Table 1. Complete list of the model parameters including the updated default parameter values as well as the temperature
coefficient parameters. NOTE: All blank cells indicate a number with no units.
Figure 3. Measured (red) and simulated (blue) hysteresis Figure 4. Measured (red) and simulated (blue) hysteresis
loops at 60ºC. [Courtesy of Ramtron International loops at 90ºC. [Courtesy of Ramtron International
Corporation] Corporation]
• polysilicon-gate depletion
Figure 3. The static UFSOI model. Table 4. Gate-Body tunneling current smoothing parameters.
Strained-Si channel property is a consequence of the Speed improvements are implemented in version 7.0.
pseudomorphic nature of a Si film on a SiGe layer. The All of these improvements make the UFSOI model even
deposited Si layer conformd atom-by-atom to the closer to the real behavior of the device and make the
underlying SiGe lattice pattern and results in an simulation faster and more accurate. Strong and weak
enhanced-mobility device (Figure 5). The strained-Si inversion threshold voltages are no longer iteratively
option in UFSOI Version 8.0 is selected by setting the calculated.
DEG parameter to the correct value and is deselected by
setting DEG to zero (default value, cf table 5). This effect Parameter Description Default Typical
has an impact on other parameters (VO, VSAT, U0 and DEG Bandgap narrowing in 0.0 eV 0.1 eV
NBL to control threshold voltage) that must be evaluated strained Si channel
in order to compare strained- and unstrained-Si devices. (0 for no SiGe)
A comparison of strained- and unstrained-Si channel Table 5. Strained-Si channel related parameter.
SOI ring-oscillator with equivalent modelcards shows a
period of 100ps for strained-Si, and 140ps for
unstrained-Si (Figure 6).
[1] UFSOI MOSFET MODELS (Vers. 6.0), User’s Guide, SOI
group, University of Florida, June 2001.
Figure 2.
Continued on page 10....
Figure1 An example of VCO frequency controlled by Figure 2. VCO frequency varies with time.
piecewise linear voltage
w(t) + w(t) . t = k . v(t) (7) Applying Formula 10 to the problem in Figure 1 obtains
a correct result (Figure 3). The frequency is proportional
where v(t) is the control voltage, and k is a coefficient to absolute value of control voltage.
used to convert voltage to frequency. Equation 7 is a
linear differential equation of the first order, and its Figure 4 is an similar example that uses a pulse control
solution is voltage. The input deck is listed in appendix.
1 k t
w(t) = - + -
t t
∫ v(τ)dτ (8)
Figure 3. Simulated VCO frequency (a) controlled by Figure 4. Simulated VCO frequency (a) controlled by
piecewise linear voltage (b) using new method pulse voltage (b) using new method
t R 1 0 10MEG
Vol∞ sin(k ∫ v(τ)dτ] .TRAN .1n 100n
In SmartSpice it will be vol = sin(k.s(v(t))) .
Figure 3.
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A. SmartSpice 2.2.0.R now supports the "-startupfile" Hspice-format data files are generated with an appropriate
option, which specifies an user-defined initialization file that depends on the type of commend executed.
file within a directory. For example, to find the SmartSpice also supports the parsing of Hspice analysis
"smartspice.set" in a SmartSpice library directory, you commands and syntaxes (such as element/device syntaxes
might phrase the commend like this: and functions). The use of the startup option flag also
prevents compatibility conflicts between different
SmartSpice and Hspice syntaxes.