LSAT Directions
LSAT Directions
LSAT Directions
basis of the information given. Your essay should consider both choices and argue for one over the other,
based on the two specified criteria and the facts provided. There is no “right” or “wrong” choice: a reasonable
argument can be made for either. LSAT® © 2007 by L Writing aw School Admission Sa Council mple , or 800.537.4280.
… no “right” or “wrong” choice … If a “right” choice does not offer, how does “wrong” place? Many
optionals and one chooses failure of a right answer.
Among, the testing form does not place order the hypothetical reasonably: Facts, Plans, Criteria—case
study method—123, 321. It appears to offer LSAT sectionals of a Logical Reasoning Question with a
general aggregate positional of the “semi-colon” betwixt each itemization word and the LSAT proves
answered, again at 325 scoring. I seek credit,’ for the 325 score. “B; L; Z; Stores.; an; … “
Continuing, writing examination places these hypothetical items randomly of a sort, as offering a
solution does not exist—other than initial WIDGET statement of “BLZ” ‘n’ Stores” alignment of
mathematics demand supply chain established collapse, adjustment. Another, the criteria are
contradictory with established of expansion, “increased profits, financial stability.” Another, BLZ offers
an attached loop systemizing of supply demand; demand supply collapse acceptance. Another, one
does not “upgrade … .” Another, one does not enter ‘use’ “cash reserves.” Another, the “Plans” stated
randomly do(es) not offer anything really of financial stability. “By those who ‘know’ it.” Reasonable
argumentative reciprocities provide(s) collapse and without a route. The hypothetical appears
imbedded in collapse and without a right answer, other than contractual opportunity. Your ‘es/say’ …
A reasonable ‘argument’ cannot be made for either than other “opportunity reasonability.” How it goes