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1.1.1 Research Hypothesis

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1 Introduction:

The attitudinal study to interpret the consumer behavior is much more complex job in the
globalization era. We are member of a group having a designation of marketing manager and
we are assigned by the top level management of “Natural Secrets Limited” to identify the
potentiality of newly made toilet soap (Splash Soap) in the current market scenario. The
main features of our product are the lower price but higher quality, and duel service

1.1.1 Research Hypothesis:

The new toilet soap (Splash Soap) that we are going to launch will attract potential customers
and create a position in the related market by its special features as well as our company
goodwill is also a good supporting factor in this regard.

1.1.2 Scope:

Information used in this research report as well as the findings and results can be used in the
similar research problems in future by the researcher of the company. The report can serve as
a secondary source of information.

1.1.3 Limitations:

At the time of research we normally face various types of difficulties. Some of the limitations
we face are given below:

 Sometimes lack of availability of data did not permit to prepare this report smoothly.

 Survey cost was high because of big sample size.

 Time was not enough to conduct a comprehensive survey.

 Hesitation and refusal of the respondents caused also one of the limitations.

 True reflection of opinion may not have showed up.

1.1.4 Objectives:

A Marketing research project might have one of three types of objectives:

 Exploratory

 Descriptive

 Diagnostic

 Causal

Our research is similar to descriptive research as it includes surveys and fact-finding

enquiries of different kinds. The major purpose of this kind of research is description of the
state of affairs as it exists at present. The main purpose of our research is to reach a decision
whether the new soap we want to launch will attract potential market or not.

1.2 Methodology:

In conducting the elementary stage of the report we used random sampling. Random
sampling refers to the method of sample selection which gives each possible sample
combination an equal probability of being picked up and each item in the entire population to
have an equal chance of being included in the sample. For colleting the random sampling, we
made a group consist four and visit different business area to fill-up the questionnaire from
the existing retailers and consumers. Both of questionnaires have enough questions to know
the customers and retailers conception and opinion. Moreover this methodology part of this
report has been described in the following paragraphs with under subheadings.

1.2.1 Questionnaire Development:

In preparing the questionnaire, we paid a careful attention to wording and sequences of

questions, so that respondents can easily understand and answer. Ambiguous and vague
questions were completely avoided. For the sake of impartiality, we didn’t keep any leading
question in our questionnaire. Also, so that our respondents do not get confused with our
asking, double-barreled questions were not considered at all. Besides using likert-scaling
method in some of the questions, some open-ended questions were also set to elicit the instant
belief of our respondents.

The pre-testing of the questionnaires and a pilot survey based on a small sample were
conducted which resulted in a little bit of modification of our tool. It is notable that
interviewing went on individually one by one and the presence of a second person was
always discouraged and was avoided as for as possible. Thus, the data collection stage was
completed successfully.

1.2.2 Data collection Process:

In collecting primary data we have used questionnaire method as a research instrument. We

have developed two questionnaires, one is for the consumers and another one is for the
retailers. By using this questionnaire we have collected a wide variety of information about
our competitors, customer brand choices, credit option and shopkeepers’ influence on the
shoppers’ buying decision. The questionnaires have both close-end and open-end questions
for the convenience of the respond.

The research approach can be divided into three broad categories-

 Observational

 Survey

 Experimental

In this research we have applied the Survey approach that tells about the collection of
primary data through individual contact.

1.2.3 Data Analysis:

After completing the primary survey, we put the data into the grade sheet for further
explanation and analysis. Using frequency distribution- we find out various percentages of
the retailers comment and as well as the consumers viewpoint regarding the different aspects
of our questionnaire. We also make Charts and a good number of grapes to portray the
pictorial presentation of the study findings. In conducting the total report there are also using
some secondary data which basically related to the consumer buying behavior in different

For the purpose of our research we have developed a detailed questionnaire (available in the
appendices section) covering various issues about soap market. By using this questionnaire
we have collected a wide variety of information about our competitors, customer brand
choices, credit option and shopkeepers’ influence on the shoppers’ buying decision.

We have collected the necessary information from the following sources:

Primary Sources:

In this research we have applied the Survey approach that tells about the collection of
primary data through individual contact.

Secondary Sources:

Different Journals, newspaper, documents of competitors, online databases and

internet data sources have been used as secondary sources.

1.2.4 Sampling Plan:

A sample is a segment of the population selected to represent the pollution as a whole. In this
research we have selected the consumer and retailer as our sample unit. According to our
hypothesis, we believe that there are some reasons behind this selection:

 Retailers’ have direct relation to the customer

 They influence the buyers’ purchase decision

 Retailers can better give information about the competitive products

 Consumers are the ultimate users, so knowing their opinion is of supreme importance.

 Combination of the opinion of these two groups can better lead to a more accurate
result of our survey.

Our population size is 60000 (approximately). Our sample size is more than 2% of our
population size that constitutes the exact number of sample is 1200 (300 retail outlets & 900
consumers).We have used convenience method in selecting appropriate samples. Since the
total area of interest is big one, we have used or followed a convenient way in which a
sample can be taken dividing the area into a number of smaller non overlapping area.

Then randomly select a number of these smaller areas usually called Cluster sampling. And
these clusters are :

 Dhaka

 Chittagong

 Rajshahi

 Khulna

 Barisal

 Sylhet

1.3 Statement of the Problem:

We are the marketing manager of “Natural Secrets Limited” that is producing different
types of consumer products. Our company is going to introduce new toilet soap (Splash
Soap) in the market. We are required to conduct a market survey to study the potentiality in
our product in the market. And also prepare a research proposal in conducting a market

1.4 Major Analysis and Findings:

In this Business Research our main focus is finding effective strategies to lunch new toilet
soap (Splash Soap). As there are various established toiletries companies in the current
market and they have already marketed their products (Toilet Soap). So before lunching our
product it is very crucial to analysis the preferences and conceptions of both the retailers and
ultimate consumers. As well as price and quality will be our major threats to lunch our
product. For assessing this information, we conducted two types of primary survey (Retailers
and Consumers). We directly talked to the retailers and various types of consumers. And our
major findings are as follows:

A) Analysis of retailers viewpoints regarding questionnaire:

Retailer’s role is much more important to familiarize the new product to the customer and
they are acting the true representative of the company to sell the product. Thus as a group of
marketing manager is our second important issue to know the retailers view point about our

proposed toilet soap (Splash Soap). So, we are showing some important results of our

Brand choices of the retailers to sell the product

40% Yes
30% 20% No
20% Som etim es

From our survey result we see that Lux is the most favorite soap brand having 53% of
consumer preference. Cosco got the 2nd position with 17% consumer preference, then Keya
claims 3rd position with 12% consumer choice, Aromatic claiming as 100% Halal Soap now
at 4th position with 11% customer preference. Besides 7% people prefer other brands of soap
other than these four market leaders.

 The proportion of customer wants a specific brand during buying

- 60%

 Considerable factors for choosing a specific product for their shop to sell

10% 4%

14% 46%

Price Quality
Profit to Retailer Com m ission to Retailers

Here we see 46% of our surveyed retailers suggested that price is the most sensitive issue of a
product to keep in their shop, 26% said quality is second most important issue, 14% consider
about their profitability, 10% consider their commission, 4% consider other relative factors.
Both retailers and consumers placed price and quality of product as most important factors of
a product to reach customers.

 Reason for the consumption of a specific brand:

Reason for the consumption of a specific brand




Low Price High Quality Market Prom otion Others

People are naturally tended to buy a product that has lower price than others. And this
assumption has been also true by our research findings. Almost 40% of surveyed retailers
told us that a product with less price but high quality has good potentiality to capture the
market. Market promotion is also another important factor to lunch a new product especially
for consumer goods. So we will have to be very careful about al the factors specially the price
and market promotional activities.

 Additional (Free) Product with Core product:




Shampoo Washing Powder Soap Case Others

This question asked to the retailers because we are living in a third world country and about
68% people living below the poverty level. So they are naturally to buy a product with any
additional product. In this case, shampoo is the first preference followed by washing powder.
It is a matter of fact for our company when will go to lunching the product or marketing the
product with the help of intermediaries.

B) Analysis of consumer’s viewpoints regarding questionnaire

These are some analysis of the responses of customers which is collected from our
questionnaire. This result will help us to take decision about the some crucial factors:

Customers' specific brand choice during





Lux Cosco Keya Aromatic Others

When we asked question to the customers about the brand choices, it is clear from our
surveyed result that 55% of the customers have a strong choices about the brand. This result
also shows that our product has a good potentiality in the market since we have good market
reputation and our others products are very much familiar to the consumers.

 Consumer preference when they buy a specific product

Consumer Perference about the product



Price Quality Brand Availability Hygienic

Our survey on the consumers regarding their buying preference shows that as the people of a
third world nation about 40% customers consider price as their main butting precondition,
38% people go for quality consideration before buying a product, 10% consider brand image
as preference criteria, 8% people prefer product based on the hygienic factor and only 4%
people prefer a product which is available to them. So we must be very much careful
regarding both the price and quality of our product, otherwise we wont be able to keep pace
with market competition.

 Consumer preference about fragrance:

Consumer preference about fragrance (Toilet


60% 45%

Yes No Som etim es

From our survey result we can conclude that 20% people strongly consider the fragrance of
toilet soap as their buying criteria, 35% people don’t consider fragrance as buying criteria
rather other things, about 45% people sometimes take into consideration the fragrance and
some other factors before buying toilet soap. So we should suggest our production engineer
to keep in mind all these issues so that we can reach our customer by meeting their
expectations from our product.

 Packaging is a matter of consumer choices:

Consumer choices about Packaging

40% 25%



Yes No Som etim es

1.5 Budget:

Budget is foremost part of business research and we have a definite plan about budget. And
the main aspects and the allocation of money are showing below:

We had a budget of Tk. 35000 for conducting the research.

1.5.1 Cost Budget:

For conducting the survey the following cost will be incurred.

Cost summary: Tk

Conveyance allowances : 5000

Questionnaire development cost : 5000

Amusement & Entertainment : 2000

Salary of the field investigator : 10000

Salary of coordinator : 10000

Margin for Contingency : 3000

Total Cost Tk. 35000

1.5.2 Time Budget:

Total estimated time for the research was 90 days. This time was spent the following ways:

For arranging an appropriate team : 10 days

Data collection : 60 days

Data analysis : 12 days

Report Writing : 08 days

Total Time 90 days

1.6 Conclusion:

At first we thought that maintaining standard quality and setting competitive price will lead to
the increase in sales and consequently, ensure growth of the firm. But since we have not
direct communication with the customers, we have to depend on the retailers to know the
intension, preferences, behaviors or purchasing pattern of the customers because retailers
know the customers’ best and customers frequently meet them.

From the analysis of this research it is very much clear to us that there are huge fervent
attitudes of the people about our proposed lunching new toilet soap in the market. The
findings which have come from both of the retailers and consumers survey show us that there
is emerging demand of good quality toilet soap in the market. And at the very last we can
conclude that if we can utilize our marketing strategy effectively and employ a good number
of market promotional executives than our product will have very good future.

1.7 Recommendations:

 Establish short range and long range market promotional plans for introducing the new
product to the customers.

 At the very initial stage of lunching the product, seminars can be arranged to
inaugurating the product with massive participation of both retailers and consumers.

 Take at least one month time to make some attractive billboards and advertisements
(both newspaper and electronic media) before launching the soap so that the potential
customers and the retailers can get enough time to know about the special features of
the new toilet soap.

 Establish a proper market channel so that effective supply chain management to be


 Establish a channel for taking the feedback from the side of customer and take action
on the basis of feedback.

 Efferent marketing personnel for city, urban and rural area so that all level of customer
and retailers can get chance to test the product quality.

 To set a price that is reasonable to all level of person.


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