This document provides instructions for programming Motorola MC68HC08 series microprocessors using a CarProg programmer. It explains that an A10 cable is needed and describes the pinout. The key signals are a reset line, a PTC0 line that must be high, ground, a communication line PTA0, and an IRQ line that often needs a pull-up. Error messages and troubleshooting tips are also included, such as checking the microprocessor type and quartz frequency settings.
This document provides instructions for programming Motorola MC68HC08 series microprocessors using a CarProg programmer. It explains that an A10 cable is needed and describes the pinout. The key signals are a reset line, a PTC0 line that must be high, ground, a communication line PTA0, and an IRQ line that often needs a pull-up. Error messages and troubleshooting tips are also included, such as checking the microprocessor type and quartz frequency settings.
This document provides instructions for programming Motorola MC68HC08 series microprocessors using a CarProg programmer. It explains that an A10 cable is needed and describes the pinout. The key signals are a reset line, a PTC0 line that must be high, ground, a communication line PTA0, and an IRQ line that often needs a pull-up. Error messages and troubleshooting tips are also included, such as checking the microprocessor type and quartz frequency settings.
This document provides instructions for programming Motorola MC68HC08 series microprocessors using a CarProg programmer. It explains that an A10 cable is needed and describes the pinout. The key signals are a reset line, a PTC0 line that must be high, ground, a communication line PTA0, and an IRQ line that often needs a pull-up. Error messages and troubleshooting tips are also included, such as checking the microprocessor type and quartz frequency settings.
For Motorola MPU MC68HC08 series programming use A10 cable.
You can recognize Motorola (Freescale) MPU by maskset:
This MPU maskset is 4C11W.
• First digit “4” is mask series number, in practice can be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, but for programming is not important.
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• Second 4 symbols is always letter + digit + digit + letter: this is processor maskset or encrypted processor type. All processor marking can by custom made, like “FORD S2234234” or SC2323454 but always you can find maskset on Motorola or Freescale processors.
Before programming always select right processor type according maskset.
How to connect CarProg programmer:
For HC08 programming use A10 cable 6 color wires:
BLUE – Reset signal to MPU;
ORANGE – PTC0 signal to MPU, must by high level; BROWN – GND (ground); GREY – PTA0 communication signal; WHITE – IRQ +8-10V signal – in most cases you must pull-up this processor pin; RED – switched +5V; VIOLET - switched +12V;
CarProg ERROR messages:
• Communication error - no communication between CarProg and Motorola processor - check MPU type, try to select quartz frequency manually.
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To understand better onboard MPU programming problems, you can use table with right programming signals and voltages, described in table.
If you can’t read or write MPU with CarProg, check:
- did you was select right MPU type; - did quartz resonator Q is the same in circuit board and in CarProg options; - did all programming signals have right form and voltage;
Grey Blue Orange White
Impulse Reset Must by +9-10 V
All HC08 MPU 3.3-5V HIGHT
If all conditions are OK and still “no connection” ask
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1. MC68HC908AS20, MC68HC908AS32
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All right reserved 5 2. MC68HC908AZ0, MC68HC908AZ16, MC68HC908AZ32, MC68HC908AZ60, MC68HC908AZ60A, MC68HC908AB32, MC68HC908AB60
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All right reserved 7 3. MC68HC908AZ0 2J74Y in-circuit flash programming wiring (CarProg A10 cable)