Value For Money Assessment: Highway 427 Expansion Project
Value For Money Assessment: Highway 427 Expansion Project
Value For Money Assessment: Highway 427 Expansion Project
• Infrastructure Ontario 2
• Alternative Financing and Procurement in Ontario 2
• Achieving Value for Money 2
• External Review 3
Infrastructure Ontario
1 Value for Money Assessment – Highway 427 Expansion
This report provides a summary of the procurement process for the Highway 427 Expansion project and
demonstrates how value for money was achieved by delivering the project using Infrastructure Ontario’s (IO)
Alternative Financing and Procurement approach.
• Infrastructure Ontario
IO is a Crown agency owned by the Province of Ontario that provides a wide range of services to support
the Ontario government’s initiatives to modernize and maximize the value of public infrastructure and realty.
Projects delivered by IO are guided by five key principles: transparency, accountability, value for money, public
ownership and control, and public interest are paramount.
All projects with a cost greater than $100 million are screened for their suitability in being delivered as an AFP
project. The decision to proceed with an AFP delivery model is based on both qualitative considerations (e.g.,
size and complexity of the project) and a quantitative assessment. The quantitative assessment, called Value
for Money (VFM), is used to assess whether the AFP delivery model will achieve greater value to the public
compared to a traditional public sector delivery model. VFM compares the estimated total project costs of
delivering public infrastructure using AFP relative to the traditional delivery model.
$700 $668 $565
VFM of
$600 $103 million or 15.4%
Retained Risks
$220 $12.6 $10 million
AFP Ancillary costs
Base Project costs
$200 $448 $518
* $ Millions, Present Value
Traditional AFP
Infrastructure Ontario
2 Value for Money Assessment – Highway 427 Expansion
• External Review
As part of the procurement process and VFM assessment, two external parties were retained by IO:
Infrastructure Ontario
3 Value for Money Assessment – Highway 427 Expansion
Location Toronto
• Background
The Highway 427 Expansion project includes a new 6.6 kilometer extension from Highway 7 to Major
Mackenzie Drive, a 4.0 kilometer road widening from Finch Avenue to Highway 7 and new median High
Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes in each direction.
• Objectives
Ontario is making the largest infrastructure investment in hospitals, schools, public transit, roads and bridges
in the province’s history.
Once complete, the expansion will provide economic benefits to the province by offering an enhanced freeway
route into York Region, the Vaughan Business area and the CPR Vaughan Intermodal Facility.
Infrastructure Ontario
4 Value for Money Assessment – Highway 427 Expansion
• Project Scope
The project agreement with LINK 427 contains their requirements to:
• Design and Construct – lead the design and construction of the Highway for final completion in 2021;
• Finance – secure sufficient financing to finance the construction and capital costs over the term of
the project;
• Maintain – provide maintenance, lifecycle repair and renewal of the highway for a 30-year service period
as per maintenance performance standards in the project agreement; and
• Third-Party Certification – obtain a third-party independent certification that the requirements of the
project agreement are met.
Infrastructure Ontario
5 Value for Money Assessment – Highway 427 Expansion
The VFM assessment methodology is outlined in Assessing Value for Money – An Updated Guide to
Infrastructure Ontario’s Methodology, which can be found at
MODEL # 1: MODEL # 2:
Traditional DBB Delivery (PSC) AFP Delivery
Estimated costs to the public sector of delivering Estimated costs to the public sector of delivering
an infrastructure project using a traditional the same project to the identical specifications
procurement delivery model. using the AFP delivery model.
Total risk-adjusted costs are known as the Public Total risk-adjusted costs are known as AFP
Sector Comparator or PSC Costs. Costs.
{ Value for Money $ = PSC Costs - AFP Costs or Value for Money % = (PSC Costs - AFP Costs)
PSC Cost Costs }
The difference between the total estimated PSC costs and the total estimated AFP costs is referred to as
VFM. Positive VFM is demonstrated when the cost of delivery under AFP is less than PSC.
Infrastructure Ontario
6 Value for Money Assessment – Highway 427 Expansion
Adjusted Base Costs Base Costs ($) +/- Adjusted Base Costs Base Costs ($) +/-
Adjustments Adjustments
Estimated Savings / (Costs) in Base Costs under the AFP Model PSC – AFP
Base costs include design, construction, and maintenance and lifecycle costs. In the estimation of base costs,
IO relies on external cost consultants to estimate the costs of the project. This becomes the starting point for
both the PSC and AFP models. These costs are then adjusted for:
• An innovation factor – the VFM methodology includes an innovation factor which recognizes that the
base cost of the AFP model will be lower than the PSC model as a result of:
• the use of performance-based specifications in AFP projects allow contractors to consider innovative
and alternative ways to deliver a project, such that project costs are lower as compared to a traditional
delivery which uses more prescriptive specifications; and,
• an increased competitive environment on AFP projects which have resulted in cost reductions.
• A lifecycle cost adjustment factor – experience suggests that typically governments will under-spend
on lifecycle maintenance for projects delivered under traditional delivery methods. Whereas, for DBFM
projects, the AFP model requires the private sector partner to meet specifications which ensures the
asset is well maintained over the project term. The VFM methodology captures this by reducing the
actual spend on lifecycle costs in the PSC model over the 30-year operating term and quantifying the
expected impact and costs of this deferred maintenance in the risk assessment. The net impact results
in an overall increase in PSC costs.
• Competitive neutrality – the base costs under AFP delivery will also include a provision for certain
taxes payable by the private sector, namely taxes paid by the equity developers. The equivalent costs
will not appear under the PSC. These perceived cost advantages could be misleading. As a result,
an adjustment called the “competitive neutrality adjustment” is required to negate this potentially
misleading cost of AFP delivery. The adjustment consists of adding such costs to the PSC.
Infrastructure Ontario
7 Value for Money Assessment – Highway 427 Expansion
Estimated Savings / (Costs) from Financing under the AFP Model PSC – AFP
One of the common elements of the AFP model is the use of private finance for some or all of the project
period. Under the traditional delivery model, the public sector makes progress payments throughout
construction. Whereas under the AFP model, the government pays a portion of construction costs during
construction as interim payments and/or pays the entire amount at the end of the construction period and/or
through a series of regular service payments over the term of the concession agreement (for DBFM projects).
Financing costs are reflected as follows:
• Traditional Delivery Model or PSC - the public sector notionally incurs an “opportunity cost” for having
paid earlier as compared to the AFP model. The notional public sector financing cost is calculated at the
current Provincial cost of borrowing or weighted average cost of capital. This cost is also is reflected in
the discount rate used to assess and compare the project costs.
• AFP Delivery Model – the private sector party borrows at private financing rates to pay for the project costs
during construction and carries that financing until fully repaid by the public sector. This private sector
financing cost is ultimately passed through to the public sector as a cost and reflected in the AFP model.
Estimated Savings / (Costs) from Financing under the AFP Model PSC – AFP
There are significant costs associated with the planning and delivery of a large complex project. The VFM
methodology quantifies the incremental ancillary costs arising under the AFP delivery model only. Ancillary
costs typically incurred include legal, capital markets, fairness, transaction, and the cost of IO services.
3. Retained Risks
Estimated Savings / (Costs) from Retained Risks under the AFP Model PSC – AFP
The concepts of risk transfer and mitigation are key to understanding the overall VFM assessment. To
estimate and compare the total cost of delivering a project under the traditional delivery model versus the AFP
model, the risks borne by the public sector, which are called “retained risks”, are identified and quantified.
Infrastructure Ontario
8 Value for Money Assessment – Highway 427 Expansion
Details on how retained risks are identified and quantified are in Assessing Value for Money – An Updated
Guide to Infrastructure Ontario’s Methodology, which can be found at
Project risks are defined as potential adverse events that may have a direct impact on project costs. To the
extent that the public sector retains these risks under both delivery models, they are included in the estimated
cost under the PSC and AFP model as “retained risks”. Risks retained under the AFP model are lower than
risks retained by the public sector under the PSC model. This reflects the transfer of certain project risks from
the public sector to the private sector and the appropriate allocation of risk between the public and private
sectors based on the party best able to manage, mitigate, and/or eliminate the project risk.
As a result of a comprehensive risk assessment, the following are examples of key project risks that have been
transferred or mitigated under the project agreement to LINK 427:
• Project Schedule – risk of a longer construction period and resulting in a higher total program cost.
• Asset Residual Risk – risk that at the end of the lifecycle, the asset residual value is less than
expected because the quality of the asset is not equivalent to the handback requirements under
a concession contract.
• Latent Defects – Risk that latent defects result in operational difficulties, additional lifecycle
maintenance costs.
• Quality Management – risk associated with meeting design standards and codes as they relate to
long-term asset performance.
$ Millions, $ Millions,
Traditional Delivery Model (PSC) Present Value
AFP Delivery Model Present Value
II. AFP Ancillary Costs N/A II. AFP Ancillary Costs $10
Infrastructure Ontario
9 Value for Money Assessment – Highway 427 Expansion
$700 $668 $565
VFM of
$600 $103 million or 15.4%
Retained Risks
$220 $12.6 $10 million
AFP Ancillary costs
Base Project costs
$200 $448 $518
* $ Millions, Present Value
Traditional AFP
• External Review
KPMG completed the VFM assessment for the project. Their assessment demonstrates projected cost
savings of 15.4 percent by delivering the project using the AFP model versus what it would have cost to
deliver the project using a traditional delivery model (see letter on page 15).
P1 Consulting acted as the Fairness Monitor for the project. They reviewed and monitored the
communications, evaluations and decision-making processes associated with the project, ensuring the
fairness, equity, objectivity, transparency and adequate documentation of the process. P1 Consulting certified
that these principles were maintained throughout the procurement process (see letter on page 17).
Infrastructure Ontario
10 Value for Money Assessment – Highway 427 Expansion
• Contract Price Certainty – A $687M fixed-price contract (includes inflation at contractually determined
rate on certain maintenance and lifecycle costs) to design, build, finance and maintain the Highway 427
Expansion for a 30-year period. Any extra costs incurred as a result of a schedule overrun caused by
the contractor will not be paid by the Province.
• Scheduling, Project Completion and Delays – LINK 427 has agreed to a substantial completion
date in 2020. The schedule can be modified in limited circumstances in accordance with the project
agreement. A sizeable payment will be made by the Province at substantial completion, providing
further incentive for LINK 427 to complete construction on time.
• Site conditions and contamination – LINK 427 is responsible for managing and where required,
remediating any contamination at the site. This includes contamination that was disclosed or
reasonably anticipated from site condition reports, or that is caused by LINK 427 or any of its parties.
• Construction Financing – LINK 427 is required to finance the construction of the project and is
responsible for any additional financing costs if there is a delay reaching substantial completion of
the project.
• Ongoing Maintenance and Lifecycle – LINK 427 must meet the requirements as outlined in the project
agreement, for the maintenance and lifecycle renewal. LINK 427 will face deductions to their monthly
payments if they do not meet the performance obligations during the 30-year maintenance term.
• Asset Hand Back – upon expiry of the 30-year maintenance term, LINK 427 must hand back the
infrastructure to the Province in good working order within specific prescribed standards. Financial
penalties can be levied if the asset condition does not meet the prescribed requirements.
Infrastructure Ontario
11 Value for Money Assessment – Highway 427 Expansion
The procurement process for the Highway 427 Expansion project, from RFQ to Financial Close, took
20 months to complete.
After concluding a fair and competitive procurement process, MTO and IO entered into a project agreement
with LINK 427 to design, build, finance and maintain the project.
• Procurement Process
Infrastructure Ontario
12 Value for Money Assessment – Highway 427 Expansion
vii. Payment
• LINK 427 will receive monthly construction period payments and a substantial completion payment
expected in 2020.
• During the 30-year maintenance and rehabilitation phase, annual service payments (by way of monthly
availability payments) will be paid to LINK 427. Payments will cover the capital and service portions,
lifecycle payments minus any performance deductions.
Infrastructure Ontario
13 Value for Money Assessment – Highway 427 Expansion
This report provides a project overview and summary of the procurement process for the Highway 427
Expansion project, and demonstrates that a VFM of $103 million or 15.4% percent will be achieved by using
the AFP approach compared to traditional delivery.
Going forward, IO, MTO and LINK 427 will continue to work together to ensure the successful delivery of the
Highway 427 Expansion.
Infrastructure Ontario
14 Value for Money Assessment – Highway 427 Expansion
KPMG LLP (“KPMG”) has prepared the Value for Money (“VFM”) assessment for the
Highway 427 Expansion Project (“Project”) at the Financial Close stage, in accordance
with our letter of engagement with Infrastructure Ontario (“IO”) and IO’s methodology
Assessing Value for Money: An Updated Guide to Infrastructure Ontario's Methodology –
March 2015.
The VFM assessment is based on a comparison of the total project costs for the Project
The VFM assessment was calculated using the following information (collectively the
“Information”) within the VFM model:
i. A Risk Matrix developed for IO by Altus Group and adapted by IO to reflect Project
specific risks; and
ii. Cost and other input assumptions extracted from the bid submitted by the Successful
Bidder and other VFM model assumptions as provided by IO.
Will Lipson
Toronto, Ontario
March 10, 2017
Subject: Fairness Attestation - Request for Proposals for Highway 427 Expansion (RFP No. 15-
P1Consulting acted as the Fairness Monitor to review and monitor the communications, evaluations
and decision-making processes associated with the procurement process for the Request for
Proposals (“RFP”) in connection with the Highway 427 Expansion Project (the “Project”). This
was done with the aim of ensuring fairness, equity, objectivity, transparency and adequate
documentation in the evaluation process.
The Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) preceded the RFP process, with the intent of identifying the
Pre-qualified Proponents who would be eligible to participate in RFP process, with the intent of
identifying a Negotiations Proponent. P1 Consulting was engaged in the procurement process prior
to the release of the RFQ, and monitored and reviewed the process up until the selection of the First
Negotiations Proponent.
To date, in our role as Fairness Monitor, P1 Consulting has made certain that the following steps were
taken to ensure a fair and transparent process:
• Clarity and consistency of the RFQ and RFP, Evaluation Framework and related documentation;
• Adherence to the processes described in the RFQ and RFP and Evaluation Framework, including
the evaluation process;
• Objectivity and diligence during the procurement process in order to ensure that it was
conducted in a transparent manner;
• Compliance of participants with strict requirements regarding conflict of interest and
confidentiality during the procurement and evaluation processes;
• Security of information; and
• Oversight to provide a process where the Proponents are treated fairly.
The Fairness Monitor actively participated in the following steps in the process to ensure that
fairness was maintained throughout:
• Participation in the project kick-off meeting;
• Review of the draft RFQ and RFP and related documentation;
• Review of the Evaluation Frameworks;
P1 Consulting Inc.
86 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2G 6B1 T: (613) 723-0060 F: (613) 723-9720
Mr. Inch
December 14th, 2016
P1 Consulting Inc.
Page 2 of 2
As the Fairness Monitor for the Request for Proposals for the Highway 427 Expansion Project,
we certify that, up until the date of this letter, the principles of fairness, consistency and transparency
have been, in our opinion, maintained throughout the procurement process. Furthermore, no issues
have emerged during the procurement process, of which we were aware, that would have impaired
the fairness of this initiative.
Yours truly,
Stephanie Braithwaite
Lead Fairness Monitor
P1 Consulting