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Measurement and Geometry

Focal Point
Solve application problems
involving estimation and

Systems of Measurement
Solve application problems
involving estimation and measurement
of length, weight, volume, time, and

Geometry: Angles and
Use geometric vocabulary
to describe angles, polygons, and circles.

Measurement: Perimeter, Area,
and Volume
Solve application problems
involving estimation and measurement
of length, area, and volume.

Martyn Goddard/CORBIS
Math and Geography
Road Trip Let’s hit the road! Come join us on a cross-country trip to
see the nation. In preparation, you’ll need a map to figure out how
far you’re traveling. You’re also going to need to load up your car
with all the necessary travel essentials. Don’t overdo it though,
there’s only so much room in there. Put on your geometry thinking
cap and let’s get packing!

Log on to to begin.

Unit 4 Measurement and Geometry 375

Systems of
8 Measurement
and Skills
• Solve application problems
involving estimation and
measurement of length,
area, time, temperature,
volume, weight, and
angles. TEKS 6.8

Key Vocabulary
capacity (p. 384)
mass (p. 397)
metric system (p. 392)
temperature (p. 415)

Real-World Link
Mountains Guadalupe Peak in the highest point in
Texas at 2,667 meters or about 3 kilometers. Located
in Guadalupe Mountains National Park, this distance
is about the same as 30 city blocks.

Systems of Measurement Make this Foldable to help you organize your notes on metric and
customary units. Begin with a sheet of 11” × 17” paper.
1 Fold the paper in half 2 Unfold and cut along
along the length. Then the two top folds to
fold in thirds along the make three strips. Cut
width. off the first strip.


3 Refold the two top strips. 4 Unfold and draw lines i>ÃÕÀi‡


Then fold the entire booklet along the folds. Label iÌÀˆV

in thirds along the length. as shown.


376 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

Danny Lehman/CORBIS
GET READY for Chapter 8
Diagnose Readiness You have two options for checking Prerequisite Skills.

Option 2
Take the Online Readiness Quiz at
Option 1
Take the Quick Quiz below. Refer to the Quick Review for help.

Add. (Used in Lesson 8-7) Example 1

1. 8.73 + 11.96 2. 54.26 + 21.85 Find 46.2 + 8.08.
3. 3.04 + 9.92 4. 76.38 + 44.15 Line up the decimal points.
5. 7.9 + 8.62 6. 15.37 + 9.325 46.20 Annex a zero.
7. EXERCISE Aisha walked 3.5 miles + 8.08
on Monday, 2.75 miles on 54.28
Wednesday, and 3.25 miles on
Friday. How many miles did
Aisha walk on those three days?

Subtract. (Used in Lesson 8-7) Example 2

8. 17.46 - 3.29 9. 68.05 - 24.38 Find 52.08 - 12.96.
10. 9.85 - 2.74 11. 8.4 - 3.26 Line up the decimal points.
4 11 10
12. 73.91 - 50.68 13. 27 - 8.62 /5/
08 Since 9 is larger than 0, rename
- 12.96 0 as 10. Rename the 2 in the
14. DINNER Joey’s dinner cost ones place as 11 and the 5 in
$14.88 including tax. If he paid 39.12
the tens place as 4. Then subtract.
with $20, how much change did
he receive?

Multiply. (Used in Lesson 8-6) Example 3

15. 38 × 100 16. 5,264 × 10 Find 45 × 100.
17. 675 × 10 18. 89 × 1,000 100
× 45
19. 718 × 100 20. 249 × 100
21. TICKETS A ticket to a popular + 4000
concert sells for $56. If 1,000 4,500
tickets were sold, how much So, 45 × 100 = 4,500.
money was spent for tickets?

Chapter 8 Get Ready for Chapter 8 377

8-1 Length in the
Customary System
Change units of length Using string, measure and cut the lengths of your arm and
and measure length in the
customary system. your shoe.

Targeted TEKS 6.8 Use the strings to find Measure Nonstandard Standard
The student solves the classroom length classroom
application problems arms yards
in arms and classroom length
involving estimation
and measurement of length, width in shoes. Record classroon
shoes feet
area, time, temperature, width
volume, weight, and
the nonstandard
angles. (A) Estimate measures.
measurements (including
circumference) and evaluate
reasonableness of results. Use a yardstick or tape measure to find the length in yards
(B) Select and use and width in feet. Record the standard measures.
appropriate units, tools, or
formulas to measure and to 1. Compare your nonstandard measures with the nonstandard
solve problems involving
length (including perimeter),
measures of other groups. Are they similar? Why or why not?
area, time, temperature,
volume, and weight.
2. Compare your standard measures with the standard measures
(D) Convert measures within of other groups. Are they similar? Why or why not?
the same measurement
system (customary and 3. Explain the advantages and the disadvantages of using
metric) based on nonstandard measurement and standard measurement.
relationships between units.
Also addresses TEKS 6.4(A).

The most commonly used customary units of length are shown below.

NEW Vocabulary
+%9#/.#%04 Customary Units of Length
foot Unit Model
mile 1 inch (in.) width of a quarter
1 foot (ft) = 12 in. length of a large adult foot
1 yard (yd) = 3 ft length from nose to fingertip
1 mile (mi) = 1,760 yd 10 city blocks

Rulers are usually separated into eighths of an inch.

1 1 1 1
inch 4
inch 2
inch The smallest mark represents 8 inch.
Animation 1
The next larger mark represents 4 inch,
and the next larger mark represents
0 1 2 3 1
inch. The longest mark on a ruler
in. 2
represents an inch.

378 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

Draw a Line Segment
1 Draw a line segment measuring 2 3 inches. _
Draw a line
from 0 to 2_
. 0 1 2 3
8 in.

a. Draw a line segment measuring 1_


Measure Length
2 KEYS Measure the key’s length to the nearest half, fourth, or
eighth inch.

The key is between 1_ inches and

1_ inches. It is closer to 1_ inches.
0 1 2 7 3
in. 8 4

The length of the key is about 1_


b. BOOKS Measure the width of the cover of this textbook to the

nearest half, fourth, or eighth inch.

Change Larger Units to Smaller Units

3 3 ft =  in.

METHOD 1 Use a ratio table.

You know that 1 foot is equal to 12 inches. Set up the ratio table
with the measures you know.
Look Back You can ×3
review ratio tables in
Lesson 6-2. Feet 1 3 Since 1 × 3 = 3, multiply each
Inches 12 36 quantity by 3.


So, 3 feet = 36 inches.

Extra Examples at Lesson 8-1 Length in the Customary System 379
METHOD 2 Select an appropriate operation.
Since 1 foot = 12 inches, larger 1 ft 1 ft 1 ft
multiply 3 by 12. units
3 × 12 = 36 smaller
So, 3 feet = 36 inches. units 12 in. 12 in. 12 in.

c. 5 ft =  in. d. 3 yd =  ft e. 2 mi =  yd

To change from larger units to smaller units you multiply. Similarly,

Measurement to change from smaller units to larger units you divide.
When changing from
larger units to smaller
units, there will be a Change Smaller Units to Larger Units
greater number of
smaller units than 4 21 ft =  yd
larger units. When
changing from Since 3 feet = 1 yard, 21 ft
smaller units to larger
units, there will be divide 21 by 3. units
fewer larger units 21 ÷ 3 = 7 yd
than smaller units. larger
So, 21 feet = 7 yards. units ? yd

f. 36 ft =  yd g. 54 in. =  ft h. 2,640 yd =  mi

5 A bookcase is 59 inches tall. The distance between the top of the

bookcase and the ceiling is about 4 feet. Which is closest to the
distance between the floor and the ceiling?
A 4 ft B 5 ft C 8 ft D 9 ft

Eliminate Choices Read the Test Item

Eliminate any answer
choices with You need to find the distance from the floor to the ceiling.
unreasonably small or
large measurements.
Solve the Test Item
The bookcase is about 60 inches or 5 feet tall. So, the distance
between the floor and the ceiling is 5 + 4 or 9 feet. The answer is D.

i. Kylee hiked 118 feet and then another 7 yards before resting.
Which is closest to the distance Kylee hiked before resting?
F 7 yd G 15 yd H 45 yd J 47 yd
Personal Tutor at

380 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

Example 1 Draw a line segment of each length.
1 _5 in.
(p. 379)
1. in. 2.
4 8

Example 2 Measure the length of each line segment or object to the nearest half,
(p. 379) fourth, or eighth inch.
3. 4.

Examples 3, 4 Complete.
(pp. 379–380)
5. 4 yd =  ft 6. 4 mi =  yd
7. 72 in. =  yd 8. 54 ft =  yd

Example 5 9. TEST PRACTICE Brianna’s brother is about 25 inches shorter than she
(p. 380) is. If Brianna is 5 feet tall, which is closest to her brother’s height in feet?
A 2 ft C 4 ft
B 3 ft D 5 ft

(/-%7/2+ (%,0 Draw a line segment of each length.

For See 10. 2_
in. 11. 3_
in. 12. _3 in. 13. 1_
2 4 4 8
Exercises Examples
10–13 1 Measure the length of each line segment or object to the nearest half,
14–19 2 fourth, or eighth inch.
20–23, 28 3
14. 15. 16.
24–27, 29 4 Shift
48, 49 5

17. 18. 19.



20. 5 yd =  in. 21. 6 yd =  ft
22. 6 ft =  in. 23. 3 mi =  ft
24. 48 in. =  ft 25. 10 ft =  yd
26. 6,160 yd =  mi 27. 510 in. =  ft

28. SPACE SCIENCE The largest telescope in the world is powerful enough to
identify a penny that is 5 miles away. How many yards is this?

Lesson 8-1 Length in the Customary System 381

29. ROLLER COASTERS Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio,
is the tallest roller coaster in the United States. It has a height of 420 feet.
What is this height in yards?

Determine the greater measurement. Explain your reasoning.

30. 1_
yards or 48 inches 31. 54 inches or 4_
2 3

32. ANIMALS The length with tail of a bighorn sheep ranges from 50 inches
to 62 inches long. What is the range of this length in feet?

Real-World Link 33. BACKPACKS Kathy estimates that her backpack is 30 inches long. Is this a
In 1880, about reasonable estimate? Why or why not?
1,500 bighorn sheep
occupied the Determine whether you would measure each length or distance in inches,
mountains in
southwest Texas. By feet, yards, or miles. Explain your reasoning.
the 1950s, only 25 34. length of a computer monitor
remained. Through a
captive breeding and 35. distance from your home to school
release program, the
population increased 36. distance from home plate to the pitchers mound on a baseball field
to 310 in 1993.
Source: ESTIMATION Estimate the length of each object. Then measure to find the
actual length.
37. the length of your bedroom to the nearest foot
38. the width of your student ID card to the nearest eighth inch
39. the height of your dresser to the nearest foot
the height of a classroom wall to the nearest yard

See pages 680, 702.

41. the length of a new pencil to the nearest half inch
42. FIND THE DATA Refer to the Texas Data File on pages 16–19. Choose
Self-Check Quiz at some data and write a real-world problem in which you would convert
a customary measurement of length.

H.O.T. Problems 43. REASONING Explain the

math error in the comic.

44. OPEN ENDED Draw a segment

that measures between 1_
and 2_1
inches long. State the
measure of the segment to the
nearest fourth inch. Then state
the measure to the nearest eighth

45. CHALLENGE How many sixteenths

of an inch are in a foot? How
many half inches are in a yard?

CLOSE TO HOME © 1995 John McPherson. Reprinted with permission of


382 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

(t)Kevin Schafer/zefa/CORBIS, (b)Close to Home ©1995 John McPherson. Reprinted with permission of Universal Press Syndicate. All rights reserved.
46. FIND THE ERROR Liseli and Gabe are changing 168 inches to feet. Who is
correct? Explain your reasoning.

168 ÷ 12 = 14 ft 168 x 12 = 2,016 ft

Liseli Gabe

47. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Suppose your friend says that 24 feet is equal to
2 inches. Is this reasonable? Explain.

48. The diagram below shows the 49. Mr. Cortez’s car is about 71 inches
dimensions of a football field. wide. His garage door is 9 feet wide.
How much wider is the garage door
than Mr. Cortez’s car?


YD F 1 ft
         G 2 ft
YD H 3 ft
J 4 ft
What is the width of the field
expressed in feet?
A 3_
ft C 120 ft
B 13_
ft D 480 ft

Estimate each percent. (Lesson 7-8)

50. 23% of 97 51. 34% of 117 52. 44% of 39 53. 78% of 83
54. TENNIS Christina hit the ball over the net 3 out of her last 5 attempts.
Find the probability of Christina hitting the ball over the net on her
next attempt. Suppose Christina attempts 15 hits. About how many
hits over the net will she make? (Lesson 7-6)
55. SALES What type of display would be most appropriate to show the
change in the number of magazines Wade sold over each of the last
5 days? (Lesson 2-8)

PREREQUISITE SKILL Multiply or divide. (Page 658)

56. 4×8 57. 16 × 5 58. 5,000 ÷ 2,000 59. 400 ÷ 8

Lesson 8-1 Length in the Customary System 383

Brad Wilson/zefa/CORBIS
8-2 Capacity and Weight in the
Customary System
Change units of capacity Several different milk containers are shown below.
and weight in the
customary system.

Targeted TEKS 6.4

The student uses
letters as variables
in mathematical MILK
expressions to describe how
one quantity changes when a gallon quart pint
related quantity changes.
(A) Use tables and symbols
to represent and describe Fill the pint container with water. Then pour the water into
proportional and other the quart container. Repeat until the quart container is full.
relationships such as those
involving conversions, Record the number of pints needed to fill the quart.
arithmetic sequences (with a
constant rate of change), Fill the quart container with water. Then pour the water
perimeter and area. 6.8 The
student solves application into the gallon container. Repeat until the gallon container
problems involving estimation is full. Record the number of quarts needed to fill the
and measurement of length,
area, time, temperature,
volume, weight, and angles.
(D) Convert measures within Complete.
the same measurement
system (customary and 1. 1 quart =  pints 2. 2 quarts =  pints
metric) based on
relationships between units.
3. 1 gallon =  quarts 4. 1 gallon =  pints
Also addresses TEKS 6.8(A),
6.8(B), 6.11(D). 5. What fractional part of 1 gallon would fit in 1 pint?
6. How many gallons are equal to 12 quarts? Explain.

NEW Vocabulary Capacity refers to the amount that can be held in a container. The
capacity most commonly used customary units of capacity are shown.
fluid ounce
pint +%9#/.#%04 Customary Units of Capacity
Unit Model
ounce 1 fluid ounce (fl oz) 2 tablespoons of water
1 cup (c) = 8 fl oz coffee cup
1 pint (pt) = 2 c small ice cream container
1 quart (qt) = 2 pt large liquid measuring cup
READING 1 gallon (gal) = 4 qt large plastic jug of milk
in the Content Area
For strategies in reading
this lesson, visit As with units of length, you can use a ratio table to change between units of capacity.

384 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

Change Units of Capacity
Vocabulary Link
Capacity Complete.
Everyday Use the 1 3 qt =  pt
maximum amount
that can be contained,
as in a theater filled METHOD 1 Use a ratio table.
to capacity
Math Use amount You know that there are 2 pints in 1 quart. Set up the ratio table
that can be held in a with the measures you know. Then multiply each quantity by
the same number.

Quarts 1 3
Since 1 × 3 = 3, multiply 2 by 3.
Pints 2 6


METHOD 2 Select an appropriate operation.

You are changing a larger unit to a smaller unit.
Since 1 quart = 2 pints, multiply 3 by 2.

So, 3 quarts = 6 pints.

2 64 fl oz =  pt
First, find the number of cups in 64 fluid ounces.
Since 8 fluid ounces = 1 cup, divide 64 by 8.
64 ÷ 8 = 8
Check For
So, 64 fluid ounces = 8 cups. Next, find the number of pints in
Example 2, since 8 cups.
8 fluid ounces =
1 cup and 2 cups = Since 2 cups = 1 pint, divide 8 by 2.
1 pint, you need to
divide twice.
64 ÷ 8 = 8 and So, 64 fluid ounces = 4 pints.
8 ÷ 2 = 4.
So, 64 fluid ounces
= 4 pints.

a. 4 pt =  c b. 32 fl oz =  c c. 3 gal =  qt
Personal Tutor at

The most commonly used customary units of weight are shown.

+%9#/.#%04 Customary Units of Weight

Unit Model
1 ounce (oz) pencil
1 pound (lb) = 16 oz package of notebook paper
1 ton (T) = 2,000 lb small passenger car

Extra Examples at Lesson 8-2 Capacity and Weight in the Customary System 385
Change Units of Weight
3 TRUCKS A truck weighs 7,000 pounds. How many tons is this?
7,000 lb =  T THINK 2,000 pounds = 1 ton
7,000 ÷ 2,000 = 3_
Divide to change pounds to tons.
So, 7,000 pounds = 3_

4 PARTIES How many 4-ounce party favors can be made with

Real-World Link
A pickup truck that is 5 pounds of mixed nuts?
said to be “one-and-a- First, find the total number of ounces in 5 pounds.
half tons,” means that
the maximum amount 5 × 16 = 80 Multiply by 16 to change pounds to ounces.
of weight it can carry
is 1_ tons, or
2 Next, find how many sets of 4 ounces are in 80 ounces.
3,000 pounds.
80 oz ÷ 4 oz = 20

So, 20 party favors can be made with 5 pounds of mixed nuts.

d. CONSTRUCTION At a construction site, 3 tons of rocks were

hauled away. How many pounds is this?
e. PETS Justin’s dog eats 20 ounces of dry dog food each day.
If Justin buys a 40-pound bag of dog food, how many days will
it last?

Examples 1, 2 Complete.
(p. 385)
1. 7 pt =  c 2. 24 qt =  gal
3. 16 pt =  gal 4. 5 c =  fl oz
5. 16 pt =  qt 6. 8 c =  pt

Example 3 7. MAMMALS The heaviest land mammal, the African elephant, can weigh
(p. 386) more than 7 tons. How many pounds is this?

8. AIRCRAFTS The maximum takeoff weight of an F-15E Strike Eagle is

81,000 pounds. How many tons is this?

Example 4 9. FOOD Miguela bought a 10-pound bag of potatoes. How many people
(p. 386) can be served 8 ounces of potatoes?

10. BREAKFAST Roman uses 1 cup of milk for his cereal every morning.
How many times will he be able to have cereal with milk with 1 quart
of milk?

386 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

Life Images
(/-%7/2+ (%,0 Complete.
For See 11. 5 qt =  pt 12. 8 gal =  qt
Exercises Examples 13. 24 fl oz =  c 14. 32 qt =  gal
11–22 1, 2
23, 24 3
15. 6 pt =  c 16. 13 qt =  gal
25, 26 4 17. 9 gal =  pt 18. 24 fl oz =  pt
19. 1,500 lb =  T 20. 112 oz =  lb
21. 84 oz =  lb 22. 4 T =  lb

23. MAMMALS The heaviest marine mammal, the blue whale, can weigh
more than 143 tons. How many pounds is this?

24. ICE CREAM In the United States, the annual consumption of ice cream
is 24 pints per person. How many gallons of ice cream is this per

25. BAKING A pumpkin pie recipe calls for 15 ounces of pumpkin. About
how many pies can be made with 8 pounds of pumpkin?

26. MAPLE SYRUP Vermont produces about 430,000 gallons of maple syrup
each year. How many 2-quart containers of maple syrup can be made
from 430,000 gallons of syrup?

Write and solve a proportion to complete each conversion.

27. 6 gal =  qt 28. 7 lb =  oz 29. 48 fl oz =  c

Choose the better estimate for each measure.

30. cups or quarts? 31. fluid ounces or pints?

32. ounces or pounds? 33. pounds or tons?


3# (/ /, "5 3

Find the greater quantity. Explain your reasoning.

34. 14 cups or 5 pints 35. 4 pints or 60 fluid ounces

Lesson 8-2 Capacity and Weight in the Customary System 387

Estimate. Then check the reasonableness of the estimate.
36. The number of cups of juice in a 12-ounce can.
37. The number of pints in a 9-quart bottle of laundry detergent.
38. TRIATHLON During the Ironman Triathlon World Championships, about
250,000 cups of water are given away. Each cup contains 8 fluid ounces.
About how many gallons of water are given away?
39. FIND THE DATA Refer to the Texas Data File on pages 16–19. Choose
some data and write a real-world problem in which you would convert
a customary measurement of capacity or weight.
40. RECIPES Ellen has 12 quart jars and 24 pint jars to fill with strawberry
jam. If her recipe makes 5 gallons of jam, will she have enough jars?
COOKING For Exercises 41–43, use
the following information. 2ECIPE 4EXAS#HEF4OM0ERINIS
Chef Tom Perini, from Buffalo Gap, LBBONELESSPRIMERIB
Texas, uses the ingredients at the CUPSCOARSEGROUNDBLACKPEPPER
right in one of his favorite dishes. CUPFLOURORCORNSTARCH
41. How many ounces of prime rib CUPOREGANO
are needed?
42. There are 16 tablespoons in
%842!02!#4)#% 1 cup. How many tablespoons 3OURCETXBEEFORG

See pages 680, 702. of coarse ground black pepper

are needed?
Self-Check Quiz at 43. How can you find how many tablespoons of garlic powder are
H.O.T. Problems 44. OPEN ENDED Without looking at their labels, estimate the weight or
capacity of three packaged food items in your kitchen. Then compare
your estimate to the actual weight or capacity.
45. SELECT A TECHNIQUE A homemade ice cream recipe calls for 2 pints of
heavy cream. At the grocery store, Antonia finds that heavy cream is
sold in 10-ounce containers and 24-ounce containers. Which of the
following techniques might Antonia use to determine if buying one
10-ounce container and one 24-ounce container will be enough for the
ice cream recipe? Justify your selection(s). Then use the technique(s)
to solve the problem.

mental math estimation number sense

46. CHALLENGE Create a function table that shows the number of fluid
ounces in 1, 2, 3, and 4 cups. Graph the ordered pairs (cups, fluid
ounces) on a coordinate plane. Then describe the graph.
47. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Determine whether 1 cup of sand and 1 cup of
cotton balls would have the same capacity, the same weight, both, or
neither. Explain your reasoning.

388 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

48. A store advertises a 32-ounce 50. Which table represents the
container of juice for $0.99. What is relationship between pounds
the capacity of the container in and ounces?
cups? F Pounds Ounces H Pounds Ounces
A 1 cup 1 16 1 8
B 2 cups 2 32 2 16
3 48 3 24
C 4 cups
4 64 4 32
D 8 cups
G Pounds Ounces J Pounds Ounces
49. GRIDDABLE A can of green beans 16 1 1 16
weighs 13 ounces. How many 32 2 2 24
pounds does a case of 24 cans weigh? 48 3 3 32
64 4 4 40

51. MEASUREMENT Measure the width of your pencil to the nearest eighth
inch. (Lesson 8-1)

52. GAMES An air hockey table that normally sells for $158.99 is on sale
for 75% of the regular price. What would be a reasonable amount for
the sale price? (Lesson 7-8)

BASKETBALL For Exercises 53 and 54, use the following information.

In the first five basketball games, Jamil made 9 out of 12 free-throw
attempts. (Lesson 7-6)
53. Find the probability of Jamil making his next free-throw attempt.
54. Suppose Jamil attempts 40 free throws throughout the season. About
how many free throws will you expect him to make? Justify your

55. PARKS The table shows the acreage The Largest U.S. National Parks
of the largest national parks in the Acreage
U.S. To the nearest tenth of a million, (millions)
what is the acreage of each of the Wrangell-St. Elias, Alaska 13.27
parks? (Lesson 3-3) Gates of the Arctic, Alaska 8.47
Denali, Alaska 6.07
Katmai, Alaska 4.73
Death Valley, California 3.37
Source: Scholastic Book of World Records

PREREQUISITE SKILL Estimate each measure. (Lesson 8-1)

56. the width of a quarter 57. the width of a doorway 58. the width of your palm

Lesson 8-2 Capacity and Weight in the Customary System 389

Explore Measurement Lab
8-3 The Metric System
The basic unit of length in the metric Metric Unit Symbol Meaning
Main IDEA system is the meter. All other metric millimeter mm thousandth
Measure in metric units. units of length are defined in terms
centimeter cm hundredth
of the meter.
Targeted TEKS 6.8 meter m one
The student solves The most commonly used metric kilometer km thousand
application problems units of length are shown in the
involving estimation
and measurement of length,
area, time, temperature, A metric ruler or tape measure is easy to read. The ruler below is
volume, weight, and angles.
(B) Select and use labeled using centimeters.
appropriate units, tools, or
formulas to measure and to
solve problems involving
length (including perimeter), 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
area, time, temperature, centimeter (cm)
volume, and weight.

The pencil below is about 12.4 centimeters long.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
centimeter (cm)

To read millimeters, count each individual unit or mark on the

metric ruler.
There are ten millimeter marks for each centimeter mark. The
pencil is about 124 millimeters long.

4 mm
10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm

124 mm = 12.4 cm
There are 100 centimeters in one meter. Since there are 10 millimeters
in one centimeter, there are 10 × 100 or 1,000 millimeters in one meter.
The pencil is _
of a meter or 0.124 meter long.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
meter (m)

124 mm = 12.4 cm
12.4 cm = 0.124 m

390 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

Use metric units of length to measure various items.

Copy the table.

mm cm m
length of pencil
length of sheet of paper
length of your hand
width of your little finger
length of table or desk
length of chalkboard eraser
width of door
height of door
distance from doorknob to the floor
length of classroom

Use a metric ruler or tape measure to measure the objects

listed in the table. Complete the table.
Appropriate Tools
To measure longer
objects such as the
height of a door or
length of a classroom, 1. Tell which unit of measure is most appropriate for each item. How
use a tape measure.
did you decide which unit was most appropriate?
2. LOOK FOR A PATTERN Examine the pattern between the numbers
in each column. How are the numbers in the first and second
columns related? in the first and third columns? in the second and
third columns?
3. MAKE A CONJECTURE If you know the length of an object measured
in millimeters, explain how you could find its length measured in
4. MAKE A CONJECTURE If you know the length of an object measured
in meters, explain how you could find its length measured in
5. Select three objects around your classroom that would be best
measured in meters, three objects that would be best measured in
centimeters, and three objects that would be best measured in
millimeters. Explain your choices.
6. Write the name of a common object that you think has a length
that corresponds to each length. Explain your choices.
a. 5 centimeters b. 3 meters c. 1 meter d. 75 centimeters

Explore 8-3 Measurement Lab: The Metric System 391

8-3 Length in the Metric System

Use metric units of length. SCIENCE The table shows the Deepest Ocean
deepest points in several oceans. Points
Targeted TEKS 6.8
The student solves 1. What unit of measure is used?
application problems
involving estimation 2. What is the depth of the Ocean Point Depth (m)
and measurement of length, deepest point? Mariana
area, time, temperature, Pacific 10,924
volume, weight, and angles. 3. Use the Internet or another
(A) Estimate measurements Puerto Rico
source to find the meaning of Atlantic 8,648
(including circumference) and
evaluate reasonableness of meter. Then write a sentence Java
Indian 7,125
results. (B) Select and use explaining how a meter Trench
appropriate units, tools, or
formulas to measure and to
compares to a yard. Source:

solve problems involving

length (including perimeter),
area, time, temperature, A meter is the basic unit of length in the metric system. The metric
volume, and weight. system is a decimal system of weights and measures. The most
commonly used metric units of length are shown below.

NEW Vocabulary +%9#/.#%04 Metric Units of Length

metric system
Unit Model Benchmark
millimeter 1 millimeter (mm) thickness of a dime 1 mm ≈ 0.04 inch
1 centimeter (cm) half the width of a penny 1 cm ≈ 0.4 inch
1 meter (m) width of a doorway 1 m ≈ 1.1 yards
1 kilometer (km) six city blocks 1 km ≈ 0.6 mile

The segment at the right is

1 centimeter or 10 millimeters
0 1 2 3 4 5
Vocabulary Link long. This is about 0.4 inch in cm
Milli- customary units.
Everyday Use one
thousand, as a
millennium is one 0 1 2
thousand years
Math Use a metric
unit of length; one
Use Metric Units of Length
millimeter equals one-
thousandth of a meter 1 Write the metric unit of length that you would use to measure
the width of a paper clip.
The width of a paper clip is greater than the thickness of a dime,
but less than half the width of a penny. So, the millimeter is an
appropriate unit of measure.

392 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement Extra Examples at

Write the metric unit of length that you would use to measure
each of the following.

2 height of a desk
Since the height of a desk is close to the
width of a doorway, the meter is an
appropriate unit of measure.

3 distance across Indiana

Since the distance across Indiana
is much greater than 6 city blocks, INDIANA

this is measured in kilometers.

4 width of a CD
Since the width of a CD is greater than half the width of a penny
and much less than the width of a doorway, the centimeter is an
appropriate unit of measure.

a. thickness of a nickel b. height of a cereal box

Estimate and
Measure Length
5 INSECTS Estimate the metric length of the honey
bee. Then measure to find the actual length.
The length of the honey bee appears to be the width
of a penny. So, the honey bee is about 2 centimeters.
Use a ruler to measure the actual length of the honey bee.

The honey bee is 18 millimeters long.

Real-World Link
It takes the life work    
of about 300 bees to
make one pound of CM

c. FOOD Estimate the length of the blueberry.

Then measure to find the actual length.

Personal Tutor at

Lesson 8-3 Length in the Metric System 393

Altrendo Nature/Altrendo/Getty Images
Examples 1–4 Write the metric unit of length that you would use to measure each of the
(pp. 392–393) following.
1. thickness of a calculator 2. distance from home to school
3. height of a tree 4. width of a computer screen

Example 5 Estimate the metric length of each figure. Then measure to find the
(p. 393) actual length.
5. 6.

(/-%7/2+ (%,0 Write the metric unit of length that you would use to measure each of the
For See
Exercises Examples 7. thickness of a note pad 8. thickness of a watchband
7–14 1–4 9. length of a trombone 10. width of a dollar bill
15–20 5
11. length of a bracelet 12. length of the Mississippi River
13. distance from Knoxville, Tennessee, to Asheville, North Carolina
14. distance from home plate to first base on a baseball field

Estimate the metric length of each figure. Then measure to find the actual
15. 16.

17. 18.




394 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

21. SKYSCRAPER Which metric unit of length would be the best to use to
describe the height of the Bank of America Plaza in Dallas?
22. RESEARCH Use the Internet or another source to find the height of the
Bank of America Plaza in Dallas, Texas. Is the height given in the metric
unit you selected in Exercise 19? If not, in what unit is the measurement
Estimate the metric length of each of the following. Then measure to find
the actual length.
23. student ID card 24. chalkboard
25. eraser on end of pencil 26. width of a cell phone
Real-World Link 27. FLOOR PLANS Estimate the metric length and width of your bedroom or
The Bank of America classroom. Then use a meterstick to check your measurement.
Plaza is the tallest
building in Dallas,
Texas. It was built 28. MAPS Estimate the distance "ARSTOW 
in 1985 and has in centimeters between #LARITA

72 stories. 
Los Angeles and Palm 
Springs on the map. Then  
use a ruler to check your
29. Which customary unit of ,ONG"EACH  3PRINGS
length is comparable to   )NDIO
a meter?

30. Is a mile or a foot closer in
length to a kilometer?
Find the greater length. Explain your reasoning.
31. 15 millimeters or 3 centimeters 32. 3 feet or 1 meter
33. 1 mile or 2 kilometers 34. 5 centimeters or 1 inch

35. FARMING If you were to build a fence around a cattle pasture, would
you need to be accurate to the nearest kilometer, to the nearest meter, or
to the nearest centimeter? Explain your reasoning.
36. COLLECT THE DATA Choose three classmates or three members of your
See pages 681, 702. family. (You can include yourself.) Which metric unit of length would
you use to measure each person’s height? Estimate the combined height
Self-Check Quiz at of all three people. Then use a measuring device to measure and check
the reasonableness of your estimate.
H.O.T. Problems 37. OPEN ENDED Give two examples of items that can be measured with
a meterstick and two examples of items that cannot reasonably be
measured with a meterstick.
38. CHALLENGE Order 4.8 mm, 4.8 m, 4.8 cm, 0.48 m, and 0.048 km from
greatest to least measurement.
39. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Identify the four most commonly used metric units
of length and describe an object having each length. Use objects that are
different from those given in the lesson.

Lesson 8-3 Length in the Metric System 395

Jeremy Woodhouse/Masterfile
40. What is the best estimate for the 41. Which metric unit would you use
length of the paper clip? to measure the distance an athlete
jumps in a long jump competition?
F millimeter
G centimeter
H meter
J kilometer
A 3 mm
B 3 cm
C 0.3 m
D 0.3 km

42. PAINTING Painters used 170 gallons of white topcoat to paint the
famous Hollywood sign. How many quarts is this? (Lesson 8-2)

Complete. (Lesson 8-1)

43. 4 ft =  in. 44. 5280 yd =  mi 45. 144 in. =  yd

46. FAMILIES At a school, there are 108 students in the 6th grade. Of these,
18 students do not have any siblings. In Mr. Romain’s class, 8 of the
26 students have no siblings. Is the number of students without siblings
in Mr. Romain’s class proportional to the number of students without
siblings in the 6th grade? Explain. (Lesson 6-3)

Add or subtract. Write in simplest form. (Lesson 5-4)

47. _ + _ 48. _ + _ _6 - _3
1 2 3 2
49. 50.
9 -_
_ 3
5 5 8 8 7 7 10 10

51. ACTORS The table shows the earnings of Actors with Highest
actors with the highest career box-office Box-Office Earnings
earnings. To the nearest tenth of a billion, Earnings (billions
what are the earnings of each actor? of dollars)
(Lesson 3-3) Harrison Ford 3.25
Samuel L. Jackson 3.02
52. MONEY Write an integer that represents
Tom Hanks 2.84
a direct deposit of $200 into a savings
Tom Cruise 2.56
account. (Lesson 2-9)
Eddie Murphy 2.48
Source: Scholastic Book of World Records 2005

PREREQUISITE SKILL Name an item sold in a grocery store that is

measured using each type of unit.
53. fluid ounce 54. pound 55. quart

396 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

8-4 Mass and Capacity in
the Metric System
Use metric units of mass
and capacity. Place a breath mint on one side of a balance scale and
some paper clips on the other side until the scale balances.
Targeted TEKS 6.8 How many paper clips were used?
The student solves
application problems
involving estimation Read the label on the mints to find the mass in grams of
and measurement of length,
area, time, temperature,
one mint.
volume, weight, and angles.
(A) Estimate measurements Find the number of paper clips needed to balance
(including circumference) and
evaluate reasonableness of
2 pencils of the same size.
results. (B) Select and use
appropriate units, tools, or 1. How does the number of paper clips needed to balance the roll
formulas to measure and to
solve problems involving of breath mints compare to the mass of the roll in grams?
length (including perimeter),
area, time, temperature, 2. Estimate the mass of one paper clip.
volume, and weight.
3. How many paper clips were needed to balance 2 pencils?
4. What is the mass of 1 pencil in grams?

NEW Vocabulary
The mass of an object is the amount of material it contains. The most
commonly used metric units of mass are shown below.
+%9#/.#%04 Metric Units of Mass
liter Unit Model Benchmark
1 milligram (mg) grain of salt 1 mg ≈ 0.00004 oz
1 gram (g) small paper clip 1 g ≈ 0.04 oz
1 kilogram (kg) six medium apples 1 kg ≈ 2 lb

Use Metric Units of Mass

Write the metric unit of mass that you would use to measure
each of the following. Then estimate the mass.
1 sheet of notebook paper
A sheet of paper has a mass greater than a small paper clip, but
less than six medium apples. So, the gram is the appropriate unit.
Estimate A sheet of paper has slightly more mass than a
paper clip.
One estimate for the mass of a sheet of paper is about 6 grams.

Lesson 8-4 Mass and Capacity in the Metric System 397

2 bag of potatoes
A bag of potatoes has a mass greater than six apples. So, the
kilogram is the appropriate unit.
Estimate A bag of potatoes contains about 15 potatoes.
One estimate for the mass of a bag of potatoes is about 2 or
3 kilograms.

Write the metric unit of mass that you would use to measure
each of the following. Then estimate the mass.
a. tennis ball b. horse c. aspirin

The most commonly used metric units of capacity are shown below.

+%9#/.#%04 Metric Units of Capacity

Unit Model Benchmark

1 milliliter (mL) eyedropper 1 mL ≈ 0.03 fl oz

1 liter (L) small pitcher 1 L ≈ 1 qt

There are 1,000 milliliters in a liter. You can use this information to
estimate capacity.

Use Metric Units of Capacity

Write the metric unit of capacity that you would use to measure
each of the following. Then estimate the capacity.
3 goldfish bowl
A goldfish bowl has a capacity greater than a small pitcher. So, the
liter is the appropriate unit.
Estimate A goldfish bowl will hold about 2 small pitchers of water.
One estimate for the capacity of a goldfish bowl is about 2 liters.
4 glass of milk
Real-World Link
Most pet goldfish range A glass of milk is greater than an eyedropper and less than a small
in length from 2.5 to pitcher. So, the milliliter is the appropriate unit.
10 centimeters.
However, in the wild, Estimate There are 1,000 milliliters in a liter. A small pitcher can fill
they may be up to about 4 glasses.
40 centimeters long.
Source: One estimate for the capacity of a glass of milk is about 1,000 ÷ 4
or 250 milliliters.

d. cooler of lemonade e. raindrop

398 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement Extra Examples at

Micheal Simpson/Getty Images
One kilogram is equal to 1,000 grams. You can use this information to
compare metric units.

Compare Metric Units

5 ANATOMY The table shows the Human Organs Average Mass (g)
average mass of several human Skin 10,886
organs. Is the combined mass Right Lung 580
of the lungs more or less than Left Lung 510
one kilogram? Male Heart 315
Find the total mass. Female Heart 265
right lung 580 g Thyroid 35
Source: Top 10 of Everything
left lung + 510 g
total 1,090 g
Since 1 kilogram = 1,000 grams and 1,090 grams is more than
1,000 grams, the combined mass of the lungs is more than
one kilogram.

f. RECIPES The table shows the Fruit Punch

Amount (mL)
liquid ingredients of a fruit Liquid Ingredients
punch recipe. Does the recipe pineapple juice 510
call for more or less than a water 769
liter of pineapple juice and ginger ale 375
ginger ale? Explain.
Personal Tutor at

Examples 1–4 Write the metric unit of mass or capacity that you would use to measure
(pp. 397–398) each of the following. Then estimate the mass or capacity.
1. nickel 2. bucket of water
3. laptop computer 4. juice in a lemon
5. light bulb 6. one-gallon paint can

Example 5 FOOD For Exercises 7–9, use the list of $ARK#HOCOLATE#AKE

(p. 399) ingredients at the right for a dark
chocolate cake. MEDIUMEGGS
7. Is the total amount of sugar, chocolate,
butter, and flour more or less than GRAMSCHOCOLATE
one kilogram? GRAMSBUTTER
8. Write the quantities of ingredients GRAMSFLOUR
needed for two cakes.
9. Is the total amount of sugar, chocolate,
butter, and flour for two cakes more or less than one kilogram? Explain.

Lesson 8-4 Mass and Capacity in the Metric System 399

(/-%7/2+ (%,0 Write the metric unit of mass or capacity that you would use to measure
each of the following. Then estimate the mass or capacity.
For See
Exercises Examples 10. granola bar 11. grape
10–21 1–4 12. large watermelon 13. cow
22, 23 5
14. large bowl of punch 15. bathtub
16. chipmunk 17. shoe
18. grain of sugar 19. postage stamp
20. 10 drops of food coloring 21. ink in a ballpoint pen

ANALYZE TABLES For Exercises 22 and 23,

use the table at the right that shows the
mass of ducks.
Duck Mass
22. Is the combined mass of a
cinnamon teal, cape teal, and Bird
Mass (g)
marbled teal more or less than
Cape Teal 409
one kilogram?
Cinnamon Teal 440
23. Which birds from the table will Hottentot Teal 243
have a combined mass closest to
Marbled Teal 308
one kilogram? Explain your

24. CEREAL Your favorite cereal comes in a 1.7-kilogram box or a 39-gram

box. Which box is larger? Explain.

25. SOAP Liquid soap comes in 1.89-liter containers and 221-milliliter

containers. Which container is smaller? Explain.

ANALYZE TABLES For Exercises 26 and 27, Average Annual Consumption

use the following information and the of Bottled Water, 2003
table at the right. Per Person
Consumption (L)
A kiloliter is equal to 1,000 liters, and
is about the amount needed to fill U.S. 82

5 bathtubs. Canada 46
Germany 116
26. Is the amount of bottled water
Spain 126
consumed by all countries in the
table more or less than half a Mexico 133
kiloliter? Source: Nestlé Waters Press

27. About how many bathtubs could be filled with the amount of bottled
water consumed by 15 people in Mexico in 2003?
%842!02!#4)#% 28. MEDICINE The doctor told you to take
See pages 681, 702. 1,250 milligrams of aspirin for your
sprained ankle. According to the bottle ASPIRIN
50 tablets
Self-Check Quiz at at the right, how many tablets should Net Mass you take? 500 mg

400 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

Kennan Ward/CORBIS
H.O.T. Problems 29. OPEN ENDED Locate and identify an item found at your home that has a
capacity of about one liter.

30. NUMBER SENSE The mass of a dime is recorded as 4. What metric unit
was used to measure the mass? Explain your reasoning.

31. CHALLENGE Determine whether the following statement is true or false.

If false, give a counterexample.
Any two items filled to the same capacity will also have the same mass.

32. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Write a problem about a real-world situation in

which you would have to decide which metric unit to use to measure
the mass or capacity of an item.

33. The capacity of a 34. Which of the following items on

glass of iced tea Allie’s grocery list has a mass of
would best be about 2 kilograms?
measured in what F bag of marshmallows
metric unit?
G can of green beans
A milliliters
H loaf of bread
B liters
J bag of flour
C milligrams
D grams

Write the metric unit of length that you would use to measure each of
the following. (Lesson 8-3)
35. length of a hand 36. thickness of a folder

37. MEASUREMENT How many ounces are in 5 pounds? (Lesson 8-2)

WEATHER For Exercises 38 and 39, use the following information.

(Lesson 7-5)

A morning radio announcer reports that the chance of rain today is 85%.
38. What is the probability that it will not rain?
39. Should you carry an umbrella? Justify your answer.

40. PREREQUISITE SKILL Leon has 45 baseball cards. He is collecting 5 more

cards each month. Alicia has 30 baseball cards, and she is collecting
10 more each month. How many months will it be before Alicia has
more cards than Leon? Use the look for a pattern strategy. (Lesson 6-5)

Lesson 8-4 Mass and Capacity in the Metric System 401

8-5 Problem-Solving Investigation
MAIN IDEA: Solve problems using benchmarks.
Targeted TEKS 6.11 The student applies Grade 6 mathematics to solve problems connected to everyday experiences,
investigations in other disciplines, and activities in and outside of school. (B) Use a problem-solving model that incorporates
understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness.
Also addresses TEKS 6.11(C).


YOUR MISSION: Use a benchmark to solve the

THE PROBLEM: How can Tyra make punch for the party
with no metric measuring containers?

TYRA: I need to add one-half liter of

juice concentrate to 3 liters of water.
I have a clean 2-liter cola bottle.

EXPLORE You need to measure 0.5 liter of juice concentrate and 3 liters of water. You have a
2-liter cola bottle.
PLAN A benchmark is a measurement by which other items can be measured. Take the
2-liter bottle and use a marker to visually divide it into four approximately equal
sections. Each section will be about 0.5 liter.
SOLVE Mark the 2-liter bottle into four sections. Pour the
concentrate into the bottle until it reaches the first mark
on the bottle. You have about 0.5 liter of concentrate.

CHECK Since 4 halves equal 2 wholes, a fourth of the bottle should equal 0.5 liter.

1. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Explain why the 2-liter bottle is a good benchmark
to use for measuring the 0.5 liter of concentrate.
2. Describe how you could measure 3 liters of water for the punch.

402 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

John Evans
Use a benchmark to solve Exercises 3 and 4. 7. PARTIES Debra has a string of ribbon to
3. INTERIOR DESIGN Pete wants to put a tie around party favors. She knows that
border around his room. He needs to her hand span is 20 centimeters. She needs
know the approximate length and width to know the length of the ribbon in order
of the room in meters. He has some string, to find out how many equal-size pieces
and he knows that the distance from the she can cut. Describe a way Debra could
doorknob to the floor is about one meter. estimate the length of the ribbon.
Describe a way Pete could estimate the
distances in meters. 8. NUMBER SENSE A number multiplied by
itself is 676. What is the number?
4. PROBABILITY The students in Mrs.
Delgado’s math class want to determine
the probability that a person picked at
random from the class is taller than For Exercises 9–12, select the appropriate
200 centimeters. They know that the operation(s) to solve the problem. Justify
doorway is 3 meters high. Describe your selection(s) and solve the problem.
a way the students can determine 9. GEOMETRY Find the area of the figure.
who is taller than 200 centimeters.
45 cm

Use any strategy to solve Exercises 5–8. 20 cm

Some strategies are shown below.
18 cm
• Use the four-s
tep plan.
• Use guess an
d check.
rn. 10. MONEY Antwon purchased a portable
• Look for a patte
MP3 player for $129.98, including tax.
How much change should he receive
from $150?
5. BUSINESS The North Shore Fish Market
reported the following sales each day
11. SOFTBALL The Grayson Middle School
during the first half of April. Which is
softball team won three times as many
greater, the mean or the median sales
games as they lost. If they lost 5 games,
during this time?
how many games did they play?

!PRIL 12. FOOTBALL The table shows the passing

       leaders of Super Bowl games. How much
       greater was the distance that Kurt Warner

      passed the ball in the 2000 Super Bowl
       than in the 2002 Super Bowl in feet?

Passing Leaders
Player Year Yards
6. MEASUREMENT What is the missing Kurt Warner 2000 414
measurement in the pattern? Kurt Warner 2002 365
Donovan McNabb 2005 357
...., , _ in., _ in., _ in., ...
1 1 1
4 8 16 Source:

Lesson 8-5 Problem-Solving Investigation: Use Benchmarks 403

Mid-Chapter Quiz
8 Lessons 8-1 through 8-5

Complete. (Lesson 8-1) Estimate the metric length of each of the

1. 10,560 ft =  mi following. Then measure to find the actual
length. (Lesson 8-3)
2.  in. = 2 yd
3. 18 ft =  yd

Find the length of each line segment or

object to the nearest half, fourth, or eighth
inch. (Lesson 8-1)

20. VOLLEYBALL COURTS Which metric unit
would be the best to use to describe
the length and width of a volleyball
6. HEIGHT Scott is 78 inches tall. The height
court? (Lesson 8-3)
of a ceiling is 9 feet. How many feet are
between him and the ceiling when he is Write the metric unit of mass or capacity that you
standing? (Lesson 8-1) would use to measure each of the following.
Then estimate the mass or capacity. (Lesson 8-4)
Complete. (Lesson 8-2) 21. washing machine
7. 22 pt =  qt 8.  qt = 14 gal 22. can of soup
9. 32 oz =  lb 10.  fl oz = 5 c 23. tank of gas
11. 9 pt =  c 12.  gal = 48 pt 24. shoelace
25. packet of sugar
13. TEST PRACTICE How much punch
is made with 1 pint of ginger ale, 1 cup 26. TEST PRACTICE The
of orange juice, and 3 cups of pineapple weight of an eraser would
juice? (Lesson 8-2) best be measured in what
metric units? (Lesson 8-4)
A 1 pint C 3 pints
F milliliters H grams
B 2 pints D 5 pints
G liters J milligrams
Write the metric unit of length that you 27. ELECTRONICS Josefina is buying a stereo
would use to measure each of the and wants to place it on a shelf on her
following. (Lesson 8-3) entertainment center. She needs to know
14. length of a textbook if there is enough space to place the
stereo on the shelf. If Josefina only has a
15. distance between two cities
piece of string that is 5 inches long,
16. thickness of a pencil describe a way she could estimate the
17. length of a classroom height of the shelf. (Lesson 8-5)

404 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

8-6 Changing Metric Units

Main IDEA Interactive Lab

Change units within the FOOD The table shows the Baked Beans Consumed
metric system. estimated consumption of baked per Person
beans per person for several Country g kg
Targeted TEKS 6.4
The student uses countries. Ireland 5,600 5.6
letters as variables in
1. How many grams of baked United Kingdom 4,800 4.8
expressions to describe how beans are consumed per person United States 2,000 2
one quantity changes when a
related quantity changes.
in the United States? Canada 1,200 1.2
(A) Use tables and symbols 2. How many kilograms of baked Source: Top 10 of Everything
to represent and describe
proportional and other beans are consumed per person
relationships such as those in the United States?
involving conversions,
arithmetic sequences (with a 3. Describe the relationship between the quantities you found in
constant rate of change), Exercises 1 and 2.
perimeter and area. 6.8 The
student solves application 4. Compare the number of grams and kilograms of baked beans
problems involving estimation
and measurement of length,
consumed by the other countries in the table. Make a conjecture
area, time, temperature, about how to convert from grams to kilograms.
volume, weight, and angles.
(D) Convert measures within
the same measurement To change from one unit to another in the metric sytem, you multiply
system (customary and
metric) based on or divide by powers of 10. The chart below shows the relationship
relationships between units. between the units in the metric system and the powers of 10.
Also addresses TEKS 6.11(D).

1,000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001




Each place value is 10 times

the place value to its right.







In Lesson 8-1, you learned the following methods for changing

customary units of measure.
Vocabulary Link
Centi- • To change from a larger unit to a smaller unit, multiply.
Everyday Use one
one-hundredth of a • To change from a smaller unit to a larger unit, divide.
dollar, as in 53 cents
You can use the same methods for changing metric units of measure.
Math Use a metric Multiply × 1,000 × 100 × 10
unit of length; one
centimeter equals one larger km m cm mm smaller
hundredth of a meter unit unit
÷ 1,000 ÷ 100 ÷ 10 Divide

Lesson 8-6 Changing Metric Units 405

Change Metric Units
Check for 1  mm = 26 cm
Since a millimeter Since 1 centimeter = 10 millimeters, multiply 26 by 10.
is a smaller unit
than a centimeter, 26 × 10 = 260
the number of
millimeters So, 260 mm = 26 cm.
needed to equal
26 centimeters
should be greater
2 135 g =  kg
than 26. Since Since 1,000 grams = 1 kilogram, divide 135 by 1,000.
260 > 26, the
answer seems 135 ÷ 1,000 = 0.135
So, 135 g = 0.135 kg.

a. 513 mL =  L b. 5 cm =  mm c.  mg = 82 g
Personal Tutor at

3 TRIATHLONS Will has run San Diego

200 meters. How many more International Triathlon
kilometers does he need to run in Swim Bike Run
order to finish the running portion
1 km 30 km 10 km
of the San Diego International
Real-World Link Triathlon?
The triathlon was First, change 200 meters to kilometers. You can use a proportion.
invented in the early
1970s by the San Diego ÷5
Track Club. It became
an Olympic sport in the _
1 km
x km
Sydney 2000 summer 1,000 m 200 m
games. ÷5
x = 1 ÷ 5 or 0.2
So, 200 meters = 0.2 kilometer.
Subtract to find the number of kilometers Will still needs to run.
10 - 0.2 = 9.8 kilometers
Will needs to run 9.8 kilometers.

d. WATER A person should drink about 1.9 liters of water daily.

Miko drank 1,650 milliliters one morning. How much more
water should Miko drink during the day?

406 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement Extra Examples at

John Kelly/Getty Images
Examples 1, 2 Complete.
(p. 406)
1. 95 g =  mg 2. 5 L =  mL 3.  mm = 38 cm
4.  L = 75 mL 5. 205 mg =  g 6. 85 mm =  cm

Example 3 7. TRAVEL Booker’s family drove 42 kilometers from Brownsville to

(p. 406) Harlingen and then another 2,300 meters to his aunt’s house. What is
the total number of kilometers Booker’s family drove?

(/-%7/2+ (%,0 Complete.

For See 8.  L = 95 mL 9.  g = 1,900 mg 10. 52 mm =  cm
Exercises Examples 11. 354 cm =  m 12.  mg = 6 g 13.  mL = 238 L
8–19 1, 2
20, 21 3
14. 4 m =  mm 15. 18 L =  mL 16.  L = 136 mL
17.  g = 7 mg 18. 1,300 g =  kg 19. 450 m =  km

20. ANIMALS If a rhinoceros has a mass of 3,600 kilograms and a pygmy

mouse has a mass of 8 grams, how much more mass is the rhinoceros
than the pygmy mouse?

21. TRACK A running track at a college is 200 meters long. Isabel wants to run
1 kilometer on this track. How many laps will she have to run?

22. 500 mg =  kg 23. 250 mm =  km
24. 200,000 mL =  kL 25. 3 km =  cm

Order each set of measurements from least to greatest.

26. 4.2 kg, 420 g, 400,000 mg 27. 560 mm, 55 cm, 5.6 km
28. 630 mg, 63 g, 6.3 kg 29. 8.2 km, 8,500 mm, 80 m

30. BRIDGES The table shows the U.S. Suspension Bridges

length of the three longest Length of
suspension bridges in the United Bridge Location Main Span
States. If Perez biked over the (m)

main span of the Golden Gate Verrazano

New York 1,298
Bridge and back, about how
many kilometers did he bike? Golden Gate

Michigan 1,158
Source: Top 10 of Everything

31. FITNESS Danielle walked 0.75 kilometer each day for five days. How
many meters did she walk in all?

Lesson 8-6 Changing Metric Units 407

32. FIND THE DATA Refer to the Texas Data File on pages 16–19. Choose
some data and write a real-world problem in which you would need to
change metric units.

33. TRACK At a track meet, Andres raced in the 5,000-meter run,

10,000-meter run, and 400-meter hurdles. How many total kilometers
did Andres race at the track meet?

34. RESEARCH Use the Internet or another source to find other metric
prefixes for very large and very small units of measure. List three of
each type and explain their meaning.

BASEBALL For Exercises 35–37, use the table at Distance of Mickey

the right. Mantle’s Five
Longest Home Runs
35. List the home runs in order from greatest
192 m
to least.
201 m
%842!02!#4)#% 36. How much longer was Mickey Mantle’s 19,600 cm
See pages 682, 702. longest home run than his fifth longest 22,400 cm
198,000 mm
home run?
Self-Check Quiz at 37. Find the mean, median, and mode of the
home runs. Which of these measures best represents the data?

H.O.T. Problems 38. OPEN ENDED Choose a metric measure between 1 and 100. Then write
two measures equivalent to that measure.

39. CHALLENGE If Tyra has x milligrams of food for her parrot, write an
algebraic expression for the amount of kilograms of parrot food she has.

40. SELECT A TOOL Rachelle takes a large jug of lemonade to her brother’s
soccer games. She sells cups of the lemonade to the fans. The jug contains
10 liters of lemonade, and each cup will hold 400 milliliters. Which of
the following tools might Rachelle use to determine how many cups to
bring with her? Justify your selection(s). Then use the tool(s) to solve the
real objects paper/pencil calculator

41. FIND THE ERROR Jacinta and Trina are changing 590 centimeters to
meters. Who is correct? Explain your reasoning.

590 x 100 = 590 ÷ 100 =

59,000 m 5.9 m

Jacinta Trina

42. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Explain the steps you would use to change
7 kiloliters to milliliters.

408 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

(l)Park Street/PhotoEdit, (r)Dann Tardif/LWA/Getty Images
43. GRIDDABLE Nestor bought a 3-meter 45. Chicago’s Buckingham Fountain
telephone cord. What is the length of contains 133 jets that spray about
the cord in millimeters? 52,990 liters of water into the air
every minute. Which proportion can
44. The mass of Ethan’s dog is 25,900 be used to find x, the number of
grams. What is the mass of his dog in kiloliters of water the fountain
kilograms? sprays every minute?
A 2.59 kg 52,990 L
F _=_ 1 kL
B 25.9 kg x kL 1,000 L
C 259 kg G _ 1L
=_ x kL
52,990 L 1,000 kL
D 2,590 kg 52,990 L 1,000 L
H _=_
x kL 1 kL
1,000 L
J _ x kL
52,990 L 1 kL

46. DRIVEWAYS Before seal coating his driveway, Tito needs to know
its length and width. He knows that it is about 3 meters wide.
Describe a way he could estimate the length and width of his driveway
without using a metric ruler. (Lesson 8-5)
47. FOOD Which is the better estimate for the capacity of a glass of milk,
360 liters or 360 milliliters? (Lesson 8-4)
48. MEASUREMENT Estimate the metric length of the battery. Then
measure to find the actual length. (Lesson 8-3)

Write each mixed number as an improper fraction. (Lesson 4-3)

49. 1_
50. 7_
51. 6_
52. 3_
8 8 7 5

53. ARCHITECTURE Use front-end estimation Room Kitchen Bedroom

to find the difference in the ceiling
Ceiling Height (ft) 12.35 8.59
heights between the kitchen and the
bedroom. (Lesson 3-4)
54. If the input values of a function are 0, 1, and 6 and the corresponding
outputs are 4, 5, and 10, what is the function rule? (Lesson 1-6)

PREREQUISITE SKILL Add or subtract. (Lesson 3-5)

55. 3.26 + 4.86 56. 9.32 - 4.78 57. 27.48 + 78.92 58. 7.18 - 2.31

Lesson 8-6 Changing Metric Units 409

8-7 Measures of Time

Add and subtract MONEY MATTERS Bethany’s Chore Time
measures of time. grandfather promises to pay her for wash the car 1 h 10 min
each hour she spends doing extra run errands 1 h 15 min
Targeted TEKS 6.8
The student solves chores. The table shows the amount
application problems of time spent on each extra chore.
involving estimation
and measurement of length, 1. How long did Bethany take to wash the car? to run errands?
area, time, temperature,
volume, weight, and angles. 2. What is the sum of the minutes? of the hours?
(A) Estimate measurements
(including circumference) and 3. How long did it take to wash the car and run errands?
evaluate reasonableness of
results. (B) Select and use
appropriate units, tools, or
formulas to measure and to
The most commonly used units of time are shown below.
solve problems involving
length (including perimeter),
area, time, temperature,
volume, and weight.
+%9#/.#%04 Units of Time

Unit Model
1 second (s) time needed to say 1,001
1 minute (min) = 60 seconds time for 2 average TV commercials
NEW Vocabulary
elapsed time 1 hour (h) = 60 minutes time for 2 weekly TV sitcoms

To add or subtract measures of time, use the following steps.

Step 1 Add or subtract the seconds.
Rename if necessary in
Step 2 Add or subtract the minutes. w
e each step.
Step 3 Add or subtract the hours.

Add and Subtract Units of Time

Other Units of Time 1 Find the sum of 4 h 20 min and 2 h 50 min.
1 day = 24 hours
Estimate 4 h 20 min + 2 h 50 min ≈ 4 h + 3 h or 7 h
1 week = 7 days
1 month ≈ 30 days 4 h 20 min Add minutes first, then hours.
1 year = 12 months + 2 h 50 min
6 h 70 min 70 minutes is greater than 60 minutes or 1 hour.

6 h (1 h 10 min) Rename 70 minutes as 1 hour and 70 – 60 or 10 min.


7 h 10 min Add hours.

Check for Reasonableness 7 h 10 min ≈ 7 h ✔

410 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

2 Find the difference of 8 h 20 min 35 s and 3 h 45 min 30 s.
Estimate 8 h 20 min 35 s - 3 h 45 min 30 s ≈ 8 h - 4 h or 4 h

8 h 20 min 35 s Subtract the seconds first. Notice that you

- 3 h 45 min 30 s cannot subtract 45 minutes from 20 minutes.

(7 h 60 min) 20 min 35 s Rename 8 h as 7 h + 1 h or 7 h 60 min.

-3h 45 min 30 s

7 h 80 min 35 s Add the minutes.

- 3 h 45 min 30 s

7 h 80 min 35 s Subtract the minutes, then the hours.

- 3 h 45 min 30 s
4 h 35 min 5 s

Check for Reasonableness 4 h 35 min 5 s ≈4h ✔

Add or subtract.
a. 5 h 55 min b. 11 h 25 min 20 s c. 9h 35 s
+ 6 h 17 min - 4 h 5 min 35 s + 2 h 59 min 49 s

3 ASTRONOMY The table shows the Planet Synodic Day

rotation of several planets relative to Earth 24 h 0 min 0 s
the Sun. How much longer is a day Mars 24 h 39 min 35 s
on Mars than a day on Saturn? Neptune 16 h 6 min 37 s
Saturn 10 h 39 min 23 s
Estimate Source: The World Almanac

24 h 39 min 35 s - 10 h 39 min 23 s ≈ 25 h - 11 h or 14 h

24 h 39 min 35 s Subtract seconds first, then minutes, and

- 10 h 39 min 23 s finally the hours.
Real-World Link 14 h 0 min 12 s
Jupiter has the
shortest synodic The day on Mars is 14 hours 12 seconds longer than on Saturn.
day, the time from
sunrise to sunrise,
at 9 h 55 min 33 s. Check for Reasonableness 14 h 12 s ≈ 14 h ✔
Source: The World Almanac

d. HOMEWORK Shiro spent 1 hour and 25 minutes working on a

social studies project and 40 minutes on math homework. How
much time did Shiro spend on homework?

Extra Examples at Lesson 8-7 Measures of Time 411

Digital Vision/Getty Images
Sometimes you need to determine the elapsed time, which is how
much time has passed from beginning to end.

Elapsed Time
4 TRAVEL A flight leaves Boston at 11:35 A.M. and arrives in Miami
at 2:48 P.M. How long is the flight?
You need to find how much time has elapsed.


11:35 a.m. to 12:00 noon 12:00 noon to 2:48 p.m.

is 25 minutes. is 2 hours 48 minutes.

Add the elapsed time before noon and the elapsed time after noon
to find the total elapsed time.
25 min
+ 2 h 48 min
2 h 73 min = 3 h 13 min Rename 73 min as 1 h 13 min.
The length of the flight is 3 hours 13 minutes.

e. APPOINTMENTS Lucita left school at 8:25 A.M. for an orthodontics

appointment and returned at 10:50 A.M. How long was she gone
from school?
Personal Tutor at

Examples 1, 2 Add or subtract.

(pp. 410–411)
1. 4 h 23 min 2. 5 h 15 min 10 s 3. 8h 35 s
+ 6 h 52 min - 2 h 30 min 45 s + 7 h 29 min 54 s

Example 3 4. TELEVISION The table shows the average Average Television Viewing
(p. 411) prime-time television viewing time for Time per Week
all viewers. How much more time did a Year Time
viewer spend watching television in 1950 4 h 35 min
2003 than in 1950? 2003 8 h 22 min
Source: Nielsen Media Research
Example 4 5. SCHOOL Anoki left his house at 6:45 A.M.
(p. 412) to go to school and returned at 2:55 P.M.
How much time elapsed between the time Anoki
left his house and returned home from school?

412 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

Add or subtract.
(/-%7/2+ (%,0
6. 15 h 45 min 7. 35 min 25 s 8. 6 h 29 min 28 s
For See
Exercises Examples
+ 20 h 30 min + 24 min 40 s - 2 h 48 min 14 s
6–11 1, 2
9. 2 h 57 min 19 s 10. 12 h 21 min 45 s 11. 5h 28 s
12, 13 3
- 1 h 23 min 42 s + 8 h 45 min 16 s + 3 h 8 min 40 s
14–19 4
12. ASTRONOMY Refer to the table in Example 3. How much longer is a day
on Earth than a day on Neptune?
13. MUSIC Benjamin spent 90 minutes practicing the piano and then 1 hour
and 20 minutes listening to the radio. How much time did Benjamin
spend practicing the piano and listening to the radio?
Find the elapsed time.
14. 7:28 A.M. to 10:07 A.M. 15. 5:30 P.M. to 9:56 P.M.
16. 6:25 A.M. to 4:45 P.M. 17. 9:30 P.M. to 3:39 A.M.

18. BASKETBALL The school basketball game started at 6:30 P.M. and ended
at 8:22 P.M. How long was the game?
19. SHOPPING Berta, Crystal, and Taylor went shopping and then to a
movie. If they left Berta’s house at 9:30 A.M. and got back at 6:40 P.M.,
how long were they gone?
Add or subtract.
20. 8h 41 s 21. 8 h 25 s 22. 5h
3 h 11 min 8 s + 50 s + 1 h 15 min 12 s
+ 58 min 10 s

23. ANALYZE TABLES The table shows the Departure Arrival

times for three flights leaving from three Time Time
different airports in the Washington, WDI 7:31 a.m. 10:05 a.m.
D.C., area and traveling to Detroit. If DCA 7:15 a.m. 9:43 a.m.
Adriana wants the shortest travel time BWI 7:23 a.m. 9:53 a.m.
to Detroit from Washington, D.C., which
airport should she choose?
24. COOKING Suppose Mr. James puts a meat loaf in the oven at 11:49 A.M.
%842!02!#4)#% It needs to bake for 1 hour and 35 minutes. At what time should he take
See pages 682, 702.
the meat loaf out of the oven?
25. THEATER The three acts of a play are 28 minutes, 20 minutes, and
Self-Check Quiz at 14 minutes long. There are 15-minute intermissions between each
act. If the play starts at 7:30 P.M., when will it end?
H.O.T. Problems 26. CHALLENGE Kimmie and her family went out of town for several days. If
they left Friday at 2:45 P.M. and returned on Wednesday at 11:00 A.M., find
the elapsed time.

Lesson 8-7 Measures of Time 413

27. REASONING Determine if a stopwatch is always, sometimes, or never a good
way to measure the length of a movie. Explain your reasoning.

28. OPEN ENDED Identify a starting time in the morning and an ending time in
the afternoon where the elapsed time is 3 hours 45 minutes.

29. Which One Doesn’t Belong? Identify the time that is not the same as the
others. Explain your reasoning.
2 h 36 min 16 s 1 h 96 min 16 s 2 h 35 min 76 s 1 h 36 min 76 s

30. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Write a problem about an activity you do on a regular
basis in which you need to figure the elapsed time.

31. Denzell left for Six Flags Over Texas 33. The table shows the time Heather
at 9:15 A.M. and returned home at spends on each activity in the
6:05 P.M. About how many hours morning. About how much time in
elapsed between the time he left and all does it take for Heather to get
the time he returned home from the ready and arrive at work?
amusement park?
Activity Time
A 3h C 9h Get ready in the morning 35 minutes
B 8h D 10 h Walk to the bus stop 12 minutes
Bus ride to work 48 minutes
32. GRIDDDABLE Evan spent 2 hours Walk from the bus stop to
8 minutes
and 35 minutes doing research for a work
paper. Then he spent 1 hour and
25 minutes writing the paper. How F 1 hour 43 minutes
many hours did Evan spend on these G 1 hour 3 minutes
two activities? H 1.43 hours
J 1.03 hours

Complete. (Lesson 8-6)

34.  L = 450 mL 35. 65 m =  cm 36. 8,800 g =  kg

37. MEASUREMENT To measure the water in a washing machine, which

metric unit of capacity would you use? (Lesson 8-4)

PREREQUISITE SKILL Add or subtract. (Page 657)

38. 364 + 132 39. 55 + 249 40. 189 – 162 41. 204 – 79

414 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

8-8 Measures of Temperature

Choose and estimate Use a thermometer that has both a Fahrenheit (°F) and a
reasonable temperatures. Celsius (°C) scale to measure the temperature of the items listed.
Targeted TEKS 6.8 Temperature
The student solves Item
application problems (°F) (°C)
involving estimation classroom temperature
and measurement of length,
area, time, temperature, outside temperature
volume, weight, and angles. temperature of glass of ice water
(A) Estimate measurements
(including circumference) and temperature of cold water from faucet
evaluate reasonableness of temperature of hot water from faucet
results. (B) Select and use
appropriate units, tools, or
formulas to measure and to 1. Copy the table and record your findings.
solve problems involving
length (including perimeter), Use your findings to predict the temperature of each item.
area, time, temperature,
volume, and weight.
2. cold glass of milk 3. hot cup of coffee 4. frozen dessert

Temperature is the measure of

iÃˆÕà >…Ài˜…iˆÌ
hotness or coldness of an object # &
NEW Vocabulary or environment. It is measured £ääc
temperature as degrees on a temperature 
degree scale.  WATERBOILS

Celsius (°C) 
Fahrenheit (°F) In the metric system, temperature is 

measured in degrees Celsius (°C).
Water freezes at 0°C and boils

at 100°C.
In the customary system, BODY
temperature is measured in TEMPERATURE

degrees Fahrenheit (°F). Water 
freezes at 32°F and boils at 212°F. ÎÇc

The thermometers at the right 
show common temperatures in  
degrees Celsius and degrees 
Fahrenheit.  WATERFREEZES 




Extra Examples at Lesson 8-8 Measures of Temperature 415

Choose Reasonable Temperatures
Choose the more reasonable temperature for each.
1 water in a warm bath: 75°F or 105°F
Normal body temperature is 98.6°F, so you would want a
warm bath to be warmer than your body temperature.
So, 105°F is a more reasonable temperature.

2 inside a classroom: 21°C or 84°C

On the Celsius scale, water boils at 100°C. So, 84°C would be too
hot for the temperature inside of a classroom. The more reasonable
temperature is 21°C.

3 glass of iced tea: 5°C or -25°C

Water freezes at 0°C, so a glass of iced tea would be cool but not
freezing yet, nor below freezing at -25°C. So, 5°C is a more
reasonable temperature.

Real-World Link Choose the more reasonable temperature for each.

Water is the only
natural substance
a. hot soup: 40°C or 90°C
found in all three b. slice of warm apple pie: 60°F or 110°F
states: liquid, solid
(ice), and gas (steam).
Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Give Reasonable Temperatures
Give a reasonable estimate of the temperature in degrees
Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius for each situation.
4 outdoor swimming
Swimming is typically an activity for a warm summer day.
So, a reasonable temperature is 90°F and 30°C.
5 temperature in a refrigerator
The temperature in a refrigerator should be colder than room
temperature so that food will not spoil but not cold enough for
food to freeze. So, a reasonable temperature is 35°F and 2°C.

6 temperature of hail
Hail is made of ice. So, the temperature should be a little less than
freezing. A reasonable temerature is 30°F and -1°C.

Give a reasonable estimate of the temperature in degrees

Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius for each activity.
c. snowboarding d. playing baseball
Personal Tutor at

416 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

K. Hackenberg/zefa/CORBIS
Examples 1–3 Choose the more reasonable temperature for each.
(p. 416)
1. cake in oven: 200°F or 350°F 2. ice cream: -10°C or 10°C
3. person with a fever: 81°F or 101°F 4. hot chocolate: 60°C or 30°C

Examples 4–6 Give a reasonable estimate of the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and
(p. 416) degrees Celsius for each activity.
5. attending a football game 6. snow skiing
7. planting flowers 8. hiking

9. FISHING Kendrick plans on going ice fishing at Bitterroot Lake,

Montana, this weekend. What is a reasonable temperature Kendrick can
expect while ice fishing?

(/-%7/2+ (%,0 Choose the more reasonable temperature for each.

For See 10. inside a restaurant: 31°F or 71°F 11. ice water: 5°C or 25°C
Exercises Examples 12. walk-in freezer: 19°F or 39°F 13. hot grill: 120°F or 200°F
10–17 1–3
18–23 4–6
14. baking pie in oven: 70°C or 170°C
15. frozen vegetables: -10°C or 10°C

16. HOT TUBS The Pecks purchased a hot tub. Should they set the hot tub
heater thermostat at 39°C or 80°C? Explain your reasoning.

17. HOCKEY At a hockey game, Liana states that the temperature on the ice
is 40°F. Her friend thinks 20°F is more reasonable. Who is correct?
Explain your reasoning.

Give a reasonable estimate of the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and

degrees Celsius for each activity.
18. jogging 19. taking a hot shower
20. horseback riding 21. ice skating
22. going to an amusement park 23. sunbathing on the beach

24. SUMMER It is a warm summer day. If the temperature reads 30 degrees,

is this 30°C or 30°F?

25. COOKING Use the table at the right. Safe Meat Cooking Temperatures
Makayla began cooking chicken Meat Temperature (°F)
that had a temperature of 38°F. Beef, medium well 150–155
What is a reasonable amount the
Chicken 165–175
temperature of the chicken will
Turkey 165–175
need to rise in order to be safe
Pork 150
to eat?

Lesson 8-8 Measures of Temperature 417

%842!02!#4)#% 26. ELEVATION Air temperature decreases about 6°C for every increase in
See pages 682, 702.
the elevation of 1,000 meters. If the temperature outside starts out at
30°C, make a table of values for the temperature at elevations of 1,000,
2,000, 3,000, 4,000, 5,000, and 6,000 meters. What is the difference in the
Self-Check Quiz at temperature at 3,000 meters and 6,000 meters? (Assume the starting
elevation is 0 meters.)

H.O.T. Problems CHALLENGE The expression _

5(F - 32)
,where F is the temperature in
degrees Fahrenheit, can be used to convert temperatures to degrees
Celsius. Convert each temperature to degrees Celsius.
27. 77°F 28. 41°F 29. 194°F

30. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( A local

(*/ x‡ >ÞÊœÀiV>ÃÌ
newspaper used the display œ˜ /Õi 7i` /…ÕÀ Àˆ
at the right to illustrate the
weather for the upcoming
week. Write and solve a 0ARTLY 3HOWERS 3HOWERS 3CATTERED 3UNNY
real-world problem using
(Iª& (Iª& (Iª& (Iª& (Iª&
the temperatures in ,Oª& ,Oª& ,Oª& ,Oª& ,Oª&
the display.

31. Which of the following is a 32. On a cold winter morning, Cara

reasonable temperature for the walked outside to get the newspaper.
activity shown in the illustration The temperature outside was 5°F.
below? What is a reasonable estimate
for the difference between this
temperature and Cara’s normal
body temperature?
F 80°F
G 90°F
H 100°F
A 25°C C 80°C J 110°F
B 35°F D 150°F

33. MARATHONS The first winner of the Boston Marathon in 1897 had a
winning time of 2 hours 55 minutes 10 seconds. In 2005, the winner
of the Boston Marathon had a winning time of 2 hours 11 minutes
45 seconds. How much faster was the winning time in 2005 than
in 1897? (Lesson 8-7)

Complete. (Lesson 8-6)

34. 6,000 L =  kL 35. 84 mm =  cm 36.  g = 3,700 mg

418 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

Extend Measurement Lab
8-8 Using Appropriate Units and Tools
An attribute is a characteristic of an object. For example, one attribute of
Main IDEA a quarter is that it is made of metal. Some attributes of an object can be
Select appropriate units measured. For example, you can measure how much a quarter weighs
and tools to measure
objects or activities.
and its thickness. In this lab, you will measure the attributes of several
objects or activities.
Targeted TEKS 6.8
The student solves
application problems
involving estimation
and measurement of length,
area, time, temperature,
volume, weight, and angles. 1 Select an object in your
(B) Select and use classroom such as a desk,
appropriate units, tools, or
formulas to measure and to
book, backpack, or trashcan.
solve problems involving
length (including perimeter), Make a list of all the
area, time, temperature, measurable attributes of your
volume, and weight.
object. Choose from among
length, weight or mass, or

Select an appropriate tool

from among those provided
by your teacher and measure
each attribute. Record each measure
using appropriate units in a table like the one below.

Object Attribute(s) Tool Measurement

Choose a different object with at least one attribute that

requires the use of a different tool to measure. Then repeat
Steps 1 through 3.


1. Express each attribute of the object you measured using different
units. For example, if you measured the length of the object in
centimeters, write this length in meters.
2. Write a real-world problem in which one of your measurements is
needed to solve the problem. For example, if you measured the time
it takes to sharpen one new pencil, a problem might be to estimate
the time it would take for each student in your class to sharpen a new
pencil before a test.

Extend 8-8 Measurement Lab: Using Appropriate Units and Tools 419
Siede Preis/Getty Images
2 Select a classroom activity
such as sharpening your
pencil or walking from the
door to your desk.

Make a list of all

the measurable
attributes of your
activity. Choose
from among length,
time, or temperature.

Select an appropriate tool from among those provided

by your teacher and measure each attribute. Record each
measure using appropriate units.

Choose a different activity with at least one attribute that

requires the use of a different tool to measure. Then repeat
Steps 1 through 3.


3. Express each attribute of the activity you measured using different
units. For example, if you measured the time it took to do an
activity in minutes, write this time using seconds.
4. Write a real-world problem in which one of your measurements is
needed to solve the problem. For example, if you measured the
time it took to sharpen one new pencil, a problem might be to
estimate the time it would take for each student in your class to
sharpen a new pencil before taking a test.

Suppose you were going to organize the following events for a

field day at your school. What tools would you need to set up the
event and determine a winner?
5. 50-meter dash: Who can run the fastest?
6. Softball throw: Who can throw the farthest?
7. Water relay: Which team can fill up their bucket the fastest using a
leaking cup?
8. Indicate an ideal outdoor temperature, in Fahrenheit and Celsius
degrees, for the field day event described in Exercise 7. Explain
your reasoning.

420 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement


Study Guide
8 and Review
Download Vocabulary
Review from

Key Vocabulary
capacity (p. 384) mass (p. 397)
Be sure the following Key i>ÃÕÀi‡ i˜}̅

Concepts are noted in your

Celsius (°C) (p. 415) meter (p. 392)
Foldable. centimeter (p. 392) metric system (p. 392)

cup (p. 384) mile (p. 378)
Key Concepts degree (p. 415) milligram (p. 397)
Customary Units of Length (Lesson 8-1) elapsed time (p. 412) milliliter (p. 398)
• 1 inch (in.) • 1 foot (ft) =12 in. Fahrenheit (°F) (p. 415) millimeter (p. 392)
• 1 yard (yd) = 3 ft • 1 mile (mi) = 1,760 yd fluid ounce (p. 384) ounce (p. 385)

Customary Units of Capacity (Lesson 8-2)

foot (p. 378) pint (p. 384)
• 1 fluid ounce (fl oz) • 1 cup (c) = 8 fl oz gallon (p. 384) pound (p. 385)
• 1 pint (pt) = 2 c • 1 quart (qt) = 2 pt gram (p. 397) quart (p. 384)
• 1 gallon (gal) = 4 qt inch (p. 378) temperature (p. 415)
kilogram (p. 397) ton (p. 385)
Customary Units of Weight (Lesson 8-2)
• 1 ounce (oz) • 1 pound (lb) = 16 oz kilometer (p. 392) yard (p. 378)
• 1 ton (T) = 2,000 lb liter (p. 398)

Metric Units of Length (Lesson 8-3)

• 1 millimeter (mm) • 1 centimeter (cm)
• 1 meter (m) • 1 kilometer (km)
Vocabulary Check
Metric Units of Mass and Capacity (Lesson 8-4) Choose the correct term or number to
• 1 milligram (mg) • 1 milliliter (mL) complete each sentence.
• 1 gram (g) • 1 liter (L) 1. A centimeter equals (one tenth, one
• 1 kilogram (kg) hundredth) of a meter.
Changing Metric Units (Lesson 8-6) 2. You should (multiply, divide) to change
• To change from a larger unit to a smaller unit, from larger to smaller units.
multiply by powers of 10. To change from a 3. One paper clip has a mass of about one
smaller unit to a larger unit, divide by powers (gram, kilogram).
of 10.
4. One cup is equal to (16, 8) fluid ounces.
Measures of Time (Lesson 8-7) 5. The basic unit of capacity in the metric
• Elapsed time is how much time has passed from system is the (liter, gram).
beginning to end.
6. To convert from 15 yards to feet, you
Measures of Temperature (Lesson 8-8) should (multiply, divide) by 3.
• Temperature is measured in degrees Fahrenheit 7. One centimeter is (longer, shorter) than
(°F) and in degrees Celsius (°C). 1 millimeter.

Vocabulary Review at Chapter 8 Study Guide and Review 421


8 Study Guide and Review

Lesson-by-Lesson Review
8-1 Length in the Customary System (pp. 378–383)

Complete. Example 1 Complete 36 ft =  yd.

8. 2 mi =  ft 9.  in. = 5 ft 36 ÷ 3 = 12 Since 1 yard = 3 feet,
divide 36 by 3.
10. 9 yd =  ft 11. 72 in. =  yd
So, 36 ft = 12 yd.
Draw a line segment of each length.
in. 1_
in. 3_
in. Example 2 Draw a line segment
4 _
measuring 1 3 inches.
15. BASKETBALL The length of an NBA
Draw a line segment from 0 to 1_.
basketball court is 94 feet. The length 8
of a high school basketball court is
28 yards. What is the difference in
feet between the two courts? 2
0 1

8-2 Capacity and Weight in the Customary System (pp. 384–389)

Complete. Example 3 Complete 5 qt =  pt.

16. 5 T =  lb 17.  qt = 44 c 5 × 2 = 10 Since 1 quart = 2 pints, multiply
5 by 2 to change a larger unit to a
18.  lb = 12 oz 19.  pt = 8 qt smaller unit.
20. 64 fl oz =  c 21. 3 gal =  qt
So, 5 quarts = 10 pints.
22. FOOD Lana bought 9 gallons of cider
for the school party. How many 1-cup
servings will she be able to serve?

8-3 Length in the Metric System (pp. 392–396)

Write the metric unit of length that you Example 4 Write the metric unit of
would use to measure each of the length that you would use to measure
following. the height of a slide on the school
23. height of your school playground.
24. the length of the state of Kentucky Compare the slide with an item in the
table on page 392. The height of a slide
25. thickness of slice of bread
is larger than half the width of a penny
26. distance across school gym and smaller than six city blocks. So, you
27. length of your arm would use the meter.

422 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

Mixed Problem Solving
For mixed problem-solving practice,
see page 702.

8-4 Mass and Capacity in the Metric System (pp. 397–401)

Write the metric unit of mass or Example 5 Write the metric unit of
capacity that you would use to measure mass that you would use to measure a
each of the following. Then estimate cell phone. Then estimate the mass.
the mass or capacity. The mass of a cell phone is greater than
28. an apple a paper clip, but less than a textbook. So,
29. a pitcher of lemonade the gram is the appropriate unit.
30. a snowflake Estimate There are 1,000 grams in a

31. an automobile kilogram. A cell phone is much heavier

than a paper clip, but not nearly as
32. a can of soda heavy as a textbook.
33. SHOPPING Your favorite juice One estimate for the mass of a cell
comes in 1.5 liter containers and phone is about 500 grams.
355 milliliter containers. Which
container has less juice?

8-5 PSI: Use Benchmarks (pp. 403–404)

Use a benchmark to solve each problem. Example 6 Leo needs to add 2 pints
34. SCARVES Cho is making scarves of cream to make ice cream, but all
for a craft sale. Each scarf must be _
he has is a 1 cup to measure out the
12 inches long. She only has a piece amount of cream. How can he measure
of string that is 3 inches long to the cream? Use the benchmark strategy.
measure. How can she measure the
scarves? There are two _1
cups in one cup and
2 cups in one pint. Leo needs 2 pints or
35. PUNCH Arturo needs to add 3 quarts 4 cups of cream. So, he should measure
of orange juice to the punch. He only
out eight _
cups of cream.
has a gallon jug to measure the 2
orange juice. Describe a way he can
measure the orange juice.

8-6 Changing Metric Units (pp. 405–409)

Complete. Example 7 Complete 9 g =  mg.

36. 300 mL =  L 37.  g = 1 mg Since 1 gram = 1,000 milligrams,
38.  m = 75 km 39. 5 kg =  g multiply 9 by 1,000.
40. 345 cm =  m 41.  m = 23 mm 9 × 1,000 = 9,000
42. 5,200 L =  kL 43. 35 m =  cm So, 9 g = 9,000 mg.

44. PUNCH Sabrina mixes 6 liters of

punch. How many milliliters is this?

Chapter 8 Study Guide and Review 423


8 Study Guide and Review

8-7 Measures of Time (pp. 410–414)

Add or subtract. Example 8 Add.

45. 5 h 20 min 46. 7 h 45 min 3 h 50 min
+ 2 h 16 min - 4 h 32 min + 2 h 15 min
47. 9 h 7 min 48. 2 h 35 min 5 h 65 min
- 8 h 7 min 8 s + 6 h 41 min Rename 65 min as 1 h 5 min
5 h + 1 h 5 min = 6 h 5 min
49. 7 h 20 min
+ 2 h 48 min 10 s
Example 9 Subtract.
50. 6 h 50 min 40 s 5 h 10 min 53 s
- 3 h 35 min 20 s - 2 h 29 min 30 s
51. FRENCH Luanda’s French lesson Subtract the seconds first.
started at 6:45 P.M. and ended 5 h 10 min 53 s
at 7:30 P.M. How long was her - 2 h 29 min 30 s
lesson? 23 s
52. TRAVEL Aaron flew from Orlando, You cannot subtract 29 min from
Florida, to Philadelphia, 10 min, so rename 5 h 10 min as
Pennsylvania. His plane left Orlando 4 h 70 min.
at 9:34 A.M., and the flight took 4 h 70 min
3 hours 55 minutes. What time did he - 2 h 29 min
arrive in Philadelphia? 2 h 41 min

8-8 Measures of Temperature (pp. 415–418)

Choose the more reasonable Example 10 Choose the more

temperature for each. reasonable temperature for a popsicle:
53. boiling water: 100°F or 212°F -5°C or 35°C.
54. inside your bedroom: 45°F or 74°F Water freezes at 0°C, so a popsicle
would need to be frozen. 35°C is too
55. hot apple cider: 58°C or 28°C
warm for a frozen popsicle.
56. FROZEN DINNERS Theodore took So, a more reasonable temperature for a
a frozen dinner out of the freezer. popsicle is -5°C.
Give a reasonable estimate of the
temperature of the frozen dinner in
degrees Fahrenheit.

424 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement


Practice Test
Complete. 18. FISH TANKS Kelly needs to fill her
1. 48 in. =  ft 2. 2 yd =  in. 10-gallon fish tank. She only has a quart
container to measure out the water.
3.  mm = 7 cm 4.  fl oz = 3 c
Describe how she could fill the fish tank
5. 48 c =  gal 6.  yd = 8 mi using only the quart container.
7. 328 mL =  L 8.  pt = 6 qt
9. 150 g =  kg 10.  km = 57 m Write the metric unit of mass or capacity
that you would use to measure each of the
11. 1,000 mg =  g 12. 8 L =  mL following. Then estimate the mass or
13. ICE CREAM A baseball team orders 19. five $1 bills
5 gallons of ice cream for its end-of-season
party. How many cups of ice cream is 20. a bucket of water
Add or subtract.
14. TEST PRACTICE Determine which 21. 19 min 30 s
container of milk is the best buy by - 12 min 40 s
finding the price to the nearest cent for 22. 7 h 20 min
one pint of milk. + 2 h 48 min 10 s
Amount Price 23. TEST PRACTICE The table shows the
2 gal $2.18
time Jerry spent doing work in his yard.
About how much time does it take for
1 qt $1.29
Jerry to do all of these activities?
1 pt $0.75
1 gal $2.25 Activity Time
Mowing the lawn 45 minutes
A 1 pt C 2 gal Raking leaves 18 minutes
B 1 qt D 1 gal
Edging 9 minutes
Trimming the bushes 15 minutes
15. FOOD Estimate the metric length of the
almond. Then measure to find the actual F 1.3 hours
length. G 1.15 hours
H 1 hour 30 minutes
J 1 hour 45 minutes

Choose the more reasonable temperature for

each item.
Write the metric unit of length that you 24. Is a glass of apple juice more likely to be
would use to measure each of the following. -8°C or 18°C?
16. length of a skateboard 25. Is the inside of a sauna more likely to be
17. height of a giraffe 55°F or 86°F?

Chapter Test at Chapter 8 Practice Test 425


8 Texas Test Practice

Cumulative, Chapters 1–8

Read each question. Then fill in the 4. Bob’s Boot Shop sold 60% of its stock of
correct answer on the answer document winter boots before the first snow of the
provided by your teacher or on a sheet year. What fraction of the stock of winter
of paper. boots has NOT yet been sold?
1. The length of a table is 2 meters. What is F _
H _
5 4
the length of the table in centimeters? _
G 2 J _1
A 2,000 cm C 20 cm 5 40
B 200 cm D 2 cm
5. GRIDDABLE Mia has a bag containing
2 purple, 5 orange, 7 blue, and 6 red
2. Mrs. Baker has 25 students in her class. If marbles. If she randomly chooses one
each student needs 4 file cards, which marble from the bag, what is the
equation can be used to find s, the total probability that the marble will
number of file cards needed? be purple?
F s = 25 ÷ 4 H s = 25 - 4
G s = 25 × 4 J s = 25 + 4 6. A bag of apples weighs 2,450 grams.
What is the weight of the bag of apples
in kilograms?
3. Edmundo had 1 penny, 1 nickel, 1 dime, A 0.00245 kg C 2.45 kg
and 1 quarter in a bag. He picked 2 coins
B 24.5 kg D 0.245 kg
at random from the bag. Which diagram
shows all the possible coin combinations of
the 2 coins that Edmundo picked? 7. The Music Shop records the number of
CDs sold each month. What is the median
A P N D number of CDs sold?
Number of
N D Q D Q N CDs Sold
January 50
February 35
March 42
April 85
May 97
June 110
July 97

F 32 H 97
D N Q D Q Q G 85 J 110

D N D 8. GRIDDABLE For lunch today, Kaneesha

bought a hamburger for $2.75, a fruit cup
for $1.10, and milk for $0.55. What was the
P Q D Q D N total cost of Kaneesha’s meal?

426 Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement

Get Ready
for the Texas Test
For test-taking strategies and more practice,
see pages TX1–TX23.

9. The formula V = _1 Bh can be used to find 12. Alex needs to take 250 milliliters of a
the volume of a pyramid. Which of the particular type of medicine. How many
liters of medicine is this?
following best represents _
F 2.5 L H 0.25 L
A 3.3
G 25 L J 2,500 L
B 0.33
C 3
D 0.67 Question 12 When answering
extended response items on
standardized tests, make sure you
10. Daniel went shopping for shoes. He show your work clearly because you
may receive points for items that are
bought one pair of shoes for $32.50, partially correct.
another pair for $29.99, and a third pair for
$49.50. Which procedure could be used to
find the average price of the shoes?
F Multiply the sum of the prices of the Record your answers on a sheet of paper.
shoes by the total number of shoes Show your work.
purchased. 13. Victor tutors younger students at the
G Add the sum of the prices of the community center on Saturdays. It takes
shoes by the total number of shoes Victor 20 minutes to get ready and leave
purchased. the house. The walk to the bus stop is
H Divide the sum of the prices of the 10 minutes long, and the bus ride to the
shoes and by the total number of shoes community center is 40 minutes long.
purchased. Finally, Victor walks 5 minutes from the
bus stop to the community center.
J Subtract the sum of the prices of the
shoes by the total number of shoes a. If Victor is scheduled to arrive at
purchased. 3:00 P.M., what is the latest time at
which he could start getting ready
to leave?
11. The cost of renting a car is $50 plus an
b. Explain the strategy you used to
additional $.10 for each mile driven. Which
answer part a.
equation can be used to find t, the cost in
dollars of the rental for m miles? c. Victor has to be home by 7:00 P.M. If
it takes him 5 minutes longer to get
A t = 0.10m + 25
home, at what time should he leave the
B t = 50 + 0.10 community center?
C t = 50(m + 0.10) d. How long does Victor spend tutoring
D t = 50 + 0.10m on Saturdays?


If You Missed Question... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Go to Lesson... 8-6 6-7 7-5 7-1 7-4 8-6 2-7 3-5 4-8 2-6 6-7 8-6 8-7
For Help with Test Objective... 4 2 5 2 5 4 5 1 1 5 2 4 4

Texas Test Practice at Chapters 1–8 Texas Test Practice 427

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