Sector Landless-Farmers

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We the a farmer becomes landless it is most often because we

borrows more money than we can repay while using his land as
collateral. The lender then takes away our collateral (the land).
Land is not cheap in now. So in order to start out (unless the
farmer inherits the land, or rents the land), the farmer needs to
borrow a lot of money to buy his biggest asset, the land.
If there is a bad harvest or the farmer is at all wrong with his
management practices, Us the farmer doesn’t have the money to
pay the land loan. So we loses the land.
There are many ways to mess up in farming, and many farmers
do it every year. It is the wrong thing a farmer can do is borrow
money using all of our land as collateral. We can use a small
portion of our land as collateral, but if we loses all of our land we
don’t have the main thing that we need in order to produce a
product, the land. If We can’t produce a product he will be forced
to work somewhere off the land to make our living. Even if we sell
all our machinery, cattle, buildings, everything but the land, we
will be able to pull our self up by the boot straps. The sun will
come up and shine on the land. Something will grow. We will be
able to use the energy of the sun shining on our land to produce
something that we can sell and thus start all over again.

farming is a very expensive business to be in. Not only does the

farmer have to buy, lease or inherit arable land, the farmer,
unless he OR she has a bunch of kids willing to help out, needs to
have one or more employees to help with the never-ending work.
But Government can provide land for us Landless farmers,
depends on what region and climate . Even in the worst
economies in the less fortunate lands, if they have a certain
amount of type of land needed shared between a number of small
businesses and or families. Like having shares in a collective , it
could work even in dense poor areas, as long as the type of
agriculture fits the environment. They need basic supplies like
water, electricity, tools , etc . Even as low as a couple acres per a
person could produce subsistence , if not tiny production to start
locally , small and expand over time.

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