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1. 命中率20%-40%,不要仅仅只看预测。
2. 预测以外题目也很多!所以请多使用《7PLUS机经20.3》中其他的
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4. 冲高分的同学一定要重视连读和失爆。
225. Soil samples
Investigators also compared those microbes with those living in 52 other soil
samples /taken from all around the planet.// The park had organisms/that also
exist in deserts, frozen tundra, forests, rainforests, and prairies. //Antarctica was the
only area /that had microbes that did not overlap with those found in Central
Park.// Only a small percentage of the park’s microbes/ were found to be already
listed in databases.//
Read Aloud –序号对应20.3完整版机经
超高频 138 MBA
2 Akimbo 174 MBA Courses (Version 2) 139 Russia
3 Tesla 177 Augustus 148 Legal Writing
4 Yellow 182 Hazard Assessment v 153 Private equity
5 Introverts 191 Traditional divisions 172 Statistical Information
27 Shakespeare 196 Orientalists v2 173 Tesla (Version2)
32 Pluto 200 Electronic discourse 178 Electrical car
63 Blue 203 Diversity of language 179 Ordinary book
96 Lincoln 205 Online shopping environments 181 Shrimp farmers
98 Fiscal Year 209 The only family 183 Business school admissions
118 Vanilla 211 A world without light 184 Elephant
119 Carbon Dioxide Emission 215 Girls outperform boys 186 Industrial manufacturing
121 Productive Capacity 高频 197 The preparation of abstract
123 Yellow Tulip 25 Welfare 198 Magnetar
124 Grand Canyon 36 Yellow 201 Communications
133 Orientalists 65 Environment 202 Weakness
137 Marketing Management 110 Price on Carbon Emissions 204 Teacher's instruction
143 The Semiconductor Industry 112 Population Growth 206 Major breeding areas
144 Japanese Tea andBuddism 113 Incentive Pay Schemes 212 Method of learning
145 Constitutional Protections 114 Industrial Revolution 214 Important value of literature
146 Australian's Black Swans 115 UN System 217 Yield of plants
147 Lenient Parents 116 Father 218. The emergence of Information Technology
151 Science Competition 134 Bookkeepers 220. Rural population
152 Public Demand 135 Fast Food
170 Australian Slang 136 Himalayas
Read Aloud – (仅超高频列出,高频题请翻阅机经)
2. Akimbo 5. Introverts
Akimbo, //this must be one of the odder-looking words /in the language.// Introverts (or those of us with introverted tendencies) tend to recharge /by
It puzzles us in part /because it doesn’t seem to have any relatives. spending time alone. //They lose energy from being around people for long
//What's more, //it is now virtually a fossil word,// until recently almost periods of time,// particularly large crowds.// Extroverts, /on the other hand,
invariably found /in arms akimbo, //a posture in which a person stands /gain energy from other people. //Extroverts actually find their energy is
with hands /on hips /and elbows sharply bent outward, //one that signals sapped /when they spend too much time alone. //They recharge by being
impatience and hostility. social.
3. Tesla 27. Shakespeare
Tesla actually worked for Edison early in his career. //Edison offered to pay A young man from a small provincial town /moves to London in the late
him the modern equivalent of a million dollars //to fix the problems he was 1580s and,/ in a remarkably short time, /becomes the greatest playwright/
having //with his DC generators and motors. //Tesla fixed Edison’s not of his age alone/ but of all time.// How is an achievement of this
machines /and when he asked for the money he was promised, //Edison magnitude to be explained?// How did Shakespeare become Shakespeare?
laughed him off /and had this to say, //“Tesla, /you don’t understand our 32. Pluto
American humor.” Since Pluto,/ philosophers have described the decision-making process/ as
either rational or emotional:// we carefully deliberate or we "blink" /and go
4. Yellow with our gut, /but as scientists break open the mind's black box with the
Yellow is the most optimistic color, //yet surprisingly, //people lose their latest tools of neuroscience, /they're discovering that /this is not how the
tempers most often in yellow rooms /and babies cry more in them. //The mind works.// Our best decisions are a finely tuned blend of both feeling
reason may be that /yellow is the hardest color on the eye. //On the other /and reason /and the precise mix depends on the situation.
hand, //it speeds metabolism /and enhances concentration; //think of 63.Blue
yellow legal pads /and post-it notes. While blue is one of the most popular colors,/ it is one of the least appetizing.
//Blue food is rare in nature. //Food researchers say that /when humans
searched for food, /they learned to avoid toxic /or spoiled objects, /which
were often blue, /black /or purple. //When food dyed blue/ is served to
study subjects, /they lose appetite.
Read Aloud
96. Lincoln 121. Productive Capacity
Lincoln’s apparent radical change of mind about his war power/ to The core of the problem was the immense disparity between the country‘s
emancipate slaves was caused /by the escalating scope of war, /which productive capacity /and the ability of people to consume. //Great
convinced him that /any measure to weaken the confederacy/ and innovations in productive techniques during and after the war/ raised the
strengthen the Union war effort was justifiable as a military necessity. output of industry /beyond the purchasing capacity of U.S. farmers and wage
98. Fiscal year earners.
At the beginning of each fiscal year, /funds are allocated to University 123. Yellow Tulip
accounts in accordance with the University's financial plan. //Allocation is How do we imagine the unimaginable? // If we’re asked to think of an
assigned to accounts in nine objects.// Account managers should ensure object// - say,/ a yellow tulip –// a picture immediately forms in our mind’s
adequate funds are available in the appropriate object/ before initiating eye. //But what if we try to imagine a concept such as the square root of
transactions to use the funds.// Failure to do so /could result in a negative number?
curtailment of services. 133. Orientalists
118. Vanilla Orientalists, /like many other nineteenth-century thinkers, /conceive of
The uniquely scented flavor of vanilla /is second only to chocolate in humanity either in large collective terms /or in abstract generalities.
popularity /on the world’s palate. /It’s also the second most expensive //Orientalists are neither interested in nor capable of discussing individuals;
spice after saffron. /But highly labor intensive cultivation methods /and /instead, /artificial entities, perhaps with their roots in Herderiano populism,
the plant’s temperamental life cycle /and propagation mean production predominate.
on a global scale /is struggling to keep up with the increasing demand for 137. Marketing management
the product. For any marketing course that requires the development of a marketing plan,
119. Carbon dioxide emission /such as Marketing Management, Marketing Strategy /and Principles of
When countries assess their annual carbon dioxide emissions,/ they Marketing, /this is the only planning handbook /that guides students through
count up their cars and power stations, /but bush fires are not included step by step creation of a customized marketing plan /while offering
presumably/ because they are deemed to be events/ beyond human commercial software to aid in the process.
control. //In Australia,/ Victoria alone sees several hundred thousand
hectares burn each year/ in both 2004 and the present summer, /the
figure has been over 1 million hectares.
Read Aloud
144. Japanese tea and Buddhism
The Japanese tea ceremony is a tour influenced by Buddhism /in which green tea is prepared and served /to a small group of guests /in a peaceful
setting. //The ceremony can take as long as four hours /and there are many traditional gestures /that both the server and the guest must perform.
143. The semiconductor industry 151. Science competition
The semiconductor industry has been able to improve the This year/ the National Environmental Science Competition received
performance of electric systems/ for more than four decades /by excellent undergraduate/ and postgraduate entries/ from all across the
making ever-smaller devices. //However, /this approach will soon country, /with a wide range of projects. //We are delighted exciting and
encounter both scientific and technical limits, /which is why the valuable projects /that go beyond research and analysis to develop solutions
industry is exploring a number of alternative device technologies. /for a number of key problems. //Information about the shortlisted projects
145. Constitutional protections /will be posted on our website /in the first week in June.
The founding fathers established constitutional protections /for the 152. Public demand
press because they understood that/ leaving the watchdog function Public demand for education /has retained strong reflecting and importance
/to partisan politicians wouldn’t necessarily serve the public interest, of education /as means of social progress. //Aware of the added value of
/both sides have too many incentives /to preserve the status /and education to the world work, /the government continues to innovate and
ignore problems that elude quick fixes. update its education system /in order to produce a qualified and competent
146. Australia’s black swans workforce.
Before European explorers had reached Australia, /it was believed 170. Australian Slang
that /all swans were white. //Black swans and Australia have been Australian speak English of course. But to the tourists and even some
closely linked. //During the nineteenth century, /the original Western locals, Australian English has only tenuous links with the mother tongue.
Australian colony was called “the Swan River Settlement.” /In 1973, Our speech is peppered with words and phrases whose arcane means
/the black swan was officially proclaimed as the “bird emblem” of the understood only by the initiate. It is these colorful colloquialisms that
Government of Western Australia /and now appears on the state. Australian slang sets to explain.
147. Lenient parents 174. MBA courses (Version2)
Two sisters were at a dinner party /when the conversation turned to Along with customary classes on subjects such as finance, accounting, and
upbringing. /The elder sister started to say/ that her parents had been marketing, today's MBA students are enrolling on courses for environmental
very strict /and that she had been rather frightened of them./ Her policy and stewardship. Indeed, more than half of business schools require a
sister, /younger by two years, /interrupted in amazement. /“What are course in environmental sustainability or corporate social responsibility,
you talking about?” she said./ “Our parents were very lenient.” according to a survey of 91 US business schools, published in October 2005.
Read Aloud
177. Augustus
Augustus was given the powers of an absolute monarch, but he presented himself as the preserver of republican traditions. He treated the Senate,
or state council, with great respect, and was made Consul year after year. He successfully reduced the political power of the army by retiring many
soldiers but giving them land or money to keep their loyalty.
182. Hazard Assessment 200. Electronic discourse
A Hazard Assessment should be performed for work involving distillations Electronic discourse is one form of interactive electronic communication.
of organic liquids and should thoroughly address issues relating to In this study, we reserve the term for the two-directional texts in which
residual water and possible decomposition of the solvent in question, as one person using a keyboard writes language that appears on the
well as the physical placement of the distillation apparatus and heating sender's monitor and is transmitted to the monitor of a recipient, who
equipment to be employed. responds by keyboard.
191. Traditional divisions 205. Online shopping environments
Traditional divisions of domestic work are understood to persist, because A unique characteristic of online shopping environments is that they allow
of the strong association of the home with humanity and with masculinity vendors to create retail interfaces with highly interactive features. One
to challenge that home is arguably equivalent to challenge what it is to desirable form of interactivity from a consumer perspective is the
beat a woman or a man. implementation of sophisticated tools to assist shoppers in their purchase
196. Orientalist v2 decisions by customizing the electronic shopping environment to their
Orientalists, like many other nineteenth-century thinkers, conceive of individual preferences.
humanity either in large collective terms or in abstract generalities. 209. The only family
Orientalists are neither interested in nor capable of discussing individuals; Imagine living all your life as the only family on your street. Then, one
instead, artificial entities predominate. Similarly, the age-old distinction morning, you open the front door and discover houses all around you. You see
between "Europe" and "Asia" or "Occident" and "Orient" herds beneath neighbors tending their gardens and children walking to school. Where did all
very wide labels every possible variety of human plurality, reducing it in the people come from? What if the answer turned out to be that they had
the process to one or two terminal collective realities. always been there—you just hadn' t seen them?
203. Diversity of language
The diversity of human language may be compared to the diversity of the
natural world. Just as the demise of plant species reduces genetic diversity
and deprives humanity or potential medical and biological resources. So
extinction of language takes with it a wealth of culture, art and knowledge.
Read Aloud
217. Yield of plants
The maximum yield of plants, determined by their genetic potential, is seldom achieved because factors such as insufficient water or nutrients,
adverse climate conditions, plant diseases, and insect damage will limit growth at some stage. Plants subjected to these biotic and abiotic
constraints are said to be stressed.
218. The emergence of Information Technology 222. Heterogeneous student
The emergence of information technology has created new products, To work effectively with the heterogeneous student populations found in our
processes and distribution systems. New products include the computer, schools, educators have the responsibility of acknowledging the cultural
the Internet and digital TV; new processes include Internet banking, backgrounds of their students and the cultural setting in which the school is
automated inventory control and automated teller machines; and new located in order to develop effective instructional strategies.
distribution systems include cable and satellite TV. 223. Classes
219. Carbon-neutral In classes, your teachers will talk about topics that that you are studying. The
You used to think that being green was a luxury for your company, but information that they provide will be important to know when you take tests.
climate change has made you realize that you can no longer ignore it. The You must be able to take good written notes from what your teachers say.
buzz is about becoming carbon-neutral, but where do you start? Consider 224. Father V2
your drivers. Do you want to become carbon-neutral for marketing Every morning, no matter how late he had been up, my father rose at 5:30,
reasons, for financial reasons or to help save the planet? went to his study, wrote for a couple of hours, made us all breakfast, read the
220. Rural population paper with my mother, and then went back to work for the rest of the
Thus a country might possess a sizeable rural population, but have an morning. Many years passed before I realized that he did this by choice, for a
economic system in which the interests of the voters were predominantly living, and that he was not unemployed or mentally ill.
related to their incomes, not to their occupations or location; and in such
a country the political system would be unlikely to include an important
agrarian party.
221. Informative speech
The purpose of the informative speech is to provide interesting, useful,
and unique information to your audience. By dedicating yourself to the
goals of providing information and appealing to your audience, you can
take a positive step toward succeeding in your efforts as an informative
1. 命中率40%-60%。
2. 只做预测的题目,练习量是远远不够的。所有同学必须要练习全
3. 以听懂句子意思和结构为主。
4. 所有RS的真人音频及每日练习,位于7PLUS Youtube官方频道
Repeat Sentence - 序号对应20.3完整版机经 (红色为超高频)

1 Companies need to satisfy customers’ needs if they want to be successful.

3 What distinguishes him from others is the dramatic use of black and white photography.
5 Lecture theater is located on the ground floor of the pack building.
7 Folk tales are passed orally from generation to generation.
8 In 1830, periodicals appeared in large numbers in America.
9 This small Indian state is a land of forest valleys and snowy islands.
10 The US ranks 20 seconds in foreign aid, given it as a percentage of GDP.
11 Meeting with mentors can be arranged for students who need additional help.
13 One of the hardest things about starting university is finding your way around.
14 All lecture handouts are downloadable on the university website.
17 It's within that framework that we're making our survey.
25 39.5% of Californian residents don’t /do not speak English at home.
27 A demonstrated ability to write clear, correct and concise English is bigotry.
29 A thorough bibliography is needed at the end of every assignment.
33 All the assignments must be submitted by the end of this week.
34 To answer this complex question with a simple yes or no is absolutely impossible.
36 Basketball was created in 1891 by physical education instructor. (Updated)
37 Being a vegan means not eating/consuming any animal meat.
38 Biographical information should be removed before the publication of the results.
41 Conferences are always scheduled on the third Wednesday of the month.
45 Don’t forget to hand in your assignments by the end of next week.
52 Even with the permit, finding a parking spot on campus is still impossible.
Repeat Sentence - 序号对应20.3完整版机经 (红色为超高频)
56 We are constantly looking for ways to bring industry and agriculture close together.
60 I will be in my office every day from eleven to twelve.
61 I would like cheese and tomato sandwiches on white bread with orange juice.
64 If you forgot your student number, you should contact Jenny Brice.
65 In consultation with your supervisor, your thesis is approved by the faculty committee.
67 Interpreters are not readily available in this department.
68 It is important to take gender into account when discussing these figures.
70 Many health workers think that pensioners are too old to understand.
72 May the love of those around you help you through the days ahead.
73 Meeting with tutors could be arranged for students who need additional help.
74 Meteorology is a detailed study of the earth’s atmosphere.
79 Newspapers across the world reported stories of the president.
81 No more than four people can be in the lab at once.
82 On behalf of our department, I would like to thank you for your participation.
84 Physics is a detailed study of matter and energy.
87 Portfolio is due to the internal review office no later than Tuesday.
88 In this library, reserved collection of books can be borrowed for up to three hours.
91 Student loans are now available for international students.
92 Students are so scared of writing essays because they have never learned how.
93 Students can download the materials on the website.
95 The chemistry exam results will be posted on the website.
96 The correlation/ clear evidence between brain events and behavioral events are always fascinating.
97 The college/university welcomes students from all over the world.
98 The context includes both the land history and the human history.
102 The first person in space was from the Soviet Union.
Repeat Sentence
103 The glass is not the real solid, because it doesn’t have crystal structure.
104 The office opens on Mondays and Thursdays directly following the freshmen seminar session.
106 The original Olympic Games were celebrated as religious festivals.
108 The Psychology Department is looking for volunteers to be involved in research projects.
109 The real reason for global hunger is not the lack of food, but poverty.
113 The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy.
114 The verdict depends on which side was more convicting to the jury.
116 The wheelchair lift has been upgraded this month.
119 There will be open book exams on Monday, the 28th.
120 To receive the reimbursement, you must keep the original receipts.
125 Arteries carry oxygenated blood from heart to the other parts of the body.(Updated)
127 We are not going to accept the assignment after the due day on Friday.
128 We must hand in our assignments by the end of the week.
133 Would you prepare some PowerPoint slides with appropriate graphs?
135 You should include your name and identification/identity number in the application/registration form.
136 You should raise your concerns with the head of school.
141 Acupuncture is a technique involved in traditional Chinese medicine.
144 All filed assignments should have a full list of bibliography.
146 All students and staff have access to printers and scanners.
154 Anyone who has a problem with accommodation should speak to the welfare officer.
156 Applicants for the course preferably have a preference over English or Journalism.
175 Eating too much can lead to many health problems.
181 Extra seminars to be scheduled to assist you with revision.
189 However, this method is problematic in terms of accuracy.
193 I didn’t understand the author’s point of view on immigration.
194 I don't like tomato and cheese sandwiches on white bread and orange juice.
Repeat Sentence
226 Knives and forks should be placed next to the spoon on the edge of the table.
228 Many health workers think that pensioners are too old to understand.
243 New timetables will be posted on the student notice board.
262 The office said Professor Smith will be late for today’s lecture.
263 Put the knife and fork next to the spoon near the edge of the table.
266 Rules about breaks and lunch time vary from one company/country to another.
313 The law library is closed on Sundays and public holidays.
319 The maximum production of chocolate is in the United States.
326 The new timetable will be posted on the website before class starts.
340 The seminar on writing skills has been cancelled.
344 The student welfare officer can help you with questions about exam techniques.
348 The topic next week on colonial will be the nuclear disarmament.
383 Try to explain how your ideas are linked so that there is a logical flow.
397 We must hand in our assignments by the end of this week.
425 Higher fees cause the student to look more critically at what universities offer.
426 Is hypothesis on black holes as rendered moot at explanation of explanations?
429 The study of archaeology requires extensive international fieldwork.
434 You must go to the reception to pick up your student card.
440 The gap between the rich and the poor was not decreased rapidly as expected
442 Participants were not performing an actual purchase.
449 Cellular engineering strategies are highly desirable.
462 It is clear that little accurate documentation is in support of this claim.
466 Student discount cards can be used on campus in the coffee house.
467 Organic food is grown without applying chemicals no artificial additives.
472 Hypothetically, insufficient mastery in the areas slows future progress.
474 His academic supervisor called in to see him last night.
Repeat Sentence
477 Fishing is a sport and a means for surviving.
478 Our university has strong partnerships with industry as well as collaborative relationships with government bodies.
481 History is not the simple collection of dates and events.
482 Generally, students have unusual problems in school, you can pay by cash or using a credit card.
484 All of our accommodation is within a walking distance to the academic buildings.
494 The professor will be the last speaker this evening.
496 You can find the student service center on level one of home building.
497 Please do not bring food into the classroom.
498 Please make sure all works follow the department guidelines.
499 Please pass the handouts along to the rest of the people in your row.
500 Environmental friendliness is a new category in which campuses are competing.
502 I expect a long and stagnant debate for a week or two on this issue.
503 All students on engineering courses spent one year working on the war/wall experience.
506 Once more under the pressure of economic necessity, practice outstripped theory.
507 Please explain what the author means by 'sustainability'.
509 The investigation aims to establish stains of the problem.
511 There is a limited amount of departmental funding which is available for qualified students.
513 Students who wish to apply for an extension should approach their tutors.
514 It is good for the environment also good for your electricity bill.
518 The number of students registering for postgraduate research has risen.
521 Exam results will be available next week from the course office.
522 The well-known/renowned economist was supposed to reread the subscription before eight.
526 Don't forget to hand in your assignment by next Tuesday.
528 You can drop/change your courses on the website online during the registration period/session.
529 I didn't agree with the author's argument, but his presentation is good.
531 Your tutor is there for help, so do ask if you don't understand anything.
533 The bookstore is located on the main campus behind the library.
534 The author expressed the idea that modern readers invariably cannot accept.
535 Today, we will be discussing the role of the government in preventing injustice.
536 We didn't have any noticeable variance between the two or three tasks.
537 They hypothesis needs to be tested in a more rigorous way.
540 The United States has the maximum production of chocolate.
541 Anatomy is the study of internal and external body structures.
542 Those reference books are too old, while the others are okay.
543 Nearly half of the television outputs are given away for educational programs.
544 The sports team members often practice on weekdays and play games on weekends.
547 The minimal mark for Distinction grade is no less than 75%.
548 The university supply a number of scholarship for qualified students.
549 His lecture is always useful and stimulated.
553 As a student union member, we can influence the change of the university.
554 There is a plan in place for those who have difficulty paying their bills.
555 The United States has become a coffee culture in recent years.
556 I don't understand what the comment of my essay is/means at all.
557 Our fundamental realities, especially national needs, have seen the ability to flourish.
573 Native discourse continues to be predominant in discussion of gender.
574 All source of materials must be included in your bibliography.
579 The generic biology technology lab is located at the North Wing of the library.
582 Expertise in particular areas distinguishes you from other graduates.
617 The key to success in the exam is to study hard and do well.
619 We will study the following two pictures in the next lecture.
621 Students/Children can share their lunch at around noon.
622 We need to read the first five chapters to prepare for next week/ next week's tutorial/ before the next management class.
Repeat Sentence
625 To contact the education executive, you need to call 401.
633 The number of bankruptcy skyrocketed in the third quarter.
640 All of our accommodations are within an easy walking distance to teaching blocks.
641 The Internet provides unusual opportunities to examine current events from a global perspective.
642 It is argued that students can learn more in collaborative rather than individual study.
643 My laptop has crashed and cannot save any files.
644 The translator is not available in our department./The interpreter is not available in our department.
648 The geographic assignment should be submitted by the midday of Friday.
649 Robert Frost lived in rural areas in New England.
650 Our capacity to respond to national needs will determine our ability to flourish.
651 This is how we deliver health care to millions of people over the world.
652 Contemporary commentators dismiss his idea as eccentric.
653 Essays with few or no citations will raise the concern of lecturers.
654 What surprised me is the number of students in this course.
655 Only those who are over eighteen years of age are eligible to open a bank account in our bank.
656 The puppets do comedy routines and there is some terrific formation dancing.
657 The health center is situated at the corner of the university behind the library.

1. 命中率≈60%。大量练习机经才能提高,不能只练预测。
2. 基础的线、饼、柱图要练习除预测外《机经20.3》中的内容。
3. 考前重点练习特殊图片题,减少废话,多拿内容分。
4. 切记DI不要因为背模板而没有断句。
5. 流利度最重要,发音清晰不吞音。
Describe image 近期新题

Flow-47 Bar-S-14

Describe image 近期新题

BAR-M-39 PIE-M-4

MAP-09 MAP-4



Salary Distribution





LINE-M-12 BAR-S-01

超高频!!! LINE-M-3








超高频!!! PIE-S-8
















PIC-2 超高频




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4. 要冲高分的同学,建议除了练习预测之外,额外去练习机经和其他网络素

5. 所有RL真题音频链接
RETELL LECTURE – (完整题目参见20.3机经, 红色超高频)
30 Three Stage of Brain Development
1 Biomedical Engineering 96 Bee Talk
31 Open Border
2 Bomb Calorimeter
32 Narratives 98 Language Disorder
3 Children Overweight Problem
35 Poverty in Rural Areas 99 Survey on Media
4 Community Service in India
36 UK City Population 100 Happiness
6 Darkness Between Galaxies
39 Edmund Wilson v1
7 Dimensions 101 Modified Rice
48 Win-win Solutions
8 Economic Structure in Europe
54 Science and Scientists
102 Superman/superhero strength
9 Variation in Frogs 103 Linguists
56 Practice and Performance
10 Food Label 104 Australian Export
62 Aging
11 Gene and DNA
69 Australian Cities 105 Truth and Rhetoric
13 Haussmann's Renovation of Paris
72 Small Language 108 Milky Way System
16 Latin America
77 Civil Society groups / NGO 113 Government blogging
17 Licking and Grooming
79 Social Identity
18 Loggerhead Turtles 116 Benefits of Migration
80 Robot V2
19 Low Child Birth Rate 81 Welsh speakers (类似) 119 The silk road
20 Earth and Mars 82 Mega Cities 127 Clouds
21 Monkey Theorem 83 Influence of Climate Change
22 Morton Prince 86 Absolute Zero
23 Pavlov's Classic Conditioning Experiment 87 Bilingual Parent
Relation Between Wages, Consumption and 88 Underwater Antares Detector for Fish
Household Debt 89 Turner Painting
25 Robot
92 Soot
27 Tertiary Education Expenditure in Europe
28 Teaching
93 Edmund Wilson v2
29 Thermodynamic Theory and Kinetic Theory 94 The Large Hadron Collider

1. 不会的单词请背好。
2. 请同学们自觉翻阅《20.3机经》总结!
3. 考试的时候不要太纠结,说出猜测单词即可。
Answer Short Questions –红色为超高频,其他均为高频
9 What do these following belong to: roses, daisies, tulip, etc? Flowers
37 How do you call the seasonal flying from cold to warmer areas? Migration
49 How many eggs are there in a dozen? 12
60 How many years are there in a decade? 10 years
61 How many years are there in a millennium? 1000years
66 How would you call people who study ancient bones, rocks and plants? Archaeologist, paleontologist
74 If a couple have a boy and a girl, how many children do they have? Two.
84 If there are 8 black balls and 1 white ball, and I randomly pick one, which color is most likely to be picked? Black.
99 In which direction does the sun come up? East
117 The instructions that tell you how to cook food? Recipe
118 The job title for someone who cooks food in a kitchen to? Chef/Cook
139 What century are we living in now? The 21st century
144 What do humans and animals need to inhale for survival? Oxygen
151 What do we call a festival which is held every four years gathering people together as a sporting event? Olympics (Games).
155 What do we call it when we find the information at the end of a book? Index
156 What do we call the alphabetical list, at the end of the book that tells you where to find specific information? Index
168 What do you call a piece of equipment we use to look at stars? Astronomical telescope
175 What do you call the strap that circulates a person in a car or an airplane? Seatbelt
183 What drink contains caffeine except tea and hot chocolate? Coffee
203 What is one half of 100%? 50%
206 What is the antonym of vertical? Horizontal
208 What is the book with maps? Atlas
219 What is the heading at the top of an article or page in a newspaper or magazine? Headline
224 What is the joint between your shoulder and your forearm? Elbow.
234 What is the name of a building where you can borrow books? Library
Answer Short Questions –红色为超高频,其他均为高频
243 What is the joint between your shoulder and your forearm? Elbow.
245 What is the other day that usually starts a week? Monday
253 What is the name of a building where you can borrow books? Library
267 What is the opposite to “predecessor”? Successor.
268 What kind of book would you use to look up a word that you don't understand? Dictionary
270 What is the source of solar energy? Sun
305 What kind of book is written by a person about their own life? Autobiography
320 Which kind of book can we find Africa maps? Atlas
327 What kind of liquid do mammals feed their babies? Milk
354 Where does a camel normally live? Desert.
377 Which of the following is not a means of transportation: by plane, by public transportation or car model? Car model
383 Who sits in the cockpit of an airplane? Pilot
398 What is a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms called? Thesaurus
440 What are the people who study history and historical evidence? Historian
454 "We went somewhere", how do you understand it's a past sentence? Went
462 How do you call the siblings that born from your mother at the same time? Twin brothers or twin sisters
463 Which part of the world usually use Japanese, Korean and Hindi? Asia
469 What is the seven day's period called? one week / a week
470 What is the act that does not waste resources? recycle / recycling
471 If someone tells something funny, what is peoples' reaction? laugh / laughing
473 How do we call the car that uses two types of fuels? Hybrid
476 What educational institution does a ten-year-old boy go to? Primary school
477 What we call the person who repair the car? An auto technician
478 What order is bibliography usually listed in? Alphabetical order
480 What is the room that is under ground floor? Basement
483 What do you need to submit for completing a degree in the university? Thesis/Dissertation
1. 排除考试临时遇到新题,预测命中率90%+。
2. 所有SWT真题的详细解析和答案,均收录于《7PLUS真题机经
3. 预测中的所有题目都务必要练习!
4. 保低分选手重点找文中关键句子,练习缩写。冲高分选手注
高频题 SWT049 Napping-2
SWT002 儿童看电视问题 SWT061 Tiny Frog Found in Mexico
SWT003 牛和草 SWT062 Columbus
SWT006 美国相对优势 SWT067 American English dominance
SWT008 诺贝尔奖 SWT068 Water resources
SWT009 伦敦逐渐成为金融中心 SWT069 Plug-in vehicle
SWT010 IBM Technology Prediction SWT070 The Rosetta stone
SWT011 SLP 警察 SWT073 Books and Television
SWT012 Born order SWT074 Malaysia Tourism
SWT013 搬到农村住 SWT079 World Wide Web 互联网
SWT015 禁酒令 SWT081 Overqualified employees
SWT017 美国和印度的 Computer programming SWT084 Small war
SWT018 全球变暖 SWT091 Children allowance
SWT020 Australian education SWT092 Online teaching
SWT024 Aging world-1 SWT111 The Future of Manufacturing
SWT028 Tree Ring SWT114 Pre-service teacher
SWT021 Beauty Contest SWT127 Skipping breakfast V2
SWT045 Compulsory voting SWT137 Education Technology
SWT046 Skipping breakfast SWT138 Children Use Internet
SWT139 Honey and benefits for athletes

1. 预测中高频作文论点一定要写好大纲再上考场!
2. 提高对作文模板熟练度,理解模板,灵活使用。
3. 冲高分的同学一定要注重逻辑的展开。
4. 尽量平时多积累高级词汇。
Writing Essay –高频( 红色为超高频)
In the past 100 years, there have been many inventions, such as antibiotics,
airplanes and computers. What do you think is the most important of them? Why?
Writing Essay – 高频( 红色为超高频)
It is often argued that studying overseas is overrated. There are many scholars who
study locally. Is travel really necessary for a better education?

Some employers involve employees in the decision-making process of products and
services. What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Writing Essay – 高频
“The information revolution by modern mass media has both positive and negative
consequences for individuals and for society.” To what extent do you agree?

Some people say that people are defined by the place where they grow up, but some
argue that the environment only has little effect. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Use a celebrity you know to support your opinion.

Many people like dangerous activities, such as sky diving, extreme skiing, jumping and
water-rafting. Are you in favor of it ?
Writing Essay – 高频
It is usually foolish to get married before completing your studies and getting estab
lished in a good job? Do you agree or disagree?

v1: Formal written examination can be a valid method to assess students’ learning. To what
extent do you agree or disagree? use your own experience.

Talk about an invention that you think beneficial or harmful.
Writing Essay – 高频
Some people think human behaviours can be limited by laws, others think laws have little
effect. What is your opinion?

v1: The mass media, including TV, radio and newspapers, influences our society
and shapes our opinions and characters. What is your opinion?

V2:Mass media have an influence on human, particularly on younger generation. It plays a

vital role on shaping the opinions of people. What do you think about it?
Writing Essay – 高频
Tourism is good for some less developed countries, but also has some disadvantages. Discuss
your opinion.

Nowadays television has become an essential part of life. It is a medium for disseminating
news and information, and for some it acts as a companion. What is your opinion about

Should marketing for consumer goods companies like clothing and food focus on
reputation or on short term strategies like discounts and special offers?
In what ways can this impact on their reputation? Why?
Writing Essay – 高频
You are given climate as the field of study. Which area would you prefer?
Explain why you picked this up the particular area of your study?

Climate change is a concerning global issue. Who should take the responsibilities,
governments, big companies or individuals?
Writing Essay – 超级高频***
v1: Business and commercial organizations should help to solve environmental challenges. To what extent do you
agree with this opinion?
11 环境挑战
V2: The statement “business and commercial organizations of any kind need to work hard to help with
environmental challenges that faced by the whole world.” To what extent do you agree with this? Talk about
your view.
As cities expanding, some people claim governments should look forward creating better networks of public
17 transportation available for everyone rather than building more roads for vehicle owning population. What’s
your opinion? Give some examples or experience to support.
Version1: The time people devote in job leaves very little time for personal life. How widespread is the problem?
What problem will this shortage of time cause?

Version2: How important do you think is the balance between work and one’s personal life? Why some people
18 工作和生活的权衡 find it hard to achieve?

Version3: Nowadays, it is increasingly more difficult to maintain the right balance between work and other
aspects of one’s life, such as leisure time with family members. How important do you think is this balance?
What kind of people would find it hard to achieve?
Cashless society is becoming a reality. More and more people are using credit cards for payment, and less people
19 无现金社会的优缺点 use cash. How realistic do you think to achieve cashless society? What are the benefits or problems of this
Some people point that experiential learning (i.e. learning by doing it) can work well in formal education.
20 实践的重要性 However, others think a traditional form of teaching is the best. Do you think experiential learning can work well
in high schools or colleges?
Many workers like nurses and teachers should get more pay, especially when people work in finance are getting
22 老师和护士应该得高工资吗?
more pay nowadays. What is your opinion?
Writing Essay – 超级高频***
Version1: Medical technology is responsible for increased life expectancy. Do you think it is a blessing or a curse?

Version2: Medical advances increase life expectancy and leads to aging population. Is it a curse or boon for the
23 医学科技延长寿命

Version 3: The advanced medical technology will expand human’s life. Do you think it is a blessing or a curse?
Some universities deduct students’ work if assignment is given late. What is your opinion and suggest some
29 迟交作业要不要扣分
alternative actions?
Version1: Study needs time, peace and comfort, whereas employment needs the same thing. Someone says it is
impossible to combine those two because one distracts one another. To what extent do you agree with these
statements? Support your opinion with examples.
30 边工作边学习
Version2: it is impossible for students to combine learning with employment due to lack of concentration and
focus. Is studying and doing a job at same time realistic or not?

Version 3: What are the advantages and disadvantages for students doing part-time jobs?
31 教育和经历哪个更重要 Which do you think is more important in the light of teaching, life experience or formal school education?
v1: With the increase of digital media available online, the role of the library has become obsolete. Universities
should use digital media rather than updating textbooks. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages.
37 电子书**
V2: Nowadays in some schools, textbooks have been replaced by notebook computers. Are you supportive to this
phenomenon? Give your reasons and support with your own experience.
45 建筑设计 The design of building affects positively or negatively where people live and work?
Writing Essay – 超级高频***

Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. What is your opinion on this? Do you think this is a
86 大型或小型超市
good or bad change?
The world’s governments and organizations are facing a lot of issues. Which do you think is the most
91 最严重的问题
pressing problem for the inhabitants on our planet and give the solution?
Parents should be held legally responsible for their children’s acts. What is your opinion? Support it
96 家长为孩子行为负责
with personal examples.
v1: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of differential education, i.e. splitting students into
different classes according to their academic performance.
97 分流施教
V2: Some people think schools should group students according to their academic abilities while
others think students can achieve better performance in mixed groups. Discuss both opinions and
give your own opinion.
Space travel is fantastic these days, but there are many issues – such as environmental problems –
119 公众资金
that we should be focusing on. What are your views on the allocation of public funding?
1. 命中率≈30%,不能只看高频。
2. RO机经题库较大,优先按照上课老师讲过的方法,理解逻辑。
3. 明白指代关系;按照从大到小,从概括到具体。
4. 注意语法提示信息点
5 Completion of the Great Western Railway 43 Language 89 New ventures
8 Sustainable Development 45 Mother of Storm 90 Journalists
9 Monash Student Ne Tan 46 Opinion Compromise 91 Hip Hop
12 Silent Students in Tutorials 47 Father-Led Literacy Project 92 United Nation Conferences
13 Artificial Intelligence 48 Arcelor-Mittal Takeover 93 EU fish problems
14 Sherbet Powder 49 Charles Lindbergh 95 Vegetarians
16 Wagonways 52 Aviation 96 Choosing a school
17 Human Worship Gods 53 Aviation After World War II 97 Electronic device disposal
18 Engineered for Green Technologies 55 International Date Line 98 Voice higher than 5k hertz
19 Study Overseas 57 Carbon Detox 99 Persuasion
20 Carbon Pricing in Canada 59 An underperforming company 100 New energy
21 Animals Exploratory Urge 62 City Mayors 101 Mind wandering
22 A $300-House 63 Hypothesis 102 University offer
23 Electronic Transactions 65 3-D Print 105 Experiment on calves
25 Young Employees 66 Competence and Performance 107 Unprecedented opportunity
26 Martin Luther King 67 Railway Profile 110 Stem cells
29 Indian IT 71 Wal-Mart 111 Bankruptcy
30 Foreign Aid 74 Humanities 115 Sun energy
32 Jet Stream 76 The Job of a Manager 116 Desert Festival
33 Piano 77 Society science and technology 118 Emotional Upheaval
35 Ocean Floor 80 Mayors (Version 2) 119 Motivation
37 Map 81 Copernicanism 122 Superpower
40 SEPAHUA 87 Reading 124 A challenging job
42 Memory and Habits 88 Earthquake 125. Native Plants and animals

1. 命中率≈70%,优先看高频题。
2. 建议不要只是看高光的词,要去理解文章。
3. 平时下载背单词的APP,反复记忆阅读单词及搭配
4. 阅读分数低的同学,务必要做完所有预测题目!!!!!
461. T-shirt
How does a T-shirt originally sold in a U.S. shopping mall to 【promote促进】 an Am
erican sports team end up being worn by an African teen? Globalization, consumeris
m, and recycling all 【converge覆盖范围】 to connect these scenes. Globalization h
as made it possible to produce clothing at increasingly lower prices, prices so low tha
t many consumers consider this clothing to be 【disposable一次性的】. Some call it
"fast fashion," the clothing 【equivalent相当于】 of fast food.
462. the environmental policy
Thus the environmental policy does not contribute to the profitability in any real
sense at all. In practice it is companies that are well organized and efficient, or that
are already comfortably profitable, that have time to 【establish】 and police
environmental policies. However, if profitable companies are the ones most likely to
establish “environmental best practice” this is confusing cause with effect. It is not
that environmental best 【practice】 causes profitability, but that being profitable
allows for 【concern】 for the environment.
Fill in the Blanks - 序号对应完整版《机经20.3》,红色为超高频
1 Chaucer’s tales 50 Psychology 100 Health professionals 140 Exams looming
2 Experience of Crime 51 The narrative of law 101 Descendants of Maya 144 Opportunity Cost
3 Coastal Fish Farms 54 The speech of alchemy 103 Agrarian parties 146 The sun and the moon
5 Clones 57 Computational thinking 104 Concept of Culture 147 Volcanoes
15 Language comes naturally 58 Distance learning 105 The wholeness of thought 148 Plates
16 Snails 59 When to revise? 108 Milky Way System 149 Microorganism
17 SpaceX 61 First-year students 109 The United Nations Library 150 Australia and New Zealand
21 Work-ready international students 63 Leadership 111 Civil society and the market 152 Wind
24 Marmosets and tamarins 64 Hard work 114 Good customer service 155 Study space
26 National Portrait Gallery 67 How to make cloth 115 Water resources 156 Legal Deposit
29 Sociology 68 Wind moving 116 UNEP 157 Online campus
31 Most Respected Companies 69 Food for bees 119 Charles Darwin 159 Space work for an astronaut
32 Fresh water 70 Dictatorship 123 Impressionist Painters 161 The Ministerial Staffing System
Women’s participation in labour
34 Jupiter’s moon Europa 72 124 Allergies 162 Dark Energy
36 The gray wolf 73 Music in ancient Egypt 125 People need exercise 163 Alaska Island
38 Debt-for-developing exchanges 74 Promoting good customer service 126 Radioactivity 165 Anderson
40 Tokyo’s Skytree 80 Walt Disney World 131 Children skip school 166 Australian women novelist
41 Film 88 The Origin of Species 135 Colorful Poison Frogs 168 What will make you happy?
42 Foreign policy 94 Three degrees 136 Higher Education Qualifications 169 Sea turtle hatch light pollution
46 Price change 95 Conservancy 137 Steven Pinker 172 Shark’s Personalities
47 The resultant force 96 Good looks win votes 138 Fiction and Life 174 The United Nations
48 Neuroscientists 99 Sustainable transportation system 139 Science Warm Global Warming
Fill in the Blanks - 序号对应完整版《机经20.3》,红色为超高频
175 The Origins of Music 259 Farms 326 The scandal of Copyright Law
176 UBC expeditions to the Canadian Arctic 263 Funding for Australia Higher Education 329 Video-conferencing technology
177 Arbitration 264 Folklore 330 Visual art
178 Move to a new region 268 How does outer space affect the human body? 332 Wine and ale
183 Omniscience-use of reference books 273 Ikebana 333 William Shakespeare
184 Crime 274 Impression 338 American executive
185 Herbal 275 Impressionists 340 Lake Turkana
198 E-learning 277 Jean Piaget 343 Politics and international relations
204 Nutrition 278 Japanese versions of Western words 348 EE & AVG
208 Locust 281 Kimbell 350 Delegation
209 Complementary therapies 285 Measuring poverty 354 Wrinkle Cure
210 Early career 291 Man's best friend: dog 355 Orchestra
211 International trade 293 Modified Food 357 Psychoanalytic and behaviorist
216 Established settlements 296 Nature 359 English language
224 Descendants of Maya 298 Ocean floor 360 Octopus
229 Fingerprints 299 Oxford medical school 361 Reading process
233 Sales activities 300 Pinker 377 History books
237 Australian Overseas Departures 307 Richard Morris 381 Daniel Harris
238 Arabic 308 Seatbelt 386 Farnam
242 Black Diamonds 309 Serving on a jury 387 Musicians
249 Chain Restaurants 315 Teenage daughter 401 Dog emotion
251 Definition of a Country 320 Thomas Alva Edison 409 Two ‘North’
252 DNA Bar-coding 322 The snake's auditory system 435 Pop stars
255 Estée Lauder 323 Trigger points 437 Mass communication
258 Father’s old books 324 Egg-Eating Snakes 442 standard and nonstandard language
本期无更新 大幅缩减预测至39篇
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SST - 序号对应完整版《机经20.3》红色为超高频

2 Amory Lovins - Mr. Green 49 Decline of bees 105 Development of Genes

9 Citizenship Curriculum 50 Earthquake and Faults 108 Wildlife as food and income
13 Devolution of power 54 HTML 109 Market economy
14 DNA & RNA 55 Human Rights in UK 120 Talent War V3
15 Drug Advertisement 56 Implicit and Explicit Memories
16 Einstein 58 Language in Danger
18 Indian Peasants 59 London Architecture
19 Gene 60 Misuse of Drugs
20 Globalization 61 Pandemics
21 Government Mistakes 73 Climate Change Predictions
26 Laughing
77 Facial Recognition
30 Novelist
33 Sound Receptors 78 Sign Language
38 University Competition 79 Smart Consumer and Brand
43 Adam Smith 80 The Definition of Risk

45 Australian Housing Price 97 Vitamin D V3

46 Big Bang Theory 102 Industrialization

103 Abstraction
47 Body fat change
undoubtedly envisions Ingredients debate relying intelligence
Personality career mentioned introduced months subsiding
economic character deformed everyone Assumption atmospheric
increasing embrace government awoke phenomena Generated
investigate elementary dealing predict restores brought
graphics spices squabble supporting qualifiers historical
funding operation large ancient similar casually
enormous critically massive ancient coaching emphasized/emphasised
Shakespeare conversion paradoxical field force commonly
heart watch initially graphic burning movements
occupies emphasis/emphases occurring perception experiencing profound
agency experience insurance discursion expansion classical
electronically aftermath potential dependence growing passive
nutrients social coercive accumulating whatever opt (for)
application represents shadow represents face graduate
apologized apologised characters stirring discuss spectacle natural
pedal (boat) expectations immense tightly nearest serve
ferry clout/clot Assumption coaching proportion institutional
observable charity subscribes journalism representative covered
field electronically branding thrown shadow relatives
technology curing constitute(s) obscure huge occurrence
expressions incredibly sociable subconsciously shallow floor
depth Enormous knowledge constitution determine
variety synthesis exhibit whole sculpture articles
abrupt incorporate femininity arbitrated distinction monetary
principally clusters Sleek technological forecast extreme
prospective engineering situation search moderation addition
foreshadowed demographic phenomenon convincible rush aggressive
getting propose purpose improvements readably vernacular
communications turned photographs rapidly lenient discovered
powered root necessarily professionally introduced different
discovery lined universe brilliant colloquial innovator
sequentially quantitative qualitative modes introduced crisis
undeniable repetition revolutionized/revolutionised spectrum massive dawn
promotional hydrogen apparent controversial demographic premium
minimize/minimise tiny absolutely appalling Church Nitrogen
urgency boast (up) strategy death ultimately technologically
imaging imagining nutrients emit nutrition intentional oceanographer
propulsion competitions intensive underneath huge emulates
psychological Figurative circulation turned individual challenge
communities leans identical tropical stolen admit
particles particular faith individuality factory dispersion
radically galaxy neighbouring/neighboring emergency intentionally environment
paradox overseas constant package optimizing representatively
equations ravel (long story) translated scary stabilized
instilled permanent forests institutions tremendously perception
depression relative majority coalition pragmatic dramatically
1. 命中率≈80%。
2. 考虑到WFD占分重,但考试题量少。想有保障的同学,除练习高频外,
3. 必要时多刷几遍WFD,细节及其重要。冲高分的同学WFD必须保证全
4. 首字母法结合符号笔记法做笔记。

971(更新) Artificial intelligence has made significant progress for the last few years.
976. Social policy describes the ways in which the society meets human's needs.
Write From Dictation -超高频
35 Animals raised in captivity behave differently than their wild counterparts.
56 Climate change is a fierce phenomenon concentrated by scientists.
58 Clinical/Clinic placements for nursing prepare students for professional practice.
93 Free campus tours run daily during summer for prospective students.
101 Graduates of journalism can get a job in the communication field.
115 If finance is a cause of concern, scholarships may be available.
133 It is hard to anticipate all the different characters would react/ that were in react.
156 Many graduates are studying journalism to get jobs in the communications field.
164 Most of these/the students have not considered this issue before.
173 Native speakers are exempt from the language tests in their own language.
188 Our professor is hosting the business development conference.
192 Participants initially select from a range of foundation subjects.
229 Scientists are always asking the government for more money.
236 She used to be the editor of the student newspaper.
248 Student/Students' concession cards need to/can be obtained by completing an/the application form.
267 Supply and demand is one of the most fundamental concepts in economics.
270 Teaching assistants will receive a monthly stipend for housing.
276 The aerial photographs were promptly registered for federal evaluations.
277 The application process may/will be/take longer than expected.
281 The article shows/verifies/illustrates/involves/extrapolates a number of interesting experiments.(Updated)
282 The artists and conservative publications earn their roles/rules of critics.
283 The artists tied with the conservative politicians earned the roles of critics.
289 The business policy/development/plan seminar includes an internship with a local firm.
Write From Dictation---超高频
297 The cities/city's/cities' founders created a set of rules that became law.
347 The library holds a substantial collection of materials on the economic history.
362 The paper challenged/challenges many previously accepted theories.
366 The placement test of mathematics and statistics is offered every semester.
380 The same issues featured both the explanations of the problem.
394 The students have options to live in the college residences or apartments.
398 The teacher asked the group to commence the task.
402 The theme of the instrumental work exhibits more of a demure, compositional style.
408 The toughest part of postgraduate education is funding.
409 The traffic is the main cause of air pollution in many cities.
477 Undergraduate students may participate in specific stages within the program.
493 We study science to understand and appreciate the world around us.
501 When workers ask for higher wages, companies often raise their prices.
510 You can contact all your tutors by email.
635 The department is organizing a trip to London in July. (Updated)
685 Journalism faces the crises in the light of the digital revolution.
720 I thought it was thrown in the small meeting room.
734 Many food constructions/crops require a large amount of water and fertilizer. (Updated)
761 There will be a new chemistry test in the classroom next week.
771 The additional cameras have some advantages over traditional form.
784 Relying on natural ability will not get you for on science.
787 The orchestra will be led by a visiting conductor.
797 The skill of great stage actors cannot be taught.
804 An effective manager is always open to new ideas.
Write From Dictation---高频
1 A celebrated theory is still the source of great controversy.
38 Assignments should be submitted to the department before the deadline.
43 Before submitting your dissertation, your advisor must approve your application.
54 The chemistry building is located near the entrance to the campus.
57 Climate change is becoming an acceptable phenomenon amongst a group of reputable scientists.
64 Control systems in manufacturing require a high level of accuracy.
84 Everyone must evacuate the premises during the fire drill.
97 Good research delivers practical benefits for real people.
131 It is absolutely vital that you acknowledge all your sources.
166 Most of these features were/are part of the previous system.
212 Radio is one of the most popular forms/the most popular form of the entertainment throughout the world.
269 The synopsis contains the most important information.
329 The features issued the same explanation of the problem.
333 The first assignment is due on the fourteenth of September.
371 The qualification will be assessed by using the criterion-referenced approach.
372 The railway makes long-distance travel possible for everyone.
393 The students are/were instructed to submit their assignment before Friday.
444 They met/meet some struggles overlap.
446 They were struggling last year to make their services paid.
460 Those students seeking(seek) for further extension should talk to their faculties for more information.
473 Tribes vied with each other to build up monolithic statues.
474 Try to work with each other to build up a sense of cooperation and team spirit
481 University departments should carefully monitor articles and publications by faculty.
Write From Dictation---高频
502 While reconciliation is desirable, basic underlying issues must first be addressed.
514 You need to purchase an academic gown before the commencement.
515 You must submit your assignments by next Friday at the latest.(Updated)
523 Your lowest quiz grade has been omitted from the calculations.
560 One of the functions/One function of the body fat is to keep the internal organs warm.
563 A balanced/The balance in diet and regular exercise are necessary/makes a good health.
565 Continuing students will be sent for application forms.
566 There is a significant difference between theory and practice in education.
573 The article reflects/shows/illustrates a number/variety of very interesting experiments.
584 Children acquire their first language without any conscious effort.
586 Horizontal line on the graph indicates there is no change.
589 Sound waves are unable to travel through the vacuum.
590 Make sure you choose a course that provides great career opportunities.
591 The printers automatically print both sides of each page.
592 The bus for London will leave ten minutes later than planned.
593 Blue whale is the largest mammal that ever lived.
595 All medical students must clean their hands before entering the/this room.
608 Sugar is a compound including carbon, hydrogen and oxygen items.
631 The career services provides suggestions on how to pass job interviews.
666 Scientists were unsure when the first men left Africa.
669 A series of lectures showed economics have been recorded.
720 I thought it was thrown in the small meeting room.
724 The course involves pure and applied mathematics
Write From Dictation---高频
728 Practical experiments are essential parts of chemical classes.
738 There is no criterion passed or qualified journalists.
739 The course/article covers architecture planning and construction on the international scale.(Updated)
741 Eating fish twice a week is an accommodation on a health diet.
744 The course aims to develop your knowledge of statistics.
746 We should never underestimate the power of creative design.
747 There is an accounting assessment for finance students.
756 Professors with higher education standard trained them extremely seriously.
758 Extracurricular activities can help students to develop more talents.
763 The government is funding the /a research into the consequence of unemployment.
764 The English degree involves certain placements in the third years.(Updated)
783 The policy aims to increase the investment in foreign currency.
784 Relying on natural ability will not get you for on science.
785 The library will stay open until midnight this week.
789 The project is divided into four main intersections.
791 The effective business management is always happened with new ideas.
792 The history course is assessed via three written assignments.
797 The skill of great stage actors cannot be taught.
802 All of your assignments should be submitted by next Tuesday.
807 Exotic activities can help students develop more talents.
876 Leave the building immediately if the fire alarms goes off.
883 Students are recommended to read new books by professor Jones.
887 Literature can be classified in various ways./ Literature can be verified in various ways.
Write From Dictation---高频
893 An academic essay uses references from both primary and secondary sources.
897 Lecture outlines are available on the college internal website.
908 The media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion.
909 The teaching staff are actively engaged in original research.
910 Scientific experiments are repeated in order to find results.
911 Students may only park their cars in university authorized parking spaces.
912 The terms of illnesses and diseases are confusing despite clear differences.
915 Many universities are continuously expanding the postgraduate education online learning resources,
918 There is no economic reason why public borrowing is necessarily bad.
Please follow the guidelines for more information on setting the goals/.Please make sure your application follows the
guidance provided.
923 Members can make controversy and association with social funds.
924 The key witnesses of the event are factors of your convention.
927 Good educators can recognize the different kinds of learning styles.
928 There is a point between chemistry and other side of subjects.
930 Having snow means no flight can take off or land.
931 Students who are successful have good learning strategies.
932 Having clean water for human is vital for health.
936 All mobile devices need to be switched off during the examination.
937 The employment demand in engineering is increasing rapidly.
938 Sympathy is a feeling of sorrow for someone who is not happy.
941 Students should take the training course to use the gym.
942 Many cities are actively working on ways to reduce air pollution.
943 Please click the logo above to enter the site.

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