Warlands - Core Rulebook Print V1.1 Friendly PDF
Warlands - Core Rulebook Print V1.1 Friendly PDF
Warlands - Core Rulebook Print V1.1 Friendly PDF
Miniatures Sculpting:
Brady Bugge, Harry Coit, Daniel Joyce, Clint Staples, Dave Summers, Jason Wiebe
Miniatures Painting:
Kirk ‘Ironblood’ Brownell, Harry Coit, Jason Nichols
Bryan Borgman, Jon Colon, Billy Cory, Robert Dennis, Greg Edwards, Brandon Fair, Tony Kenealy,
Tory Keveles, Rene Lafargue, Simon Mackenzie, Joseph Markese, Craig Mcrae, Devan Moorman,
Nicholas K. Nicholls, Zac Pauga, Rob Rolnicki, Sherman Sanders, Joel Shepersky, Tim Spangler,
Colen Stapleton, Heath “Bear” Vaden, Mark Watkins, Jamie Williams, Peter Zabytko
Special thanks to Bryan Borgman, Harry Coit, Mike and the crew at Ironwind Metals, and all the
players who supported us and waited for us to give birth to this book.
© Copyright 2011, All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of Ameri-
ca. No part of the material or artwork contained herein may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of Aberrant.
Aberrant and the Aberrant logo, Warlands and the Warlands logo are registered trademarks owned by Aberrant.
All trademarks, including all places, names, character names, things and their distinctive likenesses, are the property of
This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons, living or dead, organizations, or to actual companies, products
or events, is purely coincidental.
version 1.1
Warlands - a twisted shell of a world; with thousands of miles of dust- covered plains, shattered
coastlines and drowned cities. A world where death and disease walk the desolate city streets of long
abandoned towns and cities, where mutant raids are the norm, cannibalism for many is the key to
survival, and brother fights brother for the last scraps of a fading civilization.
No one can seem to remember exactly how it started or indeed how it ended. But it did…
The feared global pandemic came as accusations flew, fingers were pointed, politicians talked, and
bombs fell. Wars raged as the cries of fanatics mingled with the screams of the dying. The cities,
already ravaged by plague, had dead piled high in the streets and rumors of the dead walking spread
across the world.
Now, decades later, the global community is no more. Instead, local communities and roving gangs
hack out a life in the desolation; some clinging to the old ways while others willingly embrace this new
world. Fights between communities are common, and allegiances are made to be broken. There are
no rules, it’s kill or be killed; there is no compromise.
Many cling to a hope that things could get better. Some communities have tried to bring a sense of
order to their existence, with leaders to make rules and the strong to enforce them. Others yearn for
that sense of order and will bow down to any vestige of government regardless of how small or inef-
fective it may be. The fledgling United Free States is one such attempt to bring back the old world and
to take control of what little is left, but they have a long way to go. Those who follow the UFC are few,
but they are growing in numbers.
The military of the old world is long gone, lost in the chaos that brought the world to its knees, but
some cling to the notion that it is their right and their duty to bring order to the chaos regardless of
whether it is wanted or not. The Blackwood Mercenaries, remnants of a military might that no longer
exists, are one such group, but no one takes then seriously. Not yet…
For every attempt to bring order and control there are many that maintain their right to do whatever
they choose. These gangs are the dominant denizens of the wastelands that roam the highways in
their road machines, scavenging for whatever they can find or taking what they need from others.
There are no rules, and death and destruction are their chosen method of survival.
Others have managed to make some kind of a living out of the desolation; people such as Mac and
his crew that have gathered together the biggest collection of goods since the long lost days of the
shopping mall. A one-stop shop for all your vehicular needs, Mac’s rules are law, and inside his com-
pound beware all those who break that law.
Whereas Mac deals with everything a road warrior could need, others like Wacked-out Willy have
specialized their stock. Second only to Mac’s, Wacked-out Willy has the largest assortment of weap-
ons you can buy, but don’t be surprised if you get more than you bargained for when dealing with
Willy, he is nowhere near as honorable as Mac and would shoot his own mother if there was a profit
in it.
Scattered around the wastelands are also various trading posts, where those that have something
to trade can barter for supplies. If you have what others want then you can trade for the things you
In a world where the man driving next to you is just as likely to run you off the road for your spare
tire, there are places where the competitive nature of humanity can still be expressed. The desire to
race, the excitement of the chase, and the thrill of winning is still alive even in these days of desola-
tion. Founded in the ruined city of Lost Vegas, the city of sin has kept its old world reputation. Through
the crumbling streets and derelict buildings of a bygone age, contestants race to win the coveted title
of Death Race Champion, and more importantly the supply of gasoline that comes with the win. Many
have tried and many have died. Although there is no longer any currency, betting will be brisk with
all manner of items up for wager. Slavery is rife and human trafficking is a common practice, many
slaves finding their way to the vice dens that have grown up around the decaying streets of Vegas.
The Death Race has been growing in popularity and there are always people willing to put everything,
including their life on the line for the thrill of racing.
So while the old cities crumble and decay, populated by the dead, diseased and dying, the survivors
cruise the blacktop in their machines of speed and destruction. Survival depends on keeping your
machine running so these remnants of the human race seek just one thing - the black gold, the
Warlands is a full throttle, cinematic, action game set in the post-apocalyptic landscape of a near-
future Earth.
Have you got the ability to survive in the Warlands? Buckle up and enjoy the ride!
The Rules
Dice A 4’x 4’ can be used for larger games, but to really
You will need at least 2 six-sided (d6) and 1 ten- get the most out of your force, it is best to add a 2’
sided dice (d10) to play Warlands. x 4’ section for each additional level above Patrol.
This enables you to get the most out of your vehi-
Occasionally, you may need to roll a d3; to do this cles and opens up additional tactical possibilities.
use a d6 and refer to the table below.
D3 Results Table Warlands uses 20 mm scale miniature models cre-
D6 Roll D3 Result ated and produced by Aberrant.
1-2 1 The models are divided into these main catego-
3-4 2
5-6 3 Pedestrians: human models that are on
To calculate random direction use the Random
Direction Template. Walkers: large creatures, and mobile models
When rolling for random direction (such as the di- that are not wheeled or tracked.
rection a wrecked vehicle will travel) roll 1d6 and
use the Random Direction Template provided. Vehicles: there are seven different classifica-
Place the ‘1’ at the direction the model is facing tions of vehicles: bikes, buggies, cars, trucks,
and use the number rolled to determine the direc- big-rigs, armor and flyers. Most of these are
tion. wheeled, with the exception of armor, which
When positioning a vehicle for random direction, can be tracked. Flyers are models that fly as
vehicles should be pivoted from the rear of the ve- their main mode of movement. (Flyers may
hicle. also have wheels, but for game purposes
If you do not have a Random Direction Template, these will be still considered to be flyers)
you may use a Deviation Dice to determine ran-
dom direction, but this must be agreed on by all
players at the start of the game.
There are specific rules that apply to Pedestrians
only. Pedestrians may seem insignificant against
To calculate deviation, use a Deviation Dice (a
the killing machines of the wastelands, but do not
clear 6-sided dice that contains another dice dis-
underestimate their ability to wreak carnage and
playing arrows to indicate direction - sold exclu-
fulfill their own objectives.
sively by Aberrant)
If you do not have a Deviation Dice, you may use
Pedestrians have to be organized into units un-
the Random Direction Template to determine de-
less their profile states they are an Independent
viation, but this must be agreed on by all players
Character or the Rule of 10 applies (see below).
at the start of the game.
The pedestrians’ profile shows the minimum and
maximum unit size allowed plus any variations or
Playing Area additional models that may be purchased. When
Any table may be used to play the game, but we purchasing models for your force, players have to
recommend: buy the minimum number for that unit.
• 4’ x 4’ table for Patrol size game
• 6’ x 4’ or larger for Skirmish and beyond. The rule of 10: if a player is fielding less than 10
pedestrians, they may operate as Independent
Characters or as units, or a combination of both. If they command by their use of strategy, skill, com-
more than 10 are fielded, they must be formed into bat prowess or just sheer cunning.
units as per their profiles. This rule does not apply
to Patrol level games (see Game Levels). Leader: Every force has one and this is the
one they all follow.
When activating pedestrians, if they are Indepen-
dent Characters or unit members acting as Inde- Champions: Rising up through the ranks,
pendent Characters (due to the rule of 10 being they often have a small band of followers and
applied), up to 4 models of the same type can acti- may be seen as a threat to the leader.
vate in each activation. When operating as a unit,
only 1 unit can be activated in each activation. Heroes: Veteran of numerous conflicts, they
know how to survive and have honed their
Pedestrians in units have to stay within 1” of each skills over many years.
other. If a model becomes separated from its unit,
it can perform no other action on its unit’s activa- Boss: A willing follower of orders and a loy-
tion apart from movement until it gets back in unit al member of the force. A Boss would nev-
coherency. er dream of overthrowing the Leader even
though they often have their own supporters
If a pedestrian unit is to be carried in a vehicle then in the force.
the whole unit must be carried in that vehicle. Also,
the whole unit must embark, disembark or bail out Loners: Guns for hire. Every camp has a tale
at the same time. of the stranger who drove in out of the sunset,
saying little and asking for nothing in return,
If a pedestrian unit is reduced to below its mini- yet saves them from a fate worse than death.
mum unit value, then it must join up with another Those tales are exaggerated and most Loners
unit. If there is not another unit to join with, they will quite happily slit the throat of those they
must join with a pedestrian (acting as an Indepen- offer to help for a couple of gallons of guzzo-
dent Characters) or a Special Character to form a line. There are those with honor, but they are
unit. If there is no unit, Independent Character or a rare breed amongst the cut-throats and mu-
Special Character available, the unit must move tant scum that make up these mercenaries.
towards the nearest friendly vehicle capable of
carrying them as passengers. The vehicle has to Special Characters can be added to your force fol-
stop to pick them up. lowing the restrictions listed in the game level sec-
tion (see Game Level). Special Characters follow
Special Characters - Leaders, Champions, all the pedestrian rules, but there are specific rules
Heroes, Boss and Loners: that apply to only special characters.
In the world of Warlands, there is no such thing
as just getting by. Special Characters are forged When building your force, Special Characters can
in the heat of battle and the grit and grime of the be attached to a vehicle as crew, such as a driver
road. These men and women stand above those or gunner. The points’ cost for the Special Charac-
ter is added to the points’ cost of the vehicle.
Vehicle Crews:
To operate a vehicle requires a minimum
crew, such as a driver or perhaps a driver
and a gunner. To be a driver, the crew-
member must be in the driver’s position.
To be a gunner, the crewmember must be
in the gunner’s position to be able to fire
the gunner’s weapon.
In a Spin:
After rolling for the initiative test to determine
Move 1d6” in a random direction.
which player sets up first, players choose a table
edge and place their models within 5” of that
Spin Out:
edge in alternating order.
Move 1d6” in a random direction.
In a game with more than two players, they must
Repeat once per speed level (Slow = 1 roll;
start at least 24” away from each other.
Cruising = 2 rolls; Fast = 3 rolls)
Players may choose which models activate within Step 1. Can perform any vehicle action
the relevant speed levels regardless of how far (movement / shooting / ramming, etc)
in inches they actually moved the previous acti- except change its speed level.
vation. In Phase 1 of a round, each player ac- During a vehicle’s activation it may move,
tivates a model, alternating back and forth until perform special maneuvers and attack en-
everything moving at Fast and Cruising speeds emy models. It may do this in any order it
has been activated. Players must activate their chooses as long as all rules criteria are met,
vehicles traveling at Fast speed before they can such as compulsory move, etc.
activate Cruising vehicles. If none of their ve- A vehicle can only be activated once per
hicles are moving at Fast speed, they can acti- round.
vate vehicles traveling at Cruising speed even
if other players still have Fast-moving vehicles. Step 2. Vehicle may accelerate or deceler-
Once all the models of all players moving at Fast ate.
and Cruising speeds have activated, Phase 1 is When a vehicle accelerates or deceler-
finished for this round. ates, it is considered to be at the new speed
level as soon as it is declared for all further
If players have an uneven number of qualifying actions against that vehicle (being targeted,
models to activate in a phase, play still alternates rammed etc.)
Walkers Only
Pedestrians may move up to their move allow- Combat Run
ance (MV) as noted in their profile. If a model Upon activation, a Walker may move up to 3x its
ends in base-to-base contact after making a MV.
move, it is considered to be in close combat and It may do no other actions during that activation,
receives the charging bonus (see Charging.) but this speedy maneuver allows walkers to keep
pace with and keep in range of even the fastest
Pedestrians may attempt to dodge a vehicle vehicles!
(NOT Bikes) that is going to run them down by
passing an initiative test at TN 10. If success-
ful, place the model within 1” of the side of the
dodged vehicle (player may choose which side of Vehicles
the vehicle to place his model). If failed, and the
pedestrian does not have armor, it is a casualty Speed
and removed from the game. If the pedestrian There are up to four different speed levels for
is equipped with armor, it will receive the armor most vehicles. Listed below are examples of
save according to the armor profile. speed settings for a car and a bike.
If a pedestrian leaves the table, it is considered A vehicle must move the minimum distance for its
Rolling Double 1:
If you roll a double 1 when your model is
attempting to take control of a friendly
vehicle (a vehicle that you controlled
at the beginning of the game) then the
vehicle has failed to start and you must
make another attempt to take control dur-
ing the next round. The control attempt must be Crashing
made during the pedestrian sequence and not Vehicles will crash if they hit wrecks, buildings
the vehicle activation sequence. or other immovable objects. After crash damage
has been resolved, roll 1d6 on the random direc-
If the vehicle your model is attempting to take tion template and place the vehicle facing in that
control of is NOT a friendly vehicle (a vehicle direction.
you did not control at the beginning of the game)
and you roll a double 1, the vehicle was booby If a vehicle crashes into an immovable object, it
• Slow = +1d6
• Cruising = +2d6
• Fast = +4d6
If the ramming vehicle hits from the front, both ve- Both players must make a control test when in-
hicles are considered to be brought immediately volved in a ram.
to a stop by the impact.
If a vehicle has to make a compulsory move as
If the vehicle is rammed from the side, both ve- the result of a failed control test, and in a direc-
hicles will move d3” in the direction the ramming tion where it is already touching another vehicle,
vehicle was traveling and then come to an imme- it is considered to be a second ram.
diate stop.
After the damage has been calculated, both
Pushing Through
If a vehicle destroys its target in a ram, it may
push through if it is of a higher AM value than
the model it just destroyed. After the ram action
has been completed, the vehicle may continue
its activation, finishing off any further actions or
movement it may have. At the end of its activa-
tion, the vehicle’s speed is automatically lowered
by one level.
The destroyed vehicle is considered pushed out
of the way by the attacker’s momentum.
To determine the fate of the destroyed vehicle
see Wrecks. Nudging
If the wreck remains within 2” of the attacker and If a vehicle is moving parallel to another vehicle,
is located within the 90° front arc, it blocks its has moved its CMV value for its speed level, and
movement. If the wreck is further away, additional is no more than 1” apart from another vehicle, it
crashes may occur. may attempt to nudge the other vehicle. Damage
is 2d6 plus an additional d6 for every AM point
For example: a truck has rammed a Weasel above the other vehicle’s AM. Both players must
buggy and destroyed the buggy. The truck has also make a control test with TN 10, but if there
5” left on its movement and still has another shot is a vehicle with a higher AM, that vehicle may
allowed with a ROF weapon of 2. The truck’s AM subtract the AM difference from the TN of their
value is higher than the buggy’s so the truck can control test, and it is added to the TN their op-
push through. The player who controls the buggy ponent’s control test. If the control test is failed,
rolls for random direction and distance, and immediately roll on the Out of Control Table.
moves the wrecked buggy 4” in the direction de-
termined. The buggy is more than 2” away from For example: a truck with an AM of 8 nudges a
the truck so the trucks moves a further 5”, fires its buggy with an AM of 6 and does 4d6 damage.
last shot and then is forced to reduce speed by The buggy has to make a control test at TN 12,
one level from Fast to Cruising. The truck cannot while the truck who initiated the nudge has to
accelerate or decelerate at the end of its activa- make a control test at TN 8.
tion as its speed level has been determined by
pushing through. If a vehicle which has been nudged or was per-
forming a nudge goes out of control as a result of
If a second push through occurs as the result a failed control test and then makes contact with
of a second ram, the speed level of the pushing another vehicle, then it is considered a ram and
For vehicles, range should be measured from Drivers have 90° side arc and are considered to
the edge of the firing vehicle. If any part of the be on the left-hand side. Those wanting to set
target is inside the range of the weapon then it is their games in Europe or other countries that
deemed to be in range. drive on the right must declare this before the
game starts.
For pedestrians, range should be measured
Rate of Fire
All weapons have a Rate of Fire
(ROF). A weapon’s ROF determines
how many times it may fire during
vehicle activation or how many times
the weapon can be fired in Step 1 (if
not aiming) or Step 3 of the pedestrian
activation phase. A vehicle armed with
weapons with a multiple rate of fire
may call a shot at any point during its
move. Pedestrian weapons do not need to be un-
jammed as an action, as it is considered that
For example: a Weasel buggy has a Spud auto- there is time to un-jam between activations.
gun with a ROF of 2. This weapon can be fired Bladed weapons such as knives, axes, swords,
twice in that vehicle’s activation, but is still gov- etc. do not jam on a roll of double 1.
erned by the rules of shooting.
A pedestrian carrying a weapon with ROF 2 may Rules of Combat - Vehicles Only
choose to fire that weapon twice in Step 1 if it did
not aim, and then shoot twice during Step 3.
Who Shoots the Weapon
For weapons that are carried by a model in a
Jammed Weapons
vehicle, such as the Rocket Launcher or Spud
A passenger or gunner may un-jam a weapon on
Autogun on the Weasel Buggy, the model holding
a vehicle’s activation by rolling 4+ on 1d6. If suc-
the weapon fires the gun. If that model is killed
cessful, the weapon can be used on the vehicle’s
then the gun can no longer be fired unless an-
next activation; if failed, they may try again to
other model takes up that position.
un-jam the weapon on that vehicle’s next activa-
tion. A passenger or gunner cannot attempt to
un-jam a jammed weapon during the activation For weapons that are mounted onto the body of
that the weapon became jammed; a roll to un- a vehicle (NOT on a turret) a gunner is required
jam a weapon can only be made on the next and to fire them unless a weapon firing system has
subsequent activations if necessary. been purchased which allows the driver to fire the
weapon if there is no gunner present.
The defender enters from the short
table edge at Cruising speed and must
move all his vehicles onto the table. No
acceleration is allowed for the defender
Car Trouble
The noise from the engine was not so much a roar, more of a grinding of metal on metal. The smell
of burnt rubber filled the compartment as the shot-up tires churned between the blacktop and the
dented rims. The Maxwell was a mess. The glass on the side windows had broken a long time ago,
but now even the plates used to replace them were scratched and twisted. The reinforced windshield
was spattered with blood, remnants of a Lotek that got too close, and the hood mounted twin mini-
gun was just a twisted mass of smoking metal.
The Stranger struggled to keep his car on the road. His real name was long forgotten, in a world
where the past is meaningless, the future is a dim hope, and the only thing that matters is today. He
was lucky to be alive and so was his partner, Max who was curled up behind the driver’s chair. The
dog appeared to be asleep, but the tell-tale sign of movement in his tail and the glint behind half-
closed eyes showed that he was still alert. They had managed to survive the Lotek ambush, but only
just. He should have known better than to drive into a derelict truck stop without checking it out first.
Such a momentary lapse of judgment can cost you your life.
Although they had escaped with their lives, the Maxwell had not come out of it so well. The damage
could be fixed, but it would need to be done soon. Killing the Loteks who ambushed them has given
them some time, but not much. Limping along the road like this, the Stranger knew they were a sitting
target, just waiting to be attacked. There was only one place in these parts where he knew he could
get everything he needed - Mac’s Body Shop. All he needed to do was to get there.
The lights in the distance were a welcome sight. As the struggling Maxwell came over the brow of a
hill, down in the valley was the sprawling compound of warehouses and workshops that was known
as Mac’s. The Stranger turned off onto the approach road where a large sign spelled out a welcome
to everyone who planned to visit Mac’s.
‘Warning - Leave your differences outside. In here Mac makes the rules. Draw a weapon and it will
be the last thing you do.’
It was a chilling reminder that Mac and his crew took no crap from anyone. Mac’s was a combat
free zone; strictly enforced by Mac and his boys. Many people had tested the rules, but they only did
it once.
The Maxwell crawled slowly up to the gate. Surrounding the complex, a large forbidding wall of
metal sheets and girders stretched out on either side. The gate itself was an old bus covered with
metal sheets that had been driven across the entrance, blocking any way in. Patches of white and
blue paint could be seen amongst the rust and dents that adorned any visible bodywork. At each side
of the entrance and at various intervals around the length of the wall were turrets mounted with a se-
lection of heavy weapons that ranged from flamethrowers to twin mini-guns.
“At least I know they have twin mini-guns,” the Stranger smiled grimly, as he brought the Maxwell to
a metal-crunching stop in front of the gate.
“Yeh, I agree.”
The Stranger stepped out of the car. Max jumped through the broken window to stand at the side of
his master, growling deep in his throat.
“Easy, Max” said the Stranger softly, as he put a warning hand on the dog’s head.
The bus rolled noisily aside and five men stepped forward, heavily armed and all with weapons
The voice came from a tall man as he stepped out from behind the bus. Not just tall, he was big all
over, his bulk fitting his height at about 300 pounds, unusual in these days when food was scarce.
“I wondered when we would get to see you here. The famous, or should I say infamous, Stranger.
We’ve heard a lot about you and your furry friend there. Quite a name you’ve made for yourself.
You’re nearly as famous as I am.” Mac laughed a deep throaty chuckle.
“Looks like you’ve had a bit of trouble. A full refit, if I’m not mistaken? I am sure we can make your
beauty as good as new; maybe even better.”
“A man of few words, I see. As I am a man of many; I am sure we will get on well. OK boys; take her
inside while we talk business”
The Stranger had heard about Mac too. The rumor is he has the bodies placed in a pit out the back,
beyond the fence so the scavengers can feast on the carcasses.
Definitely not a guy to cross, he thought, as he followed him into the legendary Mac’s Body Shop.
Welcome to Mac’s, the one-stop-shop for all your vehicular needs; making sure you’re the one out
there spreading the carnage rather than taking it.
We’ve been out there scouring the wastelands searching for stuff so we can get together our list of
products, and believe me it’s huge. There’s everything you need to give you the edge out there in the
Warlands so come on in and get trading!
Speed MV (inches)
Stationary 0
Slow 1-4
Cruising 5-11
Fast 12-16
Tire Options
The Wanderer
Engine Tag: ET10 This section lists the different tire selections that
For those who want to take their two wheels are available to install on your Warlands vehicle.
off-road. Once you have your selected the chassis and
engine for your vehicle, now it’s time to choose
Points Cost: 2 points the tires. The tires available to be used with your
Description: Built specifically for off-road selected chassis will be shown in the Tire Op-
bikes; compact, but still packs a punch. tions section of its chassis profile.
Engine Special Rules: None All the tire options are available in car, truck,
buggy and bike variations.
Speed MV (inches)
Stationary 0 • House Tires, Tire Tag: TT1
Slow 1-6 • Blacktop Racer Tires, Tire Tag: TT2
Cruising 7-12 • All-Weather Tires, Tire Tag: TT3
• Off-Road Rebel Tires, Tire Tag: TT4
Fast 12-16
• Off-Road Gripper Tires, Tire Tag: TT5
House Tires
Tire Tag: TT1
Definitely nothing fancy, just cheap and cheer-
ful. I’m not saying they’re no good, but you gets
what you pay for.
Truck Bed Cover
Carrying troops into battle in the back of a truck The rules say ‘kill or be killed’ and this is where
is a great way to get them there, but they are you get to load up with all the stuff to do the kill-
vulnerable. Adding a truck bed cover adds an ing!
extra level of protection.
Weapon Profile:
Range: 8” Power: 2d6 Blast: 3” ROF: 1
Special Rules:
90° arc dependent on mounted position.
Automatically deviates 1d6 on a successful
Automatically deviates 2d6 on a miss.
Personal Weapons
Twin Missile Launcher Everyone in Warlands carries some form of
Everyone likes a big explosion and this is big! personal weapon. For some it may be a knife, for
Same range and power as the single version, others a heavy .50 Cal Rifle. You will find all types
but with a bigger blast radius. of personal weapons in this section to equip your
Points Cost: 10 points
Description: A double-barreled Missile
Small Arms
Launcher with a bigger blast radius.
These are small infantry weapons carried by an
Weapon Mount Points Allowed: Front / Roof
/ Turret
Structure Points Cost: 2 points Assault Rifle
Designed and built with lightness and durability
Weapon Profile: in mind, the assault rifle was promoted as the
Range: 18” Power: 4d10 Blast: 4” ROF: 1 future of all rifles. Reliable, fast shooting and
AP: 2 effective.
Special Rules:
Must purchase a Weapon Link System to Points Cost: 4 points
use the Twin Missile Launcher. Description: Durable and light. A good all
Twin weapon, but only roll once to hit for round reliable weapon common in the military
each ROF. forces.
Weapon Profile:
Range: 12” Power: 2d6 ROF: 2 AP: 1
Special Rules: None
Twin Spud Autocannons
One of the most popular weapons in the Ar-
mory. It’s the Spud autogun, but as a twin
mounted autocannon; she’s a beauty!
Weapon Profile:
Range: 18” Power: 4d6 ROF: 1 AP: 2
Special Rules:
Must purchase a Weapon Link System to
use the Twin Spud Autocannons.
If enemy model is hit, roll 4d6 for damage,
calculate the result, and then double it.
Axe Crossbow
Always good to have around when you need to Arrows not your style? Try bolts instead. Closer
chop wood, but don’t under-estimate the beauty range than the bow, but it will tear through ar-
and deadly nature of the good old axe. mor like a knife through butter.
Bow Grenades
Before there was gunpowder and guns, there Everyone likes an explosion and with these in
were bows and arrows. They may be simple, your arsenal, you guarantee you are going to
but they still work. join the battle with a bang.
Points Cost: 4 points Points Cost: 2 points
Description: Just a bow and arrows, but with Description: Small hand-held explosive de-
devastating results. vices with a blast radius.
Weapon Profile: Weapon Profile:
Range: 14” Power: 1d6 ROF: 1 AP: 1 Range: 4” Power: 1d10 ROF: 1
Special Rules: None Blast: 2” AP: 1
Knife Molotovs
Everyone out there should have a knife either Recycling those old glass bottles is always
for personal protection or just hacking up road- a good idea; you never know when you may
kill. No jams, doesn’t need reloading and as need to fill one up and set the world on fire.
long as you keep it sharp, it will look after you.
Points Cost: 1 point
Points Cost: 1 point Description: Glass bottles filled with a flam-
Description: We have a great selection of mable liquid and a rag as a fuse. Light the fuse
knives. From kitchen knives to Bowie knives; all and throw.
sharp and ready to go. Weapon Profile:
Range: 3” Power: 3d6 Blast: 1”
Weapon Profile: AP: 2 (against pedestrians ONLY)
Range: Close Combat only Power: 1d6 Special Rules:
Special Rules: None On a critical failure, explodes in your hand!
1” blast centered on the model.
Automatically deviates using the following
rules: on a hit, 1d3” but player can adjust
Limpet Mine by up to 1”; on a miss, deviates 1d6”. Use
Plant one of these babies on a vehicle and then deviation template for direction.
stand back and watch them blow. Limpet Mines Burning – if a model takes damage, it is
are not always reliable, but when they work, considered to be burning.
they work well! At the beginning of each round roll 2d6 for
damage. If the model takes damage, roll
Points Cost: 1 point for each Mine again at the beginning of next round. If no
Description: A small metal cylinder that attach- damage is taken, it is considered that the
es to a vehicle chassis, and will hopefully blow mixture has burned out.
up and cause a lot of damage. Cannot be dropped from a vehicle at High
Weapon Profile:
Range: 0” Power: See Special Rules ROF:
Special Rules:
Can be deployed when your vehicle is at-
tached to another vehicle by a Grapple Gun
and you are reeled in to that vehicle.
Can be used by a bike passenger if within 1”
of another vehicle.
Roll 1d6 for damage immediately when
used. 1-2, Limpet Mine fails to explode; 3-4,
does 1 point damage; 5, does d3 damage; 6,
does d6 damage.
Damage ignores all armor.
Mortar Rifle
Place the mortar on the ground, turn it to face Whoever or whatever you are hunting, this rifle
your enemy and start lobbing mortars into the is a great weapon to have by your side.
Points Cost: 2 points
Points Cost: 4 points Description: A basic hunting rifle; single shot,
Description: A small tube, hand-carried, that but penetrates armor well.
stands on the ground to be fired. The mortar
is specifically made for lobbing its ammunition Weapon Profile:
into the air so it lands on top of your enemy. Range: 14” Power: 1d6 ROF: 1 AP: 1
Special Rules: None
Weapon Profile:
Range: 16” Power: 2d10 Blast: 3”
ROF: Fires every other turn unless Loader
present Shotgun
Special Rules: A good old-fashioned shotgun. Deadly at close
90° Front Arc. Facing on the ground can be range, it blasts through anything you point it at!
changed if the crew gives up its MV. If be-
ing carried in the rear truck bed of a vehicle, Points Cost: 2 points
it is considered secured in place and has a Description: A regular shotgun; great at close
fixed arc (either rear or front) and cannot be range for ripping through pedestrians, but just
changed. as effective against vehicles that come too
Automatically deviates 1d3 on a successful close.
Automatically deviates 2d6 on a miss. Weapon Profile:
Range: Close Combat 6” Power: 3d6
ROF: 1
Revolver Special Rules: None
Everybody’s favorite hand weapon. If you have
the credits, then you can walk out of here with
this one.
Weapon Profile:
Range: 7” Power: 3d6 ROF: 2
Special Rules:
(Available as Vehicle Mounted Weapon)
Weapon Profile:
Range: 16” Power: 4d6 ROF: 2 AP: 2
Special Rules: None
Personal Equipment
This section contains personal equipment other
than weapons. Personal equipment can be used
by any human member of your force including
drivers, gunners and pedestrians.
Body Armor
When the bullets are flying, what happens if
you don’t make it to cover? Give yourself a
chance and get some personal protection.
Hand welded by my skilled workers just for you.
Equipment Profile: Saves on 1d6 roll of Equipment Profile: Saves on a 1d6 roll of
5+ 4+
Structure Points Cost: 0 points Structure Points Cost: 0 points
Special Rules: Special Rules:
On a successful roll, model takes no dam- On a successful roll, model takes no dam-
age. age.
Must make individual save roll for each hit. Must make individual save roll for each hit.
He couldn’t see anyone, but he could definitely hear them. The car lot was empty except for the
two rusty car wrecks that were there when he crawled into the derelict motel the previous night. Hank
listened carefully, trying to pinpoint the location of the noise. He moved to the rear window next to the
grime covered bath where he could hear the engine more clearly. There was someone out there driv-
ing around. He knew he had to do something; his girl was parked back there, hidden away in a large
shed. Hank cursed silently; he knew he should never have stayed here. The prospect of a bed, albeit
a bed in a room that has not seen a maid for many years, was too good to pass up. He had spent too
many nights sleeping behind the wheel and just for once, he had wanted a bed.
Grabbing his pack, Hank moved carefully over to the door. He was about to open it a crack when he
heard the crunch of gravel underneath booted feet coming from the other side. Keeping hidden, Hank
slid to the side of the broken window to see a leather clad man walking towards the door. He was
He had no idea how many more of them were out there and Hank realized he might have no choice
but to act, and act soon. Peering through the grimy peephole in the door, he put one hand on the door
handle and held the shotgun with the other. He waited until the man was close, only about five feet
away from the door; turning the handle, he yanked the door open and in one fluid movement brought
the shotgun to bear and fired.
The blast echoed around the parking lot, the man’s chest exploding as the shotgun blast tore
through his body. He fell to the ground, but Hank was already turning his shotgun towards the second
man. He fired again, but this time only managed a glancing blow on the man’s left arm. Hank dived to
the ground, grabbing the knife that was in his belt and sent it spinning towards his enemy.
The knife was more accurate, spinning through the air and hitting its target in the throat. As the man
fell backwards, Hank was on his feet in an instant, re-loading the shotgun and then running to grab
the knife from where it had lodged in the man’s throat. As he ran to the end of the row of rooms, he
could hear the engine roar getting louder as a buggy came into view around the corner.
There were two people in the buggy. A driver wearing what looked like an old army jacket and a bat-
tered top hat; the other man was on the back wielding a large spud autogun. Hank didn’t stop to think;
he fired the shotgun at the man on the back who fell straight off the buggy into a bloody heap on the
ground. Hank then leapt into the front of the buggy, ramming the knife into the driver’s head and then
throwing him out of his seat. Grabbing the wheel, Hank spun it around, turning the buggy a 180° back
towards the rear of the motel.
A second buggy was parked round the back, but there was no-one in sight. Hank stopped outside
the large shed where his girl was parked. It was time to hit the road before anyone else arrived. The
sound of a shotgun could be heard for miles around; he had been lucky so far and the last thing he
needed was the rest of the gang to turn up.
Hank raced into the shed and pulled the tarp off the car that was parked there. Jumping into the
driver’s seat, he started the engine and pushed the pedal to the floor. Tires screeched as the car
raced out of the shed. Intent on his escape, Hank saw nothing until it was too late.
As the Rattler ploughed into its side, Hank’s car rolled over and over, metal shredding metal as
pieces flew in all directions. Hank bounced around inside like a ball on a pinball table; he felt his arm
break as he fell from the roof to the floor as the car made yet another rotation.
The car finally came to a halt with its driver crumpled upside down in the front. Hank couldn’t feel
the fingers on his right arm as everything was numb. He looked out of the window at a world turned
upside down. The smell of gasoline was strong as he struggled to unfold himself and crawl out of the
car. His vision blurred as blood streamed down his face, Hank got a hand outside the car and put it
down into a puddle of gasoline.
The engine sparked one last time as the car exploded with a ball of flame reaching high into the air.
There would be no salvage for anyone from this wreck.
These are the profiles to create a force to play any mission at any game level in Warlands. The pro-
files come in four sections: Warriors of the Wastelands, Loners, Nomads, and Loteks.
When building a force, you can choose to play Nomads, Loteks, or the generic Warriors of the Waste-
Nomads and Loteks come with their own special rules as well as specific profiles that can only be
used by their particular force.
Warriors of the Wastelands can be played as a force, but can also be added to either Loteks or No-
mads and played under the special rules that apply to that force.
Regardless of how many Warriors of the Wastelands are included in a force, even if only one Nomad
or Lotek is used, that force must be classified as a Nomad or Lotek force.
Nomads and Loteks cannot be used in any other force but their own.
For example: If you were building a Lotek force, you could select a unit of Lotek Raiders, and also
add a Maxwell from the Warriors of the Wastelands. The Maxwell would use its own profile, but Lotek
special rules would apply.
You could not choose to add Nomad Militia to your Lotek force.
There is no inherent loyalty in Warlands! All forces are up for attacking each other. Lotek forces will
attack other Lotek forces as Nomad forces will attack other Nomads. Truces between forces are not
unheard of, but are scarce and unreliable (see Alliances in Special Rules)
When building your force, you must follow the rules for the game level you have selected (see Game
• Special Rules: These rules must be applied to that force. Warriors of the Wastelands do not
have special rules.
• Pedestrians: All the pedestrian options that can be selected for this force.
• Vehicles: Vehicle options that can only be selected for use with this specific force.
All vehicles and pedestrians have a profile that lists the relevant information needed to play that
Pedestrian Profiles
Included are:
Name: The name of the model plus the number of models allowed in a force.
For example: if the number is 0+ it means that you do not have to have any of this model; 1+ would
mean you must have at least 1 of this model in your force.
Sometimes, the number allowed in the force is restricted by the game level being played (see Game
Level in the Rules)
Cost: This is the points’ cost to use this model in your force.
Model Characteristics: These determine the skill level of a model and how it performs in the game
(see Characteristics in the Rules)
Model Type: This is the classification of the model for rules purposes.
For example: ‘Pedestrian’ means that this model complies with all the pedestrian rules unless other-
wise stated in the profile.
Gear: Any equipment that the model uses as part of the standard points’ cost. It is followed by the
profiles for that equipment.
Options: Any additional options that may be purchased to use with this model.
Special Rules: Any special rules that apply to this model.
Included are:
Name: The name of the model plus the number of models allowed in a force.
For example: if the number is 0+ it means that you do not have to have any of this model; 1+ would
mean you must have at least 1 of this model in your force.
Cost: This is the points’ cost to use this model in your force.
Vehicle Characteristics: These determine how the vehicle performs in the game including speed
levels and turns.
Model Type: This is the classification of the model for rules purposes.
For example: Vehicle / Bike; Off-Road / Open, means that this model complies with all the vehicle
rules as well as any rules specified for Bikes, off-road and open vehicles unless otherwise stated in
the profile.
Structure: How many structure points are available to add items from the Body Shop.
If a Load-Out is listed then spare structure points cannot be used to add weapons from the Armory.
If the Load-Out on the vehicle profile is listed as ‘None’, any available structure points can be used to
add items from the Armory as well as selecting items from Mac’s Custom Shop.
Load-Out: This section lists the weapons the vehicle is equipped with as standard. ‘None’ means
there are no weapons as standard.
If there are options listed to swap out original load-out weapons, and you select from these options,
you may incur additional points’ cost and use of structure points. These will be noted in the options
Vehicle Options: Any options that can be applied to the vehicle such as carrying a passenger or
changing out a weapon.
Vehicle Special Rules: Any special rules that apply to this vehicle.
Crew: The number of crew for the model as standard. The points’ cost for the crew is included in the
3 5 4 10 3 7 5
May select any 1 weapon from the Personal Weapons section of the Armory in Mac’s Body
Shop at no additional points’ cost.
Special Rules:
Independent Character – May be attached to a unit or can be used to replace a member of a
vehicle crew.
3 5 4 10 2 6 5
May select any 1 weapon from the Personal Weapons section of the Armory in Mac’s Body
Shop at no additional points’ cost.
May exchange Fire Bombs for Grenades for additional 1 point.
May upgrade Raider Body Armor to Blaster Body Armor for additional 1 point.
May purchase a Bike for additional 4 points, but must be accompanied by 2 other Bikes as a unit.
Special Rules:
Independent Character – May be attached to a unit or can be used to replace a member of a
vehicle crew.
3 4 4 10 2 6 4
May select any 1 weapon from the Personal Weapons section of the Armory in Mac’s Body
Shop at no additional points’ cost.
May purchase Fire Bombs for additional 1 point.
May purchase Grenades for additional 2 points.
May upgrade Raider Body Armor to Blaster Body Armor for additional 1 point.
May purchase a Bike for additional 4 points and can continue to act as an Independent Charac-
Special Rules:
Independent Character – May be attached to a unit or can be used to replace a member of a
vehicle crew.
3 4 4 10 2 5 4
May select any 1 weapon from the Personal Weapons section of the Armory in Mac’s Body
Shop at no additional points’ cost.
May purchase Fire Bombs for additional 1 point.
May purchase Grenades for additional 2 points.
May purchase Raider Body Armor for additional 1 point.
May purchase Blaster Body Armor for additional 2 points.
Special Rules:
A Boss must always be attached to a unit unless he is used to replace a member of a vehicle
A Boss can be on a Bike, but must be accompanied by a pillion passenger and must have at
least 4 other Bikes in the unit (See Biker)
If the Boss is on a Bike, he is equipped with the gear as shown in Biker Boss profile.
Boss won’t be Bitch – Biker Boss will never ride pillion – he always drives!
3 3 4 10 1 4 4
Rifle Knife
Range: 14” Power: 1d6 ROF: 1 AP: 1 Range: Close Combat Only Power: 1d6
Individual models may exchange the Rifle for a Shotgun or an SMG at no additional points’ cost.
May purchase Fire Bombs for additional 6 points per unit.
May purchase Grenades for additional 12 points per unit.
May purchase Raider Body Armor for additional 6 points per unit.
Special Rules:
Unit – minimum unit size is 4; maximum unit size is 10.
3 3 2 10 1 4 4
Gunner – RPG, Automatic Pistol
Loader – Automatic Pistol
Special Rules:
If the Gunner dies, the Loader is considered to have picked up the weapon and may continue to
use it. If only 1 model in the team is alive, the weapon can only fire every other round.
3 3 2 10 1 4 4
Gunner – Mortar, Automatic Pistol
Loader – Automatic Pistol
Special Rules: If the Gunner dies, the Loader is considered to have picked up the weapon and
may continue to use it. If only 1 model in the team is alive, the weapon can only fire every other
4 3 4 10 4 3 6
Special Rules:
Armored Body – the model receives a 6+ save for each point of damage taken.
Assault Move – in step 4 of the pedestrian activation sequence, the model can move up to its
MV allowance and then may make a close combat assault on a vehicle or pedestrian.
Combat Run – upon activation, the model may choose to move 3 times its MV allowance, but
must forfeit any other actions that activation.
3 3 3 10 1 4 4
May exchange Scoped Rifle for a Shotgun at no additional points’ cost.
May add Armor Piercing Rounds to the Scoped Rifle for additional 1 point.
May purchase Raider Body Armor for additional 1 point.
Special Rules:
Movement – Molers may move underground via a network of tunnels and can appear anywhere
on the board.
At the beginning of the game, the Molers are not deployed. They can only activate for the first
time in the pedestrian sequence of Phase 2 during the second round as it is considered that
they are digging tunnels during Round 1.
Upon first activation, place the model anywhere on the table, and move 1d6” in a random direc-
tion to determine where the Moler will appear. Place a Moler Hole marker at that point on the
table. Moler Holes remain on the board and can be used again with no deviation. This includes
enemy Moler Holes as Molers will use any tunnel available.
Once in play Molers can only either move or shoot on the turn they appear.
For subsequent activations, Molers can either move on the table as a pedestrian or go under-
ground and use a tunnel.
To use a tunnel, remove model from the table and miss the following activation. After missing
an activation, place the Moler on the table at an existing Moler Hole, or at another location and
move 1d6” in a random direction to determine where the Moler appears out of the new hole.
Molers do not have to remain in unit cohesion when in play, but must activate together unless
the Rule of 10 is in effect in which case they can operate as Independent Characters.
3 3 3 10 1 4 4
Gear: Automatic Pistol, Knife
3 4 4 10 1 5 4
Gear: Automatic Pistol, Knife
3 4 3 10 1 3 4
Gear: Automatic Pistol, Knife
3 5 3 10 1 4 4
Gear: Automatic Pistol, Knife
Weasel Command Vehicle: 0-1 Cost: 35 points
Range: Close Combat Only Power: 1d6
Spud Autogun
Range: 16” Power: 4d6 ROF: 2 AP: 2
Vehicle Options:
May replace Spud Autogun with Rocket Launcher for additional 3 points.
May add Nitro for additional 2 points (does not count against Structure)
May add Ablative Armor for additional 3 points (does not count against Structure)
3 3 3 10 1 4 4
Driver – Automatic Pistol
Gunner – Automatic Pistol
Automatic Pistol
Range: Close Combat 5” Power: 1d6 ROF: 2
Utility Truck
SPEED MV (inches) 45° Turns CMV TN AM DM
Stationary 0 0 0 7
Slow 1-4 2 2” 8 7 5
Cruising 5-10 4 3” 9
Fast 11-14 3 4” 10
Vehicle Options:
May add Ablative Armor for additional 3 points (does not count against Structure)
May add Nitro for additional 2 points (does not count against Structure)
May add RPG Team (rear truck bed) for additional 7 points.
May add Mortar Team (rear truck bed) for additional 7 points.
May add rear mounted Defense Tubes for 3 additional points (does not count against Structure)
May add side mounted Defense Tubes for 6 additional points (does not count against Structure)
If purchased side mounted, an individual launcher is mounted on left and right side of the ve-
3 3 3 10 1 4 4
Driver – Automatic Pistol
Gunner – Shotgun
3 3 3 10 1 4 4
Driver – Automatic Pistol
Gunner – Automatic Pistol
Automatic Pistol
Range: Close Combat 5” Power: 1d6 ROF: 2
Sand Surfer
SPEED MV (inches) 45° Turns CMV TN AM DM
Stationary 0 0 0 10
Slow 1-4 3 1” 12 4 2
Cruising 5-10 6 1” 14
Fast N/A N/A N/A N/A
Grapple Gun
Range: 8” ROF: 1
Special Rules:
Make a control roll to attach grapple to target vehicle. Once attached, the two vehicles are as-
sumed to be going the same speed. The following activation after the grapple is attached, the
attacker may ‘reel in’ and either plant bombs or put boarders onto the target vehicle. Once the
action has been carried out, the player may release the grapple completely, or just loosen the
line, fall back up to 4”, and let his vehicle be towed along.
If the vehicle stays attached and is being towed, it travels at the towing vehicle’s current speed
and is assumed to follow it exactly with no rolls needing to be made.
If the towing vehicle is destroyed, the towed model must immediately make a control roll to re-
lease the cable. If failed, it goes out of control. If the towed vehicle is a Bike or Sand Surfer, it is
automatically destroyed and removed from play.
When a vehicle is being towed by another vehicle that is traveling at a speed level higher than
the towed vehicle can travel, use the TN of the towing vehicle and add 1 to get the TN of the
towed vehicle.
If the towing vehicle has weapons that can shoot at the towed vehicle under standard activation
rules, they get the +2 bonus for close range shooting even if the towed vehicle is more than 2”
Vehicle Options:
May add Limpet Mines for additional 1 point each.
3 3 3 10 1 5 4
Sailor – Automatic Pistol
Gunner – Bow
Maxwell V8 Interceptor
SPEED MV (inches) 45° Turns CMV TN AM DM
Stationary 0 0 0 6
Slow 1-5 2 2” 8 7 8
Cruising 6-12 4 2” 11
Fast 13-22 3 3” 13
Load-Out Options:
#1 1 Missile Launcher for additional 5 points
#2 1 Mini-Gun for additional 6 points
#3 1 Twin Missile Launcher plus Link System for additional 15 points
#4 1 Twin Mini-Gun plus Link System for additional 17 points
#5 1 Twin Missile Launcher, 1 Mini-Gun plus 2 Link Systems for additional 26 points
#6 1 Twin Mini-Gun, 1 Missile Launcher plus 2 Link Systems for additional 27 points
#7 1 Twin Mini-Gun, 1 Twin Missile Launcher plus 2 Link Systems for additional 32 points
Crew: 1 Driver
3 4 4 10 1 5 4
Automatic Pistol
Range: Close Combat 5” Power: 1d6 ROF: 2
Valiant WS Tombstone
SPEED MV (inches) 45° Turns CMV TN AM DM AM DM
Stationary 0 0 0 6
Slow 1-4 1 3” 8 8 8 7 6
Cruising 5-11 3 3” 10
Fast 12-16 3 3” 12
Load-Out Options:
#1 1 Missile Launcher for additional 5 points
#2 1 Mini-Gun for additional 6 points
#3 1 Twin Missile Launcher plus Link System for additional 15 points
#4 1 Twin Mini-Gun plus Link System for additional 17 points
#5 1 Twin Missile Launcher, 1 Mini-Gun plus 2 Link Systems for additional 26 points
#6 1 Twin Mini-Gun, 1 Missile Launcher plus 2 Link Systems for additional 27 points
Vehicle Options:
Comes equipped with Weapon Firing System so that Driver may fire weapon if the Gunner is
Comes equipped with Tombstone at no additional cost.
One Passenger or Gunner may be carried armed with an Automatic Pistol for an additional 3
Special Rules:
The Tombstone has its own Armor and Damage profile: AM: 7 DM: 6 when attacked from the
When the Tombstone is in place, the vehicle’s maximum speed is Cruising.
If the Tombstone is in place and the vehicle is rammed from the rear, an additional 2d6 damage
is done to the rammer who must then pass a control test at –1 for each speed level above Slow.
The Tombstone may be released as a free action at any time.
When released, the Tombstone will travel straight backwards with a 1” wide area as follows de-
pendent on the speed of your vehicle:
Slow = Tombstone drops to the ground immediately behind your vehicle.
Cruising = D6” + 1” backwards.
Any model in the path of the Tombstone takes 2d10 damage and must make a control roll.
When shooting at the Tombstone, if a roll on the Devastating Damage Table is required (a criti-
cal hit or 10 on a damage roll), the Tombstone takes 1 additional point of damage instead of
rolling on the table.
3 4 4 10 1 5 4
Driver – Automatic Pistol
Passenger/Gunner – Automatic Pistol
Automatic Pistol
Range: Close Combat 5” Power: 1d6 ROF: 2
Crew Options:
Passenger or Gunner may purchase a Rifle for additional 2 points.
Passenger or Gunner may purchase a Shotgun for additional 2 points.
SPEED MV (inches) 45° Turns CMV TN AM DM
Stationary 0 N/A 0 9
Slow 1-6 3 2” 11 5 2
Cruising 7-12 6 1” 12
Fast 13-18 4 3” 14
Model Type: Vehicle / Flyer / Open
Structure: 0
Load-Out: Molotovs, Gas Bomb
Crew: 1 Driver
3 3 3 10 1 4 4
Gear: Automatic Pistol, Assault Rifle
Vehicle Options:
May have 1 Warrior as a pillion passenger for additional 2 points.
Crew: – 1 Biker
3 3 4 10 1 4 4
Gear: Automatic Pistol, Shotgun, Axe
Axe Knife
Range: Close Combat only Power: 1d6+1 Range: Close Combat Only Power: 1d6
Crew Options:
May upgrade 1 in every 5 Bikers to a Biker Boss for additional 4 points.
Biker Boss
3 4 4 10 2 5 4
Gear: Shotgun, Knife
May purchase Rifle for 2 additional points.
Truck Stop
The truck bounced over the gullies in the road; the gasoline cans crashing together in the back.
“I can’t see them? Where are they? Have we lost them?” Gus yelled as he wildly tried to search
through the window at the road behind.
“How would I know, you’re the one who’s looking. I’m driving not looking around. That’s your job!”
Jack screamed back, fighting with the wheel and trying to keep the truck on the road.
“I can hear them, but I can’t… no, wait, here they come. Get us out of here!” Gus was frantic as he
tried to grab the wheel.
They could both hear the yells of the Lotek gang as they raced over the hill behind them. Three,
then four, then six buggies screamed into view.
Jack threw the wheel to the left as the ground erupted in an explosion of dirt narrowly missing their
truck. Swerving off the road and onto open ground, Jack fought to keep the truck moving. The metal
gasoline barrels in the rear truck bed crashed against each other, their contents sloshing around.
Suddenly, a Lotek buggy drew alongside, the mohawked driver screaming at them as the gun-
ner on the back, a long haired Lotek wearing leather shorts and shoulder pads aimed his Spud gun.
Instinctively, Gus leaned out as far as he could and opened up with the shotgun. The buggy swerved
away violently with the driver slumped against the wheel, his Mohawk awash with blood. The truck
jolted as another blast narrowly missed them and Gus fought desperately to hold on as he struggled
to get back into his seat. Bullets bounced off the bodywork as the remaining buggies moved in for the
Something warm and wet hit the side of his face, as Gus turned and saw Jack slumped at the
wheel, a gaping hole through the side of his head. He frantically tried to grab the wheel, but the truck
was too far out of control and crashed to a jarring halt in a ditch.
Gus scrambled to get out of the truck, dropping the shotgun in his panic. He fell out of the door and
onto the dusty ground just as a buggy screeched to a halt beside to him. He felt someone grab the
back of his neck and drag his head up.
“Well, boys, we got ourselves a live one here. Fresh meat on the menu tonight!”
Life on the road is a lonely existence for those that choose not to rely for their survival on a group
or gang, but trust instead on their own skills. Over the years, legends have grown up around these
people; stories spreading from community to community, traveler to traveler, until these individuals
have become more than just a passing stranger, but heroes that will come to help in a time of need.
But legends can be deceptive.
Loners are just mercenaries who will offer their services to the highest bidder. If you have something
they need then you can get their help and they will be loyal while you are willing to pay their high
When building your force, you may hire a Loner, but you must still follow the restrictions specific to the
game level you have selected (see Game Level)
If you select a Loner for your Lotek or Nomad force, they are not subject to the Special Rules for that
For example: if you select a Loner for your Lotek force, his weapons do not suffer from the Neglect
special rule that applies to other weapons in the Lotek force.
May select any 1 weapon from the Personal Weapons section of the Armory in Mac’s Body
Shop at no additional points cost.
May select a second weapon from the Personal Weapons section of the Armory in Mac’s
Body Shop at 50% discount on points cost (rounding down).
Special Rules
Independent Character – May be attached to a unit or can be used to replace a member of a
vehicle crew.
4 6 6 12 5 8 6
Model Type: Pedestrian / Loner
Gear: Knife, Automatic Pistol, Shotgun, Blaster Body Armor
May select any 1 weapon from the Personal Weapons section of the Armory in Mac’s Body
Shop at no additional points cost.
May select a second weapon from the Personal Weapons section of the Armory in Mac’s
Body Shop at 50% discount on points cost (rounding down).
Special Rules:
The Stranger is always accompanied by his dog, Max.
The Stranger always drives a Maxwell V8 Interceptor with Load-Out Option #2.
If the dog, Max is killed, the Stranger will continue without him.
Special Rules:
Max always accompanies the Stranger.
Max activates at the same time as the Stranger.
Max must stay within 5” of the Stranger or inside the same vehicle.
If the Stranger is killed, it is assumed that Max has run off, never to be seen again.
Protect – Max will always protect the Stranger.
If a pedestrian moves into close combat with the Stranger, Max will attack him. Before the pe-
destrian rolls his close combat roll, move Max into close combat even if he has already acti-
vated. Max rolls 2d6 +CC as standard. If the pedestrian survives Max’ attack, he can only make
his attack roll against Max and not the Stranger. However, the Stranger can make a retaliatory
attack. At the end of close combat, all survivors remain in close combat.
If the Stranger attacks another pedestrian in close combat, Max will leap in and attack with him.
If the pedestrian survives the close combat attack by the Stranger, move Max into close com-
bat. Max will attack before any retaliatory attack is made. Max rolls 2d6 +CC as standard. If the
pedestrian survives Max’ attack, he can then only make his attack roll against Max and not the
Stranger. At the end of close combat, all survivors remain in close combat.
Not everyone in the Warlands has gone back to the basics of savagery and chaos; some have tried to
retain remnants of civilization. This is not an easy task in a world where civilization has been crushed,
but Nomads are made up of hardy men, women and children who have learnt to survive by working
together in the harsh unforgiving environment of the wastelands. Nomads form small communities
that rarely stay in one place for long. Intent on scavenging what they can, they set up camps to act
as staging grounds for forays into the local area to search for supplies, and to harvest scrap metal to
keep their vehicles moving.
Each group of Nomads is different yet they all live by the same principles. They prefer to have struc-
ture and order in their everyday lives; electing a leader and taking orders from those they have put
in a position of authority. They cling to these ways of the old world in the belief that creating a power
structure will keep them safe and eventually lead to a better place for them to live.
Nomads also have rudimentary laws and to enforce those laws there are the Nomad Militia. The Mi-
litia acts as law enforcement in Nomad communities, dealing out punishment to anyone who breaks
the law or puts the Nomad camp at risk. They also protect the community from outside threats as they
are always on their guard against intruders. Nomad camps are not the friendliest of places, but if they
admit you into their community and you are willing to work and abide by their laws, it can be a haven
for a Loner looking for a place to stay awhile.
D6 Roll Result
1 No Show. The Loner is insulted. He still takes your money, but just don’t show up for
the battle! Pay the points, but the Loner cannot be used in the game.
2-3 No luck. Points’ cost stays the same.
4 Save 10% (round up) on the cost of Loner
5 Save 20% (round up) on the cost of Loner
6 Save 25% (round up) on the cost of Loner
Nomad Pedestrians
Nomad Leader Cost: 10 points
3 6 5 10 3 7 5
Model Type: Pedestrian
Gear: Knife, Automatic Pistol, Blaster Body Armor
May select any 1 weapon from the Personal Weapons section of the Armory in Mac’s Body
Shop at no additional points’ cost.
May purchase Fire Bombs for additional 1 point.
Special Rules:
Independent Character – May be attached to a unit or can be used to replace a member of a
vehicle crew.
3 6 5 10 2 6 5
May select any 1 weapon from the Personal Weapons section of the Armory in Mac’s Body
Shop at no additional points’ cost.
May exchange Fire Bombs for Grenades for additional 1 point.
May upgrade Raider Body Armor to Blaster Body Armor for additional 1 point.
May purchase a Bike for additional 4 points, but must be accompanied by 2 other Bikes as a
Special Rules:
Independent Character – May be attached to a unit or can be used to replace a member of a
vehicle crew.
3 5 4 10 2 6 4
May select any 1 weapon from the Personal Weapons section of the Armory in Mac’s Body
Shop at no additional points’ cost.
May purchase Fire Bombs for additional 1 point.
May purchase Grenades for additional 2 points.
May upgrade Raider Body Armor to Blaster Body Armor for additional 1 point.
May purchase a Bike for additional 4 points and can continue to act as an Independent Charac-
Special Rules:
Independent Character – May be attached to a unit or can be used to replace a member of a
vehicle crew.
3 4 3 10 1 5 4
Automatic Pistol Range: Close Combat Only Power: 1d6
Range: Close Combat 5” Power: 1d6 ROF: 2
May select any 1 weapon from the Personal Weapons section of the Armory in Mac’s Body
Shop at no additional points’ cost.
May purchase Fire Bombs for additional 1 point.
May purchase Grenades for additional 2 points.
May purchase Raider Body Armor for additional 1 point.
May purchase Blaster Body Armor for additional 2 points.
Special Rules:
A Nomad Boss must always be attached to a unit unless he is used to replace a member of a
vehicle crew.
A Nomad Boss can be on a bike, but must be accompanied by a pillion passenger and must
have at least 4 other bikes in the unit (See Nomad Biker)
A Nomad Boss will never be a pillion passenger, but will always be the driver.
3 3 3 10 1 3 4
Model Type: Pedestrian / Unit
Gear: Crossbow, Axe
Crossbow Axe
Range: 10” Power: 1d6 ROF: 1 AP: 2 Range: Close Combat only Power: 1d6+1
Individual models may exchange Crossbows for Rifles for no additional cost.
Individual models may exchange Crossbows for Bows for additional 2 points per model.
May purchase Fire Bombs for additional 6 points per unit.
Nomad Militia may add 1 Nomad Boss per unit for additional 7 points.
Special Rules:
Units – minimum unit size is 4; maximum unit size is 14
4 3 4 10 4 3 6
Special Rules:
Armored Body – the model receives a 6+ save for each point of damage taken.
Assault Move – in step 4 of the pedestrian activation sequence, the model can move up to its
MV allowance and then may make a close combat assault on a vehicle or pedestrian.
Combat Run – upon activation, the model may choose to move 3 times its MV allowance, but
must forfeit any other actions that activation.
Although the dust was starting to settle, he still couldn’t see anything. Thinking he could hear the
scraping of metal off to his left, he reached down to restart the stalled engine. At that moment, the
side of his car was peeled away like a tin can. He caught a passing glimpse of a large metal claw as
it ripped the bodywork off the side of his vehicle like tearing paper off a parcel. Beside the car stood a
huge metal machine, its powerful claw preparing to smash again into the metal shell of his car. Inside
the metal frame, Jake could see the figure of a man. Through all the grease and grime, he also saw a
smile that would stay with him for the rest of his very short life.
The smell of hydraulic fluid assaulted his nostrils as Jake scrambled for his gun. The grind of metal
gears cut through the air as the barrel of a mini-gun faced off against Jake’s small automatic pistol.
It was no contest as a barrage of bullets ripped into the driver’s compartment in a burst of blood and
Nomad Vehicles
Nomad Command Vehicle: 0-1 Cost: 35 points
Crew: 1 Nomad Leader, Champion or Boss, 1 Nomad Driver and 1 Nomad Gunner
Nomad Driver
3 3 3 10 1 5 4
Gear: Automatic Pistol, Knife
Nomad Gunner
3 3 3 10 1 4 4
Gear: SMG, Automatic Pistol, Knife
Range: Close Combat Only Power: 1d6
Vehicle Options:
May upgrade the LMG for a Flamethrower for no additional points’ cost.
May add Ablative Armor for additional 3 points (does not count against Structure)
May add Nitro for additional 2 points (does not count against Structure)
May add RPG Team (rear truck bed) for additional 7 points.
May add Mortar Team (rear truck bed) for additional 7 points.
May add rear mounted Defense Tubes for 3 additional points (does not count against Structure)
May add side mounted Defense Tubes for 6 additional points (does not count against Structure)
Automatic Pistol
Range: Close Combat 5” Power: 1d6 ROF: 2
Nomad Biker
SPEED MV (inches) 45° Turns CMV TN AM DM
Stationary 0 0 0 9
Slow 1-6 N/A 0 10 5 2
Cruising 7-15 N/A 0.5” 12
Fast 16-22 N/A 1” 14
Model Type: Vehicle / Bike; Off-Road / Open
Structure: 0
Load Out: None
Vehicle Options:
May have 1 Nomad as a pillion passenger for an additional 2 points.
Crew Options:
May upgrade 1 in every 5 Nomad Bikers to a Nomad Biker Boss for an additional 4 points.
May purchase Rifle for 2 additional points.
The scream of a Lotek strikes fear into the heart of any traveler on the savage roadways of the War-
lands as Lotek gangs cruise the blacktop looking for easy prey. They never trade, they only steal,
and if you don’t give up what you have and if you are very lucky, they will kill you without a second
thought. Your worst nightmare will be if they throw you in their food wagon like a piece of meat to be
savored later. Loteks turned to cannibalism long ago as an easy way of getting food.
Loteks are unruly and have no respect for authority. They only follow their leader as long as the
leader is doing well, but will not hesitate to switch allegiances. It is so easy for them to slit the throat
of one leader and move on to the next. Challenges for leadership are common and Champions will of-
ten rise through the ranks to take over as leader although any new leader has to prove himself before
being accepted.
Loteks just love their weapons as much as they love using them to kill. However, you will never see
a Lotek stripping down a rifle, cleaning it and putting it back together again. To a Lotek, if a weapon
works, they use it; if it doesn’t, they toss it and steal another.
Always on the move, Loteks never form communities, something that is abhorrent to them as vestiges
of a past long gone. They only stay in one place long enough to strip the place bare and to get a good
hardy meal from any residents that cross their path. They abide by no laws other than the laws of
survival. For them, it is kill or be killed, nothing more, nothing less.
• Neglect – When rolling to hit, Lotek weapons jam on the roll of a double. They are still consid-
ered to have hit if they make the target number, but the weapon is now considered useless. This
does not include bows, crossbows, the grapple gun, or bladed weapons.
• Ferocious – If a Lotek is attacked in close combat and survives, he may automatically make
a retaliatory attack as standard. However, if the opponent is killed in that retaliatory attack, the
Lotek may then move up to 2” and attack another opponent even though it is not his activation.
• Alliances – If there is more than 1 Lotek force in the game and they are playing as an alliance
(not attacking each other), at the beginning of each round, each Lotek player should roll 1d6.
On a roll of a 6, the alliance will break and all Lotek forces will be targets for each other.
Lotek Pedestrians
Lotek Leader Cost: 9 points
3 6 5 10 3 7 5
Crossbow Axe
Range: 10” Power: 1d6 ROF: 1 AP: 2 Range: Close Combat only Power: 1d6+1
May select any 1 weapon from the Personal Weapons section of the Armory in Mac’s Body
Shop at no additional points’ cost.
May purchase a Bike for 4 additional points.
Special Rules:
Independent Character – May be attached to a unit or can be used to replace a member of a
vehicle crew.
3 6 5 10 2 6 5
Crossbow Axe
Range: 10” Power: 1d6 ROF: 1 AP: 2 Range: Close Combat only Power: 1d6+1
May select any 1 weapon from the Personal Weapons section of the Armory in Mac’s Body
Shop at no additional points’ cost.
May exchange Fire Bombs for Grenades for additional 1 point.
May upgrade Raider Body Armor to Blaster Body Armor for additional 1 point.
May purchase a Bike for additional 4 points, but must be accompanied by 2 other Bikes as a
Special Rules:
Independent Character – May be attached to a unit or can be used to replace a member of a
vehicle crew.
3 5 5 10 2 6 4
Crossbow Axe
Range: 10” Power: 1d6 ROF: 1 AP: 2 Range: Close Combat only Power: 1d6+1
May select any 1 weapon from the Personal Weapons section of the Armory in Mac’s Body
Shop at no additional points’ cost.
May purchase Fire Bombs for additional 1 point.
May purchase Grenades for additional 2 points.
May upgrade Raider Body Armor to Blaster Body Armor for additional 1 point.
May purchase a Bike for additional 4 points and can continue to act as an Independent Charac-
Special Rules:
Independent Character – May be attached to a unit or can be used to replace a member of a
vehicle crew.
3 4 4 10 2 5 5
Crossbow Range: Close Combat only Power: 1d6+1
Range: 10” Power: 1d6 ROF: 1 AP: 2
May select any 1 weapon from the Personal Weapons section of the Armory in Mac’s Body
Shop at no additional points’ cost.
May purchase Fire Bombs for additional 1 point.
May purchase Grenades for additional 2 points.
May purchase Raider Body Armor for additional 1 point.
May purchase Blaster Body Armor for additional 2 points.
Special Rules:
A Lotek Boss must always be attached to a unit unless he is used to replace a member of a
vehicle crew.
A Lotek Boss can be on a Bike, but must be accompanied by a pillion passenger and must have
at least 4 other Bikes in the unit (See Lotek Raider Biker)
If the Lotek Boss is on a Bike, he is equipped with the gear as shown in Lotek Biker Boss profile.
Boss won’t be Bitch – Lotek Biker Boss will never ride pillion – he always drives!
Crossbow Axe
Range: 10” Power: 1d6 ROF: 1 AP: 2 Range: Close Combat only Power: 1d6+1
4 3 4 10 4 3 6
Power Claw
Mini-Gun Description: Mechanical claw used for heavy
Range: 12” Power: 4d6 ROF: 3 AP: 1 lifting
Range: Close Combat only Power: 3d6 AP: 2
Special Rules:
Armored Body – the model receives a 6+ save for each point of damage taken.
Assault Move – in step 4 of the pedestrian activation sequence, the model can move up to its
MV allowance and then may make a close combat assault on a vehicle or pedestrian.
Combat Run – upon activation, the model may choose to move 3 times its MV allowance, but
must forfeit any other actions that activation.
Lotek Vehicles
Lotek Command Vehicle: 0-1 Cost: 35 points
Lotek Command Vehicle
SPEED MV (inches) 45° Turns CMV TN AM DM
Stationary 0 0 0 8
Slow 1-4 3 1” 10 7 5
Cruising 5-12 4 2” 12
Fast 13-16 3 3” 13
Model Type: Vehicle / Buggy; Off-Road / Open
Structure: 3 points
Load-Out: 1 mounted LMG, .50 Cal Rifle
Crew: 1 Lotek Leader, Champion or Boss, 1 Lotek Driver and 1 Lotek Gunner
3 3 3 10 1 5 4
Gear: Automatic Pistol, Knife
3 4 3 10 1 4 4
Gear: SMG, Automatic Pistol, Knife
Range: 6” Power: 2d10 ROF: 1
Special Rules:
Roll 2d6. On a roll of double 1, the Flamethrower is out of fuel.
Any model touched by the 6” long stream of fire from the Flamethrower is considered hit (mea-
sure a 6” straight line from the front of the weapon – this is the stream of fire)
If a vehicle suffering from a ruptured fuel tank is hit by the Flamethrower, the vehicle will explode
causing 4d6 damage to all models within 3”.
Any vehicle hit by the Flamethrower is on fire. At the beginning of each round, roll a d6. On a 5
or 6, the vehicle explodes causing 4d6 damage to all models within 3”. On a 1 or 2, the fire goes
For any pedestrian that is hit by a Flamethrower and survives, at the beginning of each round
roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, the pedestrian takes another point of damage. On a 1 or 2, the fire goes
out. While on fire, the pedestrian cannot fire its weapon and will move randomly until either
dead or the fire goes out.
If a Flamethrower hits an open vehicle, any passenger or crew that are exposed are considered
Vehicle Options:
May add Ablative Armor for additional 3 points (does not count against Structure)
May add Nitro for additional 2 points (does not count against Structure)
May add RPG Team (rear truck bed) for additional 7 points.
May add Mortar Team (rear truck bed) for additional 7 points.
May add rear mounted Defense Tubes for 3 additional points (does not count against Structure)
May add side mounted Defense Tubes for 6 additional points (does not count against Structure)
Food Truck
Gus felt a pounding in his head as he opened his eyes. Where the hell was he? It was pitch black
and he couldn’t see a thing. Reaching up, he touched the back of his head and his hand came away
wet. He struggled to sit up, trying to remember how he got here. As the mists started to clear, he re-
membered the ambush. The Loteks had been everywhere. They had been trying to escape and then
Jack…he cursed as he remembered the hole in Jack’s head. That’s when they had crashed and the
Loteks…he shook his head; he remembered nothing after that.
Trying to stand up, Gus found his ankles were bound with rusty metal shackles connected by a
large chain. And that was when the smell hit him! A disgusting, cloying, gut-renching stench that made
his stomach churn. Resisting the urge to throw-up, and now with an urgent need to find out where he
was, Gus reached out to feel around him. His fingers cautiously searched the shadows until he they
came up against what felt like human flesh. It was a hand...
“Who’s there? Where are we?” His voice was low as he tugged at the limp fingers.
With one movement, the hand came toward him suddenly, and he realized that was all it was – a
hand! Shock and horror washed over him as he tossed the body part away into the darkness. At that
same moment, light drove the darkness away as a door suddenly opened behind him, and for the first
time Gus could see the full horror that surrounded him.
Hanging from chains or just slumped in heaps on the floor, rotting corpses were everywhere. Some
were missing body parts; others had slices of flesh missing; all were oozing with maggots.
“So boys, what we gonna choose for tonight? A nice steak or a good stew; we could even do a bar-
becue as we have plenty of ribs! My turn to cook so name your choice!”
The figure in the doorway turned and Gus could see he wore a heavily stained apron.
Vehicle Options:
May have 1 Lotek Raider as a pillion passenger for an additional 2 points.
Range: Close Combat only Power: 1d6+1
Crew Options:
May upgrade 1 in every 5 Lotek Raider Bikers to a Lotek Biker Boss for an additional 4 points.
3 4 4 10 2 5 5
Gear: Crossbow, Axe, Fire Bombs, Raider Body Armor
Crossbow Axe
Range: 10” Power: 1d6 ROF: 1 AP: 2 Range: Close Combat only Power: 1d6+1