Questionnaire of Online Shopping by Rukhiya

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1. Name :
2. Age :
3. Gender : Male Female
4. Educational Level: School level Degree/Diploma

PG Professional

5. Monthly Income :Below 5000 5000-10000

10000- 40000 Above 40000
6. How often do you shop online in the last 6 months ?
Only once 2 to 4 times
4 to 6 times More than 6 times
7. Which social media sites influence you for making purchase in online?
Facebook Instagram Twitter
Google Plus Others
8. What type of commodity did you purchase through online shopping?
Books Clothing Bags Accessories
Electronic items Kids and baby items Home appliances
9. Select an approximate amount you would spend on a single online
Less than 1000 1000 to 3000 3000 to 5000
5000 to 10000 more than 10000
10.Reason for choosing online shopping.Rank the following as per your
preference from highest rank 1 to lowest rank 5 Factor Rank

1 Wide variety of products
2 Time saving
3 Easy buying procedure
4 Various modes of payment
5 Possibility for comparison of price & forms
11.Are you satisfied with the quality of product you bought from online
shopping ? Yes No
12.The difference between your expectations and real products would
influence your satisfaction ?
Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Disagree strongly disagree
13.Rank the following online shops best on your choice.

Online shops Rank

14.What would be your best payment method ?
Cash on delivery Postal draft Cheque
Debit card Credit card Others
15.Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following
statements related to online shopping.

Strongly Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly

agree disagree
Shopping on internet saves
Online shopping is risky
Interent reduces monetary
cost if traditional shopping
Defective products are
replaced properly
Longtime is required for
delivery of product/ service
16.Do you feel at risk when giving out financial details over the internet?
Yes little No
17.How do you reach shopping website?
Recommendation of friends Computer magazine
Advertisement in press and media others
18.How important are the following factors in your decision to purchase goods
from internet ?

Factors Rank
Delivery time
Reputation of the company
Guarantee and warranty
19.Please indicate which one effects your satisfaction most during your
previous online shopping experience?
Price The way of solving your complaints
Loyalty for the online shop speed of delivery other
20.Are you overall satisfied with your experience of shopping online?
Highly satisfied Satisfied
Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

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