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Examination for Selection Posts Phase VII

Registration No. WWW.QMATHS.IN
Test Time 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Test Date 16/10/2019
Subject Selection Post Graduate Level

Section : General Intelligence

Q.1 Which letter cluster will replace the question mark (?) to complete the given series?


Ans 1. JYE

2. KXE

3. JXD

4. KYE

Question ID : 368907415
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.2 Which number will replace the question mark (?) in the following series?

20, 20, 22, ?, 40, 60, 90

Ans 1. 26

2. 25

3. 28

4. 27

Question ID : 368907433
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.3 Select the combination of letters that when sequentially placed in the gaps of the given
letter series will complete the series.

Ans 1. TWVVB




Question ID : 368907427
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

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Question ID : 368907438
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.5 In a code language, 'ROLLER' is written as 'TQNJCP'. How will ‘DOCILE’ be written as in that




Question ID : 368907423
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3




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Question ID : 368907436
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 1

Q.7 Devki is sister of Ankur. Vinayak is married to Diptee's only daughter, Kruti. Arnab is
maternal grandfather of Devki. Diptee is daughter of Mala. Kruti is mother of Ankur. Which
of the following statement is correct?
Ans 1. Arnab is son of Mala.

2. Vinayak is son of Arnab.

3. Kruti is daughter of Mala.

4. Devki is daughter of Vinayak.

Question ID : 368907429
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4


Ans 1.


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Question ID : 368907437
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.9 A + B means ‘A is father of B’

A ÷ B means ‘A is wife of B’

If M ÷ Q + R + O, then which of the following statement is NOT correct?

Ans 1. R is father of O.

2. M is maternal grandmother of R.

3. Q is paternal grandfather of O.

4. R is son of M.

Question ID : 368907430
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.10 Which two numbers should be interchanged to make the given equation correct?

40 × 2 – (5 × 13) + 15 (4 × 2) + 156 ÷ 12 = 152

Ans 1. 15 and 13

2. 40 and 4

3. 12 and 13

4. 12 and 40

Question ID : 368907435
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.11 In a code language, if 'MOUNT' is coded as '166', then how will 'ROUND' be coded in the
same language?
Ans 1. 146

2. 142

3. 144

4. 140

Question ID : 368907425
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.12 Select the combination of letters that when sequentially placed in the gaps of the given
letter series will complete the series.





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Question ID : 368907428
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.13 Select the option that is related to the third number in the same way as the second number
is related to the first number.

3 : 26 : : 5 : ?
Ans 1. 124

2. 121

3. 123

4. 122

Question ID : 368907434
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.14 In a code language, 'PARCEL' is written as 'BQDSMF'. How will ‘DESIRE’ be written as in that




Question ID : 368907422
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2







Question ID : 368907439
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.16 Three statements are given followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. Assuming
the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts,

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decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.

No businessman is farmer.
Some officers are businessman.
All mechanics are officers.

I. No mechanic is farmer.
II. Some businessmen are farmers.
III. Some mechanics are not officers.
Ans 1. Only Conclusion II and III follows.

2. None of the conclusions follow.

3. All the conclusions follow.

4. Only Conclusion I and II follow.

Question ID : 368907431
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.17 In a code language, if 'MANDATE is coded as '2612881405' then how will 'TECHNIQUE' be
coded in the same language?
Ans 1. 40106162893442

2. 40561614917215

3. 20561628183422

4. 40561628934215

Question ID : 368907424
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.18 Which option represents the correct order of the given words as they would appear in
English dictionary?

1. Magnetic
2. Magician
3. Magnifier
4. Magnitude
5. Magically

Ans 1. 5, 2, 3, 4, 1

2. 5, 2, 3, 1, 4

3. 5, 2, 1, 3, 4

4. 4, 5, 2, 3, 1

Question ID : 368907418
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.19 Select the correct alternative to indicate the arrangement of the following words in a logical
and meaningful order.

1. Sleeping
2. Alarm Ringing
3. Morning breakfast
4. Setting-up Alarm
5. Awakening
Ans 1. 4, 1, 2, 5, 3

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2. 3, 1, 5, 2, 4

3. 4, 1, 3, 5, 2

4. 2, 1, 3, 4, 5

Question ID : 368907417
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.20 In a code language, 'GOSPEL' is written as 'SOGLEP'. How will ‘DOCKET’ be written as in that




Question ID : 368907421
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.21 Select the option that is related to the third word in the same way as the second word is
related to the first word.

Bricks : House : : Bones : ?

Ans 1. Tissues

2. Organs

3. Skeleton

4. Doctor

Question ID : 368907419
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.22 In a code language, if 'VERY' is coded as '52292', then how will 'SAME' be coded in the same
Ans 1. 8261321

2. 9261422

3. 8251421

4. 8261422

Question ID : 368907426
Not Attempted and
Status :
Marked For Review
Chosen Option : --

Q.23 Which letter cluster will replace the question mark (?) to complete the given series?


Ans 1. RTKFE




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Question ID : 368907416
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.24 ‘Persia’ is related to ‘Iran’ in the same way as ‘Burma’ is related to ‘________’.
Ans 1. Asia

2. Rangoon

3. Tehran

4. Myanmar

Question ID : 368907420
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.25 Three statements are given followed by four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV.
Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly
known facts, decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.

Some horses are camels.
Some mouses are camels..
All mouses are ants.

I. No horses are ants.
II. Some ants are mouses.
III. Some ants are camels.
IV. No mouse is horse.
Ans 1. Only Conclusion I and II follows.

2. Only Conclusion II and III follow.

3. Only Conclusion III and IV follow.

4. Only Conclusion I and III follow.

Question ID : 368907432
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Section : English Language Basic Knowledge

Q.1 Choose the option that is the correct passive form of the given sentence.

The teacher told Meera to recite the poem.

Ans 1. Meera was told to recite the poem by the teacher.

2. Meera is told to recite the poem by the teacher.

3. Meera will be told to recite the poem by the teacher.

4. Meera was told to reciting the poem by the teacher.

Question ID : 368907441
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Read the passage and answer the questions given below it.

Tornadoes are large, destructive columns of spinning air that stretch from a thunderstorm to
the ground. They can have wind speeds over 300 miles per hour (mph), grow over a mile wide,

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and travel over 50 miles before dissolving. Tornadoes are incredibly dangerous and should be
avoided at all costs.
Tornadoes, also known as twisters, need a few ingredients in order to form. They require
warm, moist winds in the lower atmosphere; cold, dry winds in the upper atmosphere; and a
thunderstorm’s updraft, or an upward current of air. A tornado forms when the warm, moist
winds meet the cold, dry winds. This causes the warm and cold air to spin around each other
in an invisible horizontal tube. The updraft then tilts the horizontal spinning winds vertical,
causing the winds to spin more violently and form a funnel cloud. Once this funnel cloud
grows longer and touches the Earth’s surface, it becomes a tornado.
Scientists can’t go inside tornadoes which means that they are extremely hard to research. As
a result, we know surprisingly little about them. In order to tell how powerful a tornado is,
scientists look at how much destruction it causes. Scientists then rank the tornado on the
Enhanced Fujita Scale (EF-Scale), which ranges from EF0 to EF5. For example, a tornado that
only damages trees but doesn’t significantly damage buildings would be rated EF0 with wind
speeds between 65 and 85 mph. A tornado that blows away buildings and rips up sidewalks,
on the other hand, would be rated EF5 with wind speeds over 200 mph.
The most powerful tornado in United States history occurred near Oklahoma City in 1999. It
had wind speeds over 310 mph, the highest wind speed ever record on Earth. A tornado with
wind speeds that high can not only pick up and throw automobiles, it can also knock over
trains and tear up roadways.
Luckily for anyone living in an area that experiences the occasional tornado, they usually only
last one to 10 minutes. More powerful tornadoes can last over an hour in the right conditions,
but they are very rare.
If you find yourself experiencing a tornado, find a safe place inside, like an interior hall,
basement, or closet. Stay away from windows and heavy objects that could fall on you, and
lay on your stomach with your hands protecting the back of your head. Having a tornado
emergency plan is extremely important as tornadoes can appear very quickly. Make sure to
listen to the radio or television to stay updated on severe weather patterns in your area.

SubQuestion No : 2
Q.2 Choose the option that completes the statement correctly.

EF scale tells us about:

Ans 1. how a tornado is going to strike.

2. where a tornado is going to strike.

3. what the intensity of a tornado is.

4. when a tornado is going to strike.

Question ID : 368907464
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --

Read the passage and answer the questions given below it.

Tornadoes are large, destructive columns of spinning air that stretch from a thunderstorm to
the ground. They can have wind speeds over 300 miles per hour (mph), grow over a mile wide,
and travel over 50 miles before dissolving. Tornadoes are incredibly dangerous and should be
avoided at all costs.
Tornadoes, also known as twisters, need a few ingredients in order to form. They require
warm, moist winds in the lower atmosphere; cold, dry winds in the upper atmosphere; and a
thunderstorm’s updraft, or an upward current of air. A tornado forms when the warm, moist
winds meet the cold, dry winds. This causes the warm and cold air to spin around each other
in an invisible horizontal tube. The updraft then tilts the horizontal spinning winds vertical,
causing the winds to spin more violently and form a funnel cloud. Once this funnel cloud
grows longer and touches the Earth’s surface, it becomes a tornado.
Scientists can’t go inside tornadoes which means that they are extremely hard to research. As
a result, we know surprisingly little about them. In order to tell how powerful a tornado is,
scientists look at how much destruction it causes. Scientists then rank the tornado on the
Enhanced Fujita Scale (EF-Scale), which ranges from EF0 to EF5. For example, a tornado that
only damages trees but doesn’t significantly damage buildings would be rated EF0 with wind
speeds between 65 and 85 mph. A tornado that blows away buildings and rips up sidewalks,
on the other hand, would be rated EF5 with wind speeds over 200 mph.
The most powerful tornado in United States history occurred near Oklahoma City in 1999. It
had wind speeds over 310 mph, the highest wind speed ever record on Earth. A tornado with
wind speeds that high can not only pick up and throw automobiles, it can also knock over
trains and tear up roadways.
Luckily for anyone living in an area that experiences the occasional tornado, they usually only
last one to 10 minutes. More powerful tornadoes can last over an hour in the right conditions,
but they are very rare.

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If you find yourself experiencing a tornado, find a safe place inside, like an interior hall,
basement, or closet. Stay away from windows and heavy objects that could fall on you, and
lay on your stomach with your hands protecting the back of your head. Having a tornado
emergency plan is extremely important as tornadoes can appear very quickly. Make sure to
listen to the radio or television to stay updated on severe weather patterns in your area.

SubQuestion No : 3
Q.3 Choose the option that correctly answers the question.

Which of the following should NOT be done during a tornado?

Ans 1. Be indoors

2. Take shelter in the basement

3. Lie down on your stomach

4. Be close to heavy objects.

Question ID : 368907463
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --

Read the passage and answer the questions given below it.

Tornadoes are large, destructive columns of spinning air that stretch from a thunderstorm to
the ground. They can have wind speeds over 300 miles per hour (mph), grow over a mile wide,
and travel over 50 miles before dissolving. Tornadoes are incredibly dangerous and should be
avoided at all costs.
Tornadoes, also known as twisters, need a few ingredients in order to form. They require
warm, moist winds in the lower atmosphere; cold, dry winds in the upper atmosphere; and a
thunderstorm’s updraft, or an upward current of air. A tornado forms when the warm, moist
winds meet the cold, dry winds. This causes the warm and cold air to spin around each other
in an invisible horizontal tube. The updraft then tilts the horizontal spinning winds vertical,
causing the winds to spin more violently and form a funnel cloud. Once this funnel cloud
grows longer and touches the Earth’s surface, it becomes a tornado.
Scientists can’t go inside tornadoes which means that they are extremely hard to research. As
a result, we know surprisingly little about them. In order to tell how powerful a tornado is,
scientists look at how much destruction it causes. Scientists then rank the tornado on the
Enhanced Fujita Scale (EF-Scale), which ranges from EF0 to EF5. For example, a tornado that
only damages trees but doesn’t significantly damage buildings would be rated EF0 with wind
speeds between 65 and 85 mph. A tornado that blows away buildings and rips up sidewalks,
on the other hand, would be rated EF5 with wind speeds over 200 mph.
The most powerful tornado in United States history occurred near Oklahoma City in 1999. It
had wind speeds over 310 mph, the highest wind speed ever record on Earth. A tornado with
wind speeds that high can not only pick up and throw automobiles, it can also knock over
trains and tear up roadways.
Luckily for anyone living in an area that experiences the occasional tornado, they usually only
last one to 10 minutes. More powerful tornadoes can last over an hour in the right conditions,
but they are very rare.
If you find yourself experiencing a tornado, find a safe place inside, like an interior hall,
basement, or closet. Stay away from windows and heavy objects that could fall on you, and
lay on your stomach with your hands protecting the back of your head. Having a tornado
emergency plan is extremely important as tornadoes can appear very quickly. Make sure to
listen to the radio or television to stay updated on severe weather patterns in your area.

SubQuestion No : 4
Q.4 Choose the option that answers the question correctly.

Which of the following is NOT a requirement for the formation of a tornado?

Ans 1. warm and humid winds down below

2. cold and dry wind up above

3. upward draft

4. funnel cloud

Question ID : 368907466
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --

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Read the passage and answer the questions given below it.

Tornadoes are large, destructive columns of spinning air that stretch from a thunderstorm to
the ground. They can have wind speeds over 300 miles per hour (mph), grow over a mile wide,
and travel over 50 miles before dissolving. Tornadoes are incredibly dangerous and should be
avoided at all costs.
Tornadoes, also known as twisters, need a few ingredients in order to form. They require
warm, moist winds in the lower atmosphere; cold, dry winds in the upper atmosphere; and a
thunderstorm’s updraft, or an upward current of air. A tornado forms when the warm, moist
winds meet the cold, dry winds. This causes the warm and cold air to spin around each other
in an invisible horizontal tube. The updraft then tilts the horizontal spinning winds vertical,
causing the winds to spin more violently and form a funnel cloud. Once this funnel cloud
grows longer and touches the Earth’s surface, it becomes a tornado.
Scientists can’t go inside tornadoes which means that they are extremely hard to research. As
a result, we know surprisingly little about them. In order to tell how powerful a tornado is,
scientists look at how much destruction it causes. Scientists then rank the tornado on the
Enhanced Fujita Scale (EF-Scale), which ranges from EF0 to EF5. For example, a tornado that
only damages trees but doesn’t significantly damage buildings would be rated EF0 with wind
speeds between 65 and 85 mph. A tornado that blows away buildings and rips up sidewalks,
on the other hand, would be rated EF5 with wind speeds over 200 mph.
The most powerful tornado in United States history occurred near Oklahoma City in 1999. It
had wind speeds over 310 mph, the highest wind speed ever record on Earth. A tornado with
wind speeds that high can not only pick up and throw automobiles, it can also knock over
trains and tear up roadways.
Luckily for anyone living in an area that experiences the occasional tornado, they usually only
last one to 10 minutes. More powerful tornadoes can last over an hour in the right conditions,
but they are very rare.
If you find yourself experiencing a tornado, find a safe place inside, like an interior hall,
basement, or closet. Stay away from windows and heavy objects that could fall on you, and
lay on your stomach with your hands protecting the back of your head. Having a tornado
emergency plan is extremely important as tornadoes can appear very quickly. Make sure to
listen to the radio or television to stay updated on severe weather patterns in your area.

SubQuestion No : 5
Q.5 Choose the option that completes the statement correctly.

Tornados stretch from

Ans 1. upward winds to downward winds

2. sky to earth

3. warm winds to cold winds

4. one side to another side

Question ID : 368907462
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --

Read the passage and answer the questions given below it.

Tornadoes are large, destructive columns of spinning air that stretch from a thunderstorm to
the ground. They can have wind speeds over 300 miles per hour (mph), grow over a mile wide,
and travel over 50 miles before dissolving. Tornadoes are incredibly dangerous and should be
avoided at all costs.
Tornadoes, also known as twisters, need a few ingredients in order to form. They require
warm, moist winds in the lower atmosphere; cold, dry winds in the upper atmosphere; and a
thunderstorm’s updraft, or an upward current of air. A tornado forms when the warm, moist
winds meet the cold, dry winds. This causes the warm and cold air to spin around each other
in an invisible horizontal tube. The updraft then tilts the horizontal spinning winds vertical,
causing the winds to spin more violently and form a funnel cloud. Once this funnel cloud
grows longer and touches the Earth’s surface, it becomes a tornado.
Scientists can’t go inside tornadoes which means that they are extremely hard to research. As
a result, we know surprisingly little about them. In order to tell how powerful a tornado is,
scientists look at how much destruction it causes. Scientists then rank the tornado on the
Enhanced Fujita Scale (EF-Scale), which ranges from EF0 to EF5. For example, a tornado that
only damages trees but doesn’t significantly damage buildings would be rated EF0 with wind
speeds between 65 and 85 mph. A tornado that blows away buildings and rips up sidewalks,
on the other hand, would be rated EF5 with wind speeds over 200 mph.

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The most powerful tornado in United States history occurred near Oklahoma City in 1999. It
had wind speeds over 310 mph, the highest wind speed ever record on Earth. A tornado with
wind speeds that high can not only pick up and throw automobiles, it can also knock over
trains and tear up roadways.
Luckily for anyone living in an area that experiences the occasional tornado, they usually only
last one to 10 minutes. More powerful tornadoes can last over an hour in the right conditions,
but they are very rare.
If you find yourself experiencing a tornado, find a safe place inside, like an interior hall,
basement, or closet. Stay away from windows and heavy objects that could fall on you, and
lay on your stomach with your hands protecting the back of your head. Having a tornado
emergency plan is extremely important as tornadoes can appear very quickly. Make sure to
listen to the radio or television to stay updated on severe weather patterns in your area.

SubQuestion No : 6
Q.6 Choose the option that completes the statement correctly.

A tornado can affect the area of ______ before it subsides.

Ans 1. only at one spot

2. One mile

3. unlimited area

4. 50 miles

Question ID : 368907465
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.7 Given below are four jumbled sentences.  Pick the option that gives their correct order. 

A. It took us a long time to make the ladder but we finished it before nightfall.
B. We had to fix the ladder to the lower branches of our tree.
C. The ladder was then pulled up and fixed in place.
D. We did this by shooting an arrow, with a rope attached to it, over the branch.
Ans 1. CDBA




Question ID : 368907449
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the
alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

The (1)______ of Kaziranga National Park in Assam are (2)______ a new plan to save the
endangered rhino. Nearly 50 school children from the neighbouring villages will take part in a
training programme on (3)______. The three-day programme (4)______ trekking in the park and
(5)______ with experts.

SubQuestion No : 8
Q.8 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank No.1.
Ans 1. delegation

2. people

3. government

4. authorities

Question ID : 368907456
Status : Answered

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Chosen Option : 4

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the
alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

The (1)______ of Kaziranga National Park in Assam are (2)______ a new plan to save the
endangered rhino. Nearly 50 school children from the neighbouring villages will take part in a
training programme on (3)______. The three-day programme (4)______ trekking in the park and
(5)______ with experts.

SubQuestion No : 9
Q.9 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank No.2
Ans 1. adapting

2. adopting

3. fostering

4. thinking

Question ID : 368907457
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the
alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

The (1)______ of Kaziranga National Park in Assam are (2)______ a new plan to save the
endangered rhino. Nearly 50 school children from the neighbouring villages will take part in a
training programme on (3)______. The three-day programme (4)______ trekking in the park and
(5)______ with experts.

SubQuestion No : 10
Q.10 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank No.3
Ans 1. conservation

2. endangerment

3. compensation

4. tourism

Question ID : 368907458
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the
alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

The (1)______ of Kaziranga National Park in Assam are (2)______ a new plan to save the
endangered rhino. Nearly 50 school children from the neighbouring villages will take part in a
training programme on (3)______. The three-day programme (4)______ trekking in the park and
(5)______ with experts.

SubQuestion No : 11
Q.11 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank No.4
Ans 1. inspires

2. includes

3. extends

4. exudes

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Question ID : 368907459
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the
alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

The (1)______ of Kaziranga National Park in Assam are (2)______ a new plan to save the
endangered rhino. Nearly 50 school children from the neighbouring villages will take part in a
training programme on (3)______. The three-day programme (4)______ trekking in the park and
(5)______ with experts.

SubQuestion No : 12
Q.12 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank No.5
Ans 1. disputes

2. declamations

3. discrepancies

4. discussions

Question ID : 368907460
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.13 Choose the option that is the correct active form of the given sentence.

He was ordered by his boss to finish the project soon.

Ans 1. His boss ordered him to finished his project soon.

2. His boss ordered him to finish his project soon.

3. His boss order him to finish his project soon.

4. His boss has ordered him to finish his project soon.

Question ID : 368907442
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.14 Identify the segment in the sentence, which contains the grammatical error.

The monster in the film was the most ugliest I ever saw.
Ans 1. The monster

2. in the film was

3. the most ugliest

4. I ever saw

Question ID : 368907440
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.15 Select the most appropriate alternative to the given group of words.

One who works for the good of others

Ans 1. antagonist

2. atheist

3. altruist

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4. agnostic

Question ID : 368907453
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.16 Choose the option that is the correct direct form of the given sentence.

My professor told me that I was selected to represent our college in the debate competition.
Ans 1. My professor said to me, "You are selected to represent our college in the debate
2. My professor said to me, "I am selected to represent our college in the debate
3. My professor said to me, "You are selected to represent their college in the debate
4. My professor said to me, "You have been selected to represent our college in the
debate competition."

Question ID : 368907444
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.17 Select the alternative that will improve the underlined part of the sentence in case there is
no improvement select “No improvement”.

Please don't do this mistake again.

Ans 1. No improvement

2. make

3. create

4. demonstrate

Question ID : 368907446
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.18 Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.

Ans 1. parched

2. barren

3. fertile

4. dry

Question ID : 368907451
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.19 Select the alternative that is appropriate to fill the blank.

She was ______ to have such a wonderful family.

Ans 1. fortunate

2. favourable

3. fortuitous

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4. fastidious

Question ID : 368907448
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.20 Select the alternative which is the correct spelling.

Ans 1. ilegible

2. illegible

3. ilegibel

4. illegbal

Question ID : 368907454
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.21 Choose the option that is the correct indirect form of the given sentence.

The director said to the actor, "Please memorise your lines properly."
Ans 1. The director request the actor to memorise his lines properly.

2. The director requested the actor to memorise his lines properly.

3. The director requested the actor to memorise your lines properly.

4. The director requested the actor memorised his lines properly.

Question ID : 368907443
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.22 Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.

Ans 1. delicious

2. appetizing

3. exciting

4. bland

Question ID : 368907450
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.23 Select the alternative that will improve the underlined part of the sentence in case there is
no improvement select “No improvement”.

We had very strong rainfall this week.

Ans 1. large

2. No improvement

3. heavy

4. bulky

Question ID : 368907445
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

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Q.24 Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence.

We bought a beautiful painting but it cost us an arm and a leg.

Ans 1. an accident

2. a lot of money

3. bad luck

4. good luck

Question ID : 368907452
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.25 Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.

His relinquishment ______ his post deprived him of his chances of promotion.
Ans 1. with

2. from

3. for

4. of

Question ID : 368907447
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Section : Quantitative Aptitude Basic Arithmetic Skill


Ans 1.




Question ID : 368907491
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --


Ans 1.


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Question ID : 368907475
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4


Ans 1.




Question ID : 368907471
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --


Ans 1.




Question ID : 368907477
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3






Question ID : 368907487
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1


Ans 1.




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Question ID : 368907484
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --


Ans 1.




Question ID : 368907486
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Ans 1.




Question ID : 368907467
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4


Ans 1.




Question ID : 368907476
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --


Ans 1.




Question ID : 368907485
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1


Ans 1.

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Question ID : 368907468
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --


Ans 1.




Question ID : 368907479
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4


Ans 1.




Question ID : 368907470
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1


Ans 1.




Question ID : 368907478
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --





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Question ID : 368907480
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Ans 1.




Question ID : 368907472
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1


Ans 1.




Question ID : 368907474
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2






Question ID : 368907482
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Ans 1.




Question ID : 368907473
Status : Answered

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Chosen Option : 3


Ans 1.




Question ID : 368907469
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --


Ans 1.




Question ID : 368907490
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --


Ans 1.




Question ID : 368907489

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Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1






Question ID : 368907483
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Ans 1.




Question ID : 368907481
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4


Ans 1.




Question ID : 368907488
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Section : General Awareness

Q.1 If a particular religious sect or community has been declared a "National Minority", which of
the following is NOT an advantage its members can avail?
Ans 1. Special schemes for enhanced credit support in matters of employment

2. Setting up of separate institutions only for the members of their Community

3. Derive benefits from the Prime Minister's 15 point program

4. Scholarships for meritorious students

Question ID : 368907515
Status : Answered

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Chosen Option : 2

Q.2 Which massive movement began after 1930 Dandi March?

Ans 1. Non-cooperation

2. Civil Disobedience

3. Quit India

4. Khilafat

Question ID : 368907509
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.3 Which of the following two nations share a common border?

Ans 1. Myanmar-Bangladesh

2. Bhutan-Bangladesh

3. India-Kazakhstan

4. Nepal-Bhutan

Question ID : 368907502
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.4 Karaga is one of the oldest and widely celebrated festivals of ______.
Ans 1. Jharkhand

2. Bihar

3. Karnataka

4. Sikkim

Question ID : 368907492
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.5 Identify the third country in the trilateral naval exercise with India and Singapore that took
place in September 2019, along with the place at which the exercise commenced.
Ans 1. Indonesia, Jakarta

2. Malaysia, Kochi

3. Thailand, Port Blair

4. Sri Lanka, Negombo

Question ID : 368907496
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.6 ______ range is the largest range of the lower Himalayas.

Ans 1. Dauladhar

2. Zanskar

3. Ladakh

4. Pir Panjal

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Question ID : 368907505
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.7 Photoreceptors of a printer or a photocopy machine is made of which element?

Ans 1. Amorphous Phosphorous

2. Caesium

3. Amorphous Silicon

4. Berkelium

Question ID : 368907500
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.8 ______ was one of the founders of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association.
Ans 1. Lala Lajpat Rai

2. Feroz Shah Kotla

3. Veer Savarkar

4. Chandrashekhar Azad

Question ID : 368907507
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.9 न न म से कौन-सी भारतीय दशनशा के दशन को ( कूल ऑफ़ थॉट) अ सर "भारतीय भौ तकवाद" कहा
जाता है?
Ans 1. वैशे षक

2. मीमांसा

3. लोकायत

4. कापा लक

Question ID : 368907508
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.10 Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas?

Ans 1. Carbon dioxide

2. Methane

3. Nitrogen

4. Water vapour

Question ID : 368907499
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.11 Which of the following musicians is India's only female Shehnai player?
Ans 1. Bageshwari Qamar

2. Kaushiki Chakraborty

3. Girija Devi

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4. Gauhar Jaan

Question ID : 368907494
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.12 Which of the following is NOT a bacteria used in the process of fermentation?
Ans 1. Streptococcus

2. Leuconostoc

3. Lactobacillus

4. Campylobacter

Question ID : 368907498
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.13 Maritime Communication Services to offer broadband services to support those travelling
at sea was launched at ______ in September 2019.
Ans 1. Delhi

2. Mumbai

3. Chennai

4. Bengaluru

Question ID : 368907497
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.14 Solid form of the element carbon is ______.

Ans 1. Limestone

2. Diamond

3. Carbon dioxide

4. Methane

Question ID : 368907501
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.15 Rongali Bihu utsav is the spring festival of ______ celebrated with great fervour.
Ans 1. Manipur

2. Uttarakhand

3. Meghalaya

4. Assam

Question ID : 368907493
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.16 The 68th Plenary session of North Eastern Council (NEC) was held in ______ on 8th & 9th
September 2019.
Ans 1. Meghalaya

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2. Tripura

3. Assam

4. Nagaland

Question ID : 368907495
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.17 Who has been appointed as the Interim Chief of Jammu and Kashmir Bank post the removal
of Parvez Ahmed?
Ans 1. Anup Sinha

2. B. P. Sharma

3. R. K. Chibber

4. Nasser Munjee

Question ID : 368907510
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.18 In 2019, the Vice President of India, Shri. M. Venkaiah Naidu released a book ______ which is
a compilation of speeches given by the Shri. Ram Nath Kovind President of India.
Ans 1. Unave Maranthu

2. Bhashan Kala

3. Lend Me Your Ears

4. The Republican Ethic

Question ID : 368907512
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.19 The Bhakra Nangal dam is situated on the ______ river.

Ans 1. Sutlej

2. Chenab

3. Ravi

4. Beas

Question ID : 368907503
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.20 Which of the following is a Greek travel book listing the ports situated along the Indian
Ans 1. Oedipus Rex

2. Periplus Maris Erythraei

3. The Colossus of Maroussi

4. Venus Et La Mer

Question ID : 368907511
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

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Q.21 ______ is a hill pass lying in the middle of India and China.
Ans 1. Bolan Pass

2. Shilpi Pass

3. Khyber Pass

4. Karakoram Pass

Question ID : 368907504
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.22 Which Article of the Constitution of India gives the Apex Court absolute power to pass any
order or decree as they may deem fit to pursue complete justice?
Ans 1. Article 121

2. Article 142

3. Article 127

4. Article 134

Question ID : 368907514
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.23 In 2019, the Prime Minister approved the payment of Productivity Linked Bonuses to all
Railway Employees. To how many days of labour is the PLB equal to?
Ans 1. 54

2. 67

3. 78

4. 93

Question ID : 368907513
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.24 Dominion Status for the entire territory of India was first demanded in ______.
Ans 1. Lucknow Session of Congress, 1916

2. Gandhi Irwin Pact, 1931

3. Lahore Session of Congress, 1928

4. Nehru Report, 1928

Question ID : 368907506
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.25 Which school won the International Football Title - U17 Girls Subroto Cup in September
Ans 1. Nilmani English School

2. Bangladesh Krida Shiksha Prothishtan

3. Dhamrai Hardinge High School

4. Manarat Dhaka International School and College

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Question ID : 368907516
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --

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