Activate Your Soul Tribe Ebook 1

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The book discusses concepts of soul tribe, soul family and soul contracts and how being aware of these can support personal and global evolution.

The book is about soul tribe, soul family, soul contracts and how being aware of these concepts can support fulfilling relationships and help support the current evolutionary shift happening on Earth.

A soul tribe is a group of people you feel deeply connected to who share similar life purposes. Being aware of your soul tribe can provide support, inspiration and help you grow through fulfilling your soul contracts.

This book is dedicated to the Revolution and Evolution

of Mother Earth, her People, her Visitors, and all Life that she sustains,
towards her Ascension and the Ascension of all.

It is also dedicated in support of Deep, Rewarding and Fulfilling Relationships,

with our Soul Tribe and Soul Family,
that support this current evolutionary shift,
with love as the bottom line.

Debra Giusti
Table of Contents

Soul Tribe: An Introduction 1

Practice “Expanded Listening” While Receiving This Information 2

What Are Soul Tribe, Soul Family, and Soul Contracts? 3

What Are The Benefits of Being Aware of Your Soul Tribe – Soul Family – Soul Contracts? 4

Why Am I So Passionate About Soul Tribe – Soul Family – Soul Contracts? 5

Soul Tribe ~ Overview and Insights 6

Soul Tribe: The Bigger Picture 6

Soul Tribe: Distinctions 7

Examples of Soul Tribes 9

Tips To Finding Your Soul Tribe 11

Soul Family ~ A Deeper Dive 11

Soul Family: You Can Feel Them 11

Soul Family: Who Are They? 12

Soul Family: Rapid Growth Through Multiple Relationships 13

My Soul Family Archetype Template 14

My Soul Family Court 15

Tips To Finding and Identifying Your Soul Family 16

Soul Contracts ~ Comprehension and Mastery 17

Soul Contracts: Predestined Life Lessons 17

Soul Contracts: Agreements and Roles 18

How Do the Soul Contracts Work? 21

Why Would I Choose That Very Difficult Situation? 22

How Do You Know When Soul Contracts Are Complete? 22

Can Soul Agreements Be Renegotiated? 25

Soul Contracts with Soul Family That Support Fulfilling Your Divine Mission 25

What Is High Level Collaboration and Mega-Manifesting? 26

This ebook is FREE and a DONATION
of any amount is deeply appreciated.

Your donation will support Debra in continuing her community work that she has been
offering for 40+ years, including producing Harmony Festival.

 It will also support the creation of the next level of Activate Your Soul Tribe multimedia
information with audios, videos, templates, workbooks and online workshops.

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Soul Tribe: An Introduction

People everywhere are feeling a need to find and bond with their Soul Tribe. I experience this
phenomena as part of a massive evolutionary shift taking place now that touches all parts of our lives. We
are in a potent time on the planet and people everywhere are feeling compelled to find their Soul
Tribe, deepen relationships with their Soul Family, and fulfill their Soul Contracts.

Never before in recorded history have we been connected with people all over the globe the way we
are today. We can meet someone on the other side of the world face-to-face in a matter of seconds via
Skype or Zoom. We can travel anywhere in the world and, within a day’s time, meet with that same person
in the flesh. On any day of the year, you will find people gathering together in unity, attending conferences,
festivals, social gatherings, etc., with others who share the same values, have a similar mission, and aspire
to the same goals. People connect in these ways for one simple reason: it allows them to raise the
quality of their lives, form rich connections with their fellow human beings, and deepen their sense
of belonging and purpose.

With the extension of the human lifespan and increased quality of life (for many Westerners), we have a far
greater opportunity than ever before to enjoy more relationships and connections with our fellow
human beings. Moreover, the quality of our relationships with our friends, our families, and as members in
our communities has become ever more important to us. Yet on the other hand, the current fast pace of life,
societal constructs of the importance of material wealth and the large degree of autonomous living -
especially in urban settings - has caused a dissolution of community and a deep soul desire to revive
living, working and creating in greater union and connection.

These developments have given rise to all sorts of new and emergent communities. People
everywhere are creating extended families beyond their blood kin, as they are drawn to live and work
together in various ways. The growth of intentional communities and co-housing projects evidences a very
real hunger for deeper connection with those who we share our everyday lives.

I invite you to fully embrace this “New Paradigm Shift” happening in our world right now, as it becomes ever
more crucial to activate and fulfill your Soul Contracts with your Soul Tribe and Soul Family. In this way we
can develop fulfilling relationships, gain the support we need for our soul’s evolution, and be
empowered to fulfill our Divine Mission in this lifetime.

Experiencing strong alignment and working together in High Collaboration with your Soul Tribe and your
Soul Family makes it possible to do what none among us can do alone: Mega-Manifest. What we can
achieve as part of a larger whole is immense, and far greater than what an individual alone can generate. I
invite you trust the feeling deep in your heart that you belong to something much bigger, and let that
feeling guide you towards your destiny and towards your beloved Soul Tribe and Soul Family.

I invite you to practice “Expanded Listening”
while receiving this information. 
These may be new concepts for you, or ones that you’ve heard before that will now take on a new,
deeper meaning. But allowing yourself to receive this information in an expanded state of being will help
you to receive the information in a way that would be most important for you.
Therefore I invite you to experience:

Quantum Remembering: When you experience an intuitive impression of knowing, allow it

to inspire an opening of your consciousness that will retrieve and store even more
information instead of allowing the intuitive impression of knowing to slip away. Potentially,
this information is existing somewhere in your unconscious, or even other realms. And with
gentle focus and inner attention, you can make it conscious. You can then continue to pull in
more and more intuitive knowing into your consciousness, and then utilize that information to
its full potential. A simple example would be meeting someone that feels very familiar.
Maybe it feels like you’ve known them before, even though that’s not possible in this life. By
acting on that intuition, exploring the ways you feel connected, and developing that
friendship, you may find amazing insights and life adventures within that relationship.

Grok- like the book “Stranger in a Strange Land”: When you grok a situation, you get it
at a deep core level, beyond the mind and logical reasoning, understanding the overall truth
of it with your body, heart, and soul. You are not using your mind but using an expanded and
more holistic part of your being that gets the whole picture. It is a different type of knowing
where you get the bigger picture of truth, rather than the linear, specific details which our
mind loves to use as confirmation. This is an understanding from your Soul rather than your
logical mind. This type of knowing allows you to get and benefit from a truth, without having
to understand and prove every detail, like what typically happens with a scientific approach.

Inner Spirit Knowing: This goes beyond Quantum Remembering and operates from a
whole other experience of reality, beyond 3D (3rd Dimensional) awareness, to 5D (5th
Dimensional) reality. It can begin with initial stages of intuition and evolve to operating from
deep Inner Spirit Knowing. Through opening up your higher perceptions, you can gain
access to new templates of information beyond this physical 3D world, wake up a whole new
level of consciousness and reality, and access new states of being and knowing. This helps
you understand and utilize the information of Soul Tribe – Soul Family – Soul Contracts in
whole new and beneficial ways.

Also, please note that this booklet gives a “simplistic explanation” that serves to communicate highly
complex universal concepts and how they can make simple sense in our limited 3D reality. I invite you
to embrace these concepts and also translate them however they may work in your world. Or you can
take parts of what you resonate with and expand those concepts further in different ways into your
world. This is important because we all understand, assimilate, and utilize information in different ways,
because we are all looking at different sides of the elephant… as with the analogy of the 6 blind men
describing an elephant!

What are Soul Tribe, Soul Family, and Soul Contracts?

SOUL TRIBE: Your Soul Tribe is comprised of large groups of people

that you are spiritually connected with, that have similar values,
missions and lifestyles, who show up in your community, your
business, your areas of interest, and within your many relationships.
You experience a sense of soul and heart connection when you are
with them, like a big community, and you feel a sense of belonging.
You seem to have a destiny to experience life together and co-create
with them. This can be seen as the “macrocosm of your
relationships”. Your Soul Tribe is the larger, complex configuration of
all your destined relationships and the dynamics within them.

SOUL FAMILY: Your Soul Family are the core people within your
Soul Tribe that you are the most intimately bonded with for your entire
lifetime. They are central circles of individuals where there is a deep
connection and a strong affiliation as well as a strong impulse to
experience life together. They may hold roles such as your beloved,
good friend, blood family, or business partner, where you will teach,
heal, and support each other, and also deeply co-create life together.
You may also have a strong destiny to raise a family or manifest new
projects and creations with them. You can understand this as the
“microcosm of your relationships”. Your Soul Family is your smaller
and more intimate community configuration mimicking the
characteristic qualities and features of your Soul Tribe.

SOUL CONTRACTS: Soul Contracts are the agreements with your

Soul Tribe and Soul Family that are designed to help you fulfill the
potential evolutionary growth that is planned for you in this lifetime.
Examples are a marriage, bearing a child, parenting a child, or
manifesting a business or project. Having a strong undeniable calling
to greatly help a friend in need or contributing something to society
that helps improve the world are also examples.

Soul Contracts function to give you life lessons and experiences for
healing and personal growth, and assist you in clearing karma. They
also inspire you to manifest and create, allow you to experience the
lessons of deep love, and guide you to simply enjoy life. Because of
the free will nature of this planet and your lives you can choose to
fulfill these contracts or not, or re-negotiate a contract into something
What are the Benefits of Being Aware of Your
Soul Tribe – Soul Family – Soul Contracts?
Having the knowledge of who is in your Soul Tribe and Soul Family, and understanding what Soul Contracts
are being fulfilled, gives you the “Power of Awareness” to make more conscious choices, have
stronger, clearer, and healthier expanded relationships, and generate more productive, valuable and
creative opportunities in your life. It brings to the surface information which may be in your unconscious,
but can be made conscious. And being aware gives you a broader array of dynamic choices you can make
in your life as well as clarity on the most powerful course of action in any given situation.

With this awareness you can consciously go into relationships and partnerships with deeper understanding
to empower you, inspire productive personal growth, and accomplish life lessons that you agreed to
take on in this life. This awareness allows you to embrace the relationship for what it is, instead of making it
something it is not. Be willing to examine whether you are attached to someone fulfilling a certain role in your
life, who is not truly suited for that role. This awareness allows you to identify and fulfill that need in a
different way, perhaps on your own, or potentially in partnership with someone else, who is truly destined to
support you with that specific healing and growth.

This process also facilitates clarity within your heart and soul, so you can truly understand when a Soul
Contract is complete, and it is time for you to move on to your next life adventure, instead of hanging onto
a relationship that has been completed, and is destined to shift into a new contract. Rather than feeling like
the relationship has failed or it’s not working anymore, it gives you the insight to harvest the jewels from
what has happened in your relationship, and the confidence to potentially evolve into a new Soul
Contract with this person that is better for you at that particular time in your life.

Having the knowledge and support of your Soul Tribe and Soul Family and what you are meant to do
together, facilitates being able to manifest and co-create what you want in life. This evolving awareness can
assist you to Mega-Manifest, which involves working in High Collaboration, so that you can create
way beyond what you feel you are capable of or seems humanly possible. Collectively manifesting
things with your Soul Tribe and Soul Family generates greater outcomes, more creative results and more
synergized, harmonious and coherent efforts.

Understanding your role with your Soul Tribe can also help to clarify and fulfill your Divine Mission,
which is what you feel most passionate about and came into this life to accomplish. This can be very
rewarding and confirms why you belong to that tribe and, most importantly, it positively contributes to your
soul’s evolutionary growth in this lifetime.

Why am I so passionate about
Soul Tribe – Soul Family – Soul Contracts?

I have lived a full life developing multiple businesses, creating many community projects and most
importantly, I have had amazing life experiences relating and working with my Soul Tribe and Soul
Family. My relationships with my Soul Tribe and Soul Family have allowed for the success, happiness,
and fulfillment that I have experienced in my life. This is my absolute truth.

I had my first spiritual awakening as a teenager in the 60s when the Peace and Love Revolution emerged
throughout society. I felt very connected with what you might call the Harmony Soul Tribe (a global soul
tribe of individuals from around the world) whose overall mission was fostering Peace, Love and Harmony
on the planet. I knew very early on that I had a strong role to support this Soul Tribe, and that was part of
my Divine Mission. And I have achieved that throughout my life in many, many ways.

At 22, I founded the Health and Harmony Music and Arts Festival, which later became the Harmony
Festival, which was a Music, Arts, Health, Eco and Consciousness Festival that grew from 1978 – 2011 in
Santa Rosa, California. Harmony Festival drew over 30,000 people in its final year. In 1978, I also created
Wishing Well Distributing Co., which showcased natural products, as well as Well Being Community
Center and Newspaper, a healing community center and publication in Sebastopol, CA.

Over the last 40+ years I have created many other transformational businesses such as networking
groups, many varieties of transformational events, online books and offerings, and even a Sacred Temple
offering evolutionary events. Currently, I offer four website calendars and eNewsletter going out to
over 200,000 subscribers: Harmony Connects, Debra Recommends, Transformation into the New
Paradigm and Global Transformation Now.

During the creation of all my projects and businesses, it is very clear to me that my success has been
possible through my deep and productive relationships, and recognizing, harnessing and
implementing my Soul Contracts with my Soul Tribe and Soul Family. And it is through identifying
and empowering these relationships that the resources and power have come to assist me in fulfilling my
Divine Mission and manifesting beyond what I thought was possible.

Soul Tribe ~ Overview and Insights
You can imagine individual souls are like leaves on the branches of a tree. The small
branches grow and flourish with the support of the larger branches, and all branches are connected
to the tree’s trunk which is rooted in the primal Source of Mother Earth. All the leaves appear like
complete and separate individual entities unto themselves, but in truth they grew from and are still
very connected with the branch of the tree. They are also related to all the other leaves on the tree
albeit with some closer and some farther connections. The leaf is ultimately dependent on its
connection with the tree for its development and life force. And all the leaves originated from the
trunk, the roots of which are fully integrated with Source. And in truth, all is one.

Another way to look at it is as if individuals are like cells in a body. If you are a single, unique
cell and you’ve been designed to be a cell of the heart, you’re going to look like and also resonate
and align with all the cells that have the goal and purpose of being the heart. It doesn’t mean you
don’t appreciate the cells of the liver, but they are very different in function and purpose from you.
Ultimately, all cells make up one body, and the entire life of the body depends on all of the cells
and groups of cells that make up the various parts of the body, such as the heart and the liver. And
it is important that all the cells of the body and groups of cells that make up the heart and liver work
together and function in harmony in order for the body to thrive.

Analogies cannot completely communicate this complex concept, but help to inspire an intuitive
insight as to how this could be so. These analogies give us the insight that we are all
interconnected, yet we are much closer with some groups of people than others. We naturally
emerged from Source together with kindred souls. These are the people we feel closer to and have
more destiny with when we find each other in any given lifetime. These are the groups of people,
the Soul Tribes, that we experience as being from the same branch. We find ourselves in
resonance with those groups.

Members of soul tribes have similar values, missions, worldviews and destinies. They tend to
incarnate in the same life cycles together, and potentially have consecutive multiple lives with
different types of relationships together. They will come into one another’s lives with similar
purposes and destinies. They may have predestined agreements or Soul Contracts to live, work,
and create together in specific ways. They may find themselves born into the same area, or will
move and find each other, or end up living and working together in the same communities or
businesses with similar styles of living, aligned goals and interweaving destinies.

When you are with your Soul Tribe, you feel like you are with your extended family. There’s a
similar resonance and a similar vibration within your Soul Tribe. Your heart feels open and when
you are with them, you feel like you belong. You may even look alike, dress alike, and certainly
enjoy doing similar things in life. You will meet people of your Soul Tribe at the most opportune
times in your life, and not by coincidence. This is what we call synchronicity. These are like
predestined meetings. At specific times of great import, you will meet and engage with your tribe, to
co-create and follow your destiny of life and evolution.

WHEN and WHERE you incarnate can indicate your connection with your Soul Tribe. Soul
Tribes will choose to incarnate together during certain eras in time to create the best opportunities
in soul growth and to implement their combined missions. For example, I have experienced strong
past life connections to my Soul Tribe during Egyptian times and also in Europe some time between
the 1500-1700’s, and even during Atlantis and Lemuria. I feel that my Soul Tribe made an
agreement to incarnate during these current highly evolutionary times as well.

Where Soul Tribes choose to incarnate is also very important. However, in this day and age,
with so many options of where you can live, people will move from their place of birth to another
area to be in more resonance with their tribe. This becomes obvious as you meet people who were
born on the East Coast of the United States, but have moved to the West Coast to be with their
Soul Tribe so that can live a more expanded, progressive, holistic and spiritual lifestyle.

You can be connected to a variety of different Soul Tribes and you may connect to different
groups within your Soul Tribe at different key moments in your life. Ultimately, in this day and
age, your Soul Tribe could include literally hundreds or maybe even thousands of people. The level
of connection depends on your previous lives, your lineage, and your life blueprint. You may live
close to some people in these soul groups, and others you may connect with via alternative means,
such as online.

The level of connection between and among different Soul Tribe members will ebb and flow
with life's cycles and what any given soul needs to do most or express at any given time. You may
find at certain times you relate more closely and consistently to a smaller subset of people in your
soul tribe, and at other times you may expand to relate and engage with the larger group.

Often times your Soul Tribe will assist you in implementing your Divine Mission. At the most
powerful times you may all live and work closely together. At other times you may inspire each other
from afar but remain in high alignment. Your Soul Tribe will always be an inspiration to you. And
they can inspire you to understand, create and share the offerings of your Divine Mission. We
possess much more power and hope in our collective evolution when we're living and co-creating
with our Soul Tribe. We know that we are mutually and compassionately working toward the
greatest possible future for ourselves and the upcoming generations.

Examples of Soul Tribes:
Soul Tribes have a similar resonance. If you’re observant, when you see groups of people that
come together through a common interest, you will see that they all have a similar resonance and
vibration. Think about going to a festival that draws a certain type of person and you will witness
that they appear very similar. They may dress alike and may even look alike. A homologous
vibrational resonance is often very obvious within the group.

Soul Tribes can incarnate together during various eras on the planet: You may have lived
together in different times and cultures with various configurations of your Soul Tribe, like the
Middle Ages, various historical stages of Europe, Egypt, during the peak of Mesopotamia or
cultures in Asia, the Renaissance or Middle Ages, within Native American or indigenous cultures, or
even in Atlantis. If you are drawn to specific culture periods and places, it is probably where you
have had previous connections, whether you call it a past life or a spiritual lineage from that life.
Therefore, the people you shared your life with during those times are potentially part of your Soul
Tribe. And the same members of that Soul Tribe may enter your life again in current or future

Different age groups can also indicate related Soul Tribes incarnating on the planet together
with different missions, consciousness, and goals, but related in a common way to the evolution of
their society and the planet. Those influential in the Sixties worked together in unison to break the
restrictive mold of the time, and created new ways of thinking and being. Those influential in the
Seventies and Eighties worked to ground these new concepts and create foundations for new ways
in living.

The thirty- and forty-somethings are now building new systems to thrive on top of those
foundations, such as creating Eco-Communities for groups of Soul Tribes to live together and co-
create in. And the millennials are now creating entirely new realities, while today’s children are
coming in with even more skill and capacity to live in a highly expanded and complex world.

The various movements, which often express through thematic conferences and festivals, offer a
variety of attractions which tend to address the specific interests of different Soul Tribes.

Think of these examples of categories and if you resonate and belong with these tribes:

Transformational and Holistic Living

Ecology and Respect for the Earth
Art as a Way of Life
Gay and Transgender Communities
Indigenous People and/or People of Color
Expanded and Liberated Sexuality
Democrat, Republican, Liberal
New Technology and Futuristic Communities
Dance and Yoga Communities
Religious and Spiritual Communities from Buddhist to Christian to New Age
5D and Multidimensional Realities, including awareness of Higher Galactic civilizations
And of course the list to describe various Soul Tribes goes on and on

There are many festivals that support these movements:

Harmony Festival – I had the pleasure to produce Harmony Festival between 1978
and 2011. About a million people attended. Everyone connected and involved is a
part of the Harmony Soul Tribe. This major Soul Tribe, which includes many sub-
tribes, believes in creating peace, love, and unity on the planet. Harmony Festival
became a mandala of interrelated Soul Tribes who aligned around creating a feeling
of heart, spirit, truth, and harmony on the planet.
Transformational Festivals: Burning Man, Symbiosis, Lightning in a Bottle,
Enchanted Forest, Sonic Bloom, Arise, Envision, Shambhala Gathering, BOOM
Eco Festival and Conferences: Bioneers, Earth Day Festivals, The Permaculture
Convergence, Heirloom Festival
Yoga and Kirtan Festivals: Bhakti Fest, Shakti Fest, Om Rising, Wanderlust,
Hanuman Festival
Music Festivals of every genre: Rock, Country, Electronic, Jam Band, Celtic,
Bluegrass, Folk, African, Funk, etc.
Festivals and events whose theme centers around specific eras: Renaissance
Fair, Edwardian Ball, Dickens Christmas Fair, Goddess Craft Fair

TIPS to Finding Your Soul Tribe
Awareness: Cultivate the awareness that your Soul Tribes exist in the world. Then, realize
you have a destiny to connect with them.
State Your Intention: State your intention to your Higher Self and Source to find and connect
with your Soul Tribe. Allow synchronicity to orchestrate magical circumstances in which you
easily connect with your Soul Tribe.
Attend Festivals and Events and Participate in Groups: The best way to connect is to
follow your passion and attend groups, festivals, and conferences that align with your passion.
Meet and engage with people you feel drawn to.
Be Proactive: Be proactive in connecting with, contributing to, and co-creating in groups,
especially if you have that gut feeling that they are part of your Soul Tribe. Volunteer in the
groups or at festivals, or find ways to contribute value in these arenas to draw people to you
while putting yourself out there.

Soul Family ~ A Deeper Dive


Have you ever met someone that you feel an

instant connection with, where the connection is so
strong it takes your breath away? It is almost as if
a vibrational energy is pulling you towards the
person, and no matter how hard you try you can’t
stay away from them. There are also times when
you get a deep feeling of déjà vu, as if you've
known them before, even though there is no
rational way that you have met them in this life. Or
sometimes you fall into deep relationship with
someone immediately, whether it be a lover,
friend, or business partner.

Sometimes when following this passionate thread,

your lives evolve and weave together profoundly.
Perhaps you begin manifesting a creative project
or business together. These are often people you
continue to be deeply bonded with throughout your
life. And if it is time for your paths to separate, as
is sometimes the case with Soul Tribe, when you
meet them again it feels like that very deep
connection has been there forever and will never
dwindle, no matter how long you have been apart.
That is what Soul Family feels like.

Soul Family is made up of individuals within your Soul Tribe that you have very personal and
direct relationships and Soul Contracts with. Often interactions with these people offer the
opportunity for profound soul growth, healing and expansion. With Soul Family, there is typically an
immediate, undeniable energy of connection from the start, which does not diminish over time. No
matter how long you have known one another, or how long it has been since you last interacted, the
strong attraction, resonance and energy is always there.

People in your Soul Family can be blood family, friends, lovers, business partners, and so forth.
While each connection will have its unique flavor, in most cases, meeting Soul Family members has
an almost magnetic quality of great alignment and deep connection.


Your Soul Family is usually found within your blood family, for example mother / father, sister /
brother, son / daughter, though Soul Family members are not only from your blood family. Often,
our core Soul Family is more our immediate circle of friends, partners and allies.

Your Soul Family is comprised of important people who assist you with your life lessons and
co-create with you. Your co-creations with Soul Family members are mutually beneficial. Whether
they are inspirational and awesome lessons or very challenging life situations, they can ultimately
offer you valuable growth or can support the release of karma. You will be inspired to go into
partnerships, long term relationships, and/or manifest creative projects and businesses with the
individuals within your Soul Family.

Think about people who have been your core friends and seem like they will be forever, even if you
don’t see each other all the time. Also think about your blood family: your mother, father, sister,
brother or special aunts and uncles. And consider business partners, employees, or groups that you
co-create projects with. You have Soul Contracts with them that have been activated at certain
times. You have most likely gained valuable insights and deep learning through these connections.

By developing the awareness of your Soul Tribe and Soul Family, you will discover an Inner
Core Circle of relationships within you Soul Tribe with friends, business partners, and allies that
are your strong personal support system. And this net of valuable relationships can be strengthened
and empowered. Some people will stay active in your Soul Family for a long, long time throughout
your entire life. And as Soul Contracts complete, others will shift out of your current life and you will
be inspired to go into relationships with different people within your Soul Family.
Many of us who are choosing to come onto the planet
during these rapidly evolving times tend to have ever
evolving, interconnected relationships within our Soul
Family that allow for rapid personal growth. An example could
be having of a series of primary romantic life partners, as
compared to having one life partner your whole life, which was
the norm in the past. Traditionally, we chose one life partner
as boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife. The culturally
accepted norm equated success with staying with that partner
for a long time, ideally your whole life.

But now, society and culture has progressed and evolved and
accepts multiple consecutive relationships as the norm.
Instead of vows such as “until death do us part” our motto is
more like “as long as we both shall grow”. So instead, we
have shorter relationships where people go through major
growth periods. And when that Soul Contract has completed
itself, each person moves on. How wonderful it will be when
we mature enough such that, when a relationship is in
completion mode, we accept the truth of the agreed Soul
Contract with high consciousness and appreciation instead of
making each other wrong because in society’s viewpoint the
relationship has “failed”. Rather, we would choose to put our
mutual focus on evolving the relationship to a different level.

Another example of strong Soul Family connections are groups of friends that bond, hang
out or even live in community together for periods of time, and then eventually that shifts. Or
consider collaborative projects and businesses where people have a very strong passion and
similar resonance birthing a project or business. They come together with a strong motivation to
birth a new idea, manifest it, and then potentially move on. The higher goal is to understand and
embrace the full cycle of these relationships, harvest the power and value that they are meant to
share with full consciousness, and release them when they are complete.

My Soul Family Archetype Template…

My template for identifying Soul Family with categories of relationship types: I share this with
you to help you list and define those important people in your life that could be part of your Soul
Family. This template illustrates the “Soul Family Relationship Categories” that help to define the
nature of the relationship.

This template would work best for heterosexual women approximately over 40 years old, because I
utilize the archetype of the “Queen’s Court” since every woman is a Queen in their own World and
can use a court to assist manifesting her reality. But this concept can be altered in any way for men,
women or any gender of any age. It can be created and formatted in any way in terms of how you
want to view your Soul Family relationships.

Create a spreadsheet to list out your Soul Family members including contact info, to help you reflect
on these important relationships and have easy access to them.

My Soul Family Court: 

KING: A solid primary partnership, typically a man, who aligns with you on many levels,
and has a similar life path. At a certain time in your life, you meet and you agree to
merge lives. It typically looks like marriage, a deep relationship, or life partner, and can
be long term or short term. I personally have had 4 seven year relationships with kings in
my life.

CO-HEART: A person who on the outside looks like a best friend, and we share our
lives very consistently and intimately together, including deep spiritual life challenges, as
well as celebrations and WOW’s in life.

KNIGHTS: Men who are typically kings in their own world, and may have queens. They
honor their relationship with their queen, and they also feel a commitment to protect,
honor, and serve my queendom. We may hang out together, or go on adventure trips
around the world. And they have the benefits of all the resources of my queendom.

QUEENS: Women in my world who are typically over 40 – 50 years old that are now
clear about, and are implementing, their Divine Mission. They are “my Queens” because
we collaborate and share life together in many cherished and beautiful ways.

PRINCESSES: A woman typically from 20 years old through early 40s who is
developing her life towards her queendom by implementing her Divine Mission. She
deeply appreciates who I am and what I’ve accomplished in my life and it totally inspires
her. I see her as a bright light developing life towards her Queendom in directions very
similar to mine, so we are in the same Soul Tribe. I agree to mentor her with the benefits
of all my resources. She is an inspiration to my world and she is also part of the
“Reinforcements”. Being part of the Reinforcements means she will help implement
various aspects of my Divine Mission, whether personally or generally, and she
progresses everything further to the next level.

PRINCE: Similar to the Princess, the Prince is a male that is rising to be a king in their
own world. I agree to support and mentor them in business and personal life. They
totally inspire my world and they are also part of the Reinforcements.

QUEENDOM BUILDER’s: These are men and women on my team that feel a great
alignment with what I am doing in the world and in my life and agree to assist me on all
levels. These builders include my personal assistant, technical assistant, carpenters,
personal organizers, etc.

SISTERS: Women in my Soul Tribe that I have a life-long Heart Connection with that I
tend to know for many years. We do not hangout or collaborate as I do with my Queens.
But we see each other in community and share good vibes and love.

BROTHERS: Men in my Soul Tribe with whom I have a life-long Heart Connection, and
a similar alignment as with my Sisters.

ALLIES: Men and women with whom I share a similar Divine Mission. For example, my
Allies include other festival producers and people who want to help in the evolution of

ADVERSARY: This is an important role of someone who comes into my life creating
difficulties, confusion, hardships, and “what the funk” realities. They introduce
challenges that can inspire huge life changes or big lessons, whether I like it or not.

JESTER: A person who is there for me purely for fun, inspiration, and sensuality with no
other attachments.

COUNT: A person who strategizes with me around deep life realities and supports the
evolution of business, life, and spirituality.

TEACHER: A person who has given me a transmission that is extremely influential in

upleveling my education, consciousness and evolution.

HEALER: A person who consistently assists the healing of my body, mind and spirit on
an ongoing basis.

TIPS to Finding and Identifying Your Soul Family

First of all, know that they are already in your life, and you will meet other important Soul
Family when the time is right.
Follow your gut and intuition and take initiative when you meet people with whom you feel a
strong resonance. Follow up on creating deeper connection.
Do a ritual to call in specific Soul Family members you want in your life, such as a Knight or
Reflect on the people you have the strongest connections with. Start making a Soul Family
List. Create a spreadsheet listing their email address for easy contact.
Acknowledge and empower your Soul Family. Make time for them. Support and help them
when you can. Invite them to lunch or create a gathering such as a Women’s Group or Men’s
Group where you invite your Core Soul Family.

Soul Contracts ~ Comprehension and Mastery 


Have you ever felt certain events and circumstances with people in your life were just meant
to be? Does it feel like the relationship experiences you have had with certain people in your life
have been extremely important and shaped you into what you have become now? Think about the
most important life experiences with your blood family, best friends, business partners and your
Beloved and how they really are a big part of why you are who you are today.

Soul Contracts affect the dynamics of the relationships with important people in our lives. A
simple and symbolic way to understand this concept, is that before you incarnate into your next life,
you review previous lifetimes to see what worked and what didn’t. And then you decide what you
need to experience in this lifetime to continue on your soul’s evolutionary path and create a design
for your next life. Perhaps you want or need to learn more about humility, faith, speaking your truth
or unconditional love. Or your goal could be to clear karma in a past life or create good karma in
this life.

So before we incarnate, our soul designs a “Life Blueprint” or “Life Plan” that guides what we agree
to experience that will assist us to evolve, heal, clear karma, and/or offer major contributions in our
lives. Symbolically, you could see it like you are designing your own “life theater” with many
different characters, storylines and chapters, with the goal of reaching particular outcomes and a
certain level of life mastery.

These agreements or Soul Contracts are created with a multitude of people including
specific people in our Soul Family or our Soul Tribes. These contracts are designed to assist us
in achieving our goals. You could even look at it as “lesson plans” of what we will learn and
accomplish. And our Soul Tribe and Soul Family are instrumental in helping us fulfill our potential
evolutionary growth that we plan to achieve in this lifetime.

These Soul Contracts are set up to ignite at predestined events and at the most optimum
times in our lives to support us in our optimum evolutionary growth. Think of it like you made
reservations with thousands of personal souls, and groups of people, who will act as catalysts so
you can experience this planned karmic evolution. These are very important connections and
situations that seem like chance happenings, but are actually forms of synchronicity which set up a
domino effect of life experiences to follow.


These contracts we make with our Soul Family and Soul Tribe can assist us in accessing
and activating our blueprint and fulfilling our life plan. Because of the free will nature of our
planet and our lives, we can choose to fulfill them or not, or renegotiate something different. It is
your choice on how you respond to situations, opportunities, challenges, or prearranged soul
contracts. And it is through your contracts and your choices around them that you learn and evolve
in this lifetime. All of this takes place for our Soul’s growth and evolution.

You can have major group contracts with the greater human collective and your Soul Tribe,
and intimate personal contracts with your Soul Family. A Soul Contract could be with your Soul
Tribe where you take on a specific role that positively or negatively influences an entire soul group.
An example would be having the important role of leading a community or creating a business that
provides a product that is very important for a soul group.

Soul Contracts within your Soul Family are among the more intimate and personal
relationships and dynamics in your life. In some cases, it may be hard to imagine your life
without some of these Soul relationships, such as partners, blood family, business partners, best
friends, etc. For example, you may agree to be someone's mother this lifetime. It is also likely you
had multiple lifetimes together in different relationships. You may circle back around with certain
souls again, so you can both learn important and necessary lessons from each other. And typically
one’s child does turn out to be the greatest teacher in one’s life.

Marriage or life partnerships are also strong examples of Soul Family Contracts. They can be
very intense where you immediately feel drawn to that person and dive into a deep relationship,
which ultimately revolutionizes your life and soul, from top to bottom. Another example is moving
into a house where there is a roommate situation and, synchronistically, there just happens to be
someone already living there that you are meant to go into Soul Contract relationship with and this
person becomes your best friend for a major cycle in your life.

Soul Contracts can also be with other forms of life such as your pets. Think of the deep bond
you have with your pet and the valuable life experiences and lessons that your pet offers around
love, joy, and simple but precious life moments. And it’s even possible that you could have multiple
experiences with the same animal soul in different lifetimes or even the same lifetime.

Soul Contracts can even be an agreement with the collective of humanity. Examples are
agreeing to bring a new invention onto the planet, or to be president of a country and inspire
lessons including an evolution/revolution for a whole nation. Think of major leaders of our time like
Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Hitler, Mother Teresa, and even Oprah, and what their soul contract
was with the collective. In one life, they have dramatically impacted millions of lives.

Example of Soul Tribe Contracts with One’s Soul Tribe: A personal example of a Soul Contract
with my Soul Tribe is when I produced the Harmony Festival, which took place in Santa Rosa, CA
from 1978 – 2011. It was a major Music, Arts, Health, Eco, Community Resource Festival that drew
30,000 participants in its last year in 2011 and touched millions of lives over 33 years. I produced it
solely on my own wearing 25 hats for 25 years, with a small dedicated team. And I am very clear
this was my Soul Contract to do this for my Soul Tribe.

I was like a Mama Bear. No matter how hard it was to produce, and even when it seemed like it
couldn’t possibly continue anymore, I knew I was supposed to do everything in my power so it
would not die. I knew it was my Soul Contract to support the festival in continuing to grow and

During the 20th year of Harmony Festival, I intuited clearly that how it was previously produced
needed to shift, for me and the community. I couldn’t keep producing it on my own like I was. So I
started to make some changes. It took me 5 long years to transition it. Even though it got extremely
challenging, and I wanted to stop producing it, the Mama Bear was still in me, so I could not just
end it.

During the 25th year, a shift happened in me and I knew I was done. I had also invited additional
leaders and partners into the festival. The festival had evolved to a point where I could step to the
side and become one of the circle of leaders, so the time was right to transition.

But most importantly, that solo Mama Bear feeling was gone. I was clear that my role and Soul
Contract as the central creator of the Festival was complete. I officially turned the festival over to a
production managment group and became one of the people on team. Harmony Festival continued
to grow in its new form, evolving another 8 years until it ended. I am very clear I had a Soul
Contract to produce it on my own for 25 years and then it was right to turn it over for another 8
years. And I sense I still have a Soul Contract to bring it back again, when the time is right, at a
whole new level.

Other examples include: agreeing to create a valuable business in your community, starting a
community organization, running for political office, championing ways for your neighborhood to
evolve into a better community, and so forth. But when you feel an undeniable passion to make this
contribution no matter the challenges, typically what you contribute will be very valuable and
positively affect many, many people.

Example: Soul Contract with Soul Family: There are many personal examples of functional Soul
Contracts in my life, including the powerful relationships I have had with my most trusted and
valuable personal assistants. They have shown up to play the part as my main assistants in all my
businesses at the most important times for the growth and development of the businesses. I have
had several very important assistants over the 40+ years of being an entrepreneur and I could not
have accomplished what I did without them.

My contracts with them were mutually beneficial. Those relationships included major and vital Soul
Contracts that they had with me and the business and these people supported me in reaching
major goals and milestones. But it was also very important for them, because assisting these
businesses was a strong part of their Soul Contract, and I also supported them in following their
own Divine Mission.

One special woman came into my life when she became a 2nd girlfriend of my then current
boyfriend. Instead of having a typical reaction of jealousy and negativity towards her and telling her
to hit the road, I tuned into her heart’s calling and our Soul Contract in the situation. I realized that
my Soul Contract and relationship with my current boyfriend was coming to a close and having her
come in to "deal with" him was actually an asset.

I also saw that she was meant to come in and help me greatly on a personal and professional level.
She turned out to be a vital support person in my personal life and the Harmony Festival for 10
years. If I had had a typical “jealous girlfriend” reaction and kicked her out of my life, I would never
have had that vital support that she offered for so long at that important time in my life.

How do the Soul Contracts Work?
Soul contracts work on a spiritual and subconscious level,
and they help guide your life. Synchronicities and what appears
like chance meetings, unique earthly circumstances, and
momentous life situations arise with the people you are meant to
work and be with, so that you can learn and fulfill your life plan.
These scenarios may seem like coincidences, but on an intuitive
level you understand there is something real and very important
about what is happening.

The density of living in the 3rd dimensional physical realm and within a physical body, not to
mention the veils that we currently operate under, can make it difficult to initially remember and
clearly understand these Soul Contracts. This is one of the greatest challenges about being human.
And there are many reasons why we don't remember our Soul Contracts, including protection from
overwhelm, gaining Earthly life lessons, the adventure of rediscovering our Soul connections and

We really don’t know on a conscious level why we’re here,

why we are attracted to certain people, and what life is all
about. But many of us choose to pursue life with great dedication
and create value in what comes to us. The forgetfulness, which is
at a conscious level only, is part of the grand design. But along the
way, the Soul helps guide the way and sends messages from the
unconscious to the conscious mind in the form of intuition, instincts
and other types of guidance, to ignite a Soul remembrance.

If we had complete knowledge of our Soul Contracts and all our roles that we agreed to in
this lifetime, or even the events of other lifetimes, we might find that awareness overwhelming. We
might be paralyzed by knowing ahead of time all the life evolutions, challenges, and adventures we
plan to face. And we might end up with more confusion and questions, rather than following the
breadcrumbs of intuition that do come through, allowing us to somewhat blindly dive into what feels
right, allowing the contracts to naturally evolve, be fulfilled and work their magic.

But we can develop and utilize our intuition to understand our

relationships with our Soul Tribe – Soul Family – Soul
Contracts. We can let our intuitions, senses and feelings help us to
understand more clearly what our contracts are. Especially with all
the higher awareness coming in and available for us during these
evolving times, if you put attention on what you feel and seem to
know, and invite your sensitivity and intuition to grow, you can be
more conscious and cultivate a clearer inner understanding.
With that awareness you can more consciously choose to implement the contracts or consciously
alter them, without creating new karma. And with this we can have more mastery over life.

Why Would I Choose that Very Difficult Situation? 
This brings us to the question of why someone would choose a negative experience like a
difficult childhood, having a physical illness or disability, having to take care of someone with a
disability, being in an abusive relationship, or experiencing a very challenging business experience.
And the truth is sometimes you learn and acquire deeper personal and spiritual growth from the
toughest teachers and the most difficult life experiences.

You may have been up to the challenge as a soul looking at your next life and creating your Life
Blueprint, but once you get into the physical manifestation it can appear extremely difficult. It is like
signing up for a class, where you’re excited about the end goal, but do not realize how tough it will
be until you really get into it. And at some level, your soul and your spirit guides knew you could
handle it, and they typically never give you more than you can handle. But most of the time, when
you have passed through that “Dark Night of the Soul’ and come out the other side, you will realize
that it was one of the most growth producing and life changing experiences in your life.

How Do You Know When Soul Contracts are COMPLETE?

It’s very empowering to know when a Soul Contract is complete, so there can be a healthy
evolution and transition to what is next for all involved. And ideally you can harvest the “jewels” of
that relationship, those valuable life lessons, and fully claim and take those with you. It is also
optimal to renegotiate your relationship, or next Soul Contract, and stay in a healthy and supportive
connection in terms of where your relationship is meant to be.

Sometimes when a Soul Contract is complete, one or both parties may inappropriately pin
unfulfilled needs, expectations or unrealistic demands onto that relationship. Or one may attach
core wounds, projections, and emotional pain coming from a previous experience onto the
experience of the separation. Those involved may not initially understand that it is best to shift the
relationship to another form, and that down the road everyone will be much happier and more
fulfilled in this new Soul Contract.

It is also important that Soul Contracts shift and sometimes end to create space for New
Soul Contracts to come into your life. However, sometimes there is a lot of unnecessary
resistance that causes pain and suffering in the process of evolving into something different. And
this resistance can actually create more karma within the Soul Tribe and Soul Family. Yet if there
were awareness of the completion of the Soul Contract, there would be more of an allowing of the
lessons that can be harvested, and a gracious unfolding of what is meant to come.

Optimal experiences of a Soul Contract Shift: Think about your most important romantic and life
partnership breakups. Could you frame the end of a relationships in a new way? If the ending of
that relationship felt like a train wreck, utilizing the core principles of Soul Contracts can offer a
highly supportive reframe. Imagine focusing on harvesting the jewels of that partnership that will
help you create a better life for yourself. How could you utilize higher consciousness to uncover the
truth of what is really going on? By employing more informed actions and tuning in at a higher level,
there could be a lot of learning and evolution during the process of the separation that will ultimately
support your total evolution and your future.

The emotional body and the heart may have different opinions on the whole situation and feel pain
and suffering. The soul and mind can console the heart and the emotions with the understanding of
a broader and more valuable perspective on the reality of what is happening. This can lead to much
more gracious growth and healing within what may be a very challenging situation.

Recently, the concept of “Conscious Uncoupling” has come into our society. This defines how one
can become aware of what has changed in relationship, and accept what is true about why it needs
to transition. When children or other important life collaborations such as a business are involved, it
is important to learn to be radically truthful about the shift that is happening. In this way, all parties
have the opportunity to approach the transition with love and grace. You will be able to build a new
relationship that works for you and everyone involved, so that all touched by the transition will be
much better off.

Relationships can be one of the most important growth producing experiences of one’s life.
In current times, we typically have the opportunity for a multitude of relationships in one lifetime,
including life partners, as compared to 50 – 100 years ago when it was more commonplace to have
one life partner for a whole lifetime. My personal intuition says that many souls who have been born
in this very potent time frame over the last fifty years or so, are choosing multiple deep relationships
with many souls for the opportunity of potent and quick ongoing personal transformation, plus the
cleansing of karmas.

Example of the gracious ending of a Boyfriend/Girlfriend Soul Contract: A personal example
is a recent romantic relationship I had of about 2.5 years. When both of us tuned into the
relationship and we felt into our Soul Contract, we agreed we were not meant to be partners for a
long time. And then at one point, another woman came into the relationship and let me know she
was clear that my boyfriend was her man.

I opened to see what was true about that and if there was a way to incorporate her into our
relationship, like I did in the previous example. But she was clear that she wanted a solo
relationship with my boyfriend, and I was clear she was not part of my intimate Soul Family. And for
the next 8 months, she kept bouncing into our relationship, but each time my boyfriend kept
choosing our relationship, saying that he would stop seeing her.

But like a revolving door, she kept popping into our world and also in truth, he kept encouraging it
because of the attraction of a Soul Contract with her that was real in him. Then at one point, I took a
spiritual journey to Egypt which elevated my life on a whole other level, and upon coming back I
realized that my Soul Contract with my boyfriend had shifted within me. At the same time, while I
was gone, he had continued to pursue the relationship with the other woman. Everything shifted
very quickly between us when I returned, as he kept seeing her more and more, and our primary
relationship dissolved.

During that time, when I tuned deep into my soul, I understood that this is what I agreed to, so that
we could shift the relationship quickly and I could go on to my next elevated cycle in life without any
encumbrances. Now my heart did not initially agree, and had a thing or two to say about this,
because for me it was true that there was love and deep connection there, so my heart did hurt. But
as my soul gave me the understanding of what was ultimately true in my Soul Contract, and
consoled my heart, everything transitioned into a better situation for both of us.

I believe I got through that challenging transition much more quickly and graciously because I tuned
into and understood my Soul Contract, rather than only believing the story of the heart, or
continuing to tell myself a negative story about how it ended.

Can Soul Agreements Be Renegotiated?
Soul agreements are not intended to be too restrictive or set-in-stone. Based on the belief that
free will is an actual part of human life, Soul Contracts can be consciously altered. Contractually
speaking, you might say that soul agreements have built-in "out clauses”. Our best made plans and
goals don't always work out in life, and neither do the larger spiritual goals. The spiritual being
doesn't always have the "let's be realistic" mentality, which incarnated humans are faced with on a
daily basis. Soul agreements are often renegotiated behind the scenes, to be implemented
throughout a lifetime, and may need to adjust to situations that come up unexpectedly in your 3D

Soul Contracts with Soul Family that Support

Fulfilling Your Divine Mission
Your Divine Mission includes life projects/offerings/roles/accomplishments/assignments
that align with your Life Blueprint and what you came here to do. It is what you passionately
feel that you need to do, no matter what. If you are realizing your Divine Mission you feel on target,
inspired, have unlimited energy, and feel fulfilled. It just feels right! And a lot of the time your Soul
Tribe and Soul Family are connected with supporting and fulfilling your Divine Mission and have the
same component as part of their Divine Mission Life Blueprint. So you can create your Support
Team from your Soul Family and Soul Tribe.

Example of how Soul Contract with Soul Tribe is connected with Divine Mission: I definitely
found and utilized my Soul Tribe and Soul Family to create Harmony Festival for 33 years. To find
the best people to work on the Harmony Festival Team, I would call in people by expressing my
passion of what The Mission of Harmony Festival was about. And then I would observe the passion
within people’s responses when they came to me and wanted to participate.

In this way, I would make sure there was deep alignment and resonance between myself and their
true mission to assist the Harmony Festival, so that our co-creative relationship could be
successful. And that allowed for High Level Collaboration and Mega-Manifestation in creating one
of the largest and most popular transformational festivals on the West Coast.

What is High Level Collaboration & Mega-Manifesting? 

High Level Collaboration is where there is extreme

resonance, passion, and similar goals within groups that
are co-creating. They are able to create by working in a
highly functioning, collaborative relationship together, and
accomplish what may seem initially impossible. Each
person knows their specific role in the creation because
it’s part of their Divine Mission. So instead of the pyramid
concept of one person, or a very small group having
ultimate control of the creation, the creation has a variety
of leaders in their agreed category of expertise, and they
all work together in high resonance toward the common
goal, leaving egos at the door.

This can result in Mega-Manifesting, where huge projects

can be created with ease and grace, having all the
expertise and resources needed to create beyond what
everyone thinks is even possible. It also takes a higher
level of consciousness to know your skill, know when to
take leadership, and know when to defer to someone else
whose role is to take leadership.

Good communication skills with all involved and knowing how to collaborate your resources
together in high resonance are also very important.

This certainly happened within Harmony Festival for many years as people in my Soul Family and
Soul Tribe came to me and wanted to support the production of the festival year-by-year. It became
clear that certain people were meant to have important roles and they would take on independently
evolving new attractions that could merge into the festival.

And the festival grew like a beautiful and complex mandala, with different unique spokes of the
wheel, that all grew from the center of a common goal of creating “evolutionary transformation” with
themes of holistic health, ecology, revolutionary art and music, progressive politics, honoring
indigenous peoples, evolutionary spirituality, and much more.

And there is so much more…
As with any rich body of knowledge, there is so much more to share about Activating Your Soul
Tribe. I plan to continue to share information and ways to integrate these concepts into our lives.

There will be another multimedia book offered with more in-depth

information, charts, templates, audios and videos and online
workshops. So stay tuned and I will keep in touch!

To Contact Debra:

This Book Was Inspired, Developed And Co-Created By My Soul Family

Editor * Graphic Design * Inspirational Support: Lindsey Morriss – Prime Princess

Website Design * Editor * Inspirational Support: Chireya Fox – Core Queen

Life and Business Consultant - On All Levels: Jeffrey Edelheit – Masculine Co-Heart

Soul Sister Support - As We Birthed Our Books Together: Celestine Star – Feminine Co-Heart

Business Partner Extraordinaire: Patrick Riley – Prime Ally

Ultimate Support: Lorraine Giusti – My Mother

And deep thank you to literally hundreds of wonderful people who make up my complete Soul Family
and Soul Tribe that continue to offer me inspiration, valuable lessons, and amazing life adventures. This
includes my Queens, my Knights, my Princes & Princesses, my Sisters & Brothers, my Allies, my
Teachers & Healers, my entire San Francisco Bay Area Community, my international & national
Spiritual Soul Tribe and beyond.

The support of my Soul Tribe and Soul Family has allowed me to create not only this ebook, but also
offer a tremendous amount back to my Soul Tribe and my larger community, including the Harmony
Festival and Debra Recommends & Harmony Connects Calendar Websites and Newsletter Digests. I am
a living example of how High Collaboration with your Soul Tribe creates for everyone:

Win – Win – Win

This ebook is FREE and a DONATION
of any amount is deeply appreciated.

Your donation will support Debra in continuing her community work that she has been offering for
40+ years, including producing Harmony Festival.

It will also support the creation of the next level of Activate Your Soul Tribe multimedia information
with audios, videos, templates, workbooks and online workshops.

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Debra would love to read your

comments and feedback about the
Activate Your Soul Tribe ebook. 
Debra Giusti
Events – Promotion – Consultation – Founder of Harmony Festival
In the last 40 years Debra Giusti has contributed locally and internationally to the leading edge of
the ever-emerging progressive culture through creating and supporting “New Paradigm” evolution.
She has been an entrepreneur since 22 years old, growing a series of Transformational Businesses
and Community Organizations that support healthy and sustainable lifestyles, personal growth and
transformation, leading-edge spirituality, and community connection.

Beginning in 1978, Debra founded the Harmony Festival in Santa Rosa, California, a nationally
recognized, 3-day outdoor festival of music, art, ecology, health and spirituality, attended by more
than 33,000 people in 2011. Debra also founded and created, Wishing Well Distributing Co. (a
national distribution company for health products), Well Being Community Center & Newspaper,
Spirit of Christmas Crafts Faire, and Transforming into 2012 Multimedia Book. She now reaches
over 200,000 subscribers with her websites and eNewsletters: Harmony Connects & Debra
Recommends (focusing on the top events and resources in the San Francisco Bay Area in
Northern California), and Transformation into The New Paradigm (sharing leading edge wisdom
and resources of the emerging “New Paradigm”). She also hosts live and online transformational
events at The Temple on Pleasant Hill.

Utilizing the awareness and power of Soul Tribe, Soul Family,

and Soul Contracts has been a major contributor to her success
and her ability to deliver vast contributions to millions of people.
She creates these amazing offerings for her Soul Tribe through
identifying Soul Contracts with individuals and groups that are
part of her Soul Family, and then facilitates working together in
high collaboration to mega-manifest what might originally seem

To Contact Debra:

'Mitakuye Oyasin'
(sounds like Metahkwe Ahsin)

A Native American salutation which means 'All my relations'.

What if everyone on the planet saw all people as though we are all part of one
Human Soul Tribe Family?

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