E 2184 - 02 - Rtixodq - PDF
E 2184 - 02 - Rtixodq - PDF
E 2184 - 02 - Rtixodq - PDF
Designation: E 2184 – 02
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 2184 – 02
the sequencing of the sections and subsections used in a benefits include improved access to health information for
healthcare document, the appearance of their headings, their reimbursement, legal, research, and statistical purposes.
line spacing, and their alignment. 4.3 Consistent with provider policy, the application of this
3.1.6 healthcare document, n—healthcare information, specification is the responsibility of the author of the healthcare
however generated, pertinent to a specific individual and document, the medical transcriptionist or other person respon-
recorded to serve a specific use. sible for entering information into the healthcare document, or
3.1.7 healthcare information, n—worded, numeric, imaged, a combination thereof.
or data-streamed material used to communicate the healthcare 4.4 Annex A1 specifies the headings of sections and sub-
experience of, and related services for, an individual. sections (when used), their arrangements, and their appearance
3.1.8 health record, n—healthcare information retrievable in history and physical examination reports, consultation re-
from one or more sources, however displayed, pertinent to an ports, emergency department notes, clinic notes, nurses notes,
individual, used to describe and measure that individual’s therapists notes, treatment summaries (including discharge,
health status and health care over time and across settings, to transfer, and death summaries). These headings for sections
facilitate healthcare management through one or more episodes and subsections may also appear in other healthcare docu-
of care, including preventive or health maintenance activities. ments.
3.1.9 medical transcriptionist, n—a medical language spe-
cialist who interprets and transcribes dictation by physicians 5. Specifications
and other healthcare professionals regarding patient assess- 5.1 Sections and Subsections: Headings, Arrangement, and
ment, workup, therapeutic procedures, clinical course, diagno- Appearance—The specified headings shall be utilized for
sis, prognosis, and so forth, in order to document patient care sections and subsections when used within individual health-
and facilitate delivery of healthcare services. AAMT (1)3 care documents, shall be ordered and arranged as listed, and
3.1.10 practitioner, n—an individual who is qualified to shall be presented with the appearance specified. Definitions
practice a health care profession, for example, physician, nurse, are offered to clarify the meanings of the headings. Sample
or physical therapist. Practitioners are often required to be aliases are noted to identify some terms that shall be converted
licensed as defined by law. to assure a uniform specified heading; other aliases shall be
3.1.11 provider, n—a business entity that furnishes health similarly converted. Comments are included as appropriate.
care to a consumer; it includes a professionally licensed 5.1.1 Arrangement:
practitioner who is authorized to operate a healthcare delivery Section Headings—When used, section headings
facility. E 1384 shall be placed in the sequence specified and shall be left-
3.2 Acronyms: margin aligned. Each section and its heading shall be separated
3.2.1 AAMT—American Association for Medical Transcrip- from the previous section by a line space or the equivalent. The
tion initial entry regarding a section (even if that initial entry is a
3.2.2 CPT-4—Physician’s Current Procedural subsection heading) shall begin on the line immediately
Terminology—Fourth Edition (2) following the section heading and shall be left-margin aligned.
3.2.3 DTD—document-type definition Subsection Headings—When used, subsection head-
3.2.4 ICD-9-CM—International Classification of Diseases, ings shall be placed in the sequence specified and shall be
Ninth Edition, Clinical Modification (3) left-margin aligned under their respective sections. When a
3.2.5 JCAHO—Joint Commission on Accreditation of subsection heading is the initial entry following a section
Healthcare Organizations heading, that subsection heading shall be entered on the line
3.2.6 SOAP—Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan immediately following the section heading. Each subsection
3.2.7 XML—extensible markup language and its heading shall be separated from the previous section or
subsection by a line space or the equivalent.
4. Significance and Use Inclusion—None of the sections or subsections is
4.1 This specification is intended to result in consistency in required, but if such information is included, the specified
the names of headings of sections and subsections (when used), headings shall be used.
their arrangement, and their appearance in individuals’ health- Content Following Section or Subsection
care documents. Headings—Content following headings shall begin on the next
4.2 Primary benefits of this consistency in presentation line and shall be aligned at the left margin throughout, below
include: (1) facilitating identification and retrieval of health the heading. No content shall follow on the same line as a
information in a manner that will enhance the quality and section or subsection heading. Multiple paragraphs within
efficiency of health services, patient safety, and patient privacy, sections and subsections shall be separated by a line space.
(2) providing easier access to relevant health information 5.1.2 Appearance:
within a record, (3) enabling greater information sharing within Section heading terms shall be in uppercase letters
and among enterprises, and (4) promoting greater efficiency in (for example, PAST HISTORY).
transcription and other forms of data capture. Secondary Subsection heading terms shall be in initial capital
letters followed by lowercase letters with the exception of
conjunctions, articles, and prepositions of fewer than four
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of letters, which shall be in all lowercase letters (for example,
this standard. Alcohol and Substance Abuse).
E 2184 – 02 Content following headings shall be in uppercase 6. Keywords
and lowercase according to standard language usage, with the
6.1 appearance; arrangement; format; headings; healthcare
exception that the term ALLERGIES and any SUBSTANCE to
document; sections; subsections
which the individual is allergic shall be in all uppercase letters.
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Headings for sections and subsections—The headings A1.5.2 HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS replaces HPI,
below shall be applied to sections and subsections when used Present Illness, PI, History of Present Health, and other aliases.
within history and physical examination reports, consultation
reports, emergency department notes, clinic notes, nurses A1.6 Section Heading PAST HISTORY
notes, therapists notes, treatment summaries (including dis- A1.6.1 Definition—The individual’s significant health his-
charge, transfer, and death summaries). The headings may also tory other than that pertinent to the current reason for seeking
apply to other healthcare documents. healthcare services. If any information on the individual’s past
A1.1.1 In certain instances specific formats for portions of history is included in the document, it shall be included in this
healthcare documents are in accepted usage, for example, section. This section may include information on medical,
SOAP notes and problem oriented medical reports. When the surgical, psychiatric, social, family, dental/oral, perinatal,
section or subsection terms in the following list are utilized medication, immunization, alcohol and substance abuse, diet,
within such format conventions, this standard specification education, work history, and so forth, in narrative form or as
shall be applicable to such use. subsections.
A1.6.2 PAST HISTORY replaces Past Medical History,
A1.2 Patient-identifying Data—Patient-identifying data are PMH, Health History, and other aliases.
addressed in Guide E 1384. A1.6.3 Subsection Headings:
A1.3 Section Heading: CHIEF COMPLAINT(S) A1.6.3.1 Medications. Enter non-current medications here.
Address current medications in A1.8.
A1.3.1 Definition—The patient’s stated reason(s) for pre-
A1.6.3.2 Immunizations
senting, (typically presented as one complaint in the patient’s
A1.6.3.3 Education
own words).
A1.6.3.4 Habits
A1.3.2 CHIEF COMPLAINT replaces Presenting Com-
A1.6.3.5 Social
plaint, Primary Complaint, Complaint, CC, Presenting Prob-
A1.6.3.6 Family
lem, and other aliases.
A1.6.3.7 Medical
A1.3.3 Comments—If there are multiple complaints of
A1.6.3.8 Surgical
equal significance to the patient, identify them collectively as
A1.6.3.9 Psychiatric (Psychiatric replaces Mental and other
CHIEF COMPLAINTS. When multiple complaints are priori-
tized by the patient, present the primary one as the CHIEF
A1.6.3.10 Obstetrical/Gynecologic
COMPLAINT and include others in a subsection with the
A1.6.3.11 Dental/Oral
heading Additional Complaints.
A1.6.3.12 Alcohol and Substance Abuse (This topic may be
A1.3.3.1 Additional Complaints.
addressed in the subsection Habits rather than within its own
A1.4 Section Heading: REASON FOR ENCOUNTER subsection.)
A1.4.1 Definition—Condition, diagnosis, or treatment plan A1.6.3.13 Diet
for which the individual is entered into a service, whether A1.6.3.14 Work History
inpatient or outpatient. More formal statement than CHIEF
COMPLAINT and presented in practitioner’s terms rather than A1.7 Section Heading: ALLERGIES
patient’s. A1.7.1 Definition—Hypersensitivity to specified medica-
A1.4.2 REASON FOR ENCOUNTER replaces Reason for tions and other substances. All of the individual’s known
Admission, Reason for Visit, Reason for Service, and other allergies shall be listed here, even though they may be listed in
aliases. other sections. Manifestations and treatment of the allergies
should also be addressed here.
A1.5 Section Heading: HISTORY OF PRESENT A1.7.2 ALLERGIES replaces Sensitivities and other
ILLNESS aliases.
A1.5.1 Definition—History related to the Chief Complaint A1.7.3 Comments: Substances to which a person is allergic
or Reason for Encounter, or both. shall be entered in capital letters.
E 2184 – 02
A1.7.4 Multiple ALLERGIES. precede the physical examination instead of follow it. This
A1.7.4.1 Enter multiple ALLERGIES in a numbered, verti- section may include information on body systems and organs
cal list. in narrative form or as subsections.
A1.10.2 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION replaces PE, Exam,
A1.8 Section Heading: CURRENT MEDICATIONS Examination, Physical, Physical Exam, Pertinent Physical
A1.8.1 Definition—All medications that the patient was Findings, and other aliases.
taking upon presentation shall be listed here, even though they A1.10.3 Subsection Headings:
may be listed in other sections. Address non-current medica- A1.10.3.1 General
tions in A1.6.3.1. A1.10.3.2 Vital Signs
A1.8.2 CURRENT MEDICATIONS replaces Medications, A1.10.3.3 Skin (Skin replaces Integument, Dermatologic,
Meds, Current Drugs, and other aliases. Derm, and other aliases.)
A1.10.3.4 HEENT (HEENT replaces the collective heading
A1.9 Section Heading: REVIEW OF SYSTEMS “Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat,” and other aliases. When
these body parts are addressed separately rather than collec-
A1.9.1 Definition—Systematic record of the status and
tively, use the headings as indicated in A1.10.3.5-A1.10.3.8.)
functioning of the body’s systems and regions. This section
A1.10.3.5 Head
may include information on various body systems in narrative
A1.10.3.6 Eyes
form or as subsections.
A1.10.3.7 Ears
A1.9.2 REVIEW OF SYSTEMS replaces ROS, System
A1.10.3.8 Nose
Review, and other aliases.
A1.10.3.9 Mouth and Throat (Mouth and Throat replaces
A1.9.3 Subsection Headings:
ENT and other aliases.)
A1.9.3.1 General
A1.10.3.10 Neck
A1.9.3.2 Skin (Skin replaces Integument, Dermatologic,
A1.10.3.11 Lymph Nodes (Lymph Nodes replaces Lym-
Derm, and other aliases.)
phatics and other aliases.)
A1.9.3.3 Head (Head replaces HEENT and other aliases.)
A1.10.3.12 Thorax and Lungs (Thorax and Lungs replaces
A1.9.3.4 Eyes (Eyes replaces Ocular and other aliases.)
Chest and other aliases.)
A1.9.3.5 Ears (Ears replaces Otorhinolaryngology and other
A1.10.3.13 Cardiovascular (Cardiovascular replaces Heart,
Cor, and other aliases.)
A1.9.3.6 Nose, Sinuses (Nose, Sinuses replaces Otorhino-
A1.10.3.14 Breasts
laryngology, ENT, and other aliases.)
A1.10.3.15 Abdomen
A1.9.3.7 Mouth and Throat (Mouth and Throat replaces
A1.10.3.16 Pelvic (Pelvic replaces Genitorectal and other
ENT and other aliases.)
A1.9.3.8 Neck
A1.10.3.17 Ano-rectal (Ano-rectal replaces Rectal, Geni-
A1.9.3.9 Breasts
torectal, Prostate, and other aliases.)
A1.9.3.10 Respiratory (Respiratory replaces Cardiorespira-
A1.10.3.18 Peripheral Vascular
tory, Pulmonary, Lungs, Chest, and other aliases.)
A1.10.3.19 Musculoskeletal
A1.9.3.11 Cardiac (Cardiac replaces Cardiorespiratory, Car-
A1.10.3.20 Extremities
diovascular, Cor, Heart, and other aliases.)
A1.10.3.21 Neurologic
A1.9.3.12 Gastrointestinal (Gastrointestinal replaces GI and
A1.10.3.22 Mental Status
other aliases.)
A1.9.3.13 Genitourinary (Genitourinary replaces Urinary, A1.11 Section Heading: MENTAL STATUS
GU, and other aliases.) EXAMINATION (4)
A1.9.3.14 Gynecologic (Gynecologic replaces OB/GYN, A1.11.1 Comment: The mental status examination may or
Reproductive, and other aliases.) may not be included in the physical examination, and it may
A1.9.3.15 Musculoskeletal (Musculoskeletal replaces Mus- either precede or follow the physical examination.
cular, Skeletal, and other aliases.) A1.11.2 MENTAL STATUS EXAMINATION replaces
A1.9.3.16 Peripheral Vascular (Peripheral Vascular replaces Mental Status, Mental Status Exam, MSE, and other aliases.
Vascular and other aliases.) A1.11.3 Subsection Headings:
A1.9.3.17 Neurologic A1.11.3.1 General Description
A1.9.3.18 Hematologic A1.11.3.2 Emotion (Emotion replaces Affect, Mood, and
A1.9.3.19 Endocrine other aliases.)
A1.9.3.20 Psychiatric (Psychiatric replaces Mental and A1.11.3.3 Perceptual Disturbances
other aliases.) A1.11.3.4 Thought Process
A1.11.3.5 Orientation
A1.10 Section Heading: PHYSICAL EXAMINATION A1.11.3.6 Memory
A1.10.1 Definition—Includes examiner’s findings on visual A1.11.3.7 Impulse Control
inspection, palpation, auscultation, and percussion of the pa- A1.11.3.8 Judgment
tient. The physical examination may or may not include mental A1.11.3.9 Insight
status examination, and the mental status examination may A1.11.3.10 Reliability
E 2184 – 02
A1.12 Section Heading: DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES A1.17.3.2 Therapeutic
A1.12.1 Definition—Studies made to determine the nature A1.17.3.3 Diagnostic
of a disease or condition. Differentiation between DIAGNOS- A1.17.3.4 Discharge
TIC STUDIES (A1.12) and PROCEDURES (A1.19) shall be A1.17.3.5 Standing
resolved through guidance provided in CPT or ICD9 coding A1.17.3.6 Teaching
conventions. A1.17.3.7 Problem Prevention
A1.12.2 DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES replace Tests, Diagnos- A1.17.3.8 Activities of Daily Living
tic Tests, Laboratory Findings, Lab Studies, Lab Tests, Lab A1.17.3.9 Monitoring
Results, Ancillary Tests, X-rays, Imaging Studies, Pathology,
and other aliases. A1.18 Section Heading: COURSE
A1.12.3 Subsection Headings: A1.18.1 Definition—Narrative discussion of events and sig-
A1.12.3.1 Laboratory nificant findings, treatment, and response over the encounter
A1.12.3.2 Pathology period.
A1.12.3.3 Imaging (Imaging replaces X-rays and other A1.18.2 COURSE replaces Hospital Course, Treatment
aliases.) Course, and other aliases.
A1.12.3.4 Cardiovascular
A1.12.3.5 Other A1.19 Section Heading: PROCEDURES/
A1.13 Section Heading: FINDINGS A1.19.1 Comment: Differentiation between DIAGNOSTIC
A1.13.1 Definition—Clinically significant observations. STUDIES (A1.12) and PROCEDURES/INTERVENTIONS
Such observations may be included under the heading Diag- (A1.19) shall be resolved through guidance provided in coding
nostic Studies or one of its subsections, or may be stated here. conventions such as CPT, ICD, ABCcodes, SNOMED, NIC,
A1.13.2 FINDINGS replaces Pertinent Findings and other and so forth.
aliases. A1.19.2 PROCEDURES/INTERVENTIONS replaces Pro-
cedures Performed, Operations, and other aliases.
A1.14 Section Heading: DIAGNOSIS or DIAGNOSES
A1.14.1 Definition—The decision reached regarding the A1.20 Section Heading: PRACTITIONER
nature of a disease or condition. A1.20.1 Definition—An individual who is qualified to prac-
A1.14.2 DIAGNOSIS or DIAGNOSES replaces Assess- tice a health care profession, for example, physician, nurse,
ment, Impression, and other aliases. physical therapist. Practitioners are often required to be li-
A1.14.3 Subsection Headings: censed as defined by law.
A1.14.3.1 Admitting (Admitting replaces Admission and A1.20.2 PRACTITIONER replaces Provider, Physician,
other aliases.) and other aliases.
A1.14.3.2 Primary (Primary replaces Principal and other A1.20.2.1 Credentials (MD, RN, DO, etc.) shall accompany
aliases.) the practitioner’s name.
A1.14.3.3 Secondary A1.20.2.2 Function (surgeon, consultant, etc.) when identi-
A1.14.3.4 Provisional (Provisional replaces Presumptive fied shall accompany the practitioner’s name.
and other aliases.) A1.20.3 Subsection Headings:
A1.20.3.1 Primary
A1.15 Section Heading: PROGNOSIS A1.20.3.2 Assistant
A1.15.1 Definition—A forecast of the probable course
and/or outcome of a disease or condition. A1.21 Section Heading: ADVANCE DIRECTIVES
A1.15.2 PROGNOSIS replaces Outlook, Predicted Course, A1.21.1 Definition—Instructional directive in written form
and other aliases. (appropriately witnessed) that indicates the patient’s wishes for
medical treatment should he or she become incapacitated and
A1.16 Section Heading: PLAN unable to participate in medical decision making. (3)
A1.16.1 Definition—Proposed program of action. The A1.21.2 ADVANCE DIRECTIVES replaces Directive to
PLAN may include the Orders if they are integral to the Plan. Physicians, Medical Directive; Terminal Care Document; Ad-
A1.16.2 PLAN replaces Admission Plan, Treatment Plan, vance Medical Directive, Directives, Living Will, Organ Do-
Discharge Plan, and other aliases. nation, Do Not Resuscitate, and other aliases.
A1.17 Section Heading: ORDERS A1.22 Accountability—The document’s author or other per-
A1.17.1 Definition—A directive, for example, about treat- son responsible for entering into the record the author’s
ment, examination, drugs, and other care given to a patient.(5) statements shall be identified, as well as the date and place of
A1.17.2 ORDERS replaces Treatment Orders, Medication origination and of entry.
Orders, Further Care, and other aliases. A1.22.1 The author of the document shall be identified by
A1.17.3 Subsection Headings: name or code according to institutional policy or contract
A1.17.3.1 Admission terms.
E 2184 – 02
A1.22.2 The person (for example, medical transcriptionist) A1.22.3.2 Time—The time shall include the hour, minute,
responsible for entering the author’s statements for the docu- and time zone, based on a 24-hour clock.
ment shall be identified by name or code according to A1.22.3.3 Place—The place shall be identified by city, state
institutional policy or contract terms. or province (where applicable), and country.
A1.22.3 The date, time, and place of origination and of
production shall be stated. A1.23 Distribution—The parties to whom the document is
A1.22.3.1 Date of origination shall include the month, day, to be distributed shall be noted.
and year that the author dictated or otherwise created the
A1.24 Amendments—Amendments to the original docu-
A1. Date of production shall include the month,
ment shall be identified by the heading AMENDMENT in all
day, and year that the person responsible for entering the
author’s statements did so. capital letters. Amendments may be corrections or addenda to
A1. If the author does direct entry, without the the original document. Each shall meet the specifications for
assistance of another person, the date of origination and date of accountability as specified in A1.22.
entry shall be the same.
(Nonmandatory Information)
Nausea and vomiting.
Right knee pain.
Social History
The patient is married and has two teenage children.
Medical History
The patient has a history of….
The patient is allergic to SULFA DRUGS.
The patient takes…
The patient is 8 weeks post-cholecystectomy.
Hysterectomy 1985, including tubal ligation.
The patient is a well-nourished, well-developed….
E 2184 – 02
Vital Signs
Blood pressure 140/80. Pulse 92 and regular. Respirations 17.
Head normocephalic. Eyes…. Ears… Nose and throat….
Lungs clear to percussion and auscultation.
Normal rate and rhythm.
Right upper quadrant tender to touch. No rebound….
Normal external female genitalia.
The patient is severely dehydrated…
Pending further evaluation.
Admit. Control dehydration.
Medications ordered include…
Ima Doctor, MD
Admitting Physician
None on file. Not discussed.
Author: 17864
Date and time of origination: 5/4/2000 10:15 PT
Place of origination: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Transcriptionist: wr214
Date and time of production: 5/8/2000 14:20 CT
Place of production: Chicago, IL, USA
X2.1 The following serves as a template for the sections NOTE X2.1—Not all sections and subsections from Annex A1 are
and subsections described in Annex A1. included because not all headings apply in a single report.
E 2184 – 02
Work History
Nose, Sinuses
Peripheral Vascular
Vital Signs
Lymph Nodes
E 2184 – 02
Peripheral Vascular
General Description
Perceptual Disturbances
Thought Process
Impulse Control
Date and time of origination
Place of origination
Date and time of production
Place of production
E 2184 – 02
(1) The AAMT Book of Style for Medical Transcription, Claudia Tessier, (4) Textbook of Psychiatry, 3rd edition, Eds: Hales, RE, Yodofsky, SC,
AAMT, 1995 Talbott, JA, American Psychiatric Press Inc., Washington, DC, Lon-
(2) CPT-4: Physician’s Current Procedural Terminology—Fourth Edition don, England, 1999.
(3) ICD-9-CM: International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Edition, (5) Lexikon: Dictionary of Health Care Terms, Organizations, and Acro-
Clinical Modification nyms, 2nd edition, O’Leary et al., JCAHO, 2001.
(1) E 1633 Specification for Coded Values Used in the Computer- (7) Ambulatory Care Documentation, American Health Information
Based Patient Record. Management Association (AHIMA), 1997.
(2) E 1959 Guide for Requests for Proposals Regarding Medical (8) American Heritage Dictionary, Houghton Mifflin Company, 4th
Transcription Services for Healthcare Institutions. edition, 2000.
(3) 2001 Hospital Accreditation Standards, Joint Commission on (9) Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems, National Cen-
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), 2001. ter for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control
(CDC), 1997.
(4) A Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 5th edition. (10) Documentation Requirements for the Acute Care Patient Record,
J.B. Lippincott Company, 1991. Glondys, AHIMA, 1999.
(5) Accreditation Manual for Hospitals, JCAHO, 2001. (11) Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 29th edition, W.B. Saun-
(6) Accreditation 99: Surveyor Guidelines for the Accreditation of ders Company, 2000.
Managed Care Organizations, National Committee on Quality (12) Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, 27th edition, Lippincott Williams &
Assurance (NCQA), 1998. Wilkins, 2000.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website