The Freelance Writers Success Formula - Final PDF
The Freelance Writers Success Formula - Final PDF
The Freelance Writers Success Formula - Final PDF
Success Formula
What to Pitch
Where to Pitch it
Who to Pitch it to
Introduction .....................................................................................6
What to Do......................................................................................21
Networking .....................................................................................41
Social Pitching............................................................................... 44
But watch out! If you follow this formula correctly, you may
just get more work than you know what to do with in the
future…even if you don’t have any experience right now.
The Formula
If you have the right mindset you will be able to relax and
connect with potential clients in a way that speaks to them.
You’ll also know how to study your potential clients so you can
figure out where the opportunity is.
editorial calendar full. One gig and one client won’t cut it.
Volume is different for everyone. However, this book includes
a plan that you can use to get started.
Tip: Before you begin, make sure you have at least the basics
of a writer’s website in place. Most potential clients will not
take you seriously without one! It doesn’t even have to have
clips or samples on it. Use it as an opportunity to showcase
your copywriting skills.
To get your head on straight you need to accept several key
If you’re like many writers, you decided not to apply for the
gig at that point. Perhaps you decided you didn’t want to look
stupid. Maybe you found yourself saying, my idea/credentials
aren’t really that good yet. I’ll come back to this when they
are. This kind of thinking keeps writers locked into a pattern
of only contacting gigs that they find on job boards or bid
sites. These sites represent the mere tip of the iceberg when it
comes to locating all of the great clients who are out there.
Chances are you still haven’t applied to that gig, or any other
gig of similar quality. You’re still trying to figure out what a
“proper writer letter” looks like.
Speak and write the way you’d speak or write for the company
or publication. Chances are you’re drawn to certain
publications or companies because you actually share an
interest in what they’re doing, or you hav e a similar writing
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style. Why would you want to mask that very real asset by
trying to be someone you’re not?
Dirty little secret: crappy writers get gigs all the time.
Sometimes, they even get really good gigs.
Often, the writers who get gigs are not the most talented
writers in the world. They are, quite simply, the writers who
had the courage to pursue gigs and clients that made sense for
them. No more, no less.
You should also, of course, use proper grammar, and try not to
spell like a drunken fifth grader. You should read plenty, and
get to know the rhythm of the language. But when you know
for a fact that you’re doing all you can do to be the best writer
you can be, it’s time to stop worrying about it.
This is not to say that anyone can do the work you’re trying to
do. Everyone cannot write, and the work you’re going to be
doing is extremely valuable as a result of this. But you
wouldn’t be attempting to build a career as a freelance writer
if you didn’t think you had at least a little bit of skill.
If you don’t get the gig, figure out how you can improve. Then
keep trying, either with that client or another. If you really are
crappy, the practice you get while writing pitch letters will
make you better over time. Sooner or later, you’ll at least
become competent. Saying that you’re a competent writer—
rather than a brilliant writer—isn’t much of an ego-builder
and it doesn’t play well at family reunions, but it hardly
matters. What matters is: you can build a career on being
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As it is, you’re probably better than you think you are. Writers
tend to be their own worst critics.
You should also be aware that few clients care much about
your credentials. They never care about whether or not you
have a top-notch education. They’ll be indifferent if you don’t
have an MFA or similar degree, and they’ll be indifferent if
you do have one.
Believe it or not, often, they barely even care about past jobs
or successful clips of past publications. They care about your
understanding of their business or publication, and your
ability to write…no more and no less. If you can demonstrate
that you know how to write you will often land the gig.
simple decide to write up a few blog posts, web pages, and ads
that will never be published. Use them as writing samples
whenever you’re asked for a portfolio.
expect to hear that she gets a lot of rejection, or deals with lots
of people who grow angry at the interruption.
Most people in the world either don’t have time to write, don’t
enjoy writing, or do not have what it takes to write effectively.
Thus, many of the individuals you will be contacting
desperately need someone right now. When you contact them
and tell them exactly why you are the right person for the job
you are actually doing them a service. You’re making their life
a lot easier. They don’t have to go looking, and they don’t have
to sort through a whole bunch of options.
Getting your head right about this will be a direct help to you
when you try to pitch. People will sense your tentativeness and
lack of confidence if you are coming to them with the idea that
you are bothering them in some way. Instead, you want to
come across as confident and in control…easy to do when you
know that most people will actually welcome your pitch!
Tip: If you get the “Where & Who” part of the equation
correct, your contact person may even be happy to hear from
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What to Do
Types of Pitches
Generally, your pitches will take one of four forms:
Query Letters
Letters of Introduction
Cold Calls
Response Letters
The body of your pitch tells your point of contact two things:
This is not to say that you can never reuse any part of a pitch
letter. Sometimes your “about me” section will be more or less
boilerplate, unless you’ve built a huge resume that allows you
to pick and choose which clips or elements of experience you’ll
be focusing on.
However, the opening of your letter and the body of your letter
offer you a way to shine, and these should be tailored to a tee.
These are the areas where you’ll add all of the customization,
using your writing skills to help your reader understand that
you really “get” their publication or organization.
contact person why you’d be a great fit for their needs. Your
qualifications could include:
Hi Mr. York:
I feel I'm uniquely suited to create the content that will really
help your clients. I've been published by The Search Engine
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Dear Jen:
Please get in touch with me if you think I'd be a great fit for
your needs. I'd love to start writing for you soon!
Cold Calling
Henshaw says she rarely gets the person on the phone, but
that voicemail is equally productive. She uses it to tell people
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When she does get a live person on the line, she simply sits
back, relaxes, and answers their questions. Sometimes, after
describing her experience and her rates, she’s managed to get
hired on the spot.
If the more casual approach does not work for you or if you
feel uncomfortable asking for a gig on the spot, you can simply
ask for permission to send an e-mail with more information.
Gathering e-mails over the phone and gathering permission to
send them is not nearly as intimidating as selling, and you’ll
have a much higher success rate. After all, it takes very little
commitment to give someone permission to send an e-mail.
Cold calling can turn your cold pitch into a warm lead that will
get you that gig. You can always write a little script for yourself
before you begin (you’ll find a sample script below).
Your name.
A way to get in touch with you.
What you do (you’re a freelance writer).
What sets you apart.
A close.
Since the first three are fairly self-explanatory, let’s tackle the
fourth one. You need to be able to tell people what makes you
special in just a sentence or two. Henshaw draws on her
former career, saying simply, “I’m a former journalist, so I
understand deadlines.”
Obviously, you should not promise anything that you will not
or cannot deliver. If you do, you won’t keep the client for long!
Tip: When it comes to cold calling, keep in mind that how you
speak can be as important as what you say. If you speak in a
meek, soft, apologetic voice you will convey that you are not
confident in what you have to offer. If you speak too slowly
you might bore the listener into hanging up on you (or run out
of time on the voicemail). Speak as though you were a radio
DJ, news anchor, or an actor delivering lines. You want to be
warm, genuine, confident, and fast.
Either way, you will get a lot done in exchange for devoting
just an hour or two of your time to cold calling each week. And
if you’ve lost a major client, have huge gaps in your editorial
calendar or simply don’t have any work at all, cold calling is
one of the fastest ways to start putting money in your pocket.
“Great! I don’t want to take up too much of your time. I’d just
like to get your e-mail address so I can send you some
information about my services, if that’s okay."
going to find out what’s going on if you’re not willing to get out
of your office to learn what’s on people’s minds.
Social Pitching
But let’s assume you already know all about job listings and
job boards, since most freelancers start there to begin with.
Instead, let’s take a look at how you can use social media to
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score jobs that fewer people are seeing. Social media sites
offer a way to get wind of gigs that everyone else isn’t always
looking at. It also offers you access to decision makers.
Tapp lets her social research give her the insight she needs to
personalize her response letters. “Before I apply for any job I
like their page, follow them on Twitter, and do a little digging.
I read a few posts—not from that day or even that week. I dig a
little deeper. It’s a little like being a detective. Often, I find
they’ve made some sort of great post that I can talk about in
my letter. I always say something complimentary about things
they’ve posted or things we have in common. I find this helps
me create a relationship with them right off the bat. Before I
go into what I can do for them I’m always careful to create that
One of the best parts about using social media is that it can
put you directly in touch with decision makers. The people
who quickly fire off a 140-character request for a writer might
well be the very people you need to speak to, rather than a
gatekeeper. This makes it easier for you to get hired faster.
Choosing a Method
The method you choose to make your pitch will depend on the
type of organization you are attempting to contact. A
consumer magazine will always want a query letter. They will
not respond to anything else.
writers who really know their stuff. You know they have a
need before you even pick up the phone to contact them.”
SEO firms are often some of the fastest firms to give out
assignments. They’re also some of the fastest ones to pay. Just
watch their reputations…there are still some very shady
players out there who you don’t want to find yourself work ing
Consumer Magazines
There are literally thousands of consumer magazines out
there, though many of them operate on a state and local level
rather than on a national level. You can find magazines on just
about any topic you can think of.
You will never cold call a magazine, nor would you send a
letter of introduction.
Trade/Organizational Magazines
If you have some sort of industry connection these can be
some of the easiest magazines to break into. Often, the right
contact person (an Editor, again) is right on the trade
publication’s website.
You need some quick, easy methods for figuring out what that
company or publication needs, and enough about how they
work to impress them with your ability to understand how
they work.
SEO and digital marketing firms often are far less specialized
(though not always) than their traditional counterparts.
Many times these firms just want to know that you can write
for a wide variety of industries, and what your process might
be for producing good content no matter the subject matter.
When you work with a digital marketing firm you could be
writing about woodshop bits on Monday, root canals on
Tuesday, gutter guards on Wednesday and RFID chips on
Thursday. Being curious about all manner of things and,
moreover, being able to quickly grasp their client’s needs and
business models are more important to them than your ability
to understand their specific agency. SEO firms are very
friendly for those writers who want to play a high-volume
numbers game in their search for gigs.
Rombaut has a method that she uses both for trade magazines
and for consumer magazines.
“I read at least three back issues and try to find a subject they
haven’t really covered. I also look at the writing style. Is it
formal, or is it loose and conversational? I look at the focus of
the publication. For example, there’s a magazine where I live
here in Belgium that covers train lines. They focus almost
exclusively on Paris, even though the magazine is published by
a European train company. I wouldn’t pitch them a story
about a different city. I’d try to make it fit in with Paris. I’m
also looking to see if they’ve done repeats of the topics I’m
thinking of, and to see if I know anything about that subject. I
then kind of brainstorm everything I know about the subject
to see if I can put some sort of interesting angle on it.”
When you’re just getting started you can use the following
plan to help you fill up your calendar quickly:
The good news is you always have the option to send out more
pitches. The more you send, the more clients you’ll get…it’s
that simple. If you’re having a slow day, week, or month
there’s no need to stare forlornly at your inbox, hoping some
work will magically appear. You can always stay productive by
getting out there and finding more work!
Further Reading: