CHSJ 36 02 12 PDF
CHSJ 36 02 12 PDF
CHSJ 36 02 12 PDF
2, 2010
Original Paper
Researches upon the Heavy Metals Content of
Sambucus nigra L. (Caprifoliaceae)
(1) (2)
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova; Faculty of Dental Medicine,
University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova; Faculty of Pharmacy, “Iuliu Haţieganu” University
ABSTRACT The analysis of heavy metals in the flowers and leaves of Sambucus nigra species has been
performed. The mean levels of heavy metals in vegetal dried samples were in normal limits. Differences depend on
the presence of organic compounds with ligand character and on the environmental conditions. The results indicate
that there is not any real danger by utilization of pharmaceutical preparations of Sambuci flos.
Sambucus nigra L., elder, elderberry, European plants are often harvested from different areas, in
elder (Caprifoliaceae), is a species native to most different environmental conditions. For example,
of Europe, northwest Africa and southwest Asia. the availability of heavy metal cations to plants is
It is a deciduous shrub or small tree of 4–6 m tall. influenced by the soil properties such as salinity,
It grows in a variety of conditions including both pH (acidity), humidity, and/or existence of metal-
wet and dry fertile soils, primarily in sunny rich minerals [21].
locations, forests, riversides [1–5]. The analysis of heavy metals content in the
In the specialty papers, there are very few data flowers and leaves of S. nigra (Caprifoliaceae)
on the chemical composition and pharmacological species harvested from the Romanian flora was the
action of the S. nigra leaves. aim of our research.
From the phytochemical point of view, S. nigra
species contain: cyanide glycosides (S-sambuni- Material and Methods
grin), flavonosides (rutin), anthocyanins (in fruits),
saponins, catechic tannin, mucilages, volatile oil
For an accurate analysis, the vegetal samples
(in flowers), polyphenolic acids (caffeic and chlo-
must be harvested in suitable climate conditions,
rogenic acid), sugars, organic acids, vitamins
from areas with unpolluted soil, water and air, in a
(ascorbic acid), lipids, mineral salts. Sickening
certain time of day, and from a sufficient number
smell of fresh flowers is due to some aliphatic
of plants [21].
amines: ethylamine, n-propylamine, i-propyl-
From the S. nigra species, twenty vegetal
amine, buthylamine, etc. Through enzymatic
samples were collected at the flowering, in June
hydrolysis, sambunigrin released hydrocyanic acid,
2009, from the surroundings of Dobreşti village,
benzaldehyde and glucose [5–13].
Dolj County.
Elder flowers have the following pharmacolo-
gical actions: diuretic and diaforetic (flavonosides, Preparation of plant tissue for analysis
saponins), antitussive (sambunigrin), expectorant Sample preparation is critical in obtaining
(saponins), softeners and immunostimulatory accurate data and reliable interpretation of plant
(mucilages), slightly laxative, antirheumatic. It is analysis results.
used to treat influenza and other respiratory The vegetal products should be processed during
illnesses (virosis) accompanied by fever. Due to decontamination, drying, particle-size reduction,
easy action laxatives and diuretics, Sambuci flos storage and organic matter destruction.
is used in diets. Elder flowers are given external as Plant material must be cleaned and free of
hot baths or poultices, for the treatment of fu- extraneous substances, including soil and dust
runculosis, abscesses, burns, blisters, rheumatism particles that may influence analytical results.
[4–9, 14–20]. The decontamination process must be thorough
The concentration of heavy metals represents while still preserving sample integrity. Deconta-
one of the quality parameters in the analysis of mination procedures involving washing and
vegetal medicinal products, because the producing rinsing with deionized water and 0.2% detergent
Tania Popa, Pharm., PhD candidate, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova 106
Current Health Sciences Journal Vol. 36, No. 2, 2010
Tania Popa and colab.: Researches upon the Heavy Metals Content of Sambucus nigra L. (Caprifoliaceae)
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