Answer To Question No .1
Answer To Question No .1
Answer To Question No .1
1 Describe in 2000 words, improvements required in TNA system in your organisation (if you are
an employee) or any other organisation of your choice (if you are not employed).
2 Write in 2000 words about Criteria / Inputs used by you (if you are a trainer) for finalising Design
of a Training Program. If you are not a trainer, speak to any trainer and write about his / her experience.
Answer to question No .1
Training needs hinder employees in fulfilling their job responsibilities, thereby preventing the
organisation from achieving its objectives.
Some eLearning providers define a training need as a shortage of skills or abilities—caused by a lack of
knowledge or understanding, or arising from a change in the workplace—which can be reduced or
eliminated by training.
After more than a decade of successful relationships with a global clientele base, we have realized that
effective training depends on knowing what is required—for the individual, the department, and the
organisation as a whole. We have also noticed an increasing consciousness among our clients to ensure
that the resources they are investing in training are targeted at areas where training and development is
needed and a positive return on the investment is guaranteed. They realize that simply throwing training
at individuals may miss priority needs, or even cover areas that are not essential. As new technologies
and flexible working practices are becoming widespread in the workplace, effective TNA becomes crucial
in order to channel resources into the areas where they will contribute the most to employee
development—enhancing morale and improving organisational performance.
Goals of TNA
From conversations with customers and experience with conducting TNA, eLearning experts
• Identifying what skills and abilities are required but not available.
• Increasing the sense of ownership and involvement of employees in their own learning
and development.
Technology is changing at a very fast pace and so are the training and development needs of employees.
It helps in grooming employees for the next level. It helps the manager to identify key development
areas of his/her employees. With proper training and development, the productivity increases manifold.
Various companies have in-house experts who can train employees on various aspects of the business.
Normally, a calendar is worked out in advance in which various sessions are listed out and which
employees can pick their business requirement to enhance personal development needs.
At times companies also send employees for various training programs outside the organisation to train
in technical know-how or a course which would be relevant to their job profile. TNA is usually part of the
appraisal process and at the end of the year an employee has to complete all the training and
development needs identified by the manager.
Training and development, which was at some point in time was not given much weight age, is now a
crucial part for any company to meet its broad goals and objectives. There are many aspects when
managers are identifying training needs of their team members.
Firstly, the managers need to identify what skill set is required to complete the job or the process.
Second, is to assess existing skill levels of the team members, and lastly, determine the training gap.
Training gap is defined as the difference between the skills required to complete the job and existing
skill set of any particular team member.
Answer to Question 2.
1. Define your objectives clearly, and list them in writing. (Training objectives help
you stay focused and avoid trying to cover too much.)
2. Write simple statements of what, specifically, the employee will be able to do,
know, believe, or understand after the training. (Training objectives help learners
know what to expect from the training.)