CSEC Biology January 2007 P1 PDF

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;,,, "'"' TESTCODE01207010
·•. •.,ej:,·.<
FORM TP 2007001 JANUARY2007


Paper 01.- General Proficiency

75 mi1111tes

( 15JANUARY2007(p.m.))
•i '


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3.. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having
,;·;~,·-'' ~ .. r· ' the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below.

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'"Sample Item
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Which of the following diseases is due to
a dietary deficiency? Sample Answer
'\ .~,'.'-: (A) Anaemia
·,::.' \"" (B) Diabetes
(C) Influenza


(D) Malaria

The best answer to this item is "Anaemia", so answer space (A) has been blackened.

ifyou want to change your answer, be sure to erase your old answer completely and fill in yournew

5. When you are told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. Ifyou
cannot answer an item, omit it and go on to the next one. You can return to the omitted item later.
Your score will be the total number of correct answers.

Figures are not necessadly d~;wn to scale.

This test consists of 60 items. You will have 75 minutes to answer them.

Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in
this test.


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, All rights reserved.

If a carbon atom were traced through the .Item 5 refers to the following diagram.
following organisms, the order in which it is
likely to be detected would be
(A) small bird-> grasshopper--> lizard


lizard --> grasshopper --> plant -->
small bird
grasshopper--> plant--> small bird

(0) plant--> grasshopper--> lizard -->

small bird

The bush pig, which has been observed to

Grasshopper Rabbit Mouse

feed o,n a diet of plant roots as well as birds'

eggs, ts

(A) a herbivore
(B) a ca111ivore
(C) an omnivore
(D) a detritovore Plant

5. Which of the organisms in the food web

3. Which of the following is NOT indicated by above would MOST likely die out if the
:,-.'.··' the direction of the arrows in a food chain? grasshoppers were to be eliminated?

(A) The direction ofthe flow of energy (A) I only

(B) The amount offood each animal eats ~B) II only
(C) The fact that plants start every food (C) I and II only
chain (0) II and !JI only
(D) Animals which are predators

6. The sun ·s energy becomes available to

4. !fall the trees in a large area of forest were animals through the process of
'wiped out' by disease, what would be the
MOST likely effect on the composition of tl1e (A) transpiration
air in the long term? (8) photosyntl1esis
(C) respiration
(A) The level of carbon dioxide would (0) translocation
(B) The level of carbon

dioxide would
·· decrease.
(C) There would be no change in the
co~position of the air.
(D) There would be more oxygen.

Item 7 refers to the following diagram ofa 11. Ifenzymes were NOT present in living cells,
plant cell, as seen under a high-powered which of the following wci'uld likely occur?
I. Slow rate of reaction
II. High· rate of reaction
! II. Reaction requiring higher
IV. No reaction

•, .... (A) !only

(B) IV only
(C) I and Ill only
(D) II and llI only

7. Wbich oflhe following is NOT found in an Lt!!-1!1U refers to the following information.
animal cell?
A man has poor night vision and his gums
(A) bleed whenever he brushes his teeth.
·····•.:· (B) II
(C) Ill 12. Which two vitamins are probably lacking
(D) lV from his diet?
.·. ,·. (A) A and 8 1
8. When compared to a cheek cell, a muscle (B) 8 1 and 8 2
cell contains more (C) C and A
(D) C and B,
(A) mitochondria
(B) chromosomes
',f;,',:'.'.:', \
(C) ribosomes ltem 13 refers to the following characteristics.
,;'..i.::f:<· ',
,-.'t..,,1'1i'r,; (D) vacuoles
f. ' surfaces
Thin walled
If. Excellent blood supply
,Which of the following is NOT necessary for If!. Always moist
photosynthesis to take place? IV. Large surface area

(A) Chlorophyll 13. These characteristics describe structures th at

(B) Oxygen are MOST likely to be associated with !he
(C) Energy
(D) Water (A) diffusion ofgases
(B) production ofenergy
(C) 01ovementofwater
111e variation in cellu Jar structure found in any (D) transport ofdigested food
complex organism isduetoaprocess called

(A) growth
(B) elaboration
(C) metabolism
(D) specializ.ation
I .

During gaseous exchange terrestrial Item 18 refers to the following diagram of

mammals breathe in blood vessels to and from the liver.

(A) air and breathe out carbon dioxide

(B) oxygen and breathe out carbon
(C) air with a high concentration of
oxygen and breathe out carbon
dioxide Hepatic artery
(D) air with a high concentrati?n of
oxygen, and breathe out air with a
Hepatic portal vein
high concentration of carbon dioxide

18. The blood vessel containing the highest

Which of the following statements is true for concentration of urea is the
anaerobic respiration but NOT for aerobic
respiration? (A) aorta
(B) hepatic vein
. (A) Ethanol is formed. (C) hepatic portal vein
(B) Carbon dioxide isgivenoff. (D) hepatic artery .(
(C) Energy is released.
(0) Water is produced.
Item 19 refers to the following graph which
shows the rate of photosynthesis in a green
The correct pathway for the excretion of a plant on a bright and sunny day.
molecule of urea in man is

(A) renal vein, Bowman's capsule,

1','- collecting duct, convoluted tubule Rate of
'renal vein, convoluted tubule, photosvnthesis
Bowman's capsule, collecting duct
(C) renal artery, collecting duct,
. Bowman's .capsule, convoluted x
tubule, 7a.m. 12 noon · 7p.m.
(0) renal artery, Bowman's capsule,
convoluted tubule, collecting duct 19. Which of the following plant reactions would
cause X on the graph?

Which of the following substances can be (A) Stomata closure

found in high proportion in the nucleus? (B) Low transpiration rate
(C) Reduced rate of evaporation
(A) ATP (D) _Reduction in wateruptake
(0) DNA


Item 2Q_refers to the diagram below which Items 23 -24 refer to the following diagram
shows the glucose-glycogen balance in ofa kidney tubule.
~ /Carbon dioxide
Glucose \ and 'vatcr

(A) tf B) Py.ruvic
Liver / Lactic acid

20. Which part of the cycle shown becomes

active when a heavy carbohydrate meal is
eaten? ·
23. Thesectionlabelled lrepresentstheglomerular
filtrate. Thiscontains
~hich ofthe following is NOT an excretory
product in humans? (A) urine, plasma proteins, glucose, urea
(B) glucose, salts, u·/ine, \Vater
(A) Urea (C) plasma proteins, water, urea, urine
(B) Sodium chloride (DJ salts, water, urea, glucose
(C) Calcium oxalate
(D) Water
24. TI1esection labelled II represents the contents
of the collecting tubule. Which of the
22. Which of the following wou Id NOT represent following BEST describes itscomposition?
a form of excretion in plants?
(A) Plasma, proteins, glucose, urine
(A) Gases diffusing through stomata (B) Salts, urea, water
(B) Tannins being stored in dead tissue (C) Glucose, urea, water
(C) Water vapour diffusing through (D) Water, salts, plasma, proteins
(D) Stored calcium oxalate crystals in
leaves during leaf fall 25. The MAIN function of cartilage at the end
oflong bones is to

(A) lubricatejoints
(B) increase flexibility
(C) reduce friction
(D) protect nerves
Item 26 refers to the following diagrams of 29. Consider the following:
germinating seedlings treated as shown.
Withdrawal of an eaithworm into its burrow
Tips cut Tips when touched
off and covered Bending of shoots towards light
replaced with
on plastic Tips aluminium Rolling up ofa millipede when touched with
strip cut off foil Untreated . a needle
..-- Light
Movement of maggots away from light

All ofthese are examples of

(A} growth movements

(B) locomotion
26. At the end of the week, which seedlings (C) stimuli
would be growing straight? (D) responses

(A) I and IV only

· (B) II and Ill only Items 30 - 31 refer to the following
(C) I, II and Ill only diagram.
(D) II, III and IV only

Items 27 -28 refer to the following diagram

ofa thoracic vertebra.

Skin of
f Biceps

II {!'•1 II

30. When the skin ofthe hand touches a hot object,
IV the sequence of impulse flow is

(A) I -> II -> Ill

111e structures which se1ve largely for muscle
(B) II -> lI! -> l
attachment are
(C) II -> I ·-> Ill
(A) I and II only (D) I -> III -+ II
(B) II and IV only
.(C) !IT ana IV only
(D) I, II and Ill onlY .... 31. The numbered structures are

II Ill
•',;!•,',•,- • I
(A) receptor effector relay
·Nervous tissue is found at
(B) receptor relay effector
(A) l
(B) ll
(C) effector relay receplor
(C) III neurone
~D) IV (D) effector receptor relay
' .

.~ ...


32. Which of the following is likely to promote a 36". A seedling illuminated from one side, bends
lowering of body temperature? towards the light source because the
concentration of auxins becomes
(A) Dilation of blood vessels just under
the skin (A) greater on the side away from the
(B) Raising ofthe hairs on the skin light
(C) Increase in the metabolic rate (8) greater on the side towards the light
(D) Decrease in the evaporation ofsweat (C) the same on both sides
·'?·.:··::."·· .11.i.:;:1:·;, (D) greatest at the tip of the shoot

·Which of the following represents the ~otrect

''1;, path through Which light passes before striking 37. Seed dispersal is important in order for plants
the retina? to

(A) Cornea, vitreous humour, lens, pupil, (A) increase yield

aqueous humour (B) avoid overcrowding
(B) Conjunctiva, cornea, aqueous (C) reduce spread of disease
humour, lens, vitreous humour (D) provide food for larger numbers of
(C) Cornea, lens, pupil, vitreous humour, people
aqueous humour
(D) Conjunctiva, aqueous humour, lens,
pupil, vitreous humour 38. Which ofthe following are benefits of using
asexual rather than sexual methods to
reproduce plants?
34. Which of the following endocrine glands is
associated with BOTH the structure and the I. Many new plants in a short time
function of the brain? II. A wide variety of the offspring
Ill. New plants which are identical to
(A) ll1yroid each other
(B) Adrenal IV. Many plants with desirable features
(C) Thymus
(D) Pituitary (A) I and !fonly
(B) II and !II only
(C) I, Ill and IV only
35. Which of the following are MOST likely to (D) l, II,][[ and IV
cause improper functioning of the eye?
;·;,, '

' I. Lack of Vitamin D 39. A flower which has a long style with a
11. Haemophilia featherystigma,longfilaments,nocorollaand
'')II. Weak ciliary muscles very small sepals is adapted for
IV. Lack of Vitall)in A
V. Glaucoma (A) . cross-pollination
(B) pollination by the wind
(A) . !, Il and V only (C) self-pollination
(B) I, II and III only (DJ easy access by insects
(C) Ill, IV and V only
(D) II, IV and V only
. 8-
ltems40-41 refer to the following options 45. Using tissue culture techniques an entire plant
which are means by which seeds/fruits are 'can be made to grow from any single somatic
dispersed. (non-reproductive) cell. This·implies that

.• (A) Animal (A) all c€1ls in the plant contain the san1e
(B) Mechanical number of chromosomes
(C) Water (B) some plants can exist with the haploid
(D) Wind number of chromosomes
(C) each somatic cell has all the genes
Match EACH of the following adaptqtions necessary for the plant to
with the method of dispersal in which it function
assists. Each method may be used more than (D) somatic cells can divide meiotically
once, once or not at all. lo produce new plants

Sticky hairs
46. Which of the following is NOT inherited?

. Wings (A) Iron-deficiency anaemia

(B) Sickle-eel! anaemia
(C) Skin colour
42. Which ofthe following BEST describes what (D) Sex
'· · , happens in mitosis?

The chromosome number is halved. 47. Which of the following BEST describes the
Fourdaughtercel!sareproduced. visible characteristics of living things?
Two identical daughter cells are (A) Gene
produced. (B) Phenotype
(C) Chromosome
"(D) Genotype
The halving of chromosome numbers during
the formation qf gametes is impbrtant to a
species for 48. Sexual reproduction is more useful for the
survival of organisms in a changing
(A) retaining the diploid number environment than asexual reproduction
(B) retainingthehaploidnumber because
(C) preventingmutations
._, .. ,,,
(D) preventing variation in offspring (A) it results in organisms with more
(B) more well-established individuals are
'44. In which of the following parts of the plant produced
does the process ofmitosisoccur? (C)
. many vaiiations are possible
it causes rapid increase in numbers
(A) Phloem
(B) Xylem
(C) The region behind the root hair
(D) The region behind the root tip

Human beings have been able to develop 54. The following statements were made by a
many species of plants and animals with number of drug users.
characteristics which are beneficial to them.
·.· ..This process is called I. l drink strong coffee every hour. The
caffeine keeps me going.
(A) artificial selection II. I have to inject myself with insulin
(S) natural selection twice a day.
(C) cloning I I l. I know alcohol is not good for me so
(D) genetics I have only three drinks a day.
IV. I take antibiotics regularly in case I
catch a cold.
50. In guinea pigs, rough coat is dominant to
smooth coat. lftwo heterozygous rough-coat Which of these individuals could be
guinea pigs mated, they would produce considered drug abusers?

(A). rough-coatoffspringonly (A) I and III only

(B) smooth-coat offspring only (B) I, II and Ill only
(C) an equal numberof both types (C) I, III and IV only
(b) some members of each type (D) II, lil and IV only

;"51. A.norganism which causes a disease is called 55. Water logging ofsoil results in the death ofsoil
a organisms because

(,6,.) pathogen (A) bacteria multiply rapidly and crowd

(B) host them out
' (C) parasite (B) water decreases the temperature of
(D) vector the soil
(C) the organisms cannot respire due to
a lack ofair
An animal which carries a disease-causing (D) nutrients.are washed out of the soil
o·rganism but is not adversely affected by it
is known asa
56. Which of the following BEST describes an
(A) host ecosystem?
~! '(B) vector
(C) parasite (A) All mammals living in the Caribbean
(D) pathogen Sea
..'' '· ' (B) All the abiotic factors in a field
!jf·'.,i:;'.;.\'~:.·:+: .':·'.: ', ·. I • " '
(C) A population of parrot fishes in a
·''l'l;3i·H·· ·:·Which of the following are involved with coral reef
.. ,J:\/NJ;::fcitlhationofbloodclots1 ~ ···· (D) The biotic and abiotic factors in at\

)~1'f!i?v•' ~iJ .~:=es

aquari~ "

· '· (C) Lymphocytes

(D) Phagocytes

- I 0-

Items 57 - 58 refer to the following graphs 59. Which of the following organisms are MOST
which show the growth pattern of several important in biodegradation?
(A) Bacteria
(A) Size of (B) Eartliwonns
population (C) Omnivores
(D) Vultures

Item__@ refers to the figure below which

shows the relationship between the incidence
(B) Size of of diseases and food supply in a human
population population.

Increase Population growth

(C) Size of
1 -~I-"

60. Which of the following statements describes

Size of the info1mation on the graph?
As the population increases
(A) diseases increase, food resources
increase '

(B) diseases increase, food resources

Match the following statements about the decrease
population, to one ofthe options above. Each (C) diseases decrease, food resources
··,.option may be used more than once, once or increase
not at all. (D) diseases decrease, food resources
57.. Has a good food supply and is not subject to
environmental stress ·
... ..,__ ~.

Has reached its equilibrium and there is a

delicate balance between the rates of births
and deaths


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