Seventh Day Adventist Quiz by KnowingTheTime

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com Adventist Quiz

1. Which of these prophecy chapters has amazed readers for years and also shows the
credibility of the bible?
Daniel Chapter 2 - answer
Daniel Chapter 13
Genesis Chapter 7
Revelation Chapter 2

2. Which of these is the main theme of the bible(Select all that apply)?
God’s love
The plan of redemption
Jesus Christ
All of the above - answer
I can’t remember
hint: luke 24:27

3. According to John 14:15, love is manifested by...

Obedience - answer

4. The Old Testament was filled with sacrifices and offerings that were offered to God, but
according to 1 Samuel 15:22 what did God prefer instead of all those sacrifices?
Obedience - answer
Other offerings that don't involve the death of an animal
Loving our neighbours

5. Which is these colours is used to represent obedience to God’s commandments?

Blue - answer
Hint: Numbers Chapter 15

6. Which day was sanctified by God during the creation account in the first book of the bible?
The seventh day(Saturday) - answer
The sixth day(Friday)
The first day(Sunday)
The third day(Tuesday)
I don’t know

7. When was the sabbath abolished?

At the cross
When christ resurrected
During the protestant reformation
It was never abolished - answer
It has not yet been abolished

8. Where would you find the last warning message to be given to the world?
Somewhere in the Old Testament
Revelation 14 - answer
Revelation 17
Revelation 21
I can’t remember

9. The strongest warning message in the bible is found...

In the sermon on the mount
In the third angel’s message - answer
In the sermon by Paul in Acts 17
all of the above

10. Which of these two are spoken of in the book of revelation?

South Korea and America
The USA and Russia
The Papacy and the United Kingdom
The Papacy and America - answer
I don’t know
hint: Revelation Chapter 13

11. (Select two options) The 70 week prophecy, and the 2300 day prophecy of Daniel 8-9
The rise and fall of nations
When Christ would die on the cross - answer
When the Roman Empire would fall
The year when the cleansing of the sanctuary began in heaven - answer

12. According to bible prophecy how long would the little horn power rule for?
1250 years
1260 years - answer
1270 years
1280 years
hint: Daniel 7:25. The Papacy received its deadly wound in 1798, which was the end of the
time period.
13. Which Chapter of the bible speaks about the mark of the beast
Revelation 13 - answer
Ezekiel 8
Revelation 17
Ezekiel 9

14. Why does the bible give us prophecy such as that of Revelation 13?
So that we may be prepared for last day events - answer
So that we may be intellectually stimulated
So that we may start to worship God because of fear

15. In bible prophecy, an impure woman represents an impure church.

True - answer
Hint: Revelation 17:1

16. The giving of the ‘deadly wound’, as mentioned in Revelation 13 happened in which
1798 - answer

17. What are the two great errors being taught in christian churches today?
Sunday Sacredness, Immortality of the soul - answer
Sabbath sacredness, immortality of the soul
Investigative judgement, baptism by immersion
National Sunday Law, righteousness by faith

18. What happens when someone dies?

The spirit immediately goes to either heaven or hell depending on how good you were
The spirit goes to a place between heaven and hell (purgatory)
The body returns to the ground, the breath of life returns to God - answer
The spiritual part of man is destroyed at death
The spirit is reincarnated through another life form
hint: genesis 2:7, Job 27:3, Ecclesiastes 9:5

19. Due to their strong emphasis on bible study and bible prophecy, which Christian group is
known as ‘a people of the word’?
Seventh-Day Adventists - answer
Roman Catholics
20. The ultimate purpose of bible prophecy is to point us to Christ
True - answer
hint: 2 Peter 1:19, John 5:39

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