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TCAD Driven CAD A Journal for Circuit Simulation and SPICE Modeling Engineers

Temperature Effects in SmartSpice LEVEL=6 Ferroelectric

Capacitance Model From Ramtron International Corporation
Implementation of a new ferroelectric capacitance One difference to note is that the LEVEL=5 ferroelectric
model from Ramtron International Corporation into capacitor uses the unit-less parameter, IP, for initial
SmartSpice was first described in the April 2002 issue polarization while the LEVEL=6 ferroelectric capacitor
of SILVACO Simulation Standard. This model utilizes a uses the initial polarization parameter, P0, in µC/cm2.
new concept of double distribution of domain reversal The input for the capacitor size in the LEVEL=6 model
voltages. The temperature effects were not detailed in is the capacitor area, and can be specified using either A
the previous article. This application note discusses the or AREA in m2.
implementation of the temperature effects and updates
the device syntax.
Temperature Effects in LEVEL=6
Features Ferroelectric Capacitance Model
The updated ferroelectric model is invoked in SmartSpice model syntax:
SmartSpice by setting LEVEL=6 in the capacitance .MODEL mname C LEVEL=6 <parameter=value> …
model card. This model differs from its predecessor
(model FCAP LEVEL=5) in that the ferroelectric capacitor mname: Model name.
is regarded as a non-linear capacitor with Polarization-
Voltage (P-V) hysteresis loop, however the biases in the C: Specifies capacitance model.
ferroelectric materials are reversed at reversal voltages LEVEL=6: FRMC model.
with double distributions. As compared with the
LEVEL=5 model, the LEVEL=6 model demonstrates the parameter: Any model parameter name.
following improvements: more accurate simulations of
ferroelectric hysteresis loops and sub-loops, improved The model parameters were documented in the April 2002
voltage pulse responses, faster simulation speed (up to Simulation Standard article with the exception of the
six times faster), and added temperature dependence. temperature parameters. Table 1 shows a complete list
of the model parameters including the updated default
parameter values as well as the temperature coefficient
Ferroelectric Capacitor Element
SmartSpice device statement syntax:
Continued on page 2....
NOTE: Device syntax is updated from that published in
the April 2002 Simulation Standard
Cxxx n1 n2 mname <V0=val> <P0=val> <A=val> INSIDE
Cxxx: Capacitor element name; must begin with "C."
UFSOI Version 7.0 (UFPDB Version 2.0)
n1, n2: Positive and negative terminal node names, Model Released in SmartSpice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
mname: Model name (must be ferroelectric Managing SmartSpice / SmartView
capacitor model). Simulation Output Raw Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
V0: Initial voltage across the ferroelectric capacitor (V). Defining Voltage Controlled
Default is 0.0. Oscillator in SmartSpice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
P0: Initial polarization (mC/cm2) from positive node Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
(n1) to negative node (n2). Default is 0.0.
Hints, Tips, and Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
A (AREA): Capacitor area (m2). Default is 1.0E-12.

Volume 12, Number 10, October 2002 SILVACO

Parameter Description Units Default
VMAX Maximum voltage V 3.898e+00
PMAX Maximum polarization at VMAX µC/cm2 3.787e+01
KPMAX 1st order temperature coefficient of PMAX -8.803e-03
K2PMAX 2nd order temperature coefficient of PMAX V -8.616e-05
VSAT Saturated model point V 2.452e+00
VCR Minimum voltage for domain switching 4.903e-01
AS1 Curve fitting parameter 1.348e+00
BS1 Curve fitting parameter 1.174e+00
CS1 Curve fitting parameter 1.634e+00
AS2 Curve fitting parameter -1.085e+00
BS2 Curve fitting parameter 1.444e+00
CS2 Curve fitting parameter 1.859e+00
DS0 Curve fitting parameter 5.513e-01
AU1 Curve fitting parameter 1.457e+00
BU1 Curve fitting parameter 1.432e+00
CU1 Curve fitting parameter 1.377e+00
AU2 Curve fitting parameter -1.109e+00
BU2 Curve fitting parameter 1.820e+00
CU2 Curve fitting parameter 1.574e+00
DU0 Curve fitting parameter 5.695e-01


Temperature Coefficients
KAS1 1st order temperature coefficient of AS1 -3.178e-03
KBS1 1st order temperature coefficient of BS1 -1.970e-03
KCS1 1st order temperature coefficient of CS1 -4.562e-03
KAS2 1st order temperature coefficient of AS2 3.074e-03
KBS2 1st order temperature coefficient of BS2 -2.539e-03
KCS2 1st order temperature coefficient of CS2 -4.343e-03
KDS0 1st order temperature coefficient of DS0 -1.869e-04
KAU1 1st order temperature coefficient of AU1 -4.090e-03
KBU1 1st order temperature coefficient of BU1 -2.641e-03
KCU1 1st order temperature coefficient of CU1 -4.944e-03
KAU2 1st order temperature coefficient of AU2 4.495e-03
KBU2 1st order temperature coefficient of BU2 -4.626e-03
KCU2 1st order temperature coefficient of CU2 -4.637e-03
KDU0 1st order temperature coefficient of DU0 -4.621e-04
K2AS1 2nd order temperature coefficient of AS1 3.423e-05
K2BS1 2nd order temperature coefficient of BS1 -3.860e-06
K2CS1 2nd order temperature coefficient of CS1 2.176e-05
K2AS2 2nd order temperature coefficient of AS2 -3.725e-05
K2BS2 2nd order temperature coefficient of BS2 -8.596e-06
K2CS2 2nd order temperature coefficient of CS2 1.689e-05
K2DS0 2nd order temperature coefficient of DS0 1.575e-06
K2AU1 2nd order temperature coefficient of AU1 4.337e-05
K2BU1 2nd order temperature coefficient of BU1 -4.328e-06
K2CU1 2nd order temperature coefficient of CU1 1.882e-05
K2AU2 2nd order temperature coefficient of AU2 -5.218e-05
K2BU2 2nd order temperature coefficient of BU2 -4.039e-06
K2CU2 2nd order temperature coefficient of CU2 1.254e-05
K2DU0 2nd order temperature coefficient of DU0 2.099e-06

Table 1. Complete list of the model parameters including the updated default parameter values as well as the temperature
coefficient parameters. NOTE: All blank cells indicate a number with no units.

The Simulation Standard Page 2 October 2002

Figure 1. Test circuit for ferroelectric capacitor simulations.
(Sawyer-Tower circuit)
Figure 2. Measured (red) and simulated (blue) hysteresis
Simulation Results loops at 27ºC. [Courtesy of Ramtron International
The improved accuracy of the LEVEL=6 model compared
to the LEVEL=5 model was documented in the April 2002
Simulation Standard article. Here we show comparison
of the simulated vs. measured results at three different model based on double distributions of domain
temperatures to validate the temperature modeling. reversal voltages has shown advantages over the
The test circuit used is shown in Figure 1. LEVEL=5 model as described in the April 2002
Simulation Standard article. In this article, we have
Temperature effects for the ferroelectric capacitor
presented details of the implementation of temperature
model are calculated in the following form for all model
effects, comparison of simulation results to measured
data, and updated the device syntax.
AS1eff = AS1 + KAS1 * (TEMP – TNOM) +
SILVACO gratefully acknowledges Ramtron International
K2AS1 * (TEMP – TNOM)2 Corporation for the development of the ferroelectric capacitance
Figures 2, 3, and 4 show measured and simulated model and the data presented here.
hysteresis loops at 3V and 5V, for temperatures of 27ºC,
60ºC, and 90ºC, respectively. The input stimulus for
these results was a sinusoidal voltage waveform at 10 KHz.
This shows very close agreement between simulation 1. "Polarization Reversal Kinetics in Ferroelectric Liquid
and measurement at temperature. Crystals", Proceedings of the Sixth International
Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Kobe 1985, Yoshihiro
Ishibashi, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,vol. 24
Conclusions Suppl. 24-2, 126 (1985)
The new ferroelectric capacitor model implemented in 2. Simulation Standard Volume 12, Silvaco International,
SmartSpice as LEVEL=6, has been shown to accurately April 2002
simulate hysteresis loops at various temperatures. This 3. ATLAS Users Manual, Silvaco International. December 2002.

Figure 3. Measured (red) and simulated (blue) hysteresis Figure 4. Measured (red) and simulated (blue) hysteresis
loops at 60ºC. [Courtesy of Ramtron International loops at 90ºC. [Courtesy of Ramtron International
Corporation] Corporation]

October 2002 Page 3 The Simulation Standard

UFSOI Version 7.0 (UFPDB Version 2.0)
Model Released in SmartSpice
Version 7.0 of the University of Florida Silicon-On-Insulator • narrow-width effects
(UFSOI), released in 2002, is now available with Silvaco
• junction tunneling (NFD/PD model)
SmartSpice by setting LEVEL to 21. SmartSpice uses
version 7 by default, but versions 4.5, 5.0, 5.0 rev 1.0, • RSCE/halo effects (NFD/PD model)
and 5.0 rev 6.0 are still available through resetting the
• carrier-velocity overshoot (version 5.0 and later)
VERSION and REVISION parameters.
• Account for hot-carrier effects on the channel ther-
mal noise (version 5.0 and later)
Model Features (prior to version 7.0) [1]
The UFSOI is a physical, charge-based, and process-based Temperature dependence and accounting for self-heat-
SOI MOSFET model that has evolved from the basic ing are implemented in both models, without the need
modeling of thin-film devices. The charge modeling is for additional parameters.
physically linked to channel-current modeling. All
terminal charges and their derivatives are continuous A Unified PD/Bulk-Si Model
for all bias conditions. The UFSOI model includes both
In Version 6.0, the NFD model is expanded to serve as a
NFD/PDB (Partially Depleted Bulk) and FD (Fully
unified process-based compact model for PD SOI and
Depleted) models, which are set with the BODY parameter
Bulk-Si MOSFETs that use a single, small set of process-
in version 6.0 and later. In previous versions, FD and
related parameters. This feature, enabled by the
NFD models were selected with NFDMOD parameter:
process-basis of the model, allows direct performance
BODY model comparison of the two mainstream CMOS technologies
0 FD without ambiguities in device structure [2].

1 NFD/PD Figure 1 shows the predicted current-voltage characteristics

2 Bulk-Si of PD/SOI and bulk-Si MOSFETs. This reflects the
unified feature of UFPDB, and stresses the higher
Table 1. BODY values (version 6.0 and later). currents and kinks in the PD/SOI characteristics that
NFDMOD model
result from the floating-body effect. The sub-threshold
characteristics of both models are compared in Figure 2.
0 FD The same set of model parameters was used for
1 NFD both devices.

Table 2. NFDMOD values (previous versions).

The other parameters are process-based and are directly

related to the device structure and material properties.
This model is charge-based in order to ensure charge
conservation and proper accounting for all transcapacitances.
The model is extended to account for an accumulated
charge in the body that can drive a floating-body mode
dynamic bipolar effect in all regions of operation. There
is optional accounting for LDD and LDS.

Additional, recently-added physical effects are:

• polysilicon-gate depletion

• inversion-carrier energy quantization

Figure 1. Ids vs Vds characteristics in PD and Bulk-Si mode
• GIDL/GISL (version 6.0 and later) of the UFPDB model.

The Simulation Standard Page 4 October 2002

The current sources in the static model are :

Ich : channel current

Ibjt : parasitic bipolar effect

Ir: recombination current

Igi : impact ionization current

Igt : thermal generation current

Itund : drain/body tunneling current

IGIDL : Gate Induced Drain Leakage current

IGISL : Gate Induced Source Leakage current

Ituns : source/body tunneling current

Itung : gate/body tunneling current

Figure 2. Subthreshold characteristics in PD/NFD and Bulk-
Si mode. Gate-body tunneling current is only important to
floating-body PD/SOI devices (Figure 4), so the feature
is selectable only in NFD/PD model. Indirect valence
The bulk-Si option internally ties the substrate to the band-conduction components are included that depend
body, sets the back-gate oxide thickness to near-zero, on both bandgap narrowing and channel quantization.
and updates the substrate density to reflect the bulk-Si The modeling is valid for all inversion and accumulation
doping. In the Bulk-Si mode, the substrate becomes the conditions and is applicable only for N+ polysilicon
well, and this charge reflects the source/drain-junction gates on NMOS devices, and P+ polysilicon gates on
areal capacitance. In this case, the device has four terminals PMOS devices. This effect is taken into account by
and the command line in the netlist, like any other setting MOX parameter different from 0 (Table 3)
MOSFET device, becomes:
Mxxx ND NGF NS <NB> ... Parameter Description Default Typical

MOX Electron effective mass 0.0 0.36

(normalized to free
Improvements in version 7.0 [3]
electron mass) in gate
Version 7.0 includes the upgraded UFPDB version 2.0 dielectric (0 for no
model that includes gate-body tunneling current (Itung gate-body tunneling
in Figure 3), exchange energy for inversion carriers, a current)
strained Si/SiGe-channel option, and allowance for
arbitrary gate dielectric (KD parameter). With these Table 3. Gate-Body tunneling current related parameter.
upgrades, the model is applicable to CMOS devices
The following parameters are used for smoothing the
scaled to the bulk-Si limit (Lgate ~ 50 nm).
Igb (gate-bulk) current. Default values are typically used.

Parameter Description Default

SVBE Smoothing parameter for 13.5

gate-body current in inversion
region (0 for no current)

SCBE Smoothing parameter for 0.04 (NMOS)

gate-body cu rent in 0.045 (PMOS)
accumulation region
(0 for no current)

FFACT Factor for gate-body current 0.5 (NMOS)

smoothing in accumulation 0.8 (PMOS)

Figure 3. The static UFSOI model. Table 4. Gate-Body tunneling current smoothing parameters.

October 2002 Page 5 The Simulation Standard

Figure 5. Field-effect mobility with strained- and
unstrained-Si channel on a L = 60nm device.

Figure 4. Itung vs Vgate characteristic.

Strained-Si channel property is a consequence of the Speed improvements are implemented in version 7.0.
pseudomorphic nature of a Si film on a SiGe layer. The All of these improvements make the UFSOI model even
deposited Si layer conformd atom-by-atom to the closer to the real behavior of the device and make the
underlying SiGe lattice pattern and results in an simulation faster and more accurate. Strong and weak
enhanced-mobility device (Figure 5). The strained-Si inversion threshold voltages are no longer iteratively
option in UFSOI Version 8.0 is selected by setting the calculated.
DEG parameter to the correct value and is deselected by
setting DEG to zero (default value, cf table 5). This effect Parameter Description Default Typical
has an impact on other parameters (VO, VSAT, U0 and DEG Bandgap narrowing in 0.0 eV 0.1 eV
NBL to control threshold voltage) that must be evaluated strained Si channel
in order to compare strained- and unstrained-Si devices. (0 for no SiGe)

A comparison of strained- and unstrained-Si channel Table 5. Strained-Si channel related parameter.
SOI ring-oscillator with equivalent modelcards shows a
period of 100ps for strained-Si, and 140ps for
unstrained-Si (Figure 6).

[1] UFSOI MOSFET MODELS (Vers. 6.0), User’s Guide, SOI
group, University of Florida, June 2001.

[2] J.G. Fossum, "A Unified Process-Based Compact

Model for Scaled PD/SOI and Bulk-Si MOSFETs", MSM
2002, Univ. Florida, april 2002.

[3] UFSOI MOSFET MODELS (Vers. 7.0), User’s Guide, SOI

group, University of Florida, June 2002.

Figure 6. strained- and unstrained-Si devices ring oscillator.

The Simulation Standard Page 6 October 2002

Managing SmartSpice / SmartView
Simulation Output Raw Files
Storing Waveform Data to Disk Instead of
Holding in Ram
Silvaco SmartSpice simulation results are typically
stored in RAM. Since transient simulations of large
circuits often exceed 1G, a large swap-space partition is
required prior to simulation. Constant disk access may
dramatically decrease simulation speed, therefore
shifting some or all of the load to the system’s memory
helps to alleviate this problem.
Unfortunately, over-reliance on memory may also
produce negative results and slow simulation time. In
addition, it may be impossible to view intermediate
results if a simulation runs for several days in RAM.
These intermediate results help the user to decide
whether or not to abort a simulation early. Figure 1.

To adjust the amount of simulation data held in memory,

use this SPICE deck option:
.option rawpts= <val> post Saving SmartSpice Results for
<val> is the maximum number of simulation time Interactive Mode
points that are used during a simulation. As soon as this While in interactive mode, SmartSpice simulation
number is reached and th epost option active, this block results are not saved to disk when Analysis -> Run is
of data is written to disk. A very small <val> results in executed. This follows the original Berkley implementation
the frequent saving to disk and use of less memory. and is true even if there is an option post specified in
It is important to strike a balance between using minimum the input deck or the ‘r’ flag has been used to invoke
memory and speed. Since each system is different, this SmartSpice. Use menu Analysis -> Run Batch Print to
"sweet spot" is found through experimentation. Start a allow the possibility of saving the simulation output data.
test simulation that uses relatively small value and
increase the value gradually. A suggested starting value is Speeding up Loading of Raw File in
between 100-1000. SmartSpice/SmartView.
Since a circuit with many saved nodes generates more When using SmartSpice / SmartView to load a large (1-2G)
results, a smaller <val> is required. A small-<val> save simulation results file, activating the incremental loading
cycle is also useful to those who need marching wave- of waveforms is recommended. This dramatically
forms of the simulations results. The user can monitor reduces the time needed in order to see the first waveform
the simulation results while the simulation is running from approximately 45 minutes to 5 minutes for a 1G
and can abort at any time. file. This also allows the user to load a data file bigger
than 2 Gigs which is normally the limit on a 32 bit
operating system.
In the UNIX version of SmartSpice, incremental loading
is activated with the dialog shown in Figure 2.
Incremental load is activated in the Windows version
through the Properties -> Drawing Options menu,
shown in Figure 3.
Click the pull-down menu next to Incremental File
Loading and select "On” as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 2.
Continued on page 10....

October 2002 Page 7 The Simulation Standard

Defining Voltage Controlled
Oscillator in SmartSpice
1. Introduction 2. Problem Diagnosis
One of the methods to define a Voltage Controlled In order to explain the behavior of the VCO shown in
Oscillator (VCO) in a SPICE simulation is to make use of Figure 1a, we rewrite Equation 1 in a more general form
a voltage-controlled voltage source (E element). A typical for a given time-varied control voltage V(t):
VCO expression makes use of a sinusoidal function as
shown in Formula 1. Vol = V0 + A . sin(k . v(t) . t) (2)

Vol = V0 + A . sin(k . Vcontrol . t) (1)

The frequency in Equation 2 is not Kv(t), but rather is
calculated based on the cyclic numbers at time t as
When expression (1) is applied, it is easy to assume that shown in Equation 3:
the frequency of VCO is proportional to the absolute
value of control voltage. Sometimes, however, simulations Ncycle (t) = k . v(t) . t (3)
return unexpected results when Vcontrol is an inconstant
function of time. An example is shown in Figure 1. The By definition, angular velocity or frequency at t can be
control voltage in this example is a piecewise linear calculated using:
function, and sinusoidal voltage in Figure 1(a) is the
corresponding VCO. f(t) = = k . [v(t) + v’(t) . t] (4)
The “E” element syntax can be found in the examples
shown in the SmartSpice User’s Manual. Equation 4 gives the true frequency of a VCO defined
This result is unexpected since Figure 1(a) is not by Equation 2. Obviously, KV(t) in Equation 2 is not
symmetrical to Figure 1b. Intuitively, one expects the always equal to the actual frequency, and it equals the
frequency in Figure 1(a) to reduce gradually after frequency only if V(t) is a constant with respect to time.
t = 50ns, but the simulation result in Figure 1(a) is By applying Equation 4 to the control voltage displayed
correct. The rest of this article will show why the result in Figure 1b, we find that the frequency of the VCO
in Figure 1a is correct, and how to use the SmartSpice E defined by Equation 1 is
element to achieve an expected VCO response.
f(t) = { 0.08kt + 0.05k (0 < t < 50 ns)
k4.5 - 0.08kt (50ns < t < 100 ns)

Figure1 An example of VCO frequency controlled by Figure 2. VCO frequency varies with time.
piecewise linear voltage

The Simulation Standard Page 8 October 2002

The result in Equation 5 is plotted in Figure 2. This plot Here, the initial condition is arbitrarily assumed in
indicates a dramatic drop in frequency at t = 50 ns that order to achieve a simpler form. Plugging Equation 8
continues to decrease after 50 ns. From t = 56.25 ns the into Equation 6, we obtain
frequency increases along with the absolute value of f(t)
increases. This proves the SmartSpice simulation result y(t) = sin 1+k ∫ v(τ)dτ
[ ] (9)
shown in Figure 1a. 0

Equation 9 is the sinusoidal function with a frequency

3. A New Approach of kv(t). The result in Equation 9 can be directly used
For a time-variant control voltage in Figure 1 (b), using to define a VCO, and the frequency of this VCO is
Equation 1 in E element definition does not result in a proportional to the value of control voltage.
symmetrical frequency distribution over time. To
achieve this, we construct function w(t) in Equation 6,
4. Implementation in SmartSpice
so that the frequency of y(t) is always equal to the
absolute value of a control voltage. SmartSpice features the numerical integration function
necessary in order to implement Equation 9. This func-
y(t) = sin[w(t) . t] (6) tion is denoted as integral(x) or s(x). Considering k is a
large number, we may neglect 1 in Equation 9, and
write Equation 9 in SmartSpice format:
Clearly, w(t) must satisfy the following relation,
y(t) = sin(k . s(v(t))) (10)

w(t) + w(t) . t = k . v(t) (7) Applying Formula 10 to the problem in Figure 1 obtains
a correct result (Figure 3). The frequency is proportional
where v(t) is the control voltage, and k is a coefficient to absolute value of control voltage.
used to convert voltage to frequency. Equation 7 is a
linear differential equation of the first order, and its Figure 4 is an similar example that uses a pulse control
solution is voltage. The input deck is listed in appendix.

1 k t
w(t) = - + -
t t
∫ v(τ)dτ (8)

Figure 3. Simulated VCO frequency (a) controlled by Figure 4. Simulated VCO frequency (a) controlled by
piecewise linear voltage (b) using new method pulse voltage (b) using new method

October 2002 Page 9 The Simulation Standard

5. Summary B. Input deck for the example in Figure 3.
A conventional SmartSpice VCO definition VCO DEMO
sin(k*V control *t) may generate an unexpected VCO .OPTIONS post accurate
frequency if the control voltage varies with respect to .options RMAX=2
time. A general method is available for the use of E Evco 2 0 vol='0.5+0.5*sin(6.28*1e8*sv(1)+1)'
element to define a VCO that results in a frequency that Vcontrol 1 0 pwl (0 0.5v 50n 2.5V 100n
is proportional to the absolute value of a control voltage: 0.5v)

t R 1 0 10MEG
Vol∞ sin(k ∫ v(τ)dτ] .TRAN .1n 100n
In SmartSpice it will be vol = sin(k.s(v(t))) .

C. Input deck for the example in Figure 4.

6. Appendix VCO DEMO
A. Input deck for the example in Figure 1.
.OPTIONS post accurate
Evco 2 0 vol='0.5+0.5*sin(6.28*1e8*sv(1)+1)'
.OPTIONS post accurate
.options RMAX=2 Vcontrol 1 0 pulse (0 2v 0 25n 25n 0 50n)

Evco 2 0 vol='0.5+0.5*sin(6.28*1e8*V(1)*time)' R 1 0 10MEG

Vcontrol 1 0 pwl (0 0.5v 50n 2.5V 100n .TRAN .1n 100n

0.5v) .END
R 1 0 10MEG
.TRAN .1n 100n


...continued from page 7

Figure 3.

Viewing Data Across Different Platforms

Data generated on one operating system is inherently
different to data generated on another system (such as
Figure 4.
Linux or Solaris). SmartSpice has an option to make
data file cross platform compatible. The following line
needs to be in the input deck:
.option post=4

This creates the output data in XDR binary format. The

data can therefore be generated by SmartSpice on say a
Linux box and the waveforms viewed on a solaris box
using SmartView.

The Simulation Standard Page 10 October 2002

Calendar of Events
October November Bulletin Board
1 BCTM - Monterey, CA 1 LCD/PDP 2002 - Japan
2 Non-Stoichiometric IIIV 2
Compounds - Monterey, CA 3
3 Non-Stoichiometric IIIV 4 AustriaMicrosystems Supports
Compounds - Monterey, CA 5 SmartSpice Models at 0.35um
4 Non-Stoichiometric IIIV 6 austriamicrosystems Business Unit Full
Compounds - Monterey, CA 7 Service Foundry and Silvaco International
5 8 announced the support of the SmartSpice
6 9 circuit simulator with the latest spice-
7 IEEE SOI Conf. - Williamsburg, VA 10 ICCAD - San Jose, CA parameters for austriamicrosystems
8 IEEE SOI Conf. - Williamsburg, VA 0.35um technology platform. The supported
LEOS Annual Meeting-Scotland
9 IEEE SOI Conf. - Williamsburg, VA processes include mixed-signal 0.35um
11 ICCAD - San Jose, CA CMOS, which is fully TSMC CMOS-
10 IEEE SOI Conf. - Williamsburg, VA
LEOS Annual Meeting-Scotland compatible, as well as 0.35um BiCMOS
CS-MAX - San Jose, CA and by the end of this year 0.35um Silicon
12 ICCAD - San Jose, CA Germanium. austriamicrosystems AG,
LEOS Annual Meeting-Scotland with headquarters in Unterpremstätten
CS-MAX - San Jose, CA near Graz (Austria), is one of the world's
15 leading designers and manufacturers of
16 13 ICCAD - San Jose, CA
custom specific mixed signal IC´s. This
17 LEOS Annual Meeting-Scotland
company has 820 employees and offices in
18 CS-MAX - San Jose, CA 14 countries worldwide.
19 14 ICCAD - San Jose, CA
20 LEOS Annual Meeting-Scotland
21 GaAs IC Symposium 15
Monterey, CA 16
22 GaAs IC Symposium 17
Monterey, CA 18 EDMO - Manchester, UK
Silvaco at ICCAD with Windows
23 GaAs IC Symposium 19 EDMO - Manchester, UK
Monterey, CA 20 Come see Silvaco at ICCAD 2002
24 21 November 11-14 at the Doubletree Hotel in
25 San Jose showing a complete suite of cir-
26 cuit simulation and IC CAD tools on the
23 Windows and Linux platforms.
27 24
28 25
29 26
30 LCD/PDP 2002 - Japan 27
31 LCD/PDP 2002 - Japan

For more information on any of our workshops, please check our web site at
The Simulation Standard, circulation 18,000 Vol. 12, No. 10, October 2002 is copyrighted by Silvaco International. If you, or someone you know wants a subscrip-
tion to this free publication, please call (408) 567-1000 (USA), (44) (1483) 401-800 (UK), (81)(45) 820-3000 (Japan), or your nearest Silvaco distributor.
Simulation Standard, TCAD Driven CAD, Virtual Wafer Fab, Analog Alliance, Legacy, ATHENA, ATLAS, MERCURY, VICTORY, VYPER, ANALOG EXPRESS,
RESILIENCE, DISCOVERY, CELEBRITY, Manufacturing Tools, Automation Tools, Interactive Tools, TonyPlot, TonyPlot3D, DeckBuild, DevEdit, DevEdit3D,
Interpreter, ATHENA Interpreter, ATLAS Interpreter, Circuit Optimizer, MaskViews, PSTATS, SSuprem3, SSuprem4, Elite, Optolith, Flash, Silicides, MC
Depo/Etch, MC Implant, S-Pisces, Blaze/Blaze3D, Device3D, TFT2D/3D, Ferro, SiGe, SiC, Laser, VCSELS, Quantum2D/3D, Luminous2D/3D, Giga2D/3D,
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October 2002 Page 11 The Simulation Standard

Hints, Tips and Solutions
Kunio Hitomi, Applications and Support Engineer

Q. Is automatic geometry binning for TFT models

currently available?

A. Level=36 RPI poly-Si TFT and other original TFT

models do not support automatic geometry binning.
The enhanced model included with SmartSpice 1.9.7.C
or later now supports the selecting of a suitable model
with both LMIN/LMAX and WMIN/WMAX, as well
as with other MOSFET models.

Q. How can I run an input deck in batch mode using a

PC/Windows version of SmartSpice?

A. Both the Windows and UNIX versions of SmartSpice

support batch mode, but users familiar with the
Interactive SmartSpice GUI may prefer not to use it.
Batch simulation jobs are executed, with starting Figure 1. SpiceDeck editor with a color-coded syntax checker.
flags, from a Windows command line. Setting a path to
Silvaco's binary directory (<install_directory>/bin) is
recommended. SmartSpice automatically loads an initialization file at
startup by default, but the user can specify a separate
To invoke SmartSpice at a command line prompt, type custom startup file from both UNIX and Windows
this command with variable options as follows: commend lines:
Smartspice -b <> -o smartspice -startupfile <filename> -b
<output_file.out> -r <data_file.raw>
<input_file> [other option flag(s)]
The '-b' flag executes a SmartSpice simulation in batch
mode. If –b is omitted, the main SmartSpice window Q. How can I generate Hspice data files?
appears on the desktop. The '-o <output_file>’ (create a
simulation logfile) and the '-r <data_file.raw>' (create a A. SmartSpice supports both Hspice compatible
raw data file). The ‘-r’ and ‘-o’ flags are optional and command syntaxes and data generations in SmartSpice
can be omitted. format. By default, SmartSpice generates a raw data file
(<filename>.raw) by the use of the '.option post' or '-r'
Note: Windows supports the use of file names that startup flags in batch mode.
contain spaces. SmartSpice 2.2.0.R or later supports
these filenames. Filenames that contain spaces must be SmartSpice also optionally generates the data files in
contained in quotation marks ("") when typed in the Hspice format (*.tr?, *.sw?, and *.ac?). In order to generate
Windows command prompt. For example: the data files, describe .options POST is placed in the
input deck and the ‘-hspice’ command flag is used
smartspice -b "abc" -o "abc def.out" when starting SmartSpice:
smartspice -hspice -b <input_file> [other
Q. May I specify an initialization file (.SmartSpice.ini)
startup option flag(s)]
on Windows as well as on a UNIX OS?

A. SmartSpice 2.2.0.R now supports the "-startupfile" Hspice-format data files are generated with an appropriate
option, which specifies an user-defined initialization file that depends on the type of commend executed.
file within a directory. For example, to find the SmartSpice also supports the parsing of Hspice analysis
"smartspice.set" in a SmartSpice library directory, you commands and syntaxes (such as element/device syntaxes
might phrase the commend like this: and functions). The use of the startup option flag also
prevents compatibility conflicts between different
SmartSpice and Hspice syntaxes.

The Simulation Standard Page 12 October 2002

Note: SmartSpice supports several variables that permit
different feature settings of SmartSpice. These are
usually set in a user defendant .SmartSpice.ini file or
inserted in the input deck as control loop eg.
# the first line is reserved for a title


<other SmartSpice variables>


Q. How do i guard against high voltages in my circuit?

A. You can use the option VSTA to limit the voltage

charge between 2 successive time points in the simula-
tion. The default value is 1000 volts eg. .options
Figure 2. Parameter value shown when pointing a mouse
cursor on a waveform. VSTA=10 limits voltage change to 10v and so traps
excessive charge. You can also guard against reverse
bias of active device junctions (in BSIM3/4 models) by
using these model parameters:
SmartSpice also supports compatibility with other
commercial SPICE or SPICE-like simulators, such as VGS MAX Maximum limit Vgs (gate to source voltage)
PSpice, ELDO and Spectre. A different command line VGS MIN Minimum limit Vgs (gate to source voltage)
flag is necessary for alternate simulator compatibility:
smartspice –[simulator] -b <input_file> Q. How do I obtain parameter values for each curve
[other startup option flag(s)] when executing a parametric analysis, such as .st,
.modif, or nested sweeps, with a basic analysis (.dc,
The –[simulator] option supports these formats: hspice,
.tran, .ac)?
pspice, eldo, and spectre.
A. SmartSpice typically generates raw data in a simple
Q SmartSpice sometimes continues simulating even format (based on Berkeley SPICE) and suppresses large
when some error messages are reported. Can I stop data generation by default. SmartSpice 2.2.0.R has an
the simulation if an error is found? option to generate additional parameterized data as a
vector into a raw data file. To enable this output, set the
A. SmartSpice will simulate an input deck as long as following variable in the current user's SmartSpice.ini:
the circuit’s topology is adequately expanded to a
solutions matrix and at least one analysis statement is set parametrized_data_in_raw
executable resolved syntax are ignored. For example, if Once the variable is set and an analysis is run, the new
.dc, .ac, and .tran analyses are defined in a deck and parameter name appears as a vector along with the
two are syntactically incorrect, the remaining correct analysis type in the Vectors tab window (Display Spice)
analysis will still execute. Users are able to instruct of SmartView. After a new plot is created, the vector is
SmartSpice to stop the simulation in one of two ways if referred to by pointing the mouse cursor at a waveform
any incorrect description is detected in the input deck. and selecting node voltages, such as V(2) and V(3).
One way is to set the 'stoponfatalerrors' variable in Figure 2 shows the analysis type (transient), vector
.SmartSpice.ini to true..SmartSpice.ini or the corre- name (V3), the modified parameter value (100), and
sponding .option STOPERR in an input deck: parameter name (qnl[bf]).
set stoponfatalerrors = 'true'

The user can also add the ‘.option STOPERR’ statement

to an input deck: Call for Questions
If you have hints, tips, solutions or questions to contribute, please
.option STOPERR contact our Applications and Support Department
Phone: (408) 567-1000 Fax: (408) 496-6080
This option is useful for checking descriptions of circuits e-mail:
and syntaxes before running a time-consuming circuit
Hints, Tips and Solutions Archive
or parametric analysis.
Check our our Web Page to see more details of this example
plus an archive of previous Hints, Tips, and Solutions

October 2002 Page 13 The Simulation Standard

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