Non-Control Transformer Inrush Current: A Limiter
Non-Control Transformer Inrush Current: A Limiter
Non-Control Transformer Inrush Current: A Limiter
Abstract- A new method is proposed for inrush current However air-gap windings cause some problems for
reduction of under load transformers. The proposed limiter transformer design such as production difficulties and worsen
consists of a control-less diode-bridge and a single coil that some of the characteristics of the transformer [1].
connects in series with each-phase of transformer. It is necessary This study proposes a new external control circuit for inrush
using three similar circuits for three-phase transformers. The current reducing using a control-less diode-bridge type DC
limiter has almost no effect in normal operation of transformer.
The simplicity of proposed circuit, easy to build and absence of reactor. The device connects in series with transformer and it
control circuits are the main attractive points of circuit. The uses a single coil with any other control or measurement
equivalent instantaneous inductance of transformer is used for circuits. Construction simplicity and its low cost is the main
instantaneous analysis of circuit operation. The analytical analysis advantageous of proposed system. Also it is possible using
and designing characteristics for DC reactor inrush current superconducting coil for reduction of power losses. This paper
limiter are presented. The overall circuit operation in transient is focused on reduction of inrush current of under-load
and steady state cases are studied in detail. The paper is focused transformers. The analytical analysis of inrush current at on-
on reduction of inrush current of under-load transformers. load condition and its reduction with current limiter are
Simulation results are obtained using PSCAD/EMTDC software
presentedeinadetail.cTheasimulation reslse obtain
to verify the valuable operation of proposed circuit in reduction of
inrush current. The results are used for comparison of inrush
current with and without using the limiter.
verify the valuable characteristlcs of proposed limiter in
transient cases and steady state. Also the presented circuit
proposed to fault current limiting in power systems in different
Index Terms-inrush current limiter, power transformer, DC papers [2-3].
reactor, diode bridge type
II. Power Circuit Topology and Proposed Limiter
Fig. 1 shows the power circuit topology. The system has no
I. INTRODUCTION control circuit. The resistance of DC reactor is modeled with a
An inrush current that is a transient current occurs in an small series resistor rd and its inductance is shown by Ld. Using
electric circuit when a transformer is energized. This current superconducting coil the DC reactor resistance would be equal
depends upon different parameters such as the magnitude of with zero. By choosing appropriate value for inductor Ld, it is
voltage in switching instant, the remanent flux, the i-z possible to achieve a nearly DC current in DC reactor at steady
hysteresis characteristics of the core, the resistance in the state operation of transformer. Obviously, by increasing the
primary circuit, and others. The magnitude of the inrush inductance of Ld we can decrease the ripple currents of id.
current may be as high as ten or more times of transformer Therefore DC reactor have not significant rule on normal
rated current. This could result in a huge mechanical and operation of system. Existence of rd would result in negligible
thermal stresses on transformer in addition to inadvertent power losses and voltage drop (these items can be decreased by
operation of the circuit's over-current protection systems. This increasing the cross section area of copper coil) [3]. There
means that the transformer is forced to be made big, heavy and would be a forward voltage drop across rectifier diodes VDF,
expensive. If the inrush current is suppressed by some method, too. The source is assumed to be a sinusoidal source with R-L
this problem may be substantially avoided. load with rs and Ls as its resistor and inductor, respectively
There are two major methods for limiting the inrush current as including any line impedance. Also the load is assumed a R-L
follows: load.
Source DC Reactor Transformer Load
(a) External control circuits
(b) Internal control circuits I
D1 D2 LL
External control circuits usually need additional current and AC(S) ZH L ii> ezI
voltage measurement circuits and some control strategies. D4
These circuits are usually expensive and sometimes those are
very difficult to be used practically [1]. ' A
Internal control circuits usually make use of magnetizing s,
characteristics of transformer core. One idea iS using air-gap
windings that are based on the use of a core with an air gap. Fig. 1. Power circuit topology and main circuit of limiter with Diode-Bridge
However, the inrush current is a result of the transformer The produced voltage across Ld has resulted in limiting the
core saturation. Furthermore, the iron core will alternate inrush current.
between the saturation and nonsaturation during the inrush Faulft and inrush currentlimiter
current, which causes a drastic variation of the IMI, as shown model in charging mode
in Fig. 4. LNS are the magnetizing inductance when the iron
core is not saturated, and Lsa corresponds to a high degree of /
saturation in the iron. x
Circuit breaker D
LNs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~D
-~~~~~~~~ ~~~N
JC V Vsin cot
5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(a)
g J \ / \ rX Fault and inrush current limiter
.5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~model/in
discharging mode
show the load voltage in charging and discharging modes,
With using superconductor resistance of DC reactor will be respectively at steady state condition.
equal with zero (rd=O).
-(r/L)(t-t)-f V 2VDF
(b) Discharging mode VLoad (t) =(rL + ILL f){e , - -sin(cYto -_p) +
At t=t2 discharging mode starts until t=t3 and inrush current
limiter retreat from power circuit as shown in fig. 6(b). The DC
+ -sin(t (p _ DF
2VDF (15)
reactor current equation in discharging mode, between t2 to t3 is z r
as follows:
DC reactor current Fig. 8. Distortion on load voltage with using inrush current limiter in steady
Primary line current state condition
0.8 .1
l 2 3J .8 .3 .3 .8H 2 < Fig. 9. Shows inrush current magnitude versus inductance of
DC reactor with increasing Ld in different tests.
It is possible calculate the desired value of Ld. If the
maximum permitted inrush current considered being equal to
AAi i2 - io then it is possible to write Eq. (18) as fallows:
ri2-VDS +2VDF =-InriV s+V
Fig. 7. Line and DC reactor currents when transformer energized L
t2-t0 r - VDS+2- VDF
Fig. 8 shows load voltage due to existence of an inrush
current limiter. The current distortion will be near to its peak
value, while the power factor of load determines the place of where; r = + rd +re, L Ls +Ld +Le and 12 is the first
voltage distortion in voltage waveform. Eq.s (15) and (16) peak of inrush current after limiting. Also we substitute DC
voltage source where V sin ct 2V/1 = VDS 3.53 5 Primary line current without limiter
3500 3500~~ >25 ~ 3 ~~~~~
~ -Primary line current with using limiter
-Z 3000 2
2 500 _*
2000 - 4-10.5 Tm s
~ $ 1500 -~
~~~~ 1000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time
0- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fig.
10. Inrush current without limiter and using limiter at on-load condition
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150
Inductance of DC Reactor (mH) With low DC reactor inductance
Fig. 9. Variation of inrush current magnitude verses inductance of DC reactor 2 - With high DC reactor inductance
with changing Ld
where Lk=Lsa is assumed. Fig. 11. Effect of DC reactor impedance in inrush current limiting quality
ZLoad 9.24+jO.022(2
z, O.O+jpo0.001
4Q)o /\
z*~O.O1±jqO.OO1 X1. 95
0.205 0.215 0.225 0.235 0.245
vs(t) =9.5 Sin(314t) (kV) 7 \ l
6 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(V)
(V) °4\/\/Time(s)
rd =0.01 (Q) -8
Ld = 0.02 (H) -10
Leakage reactance =0.1 (pu)
Air core reactance =0. 1 (pu)
Inrush decay time =0.2 (s) Fig. 12. Effect of using inrush current limiter at load voltage disturbance in
Power system frequency =50 (Hz) first cycle
Magnetizing current =2o Also using inrush current limiter would result in some
Transformer ratio =1 current and voltage distortion on load side in first cycle. Fig.
12 shows load voltage due to existence of inrush current limiter
Fig. 10. shows the simulation results of the transformer in first period.
inrush current without limiter and using limiter. The results
show that the amplitude of inrush current was very low with
using limiter. With greater DC reactor inductance it is possible VII. CONCLUSION
that iron core of transformer generally not saturated at This paper has-proposed a novel approach for reducing the
energizing. This is shown in Fig. 11. inrush current of a power transformer using fault current
limiter based on DC reactor. Furthermore the inrush-current-
limiting element may also work as the fault current limiter
when the short-circuit fault occurs. The analytical analysis and
designing characteristics for DC reactor inrush current limiter
presented. It seems that the lower initial cost and simpler
technology make this kind of limiters as a good alternative for
more researches in this field. At the design stage of the limiting
element, it is important to estimate the level of the inrush
current flowing at the point where the limiting element is
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