Chap08 6thmath
Chap08 6thmath
Chap08 6thmath
Focal Point
Solve application problems
involving estimation and
Systems of Measurement
Solve application problems
involving estimation and measurement
of length, weight, volume, time, and
Geometry: Angles and
Use geometric vocabulary
to describe angles, polygons, and circles.
Measurement: Perimeter, Area,
and Volume
Solve application problems
involving estimation and measurement
of length, area, and volume.
Martyn Goddard/CORBIS
Math and Geography
Road Trip Let’s hit the road! Come join us on a cross-country trip to
see the nation. In preparation, you’ll need a map to figure out how
far you’re traveling. You’re also going to need to load up your car
with all the necessary travel essentials. Don’t overdo it though,
there’s only so much room in there. Put on your geometry thinking
cap and let’s get packing!
Key Vocabulary
capacity (p. 384)
mass (p. 397)
metric system (p. 392)
temperature (p. 415)
Real-World Link
Mountains Guadalupe Peak in the highest point in
Texas at 2,667 meters or about 3 kilometers. Located
in Guadalupe Mountains National Park, this distance
is about the same as 30 city blocks.
Systems of Measurement Make this Foldable to help you organize your notes on metric and
customary units. Begin with a sheet of 11” × 17” paper.
1 Fold the paper in half 2 Unfold and cut along
along the length. Then the two top folds to
fold in thirds along the make three strips. Cut
width. off the first strip.
3 Refold the two top strips. 4 Unfold and draw lines i>ÃÕÀi
Then fold the entire booklet along the folds. Label iÌÀV
Option 2
Take the Online Readiness Quiz at
Option 1
Take the Quick Quiz below. Refer to the Quick Review for help.
Targeted TEKS 6.8 Use the strings to find Measure Nonstandard Standard
The student solves the classroom length classroom
application problems arms yards
in arms and classroom length
involving estimation
and measurement of length, width in shoes. Record classroon
shoes feet
area, time, temperature, width
volume, weight, and
the nonstandard
angles. (A) Estimate measures.
measurements (including
circumference) and evaluate
reasonableness of results. Use a yardstick or tape measure to find the length in yards
(B) Select and use and width in feet. Record the standard measures.
appropriate units, tools, or
formulas to measure and to 1. Compare your nonstandard measures with the nonstandard
solve problems involving
length (including perimeter),
measures of other groups. Are they similar? Why or why not?
area, time, temperature,
volume, and weight.
2. Compare your standard measures with the standard measures
(D) Convert measures within of other groups. Are they similar? Why or why not?
the same measurement
system (customary and 3. Explain the advantages and the disadvantages of using
metric) based on nonstandard measurement and standard measurement.
relationships between units.
Also addresses TEKS 6.4(A).
The most commonly used customary units of length are shown below.
NEW Vocabulary
+%9 #/.#%04 Customary Units of Length
foot Unit Model
mile 1 inch (in.) width of a quarter
1 foot (ft) = 12 in. length of a large adult foot
1 yard (yd) = 3 ft length from nose to fingertip
1 mile (mi) = 1,760 yd 10 city blocks
1 1 1 1
inch 4
inch 2
inch The smallest mark represents 8 inch.
Animation 1
The next larger mark represents 4 inch,
and the next larger mark represents
0 1 2 3 1
inch. The longest mark on a ruler
in. 2
represents an inch.
Measure Length
2 KEYS Measure the key’s length to the nearest half, fourth, or
eighth inch.
Extra Examples at Lesson 8-1 Length in the Customary System 379
METHOD 2 Select an appropriate operation.
Since 1 foot = 12 inches, larger 1 ft 1 ft 1 ft
multiply 3 by 12. units
3 × 12 = 36 smaller
So, 3 feet = 36 inches. units 12 in. 12 in. 12 in.
c. 5 ft = in. d. 3 yd = ft e. 2 mi = yd
f. 36 ft = yd g. 54 in. = ft h. 2,640 yd = mi
i. Kylee hiked 118 feet and then another 7 yards before resting.
Which is closest to the distance Kylee hiked before resting?
F 7 yd G 15 yd H 45 yd J 47 yd
Personal Tutor at
Example 2 Measure the length of each line segment or object to the nearest half,
(p. 379) fourth, or eighth inch.
3. 4.
Examples 3, 4 Complete.
(pp. 379–380)
5. 4 yd = ft 6. 4 mi = yd
7. 72 in. = yd 8. 54 ft = yd
Example 5 9. TEST PRACTICE Brianna’s brother is about 25 inches shorter than she
(p. 380) is. If Brianna is 5 feet tall, which is closest to her brother’s height in feet?
A 2 ft C 4 ft
B 3 ft D 5 ft
20. 5 yd = in. 21. 6 yd = ft
22. 6 ft = in. 23. 3 mi = ft
24. 48 in. = ft 25. 10 ft = yd
26. 6,160 yd = mi 27. 510 in. = ft
28. SPACE SCIENCE The largest telescope in the world is powerful enough to
identify a penny that is 5 miles away. How many yards is this?
32. ANIMALS The length with tail of a bighorn sheep ranges from 50 inches
to 62 inches long. What is the range of this length in feet?
Real-World Link 33. BACKPACKS Kathy estimates that her backpack is 30 inches long. Is this a
In 1880, about reasonable estimate? Why or why not?
1,500 bighorn sheep
occupied the Determine whether you would measure each length or distance in inches,
mountains in
southwest Texas. By feet, yards, or miles. Explain your reasoning.
the 1950s, only 25 34. length of a computer monitor
remained. Through a
captive breeding and 35. distance from your home to school
release program, the
population increased 36. distance from home plate to the pitchers mound on a baseball field
to 310 in 1993.
Source: ESTIMATION Estimate the length of each object. Then measure to find the
actual length.
37. the length of your bedroom to the nearest foot
38. the width of your student ID card to the nearest eighth inch
39. the height of your dresser to the nearest foot
the height of a classroom wall to the nearest yard
Liseli Gabe
47. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Suppose your friend says that 24 feet is equal to
2 inches. Is this reasonable? Explain.
48. The diagram below shows the 49. Mr. Cortez’s car is about 71 inches
dimensions of a football field. wide. His garage door is 9 feet wide.
How much wider is the garage door
than Mr. Cortez’s car?
YD F 1 ft
G 2 ft
YD H 3 ft
J 4 ft
What is the width of the field
expressed in feet?
A 3_
ft C 120 ft
B 13_
ft D 480 ft
NEW Vocabulary Capacity refers to the amount that can be held in a container. The
capacity most commonly used customary units of capacity are shown.
fluid ounce
pint +%9 #/.#%04 Customary Units of Capacity
Unit Model
ounce 1 fluid ounce (fl oz) 2 tablespoons of water
1 cup (c) = 8 fl oz coffee cup
1 pint (pt) = 2 c small ice cream container
1 quart (qt) = 2 pt large liquid measuring cup
READING 1 gallon (gal) = 4 qt large plastic jug of milk
in the Content Area
For strategies in reading
this lesson, visit As with units of length, you can use a ratio table to change between units of capacity.
Quarts 1 3
Since 1 × 3 = 3, multiply 2 by 3.
Pints 2 6
a. 4 pt = c b. 32 fl oz = c c. 3 gal = qt
Personal Tutor at
Unit Model
1 ounce (oz) pencil
1 pound (lb) = 16 oz package of notebook paper
1 ton (T) = 2,000 lb small passenger car
Extra Examples at Lesson 8-2 Capacity and Weight in the Customary System 385
Change Units of Weight
3 TRUCKS A truck weighs 7,000 pounds. How many tons is this?
7,000 lb = T THINK 2,000 pounds = 1 ton
7,000 ÷ 2,000 = 3_
Divide to change pounds to tons.
So, 7,000 pounds = 3_
Examples 1, 2 Complete.
(p. 385)
1. 7 pt = c 2. 24 qt = gal
3. 16 pt = gal 4. 5 c = fl oz
5. 16 pt = qt 6. 8 c = pt
Example 3 7. MAMMALS The heaviest land mammal, the African elephant, can weigh
(p. 386) more than 7 tons. How many pounds is this?
Example 4 9. FOOD Miguela bought a 10-pound bag of potatoes. How many people
(p. 386) can be served 8 ounces of potatoes?
10. BREAKFAST Roman uses 1 cup of milk for his cereal every morning.
How many times will he be able to have cereal with milk with 1 quart
of milk?
23. MAMMALS The heaviest marine mammal, the blue whale, can weigh
more than 143 tons. How many pounds is this?
24. ICE CREAM In the United States, the annual consumption of ice cream
is 24 pints per person. How many gallons of ice cream is this per
25. BAKING A pumpkin pie recipe calls for 15 ounces of pumpkin. About
how many pies can be made with 8 pounds of pumpkin?
26. MAPLE SYRUP Vermont produces about 430,000 gallons of maple syrup
each year. How many 2-quart containers of maple syrup can be made
from 430,000 gallons of syrup?
3#(//, "53
3# (/ /, "5 3
46. CHALLENGE Create a function table that shows the number of fluid
ounces in 1, 2, 3, and 4 cups. Graph the ordered pairs (cups, fluid
ounces) on a coordinate plane. Then describe the graph.
47. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Determine whether 1 cup of sand and 1 cup of
cotton balls would have the same capacity, the same weight, both, or
neither. Explain your reasoning.
51. MEASUREMENT Measure the width of your pencil to the nearest eighth
inch. (Lesson 8-1)
52. GAMES An air hockey table that normally sells for $158.99 is on sale
for 75% of the regular price. What would be a reasonable amount for
the sale price? (Lesson 7-8)
55. PARKS The table shows the acreage The Largest U.S. National Parks
of the largest national parks in the Acreage
U.S. To the nearest tenth of a million, (millions)
what is the acreage of each of the Wrangell-St. Elias, Alaska 13.27
parks? (Lesson 3-3) Gates of the Arctic, Alaska 8.47
Denali, Alaska 6.07
Katmai, Alaska 4.73
Death Valley, California 3.37
Source: Scholastic Book of World Records
56. the width of a quarter 57. the width of a doorway 58. the width of your palm
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
centimeter (cm)
4 mm
10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm
124 mm = 12.4 cm
There are 100 centimeters in one meter. Since there are 10 millimeters
in one centimeter, there are 10 × 100 or 1,000 millimeters in one meter.
The pencil is _
of a meter or 0.124 meter long.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
meter (m)
124 mm = 12.4 cm
12.4 cm = 0.124 m
mm cm m
length of pencil
length of sheet of paper
length of your hand
width of your little finger
length of table or desk
length of chalkboard eraser
width of door
height of door
distance from doorknob to the floor
length of classroom
Use metric units of length. SCIENCE The table shows the Deepest Ocean
deepest points in several oceans. Points
Targeted TEKS 6.8
The student solves 1. What unit of measure is used?
application problems
involving estimation 2. What is the depth of the Ocean Point Depth (m)
and measurement of length, deepest point? Mariana
area, time, temperature, Pacific 10,924
volume, weight, and angles. 3. Use the Internet or another
(A) Estimate measurements Puerto Rico
source to find the meaning of Atlantic 8,648
(including circumference) and
evaluate reasonableness of meter. Then write a sentence Java
Indian 7,125
results. (B) Select and use explaining how a meter Trench
appropriate units, tools, or
formulas to measure and to
compares to a yard. Source:
2 height of a desk
Since the height of a desk is close to the
width of a doorway, the meter is an
appropriate unit of measure.
4 width of a CD
Since the width of a CD is greater than half the width of a penny
and much less than the width of a doorway, the centimeter is an
appropriate unit of measure.
Estimate and
Measure Length
5 INSECTS Estimate the metric length of the honey
bee. Then measure to find the actual length.
The length of the honey bee appears to be the width
of a penny. So, the honey bee is about 2 centimeters.
Use a ruler to measure the actual length of the honey bee.
Example 5 Estimate the metric length of each figure. Then measure to find the
(p. 393) actual length.
5. 6.
(/-%7/2+ (%,0 Write the metric unit of length that you would use to measure each of the
For See
Exercises Examples 7. thickness of a note pad 8. thickness of a watchband
7–14 1–4 9. length of a trombone 10. width of a dollar bill
15–20 5
11. length of a bracelet 12. length of the Mississippi River
13. distance from Knoxville, Tennessee, to Asheville, North Carolina
14. distance from home plate to first base on a baseball field
Estimate the metric length of each figure. Then measure to find the actual
15. 16.
17. 18.
35. FARMING If you were to build a fence around a cattle pasture, would
you need to be accurate to the nearest kilometer, to the nearest meter, or
to the nearest centimeter? Explain your reasoning.
36. COLLECT THE DATA Choose three classmates or three members of your
See pages 681, 702. family. (You can include yourself.) Which metric unit of length would
you use to measure each person’s height? Estimate the combined height
Self-Check Quiz at of all three people. Then use a measuring device to measure and check
the reasonableness of your estimate.
H.O.T. Problems 37. OPEN ENDED Give two examples of items that can be measured with
a meterstick and two examples of items that cannot reasonably be
measured with a meterstick.
38. CHALLENGE Order 4.8 mm, 4.8 m, 4.8 cm, 0.48 m, and 0.048 km from
greatest to least measurement.
39. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Identify the four most commonly used metric units
of length and describe an object having each length. Use objects that are
different from those given in the lesson.
42. PAINTING Painters used 170 gallons of white topcoat to paint the
famous Hollywood sign. How many quarts is this? (Lesson 8-2)
46. FAMILIES At a school, there are 108 students in the 6th grade. Of these,
18 students do not have any siblings. In Mr. Romain’s class, 8 of the
26 students have no siblings. Is the number of students without siblings
in Mr. Romain’s class proportional to the number of students without
siblings in the 6th grade? Explain. (Lesson 6-3)
47. _ + _ 48. _ + _ _6 - _3
1 2 3 2
49. 50.
9 -_
_ 3
5 5 8 8 7 7 10 10
51. ACTORS The table shows the earnings of Actors with Highest
actors with the highest career box-office Box-Office Earnings
earnings. To the nearest tenth of a billion, Earnings (billions
what are the earnings of each actor? of dollars)
(Lesson 3-3) Harrison Ford 3.25
Samuel L. Jackson 3.02
52. MONEY Write an integer that represents
Tom Hanks 2.84
a direct deposit of $200 into a savings
Tom Cruise 2.56
account. (Lesson 2-9)
Eddie Murphy 2.48
Source: Scholastic Book of World Records 2005
NEW Vocabulary
The mass of an object is the amount of material it contains. The most
commonly used metric units of mass are shown below.
+%9 #/.#%04 Metric Units of Mass
liter Unit Model Benchmark
1 milligram (mg) grain of salt 1 mg ≈ 0.00004 oz
1 gram (g) small paper clip 1 g ≈ 0.04 oz
1 kilogram (kg) six medium apples 1 kg ≈ 2 lb
Write the metric unit of mass that you would use to measure
each of the following. Then estimate the mass.
a. tennis ball b. horse c. aspirin
The most commonly used metric units of capacity are shown below.
There are 1,000 milliliters in a liter. You can use this information to
estimate capacity.
Examples 1–4 Write the metric unit of mass or capacity that you would use to measure
(pp. 397–398) each of the following. Then estimate the mass or capacity.
1. nickel 2. bucket of water
3. laptop computer 4. juice in a lemon
5. light bulb 6. one-gallon paint can
5 bathtubs. Canada 46
Germany 116
26. Is the amount of bottled water
Spain 126
consumed by all countries in the
table more or less than half a Mexico 133
kiloliter? Source: Nestlé Waters Press
27. About how many bathtubs could be filled with the amount of bottled
water consumed by 15 people in Mexico in 2003?
%842!02!#4)#% 28. MEDICINE The doctor told you to take
See pages 681, 702. 1,250 milligrams of aspirin for your
sprained ankle. According to the bottle ASPIRIN
50 tablets
Self-Check Quiz at at the right, how many tablets should Net Mass you take? 500 mg
30. NUMBER SENSE The mass of a dime is recorded as 4. What metric unit
was used to measure the mass? Explain your reasoning.
Write the metric unit of length that you would use to measure each of
the following. (Lesson 8-3)
35. length of a hand 36. thickness of a folder
A morning radio announcer reports that the chance of rain today is 85%.
38. What is the probability that it will not rain?
39. Should you carry an umbrella? Justify your answer.
THE PROBLEM: How can Tyra make punch for the party
with no metric measuring containers?
juice concentrate to 3 liters of water.
I have a clean 2-liter cola bottle.
EXPLORE You need to measure 0.5 liter of juice concentrate and 3 liters of water. You have a
2-liter cola bottle.
PLAN A benchmark is a measurement by which other items can be measured. Take the
2-liter bottle and use a marker to visually divide it into four approximately equal
sections. Each section will be about 0.5 liter.
SOLVE Mark the 2-liter bottle into four sections. Pour the
concentrate into the bottle until it reaches the first mark
on the bottle. You have about 0.5 liter of concentrate.
CHECK Since 4 halves equal 2 wholes, a fourth of the bottle should equal 0.5 liter.
1. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Explain why the 2-liter bottle is a good benchmark
to use for measuring the 0.5 liter of concentrate.
2. Describe how you could measure 3 liters of water for the punch.
Passing Leaders
Player Year Yards
6. MEASUREMENT What is the missing Kurt Warner 2000 414
measurement in the pattern? Kurt Warner 2002 365
Donovan McNabb 2005 357
...., , _ in., _ in., _ in., ...
1 1 1
4 8 16 Source:
20. VOLLEYBALL COURTS Which metric unit
would be the best to use to describe
the length and width of a volleyball
6. HEIGHT Scott is 78 inches tall. The height
court? (Lesson 8-3)
of a ceiling is 9 feet. How many feet are
between him and the ceiling when he is Write the metric unit of mass or capacity that you
standing? (Lesson 8-1) would use to measure each of the following.
Then estimate the mass or capacity. (Lesson 8-4)
Complete. (Lesson 8-2) 21. washing machine
7. 22 pt = qt 8. qt = 14 gal 22. can of soup
9. 32 oz = lb 10. fl oz = 5 c 23. tank of gas
11. 9 pt = c 12. gal = 48 pt 24. shoelace
25. packet of sugar
13. TEST PRACTICE How much punch
is made with 1 pint of ginger ale, 1 cup 26. TEST PRACTICE The
of orange juice, and 3 cups of pineapple weight of an eraser would
juice? (Lesson 8-2) best be measured in what
metric units? (Lesson 8-4)
A 1 pint C 3 pints
F milliliters H grams
B 2 pints D 5 pints
G liters J milligrams
Write the metric unit of length that you 27. ELECTRONICS Josefina is buying a stereo
would use to measure each of the and wants to place it on a shelf on her
following. (Lesson 8-3) entertainment center. She needs to know
14. length of a textbook if there is enough space to place the
stereo on the shelf. If Josefina only has a
15. distance between two cities
piece of string that is 5 inches long,
16. thickness of a pencil describe a way she could estimate the
17. length of a classroom height of the shelf. (Lesson 8-5)
Change units within the FOOD The table shows the Baked Beans Consumed
metric system. estimated consumption of baked per Person
beans per person for several Country g kg
Targeted TEKS 6.4
The student uses countries. Ireland 5,600 5.6
letters as variables in
1. How many grams of baked United Kingdom 4,800 4.8
expressions to describe how beans are consumed per person United States 2,000 2
one quantity changes when a
related quantity changes.
in the United States? Canada 1,200 1.2
(A) Use tables and symbols 2. How many kilograms of baked Source: Top 10 of Everything
to represent and describe
proportional and other beans are consumed per person
relationships such as those in the United States?
involving conversions,
arithmetic sequences (with a 3. Describe the relationship between the quantities you found in
constant rate of change), Exercises 1 and 2.
perimeter and area. 6.8 The
student solves application 4. Compare the number of grams and kilograms of baked beans
problems involving estimation
and measurement of length,
consumed by the other countries in the table. Make a conjecture
area, time, temperature, about how to convert from grams to kilograms.
volume, weight, and angles.
(D) Convert measures within
the same measurement To change from one unit to another in the metric sytem, you multiply
system (customary and
metric) based on or divide by powers of 10. The chart below shows the relationship
relationships between units. between the units in the metric system and the powers of 10.
Also addresses TEKS 6.11(D).
a. 513 mL = L b. 5 cm = mm c. mg = 82 g
Personal Tutor at
21. TRACK A running track at a college is 200 meters long. Isabel wants to run
1 kilometer on this track. How many laps will she have to run?
22. 500 mg = kg 23. 250 mm = km
24. 200,000 mL = kL 25. 3 km = cm
Michigan 1,158
Source: Top 10 of Everything
31. FITNESS Danielle walked 0.75 kilometer each day for five days. How
many meters did she walk in all?
34. RESEARCH Use the Internet or another source to find other metric
prefixes for very large and very small units of measure. List three of
each type and explain their meaning.
H.O.T. Problems 38. OPEN ENDED Choose a metric measure between 1 and 100. Then write
two measures equivalent to that measure.
39. CHALLENGE If Tyra has x milligrams of food for her parrot, write an
algebraic expression for the amount of kilograms of parrot food she has.
40. SELECT A TOOL Rachelle takes a large jug of lemonade to her brother’s
soccer games. She sells cups of the lemonade to the fans. The jug contains
10 liters of lemonade, and each cup will hold 400 milliliters. Which of
the following tools might Rachelle use to determine how many cups to
bring with her? Justify your selection(s). Then use the tool(s) to solve the
real objects paper/pencil calculator
41. FIND THE ERROR Jacinta and Trina are changing 590 centimeters to
meters. Who is correct? Explain your reasoning.
Jacinta Trina
42. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Explain the steps you would use to change
7 kiloliters to milliliters.
46. DRIVEWAYS Before seal coating his driveway, Tito needs to know
its length and width. He knows that it is about 3 meters wide.
Describe a way he could estimate the length and width of his driveway
without using a metric ruler. (Lesson 8-5)
47. FOOD Which is the better estimate for the capacity of a glass of milk,
360 liters or 360 milliliters? (Lesson 8-4)
48. MEASUREMENT Estimate the metric length of the battery. Then
measure to find the actual length. (Lesson 8-3)
49. 1_
50. 7_
51. 6_
52. 3_
8 8 7 5
55. 3.26 + 4.86 56. 9.32 - 4.78 57. 27.48 + 78.92 58. 7.18 - 2.31
Add and subtract MONEY MATTERS Bethany’s Chore Time
measures of time. grandfather promises to pay her for wash the car 1 h 10 min
each hour she spends doing extra run errands 1 h 15 min
Targeted TEKS 6.8
The student solves chores. The table shows the amount
application problems of time spent on each extra chore.
involving estimation
and measurement of length, 1. How long did Bethany take to wash the car? to run errands?
area, time, temperature,
volume, weight, and angles. 2. What is the sum of the minutes? of the hours?
(A) Estimate measurements
(including circumference) and 3. How long did it take to wash the car and run errands?
evaluate reasonableness of
results. (B) Select and use
appropriate units, tools, or
formulas to measure and to
The most commonly used units of time are shown below.
solve problems involving
length (including perimeter),
area, time, temperature,
volume, and weight.
+%9 #/.#%04 Units of Time
Unit Model
1 second (s) time needed to say 1,001
1 minute (min) = 60 seconds time for 2 average TV commercials
NEW Vocabulary
elapsed time 1 hour (h) = 60 minutes time for 2 weekly TV sitcoms
Add or subtract.
a. 5 h 55 min b. 11 h 25 min 20 s c. 9h 35 s
+ 6 h 17 min - 4 h 5 min 35 s + 2 h 59 min 49 s
24 h 39 min 35 s - 10 h 39 min 23 s ≈ 25 h - 11 h or 14 h
Elapsed Time
4 TRAVEL A flight leaves Boston at 11:35 A.M. and arrives in Miami
at 2:48 P.M. How long is the flight?
You need to find how much time has elapsed.
Add the elapsed time before noon and the elapsed time after noon
to find the total elapsed time.
25 min
+ 2 h 48 min
2 h 73 min = 3 h 13 min Rename 73 min as 1 h 13 min.
The length of the flight is 3 hours 13 minutes.
Example 3 4. TELEVISION The table shows the average Average Television Viewing
(p. 411) prime-time television viewing time for Time per Week
all viewers. How much more time did a Year Time
viewer spend watching television in 1950 4 h 35 min
2003 than in 1950? 2003 8 h 22 min
Source: Nielsen Media Research
Example 4 5. SCHOOL Anoki left his house at 6:45 A.M.
(p. 412) to go to school and returned at 2:55 P.M.
How much time elapsed between the time Anoki
left his house and returned home from school?
18. BASKETBALL The school basketball game started at 6:30 P.M. and ended
at 8:22 P.M. How long was the game?
19. SHOPPING Berta, Crystal, and Taylor went shopping and then to a
movie. If they left Berta’s house at 9:30 A.M. and got back at 6:40 P.M.,
how long were they gone?
Add or subtract.
20. 8h 41 s 21. 8 h 25 s 22. 5h
3 h 11 min 8 s + 50 s + 1 h 15 min 12 s
+ 58 min 10 s
28. OPEN ENDED Identify a starting time in the morning and an ending time in
the afternoon where the elapsed time is 3 hours 45 minutes.
29. Which One Doesn’t Belong? Identify the time that is not the same as the
others. Explain your reasoning.
2 h 36 min 16 s 1 h 96 min 16 s 2 h 35 min 76 s 1 h 36 min 76 s
30. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Write a problem about an activity you do on a regular
basis in which you need to figure the elapsed time.
31. Denzell left for Six Flags Over Texas 33. The table shows the time Heather
at 9:15 A.M. and returned home at spends on each activity in the
6:05 P.M. About how many hours morning. About how much time in
elapsed between the time he left and all does it take for Heather to get
the time he returned home from the ready and arrive at work?
amusement park?
Activity Time
A 3h C 9h Get ready in the morning 35 minutes
B 8h D 10 h Walk to the bus stop 12 minutes
Bus ride to work 48 minutes
32. GRIDDDABLE Evan spent 2 hours Walk from the bus stop to
8 minutes
and 35 minutes doing research for a work
paper. Then he spent 1 hour and
25 minutes writing the paper. How F 1 hour 43 minutes
many hours did Evan spend on these G 1 hour 3 minutes
two activities? H 1.43 hours
J 1.03 hours
38. 364 + 132 39. 55 + 249 40. 189 – 162 41. 204 – 79
Choose and estimate Use a thermometer that has both a Fahrenheit (°F) and a
reasonable temperatures. Celsius (°C) scale to measure the temperature of the items listed.
Targeted TEKS 6.8 Temperature
The student solves Item
application problems (°F) (°C)
involving estimation classroom temperature
and measurement of length,
area, time, temperature, outside temperature
volume, weight, and angles. temperature of glass of ice water
(A) Estimate measurements
(including circumference) and temperature of cold water from faucet
evaluate reasonableness of temperature of hot water from faucet
results. (B) Select and use
appropriate units, tools, or
formulas to measure and to 1. Copy the table and record your findings.
solve problems involving
length (including perimeter), Use your findings to predict the temperature of each item.
area, time, temperature,
volume, and weight.
2. cold glass of milk 3. hot cup of coffee 4. frozen dessert
The thermometers at the right
show common temperatures in
degrees Celsius and degrees