O 219 - Dium - 2014 - en

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3rd edition, April 2014

DIUM - Uniform distance table for international freight traffic:

List of railway stations
List of handover/delivery points used by the railways
DIUM - Distancier International Uniforme Marchandises :
Liste des gares
Liste des lieux ferroviaires de prise en charge/de livraison

DIUM - Einheitlicher Entfernungszeiger für den internationalen Güterverkehr:

Verzeichnis der Güterverkehrsstellen
Verzeichnis der Übernahme-/Ablieferungsorte
Leaflet to be classified in volume:
II - Freight Traffic

Application :
With effect from 1 April 2014
All members of the International Union of Railway
This leaflet is mandatory for all RUs that are members of the UIC in countries for which there is a DIUM

Record of updates
1st edition, April 2004 First issue

2nd edition, March 2008 Overhaul of the Leaflet.

Publication on UIC website of Appendix C.

3rd edition, April 2014 Editorial amendments due to the TAF TSI

The person responsible for this leaflet is indicated in the UIC Code


Summary ..............................................................................................................................1

1- Background .................................................................................................................2

2- Structure ......................................................................................................................3

3- Obligatory application ................................................................................................4

4- Preparation of and modifications to the DIUM .........................................................5

5- Management of the Leaflet .........................................................................................6

Appendix A - Format and structure of Excel data tables ..................................................7

A.1 - Model showing the data required for sheet "A" of the Excel file ............................7
A.2 - Definition of the Content of the columns in the Excel file.......................................8
A.3 - Model showing the data required for sheet "B"....................................................10
A.4 - Model showing the data required for sheet "C" ...................................................11

Appendix B - Requirements for the creation of a DIUM file for printing........................12

B.1 - Creation of a DIUM file in PDF format (Adobe Acrobat ®)...................................12
B.2 - Cover sheet - National DIUM...............................................................................17
B.3 - Model of the data table for the paper version (PDF format) ................................18
B.4 - Model for the paper version of the list of UTI Terminals (PDF format) ................20

Appendix C - Countries party to the DIUM and RUs responsible for the production
of the DIUM...................................................................................................21

List of abbreviations ..........................................................................................................22

Bibliography .......................................................................................................................23


Definition of the DIUM

A country's DIUM (Uniform Distance Table for International Freight Traffic) comprises various data
concerning international rail freight transport used by Railway Undertakings (RU) and customers to
complete the CIM consignment note/CUV wagon note in order to calculate the tax payable on a
journey, as well as other helpful commercial and/or technical information for these journeys.

Purpose of the leaflet:

1. The DIUM is published periodically in electronic format by the Railway Undertakings (RUs)

2. The present UIC leaflet lays down the conditions for publishing this electronic data:

a. Structure of the Excel and PDF files: format & requirements for creating the file and model.
b. Transmission of the data to UIC (timescale).
c. Distribution of the electronic data.
d. List of publications and the RUs responsible for publishing them.

A list of abbreviations is available at the end of this leaflet.

1 219
1 - Background

1.1 - A country's DIUM contains the UIC codes and names of the stations open to international freight
traffic and the distances between these stations and the border points of neighbouring countries used
to calculate tariffs. The UIC codes for these stations must be entered on the CIM consignment note/
CUV wagon note in order to identify the stations of departure and of destination (see List of
abbreviations - page 22).

A country's DIUM also contains the UIC codes and names of the handover/delivery points used by the
railways and the codes of associated freight terminals. The UIC codes of these locations are to be
entered on the CIM consignment note/CUV wagon note in order to identify the place of handover/

The distances between stations are used to calculate the transport tax for all international freight
convoys, which are subject to the conditions of CIM (Appendix B to the COTIF), to the extent that the
corresponding international commercial conditions are governed by the DIUM.

Each handover/delivery point is attached to a freight terminal. The distances defined for a terminal
serving a handover/delivery point are also used as the distances for the handover/delivery point itself.

The DIUM also includes the list of UTI terminals (see List of abbreviations) and other appendices
concerning technical and/or commercial information.

Additional information concerning terminals and handover/delivery points is communicated in the form
of general and specific references.

Information concerning a terminal and handover/delivery point only applies to the RU whose
destination is the facility in question.

1.2 - The distances, terminals and handover/delivery points are presented using a uniform structure
for easier editing and management. Tables of kilometric distances enable the price of international
freight transport to be calculated.

1.3 - Each RU assumes responsibility for the accuracy of its own data.

Where several RUs are authorised to operate international freight transport services in the same
country, one of these RUs must take responsibility for publishing the DIUM data of the country
concerned and sending it to UIC. The responsible RU shall ensure that the necessary data, where
provided by other RUs, corresponds to the determined formats and is delivered within the agreed
deadlines. RUs shall agree on the procedure to be applied for transmission of data to UIC. If RUs
cannot come to an agreement, the UIC NHM/DIUM Management Group shall act as a mediator.

2 219
2 - Structure

The DIUM is prepared in electronic format:

2.1 - In the form of an Excel file for the country concerned with the usual information concerning the
terminals and handover/delivery points open for freight traffic, in line with the models given in
Appendix A (points A.1 - page 7, A.2 - page 8, A.3 - page 10 and A.4 - page 11).

2.2 - In the form of a PDF file in case a paper version is needed, in line with the models given in
Appendix B (points B.1 - page 12, B.2 - page 17, B.3 - page 18 and B.4 - page 20).

These files are prepared in French, English and German, and where necessary in the national
language(s) of the country concerned.

The PDF file contains:

1. the date of publication, the date of creation and the details of the person to contact for more

2. a preface common to all the volumes, mentioning the general reference numbers used for the
uniform coding of particular features of certain stations and handover/delivery points used by the
railways, as well as an explanation of the specific national references, which are defined by the
RU concerned;

3. schematic map of the border points used by RUs in the country to which the volume applies;

4. the distance tables of the RU(s) in the country to which the volume applies;

5. the transit distances;

6. the list of open UTI terminals in the country concerned;

and, if appropriate:

7. any additional commercial/technical information.

3 219
3 - Obligatory application

3.1 - The terminals and handover/delivery points mentioned in the DIUM are approved for use in
international rail freight transport.

3.2 - The use of the DIUM for the purpose of calculating distances for international freight traffic is
obligatory for every RU, insofar as a DIUM volume exists for the country concerned.

3.3 - The commercial conditions and "special conditions for freight traffic with the prices and
requirements for wagonload traffic (Commercial conditions for freight tariffs)" based on the distance
parameters for calculating prices must:

- mention the DIUM volume(s) concerned to be consulted for the determination of the import and
export distances;

- apply the transit distances mentioned in the DIUM volume(s) concerned, based on the route

4 219
4 - Preparation of and modifications to the DIUM

The DIUM is published on 1 July each year and on the date set by RNE (see List of abbreviations -
page 22) for the main timetable change that year (generally around mid-December). The absolute final
deadlines for providing the required information are 31 May and 15 November of each year.

Modifications to data between two editions.

- In order to ensure that information remains up-to-date and available to other RUs, any RU
modifying its data shall upload the whole file in Excel format onto the UIC Extranet on the first
working day of each month. The files shall be stored in a specific folder in the "Freight" workspace.

- If after four successive publications of the DIUM a country has not provided an updated version,
it shall be deleted from the list of DIUM member countries unless the managing RU guarantees
that the existing version remains valid and that no amendments are required.

4.1 - Quality and submission of data

The RU responsible for a given country sends the Excel and PDF files to the UIC IT Department in
Paris on the aforementioned dates. The UIC IT Department hosts the received data on the UIC
website, thus assuming a centralising role.

4.2 - Distribution of electronic DIUM data

UIC posts the DIUM files on the UIC website as follows:

- the Excel files on the pages accessible only to UIC members;

- the PDF files are available on the public pages to be downloaded.

4.3 - Printing and publication

Each RU may download PDF files from the UIC website so that it may publish and distribute the
document to meet its own internal and external needs.

5 219
5 - Management of the Leaflet

The UIC Freight Forum has delegated its authority to the NHM/DIUM Management Group to
undertake the further development and management of the DIUM and of UIC Leaflet 219.

6 219

Appendix A - Format and structure of Excel data tables

The data and additional information concerning stations and handover/delivery points open to international Sheet "A"
rail freight transport are contained in an Excel file. This data is entered on separate data sheets (described The data to be entered in sheet "A" must correspond to the model given under point A.1. More than one
below). Please note that the structure given for these data sheets is obligatory in order to enable the entry may be given for columns L, M and N depending on the number of border points. The columns must
successful exchange of data between RUs. The data sheets must be labelled as follows, irrespective of be labelled in the header either by a description or by letters. If letters are used, columns L, M and N are to
the national language: be numbered where they occur more than once, e.g. L1 to N1, L999 to N999.

The table containing data relating to stations, handover/delivery points used by the railways and distances Sheet "B"
is to be labelled sheet "A". Sheet "B" is to be produced following the example given under point A.3 - page 10.

The table containing data concerning UTI Terminals is to be labelled sheet "B". Sheet "C"
Sheet "C" is to be produced following the example given under point A.4 - page 11.
The information and general explanations concerning the DIUM are contained in data sheet "C".
Sheet "D" (optional)
Any additional commercial and/or technical information is contained in data sheet "D". Free, to be used for additional commercial and/or technical information.

A.1 - Model showing the data required for sheet "A" of the Excel file

A B C1 C2 C3 C4 F G H I J K L M N


Specific national references

Code of station serving the

General reference number

loading/unloading point
Region, tariff code, etc
Type of modification

Name of the station

ISO country code

RU concerned

Country code
Station code

border point
Date of last

Check digit

Code of

04/07/2012 * DE 2180 86403 3 Baunatal OTC 4, 8, 9 111 48205 9 406 DK 511

01/07/2012 * DE 2180 03095 7 Berlin Westhafen 81 221 406 DK 460

01/07/2012 + DE 3380 20167 3 Consrade 4 232 406 DK 260

DE 2180 20167 3 Consrade 4, 5, 8 232 406 DK 268

01/08/2012 DE 5599 92352 4 Düren Süd RSE 8 094 406 DK 646

DE 4410 463 2 (see 3) Kufstein 4 (see 4) (see c) (see c) 463 DE 05

1. This field incorporates a modification.

2. Information concerning a border point: all information is to be typed in bold.
3. The check digit field in column C4 must remain blank in the case of border points.
4. If these fields contain no data, they remain as empty data cells.
5. The distance between this border point "and itself" may seem unnecessary. Nevertheless, for technical reasons it must appear with a value of "0".

7 219

A.2 - Definition of the Content of the columns in the Excel file

For border points, the whole line must be entered in bold type.

A Date of last modification Format date: dd.mm.yyyy

Date of last modification of the details for the station or handover/delivery point used by the railways in freight traffic. The date of deletion or modification in data table
A (DIUM distances) must remain visible for a maximum of 6 months, following which it must be removed.
B Type of modification Format as text.
New (+), deleted (-), modified (*).
Any deleted or modified entry in data table A (DIUM distances) must remain visible for a maximum of 6 months.
Modified data must be highlighted by a grey background in the appropriate box. In the event of the closure of a station or a handover/delivery point used by the
railways, the whole line must be highlighted in grey.
C1 ISO country code Format as text.
in accordance with UIC Leaflet 920-14
C2 RICS code of the serving RU Format as text.
in accordance with UIC Leaflet 920-1
(several RUs, separate recording)
C3 UIC code of the station open for freight transport, associated freight station for railway handover/delivery points in accordance with UIC Leaflet 920-2 Format as text.
UIC code of handover/delivery points
- 5-digit station code preceded by a 0, no check digit, OR

- 3 or 4-digit border code not preceded by a zero unless the border code has 2 or fewer digits; in such cases, complete the code until it has 3 digits.
C4 Check digit Format as text.
One-digit code, empty for border codes
D Reserved
E Reserved
F Name of the station Format as text.
Name of the station, maximum 50 characters, using national alphabet, if possible using a mixture of upper- and lower-case letters.
G General Reference Numbers Format as text.
Reference codes as they are set out in the preface to the DIUM. The digits are classified in numerical order and separated by commas.
H Specific national references Format as text.
Codes in lower-case letters, classified in alphabetical order and separated by commas.
I, J Optional columns (this information is not used by all RUs) Format as text.
These two optional columns may be used for specific codes (codes for regions, zones or tariff references and other national specificities). These columns must be
included, even if they are not completed.
NB: an explanation of the contents of Columns I, J and K must appear on Worksheet "C" of the Excel data table.

8 219

K UIC code of terminal serving the handover/delivery points used by the railways Format as text.
6-digit station code preceded by a 0 and check digit.
L Border point code Format as text.
Maximum 4 digits, see also D2.
M Country Code (ISO format) Format as text.
Details of neighbouring country using ISO code, e.g. France = FR, Germany = DE.
N Distance (in kilometres) Format as numbers.
Kilometric distances, aligned right, no leading "0". If no distance is required, a "0" must be entered to enable the data to be correctly processed. If no distance is
indicated, these columns are removed.

9 219

A.3 - Model showing the data required for sheet "B"

Roumanie Rumänien Romania România 1

Semi-remorques préhensibles
par pinces/

Mit Greifzangen verladbare

Edition du/
Date de la dernière modification/

Grands conteneurs/ Sattelauflieger/

Ausgabe vom/
Nature de la modification/ Grosscontainer/
Edition of/
Large containers/ Semi-trailers suitable for
Type of modification/ Editia de la a

IF care deserveste a
Last modification/

Art der Änderung/

Felul modificării a

Bedienendes EVU
Data modificãrii a

Containere Mari a
Letzte Änderung/

grabbler handling/

EF desservant

Serving RU
Semiremorci care se
manipilează cu cleşti a

Poids brut max. manutentionnable Poids brut max. manutentionnable

(en tonnes)/ (en tonnes)/
Gares/ Longueur maximale (en pieds)/ Höchstes Bruttogewicht Höchstes Bruttogewicht (in T)
Grösste Länge (in Fuß)/ (in T) für die ladedienstliche für die ladedienstliche
Maximum length (in feet)/ Behandlung/ Behandlung/
Stations Lungimea Maximă Max. gross handling weight (in Max. gross handling weight
Statii a (în picioare) a tons)/ (in tons)/
Greutatea brută maximă de Greutatea brută maximă de
manipulat (în tones) a 2 manipulat (în tones) a b

2153 51059 4 Bacău A 40 30 -

2153 10108 9 Bucureştii Noi A 40 30 -
2153 32637 1 Oradea Est A 40 30 -
01.07.2012 + 3019 32637 1 Oradea Est B, C, E 40 40 40
2153 30342 0 Ploieşti Crâng A 40 30 -
2153 34336 8 Turda A 40 30 -
01.07.2012 *
3146 21028 6 Vinţu de Jos B, C, E 40 40 40
2153 44240 0 Zalău Nord A 40 30 -
1. Language(s) of the concerned country.
2. Gross weight of the UTI and its load which can be lifted by the handling team and crane operator.

Notes (typical examples of codes in capital letters)

A To be handled using specially modified equipment

B Telescopic spreader with dual system
C Private terminal
D Special handling required
E Handling applies only to semi-trailers authorised or conveyed by the terminal owner

10 219

A.4 - Model showing the data required for sheet "C"

1. List of RUs included in this edition, with RICS code (examples)

1 CFR Marfa (2153) - Managing RU

2 Grup Feroviarar Roman (3019)
3 DB Schenker Romania (3146)
4 Servtrans Invest S.A. (3009)

2. Specific national references (typical examples)

a Traffic conveyed under the conditions of the "Community of Interest for Automobiles" (CIA) may only be conveyed to or from stations marked with this code.
c Conventional wagon load traffic may only be conveyed to or from stations marked with this code.
i Intermodal traffic may only be conveyed to or from stations marked with this code.
z Station open for customs clearance formalities only. This station may not be mentioned as a forwarding or destination station on the consignment note.

3. Border point codes

In cases where a border point is shared by two countries, the name of the border point must appear twice.

442 Rosenbach Grenze Jesenice m.
271 Buchs (SG) Buchs (SG)

4. Contact person

Name of Railway Undertaking

Department and/or Section
Full address

4. Other information

Date of publication: XX.XX.XXX.

Date of creation of data file : XX.XX.XXXX.

11 219

Appendix B - Requirements for the creation of a DIUM file

for printing

B.1 - Creation of a DIUM file in PDF format (Adobe Acrobat ®)

A PDF file enables an exact facsimile of a document in (for example) MS Word® or MS Excel® format
to be produced which can then no longer be modified. These files can be read using the Adobe
Acrobat Reader® application and printed. Adobe Acrobat Reader® is a free software application
which can be downloaded from the Internet or elsewhere.

PDF files can only be reliably produced using the Adobe Acrobat Writer® application, which is widely
available for purchase. It is not advised to use other programs simulating the PDF format, since there
can be no guarantee of correctly reproducing all the original file contents.

The Adobe software must be used in order to guarantee the compatibility of files.

B.1.1 - General Guidelines

The following guidelines describe how to produce a PDF file.

B.1.1.1 - Font

The "Arial" font is to be used for the DIUM.

B.1.1.2 - Page numbering, headers and footers

Pages are to be numbered using Arabic numerals, starting at 1 on the title page.

The ISO and UIC country codes are to be entered in the right header. Font size 12 pt, normal typeface.

The date of the current edition is to be entered at the bottom right of the page and the page number
is to be given in the centre. Font size 10 pt, normal typeface.

B.1.1.3 - Page layout

The page layout to be used is given in point B.1.2 - page 13 "Layout".

B.1.1.4 - Languages

The PDF file is a multilingual document whose text appears in French, German and English, plus,
where necessary, a translation into the national language(s) of the country to which the volume

12 219

B.1.2 - Layout

B.1.2.1 - Cover sheet of national DIUM

(see point B.2 - page 17)

• In the top left hand corner, the legend: "DIUM and ISO max. font size 72 pt, bold typeface
country code ", i.e. DIUM FR
• In the top right corner, the legend: "No./Nr. 8700.00" max. font size 24 pt, bold typeface,
on two lines
In MS-Word® the text may be entered in a text box.
Below this information, the following should appear, justified left:
• "Distancier International Uniforme Marchandises : max. font size 24 pt, bold typeface
Liste des établissements ferroviaires - Liste des lieux
ferroviaires de prise en charge/de livraison"
Following line: max. font size 16 pt, normal typeface
"Edition du" et < date of the current edition >
• "Einheitliches Entfernungszeiger für den max. font size 24 pt, bold typeface
Internationalen Güterverkehr: Verzeichnis der
- Verzeichnis der Übernahme-/Ablieferungsorte"
Following line: max. font size 16 pt, normal typeface
"Ausgabe vom" < date of the current edition >
• "Uniform Distance Table for International Freight max. font size 24 pt, bold typeface
Traffic - List of railway terminals - List of the handover/
delivery points used by the railways"
Following line: max. font size 16 pt, normal typeface
"Edition of" < date of the current edition >
and, if necessary, translations into other national language(s).
• Texts are to be separated using a horizontal separator line in 1,5 pt.

B.1.2.2 - Cover page (reverse)

Font 10 pt, normal typeface.

There follows on the same page the table of contents with page numbering for the following

- Date of the current edition and date of creation, important information,

- Preface, including general reference numbers and specific national references,

- Schematic map of the country concerned, showing border points with neighbouring countries,

- Table of distances,

- Table of transit distances (if these exist),

- Other information.

13 219

B.1.2.3 - Dates & important information

Give the date of publication and the date of creation (e.g. date of publication: 01/07/2013 - date of
creation 25/05/2013).

NB: Important information: it is advised to describe briefly the main modifications made in the new
edition (e.g. altered distances, closed stations, contact person for additional information).

B.1.2.4 - Preface

The preface consists of a standard wording for all the volumes of the DIUM, explaining the meaning
of the general reference numbers and the specific national references. The preface incorporates a list
of countries party to the DIUM and their ISO codes, classified in alphabetical order.

B. - General reference numbers

The general reference numbers are the same for all RUs. Modifications are only permitted on request.
The list of general reference numbers can be found in the examples of files (UIC website).

Font size 10 pt, normal typeface.

B. - Specific national references

These references in the form of letters are defined on an individual basis by each RU. Their meaning
and any other information (specific codes relating to routes, premises, stations, zones or tariff
references and any other national specificities) must be indicated here.

Font size 10 pt, normal typeface.

The name, address and contact details of the RU responsible for publishing the DIUM must also be
given on this page.

B.1.2.5 - Schematic Map

This schematic map of the country concerned gives the names and codes of shared border points with
neighbouring countries.

B.1.2.6 - Distance tables

(see point B.3 - page 18)

The distance table is to be presented in the following format. The first column, second column, the
third column, the fourth column, the optional columns and the following column are repeated on each
page, with the distance columns for each of the country's border points. The data concerning stations
and handover/delivery points can be listed on the page in groups of 5 lines.

14 219

B. - Column 1

Header: EF desservant / Bedienendes EVU / Serving RU"

Data: Serving RU (in case of several RUs, separate recording by each RU)
In the event of the addition of a new station or handover/delivery point open to freight
traffic or of any modification to this data, EITHER the symbol ♦ is to be entered before
the UIC station code of the rail terminal concerned, OR the modified entry is to be
indicated by a single vertical stroke (|) in the margin.

B. - Column 2

Header: "Numéro de code / Codenummer / Code Number"Data:

Data: Station open to international rail freight transport and handover/delivery points used by
the railways, 5-digit code, hyphen and check digit. A blank space may be left instead of
the hyphen. There must be a visible separation between the code and the check digit.
The border point codes are composed of 3 digits, or 4 digits in certain cases. The data
must be right-aligned.

B. - column 3

Header: "de... à (ou vice versa)/von... nach (oder umgekehrt)/from... to (or vice versa)"

Data: Name of the station open to international rail freight transport and handover/delivery
points used by the railways (left-aligned), maximum 50 characters.

B. - column 4

General reference numbers classified in chronological order followed by specific national references
classified in alphabetical order, separated by a comma.

B. - Optional columns

A maximum of two optional columns containing specific codes (codes for regions, stations, zones,
tariff references or other national specificities) may be inserted after column 4. Each optional column
must be identified by a symbol the column header. The meaning of the symbol should correspond with
that given in the list of specific national references in the preface. Point B.3 - page 18 gives an example
of one such column.

15 219

B. - Following column

Header: "Gare de rattachement/Zugehöriger Bestimmungsbahnhof/Associated freight station"

Data: Station open to international rail freight traffic serving handover/delivery points used by
the railways, 5-digit code, hyphen and check digit. A blank space may be left instead of
the hyphen. There must be a visible separation between the code and the check digit.

B. - Distances

The distances provided must be arranged by country. The order in which the data is presented must
be selected with a view to making optimum use of space on the page. If possible, several countries'
data should be laid out on the same page.

Header: Laid out in four sections separated vertically:

a Country header line, containing the ISO country code only.
b The name of the border point, rotated 90° anticlockwise, with the name of the
border point shared with the neighbouring country. These two border points may
be separated by a line.
c Genera and specific national references.
d The number of the border code.

Data: the distances between the station listed on the left of the table and the border point
given on the top right hand side.

B.1.2.7 - Tables of transit distances

A table of transit distances between border points is created following the same guidelines as given
under point B.1.2.6 - page 14.

B.1.2.8 - UTI Terminals

This table contains the list of UTI terminals and some technical data (see point B.4 - page 20).

B.1.2.9 - Practical information

Texts are to be written in MS Word®, though the distance tables may be created using either
MS Word® or MS Excel®. Both applications are compatible with Adobe Acrobat® Writer.

If the document is composed of two parts (introduction and distance table), the page numbering of the
distance table must follow on continuously from the numbering of the introduction.

The model files can be found on the UIC Extranet.

16 219

B.2 - Cover sheet - National DIUM


Distancier International Uniforme

Marchandises : Liste des gares -
Liste des lieux ferroviaires de prise en
charge/de livraison
Edition du 1er juillet 2013

Einheitlicher Entfernungszeiger für den

internationalen Güterverkehr:
Verzeichnis der Güterverkehrsstellen -
Verzeichnis der Übernahme/
Ausgabe vom 1. Juli 2013

Uniform distance table for international

freight traffic:
List of railways terminals -
List of handover/delivery points used by
the railways
Edition of 1 July 2013

(Space for additional national languages)

This edition of the DIUM for Belgium is © 2013, SNCB/NMBS, Brussels, Belgium.

17 219

B.3 - Model of the data table for the paper version (PDF format)


Associated freight station


Gare de rattachement

Bedienendes EVU

De (ou vice versa) à
Numéro de code
EF desservant

Von (oder umgekehrt) nach

Code number

From (or vice versa) to
Serving RU

2180 15369 2 Aachen Nord 4, 5, 8 094 668
2180 15200 9 Aachen West 4, 5, 8 094 656
3259 450 Aachen West Grenze 1,2 094 661
3259 15343 7 Aachen-Rothe Erde 4,5 094 661
3067 29549 3 Aalen 3,5 163 826
2180 14283 6 Achem 4, 5, 8 171 871
2180 47808 1 Achkarren 4,5 a,m 171 954
 3068 13077 3 Adelebsen 4,5 054 468
3020 13077 3 Adelebsen-Schwachholz 5,8,9 b 054 13077 3 468
3020 43212 0 Adelheide b 054 468
2180 43212 0 Adelheide 5 a,m 042 326

Header: DE - ISO country code

Column 1: 4-digit RICS codea)
In the event of the addition of a new station or handover/delivery point open to
freight traffic or of any modification to this data, EITHER the symbol ♦ is to be
entered before the UIC station code of the rail terminal concerned, OR the
modified entry is to be indicated by a single vertical stroke (|) in the margin.
Column 2: a) 5-digit UIC station code and 1 check digit, right-aligned, OR
b) 3- or 4-digit border point code, entered in bold typeface. Right-aligned.
Column 3: Name of the station open to international freight transport, handover/delivery
point used by the railways and the border point, left-aligned
Column 4: General reference numbers classified in chronological order followed by
specific national references classified in alphabetical order, left-aligned.
Optional If necessary: specific codes (codes for regions, stations, zones, tariff
columns: references and any other national specificities), using more than one column if

18 219

Following 5-digit UIC code of the station open to international freight traffic serving the
columns: handover/delivery point, and 1 check digit.
Distances: Neighbouring country (ISO code)/border point/general reference numbers &
specific national references/border point code/distance to border point. Both
the border point's names must be given. If the border point's name is the same
on both sides of the border, it may be given only once.

Distances are entered for each neighbouring country according to the number of countries and border
points concerned.

The table is to be created in A4 format throughout. The recommended font is Arial.

For border points, the whole line must be typed in bold characters.

19 219

B.4 - Model for the paper version of the list of UTI Terminals (PDF
RO (53) a
Roumanie Rumänien Romania România b
Semi-remorques préhen-
Edition du/ sibles par pinces/
Ausgabe vom/ Grands conteneurs/ mit Greifzangen verlad-
Edition of / Grosscontainer/ bare Sattelauflieger/
Editia de la b Large containers/ Semi-trailers suitable for
Serving RU, IF care deseveste b

01.07.2013 Containere mari b grabbler handling/

Semiremorci care se
Bedienendes EVU

manipuleazã cu clesti b
EF desservant

Poids brut max.

Gares manutentionnable Poids brut max.
Maximale (en
en tonnes) manutentionnable
Höchstes (en tonnes)
Banhöfe Grösste Länge
Bruttogewicht (in T) Höchstes Bruttogewicht (in
(in Fuss)
für die ladedienstliche T) für die ladedienstliche
Stations Behandlung Behandlung
Max. gross handling Max. gross handling weight
(in feet)
Statii b weight (in tons) (in tons)
Greutatea brută Greutatea brută maximă
maximă de manipulat de manipulat (în tone) b (*)
(în picioare) b
(în tone) b (*)
2153 10108 9 Bucureştii Noi A 40 30
2153 22450 1 Bujoreni Vâlcea A 40 30
2153 72120 9 Buzău Sud A 40 30
♦ 3009 13382 7 Ciumeşti B, C, E 40 40 40
2153 31982 2 Cluj Napoca Est A 40 30
2153 81030 9 Constanţa Ferry-boat B, C 40 40 40
2153 80983 0 Constanţa Port Zona B B, C 40 40 40
3146 10770 6 Craiova A 40 30
♦ 2153 10770 6 Craiova B, C, E 40 40 40
2153 71229 9 Galaţi Mărfuri A 40 30
2153 20658 1 Sibiu A 40 30
2153 61016 2 Socola A 40 30
2153 51607 0 Suceava A 40 30
2153 42644 5 Târgu Mureş Sud A 40 30
2153 33978 8 Târnăveni Vest A 40 30
2153 34336 8 Turda A 40 30
♦ 2153 21028 6 Vinţu de Jos B, C, E 40 40 40
2153 44240 0 Zalău Nord A 40 30
a. Codes ISO et UIC du pays concerné - ISO und UIC-Codes des betroffenen Landes - ISO and UIC-Codes of the concerned country.
b. Langue(s) nationale(s) du pays concerné - Landessprache(n) des betroffenen Landes - Language(s) of the concerned country.
(*) Poids brut de l’UTI et de son chargement que l’équipe de manutention et le grutier peuvent soulever.

Remarques/Anmerkungen/Notes (codes in capital letters - typical examples)

A To be handled using specially modified equipment

B Telescopic spreader with dual system
C Private terminal
D Special handling required
E Handling applies only to semi-trailers authorised or conveyed by the terminal owner

20 219

Appendix C - Countries party to the DIUM and RUs

responsible for the production of the DIUM

The list of countries party to the DIUM and their managing RUs' contact persons are available on the
UIC Extranet.

21 219
List of abbreviations

CIM Uniform Rules concerning the Contract of Carriage for International

Freight Traffic by Rail. Appendix B to the COTIF.

COTIF Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail. Agreement

concerning international carriage by rail. Convention under international
law, all sections of which have force of law.

CUV Uniform Rules concerning Contracts of use of Vehicles in International

Rail Traffic.

DIUM Uniform Distance Table for international Freight Traffic: List of railway
stations - List of handover/delivery points used by the railways

ISO International Organization for Standardisation

UTI Intermodal Transport Unit

NHM Harmonised Commodity Code

PDF Portable Data Format; enables a file created in MS Word® or similar

application to be transferred into an electronic facsimile of the document.

RICS List of carrier codes for freight traffic

RNE Rail Net Europe

RU Railway Undertaking

TAF-TSI Telematics applications for freight service

UIC International Union of Railways

22 219

1. UIC Leaflets

International Union of Railways (UIC)

UIC Leaflet 920-1:Standard numerical coding for railway undertakings, infrastructure managers and
others companies involved in rail-transport chains, 6th edition, November 2005

UIC Leaflet 920-14: Standard numerical country coding for use in railway traffic, 2nd edition,
March 2005

UIC Leaflet 920-2: Standard numerical coding of locations, 5th edition, January 2010

23 219

No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed by any means whatsoever, including
electronic, except for private and individual use, without the express permission of the International Union of
Railways (UIC). The same applies for translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by
any method or procedure whatsoever. The sole exceptions - noting the author's name and the source - are
"analyses and brief quotations justified by the critical, argumentative, educational, scientific or informative nature
of the publication into which they are incorporated".
(Articles L 122-4 and L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code).
 International Union of Railways (UIC) - Paris, 2014

Printed by the International Union of Railways (UIC)

16, rue Jean Rey 75015 Paris - France, April 2014
Dépôt Légal April 2014

ISBN 978-2-7461-2293-2 (French version)

ISBN 978-2-7461-2294-9 (German version)
ISBN 978-2-7461-2295-6 (English version)


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