Tpol Overview - Juniors 2020

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2020 11​th​ Grade TPOL Overview

Junior Year Lessons, COVID-19 Lessons, & Next Steps

WELCOME to your last ever Transitional Presentation of Learning!
“Change e​ mphasizes what is happening TO us, while​ transition ​emphasizes the opportunity for growth within.”
-William Bridges
TPOL Overview
The modified TPOL for this year will be conducted in a​ Virtual Group
Hangout ​where you will share your reflections and support your
peers as they share theirs. Prepare to speak about both your
personal growth and your future goals and respond to some
follow-up Q and A. The audience will include at least two teachers
and four to six classmates.

Presentation/Share Out
You will have five minutes to present your growth and goals. Feel free to get creative using metaphors,
stories, anecdotal evidence, and/or visual aids. Please prepare to cover each of the essential questions:

TPOL Essential Reflection Questions

What were the most significant lessons from your junior year?
● What personal ​strengths AND challenges ​did you discover through your classes, your
activities, your social lives, your projects? Through your successful or unsuccessful
LINK preparations? How have you grown in the past 9 months? Be sure to address
BOTH strengths and struggles.
What have you learned about yourself during the quarantine/COVID-19/remote learning
chapter of your life?
● You can answer this question from whichever angle feels most ​authentic ​to you.
What have you learned about yourself as a human? As a student or learner? As a
friend or family member? As a community member? As an athlete/artist/writer/etc?
As an introvert or an extrovert? As a global citizen at this moment in history?
Now what? What are your next steps moving forward?
● What are your LINK plans? Your summer plans? Senior year goals? Your college
and/or career preparations? What can you bring to the AHS culture senior year? How
will you step up for your community? How will you show up for your life on Earth?

(***​Note​: You do not need to answer every single sub-question in the bullets. They are there
for guidance in answering the ​ESSENTIAL ​questions in bold. For more such brainstorming
questions to help you reflect, click ​here​.)

Q and A
After each person shares, we will take a few minutes to ask authentic questions based on what we have
heard or what we are more curious about. YOU ARE EXPECTED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE Q and A FOR
YOUR PEERS! Please support each other by listening intently and asking good questions from the heart.
This is a time to hear from each other, get curious, and celebrate our friends and classmates.
2020 11​th​ Grade TPOL Overview
Junior Year Lessons, COVID-19 Lessons, & Next Steps

Requirements and Pre-Reqs

Before your scheduled TPOL, you must..
❏ Have been in contact with Janae about your LINK plans
❏ Have scheduled or completed a meeting with College Counselor Jess Morrison
❏ Have updated your DP as assigned by your teachers
❏ Prepare for the presentation portion of your TPOL by completing some sort of PREWRITE (see
options below)
❏ Turn in a PREWRITE before your scheduled group meeting.

The day of your scheduled TPOL, you must….

❏ Present your authentic reflection on the TPOL Essential Questions for 3-5 minutes
❏ Answer follow up questions from your peers and teachers
❏ Participate in the process by listening intently to your peers and asking them follow up questions
❏ Arrive in professional dress from the waist up:) And check the positioning of your webcam if you
are taking the “waist up” thing literally. Don’t be like this guy:

The Preparation
❏ STEP ONE: ​Check ​to make sure you have completed the prereqs listed above.

❏ STEP TWO: ​Brainstorm ​your responses to the TPOL Essential Reflection Questions.
a. CLICK HERE ​for an expanded list of questions to help you brainstorm.

❏ STEP THREE: ​Prepare ​for your presentation by completing a ​PREWRITE​. The prewrite could take
several forms. Possible formats:
a. Write out paragraphs that answer the questions.
b. Make a bulleted list of points you want to cover.
c. Create a visual aid such as an ​idea web or cluster map​.
d. Make notecards.
e. Other?

❏ STEP FOUR: ​Practice ​your presentation using your PREWRITE as your guide. Perhaps run through
it with a family member or record yourself on your own webcam. You will find the task MUCH
easier if you have said the words out loud before the actual TPOL.

❏ STEP FIVE: ​Show up​ to your group meeting on time with attention to the aforementioned
requirements. Participate!
2020 11​th​ Grade TPOL Overview
Junior Year Lessons, COVID-19 Lessons, & Next Steps

The Support
Monday LAUNCH!
Tuesday, 1-3pm with Janae: ​
Wednesday, 1-3pm with Steve: ​
Friday, 1-3pm with Julian: ​

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