Different Parts of A Business Plan
Different Parts of A Business Plan
Different Parts of A Business Plan
V. Competitive Advantages
In this section, you have to spell out how you intend to forge a share of the market
against more established competitors. This can't be something like just working harder;
it needs specific actions and steps that have a chance of succeeding and winning
customers. Outline your competitive action plan with answers to these questions:
What are the projections of sales and cash flow for the first year?
What are the initial operating costs?
How much do you need for personal expenses, and where will these funds come
How will you finance the startup and growth of the business?
Do you have a bank loan or line of credit?
How long will it take to break even and have a positive cash flow?
A word of caution: Take your sales projections for the first few years and cut that
number in half. Recalculate your cash flow and profits based on the lowered sales
estimates, because these figures will be closer to reality. If your business can survive
with these lower projections, then you've done a good job of figuring out how to forge
ahead and become successful.