Nibiru - Effects of The Nibiru Complex

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The document discusses various effects that the arrival of Nibiru has had on Earth, including extreme weather, shifting of tectonic plates, changes in magnetic fields and increased radiation.

The increasing wobble of the Earth's spin axis resulted in extreme weather, extreme temperatures, and weather out of harmony with the seasons. It also affected GPS systems.

Nibiru's influence caused stretching of rock layers, earthquakes, volcanic activity, booms and underground noises as tectonic plates shifted.

Rolf Kenneth: Effects of the Nibiru complex


Effects of the Nibiru complex:

the big picture that the media will not give you

by Rolf Kenneth Myhre

Revised and updated: August 4, 2010.

Nibiru will at its closest be 1750 X Earth's diameter from Earth

This article is a follow-up of the article Nibiru triggers an Earth crust displacement in 2011. Nibiru’s arrival to the
inner part of our Solar system in March 2003 was picked up by seismographs all over the world (ZT note 1; ZT
note 2). In this article we will take a closer look, from a ZetaTalk perspective, at what kind of effects the Nibiru
complex already has had on Earth: geoscientific, plate-tectonical, meteorological, electromagnetic and biological.

A) Effect of Nibiru: Earth’s wobble of the spin axis
Earth’s orbit around the Sun was blocked by Nibiru in December 2003. In the next months also Venus got blocked
in its orbit, and Earth’s twin closed in on Earth from behind. Earth was thus in a “trapped” constellation, which
early in 2004 had the effect that Earth in its diurnal (24 hours) rotation got an increasing wobble around the
imaginary north-south axis. In 2005 the wobble increased to a tilt of 4-21°, and increased further in 2007 with a tilt
of 19-38° (depending upon where on the globe the observer stood). By 2009 the North Pole of Earth was pushed
consistently away from the Sun, giving the northern hemisphere a colder winter and summer. Around July 20,
2010, the effect of Earth’s trapped constellation reached a new phase, in which the wobble was substituted by a
forceful rattle of Earth to-and-fro between two positions.

A1: Earth’s increasing wobble of the spin axis resulted in extreme weather, extreme temperatures, and weather
out of harmony with the seasons. Record high tidal waves that led to flood catastrophes in areas where
this was highly unusual. Exceptionally many tornadoes and hurricanes. Dangerous oceanic malstroems.
The melting of the Arctic sea ice. New and rare types of clouds.

A1.1: The extreme weather resulted in a catastrophic fall in global food production, which again resulted
in global food shortage.

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A2: The increasing wobble of the spin axis resulted in increasing misinformation from GPS equipment, since
this information is based on mathematical calculations of times and distances that do not take the wobble
in consideration.

B) Effect of Nibiru: Earth’s tectonic plates are wrenched and shakened loose from each other and set in

B1: Stretch zone phenomena where rock layers are being pulled apart because the tectonic plate is being drawn
in opposite directions simultaneously.
B1.1: Structures and buildings imploding; pipes and Internet cables breaking
B1.2: Bridges collapsing
B1.3: Sink holes

B2: Earthquakes

B3: Volcanic activity

B4: Booms in the air; underground rumbles and humming

B5: The release or increased pressure of gases and liquids in pockets between rock layers
B5.1: The Earth releases stinking methanethiol; the Tunguska event (1908)
B5.2: Released methane gas and birds dropping down from the sky
B5.3: Explosively high pressure in petroleum wells

B6: Greater tectonic adjustments

C) Other effects of Nibiru

C1: Changes in the Earth’s magnetic field and magnetosphere

C2: Anomalies in Moon’s orbit around Earth

C3: Increased radiation of certain particles from the Earth core

D3.1: Increased frequency of albinoism
D3.2: Increased frequency of mutants

C4: An increase in mental, immunodeficiency and infectious diseases

D) Effects of Nibiru’s electromagnetic charged tail

D1: Fireballs and meteors

D2: Atmospheric electromagnetic disturbances

D2.1: Satellites rotating out of position or crashing towards Earth out of control
D2.2: Massive power blackouts worldwide
D2.3: Train and aviation accidents due to sudden failure in the electrical signal system.
D2.4: The biological compasses fail

D3: Hydrocarbon phenomena: “light towers”, neon clouds, spirals

D4: Carbohydrate phenomena: ”Manna and ambrosia from heaven”

D5: Iron oxide dust colors the air and the waters red

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A) Effect of Nibiru: Earth's increasing wobble of the spin axis

Earth’s orbit around the Sun was blocked by Nibiru in December 2003. In the next months also Venus got blocked
in its orbit, and Earth’s twin closed in on Earth from behind. Earth was thus in a “trapped” constellation, which
early in 2004 had the effect that Earth in its diurnal (24 hours) rotation got an increasing wobble around the
imaginary north-south axis. In 2005 the wobble increased to a tilt of 4-21°, and increased further in 2007 with a tilt
of 19-38° (depending upon where on the globe the observer stood). By 2009 the North Pole of Earth was pushed
consistently away from the Sun, giving the northern hemisphere a colder winter and summer. Around July 20,
2010, the effect of Earth’s trapped constellation reached a new phase, in which the wobble was substituted by a
forceful rattle of Earth to-and-fro between two positions.

A film team involved in making the documentary Before Tomorrow, about the Inuits’ views on climate changes
and the melting of the polar ice, were quite surprised when several of the Inuit groups, independently of each
other, and they were not prompted on the issue, started to talk about several symptoms of Earth having got a
marked wobble of the axis spin (source: Ian Mauro 25 Nov 2009). The Inuits live on all sides of the Arctic Ocean.

A1: Extreme weather

Earth’s increasing wobble of the spin axis resulted in extreme weather, extreme temperatures, and weather out of
harmony with the seasons. Record high tidal waves that led to flood catastrophes in areas where this was highly
unusual. Exceptionally many tornadoes and hurricanes. Dangerous oceanic malstroems. The melting of the Arctic
sea ice. New and rare types of clouds.

- Extreme temperatures (heat and cold records)

Media have in the last years been full of articles and discussions about the so-called Global Warming
phenomenon, as an explanation of several environmental problems and crises [Wiki article: Global Warming]. The
consensus view is that the global average temperature has increased in the last hundred years, from 1906 to 2005,
with 0,74 °C. The consensus view is that the temperature increase until the 1950s comes from nature itself. The
Global Warming phenomenon is thus a scientific quarrel whether the temperature increase since the 1950s is
caused by man or nature. Natural sources to the global increase of 0,74 °C may be increased solar radiation and/or
an increase of heat from the Earth core reaching the surface through undersea volcanic activity. The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), however, concludes that increasing greenhouse gas
concentrations resulting from human activity such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation caused most of the
observed temperature increase since the middle of the 20th century.

The major greenhouse gases are water vapor, which causes about 36–70 % of the greenhouse effect; carbon
dioxide (CO2), which causes 9–26 %; methane (CH4), which causes 4–9 %; and ozone (O3), which causes 3–7 %.
Since it is difficult to explain water vapor as an environmental threat, IPCC has instead chosen to focus on the
CO2 concentrations. As a matter of fact, an increase of CO2 just makes our world greener and more lush. The
CO2 level in the pre-industrial era represented around 0,028 % of the Earth’s atmosphere. It is mainly the increase
of CO2, this enhancer of lushness, from 0,028 % to today’s level of 0,038 %, which IPCC blames for the increase
of the global average temperature the last hundred years, from 1906 to 2005, by 0,74 °C. The critics of the
consensus view, however, claim that all the facts indicate that it is the solar activity that determines the
temperature level on Earth, and that the temperature level determines the CO2 level.

With all the media circus around the Global Warming issues, and with the minds filled with theories, diagrams and
statistics from Al Gore & Co., people have missed the real meteorological and geological show which have been
going on worldwide since 2004. In this real show the global heat records are just one small part of the big picture,
and this small part is being balanced by global cold records!

* ZT note about Global Warming.

* ZT Newsletter March 30, 2008. Cold records in north; heat records in south.
* ZT Newsletter September 7, 2008. The Arctic sea ice is melting.
* ZT Newsletter February 8, 2009. The pattern of extreme temperatures becomes more complex, taking the
shape of vertical bands over the globe.
* ZT Newsletter August 2, 2009. Over 3000 cold records in USA.
* Richard S. Lindzen: Resisting climate hysteria. Article dated July 26, 2009.
* ZT Newsletter November 29, 2009. 7000 buildings have collapsed in China due to heavy snow. The Canary
Islands are experiencing the worst rainfall in 40 years. The severe rainfall in England, resulting in regional

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flood, has been estimated to happen once every 1000 years!

* ZT Newsletter January 17, 2010. Cold- and snowfall records all over the northern hemisphere. Western
Europe is experiencing one of the coldest winters for several decades. The Eastern USA is experiencing the
coldest winter since 1985. Seoul, South Korea, is experiencing the heaviest snowfall since such
meteorological recordings started in 1937. Beijing is experiencing the coldest winter in 40 years.
* ZT Newsletter July 11, 2010. Snow on summer solstice in Austria; frost warning in Oregon in June.
* ZT Newsletter July 18, 2010. Cold and heat records all over the world in the summer 2010.
* Wiki article: 2010 Northern Hemisphere summer heat wave.

Nobel Peace Price winner Al Gore has functioned as a gigantic decoy

by fronting the Global Warming myth.

From ZT note: Heralding:

”Weather changes heralding the giant comet's approach will at first be within normal parameters. As long as
meteorologists can find a similar pattern on the books or an old timer can be found to regale us with tales of the
old days, no one will get unduly alarmed. The weather, after all, is a constant source of conversation, but the
intensity of these discussions will change when the effects on food chains relied upon by man move outside of
familiar boundaries. It is at this point that Alarm Bells will go off. All attempts to explain the changes based on
Global Warming from the Greenhouse effect will run into snags as the weather will refuse to be predictable.
Areas of the world which have been deserts throughout mankind's memory will become swamps under
constant and repeated rains. Temperate climates used to periodic gentle rainfall will suffer intractable droughts.
Then this will switch about, for no apparent reason. The reason lies deep within the Earth's core, an area the
meteorologists refuse to consider, and thus their predictions on the atmosphere will never be based on the right

A key change, to which one could point, is the warming of the Earth's oceans, around the globe. This has been
measured as a 6 inch rise, worldwide, on all the beaches. The waters have risen because they are warmer, and
warm water takes up more room than cold water, as all elementary physics books will report. How is it that the
oceans, so very deep and so very cold, have warmed up? Is it the almost imperceptible rise in the temperature
of the air, a degree or so, as reported to date? Since heat rises, why would this slight rise affect the oceans?
Meteorologists will tell you that the effect of air warming is air turbulence, not warmer oceans. The oceans are
warmer because the core of the Earth has heated up, and it does so in response to its brother coming closer.”

- Floods and high tidal waves (unrelated to storms and earthquake-caused tsunamies)
* ZT Newletter May 27, 2007. Record high tidal waves.
* ZT Newsletter August 5, 2007. Floods worldwide.
* ZT Newsletter December 2, 2007. Floods.
* ZT Newsletter August 2, 2009. Freak tides.
* ZT Newsletter June 27, 2010. In just two weeks extreme floods in Oklahoma/Arizona, France, China, Brazil
and Canada.

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- Hurricanes and tornadoes

”ZetaTalk Explanation 5/31/2008: The more violent wobble is inciting tornadoes over the N American
continent in several ways. First, it drives the Earth under her blanket of air twice daily. During the Figure 8 the
N Pole of Earth forms daily, the Earth first leans her magnetic N Pole away from the Sun when it rises up over
the horizon at dawn, and then leans her magnetic N Pole away from the Sun toward the other direction ahead
of sunset. Since the magnetic N Pole is in the Arctic between Canada and Siberia, this lurching about affects
the N American continent primarily. What happens when the N American continent is pushed into the north
Pacific at dawn, and again into the north Atlantic at dusk? Cold air is driven over the warm air found overland
- precisely what tornadoes need in order to form. A tornado is a pool of cold air atop a pool of warm air. The
cold air drops, and spirals as it does so. As the N American continent has warmed inland due to the change of
seasons, the contrast between air over the northern oceans and the air inland has increased. Thus the increase
in tornadoes during May. What will happen as the continent warms during summer, increasing the contrast?
The cold air driven atop the now hot air will find a greater contrast, and tornadoes will increase!”

* ZT Newsletter March 9, 2008. Hurricanes all over Europe.

* ZT Newsletter June 1, 2008. Record high number of tornadoes in USA.
* ZT Newsletter September 21, 2008. The hurricane Ike which swept Texas.
* ZT Newsletter April 4, 2010. The first two hurricanes/cyclones ever to be recorded at the east coast of South
America, occurred in March 2004 and March 2010.

High tidal wave and tornado

- Oceanic malstroems
ZT note: Ocean Vortex:
“These giant whirlpools have been recorded by the ancients, as their ships on occasion were caught in them
during a pole shift. When one of the fleet managed to escape, the tale was told and recorded. However, as with
many pole shift generated tales, these tales are taken to be myths.”

* ZT Newsletter December 16, 2007. About a ship lost in a malstroem off the coast of Taiwan.

- Hailstorms
ZT Newsletter 16 Dec 2007:
”We have mentioned several effects of the Earth wobble, such as jet stream loops and extreme temperature
changes. Where in general the atmosphere drags along with the Earth's surface, there is a lag, which is what
causes the prevailing westerlies. When the Earth is pulled under an air mass of a different temperature, the air
can rise or plunge, the typical scenario of a summer thunderstorm. But what occurs when such an air mass is
pulled under another, and they returned to its former position? Instead of a thunderhead forming, the process is
aborted, leaving a layer of moisture heavy clouds instead. That this cloud formation has only been seen
recently links it to the Earth wobble, which has only been present since 2004.”

- Rare and new types of clouds

ZT GPL 6 Jun 2009. About the formation of ”wobble cloud”:
”Another myth reported in folklore relates to severe hailstorms, one of the plagues that afflicted the Egyptians
during the time leading into the Jewish Exodus. The last pole shift occurred during the time of Moses,
approximately 3,600 years ago, and the time of the plagues and the shift itself were recorded both in the Book
of Exodus and by the Egyptians. Both of these accounts contain tales of severe hailstorms, and the descriptions

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are remarkably similar.”

Oceanic malstroem and ”wobble cloud”

A1.1: Catastrophic fall in global food production, which again results in global food shortage.
The extreme weather results in a catastrophic fall in the global food production, which again results in global food
shortage. Global food shortage reached a new level in year 2000, when food shortage was reported in 77 countries.
From ZT Newsletter December 23, 2007:

“Reports of crop shortages increased exponentially in 2000, and by late 2002, a UN Report documented the
extent as worldwide, devastating, and due to weather related problems. But the media was still underreporting
crop shortages… By 2007, the fact that crop shortages were occurring and grain stores were depleting was
finally being admitted, and the price of food was rising dramatically.”

* ZT Newsletter December 23, 2007. A summing-up.

* ZT Newsletter April 6, 2008. Jump in rice price; food stamps and soup kitchens are reintroduced.
* ZT Newsletter February 15, 2009. A report from Global Research; draught is the primary reason to food
production failure, from Australia to USA and South America.
* ZT Newsletter June 21, 2009. UN report says one billion are starving.

A2: Increasing misinformation from GPS equipment

The Earth’s increasing wobble results in increasing misinformation from GPS equipment, since this information is
based on mathematical calculations of times and distances that do not take the wobble in consideration [Wiki-
artikkel: Global Positioning System]. In May 2009 the American Government started to spread disinformation
regarding the cause that GPS equipment will start failing in 2010, blaming lack of maintenance work on the GPS
satellite network.

* ZT Newsletter May 23, 2009. Introduction to the subject.

* ZT Newsletter March 29, 2009. About the nuclear submarine USS Hartford which crashed with another
American ship; and about other submarine accidents the last years.

Illustration of the GPS satelite network

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B) Effect of Nibiru: the Earth's tectonic plates are wrenched and shakened loose from each
other and set in motion
According to ZetaTalk, Earth has since 2003 been trapped in a constellation between four other planets: Nibiru in
front and moving in collision course with Earth; the Earth’s twin planet coming from behind and also moving in
collision course with Earth; Venus in the neighbour orbit on the inner side to the left (if the observer is standing on
the N Pole facing forward in Earth’s orbit); and Mars in the neighbour orbit on the outer side to the right (if the
observer is standing on the N Pole facing forward in Earth’s orbit). In this constellation of being trapped, Earth is
continually being pulled forwards and backwards, giving a sort of whiplash effect which put the tectonic plates
under enormous strains. In addition comes the Earth’s wobble of the spin axis, with the result that the northern and
southern hemispheres are being wrenched in opposite directions.

First, the northern hemisphere is being wrenched eastwards (in the direction of the Earth’s rotation) while the
southern hemisphere is being held back. Then the southern hemisphere is being wrenched westwards while the
northern hemisphere is being held back. ZetaTalk calls this The torque effect. The whiplash effect and the torque
effect become more forceful the closer we come to the Earth crust displacement, and these effects are reflected in
ever more dramatic phenomena related to the tectonic plates. The tectonic dramas become some times top news,
as with catastrophical earthquakes, but media present most of the manifestations of the tectonic dramas as isolated
events “just happening”. The media give all the attention to the consequences of the manifestations, as the
personal tragedies and the socioeconomic losses related to earthquakes, leaving the reader in the dark of the
deepest causes behind the manifestations.

The Earth being trapped in a constellation between four planets,

in this position being pulled forwards and backwards.

Plate tectonics is a geoscientific subdiscipline with status of being the prevailing scientific theory about the
movements of the Earth’s crust. Plate tectonics had its breakthrough at the end of the 1960s, and brought new life
to Alfred Wegener’s (1880-1930) hypothesis of continental drift from 1915. From a ZetaTalk persperctive, the
greatest weakness of plate tectonics is the way it is rooted in the dogma of gradualism instead of catastrophism
[Wiki article: Catastrophism]. Catastrophism is the idea that Earth repeatedly has gone through short-lived global
cataclysms, which ZetaTalk relates to Earth crust displacements.

Let us start with ZetaTalk’s version of the origin of Earth. A water planet, which according to Zecharia Sitchin was
called Tiamat by the Sumerians, had its orbit around the Sun where the orbit of the Asteroid belt now is, between
Mars and Jupiter. During one of Nibiru’s passages through the Ecliptic, one of the many moons or meteors in its
tail crashed with Tiamat, smashing Tiamat in many pieces. The biggest piece became Earth, and the world ocean
rushed down in the gigantic impact crater, which thus became the Pacific Ocean basin. The Earth then got the orbit
of today.

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We can imagine this as an illustration of one of Nibiru’s moons crashing with Tiamat,
creating the Pacific Ocean basin.

When the world ocean had rushed down into the Pacific Ocean basin, an earlier world of oceanic plateaus and
ridges stuck above the ocean for the first time, full av mud and sea shells. Thus emerged the original
supercontinent that Wegener in his hypothesis assumed must have existed, and which he named Pangeae. On the
top of Mount Everest one can still find shells, which shows that this ridge once upon a time was oceanic.

ZetaTalk rejects the theory of continental drift, at least in the sense that the continents very, very slowly have
drifted away from each other. ZetaTalk claims instead that the general trend is that the Earth crust displacements
result in fracturing, rifting and finally splitting of the tectonic plates (ZT note: Continental Drift). So, instead of
talking about continental drift, it would be better to talk about plate rifting and splitting. The overall trend of the
displacements with their plate rifting and splitting is that Earth, as a planet sailing through space, becomes ever
more balanced and harmonized what concerns the geographical distribution of oceans and continents.

According to plate tectonics, the Earth’s crust consists of seven giant and 30-40 less tectonic plates being in close
contact with each other (Wiki article: List of tectonic plates). The boundaries between the plates are called plate
boundaries. There are three types of plate boundaries:

* convergent, or collisional boundary. This will either result in a subduction zone where an oceanic plate moves
beneath an oceanic or continental plate, or in a continental collision between two continental plates leading to
mountain range formation (like the Himalayas). Subduction zones result in enormous earthquakes and deep
oceanic trenches.

* divergent boundary, which means that the two plates are moving away from each other. This results in a
spreading zone with the formation of new crust between the two plates. These areas can form in the middle of
continents but eventually form ocean basins. Divergent boundaries within continents initially produce rifts which
produce rift valleys. The most active divergent plate boundaries are between oceanic plates, where mid-oceanic
ridges (like the Mid-Atlantic Ridge) are formed in the sea floor spreading zone.

* transform fault (or transform boundary) occur where plates slide past each other, and crust is neither destroyed
nor created.

The plate boundaries represent fundamental zones of tectonic disturbances, almost all earthquakes and volcanic
activity happen here. Rifts can be interplate (in a divergent boundary) as well as intraplate (a plate in the process
of being split in two). The intraplate rifts that ZetaTalk mentions most frquently, are Rift Valley in East Africa
(Wiki article: East African Rift) and New Madrid Seismic Zone in Eastern USA (Wiki article: New Madrid Seismic

We will now move forward in time and see what will happen, according to ZetaTalk, in the climax hour of the
Earth crust displacement. From ZT note: The Scripted Drama:

”The stage having been set, then, the crust movement steps during the hour of the shift are as follows:

1. As the South Pole, gripped by the passing North Pole of the 12th Planet [Nibiru], moves north, the crust is torn

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from the core and freed in this way, allowing pre-existing stress points to relax. Thus, Europe and Africa move
further east, allowing the Atlantic to rip apart during the slide northward.

2. The immediate effect of the massive plate housing Europe, Russia and the Near East [the Eurasian plate] to
move is felt most strongly in India, as the Himalayas are driven over India at this point, effectively submerging
this country in a wink.

3. The effect of the Indo-Australian plate taking a dive under the Himalayas is to relieve tension along the
African Rift, such that this tears, promptly, but in shuddering steps with halting adjustments and pauses
between shudders. In essence, the movement eastward of the African continent is a momentum creating this

4. During the tearing of the Atlantic Ocean floor, and the dragging north or the North American continent, an
already existing tear in the St. Lawrence Seaway tears further, essentially the weak link in this landmass held at
so many points to the further side of the Atlantic Ocean. Canada moves north, while the rest of the Americas
cling to the Atlantic Rift while it separates.

[Rolf Kenneth: For those not familiar with St. Lawrence Seaway, it is the common name for a system of canals
that permits ocean-going vessels to travel from the Atlantic Ocean to the North American Great Lakes. The
Mid-Atlantic Rift is a deep rift valley which runs along the axis of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge along nearly its
entire length. This rift, which is volcanic active, marks the actual boundary between four giant tectonic plates:
the Eurasian plate and the North American plate in the North Atlantic; and the African plate and the South
American plate in the South Atlantic.]

5. The movement of the massive plate housing Europe, Russia, and Asia [the Eurasian plate] to the east also is
expected to rip this plate along the Himalayas, as we have stated, creating an inland bay into the Russian lands
just to what is now the north of the Himalayas. This follows, in jerks and tears, over the hour of the shift, along
with the tearing of the African Rift.

6. When the ocean off the bulge of Brazil has reached the position of the current North Pole, crust slippage stops,
creating yet another drama. The major northern hemisphere plates stop, and whatever follows crashes into
them. In the case of the Americas, this causes Central America and the Caribbean to crumble.

7. In the case of Africa, already sliding eastward, the force is further movement eastward, as subduction of the
Indo-Australian plate has already begun, the weaker link already established and momentum in process.

8. The pileup is in what was the former Northern Hemisphere, and the compression of the Pacific is creating
resistance as plates are subducted under the Americas, and then Japan explodes [by powerful volcanic
eruptions] and Indonesia crumbles.”

[Rolf Kenneth: Click on the links to see a more elaborate description of the destinies of Japan and
Indonesia during the climax hour. Indonesia is placed at the vulnerable southeast tongue of the Eurasian plate].

9. [The content of paragraph 9 has been formulated clearer by Nancy Lieder in a private email to Rolf Kenneth.
It goes like this:] The Antarctic plate, which is the world’s fifth largest plate, has its boundaries adjacent to six
other plates, among them the Pacific plate on one side, and on the other side the South American plate and the
African plate sharing the South Atlantic Ocean between them. The Pacific Ocean will be compressed, which
means that all the plates in this area will be pushed beneath or above each other. On the Pacific side, the
Antarctic plate will be pressed down by another plate. The Antarctic plate is, however, of very solid structure,
so instead of rifting and splitting in two, it will tilt upwards on the Atlantic side. This will result in new land
emerging from the sea, between the south tips of South America and Africa. The tilt upwards on the Atlantic
side will happen almost without resistance, since the Atlantic Ocean will be rifting and expanding.

In the rest of this chapter B we will look closer at various plate-tectonic phenomena and consequences hereof.
These phenomena indicate that the plates now are exposed to extra-ordinary severe strains and stresses.

* Wiki articles: Plate tectonics; List of tectonic plates; Mid-Atlantic Ridge; Rift.
* ZT note: Whiplash.

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B1: Stretch zone phenomena where rock layers are being pulled apart because the tectonic plate is being
drawn in opposite directions simultaneously.
ZetaTalk has introduced the term “stretch zone”, which includes both interplate and intraplate rifting. The term is
used especially in cases of intraplate rifting due to the present wrenching and shaking of the tectonic plates. Some
of these plates are being drawn in opposite directions simultaneously. In Western Saudi Arabia, not far from the
Red Sea where the African plate and the Arabian plate share boundary, one can now see the development of a
gigantic rift in the earth (here). While some try to explain this as “undetermined volcanic activity”, per the Zetas,
the two plates will be pulling apart as the Earth changes proceed.

A stretch zone in Saudi Arabia due to two plates pulling apart.

The characteristic of intraplate stretch zones is that the rock foundation is sinking, failing and/or changing
position. Due to ZetaTalk having the US population as its main target of mission, the New Madrid Seismic Zone in
Eastern USA is the stretch zone most frequently mentioned (Wiki article: New Madrid Seismic Zone).

* ZT note: Stretch Zone.

* ZT note: North American Rip.
* ZT note: The stretch zone: that sinking feeling.

B1.1: Structures and buildings imploding; pipes and Internet cables breaking
One of the consequences of rock foundation sinking, failing or changing position, is that pipes and Internet cables
laid upon such a foundation will be stretched and come under tension, and may finally break. Structures, buildings
and whole cities resting upon such a foundation may collapse and implode.

* ZT Newsletter February 10, 2008. Offshore Internet cables five miles from Alexandria, Egypt, breaks.
* ZT Newsletter February 24, 2008. An oil pipeline and an oil refinery in Texas explodes.
* ZT Newsletter March 29, 2009. A German building implodes; ZetaTalk predictions from 2002.
* ZT Newsletter May 16, 2009. A gas pipeline explodes in Moscow; greatest explosion since WW II.
* ZT Newsletter May 23, 2009. Buildings imploding during the same week in Tecumseh (Oklahoma), Waterloo
(Iowa), Bristol (Pennsylvania) and Walthamstrow (UK).
* ZT Newsletter November 1, 2009. A very powerful explosion at Caribbean Petroleum Corp., outside of the
capital of Puerto Rico. Stress between two tectonic plates caused a gas pipe to snap, sparks were created,
and thus the explosion. The explosion could be compared to an earthquake with magnitude 2,8.

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A very powerful explosion at Caribbean Petroleum Corp. on October 24, 2009.

B1.2: Bridges collapsing

One of the consequences of rock foundation sinking, failing or changing position, either at one or at both sides of
a river, is that bridges crossing the river may be wrenched more than they can endure, and collapse.

* ZT Newsletter August 5, 2007. A bridge in Minneapolis and a bridge in Oroville, California, collapse.
* ZT Newsletter September 30, 2007. A bridge under construction in Vietnam collapses.
* ZT Newsletter August 30, 2009. During two months bridges have collapsed in India, Ireland, Winnipeg, Iowa,
Mexico and China.

Bridge over Mississippi river collapsing on August 2, 2007.

B1.3: Sinkholes
As explained in the Wiki article Sinkhole, there may be several types of causes behind the sudden appearance of a
sinkhole. The new sinkholes that ZetaTalk discusses, are all related to stretch zones.

* 13 of the Biggest, Strangest, and Most Devastating Sinkholes on Earth. Article in WebEcoist, dated August
26, 2008.
* ZT Newsletter April 1, 2007. More than 100 sinkholes in the province Guangxi, China.
* ZT Newsletter May 11, 2008. Sinkholes in Texas, Mexico City and Guatemala.
* ZT Newsletter May 23, 2009. Sinkholes in Springfield (Missouri) and in Cleveland (Ohio).
* ZT Newsletter July 12, 2009. Sinkholes in New Jersey and in Calgary, Canada.
* ZetaTalk Newsletter 25. oktober 2009. A sinkhole appeared in the middle of a church in Naples, Italy, on
September 23, 2009.
* ZT Newsletter May 16, 2010. 26 sinkholes in the province Sichuan, China. In California two cars were

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swallowed by a sudden sinkhole. In Quebec (Canada) a gigantic sinkhole swallowed a house, several
persons being inside the house died.
* ZT Newsletter June 20, 2010. More about the outbreak of sinkholes in China and Guatemala.

Sinkholes suddenly appearing in Berezniki (Russia) and near Guatemala City (Guatemala).

A sinkhole appeared in San Carlo alle Mortelle church in Naples on September 23, 2009.

B2: Earthquakes
Earthquakes are the release of great intraplate or interplate tension. Almost all earthquakes are interplate, since the
tension is greatest here. Intraplate earthquakes are relative rare, little understood, and occur in rift zones like New
Madrid Seismic Zone. Magnitude scales like the Richter scale are logarithmic. Thus, a difference in magnitude of
1.0 is equivalent to a factor of 31.6 in the energy released, which closely correlates to its destructive power. A
difference of magnitude of 2.0 is equivalent to a factor of 1000 in the energy released.

- The significance of deep earthquakes

ZetaTalk gives, in ZT note April 15, 1997, an explanation of the significance of deep earthquakes. Further, they
predict that official earthquake databases may soon hold back information about the earthquakes' depth.

“One of the surest signs that the current eccentricity in weather patterns and the increased magnetic diffusion
exhibited by the Earth’s core and the warming of the oceans from the bottom up are not simply variations on
the norm, is the dramatic increase in deep earthquakes, as noted since the mid 1980’s. This of course gets little
media attention, just as the increasing magnetic diffusion is not in the media, as they are difficult symptoms to
explain. The increase in deep earthquakes, those indicating plate adjustments at the most fundamental level,
are in particular a telling clue that a pole shift is in the Earth’s near future. Few earthquakes register at this
level normally, as most quakes registered by man are on the fragile and easily crumbled surface.

The snapping or crumbing surface affects mankind’s habitat directly, so that surface quakes are noticed. Deep
quakes rock the boat but don’t normally throw the crockery about, moving the plate as a whole rather than
adjusting the surface. Therefore deep quakes result in little damage, and thus get little media coverage.
However, as a symptom heralding the coming pole shift, they are extremely significant and more importantly,

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unexplainable in any other context. The increase in deep earthquakes is currently reported, but as these
increase and attention is focused on this curious symptom, the current availability of these statistics may be
blocked. Earthquake data is reported by location, date and time, Richter scale magnitude, and depth. Expect
that latter piece of information to be dropped in the future.”

- Exponential increase in earthquakes since 2007

According to ZetaTalk, it was a linear increase in the number and magnitude of earthquakes from 2003-06, and an
exponential increase from 2007 until today. The exponential increase is documented concerning earthquakes with
magnitude 4,9-5,9 (source). This exponential increase is predicted to continue until the Earth crust displacement,
which will release an inferno of earthquakes the world has not experienced in the last 50.000 years. The reper-
cussions will last the next hundred years.

Diagram of earthquakes worldwide, M=6-8, which have been deadly and destructive from 1900-2008.

- USGS has cheated with earthquake statistics since 2003

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) (website), running an official database in which earthquakes worldwide are being
registered, has since 2003 cheated in their reporting by registering far fewer earthquakes and by giving them a
lower magnitude than the real numbers. In this way the government is trying to present the present the global plate-
tectonic drama as far less alarming than it really is. With this less alarming presentation they hope to avoid public
speculation about the cause for the increase in earthquakes and magnitude. See ZT Newsletter December 24, 2006.

- ZetaTalk newsletters discussing earthquakes:

* ZT note July 2004. Earthquakes occuring at the same time worldwide started in March 2003, and a pattern
was established from May 25, 2003.
* ZT Newsletter September 16, 2007. About the powerful earthquakes in Sumatra in December 2004 and
September 2007.
* ZT Newsletter October 7, 2007. Earthquakes with M>4 worldwide at the same time; an exponential increase
has started.
* ZT Newsletter November 30, 2008. The trend with earthquakes, M = 5-7, worldwide at the same time
continues. FEMA warns the population in the New Madrid Seismic Zone about possible catastrophes.
* ZT Newsletter January 18, 2009. Official earthquake statistics 2002-08, showing that there was a dramatic
increase in 2007.
* ZT Newsletter July 12, 2009. A statistic diagram for the period 1900-2008; a summing-up of USGS’s
cheating with statistics since 2003.
* ZT GPL Chat January 16, 2010. The earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010, was just a foretaste of what
will happen to all of the Caribbean and Central America. According to ZetaTalk, the earthquake was far
more powerful than the official magnitude of 7,0. See also USGS report.
* The earthquake in Chile on February 27, 2010. The earthquake, which occurred off the coast of the Maule
Region of Chile, was the fifth strongest earthquake in the world since recordings started around 1900. With

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a magnitude of 8,8 it was 501 times stronger than the 7,0 quake in Haiti in January.

* ZT Newsletter April 25, 2010. The earthquake on March 13-14, 2010, on the Tibetan Plateau, may have
killed as many as 10.000 persons. The earthquake was measured to a magnitude of 7,1. This was an
intraplate earthquake (in contrast to an interplate), which is relatively rare.

Earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010. Earthquake in Chile on February 27, 2010.

B3: Volcanic activity

Smithonian Institution is responsible for the website Global Volcanism Program, where one finds statistics for
historical, yearly and global volcanic activity. The number of eruptions per year have been fairly stable the last
centuries, and from 1960 to 2003 have been stable between 50-67 eruptions per year (source). To search for the
number of eruptions per month or year, go here. For the years 2004-09, the number of eruptions were a bit higher
than usual:

2004: 71
2005: 73
2006: 76
2007: 71
2008: 76
2009: 67

* ZT Newsletter March 28, 2010. The volcanic eruption on Iceland is explained in the context of the expansion
of the Atlantic.

B4: Booms in the air; underground rumbles and humming

* ZT Newsletter March 23, 2008. About booms in the air.

* ZT GPL Chat November 29, 2008. About underground humming.
* ZT Newsletter May 16, 2009. About booms in the air and underground rumbles.

B5: The release or increased pressure of gases and liquids in pockets between rock layers
During an Earth crust displacement vegetation may be trapped between two rock layers, and may lie there and rot
for thousands of years until the rock layers for some reason are torn apart, e.g. during the prelude to the next
displacement. The putrefaction creates gases, like the non-smelling methane and the highly repulsive smelling
methanethiol. Tectonic changes may reduce the volume of some petroleum-filled reservoirs, leading to an
explosive high pressure in petroleum wells.

B5.1: The Earth releases stinking methanethiol; the Tunguska event (1908)
Methanethiol has a penetrating odor associated with rotten cabbage, rotten eggs and flatus, and is in fact a
component in bad breath, flatus and feces (Wiki article: Methanethiol). When trapped methanethiol is released
from rock layers torn apart, humans out in the nature may think that they are close to a swamp, while those in
towns may believe that there has been a gas leak. Some times movements in one tectonic plate may cause
adjustments in other plates, and thus trigger a tectonic domino effect worldwide. According to ZetaTalk, January 8,

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2007, was just such a day, reports of a putrid smell coming in from all over the world. From a global odor point of
view, this may have been a “historical” day!

* ZT note January 9, 2007. About putrid smell worldwide on January 8, 2007.

* ZT Newsletter February 24, 2008. About putrid smell all over Indiana.

- The Tunguska explosion in 1908.

One of the great mysteries of science is what caused the incredibly powerful explosion in Tunguska, in the middle
of Siberia, on June 30, 1908 (Wiki article: Tunguska event). ZetaTalk touches on this issue in an answer to a
question (ZT Chat Q&A June 5, 2010):

”Methane gas… can cause explosions as was the case for the Tunguska explosion. A quake split the
permafrost, releasing methane gas into the air. This pool of gas rose into the upper atmosphere, as methane is
lighter than air, and when sparked by lightning, exploded. The explosion followed the path of rising methane
back to the ground in Siberia, in Tunguska. Can this type of explosive behavior be anticipated as quakes
increase around the world? Yes, but such explosions will be extremely rare.”

Tunguska 1927 (19 years later!)

B5.2: Released methane gas and birds dropping from the sky
* ZT GPL Chat March 13, 2010. More than 100 starlings fell from the sky and dropped down in a single
garden in Somerset, each with blood oozing from its beak and curled up claws. ZetaTalk explains that they
were victims of methane gas released from rock layers.

Dead starlings poured down over Somerset on March 7, 2010.

B5.3: Explosively high pressure in petroleum wells

Tectonic changes may reduce the volume of some petroleum-filled reservoirs, leading to an explosively high
pressure in petroleum wells.

* ZT Newsletter June 13, 2010. About the primary cause of the oil spill catastrophe that Deepwater Horizon
triggered on April 20, 2010, and about two other petroleum wells that had problems with explosively high

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B6: Greater tectonic adjustments

* ZT Newsletter April 25, 2010. The Coral Sea ocean floor near Australia has probably risen 100 meters in just
24 days in March-April. 500 km further away the sea level has fallen with 39 meters.

C) Other effects of Nibiru

C1: Changes in the Earth's magnetic field and magnetosphere
ZetaTalk claimed in 1995, in ZT note: Magnetic Field, that the Earth’s magnetic field will not be weakened, it will
just change direction. National Geographic News posted on June 30, 2008, the article Earth's Core, Magnetic Field
Changing Fast, Study Says. The mentioned study shows that 2003 was the start of pronounced changes in the
Earth’s magnetic field.

In December 2008 NASA informed about a huge breach in the Earth’s magnetosphere, four times the size of the
Earth. In October 2009 pictures of the Earth’s magnetosphere showed that it was twisted. On July 31, 2010, the
magnetosphere was deformed on the sun side, which according to ZetaTalk was the cause of the breakdown of the
cooling system on the International Space Station (ISS) the same day. ZetaTalk claims that Nibiru was the primary
cause of the three mentioned changes in the Earth’s magnetosphere, plus to the auroras (northern polar lights) on
August 4, 2010. NASA explained the auroras as an effect of a claimed CME on August 1, 2010. For a summing-up
of the three events, see ZT Newsletter August 8, 2010.

C2: Anomalies in Moon’s orbit around Earth

Anomalies in Moon’s orbit have been registered since March 2004. Reports have come from all over the world
that the Moon was/is too far north of the Ecliptic after new moon, and too far south of the Ecliptic after full moon.
This route above and below the Earth’s equator has made the orbit a little bit shorter, with the consequence that
the monthly cycle has been a little bit shorter than usual.

* ZT note March 29, 2005.

* ZT Newsletter July 5, 2009.

C3: Increased radiation of certain particles from the Earth's core

ZetaTalk has mentioned several times that Nibiru’s presence has resulted in an increase in certain particles from
the Earth's core. These particles have not yet been acknowledged by our science. These particles have various
biological-genetical effects, among them an increase in albinoism and mutants. A few new cases of albino
buffaloes attracted great interest among native American indians, having long had an oral tradition that the birth of
an albino buffalo would signify the end of an era.

C3.1: Increased frequency of albinoism

* ZT note: White Buffalo.

* ZT collection of newspaper clips.
* ZT Newsletter July 15, 2007. Pink dolphin; a summing-up.

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Examples of albinoism

C3.2: Increased frequency of mutants

In ZT Newsletter November 18, 2007 a strange case of a siamese twin is mentioned and pictured, ”the Lakshmi
goddess child”, followed by this comment:

“Siamese twins or identical twins are not uncommon. Parasitic twins occur also, where an identical twin is
found to be growing inside the body of the larger of the twins. On occasion wildlife is found with extra limbs,
and lately kittens are being born with more than one head. In 1995 the appearance of deformed frogs hit the
news with several additional body parts, particularly extra legs. Per the Zetas, this is a sign of the stress put on
nature by emanations from the core of the Earth, churning as Planet X comes near.”

C4: An increase in mental, immunodeficiency and infectious diseases

ZetaTalk claims that there will be many causes to an increase in mental, immunodeficiency and infectious diseases
in the time leading up to the axial shift, including increased radiation of certain particles from the Earth core. The
most important factor to vitality and sickness, however, will still be the will to survive and fight. When the will is
weakened, the immune system will fail, and then one may die of all kinds of infections that otherwise would not be

* ZT note: Take Sick.

* ZT note: Emanation Illness.
* ZT note: Morgellons.

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D) Effects of Nibiru’s electromagnetic charged tail

D1: Fireballs and meteors
The official explanation of the increasing number of fireballs and meteors bombarding the Earth, was first that
these were just satellite junk. We were supposed to believe that space now has become so crowded with satellites
that they are beginning to crash into one another! Since October 2009 NASA has started to give us another
explanation, with the hope that we should not get too suspicious: We are experiencing a “swarm of asteroids”!

* Article by Bonnee Klein Gilligan. Global report, dated January 21, 2009.
* ZT Newsletter February 1, 2009. Fireballs over Europe and Canada.
* ZT Newsletter February 22, 2009. Fireball explained by the government as junk from a collision between one
American and one Russian satellite.
* ZT Newsletter June 28, 2009. The US Military announces that observed fireballs and meteors from now on
are to be regarded as classified information. See Leonard Davids article, Military Hush-Up: Incoming Space
Rocks Now Classified. Astronomers not knowing the real reason behind this new policy, are ”a bit miffed”.
According to ZetaTalk, the real reason behind the new policy is that the ever increasing number of fireballs
from Nibiru’s tail otherwise would have alarmed the astronomers. They would then have recognized that
most of the fireballs are coming from one and the same source and direction.
* ZT Newsletter November 29, 2009. Since October 2009 NASA has started to explain away the fireballs and
meteors as “a swarm of asteroids” Three of them crashed over Indonesia, Western USA and South Africa.
The fourth, ”Asteroid 2009 VA”, flew by Earth (see video collection).

Fireball over US’ Atlantic coast on March 29, 2009.

D2: Atmospheric electromagnetic disturbances

A general introduction from ZT note: Air France 447:
“We have repeatedly warned that electromagnetic disturbances could be anticipated as the charged tail of
Planet X turned toward the Earth. There is increasing evidence of this, the latest unmistakable piece of
evidence a blast to the Earth's magnetosphere. The number of subatomic particles in the electromagnetic
spectrum, as we have noted, is beyond what mankind imagines. When failure happens on the ground, there is
an outage. The lights go out, but nothing crashes to the ground. When a massive failure, however temporary,
occurs in an airliner time catches up with those affected as the airliner is temporarily out of control, and in
turbulent weather this can prove disastrous. Will such failure happen again? We have stressed, repeatedly, that
man can expect problems with their satellites and electrical grids due to the charged tail of Planet X wafting
increasingly in the direction of Earth.”

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D2.1: Satellites rotating out of position or crashing towards Earth out of control
* ZT Newsletter February 3, 2008 gives a summing-up of comments in earlier newsletters.

D2.2: Massive power blackouts worldwide

In August-September 2003 there were several massive power blackouts all over the civilized world. There were
massive power blackouts over the greater part of eastern USA and Canada on August 14 (blamed on an overloaded
Niagara Mohawk power grid); in London on August 28; in Malaysia on September 1; in Yucatan (Mexico) on
September 5; and all over Italy on September 28. ZetaTalk explained this as an effect of the electromagnetic
charged tail of Nibiru being swept in the direction of Earth, not as equipment failure.

On November 10, 2009, a massive power failure hit Brazil's two biggest cities, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and
large parts of neighboring Paraguay, leaving millions of people in the dark after a hydroelectric plant went offline.
Brazilian Energy Minister Edson Lobão said authorities weren't sure what caused the outage at the Itaipu dam,
which straddles the border between Brazil and Paraguay, but he believed an "atmospheric phenomenon" or "high-
intensity storm" was to blame.

* ZT Newsletter March 2, 2008. About the power outage in Florida on February 27, 2008, blamed on a minor
equipment failure at one of the substations.
* ZT Newsletter April 5, 2009. About the power outages in August-September 2003.
* ZT Newsletter August 30, 2009. About the powerful explosion on August 17, 2009, at the Sajano-
Shushenskoj hydroelectric power station.
* ZT Newsletter 15. november 2009. About the power outage in Brazil and Paraguay on November 10, 2009.

Massive power blackout in New York City Aug. 14, 2003; and in Sao Paulo (Brazil) Nov. 10, 2009.

D2.3: Train and aviation accidents due to sudden failure in the electrical signal system
The accidents discussed in the newsletters below have all been analyzed by ZetaTalk to have been caused by
electromagnetic disturbances from Nibiru’s charged tail. Otherwise, one could naturally assume several other
reasons for the accidents.

* ZT Newsletter March 2, 2008. On February 22, 2008, a B-2 stealth bomber crashed to the ground just after
* ZT Newsletter June 7, 2009. On June 1, 2009, a passenger plane, Air France Flight 447, crashed in the
Atlantic Ocean.
* ZT Newsletter June 28, 2009. On June 22, 2009, an accident happened on the Washington DC Metro when
one train piled on the top of another.
* ZT Newsletter July 19, 2009. On July 5, 2009, a monorail accident happened in Walt Disney World.
* ZT Newsletter April 11, 2010. Toyota has recalled 5,6 million cars due to sudden and unexplainable
acceleration problems. This is not a technical or mechanical failure. That the cause is electromagnetic
disturbances in the atmosphere has become so obvious that NASA has offered to assist Toyota in the
examination of the problems!
* ZT Chat Q&A June 31, 2010. The aviation accident in Pakistan on July 28, 2010.

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D2.4: The biological compasses fail

In ZT GPL Chat March 28, 2009 there is a question of why so many whales and dolphins have beached of late.
The Zetas answered:

”The compass is unreliable for the past few years, and lately has gotten very extreme in its variance. Many
animals and insects have a biological compass, recording during migrations where that compass laid, and when
taking a return trip relying on the recording to guide them back. If the Earth's N Pole swings away from the
press of Planet X, which is increasingly pointing its N Pole at the Earth, then these animals are not given
correct clues and aim for land or up a river. Sad to say, this will only get worse as the last weeks and the pole
shift loom on the horizon.”

194 whales and some dolphins stranded on Tasmania’s King Island.

D3: Hydrocarbon phenomena: “light towers”, neon clouds, spirals

Allan and Delair have in their very interesting book, Cataclysm!: Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in
9.500 B.C. (1997, Part IV, chap. 11), discussed how an astronomically triggered Earth crust displacement that
happened 11.500 years ago probably was associated with downfall from meteors of hydrocarbons such as
petrochemicals, bitumen and tar. ZetaTalk claims something alike, that the tail of Nibiru is soiling our atmosphere
with ignitable hydrocarbons. These hydrocarbons are the material component in various new light phenomena in
the sky. These phenomena are, however, triggered and shaped by various forces. Examples are “light towers”,
neon clouds, and the sensational spiral phenomenon over North Norway on December 9, 2009.

* ZT Newsletter January 27, 2008. Light towers over Iraq, Canada and Germany on January 2008.
* ZT Newsletter February 24, 2008. Light tower over Siberia on February 17, 2008, triggered by explosions in
a gas pipe.
* ZT Newsletter 2. november 2008. Pink neon cloud over London on November 2, 2008.
* ZT Newsletter 20. desember 2009. The spiral light phenomenon over North Norway on December 9, 2009.
The cause of the spiral pattern that dived down to the ground is, according to ZetaTalk, the same as for
other spin phenomena in the air (like tornadoes) and in water at the surface of Earth: they are a reflection
of the rotation in the Earth’s core.

* ZT Newsletter July 25, 2010. China: Light tower of methane gas released from rock layers.

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Light tower over Siberia on Feb. 17, 2008. Pink cloud over London on November 2, 2008.

The spiral light phenomenon over North Norway on December 9, 2009, around 08 AM.

ZetaTalk sees a connection between the spiral light phenomenon and primitive man’s cave paintings and petroglyphs (rock engravings)
where spiral patterns are a common motif.

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* ZT Chat Q&A June 26, 2010. Why is the Sun and the Moon seen more often with a halo? A halo is an
optical phenomenon, forming a circle around the sun, or occasionally the moon. It forms as sunlight is
refracted in hexagonal ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere [Wiki article: 22° halo]. A halo appears a
couple of times a week in Europe, and is thus a quite common phenomenon. ZetaTalk claims, however,
that in the last years another factor has turned up. The Nibiru complex is greasing the atmosphere, and the
grease facilitates the creations of halos around the Sun and the Moon.

Sun halo Moon halo

D4: Carbohydrate phenomena: ”Manna and ambrosia from heaven”

The Book of Exodus, chap. 16, tells how the Jews survived during their 40 years of wandering around in the desert
by eating manna that each morning had been formed on the ground, alike dew and rime. It tastes like honeycake.
The ancient Greeks called this honey-tasting ”heavenly bread” for ambrosia. Velikovsky, in his book Worlds in
Collision (1950, Part I, chap. 6), identified manna and ambrosia as carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are close cousins
of hydrocarbons. ZetaTalk confirms that manna and ambrosia were carbohydrates formed in the air passing over
active volcanoes, of which there are plenty of just after an Earth crust displacement. When great quantities of
carbohydrates drop in the water, the water turns milky. Those lands where this occurred were sometimes known as
the “lands of milk and honey”. This is explained in ZT Newsletter January 27, 2008. ZetaTalk quotes a newspaper
article from January 11, 2008: ”The New Mexico Environment Department is looking into what caused a strange
milky white rain to fall on Grant County…” ZetaTalk confirms that this episode was a classic manna sign.

D5: Iron oxide dust colors the air and the waters red
Many ancient manuscripts describe cataclysmic times when the air and the waters were colored red by dust that
made the fresh water undrinkable. Examples are the Book of Exodus chap. 7:20-21, the Egyptian Ipuwer Papyrus,
and the Kiche Mayan collection of stories Popol Vuh. Velikovsky discussed these ancient descriptions in his book
Worlds in Collision (1950, Part I, chap. 2); and Allan & Delair discussed them in their book Cataclysm!:
Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9.500 B.C. (1997, Part V, chap. 9-10).

Velikovsky (1950) and Allan & Delair (1997) identified the red dust as iron oxide meteor dust. ZetaTalk confirms
this conclusion. On September 23, 2009, the world suddenly turned red for the citizens of Sidney, Australia, during
a dust storm [see article with video and pictures). Many ZetaTalk fans believed that the red iron oxide dust in the
sandstorm had come from Nibiru’s tail. In ZT Newsletter October 4, 2009 ZetaTalk claims, however, that this iron
oxide came from the Australian desert, but that the iron oxide in the desert had come from Nibiru’s tail from
earlier passages! The picture below gives a preview of how the world will look in the weeks before and after the
Earth crust displacement.

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Sidney on September 23, 2009.

The article above is a sequel of:

Nibiru triggers an Earth crust displacement in 2011

Back to:
* This article in Norwegian.
* Rolf Kenneth's ZetaTalk-Nibiru-2011 theme page // Home

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