor marker for carcinoma ovary
41. Ca-125 is a sensitive marker. Its specificity increases in postmenopausal
42. Placental alkaline phosphatase is marker of Dysgerminoma
43. Marker for granulosa cell tumor is Inhibin
44. Bilateral germ cell tumour is dysgerminoma
45. Ovarian tumor likely to involve the opposite ovary by metastasis granulosa
cell tumor
46. Most common ovarian tumour in pregnancy is dermoid cyst
47. The maturation index on vaginal cytology is a diagnostic method for
evaluating the endocrine status of cervix
48. Vaginal cytology for hormonal change is best taken from Lateral wall
49. Cornification index or eosinophilic index indicates estrogenic effect
50. Hysteroscopy means visualization of uterine cavity
51. Best gas used for creating pneumoperitoneum at laparoscopy is CO2
52. Laparoscopy is best avoided in patients with COPD
53. Laparoscopy is contraindicated in Peritonitis
54. Goniometer is used for urethrovesical angle
55. Feature of post ovulatory endometrium on ultrasound is prominent
posterior enhancement
56. Luteal phase defect is best diagnosed by endometrial biopsy
57. Corpus luteum cyst occurs due to HCG
58. Sexual maturity is attained early in precocious puberty
59. Menstruation is defined as precocious if it starts before the child reaches
the age of 10 years
60. Post menopausal estrogen production is due to peripheral aromatization of
61. Hydatidiform mole is associated with Lutein cyst
62. Metastasis of choriocarcinoma most commonly goes to the lungs
63. Point of distinction between partial mole to complete mole is partial mole
is triploid
64. A case of Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia belongs to high-risk group if
disease develops after full term pregnancy
65. Chemotherapy is indicated in gestational trophoblastic disease in persistent
increase in 0-HCG after evacuation
66. The treatment of the lutein cyst in H. mole is suction evacuation
67. Snow storm appearance is seen in complete molar pregnancy
68. In Leiomyoma of uterus, least likely change to occur is sarcomatous change
69. Mifepristone is useful for the treatment of fibroids
70. Methotrexate is used in management of ectopic pregnancy
71. Call Exner bodies are seen in Granulosa cell tumour
72. Increase in maternal serum AFP is seen in renal agenesis
73. The PAP smear is used largely for screening carcinoma cervix
74. Pap smear in pregnancy is routine as a part of screening
75. Carcinoma cervix extends to the lateral pelvic wall in Stage III
76. Long-term use of tamoxifen causes endometrial carcinoma
77. Most common cause of cervical wart is HPV 11
78. The best investigation to diagnose carcinoma cervix in early stages pap
79. Most common site of metastasis in Choriocarcinoma is the lung
80. Management of CIN III is LEEP conization
81. Cal25 is elevated in what50 % of stage 1 epithelial ovarian cancer
82. Treatment of Ca Cervix IIIB include concurrent chemoradiation
83. Cervical cancer III B treatment is intracavitary radiation + external beam
radiation+ chemotherapy
84. Treatment for stage lib to III of cervical cancer is Chemotherapy +
85. Most commonly Krukenberg tumor is due to carcinoma of stomach
86. Brenner's tumor is malignant
87. The ovarian tumor which is most likely to be associated with virilization is
Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor
88. Largest tumour of the ovary is mucinous cystadenoma
89. MC functional cyst of ovary is Follicular cyst
90. Rupture of ovarian cyst MC seen with corpus luteal cyst
91. Hemorrhage in cyst MC seen with serous cystadenoma
92. Dash and dot appearance on USG is seen in dermoid cyst of ovary
93. MC ovarian cancer a/w endometrial cancer is endometrioid cancer
94. MC ovarian cancer a/w endometriosis is clear cell cancer
95. IVP showing hydronephrosis in cervical cancer confined to cervix is stage
Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia
1. The investigation of choice in a neonate with jaundice is Total and direct
2. A cause of neonatal jaundice at birth or within 24 hours Erythroblastosis
3. Risk of kernicterus is not increased with High level of serum albumin
4. In physiological jaundice in term infants, serum bilirubin does not generally
exceedl5 mg%.
5. Cause of neonatal jaundice within 24 hrs:Hemolytic diseases of newborn,
Crigler-Najjar syndrome, large amount of vit. k.
6. The most important reaction by which phototherapy works is Structural
7. Complication of double volume exchange transfusion are Hypoglycaemia,
Hypocalcemia, Hyperkalemia.
8. Most common cause of cholestatic jaundice in a newborn is Neonatal
9. Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia is seen inDubin- Johnson syndrome and
Rotor syndrome
Intrauterine Infections
—B Growth
1. Height of children in the period between 2 to 10 years increases at the rate
of 6 cm/year
2. Length is recorded for children under 2 years, height after 2 years
3. Infant weight becomes triple the birth weight at the age ofl2 months
4. Height of a child is double the birth length at the age of 4 years, height of a
child at 4 years is 100 cms.
5. Average gain of height in first year is 25cm
6. In a healthy child the head and chest circumference equal each other
around the age of 9-12 months
7. A normal healthy child has a height of 100 cm and weighs 16 kg. Most likely
age4 years
8. The upper segment lower segment ratio at 2 year of age in a normal child is
9. Weight of newborn quadruples by 2 years
10. Anthropometric assessment which does not show much change in between
1-4 years Mid arm circumference
11. 90% of brain growth is achieved by the age of 2 years
12. The first permanent teeth appears at 6 years
13. The first permanent teeth to appear Molar
14. All milk teeth are erupted by 2.5 years
15. First teeth to erupt in infant is lower central incisor
1. Pincer grasp develops by the age of 9 months
2. Child changes rattle from one hand to another at5-7 months
3. Handedness develops at48 months
4. The age by which most of the normal babies know their gender is 3 years
5. A child speaks sentences at the age of 2 years
6. A child is able to build blocks of 5 cubes. Developmental age is 18 months
7. A3 year old child can copy a circle, 4 year old copies a cross, can copy a
triangle at 5 years
8. A 3-month baby will have Neck control (partial head control)
9. A 3-year-old child will be able to ride a tricycle
1. Thumb sucking peaks at 18- 21 months, most spontaneously drop habit by
4 years. False regarding thumb sucking isMust be treated vigorously in the
first year of life
2. Most common age group affected by infantile colicO-3 months
3. False regarding breath holding spells in childrenis It must be immediately
attended to prevent hypoxia and onset of seizure
4. True about autism: Starts before 2-3 years of age
5. Treatment of breath holding spells is Iron
6. Best treatment for enuresis is Bell alarm
7. False regarding childhood autism is A type of childhood neurotic disorder
8. False regarding Rett syndrome Macrocephaly
1. Not true about measles vaccineDiluent is not required
2. Toxic shock syndrome may occur due to Measles vaccine
3. IPV is a killed vaccine, OPV is a live vaccine
4. Vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) associated withPolio virus
type 2
5. Seizures are usually due to component of DPT is Pertussis
6. Dose of hepatitis B vaccine in a normal child 10 pg
7. Oral Ty 21a vaccine is given on Alternate days (1,3,5 days)
8. Vaccine with best efficacy Measles
9. Vaccine contraindicated in a child with history of convulsions is DPT
10. DPT is contraindicated in Evolving neurological illness, but can be
administered in children with cerebral palsy
11. Excessive crying is seen after DPT vaccine
12. A conjugated vaccine: Hemophilus influenza B vaccine
13. Typhoid conjugate vaccine is usually administered in children at the age of
2 years
14. Hypotonic hyporesponsive episode occur with DPT Vaccine
15. Varicella vaccine is Live attenuated
16. Vaccine not to be frozen: Hepatitis B vaccine
17. IAP recommends:Two doses of varicella vaccine
Breast Feeding
Trace Elements
Bacterial Infections
1. Complication of pertussis: pneumonia , sub conjunctival hemorrhage ,
convulsions. Cerebellar ataxia is not a complication.
2. Method for diagnosing whooping cough Nasopharyngeal swab
3. Incubation period of pertussis is 7-10 days
4. Antibodies to one of the following infection is not transmitted to child
5. The antibiotic of choice of pertussis is Erythromycin.
1. 'Bull neck’ in diphtheria is due to Cervical lymphadenopathy
2. Myocarditis occurs in 2nd week,Diphtheric polyneuropathy occurs in 4th
3. The most common ophthalmic affection of diphtheria is Isolated ocular
4. Commonest complication is respiratory failure due to obstruction of
airways by the membrane.
1. True regarding typhoid in children: Mild splenomegaly is usual
2. Rose spots are seen inTyphoid
3. Cefixime is the drug of choice for uncomplicated enteric fever
1. Not a method for the diagnosis of HIV infection in a 2 month old child
2. True about lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis (LIP) isMay be associated with
hepatosplenomegaly, Clubbing is seen in advanced diseases
3. Test not used in children below 18 months to diagnose a case of HIVis IgG antibody
4. ART given to prevent maternal to child HIV transmission is Nevirapine
5. Most common in childhood AIDS: Recurrent chest infection with typical
6. Most common cause of HIV infection in infant is Perinatal transmission
(Vertical transmission)
7. Not effective in preventing mother to child transmission of HIV: Vaginal
cleansing before delivery
8. Percentage risk of HIV infection in child of a HIV +ve mother is 20-30%.
9. Not a feature of HIV infection in childhood Kaposi sarcoma
10. HIV in children, characteristic finding is Recurrent chest infection
11. Not true regarding HIV transmission to fetus>50% risk of transmission to
1. Tuberculosis can present with prolonged fever and non-remitting cough of more
than 2 weeks duration; fatigue and weight loss can be co-associated
2. Many children (almost up to 50%) with tuberculosis may be asymptomatic in early
stages of the disease
3. The age between 5-10 years is associated with < 2% risk of TB infection progressing
to disease (Safe school years)
4. Children with TB usually have pauci bacillary disease
5. Pulmonary tuberculosis involves 60-80% of total tuberculosis cases
6. MC extrapulmonary tuberculosis in children - tubercular lymphadenitis
7. CNS tuberculosis is the most serious form of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis
8. The standard tuberculin test performed for tuberculosis is the Mantoux
9. For Mantoux test in children, important to raise a wheal of about 6 mm
after the injection (intra-dermal)
10. Mantoux test is read 48-72 hours after the injection
11. Mantoux's test is positive if the induration is 10 mm or more (using a 1TU
12. Ziehl-Neelsen stain can reveal AFB only if sample contains >10,000 bacilli
per mL
13. Dosage of INH in children 5-10 mg/kg/day; rifampicin 10 mg/kg/day;
pyrazinamide 30-35 mg/kg/day; ethambutol 20 mg/kg/day; and
streptomycin 15-20 mg/kg/day
Electrolyte Disturbance
Sod s« m
1. A cause of hyperkalemia: RTA type IV
2. Hyperkalemia without ECG changes; not used in the treatment:Soda Bicarbonate
3. Pseudo hyperkalemia is seen inLeukemia
4. A cause of hypokalemia: Vitamin B12 therapy
1. Not seen in SIADH: Volume depletion
2. Osmotic demyelination syndrome occurs in treatment of SIADH (rapid
correction of hyponatremia)
3. Hyponatremia occurs most commonly with Small cell lung carcinoma
4. Feature of SIADH: Convulsion
5. True about SIADH: vaptans used, serum sodium 125mg/dl can be seen,
water loading test done to diagnose.
6. Pseudohyponatremia occurs in Hyperlipidemia
7. Drug used in treatment of cerebral salt wasting syndrome isFludrocortisone
Acid - Base Disturbance
1. Metabolic alkalosis is seen in Mineralocorticoid excess.
2. Normal blood ph is 7.4
3. Diagnostic features of metabolic acidosis is low bicarbonate
Diagnostic features of metabolic alkalosis is high bicarbonate
6. Diagnostic features of respiratory alkalosis is low CO2
Diagnostic features of respiratory acidosis is high CO2
Cardiovascular System
1. Slow rising pulse is seen in AS
2. Pulsus alternans occurs in CHF
3. Pulses bigeminus is seen with Digoxin therapy
4. Dicrotic pulse is seen in Dilated cardiomyopathy
5. Pulsus paradoxus not seen in IPPV
6. Water hammer pulse is seen in Aortic regurgitation
7. Pulsus bisferiens is best felt in Radial artery
Heart Sounds
1. Loud SI in mitral stenosis is caused by Prolonged flow through mitral valve
2. Wide split S2 occurs in ASD
3. True about fourth heart sound (S4) Heard during ventricular filling phase
4. True regarding opening snap: It is a high-pitched diastolic sound
Heart Murmur
1. An early systolic murmur not caused by Papillary muscle dysfunction
2. Ejection systolic murmur AS
3. Late systolic murmur MVP
4. Early diastolic murmur AR
5. Late diastolic murmur Atrial myxoma
6. False in relation to Carey Coombs Murmur Associated with AR
7. Continuous murmur not heard in Mitral stenosis with mitral regurgitation
8. Murmur which increases with Valsalva isHypertrophic cardiomyopathy
1. Functional closure of ductus arteriosus occursWithin 24 hrs of birth
2. Oxygenated blood to the fetus is carried by Umbilical vein
3. Anatomical closure of ductus arteriosus occurs atlOthdayafterbirth
4. The umbilical vein later formsLigamentum teres
5. The ductus venosus later formsLigamentumvenosum
1. In X-ray ''batwing appearance" or (butterfly pulmonary opacities) seen in
Cardiogenic pulmonary edema
2. In an infant congestive cardiac failure is diagnosed byLiverenlargement
3. Commonest cause of heart failure in infancy is Congenital heart disease
4. Not a characteristic of right sided heart failure :Pulmonary edema
5. The treatment of choice for a case of congestive failure with hypertension
is ACE inhibitors
Hypertension - Management
1. Secondary hypertension in children is most commonly caused by Renal
2. Most common cause of systemic hypertension in children
3. Sustained severe hypertension in children is most commonly suggestive of
Renal parenchymatous disease
Kawasaki Disease
1. In Kawasaki disease, coronary artery aneurysms seen in 25% of patients
2. It is the most common cause of acquired heart disease in developed
Respiratory System
1. Most common cause of stridor in infant and young children Laryngomalacia
Bronchiolitis Obliterans
1. The commonest cause of bacterial pneumonia in
children is Streptococcus pneumoniae
2. Giant cell (Hecht's) pneumonia is due toMeasles
3. Pneumatocele is caused byStaphylococcus
4. Pneumothorax could be a complication of Staphylococcal aureus
5. The commonest organism causing empyema in a child under 2 years is
6. The drug of choice in Mycoplasma pneumonia in Erythromycin
7. Lung abscess in children caused by Pneumococcus, staphylococcus,
8. In an infant with aspiration pneumonitis, the most common lung segment
to be involved is Right apical
9. Most important cause of nosocomial pneumonia :Gram negative
10. Tubular breathing (Bronchial breathing) is heard in Consolidation
11. Not a sign of lobar pneumonia : Reduced vocal fremitus
12. Clinical pulmonary infection score is not based on ESR
13. Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score for Ventilator-Associated
Pneumonia(Temperature, blood leukocytes, oxygenation, pulmonary
radiography, tracheal secretions, culture of tracheal aspirate)
14. Cavitatory lesions in lungs are seen in Staph, aureus infection
15. Chocolate color sputum is seen in Klebsiella infection
16. Hemolytic anemia is seen in Mycoplasma pneumonitis
17. Not true for the treatment of Pneumocystis carinii :Fluoroquinolones (DOC
is Cotrimaxole)
18. Not seen in the viral pneumonia: Predominance of alveolar exudates
19. Commonest sign of aspiration pneumonitis: Tachypnea
20. Atypical pneumonia are sometimes also referred to as "walking
Bronchial Asthma
1. feature of childhood asthma:H/O atopic dermatitis , improves with age,
absence of wheezing after exercise.
2. Characteristic sign of asthma: Wheezing
3. Not seen in asthma :Clubbing
4. Most common mode of treatment of a 1-year-old child with asthma
islnhaled short acting beta 2 agonist
5. In a child with exercise-induced asthma: Treatment with beta 2 agonist
6. Treatment of choice for bronchial asthma in a one year old child is Inhaled
beta 2 agonists
7. Not used in acute attack of asthma in a 4 year old child: Sedatives
8. Bronchial asthma is best diagnosed byDemonstration of reversible airway
9. Not true about asthma : Small airways are not involved
10. The most predictive and dangerous side effect of propranolol that
necessitates its avoidance in known patients of COPD is induction of Acute
asthmatic attack
11. Not a important symptom of asthma: Expectoration (cough predominantly
12. A drug is to be delivered by a nebulizer. The size of a droplet for its
humidification is< 5p.
13. Indication of the most severe attack of bronchial asthma: Bradycardia,
unable to speak in sentences
14. Not used for treatment of a patient with acute bronchial asthma:
15. Not to be given in a case of acute severe asthma: Sedative
1. False regarding bronchiectasis: Restrictive pattern on spirometry
2. Investigation of choice in bronchiectasis: HRCT chest
3. Not true about Kartagener's syndrome: Mental retardation (Features of
Kartagener's syndrome is: Situs inversus, chronic sinusitis and
4. Bronchiectasis is most common in Left lower lobe
5. complication of bronchiectasis: lung abscess, amyloidosis, empyema.
Cystic Fibrosis
1. Infants with cystic fibrosis (CF) are likely to develop Meconium ileus
2. Not true about cystic fibrosis (CF): Abnormality in CFTR which leads to
defective calcium transport
3. Most common organism associated with cystic fibrosisPseudomonas
aeruginosa (non-mucoid)
4. A feature of cystic fibrosis Lung-.Normal at birth
5. Mucoviscidosis is most commonly related to Fibrocystic diseases of
1. Fetal hemoglobin equals adult hemoglobin at 2 months
2. Adult hemoglobin switch over occurs at 30 wks gestation
3. At 4 weeks of gestation, predominant hemoglobin is Gower Hb
4. Predominant hemoglobin at 12 month of life is HbA
1. Most appropriate drug used for chelation therapy in beta thalassemia
major is Oral deferiprone
2. Microcytic hypochromic anemia is not seen inFanconi Anemia ,
3. Not a feature of thalassemia major Decreased serum iron
4. Most common cause of aplastic anemia is Idiopathic
5. Autohemolysis test is positive in Sickle cell disease
6. A 5 year-old child has anemia of long duration, investigation to be done is
Peripheral smear
7. Types of microcytic hypochromic anemia are Thalassemia , Iron deficiency
8. Elevated serum ferritin, serum iron and percent transferrin saturation are
most consistent with the diagnosis of Hemochromatosis
9. Spherocytes are seen in Autoimmune hemolysis
10. Fragmented RBCs are seen in Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
11. Howell-Jolly bodies are seen in Post splenectomy state
12. Hb level at birth is20 gm%
13. Not a feature of anemia: Diastolicmurmur
Macrocytic Anemia
1. Macrocytic anemia not seen in Copper deficiency
2. Megaloblastic anemia in blind loop syndrome is due to Bacterial
3. Type of anemia caused by lleocaecale TB: Megaloblastic
4. Deficiency of the 'intrinsic factor of Castle' causesPernicious anemia
5. True about blood finding in pernicious anemia: MCH high & MCHC normal
6. Electrolyte imbalance which can occur in the treatment of pernicious
anemia is Hypokalemia
7. Megaloblastic anemia due to folic acid deficiency is commonly due to
Inadequate dietary intake
8. Folate deficiency occurs inCeliacdisease
9. Megaloblastic anemia should be treated with both folic acid and vitamin
B1? because Folic acid alone causes improvement of hematologic
symptoms but worsening of neurological symptoms
10. Vitamin deficiency which leads to lactic acidosis isThiamine
Aplastic Anemia
1. example of conditions causing aplastic anemia: PNH, non A, Hepatitis(
non-A non-B non-C), pregnancy, chloramphenicol, HIV-I
2. Pancytopenia with cellular marrow is seen in PNH acquired aplastic
anaemia, thalassemia.
3. Pancytopenia with cellular marrow is not seen in G6PD Deficiency
4. Not true about aplastic anemia : Splenomegaly
5. Wrong statement regarding Fanconi anaemia: Autosome Dominant
Sideroblastic Anemias
1. Sideroblasticanemia is seen in Hypothyroidism
2. Sideroblasticanemia is cause by INH
3. Not present in Sideroblastic anemia isDecreased transferrin saturation
4. Treatment of sideroblastic anemia is Pyridoxine
5. True about Pearson syndrome :Congenitalsideroblastic anemia
1. Not a feature of hemolytic anemia : Bilirubin in urine
2. Not a feature of hemolytic anemia : Thrombocytopenia
3. Not a cause intravascular hemolysis: Thalassemia
4. Reticulocytosis is not seen in Thalassemia (LQ. 205)
5. Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia not seen in Mycoplasma pneumonia
6. Cold hemolysis is associated with Donath Landsteiner antibody
7. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is seen in CLL
8. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is associated with malignancy ofB cell
9. Coombs' +ve hemolytic anemia is not seen in Alcoholic cirrhosis
10. Coombs positive hemolytic anemia associated with SLE
11. Low serum haptoglobin in hemolysis masked by Burns
12. Not a cause of inherited hemolysis PNH
13. Spur cell anemia is seen in Alcoholic liver disease
Hereditary Spherocytosis
1. Not a cause of hereditary spherocytosis: Glycophorin C
2. Not a feature of hereditary spherocytosis: TMCV
3. Osmotic fragility is increased in Hereditary spherocytosis
4. Decreased osmotic fragility is seen in Thalassemia
5. Aplastic anemia in hereditary spherocytosis precipitated by Parvo virus
6. Splenectomy is useful in Hereditary spherocytosis
1. A stem cell disorder affecting all the three cell line platelets, RBCs and
leucocytes is Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinemia
2. Not seen in PNH: Decreased LDH
3. HAM test is based uponAcidicmedium
4. Not true about PNH: Hypocellular marrow
5. Not true regarding PNH : Increased leukocyte alkaline phosphatase
6. Not associated with PNH: Massive splenomegaly
7. Gold standard to diagnose a case of PNH Flow cytometry
8. Most common cause of death in PNH is Venous thrombosis
9. Treatment of PNH isEculizumab
1. In Beta thalassemia, there is Decrease in beta chain, increase in alpha chain
2. The most common mutations in Beta thalassemia involves lntron-1
3. Not true about (3 thalassemia trait: Patient requires blood transfusion
4. True about a-thalassemia trait: Microcytosis
5. HbA2 levels are not increased inBeta Thalassemia
6. HbH is characterized by Deletion of Three alpha chain genes
7. Cause of alpha thalassemia:Deletion of alpha genes
8. Diagnosis of beta thalassemia is best established by Hb electrophoresis
9. NESTROFT test used as screening test in Beta thalassemia
10. Hair on end appearance in X-rays skull is seen in Thalassemia
11. Iron overload occur inmelodysplasticsyndrome not occur in polycythemia
12. True about thalassemia: Ineffective erythropoiesis and hemolysis
G6PD Deficiency
1. Hemolysis in G6PD is not caused by Pyrimethamine and Estrogen
1. Hepatitis C is associated withPorphyriaCutanea tarda
2. Hepatoma is associated withPorphyriaCutanea tarda
Bleeding Disorders
1. Converging point of both pathways in coagulation is at Stuart factor X
2. Can present with isolated prolongation of prothrombin time: Factor VII
3. Platelet function may be assessed by Platelet Adhesion Assays
4. A patient on aspirin will haveProlonged BT
5. Feature of hemorrhagic disease of new born is Prolonged prothrombin
6. Most likely to be increased in Vit. K deficiency PT
7. False regarding childhood ITP isDecreased bone marrow megakaryocytes
8. Not a cause of neonatal thrombocytopenia : Glanzmann thrombasthenia
9. Inheritance of Von Wile brand disease is AD
Platelet Disorders
1. A finding in functional defect in platelets: Normal platelet counts and
prolonged Bleeding time
2. Wiskott Aldrich syndrome is characterized by thrombocytopenia, eczema,
3. The presence of small sized platelets on the peripheral smear is
characteristic ofWiskott Aldrich syndrome.Other characteristic features are
eczema and thrombocytopenia
4. Not true regarding Bernard Soulier syndrome :Ristocetin aggregation is
5. Thrombocytopenia is not seen in H.S. purpura
6. Does not cause megakaryocytic thrombocytopenia : Aplastic anemia
7. Cause of ITP is Antibody to platelets
8. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is not associated with Splenomegaly
9. Not a feature about Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia: Spontaneous remission
is common in Chronic ITP
10. Laboratory determinants abnormally prolonged in ITP : Bleeding time
11. Platelet transfusion is not indicated in Immunogenic Thrombocytopenia
12. Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome does not include Fever
13. True about ITP : BT increase and CT normal
14. Giant platelets are feature of Bernard Soulier syndrome
1. Not true about Hemophilia A: PT and BT increases.
2. Not true about Von Willebrand's disease : Increased platelet aggregation in
response to Ristocetin
3. Best assay for deficiency of von Willebrand factor is BT + APTT + vWF
ristocetin factor assay
4. The commonest mode of inheritance of Von Willebrand's disease
Autosomal dominant
5. Feature which can be used to differentiate hemophilia A from von
Willebrand disease is Bleeding time
6. In a case of hemophilia spontaneous bleeding occur when factor VIII level is
below 1%
Disseminated intravascular Coagulation (DIC)
1. DIC is commonly seen in M3 AML
2. The most sensitive test for DIC is Serum levels of fibrin degradation
products (FDP)
3. Finding seen in DIC : Increased FDP, prolonged PT, reduced Platelets
4. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) differs from thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura. In this reference the DIC is most likely
characterized by Decreased coagulation factor levels
5. Test normal in DIC : Clot retraction time
Hypercoagulable States
1. Not a hypercoagulable state : Factor V Leiden deficiency
2. Hypercoagulability due to defective factor V gene is called Leiden mutation
3. Most common inherited thrombotic disorder is Factor V Leiden mutation
4. Thrombotic event is not seen in Heparin induced thrombocytopenia
5. A female with recurrent abortions, pain in calves, It is most likely due to
deficiency of Protein C
Blood Transfusion
1. Cryoprecipitate does not contain Factor IX
2. MC blood transfusion reaction isFebrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction
1. Not a good prognostic factor for ALL t (9, 22) (8,14)
2. Leukemia in which chloroma is seen isAML
3. Leukemoid reaction is seen in Acute infection
4. ALL is associated with Fanconi anemia
5. Most common type of ALL is LI
6. Not a poor prognostic factor for a case of ALL : Age between 1 to 10 years
7. AML strongly associated with Down syndrome M7
8. Parameter not used in considering complete remission: Hb
Juvenile CML occur most commonly in< 4 years
Most of the ALLs have B-cell origin
10. Commonest site of extramedullary relapse of ALL: CNS
Wilms Tumor
1. 80% of patients with Wilms' tumor presents under 5 years of age, peak age
is 2-3 years
2. Wilms' Tumor is most commonly associated withChromosome 11
3. Most common clinical feature of Wilms' tumor is Asymptomatic abdominal
4. Not associated with Wilms' tumor: Polycystic kidney
5. Wilms' tumor commonly metastasis toLung
6. The most important determinant of prognosis in Wilms' tumor: Histology
1. Is the most common intra- abdominal and extracranial solid tumor in
2. The most common presentation of neuroblastoma in children is Lytic lesion
in the skull with suture diathesis
3. False regarding neuroblastoma : Massive splenomegaly
4. One-year-old child presenting with abdominal mass and calcification on X-
rays is suggestive ofNeuroblastoma
5. Neuroblastoma in children is not characterized by Cafe au lait spots
6. Not used in the prognostication of neuroblastoma : VMA
7. The most common malignant neoplasm of infancy is Neuroblastoma
8. A 1-year-old child presented with a swelling in the left flank with episodes
of flushing, diarrhea, sweating and bone pain. The diagnosis is
9. A malignant tumor of childhood that metastasizes to bones most often is
10. Not true about neuroblastoma : Lung metastasis is common
11. 'Good1 outcome in neuroblastoma associated with Diploidy
12. Two paraneoplastic syndromes associated: opsoclonus- myoclonus and VIP
secretion by the tumor
1. Retinoblastoma is bilateral in 30 % of cases
2. Most common inheritable tumor in childhood: Retinoblastoma
3. Retinoblastoma gene is located on Chromosome 13
4. Inheritance of retinoblastoma is Autosomal dominant
5. Most common secondary malignancy associated with retinoblastoma:
Histiocytosis X
1. Most common site of childhood rhabdomyosarcoma is Head and neck
2. Histiocytosis X is not seen in Torres syndrome
3. A child presented in the OPD with multiple permeating lesions involving all
the bones of the body. Most probable diagnosis Histiocytosis X
4. Drug used for the treatment of refractory histiocytosis :Cladribine
5. Not true about Langerhans 'Histiocytosis: Testis is commonly involved
Gastrointestinal System
Some Important GIT Symptoms in children
1. Not a cause of macroglossia: Pompe's Disease
Diseases of GIT
1. Robust male baby with recurrent vomiting immediately after feeds at 2
months of age; diagnosis is Congenital HPS
2. 3 month infant with abdominal palpable mass & non bilious vomiting:
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
3. Not a characteristic feature of infantile pyloric stenosis: Vomiting at birth
4. Most common biochemical abnormality in congenital hypertrophic pyloric
stenosis : Hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis
1. Most common cause of acute intestinal obstruction in neonates is
Duodenal atresia
1. Commonest cause of intestinal obstruction in children is : Intussusception
2. Infant with blood in stools and mass in abdomen, diagnosis is
1. Failure to pass meconium within 48 hrs of birth in a newborn with no
obvious external abnormality should lead to suspicion
2. Hirschsprung's disease is most commonly associated with Down syndrome
3. Aganglionic segment in Hirschsprung's disease is encountered in the
following part of colon Distal to dilated segment
4. A male infant presented with distension of abdomen shortly after birth
with passing of less meconium. Subsequently a full-thickness biopsy of the
rectum was performed. The rectal biopsy is likely to show Lack of ganglion
5. Hirschsprung disease is confirmed by Rectal biopsy
1. The most common bacterial cause for diarrhea in children in India is
Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)
2. The most common cause of diarrhea in children is Rotavirus
3. Secondary lactose intolerance is seen most commonly withRotavirus
4. The mechanism of diarrhea in giardiasis is prevention of absorption of fat
by Mechanical coating of the walls of intestine.
5. In ORS the function of glucose is to Increase Na+ absorption by cotransport
6. Intractable diarrhea in children is caused by cystic fibrosis, secreting
tumour, milk allergy, not by giardiasis.
7. Profuse watery diarrhea in an immunocompromised child is due toGiardia
8. Persistent diarrhea is defined as diarrhea more than 14 days
9. False regarding osmotic diarrhea No effect of fasting
10. True regarding chronic diarrhea Diarrhea more than 28 days
11. Osmolarity of WHO ORS is 245 mOsm/L
12. False regarding secretary diarrhea: Stops with fasting
13. Dose of Zinc in a child > 6 months with acute watery diarrhea: 20 mg OD
for 14 days
Malabsorption Syndrome
1. In children, increased fecal fat excretion and increased fecal nitrogen is seen
in Pancreatic insufficiency
2. First clinical manifestation of abetalipoproteinemia is Steatorrhea
3. Best intestinal absorption test: Quantitative stool fat estimation
4. Lactose intolerance in a suspected patient is diagnosed by giving an oral
load and measuring concentrations of H2
5. One of the intestinal enzymes that is generally deficient in children
following an attack of severe infectious enteritis is Lactase
6. Characteristic feature of lactase deficiency is Acidity of stools
7. Gluten-sensitive enteropathy is most strongly associated with HLA-DQ2
8. Need not be avoided in patients with celiac disease : Maize
9. Not a histological feature of celiac disease : Increase in thickness of the
10. Most specific finding in pediatric age with nutritional/ malabsorption
1. A neonate with jaundice passes clay white stools. Liver biopsy shows giant
cells. The diagnosis is Neonatal hepatitis with extraciliary atresia
Renal System
Basic Nephrology
1. Hematuria is defined as >5 RBC/HPF in urine
2. DMSA is done for Renal parenchyma abnormalities
3. Dysmorphic RBCs in urine indicate Glomerular hematuria
4. Diagnostic of glomerular injury> 20% dysmorphic RBCs in urine
5. Bence-Jones protein mostly derived from Gamma chains
6. Creatinine clearance measures GFR
7. True statement about orthostatic proteinuria Is benign
8. In a child, non-functioning kidney is best diagnosed by DTPA renogram
1. A 6-year-old has dysmorphic RBCs with gross hematuria for 2 years. C3
levels are normal. Most likely diagnosis is IgA nephropathy
2. The diagnosis in a case of nephritis, hematuria, and anti-GBM antibody in
the kidney is Goodpasture syndrome
3. True about poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis: Common during the
summer season
4. Most common renal lesion in children isLipoid nephrosis
5. Not associated with low C3levels: Goodpasture's Disease
6. Not true about IgA Nephropathy or Berger Nephropathy: Serum C3 levels
are reduced
7. Not true about Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN) Hematuria 1-2
days after poststreptococcal pharyngitis
1. Steroids are most useful in Minimal charige disease (nephrotic syndrome)
2. The essential feature in nephrotic syndrome isProteinuria
3. Usually not seen in a child with nephrotic syndrome: Uremia
4. treatment of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome are
levamisole,cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine, not Methotrexate
5. Finnish type of nephrotic syndrome is associated withNephrine.
6. Gene involved in idiopathic SRNS : NPHS 2
7. Not decreased in nephrotic syndrome: Serum fibrinogen
8. Seen in nephrotic syndrome: Low serum calcium
9. Characteristic feature of nephrotic syndrome in children: Albumin in urine
10. Treatment to consider for steroid-dependent NS -Cyclophosphamide
11. Treatment to consider for steroid-resistant NS - Cyclosporine
Seizures in childhood
1. Not used for absence seizures : Phenytoin
2. Most common type of seizures in neonates are Subtle
3. Not a feature of absence seizure: Postictal confusion
4. Initial drug of choice in status epilepticus in children : Diazepam
5. Treatment of choice in infantile spasm : ACTH
6. Not a characteristic feature of petit mal seizures :Onset after the age of 14
7. Feature of petit mal epilepsy in EEG is Spike and dome
8. False regarding febrile convulsions: Aspirin during spikes of fever
9. Convulsions in a child with dehydration and vomiting can be due to
Decreased serum sodium
10. Drug of choice in temporal lobe epilepsy is Carbamazepine
11. Percentage of children with recurrence in febrile seizures 25-50%
12. Percentage risk of children with simple febrile seizures developing epilepsy
is 1-2%
Neurocutaneous Syndromes
1. A child presented with impaired intelligence, infantile spasms and
hypopigmented patches on the back. The most likely diagnosis is Tuberous
2. Most common tumor associated with neurofibromatosis in a child Juvenile
myelomonocytic leukemia
3. Most common tumor associated with type I neurofibromatosis Optic nerve
4. A triad of seizure, mental retardation and sebaceous adenoma is seen in
Tuberous sclerosis
5. Least important feature of Neurofibromatosis Lisch nodules
6. Neurofibromatosis type-ll is associated with Chromosome-22
7. CNS tumor seen in Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome is Hemangioblastoma
8. Not a feature of Sturge Weber syndrome : Empty sella
Brain Tumors in Children
1. An intracranial tumor with good prognosis in children isCerebellar
2. Not a posterior cranial fossa tumour: Oligodendroglioma
3. Craniospinal irradiation is useful in Medulloblastoma
4. In children suprasellar calcification suggestsCraniopharyngioma
5. Craniopharyngioma is most common located in Suprasellar region
6. True about brain tumors in children : Usually infratentorial
7. Not correct about cerebellar astrocytoma: More common in females than
8. The most common intracranial tumor in children is Glioma
9. Most common posterior fossa tumor in children is Astrocytoma
1. The CSF findings in TB meningitis include CSF low sugar + high protein and
2. The most common causative agent of meningitis in the age group 6 month -
3 years is S. pneumonia
3. Not a complication of tubercular meningitis: Parkinsonism
4. The most common agent associated with neonatal bacterial meningitis is
Streptococcus agalactiae
5. Not a cause of meningitis in children 2 months to 12 years of age: Listeria
Muscular Disorders
1. False statement about Ataxia -telangiectasia :Decreasedalfa-
2. False about Myotonicdystrophy: Autosomalrecessive
3. Not true about congenitalmyopathy: Z-bandmyopathy
4. Usually not associated with proximal muscleweakness: Myotonicdystrophy
5. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a disease ofSarcolemmalproteins
6. Duchnne's muscular dystrophy X - linkedrecessive, Serum levels of creatine
kinase are greatly elevated (> 10 times upper limit)
7. False about Duchenne muscular dystrophy: NCV decreased
8. Infantilespinal muscular atrophy is a group of disorderswhichaffect Motor
9. True about Acuteflaccidparalysis (AFP) It is acuteonset (< 4 weeks) flaccid
paralysis in children< 15 years of age.
10. Mostcommon cause of death in case of acutepoliomyelitis
11. Not true about poliovirusinfection: Paralysis in > 70 % of cases
12. Acuteflaccidparalysis is reported in a childaged 0-15 years
13. True about polio: IM injections and increased muscular activity can lead to
14. True about GBS : NCV is decreased
Neurodegenerative Disorders
1. Preventable cause of mental retardation Hypothyroidism
2. A child is set to have moderate mental retardation when his IQ is 36-50
3. IQ between 50-70 should indicate Mild mental retardation
4. Mental retardation is not seen in Hypopituitarism
5. MC genetic cause of mental Retardation Fragile X syndrome
1. Type of cerebral palsy which is commonly associated with scoliosis and
other orthopedic problemsis Spastic quadriplegia
2. Most common sequelae due to periventricular leukomalacia: Spastic
3. Most common type of cerebral palsy isSpastic
4. Cerebral palsy is defined as A non-progressive neuromuscular disorder of
cerebral origin
5. Not found in cerebral palsy: Flaccid paralysis
Genetic Disorders
Genetic disorders
1. Neurogenic muscle weakness, ataxia, and retinitis pigmentosa (NARP)
disease has Mitochondrial inheritance
2. Fragile X syndrome is not characterized by Large nose
3. Not autosomal dominant inheritance: Fabry's disease
4. The chances of having an unaffected baby when both parents have
achondroplasia is 25%
5. Differential expression of same gene depending on parent of origin is
referred to as Genomic imprinting
6. The process underlying differences in expression of a gene, according to
which parent has transmitted, is called Genomic imprinting
7. Unilateral disomi seen in Angelman syndrome
Genomic Imprinting
1. Most common cardiac lesion in Down's syndrome is Atrioventricular Septal
2. In Down syndrome the shape of the head isBrachycephalic
3. Brushfield spots in Iris is a feature of Down syndrome
4. Most common chromosomal anomaly isTrisomy 21
5. Not a characteristic feature of Down's syndrome: Prominent occiput
6. Infant born to mothers of advanced age has greater risk of Down's
7. Nuchal fold thickness is increased in Down syndrome
8. Transient myeloproliferative disorder of the newborn is seen in association
with Down syndrome
9. Down syndrome patient is posted for surgery, the necessary pre-op
investigation to be done isEchocardiography
10. In Down's syndrome, false is: Increased PAPP-A
The Triple test for Down syndrome does not include USG
Not feature of Down syndrome: Hypertonicity
1. Not true about Noonan syndrome: Testosterone level is alyvays normal
2. A child presents with anti-mongoloid slant, pulmonary stenosis, short
stature and undescended testis. The most likely diagnosis is Noonan
syndrome .. • "
1. Rocker bottom feet is a feature of Trisomy 18
2. Not true about Edward syndrome: Hypotonia
3. Scalp defect is a feature of Patau Syndrome
1. Webbing of neck, increased carrying angle, low posterior hair line and short
metacarpal are characteristics of Turner's syndrome
2. Not true about Turner's syndrome: Frequently associated with marked
mental retardation
3. Not associated with Turner's syndrome: PDA
4. Most common cardiac anomaly in Turner's syndrome is Bicuspid aortic valve
1. True of Klinefelter syndrome: Subnormal intelligence
2. Not true about Klinefelter's syndrome: Reduced Gonadotrophins
Pituitary Disorders
1. 'Weak giants' are produced by Pituitary adenomas
2. False in Congenital Hypopituitarism: Baby small at birth
3. Short stature secondary to growth hormone deficiency is associated with
Normal body proportion
4. Bone age in GH deficiency is Delayed compared to chronological age
5. Deficiency of growth hormone leads to Delayed fusion of epiphysis
6. Does not cause pituitary apoplexy: Hyperthyroidism
7. Drug should be given first in case of Sheehan's syndromeis Cortisone
8. Does not cause hyperprolactinemia: Bromocriptine
9. Investigation of choice of hyper prolactinoma: Prolactin estimation
10. Most common type of pituitary adenoma: Prolactinoma
11. Heal pad thickness is increased in Acromegaly
12. Confirmatory investigation for acromegaly is Glucose induced GH
13. Not a feature of Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome: Diabetes insipidus
1. Obesity is associated with insulin resistance and pancreatic beta-cell
2. Obese children have high risk of cardiovascular diseases, increased
cholesterol levels and hypertension
3. Endocrine disorders associated with weight gain are hypothyroidism and
Cushing syndrome
4. Insulinoma can also be associated with obesity
5. Childhood obesity can be one of the manifestations of syndromes such as
Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome, Prader-WilliSyndrome,Carpenter
Syndrome, Cohen syndrome
Thyroid Disorders
1. Not a cause of obesity: Hyperthyroidism
2. Endocrine disorder associated with epiphyseal dysgenesis: Hypothyroidism
3. Most common cause of congenital hypothyroidism is Thyroid dysgenesis
4. Not a feature of hypothyroidism: Short metacarpals in hands
5. Manifestations of endemic cretinism include Strabismus and spastic
6. True regarding cretinism: Short limbs compared to trunk
7. Blood specimen for neonatal thyroid screening is obtained from Cord
8. Not a feature of neonatal hyperthyroidism: Goiter is rare
9. The most common presentation of endemic goiter is Euthyroid
10. Hung up reflexes are seen in Hypothyroid
11. Most common cause of goitrous autoimmune thyroiditis is Hashimoto's
12. Not true about Hashimoto's thyroiditis: Orphan Annie eye nuclei
13. 'Hurthle cells' are seen in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
14. False about De Quervain's Thyroiditis: Increased RAIU
15. Can be associated with hypothyroidism: Hemochromatosis
16. Drug which can lead to hypothyroidismis Lithium
Adrenal Disorders
1. Used in treatment of idiopathic congenital adrenal hyperplasia in infants:
2. Treatment in prenatal Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is Hydrocortisone
3. Most common cause of ambiguous genitalia in children is21-hydroxylase
4. True about Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) Postnatal virilization
5. In children, Cushing syndrome is best screened by Steroid assay (24 hr
urinary cortisol assay)
6. True about high dose dexamethasone suppression test: Tells about the
etiology of Cushing syndrome
7. The most common cause of Cushing's syndrome is Iatrogenic steroids
8. Not a clinical feature of Cushing's syndrome: Menorrhagia
9. Feature not seen in Cushing's syndrome is Hypoglycemia
10. Not a feature of Cushing's disease Episodic hypertension
11. Cushing's disease is associated with Increased ACTH and increased cortisol.
12. Earliest manifestation of Cushing's syndrome: Loss of diurnal variation of
cortisol secretion
13. Not a feature of Addison's disease: Hypertension
14. Addison's disease is not associated with Low renin levels
15. Addison's disease is not characterized by Hyperglycemia
16. Addison's disease is not characterized by Hypocalcemia
17. In Addison's disease, most diagnostic test is ACTH stimulation test
Parathyroid disorders
1. Most common cause of hyperparathyroidism is Adenoma
2. Associated with secondary hyperparathyroidism: Chronic renal failure
3. MC presentation of hyperparathyroidism is Asymptomatic hypercalcemia
4. Not a marker for hyperparathyroidism: Decrease in serum calcitonin.
5. Tufting of the terminal phalanges is seen in Hyperparathyroidism
6. Cyst in the bones are seen in Hyperparathyroidism
7. Brown tumor seen in Hyperparathyroidism
1. Not associated with hypercalcemia Celiac disease
2. Hypercalcemia is not a feature of Tumor lysis syndrome
Metabolic Diseases
Preoperative Assessment
1. Mala-D should be stopped 4 weeks before hysterectomy.
2. Smoking should preferably be stopped8 weeks before surgery.
3. Aspirin should not be stopped now a day.
4. Clopidogrel to be stopped7 days before surgery.
5. Urgent reversal of warfarin therapy can be done by administration of fresh
frozen plasma.
1. Atropine decreases salivation and cause bronchodilatation.
2. Dose of atropine per kg body weight is 0.01 mg.
3. Flushing of face is encountered in children following premedication occurs
with Atropine.
4. Dose of glycopyrrolate for premedication on per kg body weight is 0.005
5. The amnesia produced by midazolam is Antegrade Amnesia.
6. Drug acts through alpha subunit of GABA receptor Benzodiazepine.
Temperature Monitoring
1. Core body temperature It is one degree higher than rectal temperature.
2. Brain temperature is most accurately measured through Tympanic
3. Hypothermia may be defined as core body temperature less than 35°C.
4. For each degree fall in temperature below 37°C cerebral blood flow
decrease by 7%.
5. A 10°C decrease in temperature causes decrease in cerebral metabolic rate
by 70%.
6. Optimal operation theatre temperature should be 21°C.
7. Neuromuscular monitoring during maintenance of anaesthesia is Train of
8. Intraoperative myocardial infarction is best diagnosed by Trans esophageal
9. During blood pressure monitoring deflation rate of cuff should be 3-5
10. Blood pressure during anaesthesiais monitored commonly by Radial artery.
11. Pulse oximeter measures Oxygen saturation of arterial blood.
12. Somatosensory evoked potential will be very useful during Aneurysm
clipping of thoracic aorta.
13. Vein of choice for central venous pressure monitoring is Right internal
14. Most commonly used muscle for neuromuscular monitoring is Adductor
15. During anaesthesia, Brainstem evoked response is least affected.
16. Depth of anaesthesia is measured by Bispectral index.
17. Monitoring of concentration of exhaled CO2- Capnography.
18. Torr can be used as measuring unit in place of mmHg for the measurement
of Gaseous pressure.
19. Noninvasive cardiac output monitoring is by Thoracic Bioimpedance.
20. Best lead to detect ischemia during anaesthesia monitoring Lead V5.
21. CO2 is primarily transported in the arterial blood asBicarbonate.
22. In a patient with mild hypertension which is not effecting his functional
activity will be classified asASA II.
23. Test to demonstrate the presence of collateral circulation of hand is Allen's
24. Full soaked sponge indicates blood loss of 100 ml.
25. Sudden decrease in end tidal CO2 under GA suggests Accidental
General Anaesthesia
1. Propofol intravenous injection causes pain.
2. Propofol is nota Water based preparation.
3. Propofol vial once opened should be used within 6 hours.
4. Agent of choice for day care surgery isPropofol.
1. Etomidate has High incidence of nausea and vomiting.
2. Cardio stable anaesthetic Etomidate.
3. Intravenous Anaesthetic agent safe in heart disease Etomidate.
1. Intravenous dose of ketamine is 2 mg/kg.
2. Anaesthetic agent which can be given by both intravenous and
intramuscular routes Ketamine.
3. Ketamine has a very High analgesic effect.
4. Muscle relaxation is not a property of ketamine.
5. Intravenous agent of choice for uncontrolled asthmatics is Ketamine.
6. Ketamine Increased intracranial tension.
7. Ketamine specifically avoided in patients with head trauma.
8. Intravenous agent has two steroids in structureAlthesin.
9. The incidence of hallucinations after ketamine40%.
10. Most common type of hallucinations after ketamine Auditory.
11. Agent of choice for decreasing hallucinations after ketamine isMidazolam.
12. Ketamine most appropriate choice for Hypothyroidism.
13. Increased cerebral 02 consumption is cause by Ketamine.
1. Inverse agonist of benzodiazepine receptor is Beta-carboline.
2. Not an effect of benzodiazepines Analgesia.
3. In neuroleptanalgesiadroperidol and fentanyl are in ratio of 50: 1.
4. Muscle relaxation will be seen with Midazolam.
5. Post anaesthetic delirium is treated by Diazepam.
6. Decrease gastric emptying time Diazepam.
7. The specific antagonist for benzodiazepines is Flumazenil.
8. Reversal of which benzodiazepine is most, difficult isLorazepam.
9. Amnesia Not fully reversed with flumazenil.
10. The chances of resedation after flumazenil antagonism are minimum
1. Dexmedetomidine is used as an adjuvant
1. Narcotic of choice for outpatientanaesthesia is Remifentanil.
2. The mu (p) opioid receptor is responsible for bronco constriction.
3. Opioids in spinal cord acts on Dorsal horn cells.
4. Most common cause of death in morphine poisoningRespiratory
5. Morphine Increases intracranial tension.
6. Muscle relaxation Not a property of opioids.
7. Morphine is relatively contraindicated in Biliary colic.
8. Sufentanil opioid has maximum plasma protein binding capacity.
9. Fentanyl is used to produce epidural analgesia.
10. Late medullary depression following epidural anaesthesia may be caused
by Morphine.
11. Dose of morphine for epidural analgesia is3-5 mg.
12. In morphine epidural anaesthesia, analgesic effect last for 6-12 hours.
13. Opioid which can cause convulsions is Pethidine.
14. Pethidine should not give with MAO inhibitors.
15. Meperidine less spasmogenic action than morphine.
16. Bradycardia is not seen with Pentazocine.
17. Sufentanil is potent opiod.
18. Opioid of choice for inhibiting stress response to laryngoscopy and
intubation is Sufentanil.
19. Shortest acting intravenous analgesic Remifentanil.
20. Analgesic 100 times potent than morphine is Fentanyl.
21. Buprenorphine has ceiling effect
22. Minimum respiratory depression is caused by Pentazocine.
23. Naloxone does not completely reverse the actions of Buprenorphine.
Inhalational Anesthesia
1. Stage of surgical anaesthesia is Stage III plane 3.
2. The stage of surgical anaesthesia is best indicated by Regular respiration.
3. Nystagmoid eye movement are seen in stage of anaesthesia is Stage II.
4. Dissolved oxygen and total oxygen content in the plasma of the patient will
be, and when he is breathing 100% oxygen (i.e., FIO2 = 1.0) at normal
atmospheric pressure (1 atm)1.7 ml/dl and 21.2 ml/dl.
5. Lacrimation during anaesthesia indicates Light anaesthesia.
6. Stages of anaesthesia were described by Guedel.
7. Stages of anaesthesia were established with Ether.
8. First reflex to goEyelash.
1. Side effect of halothane countered by atropine is Bradycardia.
2. The anaesthetic agent that is Cl in the presence of jaundice Halothane.
3. Malignant hyperthermia is caused by Halothane.
4. Halothane is not recommended for obstetric anaesthesia.
5. Thymol is preservative used for Halothane.
6. Halothane: Beta blocker action.
7. True about halothane is Colorless liquid stored in amber colour bottles
8. Anaesthetic agent that predisposes maximum to arrhythmias is Halothane.
9. Tissue blood solubility coefficient of halothane is greatest in human Fat.
10. Anaesthetic agent maximally absorbed by PVC endotracheal tube
11. Halothane is a poor analgesic.
12. Shivering is observed in early part of post- operative period due to
13. Most acceptable theory for halothane hepatitis Immunologic.
14. Minimum interval between two halothane exposure should be3 months.
15. Increase in intracranial tension is maximum with Halothane.
16. The anaesthetic agent which dissolves in rubberis Halothane.
17. Smooth induction can be given byHalothane.
18. Halothane inhibits hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in a dose related
19. Halothane is hepatotoxic.
20. For surgery of pheochromocytoma, Halothane should not be used.
21. Halothane decreased portal flow most.
1. Agent of choice for cardiac patient is Isoflurane.
2. Maximum vasodilatation is caused by Isoflurane.
3. Least alteration of cardiovascular status is seen with Isoflurane.
4. Isoflurane increases intracranial tension.
1. Spike and wave pattern in EEG is shown by Enfiurane.
2. Maximum decrease in cardiac output is caused1 by Enfiurane.
1. The fastest acting inhalational agent is Desflurane.
2. Desflurane minimally metabolized.
3. In Desflurane rapid induction of anaesthesia occurs.
4. Desflurane: Inhaled anaesthetic of choice for shock.
5. Induction is not smooth with desflurane.
6. Desflurane is structural analogue of isoflurane
7. The anaesthetic agent of choice in renal failure Desflurane.
1. Maximum bronchodilatation in non- asthmatics is produced bySevoflurane.
2. Induction agent of choice in childrenSevoflurane.
3. Sevoflurane degradation to compound A is increased by Use of beryline
instead soda lime.
4. Sevoflurane is more cardio depressant than Isoflurane.
1. Slowest induction and recovery is with Methoxyflurane.
2. Methoxyflurane cannot be used in patients suffering from the renal
disease, Nephrotoxicity is caused by Methoxyflurane.
3. Methoxyflurane has boiling point more than water.
4. Methoxyflurane is maximally metabolized.
1. Highly inflammable Ether.
2. Ether is not used in modern surgical practice because it is Highly explosive.
3. Ether does not inhibit the ciliary activity.
4. Ether is the complete anaesthetic agent.
5. Maximum emesis causing anaesthetic is Diethyl ether.
Neuromuscular-blocking drugs
1. First to be blocked by muscle relaxants and First to recover after muscle
relaxantsis Laryngeal muscles.
2. Site of action of muscle relaxants isMyoneural junction.
3. Mechanism of action of d-tubo curare is Non -depolarizing.
4. Train of four' is characteristically used in concern with Non-depolarizing
neuromuscular blockers.
5. Drug used for reversal of tubo curare -induced neuromuscular block is
6. During anaesthesia with muscle relaxants the vocal cord isinMid position.
Suxamethonium (Succinylchoiine)
1. Suxamethonium is A short acting muscle relaxant.
2. Succinylchoiine is short acting due to Rapid hydrolysis.
3. Fasciculations with succinylchoiine are first seen over Eyelids.
4. Pseudocholinesterase is synthesized by Liver.
5. Succinylchoiine is used in anaesthesia for Intubation.
6. Succinylcholine(suxamethonium) Should be given very rapidly.
7. Systemic effect of succinylchoiine: Hyperkalemia, increased intracranial
tension, masseter spasm.
8. Suxamethonium causes postanesthetic muscular aches.
9. A boy undergoes eye surgery under day care anesthesia with succinyl
choline and propofol and after 8 hours he starts walking and develops
muscle pain. Occur with Succinyl choline.
1. Cis atracurium is preferred over atracurium due to advantage of No
histamine release
1. Mivacurium Onset of action is late.
2. Mivacurium causes Hypotension.
3. Drug used for reversal of tubo curare -induced neuromuscular block is
4. Dose of neostigmine per kg body weight is 0.0.8 mg.
5. Atropine/glycopyrrolate is given along with neostigmine to prevent
muscarinic side effects.
6. Myasthenia gravis sensitivity to curare is increased and scoline is decreased.
7. Most sensitive for patients of myasthenia gravis isGallamine.
8. Non depolarizer of choice for myastheniais Mivacurium.
9. Magnesium and muscle relaxants interaction is Hypermagnesemia
potentiates both depolarizers and non-Depolarizers.
Breathing System
1. Mapleson circuit are Semiclosed.
2. Magill attachment is aMapleson A system.
3. Magill circuit airflow is Equal to minute volume.
4. Fresh airflow rate in Magill circuit should be 10 liters.
5. Bain circuit is modification of Mapleson Type D.
6. Jackson Rees is modification of Type E.
7. Rate of flow of fresh gases through Ayre' s T piece in 1-year-old
spontaneously breathing child is6-7 liters/min.
8. No valves are used to decrease the resistance of airways in children.
9. Jackson Rees is not a coaxial circuit.
10. The most appropriate circuit for ventilating a spontaneously breathing,
infant during anaesthesia isJackson Rees modification of Ayre's T piece.
11. Lack system is modification of type A.
Closed Circuit
1. Soda lime is not used in anaesthesia with Trilene.
2. Sodium hydroxide in soda lime acts as A catalyst.
3. Barylime Less efficient than soda lime.
4. Soda lime used in India (Dura sorb) when fresh is Pink.
5. 100 g of soda lime can absorb liters of carbon dioxideis 25 titres.
6. The optimal size of soda lime is 4-8 mesh.
7. The constitution of soda lime is Ca (OH)2-80%, NaOH -4%.
8. Desiccatedsoda lime can produce carbon monoxide with Desflurane.
1. Resuscitation bag for neonate should not exceed 250 ml.
2. Volume of adult AMBU bag 1,200 ml.
3. Artificial nose is Heat and moisture exchanger.
4. Most commonly used laryngoscope is Macintosh.
5. Type of laryngoscope blade most suitable for newborn isStraight.
E.T. intubation
1. Hypotension is Not seen during laryngoscopy.
2. Normal Thyro mental distance is 6.5 cm.
3. Mallampati score is used in to assess difficulty in intubation in oral cavity.
4. Laryngoscopy requires Flexion at cervical spine.
5. Commonest post- operative complication of intubation is Sore throat.
6. Blind nasal intubation is indicated in TM ankylosis.
7. Endotracheal tube insertion level is 4 cm above carina.
8. Both oral and nasal intubation is Contraindicated in Laryngeal edema.
9. Armored enforced endotracheal tube is used forNeurosurgical anaesthesia.
10. Surest sign of confirmation of intubationCapnography.
11. Gold standard surgical procedure for prevention of aspiration is
12. The narrowest part of trachea in a newborn is at the level ofSub glottis.
13. The adult trachea has diameter of 1.2-1.6 cm.
14. Length of an adult trachea is 10-11 cm.
15. Carina in adult is at the level of T4.
16. In a neonate both bronchi are angled from the vertical at55°.
17. Semon's law indicates that in partial paralysis of bilateral recurrent
laryngeal nerve Abductors go before adductors.
18. In complete bilateral paralysis of recurrent laryngeal nerve there is
Complete loss of speech with stridor and dyspnea.
19. In an adult right bronchus is angled from vertical at 25°.
20. Subglottis is the narrowest part in children up to the age of6 years.
21. During endotracheal intubation in children the pressure in the cuff should
not make it air tight and allow some leakage of air when the pressure is
raised above 30 cmH20.
22. Oral intubation is preferred in children over nasal because There are
increased chances of bleeding from adenoids.
23. The cuff of tracheostomy tube should be Low pressure, high volume.
24. During intubation of newborn to insert endotracheal tube the blade of
laryngoscope isUncuffed tube with straight blade.
25. The pressure required to inflate the cuff of an endotracheal tube is 15-25
26. The purpose of cuff in endotracheal tube is toProvide airtight seal in
27. Reasonable tube size required for 3-year child will be number 4.5 mm.
28. 7 number endotracheal tube means its internal diameter will be7 mm.
29. Bronchoscope is best sterilized with Cidex (2%, Glutaraldehyde).
30. Method of choice for sterilization of endotracheal tube is ETO gas.
31. The temperature of ethylene oxide sterilization during warm cycle is 49-
Miscellaneous Topics
Local Anesthetics
1. Na Bicarbonate given as an adjunct to local anesthetics because 4- onset
time and increase the duration.
2. Shortest duration local anaesthetic is Chloroprocaine.
3. Methemoglobinemia caused by- Prilocaine.
4. Fastest route of absorption of local anaesthetic in nerve blocks is
5. EMLA cream containsXylocaine + prilocaine.
6. In digital block Adrenaline is contraindicated.
7. Local anaestheticwhich is sympathomimeticis Cocaine.
8. First local anaesthetic used was Cocaine.
9. Local anaesthetic agent which has antimuscarinic action on heart muscle
receptors is Cocaine.
10. LA causing vasoconstriction is Cocaine.
Lignocaine / Lidocaine
1. Local anaesthetic is more safe in surface and infiltrating anaesthesia
2. Cardiac or central nervous system toxicity may result when standard
lidocaine doses are administrated to patient with circulatory failure. This is
due to Lidocaine concentration are initially higher in relatively well
perfused tissues such as brain and heart.
3. Maximum safe dose of Lignocaine with adrenaline 7 mg / kg.
4. Concentration of lignocaine used for Bier's block 0.5%.
5. Max permissible concentration of lignocaine when given as topical
application with adrenalineis 10%.
1. Maximum safe dose of bupivacaine2 mg/kg.
2. Longest acting local anaesthetic is Dibucaine.
3. Bupivacaine does not Produces methemoglobinemia.
4. The drug of choice in bupivacaine induced VTis Bretylium
Regional Anesthesia
1. Total spinal nerves are31.
2. Dura extends up toS2.
3. In infant's spinal cord extends up to L3.
4. Adult level of spinal cord is achieved by the age of2 years.
5. Spinal anaesthesia is usually given at L3 - L4.
6. Spinal anaesthesia is preferred in lower abdominal surgeries because it
Shrinks intestines so that other viscera are seen.
7. Patient factor does not affect the height of spinal block isSex.
8. The duration of effect of spinal anaesthesia depends onType of drug used
9. Last to recover in spinal anaesthesiais Preganglionic sympathetic.
10. Most common complication of spinal anaesthesiais Hypotension.
11. Post spinal headache is due to CSF leak from dura.
12. Post spinal headache has occipital and nuchal components.
13. Post spinal headache can be prevented by Use of thinner needle.
14. Average time for persistence of post spinal headache 7-10 days.
15. Most common causative agent for meningitis after spinal subarachnoid
block isStreptococusviridians.
16. Lumbar puncture is dangerous in Intracranial tumours.
17. spinal anaesthesia is not a contraindication Myasthenia gravis.
18. Minidose aspirin Not a contraindication for spinal anaesthesia.
19. Tuohy’s needle is used for Epidural block.
20. Concerning Barbotage Fluid (CSF) is alternately withdrawn and reinjected
under pressure.
21. Caudal block is a kind of Epidural block.
22. Site of action of opioids after epiduralisSubstantia gelatinosa of dorsal horn
23. Treatment of broken epidural catheteris Leave in situ.
24. Most preferred anaesthesia technique for total hip replacement isCombined
spinal epidural.
25. Central neuraxial anesthesia is not contra indicated inPlatelet count
<80.000, patients on oral anticoagulant or iv heparin.
26. Epidural space has negative pressure in80%.
27. Lignocaine can be accumulated in foetus in very significant amount if given
to pregnant mother.
28. Vasopressor of choice for spinal hypotension in pregnancyphenylephrine.
Nerve blocks
1. Highest incidence of pneumothorax occurs when branchial plexus is
blocked by Supraclavicular.
2. For brachial plexus block needie is inserted Lateral to subclavian artery.
3. Nerve spared with axillary approach Musculocutaneous.
1. Cardio stable:AnaestheticEtomidate.
2. Ketamine used as anaesthetic in Cyanotic Heart Disease (Rt. to Lt. Shunt).
3. The reflex reverts back after a spinal anaesthesiaisBulbocavernosus reflex.
4. In a Trauma patient grey color of cannula will resident use to obtain
maximum flow rate.
5. Best position to insert Ryle's tubeissitting with neck flexion.
6. MaHampati grading for airway assessment is grade 4 only hard palate
7. Murphy's eye is seen in Endotracheal tube.
8. Modified MaHampati grading is used in assessment of difficult airway.
9. Most effective circuit in spontaneous anaesthesia in adult is Mapleson A.
10. Mechanism of action of Curanium drugs as muscle relaxant Act
competitively on Ach receptors blocking post-synaptically.
11. Nerve to be used for monitoring anaesthesia is ulnar nerve.
12. A3 yrs old child with heart rate 140/minundergo squint surgery, after
anaesthesia heart rate becomes 40/min, next appropriate stepis inj.
13. Trilene is degraded by chemical degradation.
General Consideration
Articular Fractures
1. Most often open reduction of fracture is required in Unsatisfactory
Operative Intervention
1. Ender's nail is a type of flexible intramedullary nail.
Complications in Orthopedics
1. The source of the fat emboli is probably the Bone marrow
2. Prophylactic measures for prevention of DVT and pulmonary embolism
includes; Use of elastic stockings or graduated compression stockings, early
mobilization and encouragement of exercises and administration of low
molecular weight heparin.
Tendons and Soft tissue Injury
1. The contraindications to primary repair of a flexor tendon injury include
Contaminated wound and Inexperienced surgeon, Compromised general
condition of the patient prohibiting prolonged anesthetic.
2. The most important structural component of connective tissue is collagen.
Type 1 collagen is the most abundant in the human body and type 2 collagen
is found in articular cartilage. The basement membrane collagens type 4 and
5, do not form regular fibers
3. Concerning soft tissue repair; the first stage involves a formation of
granulation tissue, the initial pattern of collagen fibers and the degrees of
waviness is random and therefore not as functional as the normal structure,
Early immobilization, regulated physical stimuli, and good vascular supply
are beneficial to healing
4. Palmaris longus most common source of tendon grafts
5. The various types of suturing techniques for tendon repair includes Tajima,
Bunnell, Kessler.
6. Pulvertaft weave is a technique of Tendon repair.
7. In reconstruction of limb, Bone fixation is done first.
Injuries of Upper Limb
Shoulder Anatomy
1. Bankart's lesion is avulsion of glenoid labrum.
2. Muscle crossing through the shoulder joint is long head of Biceps.
Dislocation of Shoulder
1. Posterior dislocation of shoulder is usually seen in Electric shock and
2. Techniques for reduction of a dislocation shoulder are Kocher's maneuver,
Surgical reduction and Hippocrates' maneuver.
3. The Hill Sachs' lesion is Depression in the posterolateral aspect of the head
of the humerus.
4. In posterior dislocation of glenohumeral joint, instability is tested by Jerk
5. In an uncomplicated dislocation of the glenohumeral joint, the humeral
head usually dislocates Anteriorly.
6. Dugas' sign, Hamilton's ruler test and Callaway's Test are clinical signs for
Anterior dislocation of shoulder.
7. In posterior dislocation of shoulder Reverse Hill Sachs' Lesion is seen on
Anteromedial aspect of humeral head.
8. Anterior dislocation of shoulder is most commonly complicated by Axillary
nerve injury.
Forearm Fracture
1. Essex Lopresti lesion in upper limb Injury to the interosseous membrane.
2. Axis of upper limb passes through Capitellum.
Colles' Fracture
1. Colles fracture is best managed by closed means.
2. Dislocation of the inferior radioulnar joint and fracture head of radius is
seen in Essex Lopresti dislocation
3. Fractures involving the dorsal articular margin of the distal radius and
associated with subluxation or dislocation of the carpus dorsally are
referred to as Dorsal Barton's fracture
4. Common displacements after Colles' fracture include Dorsal displacement,
Radial shortening, Impaction
5. Dinner fork deformity is seen in Colles fracture
6. The commonest complication of Colies' fracture is Malunion
7. Chauffeur's fracture is Fracture of the radial styloid process.
8. Extensor pollicis longus (EPL) is ruptured frequently after fracture of the
lower end of radius.
9. Smith's fracture is fracture of the distal radius with volar displacement of
the distal fragment.
10. Colies' fracture the most common fracture of elderly
11. The complications of a malunited Colies' fracture are reflex sympathetic
dystrophy, carpal tunnel syndrome and carpal instability
12. Extensor pollicis longus tendon gets involved in Colies' fracture
13. Garden spade deformity is seen in Smith's fracture
14. Above-elbow cast with forearm in supination is the management of smith's
15. # At lower end of radius are Smith's fracture, Cole's fracture and Barton's
16. Barton's fracture is Intra-articular fracture distal end radius with carpal
bone subluxation
Zones of Hand
1. The muscle involved commonly in Volkmann's ischemic contracture is Flexor
digitorum profundus.
2. Allen test is a clinical test used to determine The adequacy of the radial or
ulnar artery
3. Flexion of the proximal interphalangeal joint with the adjacent digits held in
extension is seen for Isolated flexor digitorum superficialis tendon.
4. Zone II carries the poorest prognosis following injury and repair.
5. That area between the distal palmar crease and the middle of middle
phalangeal is known as no man's land
Injuries of Lower Limb
1. Avulsion fracture of the anterior inferior iliac spine is because of the violent
contraction of the Straight head of the Rectus femoris muscle.
2. The imaginary semicircular line joining medial cortex of the femoral neck to
lower border of the superior pubic ramus is called (On X-Ray) Shenton's line
3. Membranous part of urethra is most commonly injured following pelvic
4. Crescent fracture is Dislocation of SI joint with fracture of iliac blade
5. Langenbeck Kocher approach is best for posterior column fractures.
6. Jumper's fracture is seen in pelvis
7. Late complication of fracture acetabulum is Osteoarthritis of the hip joint.
1. The Thomas test is used to reveal fixed Flexion deformity at the hip joint.
2. The abduction contracture at the hip joint is evaluated clinically by the
Ober's test.
3. Nelaton's line is drawn with the hip in 90o flexion a line joining the anterior
superior iliac spine (ASIS) and the ischial tuberosity passes through the
greater trochanter tip.
4. Trendelenburg gait is due to paralysis of Gluteus mediums muscle
5. Gluteus maximus is known as pelvic deltoid of Henry.
1. In Anterior dislocation of the hip there is true lengthening of the concerned
lower limb.
2. Complications of hip dislocation are Sciatic nerve injury, Osteoarthritis and
Myositis ossificans.
1. Stellate fractures are seen in all bones except Femur
2. Southern approach is best used for the surgical treatment of Fracture neck
of the femur.
3. Pulmonary Embolism can be the cause if a patient after hip replacement
develops severe chest pain and CVS collapse.
4. Metal articulation should be avoided in Young female.
5. Increase in Pauwels angle indicate more chances of displacement
6. commonest complication of trans-cervical fracture of femur is Avascular
7. The most common site of fracture neck of femur that causes avascular
necrosis is sub-capital.
8. In fracture neck femur, the causes of non-union include injury to blood
supply and shearing stress.
9. The commonest hip injury in the elderly patient is usually Extracapsular
10. Prosthetic replacement of femoral head is indicated for Subcapital fracture
neck femur
11. Malunion is the commonest complication of extracapsular fracture of neck
of femur.
Fracture Tibia
1. Delayed union of the tibia in the presence of an intact fibula is an indication
for Fibular segmental excision
2. Ilizarov fixator is best for fracture lower l/3rd of tibia, later presented with
discharging sinuses and shortening.
3. In F=fracture of the head of fibula, the following nerves are involved;
Common peroneal nerve, Superficial peroneal Nerve and Anterior Tibial
4. The Ilizarov device aids in management of tibial fractures because of its
ability to Stabilize acute fractures, Correct angular deformities in cases of
malunion, transport bone by distraction callotasis and noninvasively
provide fixation for juxta-articular fractures, such as the tibial plateau and
5. 20 degree is acceptable angulation after reducing the fracture tibia
6. Treatment of choice for non-united fracture of lower l/4th tibia with
multiple discharging sinuses & various puckered scar with 4 cm shortening
of leg is Ilizarov fixator
Fracture Talus
1. Avascular necrosis is a complication of fracture of talus
2. Most common complication of fracture talus is Osteoarthritis of subtalar
3. Hawkins sign seen in AVN of the talus.
Fracture Calcaneum
1. Reduce Bohler's angle is seen in fracture of Calcaneum
Trauma (Pediatrics)
Epiphyseal Injury
1. The most severe epiphyseal growth disturbance is likely to result from
Crushing injury compressing the growth plate
2. Avulsion fracture of distal tibial physis anterolaterally occurring in
adolescents is called Tillaux fracture.
3. The lower radius curve forward carrying with it the carpus and hand, but
leaving the lower ulna sticking out as a lump on the back of the wrist is
known as Madelung's deformity
4. Thurston Holland sign is seen in Type - II epiphyseal injury
5. Type VI Rang's injury includes Perichondrial ring injury
Fracture Olecranon
1. The most common modality of treatment used for olecranon fracture
(displaced) isTBW
Spinal Injuries
1. The commonest site of fracture in senile osteoporosis is the Vertebra
2. Indications for surgical intervention in a case of spinal trauma include: an
unstable injury of the vertebral column Partial neurological deficit with CT
or MRI proven compromise of the spinal canal, Partial improvement of the
neurological deficit while on conservative management, For the purpose of
nursing care.
3. When a person falls from height and lands on his feet the chances of spinal
injury are very high, the area in the vertebral column most likely to sustain
an injury is the Dorso-lumbar junction
4. Wedge compression is a stable fracture
5. Burst fracture of spine is a type of Compression injury
6. Aortic aneurysm surgery complication causing paraplegia involves artery of
7. Most common site for trauma of spine is cervical
8. Motorcyclist's fracture is hinge fracture of base of skull
Whiplash Injury
1. Lateral swimmer's view is helpful for lower cervical spine
2. Whiplash injury is Spinal cord injury without vertebral fracture.
3. "Whiplash" injury is caused due to Acute hyperextension of the spine
Advanced Orthopedics
1. The "Q angle" is the angle between the line of the patellar ligament and
the line of pull of the quadriceps
2. Blumensaat's line is used to radiologically diagnose an anatomical
condition called patella alta. It is drawn through the roof of the
intercondylar notch of femur.
3. Bowler's thumb is rupture of the ulnar collateral ligament at the first
metacarpo-phalangeal joint
4. Cricketer while catching a ball gets hit on thumb, damage should you look
for specifically Ulnar collateral ligament
5. LP: LT ratio (LP being length of patella and LT being the length of the
tendon) less than 1.00 indicates Patella alta
Nerve Injuries
Nerve Injury
1. Wallerian degeneration is the process of degeneration distal to a point of
injury to a nerve.
2. Radial nerve has the best prognosis
3. Tinel sign is used for to assess the recovery of the nerve
Median Nerve
1. Major causalgia develops after injury to a major mixed nerve, most
commonly the Median nerve
2. APE thumb deformity is seen following injury to Median nerve
3. A "true claw-hand" of severe type results from a combined lesion of median
and ulnar nerves at the elbow
4. Pointing index is because of Median nerve injury
5. Features of anterior interosseous nerve (AIN) syndrome include Inability to
perform OK-sign (approximate thumb and tip of index finger). AIN is
entrapped under pronator teres, flexor digitorum profundus, flexor carpi
radialis. Conservative treatment generally, surgery rarely.
6. Loss of sensation in lateral 3andl/2 finger, test done are Phalen test, Tinel
sign, Tourniquet test
7. Compression of a nerve within the carpal tunnel products inability to
oppose the thumb
Basic Physiology
1. Functions of the PTH hormone includes maintenance of blood calcium levels
by resorption of bone, Lowers serum phosphorous levels by inhibiting
tubular resorption of phosphate and Stimulates osteoclasis.
2. The levels of alkaline phosphatase occur in greatest concentrations in
Intestinal mucosa, Bone, Kidney
3. Pin head stippling is a characteristic feature of (on skull X-ray)
4. The various microscopic zones of the growth plate are Zone of resting
cartilage, Zone of proliferating chondrocytes, Zone of maturing
5. Nutrition of a articular cartilage is derived from (in adults) Synovial fluid
6. Physiologically the functions of calcium are Blood coagulation,
Neuromuscular excitability and Muscular contraction
7. Long bones in adults derive their blood supply from Epiphyseal and
metaphyseal blood vessels, Nutrient arteries and Periosteal vessels
8. Alkaline phosphatase in Heterotrophic ossification is the most important
investigation you would do for management
9. Brown tumour seen in Hyperparathyroidism
10. Chvostek's sign is positive in Hypoparathyroidism
Rickets &Osteomalacia
1. Radiological features of rickets are Delayed appearance of the epiphysis,
Widening of the epiphyseal plate and Flaring of the metaphyseal cortices
outward (trumpeting)
2. Causes of genu valgum are Rickets, osteomalacia, Charcot's disease and
Post traumatic
3. The causes of dwarfism are Achondroplasia, Cretinism and Multiple
epiphyseal dysplasias
4. Decreased mineralization of epiphyseal plate in a growing child is seen in
5. Rickets in infant can present as Craniotabes, Widened fontanel and
Rachitic rosary
6. S. alkaline phosphatase is a persistent biochemical marker of rickets
7. Windswept deformity is seen in Rickets
8. Milkman's fracture is type of Pseudofracture
9. Looser's zones are seen in Osteomalacia
10. Increased alkaline phosphate in seen rickets, osteomalacia,
hypophosphatemia, primary hyperthyroidism.
11. Osteomalacia may present with pseudo-fractures.
1. Radiological features of scurvy are White line of Frankel, Pelkan spur and
Wimberger's line
2. The disease that results in deficient hydroxylation of the pro-alpha chains
of collagen is known as Scurvy
3. Bone in scurvy affected by Less formation of osteoid matrix.
1. Singh's index is a grading for Osteoporosis
2. Radiological feature of osteomalacia are Diffuse rarefaction of bones,
Presence of loser's zones and Protrusio acetabuli.
3. Teriparatide, Calcitonin and Bisphosphonate are used in osteoporosis for
decreasing bone resorption and increasing bone formation.
4. Risk factors for osteoporosis are Early menopause, Oophorectomy or
Hysterectomy and Cigarette smoking
5. Drugs that causes osteoporosis on long term usage are Steroids, Dilantin
sodium and Warfarin.
6. Osteoporosis may be characterized by decreased bone density, wasting of
muscles, loser's zone seen
7. Causes of osteoporosis include Thyrotoxicosis, Chronic heparin therapy and
Old age
8. Most common site of involvement in osteoporosis is vertebrae (spine
9. Treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis is Estrogen
10. Alendronate, Etidronate and Strontium decreases bone resorption in
1. In fluorosis, Chief complaints are pain in the back joints associated with
stiffness of spine and paresthesias in the limbs. In advanced stages patient
has spastic paraparesis, X-ray of spine reveals increased density and
calcification of posterior longitudinal ligaments
2. CT scan is best for diagnosing posterior Longitudinal ligament calcification.
Pediatric Orthopedics
Limb Deficiencies
1. Pollicization is Reconstruction of thumb
2. Phocomelia is best described as Defect in development of long bones
1. The femoral head-acetabular relationship after the head has fully ossified is
expressed (on X-ray) by CE angle of Wiberg
2. The sagging rope sign on AP view of hip is a sclerotic line running across the
femoral neck. It is a radiological relic of former Perthes' disease.
3. The causes of a painful limb are Slipped femoral epiphysis, TB of the hip and
Perthes disease
4. Soutter’s release is done for release of contracture at Hip
5. The causes of coxa vara are Malunion of trochanteric fracture, Congenital,
Rickets and osteomalacia.
6. Fairbanks' triangle is seen in Infantile coxa vara
7. Chiari osteotomy involves medial displacement of the acetabulum
8. Autosomal dominant Inheritance pattern is not a feature of metaphyseal
dysplasia i.e. Pyle's disease
g -fhe features of Ollier's disease are; The fingers or toes contain multiple
enchondromata, An affected limb is short and Common deformities include
valgus or varus at the knee
10. Accessory calcaneum is the commonest accessory bone of the foot
11. Egger's method is performed for correction of combined flexion deformities
of the hip and knee in cerebral plays
12. Steindler's procedure is done for correction of Pes cavus
13.Cleft foot also called partial adactyly is an anomaly in which a single cleft extends
proximally into the foot
14. Congenital flat foot is also called rigid flat foot or congenital vertical talus. The
calcaneum is in equinus and the talus points almost vertically downwards. The
middle of the sole is the most important part of the foot (rocker bottom foot)
Bone Dysplasia
1. Apert’s syndrome is a type of craniofacial dysplasia
2. Regarding multiple epiphyseal dysplasia Misdiagnosis as Legg-Calve-
Perthes disease is common.
3. Dwarfism is the clinical features differentiates a predominantly meta-
physeal or diaphyseal dysplasia and dysplasia with epiphyseal involvement
4. Bone dysplasia is invariably seen due to developmental defect
Cleidocranial Dysostosis
1. Features of achondroplasia are Brachycephaly, Exaggerated lumbar lordosis
and Trident hand
2. Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia is associated with Atlantoaxial instability,
Scoliosis and Coxa vara
3. Absent lateral l/3rd of clavicle is seen in Cleidocranial dysostosis
Osteochondritis / Osteochondrosis
1. Commonest site for osteochondritis dissecans in the elbow is Capitulum
2. Apophysitis of the tibial tubercle is known as Osgood-Schlatter's disease
Bone Tumor
General Classification of Tumors
1. The accepted treatment options for osteoid osteoma are Block excision of
the nidus, Shaving of reactive bone till the nidus is encountered and then
curetting the nidus, Introduction of a k wire into the nidus after CT
localization and then introduction of a Biopsy punch over the wire.
2. Ivory exostoses (compact osteoma) is seen in adolescents or young adults,
Usually seen on the outer surface of the skull and on the subcutaneous
surface of tibia, If it occurs on the inner table of the skull It may cause focal
1. Ominous symptom in enchondroma signaling malignant change as is Pain in
the absence of fracture
2. The most common site for an exostoses is around the knee joint.
3. Ollier’s disease is a rare condition which features many cartilaginous tumors
appear in both the large and small tubular bones and in flat bones.
Deformities resulting from the tumors include shortening caused by lack of
epiphyseal growth.
Non Ossifying Fibroma/Fibrous Cortical Defect
1. Tamoxifen is supposed to reduce the size of Desmoplastic fibroma
2. Non ossifying fibroma is a development defect in which a nest of fibrous
tissue appears in bone and persists. Commonest sites are metaphysis or
long bones, If the defect is large may require curettage and bone grafting
3. Radiological appearance classically described as 'Ground Glass' appearance
in Fibrous Dysplasia
4. Shepherd Crook deformity is a feature Fibrous dysplasia
1. 'Corduroy' appearance on X-ray is a characteristic feature of (on X-ray for
the spine) Hemangioma
1. Histological features of osteosarcoma are Malignant cartilage, Large
stromal cells resembling osteoblasts with malignant characteristics like
anisocytosis, nuclear pyknosis, pleomorphism, Direct formation of tumor
osteoid and bone by the malignant connective tissue
2. Osteosarcomas occur most commonly at Lower end of femur
3. X-ray findings of osteosarcoma are Hazy osteolytic areas may alternate with
unusually dense osteoblastic areas, the endosteal margin is poorly defined,
Codman's triangle is the reactive new bone which forms at the angle of
periosteal elevation.
4. Osteosarcoma is radio-resistant
5. Osteosarcoma is a pulsating bone tumor
Ewing's Sarcoma
1. Treatment of choice in Ewing's tumor is Chemotherapy and radiotherapy
2. Onion peel appearance is often associated with Ewing's sarcoma
3. A patient with Ewing sarcoma having radio & chemo therapy with fever
Indicates poor prognosis
1. Chordoma arises from Sacrum, Vertebrae and Clavicle
Bone Metastasis
1. Osteosclerotic lesions are seen in Prostate carcinoma.
2. Intra-arterial perfusion of drugs such as doxorubicin and cisplatin have
been found useful in reducing the size of osteosarcomas, facilitate limb
sparing resection and assist in the choice of post-operative protocol
Multiple Myeloma
1. The complications of multiple myeloma are pathological # anylrdosisd
impaired immune function
2. Hypercalcemia is associated with Multiple myeloma
1. Mangled extremity severity score includes Ischaemic shock, Cardiogenic,
Energy of wound
Level of Amputation
1. The Known complication of Boyd's amputation Posterior migration of the
heel pad
2. The most common complication following Chopart's amputation Severe
equinovarus deformity
3. The ideal length of bone for a below knee stump is 12.5 cm to 17.5 cm
4. The best site for performing a conventional above knee amputation is 9 to
10 cm proximal to the knee
5. Ideal length for a above elbow amputation is at least 3.8 cm proximal to
the elbow
6. The Structures removed in a forequarter amputation are Scapula, Humerus
and Lateral border of the clavicle
7. Amputation of the foot does not involve sectioning of the calcaneum in
Lisfranc’s amputation
8. Syme's amputation is an amputation at Ankle joint
9. Post radical neck dissection syndrome includes Shoulder drooping ,
Restricted range of movement of shoulder joint and Shoulder pain
10. Knee disarticulation has the advantages over above-knee amputation of
Longer lever arm.
Mid foot Amputations
1. The advantages of the Jaipur foot over the conventional such foot are that
it is suitable for bare foot walking, Allows movement at fore foot and
2. True about SACH Lower limb prosthesis is Central wooden keel, Shoes
Miscellaneous questions
1. Terminal overgrowth of bones (in amputed stumps) is a frequent
complication of amputations in children bones most commonly overgrow is
2. Krukenberg's operation is a type of operation which splits the radius and
ulna to provide crocodile type jaws with sensation
3. Amputations in children. Disarticulation is preferable to mid shaft
amputation. Painful phantom sensations are unusual in Children.
Malignant tumors account for more than half of the amputations
performed for non-traumatic causes
4. Tension myodesis is contraindicated in amputations done for Ischemia
5. The most common cause of pain in an amputation stump especially those
resulting from traumatic injuries is a neuroma located near the end of the
6. Phantom limb Follows amputation
7. Treatment of neuroma after amputation TENS
8. The features of Gorham's diseases (Disappearing Bones) are Progressive
disappearance of bone associated with multiple hemangiomatosis or
multiple lymphangiectasis, Usually the progression involves contiguous
bones, but occasionally multiple sites are "affected , Patients present with
mild pain or with pathological fracture
9. The commonest site for a glomus tumor is the Phalanges
10. Background lesions simulating bone tumors are Fibrous dysplasia, Bone
Island and Bone infarct
1. Radio scintigraphy has high sensitivity but low specificity for diagnosis in
the early stages of acute osteomyelitis.
2. An acute metaphyseal osteomyelitis around Hip joint can complicate into
acute septic arthritis
3. The commonest site for acute osteomyelitis in adults is the Thoracolumbar
4. Salmonella osteomyelitis is most common in people with Sickle cell disease
5. Bony change on X-ray signs of acute osteomyelitis are seen after 10 days
6. In acute hematogenous osteomyelitis of childhood, the earliest microscopic
changes in bone are in the Metaphyseal-physeal junction
7. First site to involve in hematogenous osteomyelitis is Metaphysis
8. Hematogenous osteomyelitis most frequently affects the metaphysis of
long bones.
Chronic Osteomyelitis
1. Chronic discharging sinus is the commonest presenting complaint in
chronic osteomyelitis (LQ)
2. Known complications chronic osteomyelitis are Pathological fracture,
Amyloidosis and Septicemia
3. The sequestrum appears dense on X-ray because Of loss of blood supply,
the sequestrum is not decalcified
4. Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis has a predilection for the metaphysis of
long bones this is because Peculiar arrangement of the blood vessels in
that area, The metaphysis is subject to trauma, The number of
macrophages in the metaphysis in lesser when compared to the diaphysis
5. The commonest cause for a persisting discharging sinus in a cases of
chronic osteomyelitis is Presence of a sequestrum
6. Pseudoarthrosis is seen in all the following; Fracture, Idiopathic and
Infective Arthritis
1. Tom smith arthritis is the Septic arthritis of infancy
2. Septic arthritis of the hip joint seen in infancy is called Tom smith's arthritis
3. The known complication of acute septic arthritis are Deformity& stiffness,
pathological dislocation & secondary OA
Skeletal Tuberculosis
1. Spina ventosa is Spindle shaped expansion of the bone seen in TB dactylitis
2. Caries sicca is the characteristic feature of Tuberculosis of shoulder joint
3. Night cries are typical of Tuberculous arthritis
4. Paradiscal Region is the commonest site for tuberculosis of the vertebral
5. Features of osteoarticular TB are ; Generally monoarticular, Night cries and
Severe osteoporosis
6. The commonest location for a Tuberculous Bursa is Gluteal bursa
7. The chief difference in the granulomas of tuberculosis and other
granulomatous conditions like brucellosis, mycosis and sarcoidosis is
(pathologically) presence of caseation necrosis
8. A Mantoux tests is negative despite the presence of active tuberculosis in all
of the following condition; Severe disseminated TB, Steroid therapy and
Immuno incompetent state
9. Bird's nest appearance on X-Ray of dorsal spine is a feature of TB spine
10. In tuberculosis of spine, best diagnostic modality is CT guided biopsy
11. Tuberculosis of Bone Is Pauci bacillary and hematogenous
12. Percutaneous vertebroplasty is not done for TB
1. The synovium in TB knee is thickened and doughy to feel, it is best
palpated on the Medial aspect of the knee
1. Reasons for limb shortening in TB hip are Adduction deformity, Bone and
cartilage destruction, Growth plate defects in children
2. Radiological findings in TB of the hip are Haziness of the juxta articular bone,
Reduction of joint space and "Wandering acetabulum"
3. In tuberculous synovitis of the hip joint the position of the hip is Flexion,
abduction and external rotation
Hand Infections
1. Acute infection of the pulp space of the hand is called Whitlow or felon
2. Cardinal signs of suppurative tenosynovitis as subscribed by Kanavel are
Tenderness over the involved sheath, Rigid positioning of the finger in
flexion and Swelling of the affected part
Osteoarthritis (O.A)
1. Tetracycline have a therapeutic role in treatment of osteoarthritis this is
because of It inactivates the matrix metalloproteinases and thus protects
the cartilage
2. The accepted methods of surgical treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee
joint are Arthroscopic debridement of the joint, Transplantation with fresh
cadaver osteochondral allografts, Proximal tibial osteotomy
3. Radiological features of osteoarthritis are Osteophyte formation, Narrowing
of joint space and Sub articular cysts
4. Causes of secondary osteo arthritis Slipped capital femoral epiphysis,
Neuropathic joint disease, Prior bone disease
5. Standing films with 6 degrees of knee flexion is best for OA
6. Intra-articular hyaluronic acid is now an approved disease modifying agent
for OA. It improves joint affected by OA by Promoting the regeneration of
7. Kashin beck disease is a type of endemic OA
8. Triple deformity of the knee is present in Tuberculosis of knee
9. In patients with osteoarthritis of knee joint , atrophy occurs most commonly
in Quadriceps
10. Premature OA is a articular manifestation of Wilson's disease
11. A patient presented with painful and swollen knee. On X-ray he was
diagnosed as Ostearthritis Ahlbeck grade 3. Treatment is Knee replacement
12. Heberden's nodes are the Swollen DIP classically in OA
High Tibial Osteotomy
1. High tibial osteotomy is Indicated in unicompartmental osteoarthritis,
Performed through cancellous bone, Recurrence is a long term
Rheumatoid Arthritis
1. The most common tendon rupture in Rheumatoid arthritis is Extensor
pollicis longus
2. The manifestation of RA are Carpal tunnel syndrome , Olecranon bursitis
and Atlanto axial subluxation
3. The classical deformity of rheumatoid hand is Swan-neck finger
4. Rheumatoid factor (RF) is an autoantibody directed against the Fc fragment
of the IgG
5. Causes for a positive test for Rheumatoid factor other than Rheumatoid
arthritis include Systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjogren's syndrome,
Vasculitis such as polyarteritis nodosa
6. Subcutaneous nodules in rheumatoid arthritis are commonly seen at
Elbow, Occipital part of the scalp and Achilles tendon
7. Olecranon bursitis is not part of the Diagnostic criteria for rheumatoid
arthritis as described by the American rheumatology association.
8. Joint least commonly involved in RA according to 1987 modified ARA
criteria is Tarsometatarsal
9. DIP joints of finger joint is spared in rheumatoid arthritis
10. A lady having flexion at proximal interphalangeal joint and hyperextension
at distal interphalangeal joint of index finger is called Boutonniere
11. Rheumatoid arthritis is not associated with Heberden's Nodes
12. In rheumatoid arthritis, pathology starts in the Synovium
13. Indication of systemic steroids in rheumatoid arthritis is Mononeuritis
14. Windswept deformity in foot is seen in RA
Loose Bodies
1. Osteochondritis dissecans is the most common source of loose bodies in
the knee joint
Seronegative Spondyloarthropathy
1. The features of Ankylosing Spondylitis are Bamboo spine, Romans sign and
Squaring of the vertebral bodies
2. Ankylosing spondylitis primary affects Spine, Axial skeleton, Large proximal
joints of the body
3. HLA B27 is histocompatibility antigens associated with ankylosing spondylitis
4. Extra skeletal sites of inflammation and post inflammatory fibrous tissue
deposition in ankylosing spondylitis include Uveal tract, Aortic root wall,
Apical lung parenchyma
5. Sacroiliac joint involvement in ankylosing spondylitis may be elicited by
Bilateral compression of the pelvis, Gaenslen's sign
6. Earliest radiological changes in AS occur in the Sacroiliac joint
7. Arthritis Mutilans is a particularly disabling form of rheumatological
conditions is Psoriatic arthritis
8. Polyarthritis, conjunctivitis and nonspecific urethritis are characteristic of
Reiter's syndrome
9. Radiographic features of psoriatic arthritis are Fluffy periostitis of the large
joints, Pencil in cup appearance of DIP joints, Bony ankylosis of the DIP
joints, of the hands and toes
10. Most common cause of reactive arthritis is S. flexneri
11. Bony ankylosis occurs in Ankylosing spondylitis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Septic
12. Wrist & elbow is not involved in ankylosing spondylitis
13. In ankylosing spondylitis, radiological change are first seen in Sacro-iliac
14. Earliest investigation for diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis MRI STIR
1. Classic hemophilia is due to deficiency of Factor VIII
2. An acute bleed into a joint in cases of hemophilia should be managed in
Factor replacement, Analgesics may be given for pain relief, Immobilization
for a day or two
3. Surgery in hemophiliacs is associated with high mortality. Following are the
recommendations of Post and Telfer as regarding the surgical technique in
hemophiliacs; Meticulous aseptic technique, Tight careful wound closure to
avoid dead space , No intra muscular injection post operatively
4. The most common site for a pseudotumor like growth that appears in
hemophilic arthropathy is Iliopsoas
Avascular Necrosis
1. Avascular necrosis of Scaphoid occurs in the fracture proximal fragment
because of Retrograde Blood flow in Scaphoid
2. MRI detects femoral head ischemia in avascular necrosis of the femur, the
3. Vascular fibular grafting for avascular necrosis of the hip has been
described by Urbaniak.
Additional Questions
1. The setting time for standard PMMA bone cement is 8-10 mins
Dupuytren's Contracture
1. Dupuytren's contracture is Inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, High
incidence in epileptics receiving Phenytoin sodium, Most common in people
of European (Anglo-Saxon) descent
2. Dupuytren's disease commonly involves the palmar aponeurosis, Grayson's
ligament and the peritendinous bands.
Stenosing Flexor Tenosynovitis (Trigger Finger)
1. Kanavel's sign is seen in Tenosynovitis, of flexor tendon sheath of fingers
Hallux Valgus
1. The procedures for correction of hallux valgus are Chevron osteotomy,
Keller's technique and Mitchell osteotomy
2. The most important determinant of a successful outcome following surgery
for hallux valgus is thorough preoperative assessment
Drug Eruptions
1. Tzanck test is used in the diagnosis of Pemphigus vulgaris.
2. Target (Iris) lesions are seen in Erythema multiforme.
Common Fungal Diseases
Differential Diagnosis
1. Spongiosis is seen in Acute eczema.
Atopic Dermatitis
1. Characteristic feature of atopic dermatitis is Pruritus.
2. 'Itch is disease' is true for Atopic dermatitis.
3. Dennie-Morgan fold is seen in Atopic dermatitis.
4. M. C. site of Atopic Dermatitis Antecubital fossa.
Contact Dermatitis
1. In India, the plant which causes dermatitis most commonly is Parthenium
2. Most common cause of allergic contact dermatitis in Indian female is Dyes.
3. Air-borne contact dermatitis can be diagnosed by Patch test.
4. Patch test is done to document Delayed type hypersensitivity.
5. For severe air borne contact dermatitis, the most appropriate drug for
treatment is Azathioprine.
6. Coin shaped eczema is Nummular eczema.
Erythro Derma
1. Cause of erythroderma is Psoriasis.
2. Gold poisoning leading to exfoliative dermatitis is treated by Steroid.
1. Recurrent urticaria while doing exercise and on exposure to sunlight is due
to Cholinergic utricaria.
2. Dermographism is a type of physical urticaria.
3. Urticarial lesions are best described as Evanescent.
4. Tongue swelling, neck swelling, stridor, hoarseness of voice occurs in
Angioneurotic edema.
5. In Cl Esterase Inhibitor deficiency episodic painful edema of face and larynx
is seen.
6. Recurrent swelling on face and lips due to emotional stress, is due to Cl
esterase inhibitor deficiency.
7. In angioneurotic edema non-Pitting edema of face, lips and mucous
membrane is seen.
Inflammatory Disorders
Drug Eruptions
1. Recurrent plaques on glans which heal with residual hyperpigmentation
Develops in Fixed Drug Eruption.
1. Most common site of Erythema nodosum is Legs.
2. The treatment of choice of sweet syndrome is Corticosteroids.
3. Pyoderma gangrenosum is seen in Ulcerative colitis.
4. Temporal arteritis is also known as giant cell arteritis.
1. Typhoid followed by hair fall is suggestive of Telogen effluvium
2. Growing phase of hair isAnagen.
3. Pseudopelade is a type of Cicatricial alopecia.
4. Cicatricial alopecia is seen in Discoid lupus erythematosus.
5. Treatment of alopecia areata includes Minoxidil
6. Scarring alopecia is associated with Lichen planus.
Nail Diseases
Blistering Diseases
1. Recurrent oral ulcers with yellow base erythematous surrounding & nodules
in extensor aspect of legs seen in Behcet's syndrome.
2. Granular IgA deposit at dermal papilla are found in Dermatitis Herpetiformis.
3. Inter cellular IgG deposition in epidermis is seen in Pemphigus.
4. Persistent painful oral lesions, with acantholytic cells seen in Pemphigus
5. HLA B8 associated with Dermatitis herpetiform.
6. Most common site of herpes gestationis is Peri umbilical region
7. Intraepidermal blisters are seen Pemphigus foliaceus.
8. Tzanck cell is a Keratinocyte.
9. In Tzanck smear, multinucleated giant cells are seen in Herpes simplex.
10. Dyskeratosis is a feature of Darier's disease.
11. Tzanck smear in a patient of bullous lesions shows Acantholytic cells.
12. Porphyria cutanea tarda can be treated by Low dose chloroquine.
13. Vesicles are never seen m Measles.
14. Ballooning is a characteristic feature of Herpes zoster.
15. Rarest variety of pemphigus is Pemphigus vegetans.
16. Acantholysis is characteristic of Pemphigus vulgaris.
17. Tzanck smear is useful for diagnosis of Herpes infection.
18. In erythema multiform Vesicle and bullae are seen.
19. Acantholysis is seen in the Epidermis.
20. A bullous eruption of skin associated with pregnancy Herpes gestationis.
21. Erythema multiforme can have both intra and sub epidermal bullae.
22. In congenital dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa defect is seen in Collagen
type 7
1. Leprosy doesn't affect Ovaries.
2. The most effective drug against M. leprae is Rifampicin.
3. Most sensitive index to assess the drug effectiveness in skin smears of
leprosy patient is Morphological index.
4. Maximum suppression of cell-mediated immunity occurs in Lepromatous
5. Negative smear is seen in Neuritic type leprosy.
6. Multidrug therapy is employed in leprosy in order to prevent drug resistance
7. Dose of dapsone in LEPROSY is 1-2 mg/kg.
8. Daily dose of thalidomide for controlling ENL is 200-400 mg.
9. Half-life of dapsone is 24 hours.
10. Drug of choice in type II Lepra reaction with severe neuritis is Systemic
11. Lagophthalmos is seen in Leprosy.
12. Hemolytic anemia is a side effect of dapsone.
13. In lepromatous leprosy, globi consist of Macrophage cells laden with acid
fast bacilli.
14. Satellite lesion is seen in Borderline tuberculoid leprosy.
15. Drug of choice in type I Lepra reaction with severe neuritis is Systemic
16. Skin pigmentation and ichthyosis-like side effects are seen inClofazimine.
17. Skin biopsy in leprosy shows Peri appendageal lymphocytosis.
18. The dosage of clofazimine for Lepra reaction is 300mg daily
19. DOC of in relapsing type ii Lepra reaction is Oral thalidomide
20. DOC of in unresponsive type ii Lepra reaction is Oral thalidomide.
Cutaneous Malignancies
Pediatric Dermatology
2. Diascopy
a. Erythema - blanches with pressure
b. Purpura- does not blanch
c. Granuloma - Apple jelly appearance
3. Koebner’s phenomena are seen with (Traumatized area often develops
lesions esp. elbow, knee)
a. Lichen planus b. Psoriasis (characteristic)
c. Vitiligo d. Molluscum contagiosum Pseudokoebner
e. Lichen nitidus f. Common & plane warts J
4. Nikolsky's sign +ve in
a. Pemphigus
b. TEN
c. Steven Johnson's syndrome
d. Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Normal turnover time for epidermis,' 8 weeks (52-75 days)
-> Fungi which give fluorescence in wood's light are,'- M. Canis, M. audouinii,
T. schoenleinii
-> KOH preparation,' Used for Dig of Tinea infections
Patch test,' read after 2 days and 4 days
1. Winter itch Asteotic eczema / xerotic eczema
2. Swimmer's itch Bilharziasis / Schistosomiasis
3. Dhobi's / Jock itch Tinea cruris
4. Ground itch Nematode Larvae
5. Barber's itch Sycosis barbae
6. Itch mite Acarus scabies (which transmits Scabies).
E- gyratum E- migrans E- marginatum (E- E - Infectiosum
chronicum annulare)
Malignancy Lyme disease - Rheumatic fever - Fifth disease
-Trunk - Parvovirus B-19
- Slapped cheek
1. E~ pernio - in Chilblain
2. E~ streptogenes - in pityriasis alba
3. E ~ toxicum - in normal neonates
4. Erythema Induratum Seen usually in calf region, a form of necrotic
vasculitis, type of Tuberculid.
5. Granuloma Annulare Seen in DM.
A. Urticaria Pigmentosa
1. Development of wheal on gentle stroking of a pigmented macule (Darier's
2. Disease of mast cells systemic mastocytosis --> severe, itching.
3. AD inheritance in some cases (familial).
4. Recurrent diarrhea, reddish brown macule on torso / extremities.
Psychological Tests
1. Intense nihilism, somatization, and agitation in old age are the features of
Involutional melancholia.
2. Dysthymia : Sub syndromal depressive symptoms for 2 years .
3. Duration for leveling manic episode is 1 week.
4. Affective disorders are associated with disturbance in Mood.
5. Pressure of speech & flight of ideas is a feature of Manic episode.
6. A period of normalcy in between two psychotic disorders is a feature of
Manic depressive psychosis.
7. Drug of choice for rapid cycling MDP is Sodium valproate.
8. FDA approved Rx of refractory depression is Combination of fluoxetine with
9. Commonest psychiatric illness in India is Endogenous depression.
10. 'Early morning awakening' is seen characteristicallyin Endogenous
11. Common cause of mood congruent delusions is Depression.
12. The neurotransmitter defect implicated in depression is Catecholamines.
13. Characteristic feature of mania is High self-esteem.
14. Dysthymia is Mild chronic depressed mood.
15. Alexithymia is Inability to express emotions.
16. Most common psychiatric complication of chronic antihypertensive therapy
is Depression.
17. Double depression is Major depression on dysthymia.
18. Persistent mood disorder is diagnosed if the symptoms persist more than 2
19. Neurotransmitter which produce suicidal tendency is Serotonin.
20. Most common age and gender for depression is Middle age female and
elderly man.
21. Neurotic depression is Usually associated with anxiety.
22. Endogenous Depression is not characterized by Loss of self-esteem, guilt
psychosis, paranoid feelings.
23. The psychological disorder most commonly associated with myxedema-
24. Most common psychiatry disorder in India, world is Depression.
25. Neurotransmitters involved in depression are Serotonin and
26. Otto Veraguth sign is found in Depression.
27. Suicidal tendencies are most common in Psychotic depression.
28. Drug of choice in depression in old person is Fluoxetine.
29. Most common mental disorder as a cause of suicide- Depression.
30. The clinical features of mania include Elated mood, Delusion of grandiosity.
31. Hypersexuality, Hyperactivity, decreased sleep is seen in mania.
32. Bipolar II disorder includes Major depression& hypomania.
33. In Manic Depression Psychosis (MDP) - period of normalcy is seen between
two psychosis.
34. Chromosome associated with bipolar disease Chromosome 18.
35. HI AA is a metabolite of Serotonin.
36. TrycyclicAnti-depressant are contraindicated in Glaucoma.
37. Mode of action of fluoxetine - Inhibit uptake of 5 - HT.
38. Side effect of fluoxetine are weight gain, sweating, diarrhoea.
39. Tianeptine acts by Serotonin uptake Enhancer.
40. Lithium is treatment of choice for Bipolar MDP prophylaxis.
41. Prophylactic maintenance serum level of lithium is 0.5 - 0.8 mEq/L.
42. Most common cause of mood congruent delusion is Mania.
43. Drug preferred for treatment of Acute Bipolar disorder- sodium valproate.
44. Dysthymia is not a/w psychotic feature like delusion.
Personality Disorder
Child Psychiatry
1. Most worth investigation for detection of suspected pancreaticobiliary
worms is ERCP
2. Most sensitive investigation for identification of Insulinoma is intraoperative
3. The modality of choice for localizing both primary NETs and their metastases
is Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy
4. Investigation of choice to detect ruptured spleen is CT scan
5. Adrenals should always be imaged in a suspected case of bronchogenic
6. Sentinel loop sign is seen in acute pancreatitis
7. Colon cutoff sign is seen in acute pancreatitis
8. Widening of C loop of duodenum is a feature of pancreatic head growth
9. ERCP in pancreatitis is done to know about pancreatic divisum
Abdominal Trauma
1. Rapid sequence excretory urography is used in suspected renovascular
2. Non-visualization of kidney in excretory urogram is seen in renal vein
3. A dense nephrogram is obtained by rapid (bolus) injection of dye
4. In Nephro graphic phase of IVP, contrast is PCT
5. Hydronephrosis may be absent on ultrasound when obstruction is
associated with Staghorn calculi
6. 90 percent of urological stones are radiopaque
7. The Most Sensitive Imaging Modality for Diagnosing Ureteric Stones in A
Patient with Acute Renal Colic is non Contrast CT Scan of Abdomen
8. For renal stone, diagnosis is not done by MRI
9. Calcification is best detected by CT scan
10. IOC for bladder calculus is CT scan
11. Filarial dance sign is seen with Ultrasonography
12. Medullary cystic disease (MCD) can be best diagnosed by renal biopsy
13. Persistent fetal lobulation of kidney is because of normal variant
14. Most important investigation for posterior urethral valve is MCU
15. The posterior urethra is best visualized by Voiding cystogram
16. The most common sign of renal cell carcinoma on IV is polar enlargement
17. IOC for Carcinoma of Urinary Bladder is CECT
18. Lymphatic spread commonly occurs in carcinoma of prostate
19. Rim sign on nuclear imaging is a feature of testicular torsion
20. IOC for testicular torsion is Doppler USG
1. Earliest ANC diagnosis on USG is done for anencephaly
2. To detect gestational sac on transabdominal ultrasonography, it should be
minimum of size 20-30 mm
3. Oligohydramnios is commonly associated with renal agenesis
4. Nuchal edema is an ultrasound marker, associated with greatest increased
risk for Trisomy 21 in fetus
5. Color Doppler finding suggestive of impending fetal death is reversal of flow
in umbilical arteries
6. "Ring of fire" appearance in ectopic pregnancy is due to vascularity
7. USG can detect gestation sac earliest at 5-6 weeks of gestation on
transabdominal sonography.
8. Earliest sign of fetal life is best detected by Real time USG
9. Parameters used to estimate gestational age in last trimester is femur length
10. USG done at 18-20 weeks mainly to detect fetal abnormality.
11. Anencephaly can be diagnosed by USG at 10-12 weeks of gestation
12. Best for unruptured ectopic pregnancy is Trans vaginal USG
13. Most accurate assessment of gestational age by USG is done by crown rump
14. Ectopic pregnancy, characteristic findings in USG is absence of gestational
sac in uterus
15. On USG findings of cystic hygroma in fetus in suggestive of Turner syndrome
16. Missed IUD (IUCD) is recognized by USG
17. Radiological investigation of female of reproductive age group is restricted
to first 10 days of menstrual cycle
Musculoskeletal System
1. Acro-osteolysis is seen in Pycnodysostosis
2. Metacarpal sign is positive in Turner's syndrome
3. 'Chevron sign' is seen in achondroplasia
4. On X-ray, typical appearance of burning candle with slippage of wax around
is seen in Melorheostosis
5. Absent lateral third of clavicle is seen in Cleidocranial dysostosis
6. "Champagne glass" pelvis is seen in Achondroplasia
7. Most common radiological abnormality predisposing to developmental
dysplasia of the hip is Developmental Acetabular dysplasia
8. Heberden's nodes are found in DIP joint in osteoarthritis
9. Tufting of distal phalanx is characteristically seen in Psoriatic arthropathy
10. Chondrocalcinosis is seen with Pseudogout
11. Calcification of IVD is seen in Non rheumatic ankylosis
12. Calcification of IVD is seen in Alkaptonuria.
13. Calcification around the joint is seen in Pseudogout
14. Bone erosion is a recognized X ray feature of RA
15. Terminal phalangeal sclerosis is associated with rheumatoid arthritis
16. Calcification of meniscal cartilage is a characteristic feature of pseudogout
17. Earliest evidence of healing in rickets is provided by radiological
examination of growing bone ends
18. Radiological features of rickets include cupping of metaphysis
19. Splaying and cupping of metaphysis is seen in rickets
20. Looser's zone is seen in osteomalacia
21. Flaring of anterior end of the ribs is characteristically seen in Rickets
22. Brown tumors are seen in Hyperparathyroidism
23. Osteofluorosis is best characterized by calcification of ligaments and
24. "Rugger-jersey" spine seen in chronic renal failure patients is mainly due to
Secondary hyperparathyroidism
25. Radiological feature of osteosarcoma is sunray appearance
26. Dense calcification is seen in Chondrosarcoma
27. Expansile pulsating secondary metastasis is a feature of RCC
28. All the statements are true about exostosis, except Growth Continues After
Skeletal Maturity
29. Most common lesion of hand is enchondroma
30. Ollier's disease is Multiple Enchondromatosis
31. Bone tumor that typically affects the epiphysis of a long bone is
32. Secondary tumor in osteochondroma is chondrosarcoma
33. Expansile lytic lesion of sacrum with specks of calcification is suggestive of
34. Most common site of osteogenic sarcoma is the upper end of humerus
35. A classical expansile lytic lesion in the transverse process of a vertebra is
seen in aneurysmal bone cyst
36. Ground glass appearance is an X ray feature of fibrous dysplasia
37. Bohler's angle is lost in fracture of calcaneum
38. Radiological sign of spondylolisthesis is the ’Scottish dog with collar’ sign
39. Cl C2 best seen in Odontoid view
40. Clay choveller fracture involves the spinous process of C7
41. Epiphyseal enlargement is seen in Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
42. Dense metaphyseal band is seen on Hypervitaminosis
43. Windswept deformity is seen in Rheumatoid arthritis and Rickets
44. Trident hand is seen in Achondroplasia
45. Champagne glass pelvis is seen in Achondroplasia
46. Bone within bone appearance is seen in Osteopetrosis
47. X-ray view of choice for lumbar spondylosis is the lateral view
48. Scottish terrier sign is seen in the oblique view
49. Beheaded Scottish terrier sign is Spondylolisthesis
50. In spondylolisthesis, Napoleon sign is seen
51. Pseudo fracture of loser's zone is seen in Osteomalacia
52. Radiographic appearance of Pindborgtumour is Driven snow appearance
53. Sunray appearance on X-rays is suggestive of an osteogenic sarcoma
54. Sunray appearance is seen in Osteosarcoma
1. Hair on end appearance is seen in Thalassemia
2. Wide diploic space of skull with brush border (hair on end) appearance is
characteristic of Congenital hemolytic anemia
3. H shaped vertebral body is a feature of sickle cell anemia
4. Autonephrectomy is a feature of Tuberculosis
5. In sickle cell anemia, Salmonella is the major causative organism causing
6. Bone infarcts are characteristically seen in sickle cell anemia
7. Hypertelorism is a feature of Thalassemia
8. Widened intercondylar notch is seen in Hemophilia
1. Invertogram is done in a new born after 6 hrs
2. First sign of hydrocephalus in children is sutural diastasis
3. William's syndrome is associated with congenital supravalvular aortic
4. Steeple sign is a feature of croup
5. Thumb sign is a feature of epiglottitis
6. White cerebellum sign is a feature of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
1. For the imaging of adrenal glands in neonates, the modality of choice is
2. DOPA - PETscan is most sensitive for evaluation of extra adrenal
3. Light bulb appearance on MRI is seen in Pheochromocytoma
4. Post irradiation thyroid tumour is Papillary CA
5. Radioiodine is used in treatment of Follicular ca thyroid
Investigation of Choice
1. Investigation of choice for juvenile naso angiofibroma is CECT
2. The procedure of choice for evaluation of an aneurysm is Arteriography
3. The best investigation to diagnose a case of acoustic neuroma is Gd
enhanced MRI
4. MRI is the best choice to evaluate radiologically a posterior fossa tumour
5. Ideal imaging method for diagnosis of hydrocephalus in infants is USG
6. Parameningeal rhabdomyosarcoma is best diagnosed by MRI
7. The best x-ray view for minimal pleural effusion is lateral decubitus
8. Decubitus view is useful in diagnosing pleural effusion, Pleural effusion
with dependent hemithorax
9. Best view for Rt pleural effusion in X-raychest is right lateral decubitus
10. Interlobar pleural effusion can be detected in the best way in Reverse
lordotic position
11. Basal skull view (submentovertical) X-ray is best to visualize Sphenoid
12. In a down's syndrome patient posted for surgery, the necessary
preoperative investigation to be done is echocardiography
13. IOC for aortic dissection is CT scan in stable patient.
14. IOC for pericardial effusion is echocardiography
15. The most accurate investigation for assessing ventricular function is MRI.
16. Cardiotoxicity caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy is best detected
by Endomyocardial biopsy
17. IOC for detection and characterization of interstitial lung disease is HRCT
18. IOC in bronchiectasis is Bronchography
19. Best diagnostic aid for bronchiectasis is CT scan
20. Most sensitive investigation for air embolism is Doppler USG
21. In patient with high clinical suspicion of pulmonary thromboembolism,
best investigation would be Catheter angiography
22. IOC for pulmonary embolism is CECT
23. Pulmonary embolism is best diagnosed by CT scan
24. Best method for detecting minimal bronchiectasis is CT scan
25. Best view to diagnose pneumothorax is PA view in full expiration
26. In renal cell carcinoma, investigation of choice to evaluate IVC and renal
vein for thrombus is Colour Doppler
27. Functional analysis of kidney is best done by Radionuclide scanning
28. IOC for studying renal cortical mass is Tc 99 DMSAlT
29. IOC in diffuse oesophageal spasm is manometry
30. Gastro - oesophagal reflux is best detected by endoscopy
31. IOC for gall stone is USG
32. Investigation of choice in obstructive jaundice is USG
33. Most common investigation for obstructive jaundice is USG
34. Minimal ascites can be best detected by USG
35. The IOC for acute cholecystitis is HIDA scan
36. Best radiographic view for fracture C1,C2 vertebrae is Odontoid view
37. Best investigation for traumatic paraplegia is MRI
38. The gold standard for assessing bone mineral density and diagnosis of
osteoporosis is Dual Energy X ray absorptiometry
39. Judet view is done for acetabular fracture
40. Neural tube defect best detected by amniocentesis
41. Earliest congenital malformation that may be detected on USG is
1. Inverse square law means radiation from any source increases in intensity
as a function of the square of the distance from the source.
2. Maximum damage to skin is caused by Orthovoltage x-ray therapy
3. Linear accelerator is used to provide electrons and x-rays
4. A positively charged radiation is alpha particle
5. Linear accelerator employs electrons and X -rays
6. Very effective in reducing pain of bone cancer is strontium 89
7. Phosphorous-32 emits beta Particles
8. In the treatment of papillary carcinoma thyroid, radioiodine destroys the
neoplastic cells predominantly by beta rays
9. Electron beam therapy may be used in treatment of Mycosis fungoides
10. Systemic radiation therapy, by using Iodine-131, Phosphorous-32
11. For shield (mould) in eye tumors, Phosphorous-32 is preferred
12. Isotopes used for teleradiotherapy are Cobalt-60
13. In colon malignancy postoperative radiotherapy is minimally used
14. For Prostate malignancy, intensity modulated radiotherapy is the most
15. Radiotherapy is treatment of choice for Nasopharyngeal CA T3N1
16. cobalt 60 is commonly used as external beam radiotherapy in treatment of
cancer patients
17. Conventional dose per fraction in external radiotherapy is 225-250 cGy
18. Mantle Irradiation is used in Hodgkin's disease
19. Dose of radiotherapy given at point b in carcinoma cervix is 5000 rads
20. The most commonly used form of radiation therapy is teletherapy
21. Stereotactic radiosurgery is a form of radiotherapy
22. Gamma-knife is very useful in the treatment of cerebral metastasis
23. Stereotactic radiotherapy used for CA lung stage 1 single lesion
24. Ibritumomab is drug of choice for NHL
25. RFA is used in treatment of hepatoma
26. Prophylactic craniospinal irradiation is used as treatment modality for
small cell carcinoma lung
27. Radiotherapy can be used with best results to treat Medulloblastoma
28. Testicular tumor most sensitive to radiation is seminoma
29. Seminoma responds best to radiotherapy
30. The most radiosensitive lung cancer is squamous cell carcinoma
31. Poorly differentiated carcinoma responds best to radiation
32. Benign condition that can be treated by radiotherapy is pituitary adenoma
33. Osteosarcoma is radioresistant
34. First sign after radiation treatment is erythema
1. JJ. Thompson - Discovered electrons
2. W.K. Roentgen - discovered X-rays in 1895.
3. Henry Becquerel -- discovered radioactivity in 1896.
4. Madam Marie Curie -- discovered radioactive substances
radium, Uranium, etc.
5. Chadwick -- discovered neutron.
6. Maxwell -- discovered electromagnetic waves
(invented- by Hertz)
Characteristic appearances
a. Spondylolysis- scotty dog wearing a collar app
b. Spondylolisthesis- Scotty dog with separated neck
c. Scottish terrier sign- in oblique view
d. Soap bubble appearance in abd x-ray- Meconium ileus
e. Soap bubble appearance in head CT - Cryptococcal meningitis
f. Soap bubble calcification in x-ray - Osteoclastoma
g. Puffed rice appearance on CT-Scan head -neurocysticercosis
h. Soap bubble cerebral calcification in head CT- Toxoplasmosis
Important Point
1. Investigation of choice in traumatic paraplegia - MRI
2. Intra-osseous skeletal tumours are best diagnosed by- MRI
3. In fibromuscular dysplasia string of beads appearance on angiography
4. Trethowan sign in Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
5. Trachea lies behind LA so in left atrial enlargement there is widening of
tracheal bifurcation angle. Enlargement is best seen in penetrated chest x-
ray PA view. Descending aorta is displaced to the left by LA enlargement
(Bedford's sign) &in LA enlargement esophagus is displaced towards right
& posteriorly1
6. Amt. of air needed to create pnuemo peritoneum ---------800 ml
7. Amt. of air needed to produce death in air embolism--------- 200 ml
8. Echo cardiography can detect pericardial effusion as little as --------- 15 ml
9. X-ray can detect pericardial effusion as little as—......... 250 ml
10. Minimum amt. of ascitic fluid required to elicit puddle sign ---------- 50 ml
11. Lateral view chest X-ray can detect pleural effusion as little as- 75 ml
12. Lateral decubitus chest-X ray detect pleural effusion as little as—-10-15 ml
a. y-knife radiosurgery
Focused radiation for limited brain metastasis
b. Cyber knife
Combines robotics and advanced image guidance to deliver radiation to
tumour along spinal cord/other critical location.
Respiratory System
e. Felson's sign
4. Thymic enlargement b. Muivay Wave sign c. Notch sign
a. Sail sign
5. Rounded atelectasis
a. Comet tail sign
6. RUL collapse secondary to a central mass
a. Golden S sign
7. LUL collapse
a. Luftsichel sign
8. LLL collapse
a. Broncho lobar sign
9. Pneumo-mediastinum
a. Ring around artery sign b. Continuous diaphragm sign c.
Tubular artery sign d. Double bronchial wall sign
e. V sign of Naclerio f. Spinnaker sail sign
10. Pneumothorax
a. Deep sulcus sign
b. Visceral pleural line
11. Epiglottitis
a. Thumb sign
a. Steeple sign
13. Aspergilloma
a. Air crescent sign b. Monod sign
14. Klebsiella pneumonia
a. Bulging fissure sign
15. Pulmonary edema on CXR
a. Batwing sign
16. Diaphragmatic rupture
a. Collar sign b. Dependant viscera sign
17. Pulmonary septic emboli
a. Feeding vessel sign
18. ABPA
a. Finger in glove sign
19. Aspergillosis
a. Halo sign
20. Subacute hypersensitivity pneumonitis
a. Head cheese sign
21. RUL atelectasis
a. Juxta phrenic peak sign
22. Cryptogenic organized pneumonia a.
Reversed halo sign
23. COPD
a. Saber sheath trachea
24. Alveolar microlithiasis a. Sandstorm
25. Bronchiectasis
a. Signet ring sign
26. RLL atelectasis
a. Superior triangle sign
27. Empyema
a. Split pleura sign
28. Endobronchial spread in TB a. Tree in
bud sign on HRCT
Metastasis in Lung
Calcifying lung metastasis Cavitating lung
metastasis Hemorrhagic
with ill
a. Osteosarcoma/chondro a. SqCC, Sarcoma
sarcoma b. Colon 1.
b. Mucinous adeno Ca.+ c. Transitional cell Choriocarcin
d. Cx under CT oma
c. Lung metastasis following
(Chemotherapy) 2. RCC
3. Melanoma
4. Thyroid Ca
Calcification in Lungs & Pleura
Calcification in Lungs Pleural calcification
a. B/LTB a. Old empyema
b. B/L Histoplasma b. Old Hemothorax
c. B/L coccidiomycosis c. Asbestosis
d. Silicosis
e. Talc exposure
Neonatal Cyanosis
With Oligemia + With Oligemia But With Pleonemia (Plethora)
Cardiomegaly No Cardiomegaly
(All have an ASD) (Sign appear usually Cyanosis + CCF
a. PS after 1 wk) TAPVC
b. Pulm atresia •TOF a. Hypoplastic LV
c. Ebstein • Pulm atresia with b. Interrupted aortic
anomaly VSD* arch
d. Tricuspid atresia • Tricuspid atresia C. TGA
d. Truncus arteriosus
e. Hypercyanotic
spells & e. Treat CCF & Rashkind
polycythemia atrial
may develop septostomy is done in these
T/t palliative patients as an emergency
shunt surgery measure to decompress LA
Cardiac Calcification
Intracardiac Myocardial Pericardial
a. Atrial a. Mainly in LV - a. Mainly in right chambers
myxoma apex b. (RV) & A-V groove
b. Valve b. Post-myocarditis c. Constrictive pericarditis
thrombu c. Hydatid ds d. Post-traumatic
s d. Aneurysms e. Uremia/CRF
e. Infarct f. Asbestosis
Gasless abdomen on X-ray
a. Acute pancreatitis
b. Bowel malrotation
c. Cong. Diaphragm. Hernia
d. Duo-atresia
e. Annular pancreas
f. Cog. Hypertrophic PS
g. Duo. Atresia
h. Infraction (Mesenteric)
Skeletal System
i. Aneurysmal cyst
ii. Enchondroma
iii. Sarcoma
iv. Plasmacytoma
v. Giant cell tumor
vi. Brown tumour (PTH)
vii. Fibrous dysplasia
viii. Hemophilia
Extra Edge
1. Epiphyseal dysgenesis is characteristic of hypothyroidism.
2. Enlargement of Epiphysis is characteristic of JRA.
3. Epiphyseal widening is seen in rickets.
4. Epiphyseal loss of density is seen in scurvy.
Osteolytic Bone Metastasis
a. Neuroblastoma d. Thyroid cancer
b. Lung cancer e. Kidney
c. Breast cancer f. Colon
1. Radiosensitive tumours
a. Embryonic tumours b. ReticulosisAnaplastic, carcinomas
2. Limited sensitivity
a. Epithelial tumours b. Adenocarcinomas
3. Radioresistant
a. Soft-tissue sarcomas b. Osteosarcomas c. Melanomas
Radionuclide Imaging
o Tc 99m (99 is mass and m is metastable) is most commonly used. It is
administered IV and is pure 'Y rays emitter. It has Short half life (6 hrs).
Uses -______ __ ____________________ _ _____________________
Tc 99 labeled serum albumin _______________ -To detect pulmonary emboli
Tc 99m labeled RBCs _______________________- For spleen imaging ____
Tc 99m labeled DMSA -is taken up by renal cortical cells, is used for renal
structure, scarring ________ ____________________________________ _
Tc 99m labeled DTPA _______ -Measures GFR _______________
Tc 99 MAG3 - Diagnostic of transplant rejection./renal function _________
Tc 99m labeled HIDA/PIPIDA-To study the functions of hepatobiliary tree
Thallium 201 chloride-For cardiac imaging (cold spots in myocardial ______
perfusion studies), reversibility of myocardial ischemia _________________
Ga-67 nitrate-To detect tumours, inflammation and abscess cavities.
Investigation Of Choice
a. Bronchiectasis a. For pituitary & Pregnancy
b. Pancreas hypothalamic & optic mass
c. Adrenal chiasma lesion Gall stones
d. Acute SAH cavernous sinus invasion
b. Brain abscess
c. For spinal lesions
d. Prolapse IVD
e. ICSOL (esp. post. Fossa
mass lesions)
1, ECHO - is investigation of choice for minimal pericardial effusion, MS
2. Angiography - is investigation of choice for sequestration lung
Most Least sensitive or radioresistant
1. Stage of cell G2M S phase
cycle Ovary, testis Vagina (bone CNS, cartilage, muscle)
2. Organ Bone marrow, Nervous tissue (bone, CNS, cartilage,
3. Tissue gonads muscle)
4. Cell type Rapidly Quiescent
5. Blood cells dividing Platelet
Extra Edge
1. Most common mucosal surface affected is intestinal mucosa
2. Most common organ affected is skin and presents as erythema
3. For Chemotherapy &radiotherapy induced cardiotoxicity investigation of
choice is endomyocardial biopsy
4. Most sensitive
Testicular tumour Seminoma
Ovarian tumour Dysgerminoma
Brain tumour Medulloblastoma
Lung tumour Small cell carcinoma
Basal cell cancer
Skin cancer
Ewing's sarcoma (multiple myeloma)
Bone tumours
1. Maximum Half-life is of uranium 701 x 108yrs >Ra (1622 yrs.)
2. Important radioisotopes
a. Gadolinium Paramagnetic contrast dye used in NMR (MRI)
b. Xenon For regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) studies
c. m
Tc" labeled RBCs Imaging of spleen, GIT bleeding,
d. Tc"MAG3 Gallium Diagnostic of transplant rejection Isotope
e. abscess cavity Tc9Sm selectively concentrated in
Used for infarct avid imaging Standard
Pyrophosphate isotope
g- Thallium (Tl201) for "Hot spot" imaging in Ml
h. studies Agent used for myocardial perfusion