16 Hirschhorn EL06 Ses16 Preview
16 Hirschhorn EL06 Ses16 Preview
16 Hirschhorn EL06 Ses16 Preview
1. Voir dire begins the day the client walks through your door.
2. Keep a voir dire notebook. Issues will arise throughout the discovery process
that will help you prepare for jury selection.
3. Every case, like every good book, has a trial theme. The purpose of the trial
theme is to grab the jury’s attention like a newspaper uses headlines to grab
the readers’ attention.
4. Use visual aides in voir dire. Examples would be: Explaining the burden of
proof, showing who the parties are, showing a blow-up of the location of the
accident, showing examples of some of the questions the jury will be
answering during their deliberations, etc.
6. Determine from the Judge the size of the panel in advance of jury selection.
7. Determine from the Judge or other Court staff how the jurors will be seated
in the courtroom and prepare a seating chart.
8. Once you know how many jurors the Judge intends to call, make 8½” x 11"
cards that contain the juror numbers. The jurors can hold the cards up when
answering questions during voir dire. Have the cards laminated. Consider
leaving the cards with the Court once the case is over.
9. Liability juries and damages juries do not look the same. Decide whether
you’re looking for a liability jury or a damages jury. In our view, it is a fatal
mistake to try to combine the two because you’ll get the worst of both worlds.
10. No matter how many cases you have tried, there are no two trials that are
exactly alike. Therefore, regardless of your experience in front of a jury,
practice your voir dire...on lay-people, not your office staff or law partners.
11. Have someone assist you with jury selection. This person will become your
eyes and ears.
12. If a juror questionnaire is used, the lawyer should complete one as well. This
is another way to humanize yourself in front of the jury.
13. Try to persuade the Judge to deal with challenges for cause at the end of voir
dire as opposed to when they arise. It is always more time efficient to do the
challenges for cause at the end of voir dire.
14. If the Judge will not allow the use of a juror questionnaire and intends to
place unreasonable time limits on voir dire, prepare a Motion for Additional
Time to Conduct Voir Dire. To the author’s knowledge, there is not a single
published opinion on issue of time limitations in a civil case.
15. Remember the wise advice we got from our parents: First impressions are
lasting impressions; and, You never get a second chance to make a first
impression. You and your client are the center of attention and your goal is
to make a favorable and lasting first impression on the jury.
16. Never wear power clothing during voir dire unless you have to give your
Opening Statement the same day. Power clothing should be worn when you
want the jury to focus their attention on you. Thus, Opening Statements,
critical cross-examinations and Closing Arguments are the proper time to
wear power clothing. During voir dire, warm and friendly colors should be
17. A trial lawyer should not wear a double-breasted suit. Jurors perceive it as
too slick.
18. Male lawyers should not wear clear polish on their nails. Jurors perceive it
as too slick.
19. Don’t wear: Expensive jewelry, diamonds, pinky rings (or more than one ring
on each hand), earrings that dangle, fancy rings, Rolex watches, gold
bracelets, etc.
20. All of the tips stated above apply to your clients, their spouses and your
21. Never have your client wear new shoes. It is a dead giveaway that you’ve told
them what to wear.
22. Research has shown that jurors trust married men who wear wedding bands
more than married men who don’t wear wedding bands.
23. Tell your clients that they are being observed from the minute they leave their
house to the time they get back home. They need to remember to act the
same way in the elevator, bathroom and hallways as they do in the courtroom.
26. At least 10% of the questions should be open-ended, 10% should be scaled,
and remaining questions on the questionnaire should be the YES NO
27. Every YES NO question should have a follow-up question (i.e., why,
please explain your answer, please tell us why you feel this way, etc.).
28. Provide the Court with black ink pens and clipboards for the jurors.
29. Give the Judge a diskette that contains your juror questionnaire. If the Court
has to resolve any disagreement on the questionnaire, many Judges will make
the changes right on the disk.
30. During voir dire, a lawyer should only have with him/her a seating chart of the
jurors and the questions that are going to be asked of the jury.
31. Use your seating chart to address the jurors by name rather than by juror
32. Never do your voir dire from behind a podium or counsel table unless
required to do so by the Judge or local rule.
33. Don’t flirt with jurors. The other jurors will notice it and punish you and your
client for it.
34. Studies suggest that most people tend to favor one side over the other.
During voir dire, be sure to speak to jurors on both the left and right sides of
the courtroom. This also applies to Opening Statements and Closing
35. Jurors will remember the first and last things they hear and see. This is
known as primacy and recency. Therefore, it is critically important that you
start and end your voir dire on strong points. This concept also applies to
Opening Statements, examination of witnesses and Closing Arguments.
38. Concisely explain your theory of the case in the beginning of voir dire. The
theory of the case tells a jury, in a nutshell, why you should win. Reinforce
your theory in Opening Statements, examination of witnesses and Closing
39. Before you begin questioning the panel, explain to the jurors that when
lawyers refer to bias or prejudice, they mean pre-judgement or strong
opinions. Tell the jurors that if they have any pre-judgment or strong opinions
about any of the issues, to please let you know.
40. Let the jury know that many times jurors want to talk privately about an
answer to a question. Tell them if any juror would feel more comfortable
sharing an answer in private, that person should simply let you know.
41. Tell the jurors there are no right ore wrong answers. All that you are asking
is that the jurors be honest and forthright. Never tell the jurors that you are
looking for 12 (or 6), “...fair and impartial jurors.” This will condition the
jurors to give the fair and impartial response rather than the honest response.
42. Tell your panel that, “Being a good juror and a good citizen means that if this
case is not the right one for you to serve on, just let the lawyers and Judge
43. Tell the jurors that it’s been your experience that many jurors believe that if
they don’t talk, they won’t be selected. Then tell the jurors that the quickest
way to be selected is not to say anything. In other words, jurors who talk,
walk. Jurors who have nothing to say, stay!
44. At some point during the beginning of voir dire , a lawyer should employ an
effective communication technique called self-disclosure. If a lawyer wants
(and expects) to learn about his/her jurors, those jurors will feel more
comfortable if the lawyer reveals something about herself/himself.
45. If a lawyer has a habit, trait or any other characteristic that is obvious or
noticeable (i.e. stuttering, nervousness, sweating, stumbling over words, loud
voice, soft voice, object often, bald, overweight, ponytail, etc.), share that up
front with the jury. Ask one or two jurors if this habit, etc., will affect them or
cause them any discomfort if they serve on the jury in this case. This will
eliminate the distraction and allow the juror to focus on the issues.
47. Your voir dire questions should be short, simple and to the point.
48. Don’t ask the same question in voir dire that you ask on the questionnaire.
For example, do not ask a juror, “Where do you work?” or “How many
children do you have?”, when the juror has shared this information on his/her
49. Follow up in voir dire on information you obtain from the questionnaire.
50. Listening is an active skill, not a passive skill. You should focus on the jurors’
answers and not worry about your next question.
51. If you are representing the Plaintiff in a personal injury case, never end your
voir dire by talking about money. Jurors will think you are more interested in
money than justice.
52. Use this as a measuring stick: One open-ended question for every 15 minutes
of voir dire. Pick 4 to 6 people to specifically answer the open-ended
question, then go row by row and find out who agrees and who disagrees.
53. Rather than asking people to raise their hands when posing a general
question to your panel, pick one juror to get the ball rolling. After that juror
answers your question, go row by row and find out, by a show of hands, who
agrees and who disagrees. Jurors who often end up serving on a jury are the
ones who don’t raise their hands...yea or nay. Those are the ones to whom
you should go back and talk. Have the person who is helping you give you a
list of the jurors who didn’t raise their hands.
54. Resist the temptation to stereotype jurors. Jurors will make decisions based
on their value system and life experiences. Ask yourself, “What kind of life
experiences or value system must a juror have in order to be open to the
issues in my case?”
55. Never ask a juror more than 3 questions on one topic. If you don’t reach the
point you want to get to, thank the juror and say that you may have some
more questions for him/her later.
56. Listen and learn. Let your jurors educate each other.
57. Some jurors constantly volunteer their answers preventing you from visiting
with other jurors. Thank the talkative juror and tell him/her you want to hear
what he/she has to say, but that you need to visit with a few others on the
panel. This will acknowledge that person’s interest while allowing you to
move on. If the juror has previously said something that would subject
him/her to a challenge for cause, tell the juror, “If you don’t mind, we are
going to visit later so we can talk at that time about this issue as well. Is that
all right with you?”
58. If you are representing the Plaintiff, be sure to anticipate some of the issues
the defense will raise to get jurors excused for cause (i.e. sympathy, favoring
the underdog, hardship, bad experiences with companies, etc.).
59. If you are representing the Defendant, try to rehabilitate the cause jurors
identified by the Plaintiff by explaining the applicable law and find out if the
juror’s view would prevent him/her from following the law in your case.
60. If a juror gives an answer that is unfavorable or could subject him/her to a
challenge for cause, thank the juror for being honest, reinforce that everyone
is entitled to an opinion and ask the juror if he/she would mind talking about
the issue in more detail a little bit later. This approach allows you to bring
closure to the issue with that particular juror and it signals to the other jurors
that you really do want to know the feelings and opinions of the jurors.
62. If in the process of looping, a juror gives an answer you don’t like, you can go
to the juror who gave the good answer and ask him/her for a response or, you
can say to the panel, “You see, that’s the beauty of the jury system, we are all
entitled to our own opinions and beliefs. You heard Mrs. Jones say that
companies only get the message when you hit them in the pocketbook, but
Mr. Green said that money is not the appropriate answer. I want to see who
agrees with Mrs. Jones and who agrees with Mr. Green. Mr. Rodriguez, do
you agree with Mrs. Jones or Mr. Green?”
63. Consistent with the primacy / recency notion, you want to end your voir dire
strongly. Examples would include questions about corporate responsibility,
sending a message to the community, telling a family “no” if there is no
responsibility on the part of the defendant, etc.
64. Another question we like to end with is to ask each and every juror a question
such as, “[Juror’s name], can you look [client’s name] in the eye and say,
Charlie, I will give you a fair trial.” It is simply amazing how jurors will react
to such a question. Some jurors will look to the Judge or opposing counsel
before answering, other jurors will give an equivocating response. Some
jurors will simply say, “Yes”, and still other jurors will look your client right
in the eye and say, “Charlie, I will give you a fair trial.”