Steps Toward LEED Certification: Best Practices
Steps Toward LEED Certification: Best Practices
Steps Toward LEED Certification: Best Practices
The AIA collects and disseminates Best Practices as a service to AIA members without endorsement or recommendation.
Appropriate use of the information provided is the responsibility of the reader.
3. Obtain technical support During the design and certification process, LEED-
registered projects are allotted two free requests for
4. Document the project for certification a credit interpretation ruling (CIR) on questions or
5. Receive certification situations that may arise during design. Before
submitting a request, project teams should check the
sizable CIR database to see whether any existing
CIRs address the same issue.
The first step in aiming for LEED certification is to
register the intent to pursue it for a project. This Registered project team members also gain access
should be done as early as possible, typically during to the electronic LEED “letter template” files that
schematic design. Registration is accomplished help streamline the certification process. These
online via the USGBC Web site, which provides templates are the primary means for documenting
clear instruction. Registration consist of inputting key LEED 2.1 credit certification data, and they
project contact information and data, including represent the core of a LEED certification submittal.
project name, location, square footage, site area,
and building type; a brief narrative description; and a STEP 4: DOCUMENT THE PROJECT FOR
preliminary LEED credit scorecard. Images can be CERTIFICATION
uploaded for inclusion with the project posting on the Two parts are required in the LEED certification
USGCB Web site list of all LEED-registered projects. documentation: (1) a preliminary submission, which
Architects and owners can choose to withhold can be submitted for comment, then revised and
registration data from public view if they have any resubmitted, and (2) a final submission. Preliminary
confidentiality concerns. certification submissions must include two copies on
© The AIA Knowledge gained from experience immediately applicable to a task at hand. BP 16.02.08
Best Practices page 2 of 2
CD-ROM of the letter template file and two identical More Best Practices
three-ring binders containing the project’s LEED
The following AIA Best Practices provide additional
scorecard, a project narrative, illustrative drawings
information related to this topic:
and photographs, letter templates, and required
backup documentation for all targeted credits, 16.02.09 Energy Modeling and Daylighting
tabbed by credit. Analysis
The USGBC plans to transform this process into a 16.02.06 Differences in Environmentally
paperless one using online submissions. This will Preferable Products
make it possible for teams to upload and access
documents on a Web location designated for their 16.02.07 Going Green: Where to Find Green
project. Product Info
Upon receipt of a preliminary project submittal, the For More Information on This Topic
USGBC performs a technical review of the
See “Energy Analysis and
documentation and issues a “Preliminary LEED
Design” by Donald Prowler,
Review,” which assesses the initial status of the
FAIA, The Architect’s Handbook
pursued credits. This report includes comments
placing each credit into one of four categories: likely of Professional Practice, 13th
to be earned, denied, audited, or pending. A pending edition, Chapter 18, page 616.
assessment provides technical advice to project See also “LEED® Certification
teams about clarifications that will be required in the Services” by John A. Boecker,
final submission. Additional documentation is also AIA, in The Architect’s Handbook
required for items in the audited category. of Professional Practice Update
2005, page 133.
Project teams respond by submitting a final, clarified
compilation of the project’s documentation. See also the 14th edition of the
Handbook, which can be ordered
STEP 5: RECEIVE CERTIFICATION from the AIA Bookstore by calling
800-242-3837 (option 4) or by
Following this second submission, the USGBC
email at
issues a “Final LEED Review” report that indicates
the final status of all credits being pursued, along
with the project’s level of certification. Project teams
can appeal if they disagree with the final Feedback
assessment. The AIA welcomes member feedback on Best
Practice articles. To provide feedback on this article,
John Boecker, AIA, LEED AP, is a partner in the Keywords
green building and LEED consulting firm 7Group
and also serves as director of high-performance • Building performance
green design for L. Robert Kimball and Associates • Sustainability
Architects and Engineers. A LEED accredited
professional, he serves on the USGBC LEED • Sustainable business practices
Steering Committee.
The LEED Green Building Rating System is a
voluntary, consensus-based national standard for
developing high-performance, sustainable buildings.
The LEED programs can be downloaded at no cost
by visiting the Web site,
© The AIA Knowledge gained from experience immediately applicable to a task at hand. BP 16.02.08