Kidde WHDR Food Truck SS - K-203 PDF
Kidde WHDR Food Truck SS - K-203 PDF
Kidde WHDR Food Truck SS - K-203 PDF
Driven by increasing consumer demand for unique and Kidde WHDR System Features:
affordable food options, from outdoor events to the
daily lunch break, Food Trucks have become a veritable Automatic Protection. Kidde’s XV control systems ensures
phenomenon in recent years. By one estimate, there are protection 24/7.
over 115,000 food trucks operating in the US alone. Cost-Effective. The pre-engineered concept saves money
This proliferation of food trucks has resulted in a rise in hardware and installation costs while offering prices
of fire related incidents, leading to a tightening of protection for a variety of appliance layouts.
regulatory oversight & the need to meet stringent safety Regulatory Compliant. Meets requirements of NFPA 17A
requirements. & 96; UL300 & ULC Listed and NYC FD Approved.
As with any cooking operation, the combination of fuel Fast-Acting. Designed to detect and suppress fire within
(grease & oils), heat (cooking appliances), and a ready seconds.
ignition source (open flames) demands a proper fire
Compact. Spacing saving design ensures maximum
solution for continued safe operation.
coverage with minimum footprint.
The Kidde WHDR fire
suppression system
offers the product design
Kidde WHDR System Components:
flexibility to maximize • XV™ Control System
system performance in a • WHDR Agent Storage Containers in a variety
limited space, and ensures of sizes & configurations
regulatory compliance for
• Fusible Alloy or Thermo-Bulb Heat Detectors
your food truck.
• APC Agent Discharge Nozzles
The UL 300 listed Kidde
• Manual Remote Release
WHDR system uses a highly
effective, non-toxic wet chemical agent that quickly • Automatic Gas Shut-Off Valve
suppresses fire, minimizes equipment damage and protects
your business against the devastating consequences of fire.