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Approval Page ii
Declaration and Copyright Page iii
List of Tables vi
List of Abbreviations vii-viii

1. Introduction 1
2. Progress of the Agricultural Sector (1996-2000) 2
3. Growth Performance 3-4
4. Employment 5
5. Land Utilization 6
6. Agricultural Industrial Commodities 7
6.1.1 Crude Palm Oil (CPO) 7
6.1.2 Rubber 7
6.1.3 Cocoa 8
6.1.4 Pepper 8
6.1.5 Tobacco 8
7. Agricultural Industrial Commodities Production 10
8. Food Commodities 11
8.1 Paddy 11
8.2 Fruits and Vegetables 12
8.3 Fisheries 12
8.4 Aquaculture Production 13
8.5 Livestock 13
8.6 Poultry Industries 13
8.7 Pork Production 14
9. Food Commodities Production 17
9.1 Fisheries 17
9.2 Livestock 18
9.3 Paddy 18
9.4 Fruits and Vegetables 18-19
10. Local Processing 20
11. Restructuring of Agricultural Industries 22
12. Agricultural Programs 23
12.1 In situ and New Land Development 23-24
12.2 Agricultural Support Services 24-26
13. Prospect of the Agriculture Sector (2001-2005) 28
14. Policy Thrust 29-30
15. Agricultural Industrial Commodities Forecast 31
15.1 Rubber 31
15.2 Cocoa 31-32
15.3 Pepper 32
15.4 Tobacco 32
15.5 Floriculture 32
15.6 Specialty Natural Products 33
16. Employment Forecast 34
17. Allocation 35
18. Problems Faced By Agriculture Sector 36-37
19. National Development Programs 38
19.1 NAP 1 38-39
19.2 NAP 2 39
19.3 NAP 3 39-40
20. Conclusion 41


1. The Sectoral Output (%GDP), 1970-2005 4

2. Employment and Productivity in Agriculture (1995-2005) 5
3. Agriculture Land Use (1995-2005) 6
4. Agriculture Production (1995-2005 9
5. Self-Sufficiency Level of Food Commodities (1995-2005) 15
6. Exports and Imports of Food (1995-2005) 16
7. Local Processing and Utilization of Agriculture Industrial
Commodities (1995-2005) 21
8. Replanting Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation
Programs by Agencies (1995-2005) 26
9. New Land Development (1996-2005) 27
10. Development Allocation for Agriculture (1996-2005) 35

1. NEP New Economic policy

2. NAP National Agricultural Programs
3. CPO Crude palm oil
4. GDP Gross Domestic Product
5. PVC Primarily Vinyl
6. R&D Research and Development
7. LKIM Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia
8. FELDA Federal Land Development Authority
9. MIDA Malaysia Industrial Development Authority
10. FAMA Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority
11. ICT Information and Communications Technology
12. SSL Self Sufficiency Level
13. FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
14. RISDA Rubber Industries Smallholder Development Authorities
15. FELCRA Federal Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authorities
16. PASFA Pahang State Farmers Organization
17. PPNJ Johor State Farmers Organization
18. MRELB Malaysian Rubber Exchange and Licensing Board
19. MRRDB Malaysian Rubber Research and Development Board
20. RRIM Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia
21. MRB Malaysian Rubber Board
22. PORIM Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia
23. PORLA Palm Oil Registration and Licensing Authorities
24. MPOB Malaysian Palm Oil Board
25. PMU Project Management Units
26. IADP Integrated Agricultural Development Project
27. RDA Regional Development Authorities
28. DARA Development Authorities of Pahang Tenggara
29. SALCRA Sarawak Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation
30. DOA Department of Agriculture
31. MCB Malaysian Cocoa Board
32. SADC State Agriculture Development Corporations
33. LTC Lactase Timber Clones
34. FRIM Forest Research Institute of Malaysia
35. BPM Bank Pertanian Malaysia
36. 3F Fund For Food
37. LITS Low Intensity Tapping System
38. PKO Palm Kernel Oil
39. OER Oil Extraction Rate
40. CEPT Common Effective Preferential Tariff
41. AFTA Asian Free Trade Area

During the Seventh Plan period, the agriculture sector remained as one of the
major sectors of the economy after manufacturing and services, contributing to national
income and export earnings. In line with the Third National Agricultural Policy (NAP3),
the sector contributed not only as a supplier of raw materials to the resource-based
industries, but also in terms of food production. The increase in earnings of major
commodities, particularly palm oil and pepper as well as food commodities enabled the
sector to retain its workforce and withstand the economic downturn of 1997-1998.1

During the Eighth Plan period, new and innovative measures will be undertaken
to increase the contribution of the agriculture sector to the national economy. Domestic
food production will be further enhanced by encouraging large-scale and organized
farming, intensifying land use, improving agronomic practices as well as using modern
technologies and management. Production of primary commodities will be reoriented to
improve productivity and competitiveness through an integration programs with
livestock, wider crop mix practices and mechanization. In addition, production of
specialty natural products such as medicinal plants as well as non-wood forest products
will be promoted as new sources of growth.

Ministry of finance report, 2000, K.L vol 1, p42-45

During the Plan period, the agriculture sector performed favorably as reflected by
the growth in value added, productivity per worker as well as export earnings, despite
labor shortages, competition for suitable land and higher input prices. The sector, through
its various programs and activities, also facilitated efforts to upgrade the standard of
living of rural communities.

Total agricultural value added grew by 1.2 per cent per annum compared with the
Plan target of 1.9 per cent, as shown in Table 1. However, palm oil grew at 7.9 per cent
exceeding the target set and remained as the most significant contributor to the growth in
value added. Other subsectors that recorded an increase in value added included,
livestock, fisheries, paddy and other food crops, although their growth was lower than
targeted. The contribution of the agriculture sector to Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
decreased from 10.3 per cent in 1995 to 8.7 per cent in 2000. Agricultural export earnings
in current value increased by 1.1 per cent per annum from RM21.6 billion to RM22.9
billion, particularly as a result of palm oil exports. Despite this increases the proportion of
agricultural exports to total exports declined from 11.7 per cent to 6.1 per cent during the

In line with the emphasis to increase domestic food production and reduce the
import bill, the relative contribution of food to total agricultural value added increased,
particularly livestock, fisheries, fruits and vegetables. On the other hand, the contribution
of industrial commodities to total agricultural value added declined due to a reduction in
the value added of rubber and forestry products.
Table 1: Agriculture Value Added (1995-2005)


Employment in the agriculture sector decreased further during the Plan period,
from 1.5 million in 1995 to 1.4 million in 2000, a decline of 1.2 per cent per annum, as
shown in Table 2. Productivity gains were recorded in several subsectors, particularly
paddy, tobacco, vegetables and poultry, through the application of various labor-saving
technologies and better farming practices in large-scale commercial production. Value
added per worker in the agriculture sector improved further by 2.4 per cent per annum,
from about RM11, 500 in 1995 to about RM12, 900 in 2000. This was slightly lower than
the Plan target of 3.3 per cent per annum due to the relatively slow process of
mechanization in several subsectors such as oil palm, rubber and cocoa.

Labor shortages continued to be prevalent in the agriculture sector, especially for

industrial commodities. In particular, the estate subsector relied substantially on foreign
labor with about 190,200 foreign workers with work permits in 2000, accounting for 13.4
per cent of total agricultural employment.

Table 2: Employment and Productivity in Agriculture (1995-2005)


Agricultural land use increased from about 5.7 million hectares in 1995 to about
6.0 million hectares in 2000, as shown in Table 3, mainly due to the opening up of new
land for oil palm cultivation in Sabah and Sarawak. Increase in hectare was recorded for
oil palm, pepper, tobacco, vegetables and fruits. However, about 430,800 hectares of
rubber and cocoa land was converted for oil palm and other uses.

Table 3: Agriculture Land Use (1995-2005)


During the Plan period, the overall production in the agriculture sector recorded
an improvement, as shown in Table 4. Production of palm oil, pepper and cut flowers
showed remarkable growth due to favorable world prices and expanding markets.
However, rubber and cocoa show negative growth. In line with the policy to increase
local food production and reduce imports, the food subsector recorded substantial growth
in the production of all food commodities except pork and coconut.
6.1 Crude Palm Oil (CPO)

Crude palm oil (CPO) production increased by 6.8 per cent per annum, from 7.8
million tonnes in 1995 to 10.8 million tonnes in 2000 due to improvement in yield and
expansion in hectare of matured trees. The price of CPO fluctuated from RM1,472 per
tonnes in 1995 to its highest peak at RM2,377.50 per tonnes in 1998 before falling to
RM1,000 per tonnes in 2000 due to the increase in world production and build-up in
stocks as well as competition from other vegetable oils. Consequently, the export
earnings from palm oil declined by 3.0 per cent per annum, from RM11.7 billion in 1995
to RM10 billion in 2000.

6.2 Rubber

Rubber production declined by 10.8 per cent per annum, from about 1.1 million
tonnes 1995 to about 616,000 tonnes in 2000. Reduction in rubber production was
attributed to the decrease in tapped area and yields, labor shortages as well as the high
cost of production and protracted low rubber prices. The planted areas of rubber declined
from 1.7 million hectares to 1.4 million hectares as a result of conversion to oil palm and
other uses in the Plan period. The yield of rubber dropped from 1,000 kilogram’s per
hectare to 970 kilogram’s per hectare mainly due to the lack of proper management and
agronomic practices among smallholders. The price of rubber fell from RM3.90 per
kilograms in1995 to RM2.50 per kilograms in 2000 due to increase in production from
other major producer countries and failure of the international stock piling mechanism.

6.3 Cocoa

Cocoa bean production declined from 131,000 tonnes in 1995 to 70,000 tonnes in
2000 due to a reduction in planted areas from 234,500 to 105,000 hectares, adverse
weather conditions, labor shortages and the high cost of production. With the decrease in
production, export earnings declined from RM626 million in 1995 to RM493 million in
2000. However, the use of high yielding clones and the adoption of good agronomic
practices increased the yield of cocoa beans per hectare from 700 kilogram in 1995 to
about 950 kilogram in 2000.

6.4 Pepper

Pepper production increased by 12.6 per cent per annum, from 13,000 tonnes in
1995 to 24,000 tonnes in 2000 due to yield improvements from better farm management.
Stimulated by higher prices, the planted area under pepper also increased from 8,600
hectares to 11,500 hectares in 2000.

6.5 Tobacco

Production of tobacco remained as an alternative source of income for farmers in

the States of Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis, contributing about RM150 million
additional revenue per year. The demand for local tobacco increased substantially from
10,000 tonnes in 1995 to 15,000 tonnes in 2000 and consequently, the planted area was
increased by 8.6 per cent per annum, from 10,500 hectares to 15,000 hectares during the
same period. However, due to adverse weather conditions in 1999 and 2000, the
production increased only by 0.4 per cent per annum, from 10,000 tonnes to 11,000
tonnes, lower than the demand in the Plan period.

Table 4: Agriculture Production (1995-2005)

The sector is expected to grow by 3.0 per cent per annum, as shown in Table 1,
compared with a growth of 1.2 per cent per annum in the Seventh Plan. The improved
forecast is attributed to the aggressive implementation of food and other commodities
production programs. In addition, the intensification of land use, improvements in
agronomic aspects, farming methods and management will also contribute to the growth.
However, commodities such as sawlogs and rubber are projected to experience a negative
growth as less forest will be available for logging in line with sustainable forest
management practices and a decline in the planted hectare for rubber.

The NAP3 focused on the need to increase domestic food production and sourcing
of food strategically to ensure adequate supply and accessibility to safe, nutritious and
high quality food at affordable prices. With the economic downturn, the subsector was
given impetus to help revitalize the economy and improve the trade balance as well as
strengthen food security. As a result, the Self-Sufficiency Level (SSL) of several food
commodities improved, as shown in Table 5. Despite the improvement in SSL, the food
trade balance continued to widen in favor of imports. Food imports increased by 10.7 per
cent per annum, from RM7.8 billion in 1995 to RM13 billion in 2000, mainly due to the
depreciation of the ringgit as well as the varied taste of consumers, including for produce
that cannot be grown locally. Nevertheless, exports increased by 8.1 per cent per annum,
from RM4.4 billion to RM6.6 billion, as shown in Table 6.

8.1 Paddy

Paddy production increased from about 2.1 million tonnes in 1995 to about 2.2
million tonnes in 2000 through productivity improvements, recording a growth of 1.0 per
cent per annum. Mechanization of paddy production and the consolidation of
smallholdings through group farming and estatization were intensified to promote
commercialization and greater private sector involvement. By the end of the Plan period,
almost all farming operations in the major paddy growing areas were fully mechanized.
As a result, the labor input per hectare declined from 47 work days in 1995 to 15 work
days in 2000, thus further reducing the cost of production. In addition, the average yield
in these areas improved from 4.0 tonnes per hectare to 5.8 tonnes per hectare. The
revision of the guaranteed minimum price of paddy in 1997 further increased the income
of the farmers. The minimum prices for long grains and short grains were increased from
RM49.60 to RM55 per hundred kilogram and from RM46.30 to RM51.69 per hundred
kilogram respectively.

8.2 Fruits and Vegetables

Production in the fruit and vegetable subsectors continued to increase to meet
local demand and for export. Production of fruits registered an increase of 6.2 per cent
annually from one million tonnes in 1995 to 1.4 million tones in 2000, while the
harvested area grew by 4.0 per cent per annum, from 244,500 hectares to 297,400
hectares. A total of 15 fruit types were promoted for commercial cultivation including
banana, papaya, pineapple, watermelon, star fruit, mango, durian, rambutan, guava and
citrus fruits. The production of vegetables, mainly from leafy, root and fruit vegetables,
also increased from 718,000 tonnes in 1995 to one million tonnes in 2000, recording a
growth of 7.2 per cent per annum. The harvested area under vegetables grew by 4.1 per
cent annually from 42,000 hectares to 51,400 hectares. The increase in production of both
fruits and vegetables was made possible through expansion in planted areas, the provision
of basic infrastructure and inputs as well as the promotion of organized and commercial

8.3 Fisheries

Responding to the promotional efforts by the Government, the fishery subsector

became more commercially oriented with the active participation of the private sector and
the use of new technologies. Fishery production increased by 4.0 per cent per annum,
from 1.2 million tonnes in 1995 to 1.5 million tones in 2000, of which about 85 per cent
was from marine catch and the balance from aquaculture. Inshore fish landings
contributed more than 80 per cent of the total marine catch and employed more than 75
per cent of the 98,600 workforce in the subsector in 2000. Sustainable resource
management was encouraged by promoting the Code of Conduct for Responsible
Fisheries developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United
Nations in 1997.

8.4 Aquaculture Production

Aquaculture production, which involved about 19,700 farmers, increased from
133,000 tonnes in 1995 to 255,000 tonnes in 2000, registering an annual growth of 14 per
cent. Shrimps and brackish-water fish, valued at RM840 million in 2000, involving a
total area of 11,000 hectares, were the major products of the aquaculture subsector.
Ornamental fish breeding was introduced as a commercial activity during the Plan period.
Its production increased from 253 million in 1995 to 350 million in 2000 with a market
value that doubled to reach RM90 million.

8.5 Livestock

The livestock subsector recorded an improvement in terms of value added and

grew at 3.1 per cent per annum, from RM953 million in 1995 to RM1.1 billion in 2000.
The production of beef, mutton and milk recorded a high growth, ranging from 5.2 to
10.5 per cent per annum, mainly due to the integration of livestock rearing in oil palm
and rubber plantations. Land development agencies namely, the Federal Land
Development Authority (FELDA), Rubber Industry Smallholder Development Authority
(RISDA) and the Federal Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority (FELCRA)
together with the Pahang State Farmers Organization (PASFA) and the Johor State
Farmers Organization (PPNJ) participated in the integration programs and were rearing
15 per cent of the cattle population under the programs by 2000. In addition, credit
facilities, infrastructure support and extension services were provided to smallholders to
encourage their participation in the programs.

8.6 Poultry Industry

The poultry industry continued to be the main source of growth for the livestock
subsector accounting for RM4.3 billion in current value or 67.1 per cent of the total
livestock produce in 2000. During the Plan period, it registered 8.8 per cent growth per
annum, whereby production increased from 687,000 tonnes in 1995 to one million tonnes
in 2000. The cost of production continued to rise mainly due to the increase in the price
of imported animal feed and other inputs. In this regard, the Government introduced a
price mechanism to ensure reasonable returns to producers and to protect consumers. Egg
production increased from 6.2 billion units in 1995 to 8.2 billion units in 2000, a growth
of 5.7 per cent per annum, to meet local and export markets. In addition, the
commercialization of research and development (R&D) findings resulted in the
production of better quality and cholesterol-free eggs.

8.7 Pork Production

Pork production reduced drastically from 283,000 tonnes in 1995 to 150,000

tonnes in 2000 due to the culling of pigs to control the outbreaks of the Japanese
Encephalitis and the Nipah viruses. Promotion of exotic animals as an alternative meat
source, especially for low-cholesterol meat to cater for niche markets was emphasized.
The population of ostrich and deer increased from 2,400 birds and 94,300 heads in 1995
to 5,000 birds and 165,100 heads, respectively, in 2000. Besides the meat, by-products
such as feather, leather and eggshells of ostrich and deer horn fetched high prices for
quality accessories, crafts and home products.

Table 5: Self-sufficiency Level of Food Commodities (1995-2005)

Table 6: Export and Import of Food (1995-2005)
Food production will be expanded substantially to cater for the growing demand
in the domestic market and with the objective of reduction in the import bill as well as for
exports. Value added of the subsector is expected to grow, mainly due to the increase in
the production of major food commodities, namely fisheries, livestock, paddy as well as
fruits and vegetables. The increase in production will be achieved through new hectare,
greater land intensity as well as improvements in efficiency and productivity. In addition,
a wider adoption of new technologies and the use of high yielding seeds and
biotechnology will also contribute to the increase in food production. Toward this end,
the participation of private sector in medium- and large-scale commercial operations will
be enhanced through the establishment of more permanent production areas such as agro-
technology and urban-horticulture parks as well as satellite farms. Supporting
infrastructure facilities and services such as farm collection and distribution centers,
packing house facilities, cold rooms and wholesale markets as well as transportation
services will be upgraded.

9.1 Fisheries

Fisheries production is expected to increase from 1.5 million tonnes in 2000 to 1.9
million tonnes in 2005, registering a growth of 4.2 per cent per annum. The potential of
medium- and large-scale aquaculture, both inland and open sea will be harnessed by
establishing more production areas and greater participation of the private sector. To
improve the income of farmers and fishermen, they will be encouraged and organized to
venture into commercial aquaculture. Infrastructure such as modern landing and
processing facilities together with other supporting services will be expanded to
encourage private sector participation. In addition, ornamental fish rearing will be
actively promoted as a new source of income for the subsector.

9.2 Livestock
Livestock value added is projected to grow by 5.6 per cent per annum, from
RM1.1 billion in 2000 to RM1.5 billion in 2005, particularly through the adoption of new
technologies and upgrading of existing production technologies. To meet the expanding
local and export markets, the production of chicks and ducklings, processing and
marketing of poultry and higher value added products will be further integrated. Poultry
production is expected to increase by 4.8 per cent per annum, from one million tonnse in
2000 to 1.3 million tonnes in 2005. The production of eggs is targeted to increase from
8.2 billion units to ten billion units with a growth of 3.9 per cent per annum during the
same period. The production of beef and mutton is estimated to increase by 7.5 per cent
per annum and 5.9 per cent per annum, respectively, from 28,000 tonnes and 1,000
tonnes in 2000 to 40,000 tonnes and 1,500 tonnes in 2005, due to improvements in the
management system, breeding and disease control. The new breeds, namely Brakmas and
Malin, will be promoted, particularly through the existing integration programs with
plantation crops to boost the local meat production. Pig production will be confined to
pig farming areas (PFA) to control pollution and disease outbreaks.

9.3 Paddy

Paddy production is estimated to increase by 4.7 per cent per annum, from 2.2
million tonnes in 2000 to 2.8 million tonnes in 2005, contributing about 3.2 per cent of
the growth in the food subsector. This will be achieved through productivity
improvements where the average yield is targeted to improve from 4.5 to 7.0 tonnes per
hectare for the granary areas and 3.5 to 5.5 tonnes per hectare for the non-granary areas.
The participation of the private sector in opening up new land for commercial cultivation,
particularly in Sabah and Sarawak, will further increase paddy production.

9.3 Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables will continue to be given special focus because of their high
development potential. Production of fruits and vegetables will be increased to meet
domestic and export markets as well as to meet the demand of processing industries.
Local demand for high quality fresh fruits and vegetables is expected to increase with the
expanding population and higher purchasing power, while external demand is expected to
increase due to promotional efforts in existing and new export markets. Permanent
production areas including agro technology parks, urban-horticulture parks, satellite
farms and rubber-based integrated farming areas will be promoted to increase production.
During the Plan period, the production of fruits is estimated to grow by 7.6 per cent per
annum, from 1.3 million tonnes to two million tonnes, where priority will be given to
nine types of fruits, namely mandarin orange, pineapple, jackfruit, papaya, carambola,
mango, watermelon, guava and durian. The planted area for fruits is expected to increase
by 5.0 per cent per annum, from 297,400 hectares in 2000 to 378,600 hectares in 2005.
Efforts will also be taken to increase the production of quality vegetables through more
intensive utilization of modern farming techniques such as rain shelters and insect proof
structures, hydroponics, aeroponics, fertigation as well as post-harvest handling
technology. Production of vegetables is expected to increase by 6.4 per cent per annum,
from one million tonnes in 2000 to 1.4 million tonnes in 2005, in tandem with the
expected growth in planted area by 8.5 percent per annum, from 51,400 hectares to
77,300 hectares.


With commercialization of various R&D findings and the provision of incentives
such as tax relief, the downstream processing of agricultural products, especially food,
increased during the Plan period. The processing of processed palm oil, rubber and
pepper increased while that of sawlogs and cocoa decreased, as shown in Table 7. In the
case of rubber, more than 80 per cent of the total domestic consumption was used by the
gloves, thread and tyre and tube industries. Sawlogs used for timber-based products
decreased from 24 million cubic metres in 1995 to 18.4 million cubic metres in 2000 due
to the annual allowable coupe. Similarly, production of plywood and veneer decreased
from 3.7 million cubic meters to 3.4 million cubic meters and from 2.2 million cubic
meters to one million cubic meters, respectively, during the Plan period. The use of local
cocoa beans also declined from 79,000 tonnes in 1995 to 59,000 tonnes in 2000 due to
reduction in locally produced cocoa beans.

The processing of food, especially from fruits, vegetables, meat and fish
continued to be promoted during the Plan period. The Malaysian Agricultural Research
and Development Institute (MARDI) adapted new technologies in processing and
packaging, such as dehydrating and vacuum-packing for local food products. The
processing of local fruit juices such as carambola, mango, calamansi and tamarind; coco
de nata from coconut as well as fish and meat based products was further developed.
Progress was also made in the processing of plants and aquatic-based organisms,
particularly for food, health care and industrial uses. Among those successfully
developed and promoted included noni juice, cosmetic and ointment from gamat, pills
and medicated soap from goat’s milk, herbal products, aromatic products and food
flavorings. The value of the domestic market for herbal medicine in 1999 was around
RM2 billion, with imports at RM430.5 million, compared with an export value of
RM63.4 million. Insufficient and inconsistent supply of raw materials was identified as
two major factors constraining the local processing industry.
Table 7: Local Processing and Utilization of Agriculture Industrial Commodities (1995-

With the view to further consolidating and improving the effectiveness of the
agricultural institutions, several agencies were restructured during the Plan period. The
Malaysian Rubber Exchange and Licensing Board (MRELB), Malaysian Rubber
Research and Development Board (MRRDB) and the Rubber Research Institute of
Malaysia (RRIM) were amalgamated into a single body, the Malaysian Rubber Board
(MRB), responsible for the development of the rubber industry. Similarly, the Palm Oil
Research Institute of Malaysia (PORIM) and Palm Oil Registration and Licensing
Authority (PORLA) were merged to form the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB).
Further, in order to rationalize and optimize resources, the Project Management Units
(PMU) of the five Integrated Agricultural Development Projects (IADPs) outside the
main paddy growing areas were closed down and their functions reassigned to the
respective line departments and agencies. With regard to land development, two Regional
Development Authorities (RDAs), namely the Development Authority of Pahang
Tenggara (DARA) and Jengka Development Authority, were privatized. Meanwhile,
FELDA, FELCRA and RISDA reorganized their management functions towards
corporatization in order to improve their efficiency and effectiveness.

During the Plan period, agricultural programs were carried out to modernize the
sector and maximize the income of farmers. In this regard, the modernization of the
smallholders subsector was emphasized through promotion of group farming activities as
well as provision of support services. In-situ development, through the rehabilitation and
consolidation of existing agricultural land, continued to be the main strategy for
agricultural development. However, new land development was also undertaken, mainly
by the state and regional agencies as well as the private sector. In addition, the
Government provided support services and appropriate incentives, including land, to
facilitate private sector participation in large-scale commercial farming, especially for
food production as well as floriculture and aquaculture activities.

12.1 In-situ and New Land Development

The in-situ land development approach continued to be adopted as a strategy to

better utilize the land resources of smallholders and to overcome the limited availability
of suitable land. As a result, about 395,500 hectares of land were replanted, consolidated
and rehabilitated, as shown in Table 8, particularly through joint-ventures with the private
sector or farmer groups. RISDA, FELCRA and Sarawak Land Consolidation and
Rehabilitation Authority (SALCRA) helped farmers to consolidate their lands and replant
with oil palm and rubber, using new clones and planting techniques including mixed
farming. In addition, the Department of Agriculture (DOA), Farmers Organization
Authority (FOA) and other public sector agencies actively promoted the cultivation of
food crops on smallholdings using the nucleus estate and group farming concepts. With
regard to cocoa, the Malaysian Cocoa Board (MCB) rehabilitated 1,100 hectares of cocoa
holdings with the direct participation of smallholders.

During the Plan period, government agencies, with the involvement of private
companies, developed a total of 132,500 hectares of new land, mainly for oil palm
cultivation, as shown in Table 9. Among the government agencies, the State Agriculture
Development Corporations (SADC) of Pahang, Perak and Selangor were the major
developers of new land involving 47,200 hectares, mainly on a joint-venture basis with
private companies. In addition, the state DOA of Sarawak and Sabah developed 46,000
hectares, while the RDAs developed 27,000 hectares.

12.2 Agricultural Support Services

The modernization of the agriculture sector was further accelerated through

improvements in the delivery of agricultural support services. These services were
provided to encourage farmers to venture into commercial farming, adopt new
technologies and increase productivity. These services included R&D, training, extension
and support services as well as the provision of credit facilities and basic infrastructure.

R&D activities were carried out to remove constraints in the agriculture sector,
particularly low productivity and the shortage of labor. In the case of palm oil, the MPOB
improved productivity through mechanization and the development of high-yielding
dwarf oil palm. In addition, new products such as enriched margarine and oil blends
including products from the blending of palm oil with goat milk were developed. MPOB
also commissioned an Experimental Palm Oil Mill for commercial operation in 1999 to
provide facilities for R&D on cutting-edge milling technologies and training. In addition,
a Field Mechanization Research Centre was commissioned in 2000 to carry out R&D on
farm mechanization. With regard to rubber, MRB concentrated research efforts to
develop and further promote Latex Timber Clones (LTC) of the RRIM 2000 series to
ensure the supply of rubber and quality timber for the rubber- and wood-based industries.

R&D activities undertaken by the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM)

focused on sustainable forest management and development of timber and non-timber
forest products including medicinal plants. Other R&D activities by FRIM included
research on agro-forestry plantation involving integration of timber species with
agricultural crops, as well as forest plantations. Meanwhile, MCB concentrated its
research efforts on biological pest control and more pest and disease resistant clones as
well as product development of cocoa-based food, beverages, cosmetic and
pharmaceutical products.

During the Plan period, MARDI concentrated its research on product

development to produce superior varieties of rice, fruits, vegetables, livestock and
floriculture as well as the commercialization of its research findings. Biotechnological
improvements of palm-kernel cake as poultry feed, bio-fertilizer production from agro-
waste materials, development of herbal products for health care and processing
technology for the heart of palm from coconut and oil palm were among the areas given
special focus. Pilot projects for commercial cultivation of vegetables and fruits were
carried out to promote commercialization. The use of a specially formulated chemical
fertilizer in trial plots in Kedah, Perlis and Selangor was successful in doubling paddy
yield and producing better quality rice. A new breed of beef cattle named Brakmas, a
cross between the Brahman and local Kedah-Kelantan cattle, and sheep named Malin, a
cross between Australian and Indonesian breeds, were developed in order to increase
local supply of beef and mutton. In addition, MARDI also undertook research on deer
and ostrich to provide alternative meat sources.

The disbursement of agricultural credits to smallholders as well as commercial

operators was increased, particularly by Bank Pertanian Malaysia (BPM) and the
commercial banks. Total loans disbursed during the period were RM2.8 billion, an
increase of 35 per cent. The allocation for the Fund For Food (3F) was increased from
RM700 million to RM1 billion and some revisions were made to the eligibility criteria
and eligible sectors in order to improve accessibility to the Fund. In addition, a soft loan
scheme totaling RM60 million was introduced to facilitate the replanting of oil palm for
smallholders as well as to provide an exit scheme for them to replace rubber with oil
palm. For rubber smallholders, a special RM80 million fund was provided to further
promote the use of the Low Intensity Tapping System (LITS) to increase productivity and
reduce labor inputs. With regard to training and extension services, the delivery system of
various agricultural agencies was strengthened to provide more effective training to
farmers. New approaches in farm management, agronomic practices, marketing, post-
harvest handling and processing as well as the diffusion of new agricultural technologies
were given emphasis. Farmer and fishermen organizations, including cooperatives
continued to be encouraged to participate actively in agricultural activities including
marketing and downstream processing.

Table 8: Replanting, Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Programs by Agency (1995-

Table 9: New Land Development (1996-2005)

The agriculture sector is expected to register a higher annual rate of growth and
contribute significantly to the country’s economic development. Towards achieving
growth with resilience, the sector will be restructured and reoriented to increase
productivity and competitiveness. This will require a major shift from small-scale,
monocropping and low technology farming to that of large-scale, integrated and high
technology production. Towards this end, a greater involvement of the private sector and
organized farming will be promoted, particularly in food production. To generate new
sources of growth, activities and crops with commercial potential will be developed and
greater linkages will be established with other sectors of the economy.

During the Eighth Plan period, the thrust will be to transform the agriculture sector into a
modern, dynamic and competitive sector in line with the strategies of the NAP3. The
main strategies for agricultural development for the Plan period will be:
a) Expanding food production substantially to meet growing demand with a view to
reducing imports and increasing exports.
b) Promoting private sector participation in medium- and large-scale commercial
food production through the establishment of more permanent food production
areas such as agro-technology and urban-horticulture parks as well as satellite
c) Intensifying aquaculture development both inland and open sea.
d) Intensifying land use by enhancing a wider crop mix, integrating food production
with plantation crops and promoting agro-forestry activities.
e) Enhancing competitiveness of agricultural produce by further promoting cost and
labor-saving technologies and accelerating downstream processing.
f) Intensifying R&D, particularly in yield improvements and development of more
end-products from agricultural by-products and waste.
g) Consolidating oil palm hectare to rationalize production and establishing
standards for Malaysian palm oil to increase competitiveness.
h) Reorienting rubber as a strategic crop supplying timber for the wood-based
industry as well as latex for the rubber-based industry.
j) Utilizing natural resources, particularly forestry resources, on a sustainable and
environment-friendly basis and promoting linkages with other activities such as
manufacturing, eco- and agro-tourism.
k) Developing activities and crops with commercial potential including specialty
natural products, other non-timber forest products, biotechnology products,
floriculture and ornamental fish.
l) Strengthening human resource development by promoting new skills such as
those related to information and communications technology (ICT) and new
technologies to generate skilled workers in line with the knowledge based
economy as well as by enhancing the skill and knowledge of agricultural front
m) Enhancing the income of farmers and smallholders by strengthening support
services, improving the delivery mechanism, increasing the accessibility of credits
and establishing insurance coverage as well as increasing their direct involvement
in downstream processing.

The agricultural industrial commodity subsector is expected to register a moderate

growth during the Plan period. Production of CPO and palm kernel oil (PKO) is expected
to increase at a rate of 2.8 per cent and 2.3 per cent per annum to 12.4 million tonnes and
3.8 million tonnes, respectively. The increase in production is attributed to the expansion
in the matured area and improvements in the yield and oil extraction rate (OER). The
planted area for oil palm is expected to decline at a rate of 2.2 per cent per annum to
reach 3.1 million hectares in 2005 in line with the Government’s policy to rationalize oil
palm cultivation. Malaysian palm oil standards will be established to market the unique
and high quality Malaysian palm oil.

15.1 Rubber

The production of rubber is expected to decline by 1.9 per cent per annum, from
616,000 tonnes in 2000 to 560,000 tonnes in 2005, with the expected reduction in planted
area due to conversion to other users as well as unfavorable prices. However, rubber
cultivation will still be a significant contributor to the sector’s growth through the
production of rubber wood for the wood-based industry. The subsector will be reoriented
by encouraging the involvement of large-scale plantation in the downstream processing
of rubber wood. A minimum of 20,000 hectares per year will be replanted with LTC to
sustain the supply of rubber wood for the wood-based industry. The replanting and new
planting of LTC will be integrated with other economic activities such as livestock
rearing and fruit farming. The implementation of the mixed farming system, together
with the wider utilization of LITS is expected to boost the income of land owners and
rubber tappers. In this regard, funds for replanting and adoption of LITS will be provided.

15.2 Cocoa

Cocoa production is expected to increase by 7.4 per cent per annum, from 70,000
tonnes in 2000 to 115,000 tonnes in 2005 due to improved productivity. Export earnings
from cocoa and cocoa-based products are also expected to increase to RM615 million in
2005. Domestic demand for cocoa beans is anticipated to increase due to expansion in
downstream activities, in particular cocoa grindings.

15.3 Pepper

Pepper production is expected to increase by 4.6 per cent per annum, from 24,000
tonnes in 2000 to 30,000 tonnes in 2005 due to better maintenance of farms and an
expansion in planting areas to 12,500 hectares. The development and wider acceptance of
end-products from pepper such as pepper sauce, sweets and confectionery as well as
other food seasonings is expected to increase the demand for pepper.

15.4 Tobacco

Production of tobacco is expected to increase by 6.4 per cent per annum, from
11,000 tonnes in 2000 to 15,000 tonnes in 2005, while the area under cultivation is
expected to decline by 3.6 per cent to 12,500 hectares. The increase in production is
mainly due to yield improvements, which is estimated to reach about 1,900 kilogram per
hectare in 2005. However, with market liberalization under the Common Effective
Preferential Tariff (CEPT) of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), the tobacco industry
will be restructured and alternative crops promoted to generate additional income to
growers and curers.

15.5 Floriculture

Floriculture is expected to register an annual growth of 6.5 per cent per annum
during the Plan period with the production of cut flowers increasing from 500 million
stalks in 2000 to 686 million stalks in 2005. The main increase in production will be from
highland flowers and ornamental plants. Measures will be undertaken to improve the
production of flowers at the farm level through high-tech farming methods and improved
facilities in handling and transportation, particularly through the provision of larger air
cargo capacity.
15.6 Specialty Natural Products

The emergence of various specialty natural product industries such as for health,
cosmetics and flavors as well as fragrances, is expected to contribute to the development
of high value added specialty natural resources. In this respect, R&D efforts will focus on
the development of products from plants and aquatic based organisms. To further develop
the industry, a pool of researchers and support personnel will be trained in several key
areas, particularly pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medicinal and industrial chemistry.

Employment in the agriculture sector is expected to decline by 1.5 per cent per
annum, from 1.4 million in 2000 to 1.3 million in 2005. The value added per worker is
projected to increase by 4.5 per cent per annum during the Plan period. Several
subsectors will continue to experience labor shortages due to the slow adoption of
mechanized and automated production systems and processes as well as other labor-
saving technologies. With the changing structure and focus towards modernization of the
agriculture sector, the demand for workers with technical competence and managerial
skills, as well as techno-prenuership among farmers is expected to increase.

The total allocation of the various public agencies involved in agricultural development
in the Eighth Plan is RM7.9 billion, as shown in Table 10. This allocation represents 7.1
per cent of the total Plan allocation of RM110 billion. The various provisions for
extension and support services and infrastructure programs under the MOA, including in-
situ development and irrigation and flood mitigation will receive significant allocations,
reflecting the greater emphasis given to food production. The allocation for the industrial
commodities subsector will concentrate on strengthening R&D as well as support
services to increase the competitiveness of the commodities.

Table 10: Development Allocation for Agriculture (1996-2005)


In the early 1950’s there is limited agriculture activity because they focused more
on producing the food that only enough for the needs. The introduction of new crops not
showing progress because of the infection to the new crops and the lower demand in
market not support the producers. After independent in late 1950’s to 1960’s, the
government focused more on the agriculture planning and development and most of the
provision are used to recover from the war effect. This becomes the reason why the slow
progress in the agriculture sector at that time.

In late 1960’s and 1970’s, the problem that arise in the agriculture sector is the
lower producers of the crops still continuously at this era because of most of the farmer
only having the small size land to work on it. This small land size causes a lower
produces in the agriculture activity. Apart of that, lack of technology uses in agriculture
activity also causing the farmer getting the lower income. Unstable price of the main
commodity crops such as rubber because have to compete with other product such as
synthetic rubber. The price prospect for natural rubber (the basis sector of agricultural
sector) is not bright. If the contribution of agriculture to national economic development
is increased, diversification of agricultural production is very important. This process,
which is already, must be accelerated.

In late 1970’s to 1980’s, the increase of poverty in rural area especially among
the paddy planters, crops, oil palm, fisheries, rubber taper and estate labor. Besides, there
is also lack of incentives for many individual agriculturalists to expand their enterprise
and to improve their techniques of production. This problem arises from the limited
know-how, high production cost (input and output), small size of production units,
unfavorable tenure relationships, and lack of credit on reasonable term.

In late 1990’s and early 2000’s, there are still currently inadequate technical
capacity in the government and private sector in order to enlarge and strengthen the
agricultural economy. A massive commitment to agricultural research, education, and
employment is important. Besides, the slow response from the private sector to involve in
the agriculture sector because of them not gets more profit compare if they involve and
invest in other sector in Malaysia.

19.1 NAP 1
 Launched-1984
 Objective - To lesson poverty and raise efficiency particularly in the non
estate sector and increase the food production for local markets.
 Strategies :
a) Land Development
-Transform the traditional agriculture sector to modern
-Clear the jungle or forest land.
-Manages all agricultural activities from planting,
processing and marketing.
-set up to develop uneconomical agricultural land by
consolidating rehabilitating the agricultural land through
the development of mini estate.
b) In-Situ Development
Effort by the government to improve productivity in existing
agricultural areas, and to improve better infrastructure and
services. There various program under the in-situ development
such as:
i)Integrated Agricultural Development Project
-Construction of infrastructural facilities in paddy areas
ii) Irrigation and drainage facilities
-Overcame the problem of water shortage, medium-size
dams will be built where feasible Efficiency in farm water
management will be further enhanced
c) Support Services
-Known as subsidies:
i) Training an extension
-Developing entrepreneurship and organizational
abilities of existing as well as future farmers.
ii) Credit and subsidies
-Bank Pertanian Malaysia will be the sole agency
responsible for extending credit to the small
holder’s subsidies like fertilizer, pesticides and
agricultural machinery.
iii) Processing and Marketing
-Provide information regarding the demand for
agricultural produce as well as find new markets in
order to help farmer determine their crop choice and
receive remunerative and stable price.

19.2 NAP 2

 Established on 1992.
 Similar objectives to its predecessor.
 Greater emphasis is placed on the role of private sector participation in
short and medium term food production and marketing reform and
emphasis on the importance of biological diversification.
 Recognizing the need to achieve development in other sector.
 Increase agricultural productivity, efficiency and competitiveness trough
the commercialization.

19.3 NAP 3

 Established on 1998 was review the NAP 2

 Objective - conform to the favorable environment to promote growth
 In the agricultural sector and continue emphasizing on productivity and
market driven growth
 Strategies :
a) Optimizations of resource use.
 Develop new industries from Malaysia’s rich natural
 Focus on the rehabilitation and consolidation of abandoned
agricultural land.
 Undertake short term measures to address problems of
specific labor shortage.
b) Acceleration Of Agro-Based Industries Development practices.
 Related downstream industries provide opportunities for
value-added creation
 Create new markets for agricultural product for the purpose
of export earning
c) Research and Development
 Improvements in resource management, production
methods, processes and packaging as well as the
development of animal breeds
 The activities involve joint efforts between private and
public sector to enhance productivity and production
d) Reform Marketing
 Issues related to market access, competition, market shares,
prices and trade practices
e) Development of a Dynamic Food Industry
 Emphasizing both quality and nutritional aspects of food
will also be formulated and implemented to complement
the above efforts

During the Seventh Plan period, the agriculture sector recorded an improvement
in real value added and proved to be a resilient sector during the economic downturn. The
thrust of agricultural development during the Eighth Plan period will continue to be
guided by the NAP3 to become a modern, dynamic and competitive sector. While
efficiency and productivity improvements will be achieved through modernization and
mechanization of agricultural activities as well as through the active participation of the
private sector, focus will be given on food production to meet growing demand and
reduce the import bill. Specialty natural products from forest and other sources will be
developed on a sustainable basis in line with the effort to conserve resources. In the
industrial commodities subsector, oil palm cultivation will be rationalized while rubber
will be reoriented as a strategic crop.

Habibah Lehar. The Malaysian Economy Past and Present, University Publication
Centre(UPENA), pp 119-152.

Habibah Lehar, Musalmah Abduallah, Yaacob Anas. Malaysian Economic, Printed by

Percetakan Warni Sdn.Bhd. pp 108-119.

Chamhuri Siwar, Surtahman Kastin Hasan, Norshamliza Chamhuri (2005). Edisi

Keenam, Ekonomi Malaysia, Published by Pearson, Prentice Hall.

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