Passing AshcanEdition 20190801 PDF
Passing AshcanEdition 20190801 PDF
Passing AshcanEdition 20190801 PDF
⚉⚉ Writing, Development, and Design by Sarah “Sam” Saltiel
⚉⚉ Additional Development by Brendan Conway and Mark Diaz Truman
⚉⚉ Editing by Brendan Conway and Mark Diaz Truman
⚉⚉ Cover Art by Sarah “Sam” Saltiel
⚉⚉ Layout by Nathan D. Paoletta
⚉⚉ Proofreading by Katherine Fackrell
This is not an alien invasion story.
In 1947 a flying object crashed into a ranch near Roswell,
New Mexico. Life is out there and it’s hurtling towards
Earth, full of malice, intent on burning every last trace
of humanity to the ground. Except…it’s not.
In this story you play the aliens, stranded on Earth, hid-
ing among humans and desperately trying to survive. You’ve
formed a Cell with other aliens to work towards common
goals. Your shapeshifting allows you to look like humans,
but your disguise isn’t sustainable. Humanity knows about
you and it is not rolling out the welcome wagon. Taking
over Earth? You couldn’t even if you wanted to. Try sur-
viving first.
Age: 8.3 billion orbits old
Orbit: 1 Sun-Lost orbit is equal to 1½ Earth years
Geography: A planet in the Milky Way. It is named such be-
cause it spends ½ of each orbit with very little sun. The
part of the orbit when it is exposed to sun, the tempera-
ture may shift up by 200 degrees. These radical changes
in climate led to the evolution of shapeshifting inhabi-
tants—us, sun-searchers.
Culture: The ruling body on Sun-Lost is The Council, which
presides over the entire planet, with subsections that op-
erate on a local scale. We have been interacting with other
sentient life forms for many centuries and enjoy healthy
interstellar relationship with hundreds of other planets
in the universe. Earth is not one of them.
Biology: Unlike Earth, Sun-Lost does not have a distinc-
tion between an entity’s internal identity and the face
they present the world. In the period after a sun-searcher
Our History
The First Wave
Spacecraft: Ocean-Seeker
Reason for mission: Exploration and Research
Ship Members: 40+ scientists, unarmed
Crash Site: Middle of Route 29
Early 1947- Ocean-Seeker crashes in the Northeastern Unit-
ed States, forced into an emergency landing. Photos of it
sweep Earth headlines. An unknown number of sun-searchers
are captured by the United States government. Those not
captured flee into the surrounding area and quickly adopt
human identities out of self-preservation. Groups begin to
form as the sun-searchers find each other and work in secret
with orders from Sun-Lost to develop an escape plan. Sun-
Lost keeps the identity of each group separate from the
others to isolate the damage of any attacks. One such group
forms in Walnut Hills. This is the beginning of our Cell.
Late 1947- The government conducts preliminary tests on
the captured sun-searchers and discovers their shapeshift-
ing abilities. (We have since been told that a major law
enforcement leader at the time, Herbert Hoover, formed a
Joint Extra-Terrestrial Task Force that collaborated with
local authorities to find and capture the “alien invaders”).
The humans declare a country-wide search and encourage all
citizens to report any suspicious alien behavior.
1948-The United States government completes work on a high
security testing facility by the name of the C. R. Mitchell
Extra-Terrestrial Research Area, abbreviated to E.T.R.A.,
and immediately moves Ocean-Seeker, as well as those of
us who were captured. The location is kept secret but its
proximity to Walnut Hills means that most of the town is
aware of its existence somewhere in the middle of Franklin
Forest. Though there is no official confirmation, there are
rumors that the humans moved our corpses there and contin-
ued testing on our dead bodies.
Walnut Hills
Current Year: 1956
Location: Walnut Hills
Closest Metropolitan Area: Washington D.C
87% White, 5% below the National Average
10% Black
3% Other
Middle-Upper Class
90% Protestant, 8% Catholic, 2% Unconfirmed
30% Democrat, 65% Republican, 5% Unaligned
Note: We took these numbers from the 1950 census, which
seems to be how humans document themselves. I have asked
the N.A.A.A. what the significance of these categorizations
are and when I receive an answer, I will note it in this
document. The census workers largely stayed east of Han-
cock Street so data may be skewed. Also notable, the census
does not count the sun-searchers hidden in Walnut Hills.
We are still unsure how many of us there are in this town.
Notable Landmarks:
Franklin Forest
E.T.R.A. (The C. R. Mitchell Extra-Terrestrial Re-
search Area)
Lake Britteridge (Named after town founder)
Notable Organizations:
Walnut Hills Homeowner’s Association
Walnut Hills Elementary P.T.A
P.A.E.T. (Parents Against Extraterrestrials)
The Britteridge Country Club
Walnut Hills Republican Association
The Democrats of Walnut Hills
Cultural Notes: E.T.R.A. is a large employer for the town—
nearly doubling the size of the population when it was
built. Those who don’t work in the facility or in town
commute to D.C.
The town layout is divided by Hancock Street into East and
West sides. Prior to Brown v. The Board of Education, two
years ago, this was the division for something the humans
call “segregation.” Walnut Hills’ attempts at “desegrega-
tion” have been perfunctory at best.
The Others
The 1950s were a fraught time in history, even without
extraterrestrial interaction. Some games instruct GMs and
players to avoid the tension they might encounter playing
in historical settings. Passing—a game about alienness,
both literal and figurative—asks you to engage it directly.
Your characters might blend into their surroundings, they
might even thrive, but fundamentally, they are not the
same as those around them. Every day they are erased from
themselves a million times over. On its most base level,
this is a game of otherness and the erasure that comes from
the defiance of existing in non-othered spaces. Lean into
that tension—at the center of the tangled web of identity
and politics lives the thematic core of this game. Use the
historical setting to explore identity and erasure in a
productive way.
Of course this is easier said than done. We are not encour-
aging you to haphazardly subject your players’ characters
to oppression. Talk to your players beforehand and make
sure to establish some guidelines so that you can explore
this tension in a productive, rather than harmful, way. If
you’re not yet familiar with consent and safety tools in
gaming, look up the X Card or Lines and Veils. Those will
help you navigate the game.
If you have some questions about what is or is not okay,
there are a lot of amazing writers talking about how to
navigate identity in the game space. I would recommend
reading James Mendez Hodes’ “May I Play A Character From
Another Race?” as a resource for fielding points of uncer-
tainty that you may encounter before or after the game.
⚉⚉ X Card:
⚉⚉ Lines and Veils:
⚉⚉ “May I Play A Character From Another Race?”: https://
Creating Characters
In Passing, you play shapeshifting aliens trapped in the
D.C. suburb of Walnut Hills, trying your best to survive.
Your alien is everything wild and weird that you can imag-
ine, with glowing skin or snake eyes, barely masked by a
constructed human persona.
Before you make a character, you must create your Cell with
the other players. Your Cell is the unit in which you all
operate, so determining the Cell’s main objective and how it
operates decides the sort of game you want to play.
The characters you create will all be part of an alien Cell
operating in Walnut Hills. Originally formed by the aliens
of the First Wave hidden in the area and with direction
from Sun-Lost, the Cell has expanded with aliens from the
Second and Third Waves. Having lost contact with Sun-Lost,
your Cell must decide where it goes from here.
Before you create characters, fill out the first two steps on
the Cell Sheet, which can be found on page 61. Knowing
the broader context of the group will help create charac-
ters that fit into that group in interesting ways.
To create your Cell:
1. Decide the Cell’s primary objective as a group. This
is the first question on the Cell Sheet. Discuss it and
decide on it as a group. For longer campaigns, the Cell
might have a primary and a secondary goal, but for one-
shots and shorter campaigns, it’s simpler to stick to
one objective. The Cell’s purpose might change through
gameplay. Since the objectives are vague, talk about
what that specifically looks like for your Cell.
2. Pass around the Cell sheet, each player answering one
of the following questions until there are none left.
These questions have to do with the history of the
Cell—what has it been doing in the decade since it was
formed? The GM might ask clarifying questions to flesh
out more of the Cell and the world around the Cell.
At this time, all the players fill out their playbooks
before proceeding through the rest of the Cell Sheet.
In Passing, there are several archetypes you can play
called playbooks. Each of these are a collection of abil-
ities, characteristics, and backstories meant to inspire
you in building your true alien form. These are The In-
termingler, The Poster Child, The Hidden, The Halfling,
and The Outsider. Character variety helps create a game
with interesting dynamics and points of tension, so there
should only be one of each playbook in a game. Read the
descriptions of each playbook and choose a playbook based
on the type of story arc you’re most interested in.
⚉⚉ The Intermingler- You got too invested in your cover
and fell in love with a human.
⚉⚉ The Poster Child- Human life is so easy for you, easi-
er than being an alien ever was.
⚉⚉ The Hidden- You live your life as an alien, picking up
and discarding human identities when necessary.
⚉⚉ The Halfling- Born on this planet to an alien and a hu-
man, you wish you could find your place.
⚉⚉ The Outsider- You stay on the fringes of human soci-
ety, just as you did with aliens.
The Intermingler and The Poster Child are playbooks that are
a bit more adjusted to human society, whereas The Hidden and
The Outsider are less fettered by human constraints, but are
more conspicuous. The Halfling, being the youngest, is in a
neutral state right now, not leaning one way or the other.
These playbooks are meant to be skeletons for all the goo-
ey, tentacle-y alien goodness that you want to fill them
up with. The questions in the playbooks are not meant to
be limiting, but rather starting points for you to build
your character.
Choosing a Playbook - Page 13
Each playbook has only two stats: Human and Alien. Some of
the basic moves use these two stats, and the rest use the
question system (more about that on page 19). Every time
you trigger a stat-based move in Passing, you will be asked
to roll some dice and add a stat.
Alien and Human are stats that measure how well you’re fit-
ting into alien or human society. Important to note is that
these stats don’t denote how human or alien you actually
are. You’re alien through and through. Your stats just re-
flect your current relationships to the communities around
you, and how well you adhere to the norms of that commu-
nity, making certain actions easier or harder. In other
words, they reflect how well you pass in each community.
In preliminary character creation, there is no stat choice.
Over the course of the game, your choices will give you
+Human or +Alien points, which might strengthen or lower
the stats, or give you new moves altogether. (You can find
more about Alien and Human points on page page 30).
Each playbook has a series of backstory questions. The
questions are meant to poke at the parts of your alien
that fit with the archetype you chose, highlighting the
things that are important about that playbook. Your alien
can have much more of a backstory than what is expressed
in the questions, but those are meant to give you a basis
to work from.
On every playbook are playbook moves. These are special
moves that define the distinct traits and abilities of each
playbook. Each playbook has one move that is preselected.
Beyond the preselected move, you can choose one more play-
book move to start out with. There will be opportunities
during the game to pick up additional moves as you advance
down the Human or Alien Tracks. Choose the move that will
allow you to focus on how you want to play your character
and what sort of situations you want to be put into.
Stats - Page 15
Each playbook asks what the character’s driving desire is.
This desire is a wanted change in the world or in their
life— something that keeps them motivated and working with
the Cell. This is not a casual want, but is instead the
thing that they want above all else, sometimes even the
thing that they would die for.
Some of these desires are smaller scale, others may not be
accomplishable within the alien’s lifetime, but any prog-
ress towards that goal is still monumental. The Adaption
Tracks dictate a dire end, but they don’t dictate how close
the aliens will come to achieving their driving desires
before their ends. For the aliens trapped on Earth, these
driving desires represent hope for a better life, for a
life that is more than just struggling to survive—whether
that hope comes true for them, or for the next generation
of aliens.
At the end of each playbook is an extra section to help
flesh out the details of your playbook’s story arc. The In-
termingler has a family life, The Poster Child has a job,
The Hidden has multiple identities…
Though there are several choices to be made in the extras,
don’t worry about getting too pinned down. As you start to
play, the plot will shift things around and change your
circumstances in new and interesting ways.
It’s so easy, babies could do it (on Sun-Lost). Since
shapeshifting is such a basic part of being a sun-search-
er, it’s not necessary to roll for most shapeshifting.
While the playbook moves offer more variations on shape-
shifting, your sun-searcher can shift into any flesh and
bone-based humanoid, human-sized entity. Cat person? Yes.
House cat? No. House cat made of gold? Also no. This can
be a partial or complete shift as long as it stays within
those boundaries.
As all sun-searchers know, shapeshifting happens not with
a bang, but with skin melting and some occasional body hor-
ror. That is to say, a complete change doesn’t happen with
a snap of your fingers. Every sun-searcher shifts a little
differently, but in general a shift starts in one part of
your body and spreads across the affected area like a wave.
Your true form is the only stable form you have. None of
your other forms have time limits, but physical touch from
another sentient being can destabilize you. Mentally brac-
ing yourself can minimize or negate the effects, but if
you’re unlucky, the touch of another can reveal a flash of
your true form. More about preventing this on page 28.
Note: You are a flesh-based human being so injuries still
wound you and in general, your body cannot shift to solve
every problem…just some of them.
Because the divide on Sun-Lost between internal and external
identity is thin, sun-searchers have a psychic sense of the
true nature of other sentient beings. Using Glimpse Some-
one’s True Form (more on page 25), you can divine certain
information about another. Humans would call it something
like intuition. With other sun-searchers, this semi-psychic
connection is strong enough that you can force them to re-
vert back to their true form (page 28). Take care though—
what you can do to them, they can also do to you.
Distress Signalling
Sun-searchers have the ability to signal their distress to
other aliens using the equivalent of psychic pheromones.
Using the move Call out for Aid (also in Basic Moves on
page 21), you can send out a distress signal. However,
much like sending up a flare, this isn’t an explicit commu-
nication. You don’t get to decide who sees it or specifi-
cally what it says, just that it’s a signal evident to all
the other sun-searchers in a roughly five mile radius. Much
like a smell, it will linger a bit after you set it off,
detectable for up to 2-3 hours.
Roleplaying is a form of collaborative storytelling, with
each player speaking as their alien and describing what
actions or emotions their character has in response to
the environment. Game mechanics help manage uncertainty,
like negotiating a hostage situation with some unfriendly
Erads. Passing uses moves to resolve uncertainty.
Each move includes a trigger and an effect. Triggers are the
actions that catalyze each move. They tell you what you need
to do to use the move, and when the move kicks into action.
Providing Solace is only going to work if you’re actually
doing a thing to comfort someone.
Rebecca is playing Word-Lost, The Halfling, and she wants to blackmail Jim,
an E.T.R.A. guard, to look away from his position just long enough for her to
sneak through the gates. She tells Ty, the GM, that Word-Lost approaches
Jim at the local dive bar and slides across some risque photos of him in an
“adult” alien costume with a woman who is not his wife. Rebecca asks if this
is enough to bend someone to your will and Ty agrees, having Rebecca roll
to determine the outcome of the move. Perhaps Jim is easily blackmailed!
Once a player takes action to trigger a move, they often
roll dice to determine what happens.
If a move asks you to roll, roll two six-sided dice (2d6)
and add the result. Half of the Basic Moves use stats,
while the other half use questions. In both cases, add the
relevant modifier to the total score. For example, if the
move says +Alien, add your Alien stat to your roll.
There are three kinds of outcomes when rolling the dice:
⚉⚉ a 10+ is a full hit
⚉⚉ a 7-9 is a partial hit
⚉⚉ a 6- is a miss
As a general rule, you want to roll high. On a 10+, you get
most of what you want; on a 7-9, you get what you want but
there’s a cost or complication. On a 6-, things don’t go as
planned and the GM will tell you what happens next.
The GM doesn’t roll dice. They decide what happens, re-
spond to your characters, and act as a referee if there’s
any confusion about what a move means or does, especially
when it’s a move between two players.
Dice - Page 19
To help you understand the basic moves, here is some expla-
nation behind what each one does and how it is triggered.
Provide Solace
When you Provide Solace to someone, roll with questions:
??Are you mostly honest with them?
??Are the two of you alone?
For an NPC: On a hit, they are comforted and feel kindly
towards you; they offer up something they believe could be
of value to you. On a 7-9, they require you to prove your
vulnerability to them before they are fully comforted.
For a PC: If they accept your comfort, both of you can
clear a Trauma. On a 7-9, unfriendly eyes witnessed your
intimacy without your noticing.
The bonds you form are the things that help you survive—
bonds with other aliens and with humans. If another character
is distraught and you aim to comfort them, whether through
kind words, or affectionate touch, you’re providing solace.
This move is all about intimacy and so the questions ask
how deep that intimacy goes or can go. Where is trust if
there’s no honesty? Small lies might not cause tension,
but lies of consequence begin to cause an issue. As for the
second question, intimacy is always dangerous for you as
an alien. For your best chances for survival, you should
avoid getting close to anyone.
Act Covertly
When you Act Covertly, tell the GM what you are trying to
accomplish, roll +Human, and mark your Human Track. On a
hit, you do the thing you’re trying to do. On a 7-9, choose
1. On a 10+, both.
⚉⚉ You stay entirely undetected
⚉⚉ You leave no incriminating evidence
Your life depends on you staying hidden and when you do
something suspicious while trying to remain unseen, you’re
acting covertly. Tell the GM what you’re trying to do, and
how you’re staying hidden. Since remaining discreet in
this world requires conforming to human norms, mark your
Human Track.
On a hit, you don’t draw any immediate attention. On a 7-9,
either you leave behind a piece of incriminating evidence,
or someone sees you. They may not confront you, or even
realise the significance of your presence at the time, but
be assured that the consequences will come eventually. On
a 10+, you are able to stay under the radar.
There are a few moves that function a bit differently
from Basic Moves. These are called Peripheral Moves. To
help you understand Peripheral Moves, this section gives
an explanation for each move, its consequences, and its
Make a Plan
When you Make a Plan, the alien who proposes the plan rolls
with questions:
??Does the plan take advantage of your alien capabilities?
??Is no one involved withholding crucial information?
On a hit the plan is effectively set into motion. On a 7-9,
an unexpected obstacle forces you to lose contact with
each other at a dire moment. On a miss, you find yourselves
in over your heads or under fire as your plan falls apart.
The basic moves are generally simple singular actions. In
Passing, there will be moments when you might want to cat-
apult yourself directly into the heart of the action with-
out needing to resolve each individual moment. In these
moments, you make a plan. Tell the GM what your plan is,
whether it’s an elaborately staged illusion to remove your
spouse’s suspicion from you, or it’s framing the city may-
or for a crime so as to replace him and undo his anti-alien
policies. Rolling a hit doesn’t mean that the entire plan
will go well, but at the very least it might get off to a
good start.
The questions for this move ask how effectively you’re us-
ing your assets. If a Cell member is hiding something per-
tinent, there’s a good chance that that secret will show
up in the middle of the action to everybody’s detriment.
This is a dangerous world you all live in and there are
plenty of people who want nothing more than to harm you. The
Trauma track marks the physical and psychological Trauma
that your life has brought you. Physical and psychological
Trauma run on the same track because, as any sun-searcher
can tell you, the two are inextricably linked, and espe-
cially for your kind, they are one and the same.
Sometimes moves will assign you Trauma, other times there
will be moments in the fiction where the GM will tell you to
mark +Trauma to suit what happened. Likewise, provide solace
can clear a Trauma, but if you have taken the actions to heal
yourself, or enough time has passed in the fiction, then the
GM might tell you to clear Trauma.
At the beginning of every session, each player should
clear one Trauma from their track.
If your track fills, you have physically and psychological-
ly damaged yourself to the point of death. The GM will tell
you where you take your last breath and how it happens. You
can then make a new alien character. Whenever any PC dies,
other PCs mark +Trauma upon learning about their death.
Trauma - Page 29
Human Adaptations
1. Take +1 Human on your stats. Take another one of your
playbook moves.
2. Take a move from another playbook. Take +1 Human and
-1 Alien on your stats.
3. Take -1 Alien on your stats and take the move Too Slip-
pery: mark your Human Track to cause another PC’s at-
tempt to g
limpse your true form to automatically miss.
Alien Adaptations
1. Take +1 Alien on your stats. Take another one of your
playbook moves.
2. Take a move from another playbook. Take +1 Alien and
-1 Human on your stats.
3. Take -1 Human on your stats and take the move Heal
You: mark your Alien Track and +Trauma to use your
psychic energy to heal 2 Trauma of another alien.
4. When you send a telepathic message to another alien,
mark your Alien Track and roll +Alien. On a hit, you
make contact. On a 10+, choose 2; on a 7-9, choose 1:
⚉⚉ Your communication isn’t intercepted
⚉⚉ Your communication comes through when you send it
⚉⚉ Your communication is complete and ungarbled
On a miss, a small amount of your message might go
through but improperly trying to establish a psychic
connection causes you and the other alien to take
In addition, you are now permanently unable to A
. Your alien nature makes you too conspicuous.
Any attempts to do so will leave those that you care
about vulnerable.
5. When you telepathically imbue another alien with your
, mark your Alien Track and roll +Alien. On a
hit they can call upon you to act through them, con-
trolling their body and making moves on their behalf,
regardless of physical distance. On a 7-9 choose one:
⚉⚉ When they take harm, you take harm
⚉⚉ Your psychic waves attract unfriendly attention
⚉⚉ You are unable to retract your strength until they
are physically in your presence
On a miss, your vulnerability leaves you unable to
control your body and you shift into your true form.
In addition, you are now permanently unable to H
Back Your True Face
. Your alien self demands to be
revealed. Any attempt to trigger the move results in
uncontrollable shifting for the rest of the scene.
6. You become too alien for this world and your existence
is considered a threat. Within the session, describe
at an opportune moment an interaction with a human
that leads to a public reveal of your identity. Once
you’ve played out that scene, read and answer the
questions below.
⚉⚉ When your character is ultimately captured, are
they taken to one of the testing facilities or do
they die trying to escape?
⚉⚉ Which of their loved ones is now put under suspi-
cion from the humans?
⚉⚉ What did the news reports say to describe you as
The Playbooks
Below is a list of the playbooks in this edition of Pass-
ing, along with a description and their respective Human/
Alien stats. The next iteration of this game might have ad-
ditional playbooks but this edition has five to use in play.
The Intermingler
Second Wave. Empathetic and caring, The Intermingler is
caught between love for a human and love for their home.
Soft and fierce in equal parts, they have a lot to lose and
a lot to fight for.
Stats: +1 Human, -1 Alien
The Halfling
Born on Earth to a sun-searcher of the Second Wave. Ea-
ger and naive, The Halfling is half human, half alien and
a whole lot of heart. They only know this world, so they
need to find out who they’re going to be and where their
allegiance lies.
Stats: +0 Human, +0 Alien
The Outsider
Third Wave. Rebellious and bold, The Outsider knows what
is best when everybody else is mired in difficult choices—
at least they’re pretty sure that they do. They often clash
with the other sun-searchers, but this position gives them
perspective that might not come so easily to the others.
Stats: -1 Human, +1 Alien
The Hidden
First Wave. Clever and resourceful, The Hidden’s alien
form is something wild, begging to be let out. They never
established a real human life, but live through several
different human forms, keeping most of their identities
hidden from the other aliens.
Stats: -1 Human, +1 Alien
These names are best translated to human language by describing the thing
that they mean. They are used with caution and only in moments of com-
plete safety. Choose one:
◇◇the color red (Red-Red)
◇◇the other color red (Other-Red)
◇◇leaves under tentacles (Leaf-Rustle)
◇◇the feeling of being submerged in the 22nd of the planet’s
oceans (Ocean-Lost)
◇◇wind swirling through blue dust (Dust-Wind)
Choose one: Thea, Parker, Carmelita, Starla, Demetrius, Winona,
Alec, Mateo, Cleo, Isabella
When sun-searchers are first born, they shapeshift wildly through forms,
but all of them eventually discover a form that is their truest self.
Choose as many as apply.
⚉⚉ blue skin, soft fur, translucent skin
⚉⚉ small tentacles, many arms, mandibles
⚉⚉ all black eyes, no eyes, human eyes
⚉⚉ tails, antlers, a viscous membrane
This is the form that the sun-searcher shapeshifts into in order to blend
into their surroundings and evade dangerous attention. Choose at least
one from each list.
⚉⚉ artistic clothing, maternal clothing, practical clothing,
domestic clothing
⚉⚉ soft hands, rugged hands, nimble hands, manicured hands
⚉⚉ dreamy eyes, tired eyes, hardened eyes, loving eyes
⚉⚉ Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous,
Middle Eastern, Ambiguous, White
⚉⚉ man, woman
Your Spouse’s Name:
Human: +1 Alien: -1
⚉⚉ At what moment did you realize that you loved your spouse?
⚉⚉ What former Cell member did you abandon in the middle of a
mission to save your spouse?
⚉⚉ It’s hard to be around_______________________ because they
were siblings with the sun-searcher whom you abandoned.
What change do you hope to achieve above all else (choose one)?
⚉⚉ To be able to tell your spouse the truth, legal recognition
of aliens, communication established between all the alien
You take Livin’ the Life and one more
◇◇ Livin’ the Life: When you invoke your domestic life to turn
suspicion away from you, roll +Human. On a 10+ you evade suspi-
cion with no consequences, on a 7-9, choose two:
⚉⚉ You do not shift suspicion to your family
⚉⚉ You do not get waylaid in your goals
⚉⚉ Your family does not notice your lie
On a miss the GM will tell you how your inability to choose be-
tween the facets of your life resulted in damaging both of them.
◇◇ Split in Two: When you duplicate your body, roll +Alien and
take +Trauma for the extreme stress being put on your body. On a
7-9 choose two, on a 10+ all three.
⚉⚉ You retain control over both versions of your body
⚉⚉ You are in control of the appearance of both bodies
⚉⚉ The shift is stable; neither of your halves can disintegrate
before you rejoin
On a miss, you still duplicate, but the GM will tell you how your
two halves display an inability to coexist.
List of Playbooks - Page 37
◇◇ Marital Bond: When you Hold Back Your True Face from your
spouse take +Trauma in order to act as if you had rolled at 10+
and mark your Human Track twice.
◇◇ Make a Choice: When you set out to avenge someone from your
alien or human life, you decide who you blame. Take +Trauma right
now and +1 ongoing towards all rolls in direct pursuit of your
◇◇ Traces of Trauma: When you Tune into Your Surroundings at a
scene of violence, your alien senses and acute human knowledge
gives you access to information that others might not see. Add
the following questions to your list of options and ask an addi-
tional question, even on a miss:
⚉⚉ What human violence happened here?
⚉⚉ What horrible thing went wrong?
⚉⚉ What aftermath remains?
Choose three obligations involved in your marital life:
⚉⚉ job to support your family, step-children, school board,
supporting your spouse’s career, new marriage, in-laws,
housing association, managing the household, needy spouse,
At the start of the first session and when time passes, roll to
see how you are managing your responsibilities. On a 10+, you are
working towards fulfilling your driving desire and managing your
responsibilities, clear 2 Trauma. On a 7-9, managing one of your
obligations overwhelms your ability to work towards one of your
driving desire—the GM will tell you what hard choice you face.
On a miss, your obligations and your desire endanger each other
with disastrous results; tell the GM which obligation and the GM
will tell you about the messy consequences.
These names are best translated to human language by describing the thing
that they mean. They are used with caution and only in moments of com-
plete safety. Choose one:
◇◇the triumph of seeing the disappearance of Sun-Lost’s five moons
over the horizon to harken a new day (Moon-New)
◇◇the experience of tasting a new food for the first time (Food-New)
◇◇losing a memory (Mind-Lost)
◇◇the moment in time when there is a possible split in worldli-
ness (Time-Lost)
◇◇the moment of rising before others and believing for a time that you
are the only one in the universe (Morning-Lost)
Choose one: Richard, Donald, Kenneth, Dennis, Douglas, Bruce,
Jerry, Raymond, Keith, Gerald
When sun-searchers are first born, they shapeshift wildly through forms,
but all of them eventually discover a form that is their truest self.
Choose as many as apply.
⚉⚉ red skin, scales, rosy skin
⚉⚉ large tentacles, crab legs, no legs
⚉⚉ pupil-less eyes, eyes outside the skull, many eyes,
⚉⚉ claws, exoskeleton, antennae
This is the form that the sun-searcher shapeshifts into in order to blend
into their surroundings and evade dangerous attention. Since human form
has much to do with how the alien is treated, The Poster Child has a very
specific set of choices.
⚉⚉ meticulous clothing, fashionable clothing, flashy clothing,
garish clothing
⚉⚉ charming smile, tense smile, arrogant smile, reserved smile
⚉⚉ naïve face, haughty face, friendly face, unassuming face
⚉⚉ Eastern European, Western European, Northern European
⚉⚉ rugged man, well-groomed man, unassuming man, charming man
Human: +1 Alien: -1
⚉⚉ When did you realize that you wouldn’t want to go back to Sun-
Lost, even if that was a choice?
⚉⚉ Why have you experienced so much more success than the other
⚉⚉ Why do you blame the other sun-searchers for the Erads’ ambush
of Life-Seeker?
⚉⚉ You made a deal with Erads to keep ____________________ safe;
you keep this secret from them.
What change do you hope to achieve above all else (choose one)?
⚉⚉ Aliens in major political positions, an interview with a
major news source to spread your narrative, the creation of
a clinic equipped to treat alien medical needs
◇◇ Outsourcing: When you call upon your web of influence, say who
you contact and roll +Human. On a hit, they will do what you ask.
On a 7-9, choose two, on a 10+ choose one:
⚉⚉ you sour someone’s feelings towards you
⚉⚉ you sacrifice a bit of your alien self to prove yourself,
mark +Trauma
⚉⚉ you owe a favor that will be cashed in later
On a miss, you are taken for a traitor by both the aliens and
the humans.
◇◇ Be What is Needed: when you turn your body into something oth-
er than flesh, roll +Alien and take +Trauma for the extreme stress
being put on your body. On a 10+, all three. On a 7-9, choose two.
⚉⚉ you take the shape that you want to
⚉⚉ the shift is stable and you are able to control when you
shift back
⚉⚉ the parts of your body that you want shifted are the ones
that shift
On a miss, the GM tells you how your body has gone out of control.
◇◇ Like I Said: When you push a narrative about an alien incident
through official channels, choose two questions off of the list
and answer them how you see fit. Regardless of the actual truth,
humans will broadly accept the established narrative.
⚉⚉ Why was this struggle necessary?
⚉⚉ Who benefited from this?
⚉⚉ Who is innocent?
⚉⚉ What future danger does this herald?
◇◇ Forged Documents: When you create false documentation, roll
+Human. On a hit, the documents pass as valid. On a 7-9 you had
to use your authority and influence to validate them; your human
identity is linked to them. On a miss, you didn’t understand hu-
man reputation as well as you thought you did and your reputation
takes a hit. You lose one perk from your web of influence until
you redeem yourself.
◇◇ Stolen Power: Once a session, you may use one of these play-
book moves from another PC’s playbook.
⚉⚉ Make a Choice (The Intermingler)
⚉⚉ Looking from the Inside Out (The Outsider)
⚉⚉ Master of Illusion (The Halfling)
⚉⚉ The Redirection (The Hidden)
Describe to the GM what you do to mimic them and take +Trauma for
this falsehood.
These names are best translated to human language by describing the thing
that they mean. They are used with caution and only in moments of com-
plete safety. Choose one:
◇◇settling into shadows that are deeper than shadows (Shadow-Deep)
◇◇the process of coating oneself with foliage as a child to pre-
pare for the long sleep before growth (Growth-Sleep)
◇◇the satisfaction of oozing primordial goo onto your child for
sustenance (Child-Happy)
◇◇the pleasure-pain of shifting forms and shedding past itera-
tions of the self (Pleasure-Pain)
◇◇the crunch of the scuttling creatures that live in the morn-
ing-pools that form on the edge of the planet’s big cities
Choose one: Adam, Jebidiah, Zara, Hannah, Ada, Zadie, Maria, Is-
mael, Asher, Michael
When sun-searchers are first born, they shapeshift wildly through forms,
but all of them eventually discover a form that is their truest self.
Choose as many as apply.
⚉⚉ green skin, glittering skin, leathery skin
⚉⚉ flippers, spindly legs, pincers
⚉⚉ snake eyes, rotating eyes, compound eyes
⚉⚉ horns, thorax, wings
This is the form that the sun-searcher shapeshifts into in order to blend
into their surroundings and evade dangerous attention.
⚉⚉ colorful clothing, casual clothing, greaser’s clothing,
hippie clothing
⚉⚉ stooped posture, defiant posture, uneasy posture, precise
⚉⚉ scared eyes, questioning eyes, hungry eyes, smiling eyes
⚉⚉ Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous,
Middle Eastern, Ambiguous, White
⚉⚉ ambiguous, man, shifting, transgressing, woman
⚉⚉ What political agenda motivated you on Sun-Lost?
⚉⚉ Which of your loved ones has been sitting in E.T.R.A. for ten
⚉⚉ Since communication has been lost with Sun-Lost, no one has
taken the position of leader. What have you done to ensure that
the Cell’s power vacuum hasn’t been filled?
⚉⚉ ___________________ was the only one to make a welcoming
gesture towards you when you first arrived on Earth.
What change do you hope to achieve above all else (choose one)?
⚉⚉ All aliens out of hostile hands, aliens holding equal power
as humans in N.A.A.A., to feel intensely bonded with a Cell
(you take Hiding in Plain Sight and one more)
You also have close contact with 4 humans (at least) in N.A.A.A.:
Denise, Joyce, Raymond, Keith
⚉⚉ Which one is your main contact in N.A.A.A.?
These names are best translated to human language by describing the thing
that they mean. They are used with caution and only in moments of com-
plete safety. Choose one:
◇◇the swirl in the air when the wind stirs up the different at-
mospheric layers (Wind-Lost)
◇◇the innate desire to explore space and encounter the other be-
ings in the galaxy (Space-Lost)
◇◇the Pleasure of having found one’s true form (Form-Peace)
◇◇the feeling of aloneness that comes from being in a large group
◇◇the position of the sun that brings unrest and change (Sun-Change)
Choose one: Luciana, Betty, Ricky, Jean, Bobby, Ellen, Cato,
Rita, Daryl, Jennifer
When aliens are first born, they shapeshift wildly through forms, but all
of them eventually discover a form that is their truest self. Choose as
many as apply.
⚉⚉ vibrant warning colors, bristles, shadowy skin,
⚉⚉ a body covered with fingers, kangaroo-type legs,
ornithological legs
⚉⚉ human eyes, dragon eyes, a singular giant eye
⚉⚉ gills, external organs, fangs
This is the form that the alien shapeshifts into in order to blend into
their surroundings and evade dangerous attention.
⚉⚉ colorful clothing, nerdy clothing, all-american clothing,
delinquent clothing
⚉⚉ eager stare, innocent stare, angry stare, cool stare
⚉⚉ roomy backpack, sporty backpack, flashy backpack, practical
Human: 0 Alien: 0
⚉⚉ From the tales you’ve been told, what do you think the best
thing about Sun-Lost is?
⚉⚉ Why do the other students bully you?
⚉⚉ Which of your human friends make you feel guilty for siding
with the aliens?
⚉⚉ Why did the Cell have to change the HQ location after you were
⚉⚉ ______________________________ has been keeping the identity
of your human parent from you.
What change do you hope to achieve above all else (choose one)?
⚉⚉ A group of accepting human friends who know your secret,
the establishment of an alien nation-state, to meet your
human parent and be embraced by them
You have one alien parent. You may or may not know who they are,
you may or may not live with them. Ask if any PCs are willing to
play the role of your parent. If not, the GM will assign you an
(take +1 to any actions to influence them)
◇◇Copies of the janitor’s keys to the building (when you search
the lockers, roll and announce what your current scheme is. On
a hit, you find something that could be useful for that scheme.
On a 7-9, it requires that you betray a part of your identity
to use it. On a miss, you find something that makes you realize
that your situation is far worse than you imagined).
◇◇Access to the secrets of the town—high schoolers talk (when
time passes, tell the GM what salacious rumor you have heard
and roll. On a hit, you witness something that supports the
rumor. On a 10+, you have hard evidence. On a miss, you pass
on the rumor to the wrong parties—tell the GM who they are.)
Choose two of the following:
◇◇Overly concerned teachers
◇◇Stringent attendance-keeping
◇◇A high school rival with powerful parents
Name: _____________________
(take -1 to any actions to influence them)
These names are best translated to human language by describing the thing
that they mean. They are used with caution and only in moments of com-
plete safety. Choose one:
◇◇the sound of the work-tired self closing the door to rest
◇◇the rivers that dry up when the two suns occupy the same place
in the planet’s sky (River-Dry)
◇◇the sound of the slithering creatures when they make their
yearly migration from one side of the planet to the other
◇◇the cleaning creatures that attach themselves to the skin of
children and lick all of the dirt and grime off for their feed-
ing-time (Clean-Fed)
◇◇the burn in muscles after racing through the streets with com-
panions (Together-Run)
When aliens are first born, they shapeshift wildly through forms, but all
of them eventually discover a form that is their truest self. Choose as
many as apply.
⚉⚉ spines, golden skin, amphibious skin
⚉⚉ paws, hooves, hooked legs
⚉⚉ red eyes, glowing eyes, detachable eyes
⚉⚉ whiskers, long neck, foliage
(Choose one identity—or your true form—to interact with the other aliens.
Only one is necessary, the others can be created at any point in time.)
Name: Rosa, Danielle, John, Claire, Tyler, Vu, Zoe
⚉⚉ simple clothing, nondescript clothing, preppy clothing,
modest clothing
⚉⚉ argumentative jaw, tense jaw, stubborn jaw, strong jaw
⚉⚉ soft stance, aggressive stance, closed stance, yearning stance
⚉⚉ Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous,
Middle Eastern, Ambiguous, White
⚉⚉ man, woman
Name: Philip, John, Xiao, Sabrina, Emily, Steve
⚉⚉ simple clothing, nondescript clothing, preppy clothing,
modest clothing
⚉⚉ argumentative jaw, tense jaw, stubborn jaw, strong jaw
⚉⚉ soft stance, aggressive stance, closed stance, yearning stance
⚉⚉ Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous,
Middle Eastern, Ambiguous, White
⚉⚉ man, woman
Human: -1 Alien: +1
⚉⚉ What issues with Sun-Lost caused you to leave everything behind?
⚉⚉ What important space does each identity grant you access to?
⚉⚉ How did keeping your identities secret from the other sun-searchers
inadvertently sabotage your Cell’s first mission from Sun-Lost?
⚉⚉ ___________________ alone knows who you were back on Sun-Lost.
What change do you hope to achieve above all else (choose one)?
⚉⚉ The destruction of the Erads, to appear in public in your
true form and be accepted, an alien-human peace treaty
List of Playbooks - Page 51
(you get Touch Me and one more)
◇◇ Touch Me: When you ooze poison, roll +Alien and take +Trauma
for the extreme stress being put on your body. On a hit, decide
what type of poison it is. On a 10+, all three and mark your Alien
Track. On a 7-9, choose two:
⚉⚉ The poison is not discernible to the naked eye
⚉⚉ You can control when you stop oozing poison
⚉⚉ The poison doesn’t lose its potency once it is out of
contact with your body
On a miss, your immune system is not properly equipped for the
poison and the GM will tell you how the poison makes it impossi-
ble to be seen in public as a human for a period of time.
◇◇ You’re Being Watched: When you reveal that you were hiding
in the shadows while another alien was acting surreptitiously,
roll. On a 10+, you saw or heard it all. On a 7-9, you missed an
important detail; the GM will tell you what. On a miss the GM
tells you how you have raised suspicion.
◇◇ The Redirection: When someone else attempts to glimpse your
true form, you may influence the way that they perceive you and
answer one of their questions with a lie.
◇◇ You Were There: When you explain why a key part of the Cell
history is a lie, tell them the truth and why they got it wrong
and change the Cell Sheet to match the truth. When you use this
move, strike it from your sheet.
◇◇ The Truth: When you reveal one of your identities to another
alien, you may heal a Trauma. If they accept you and your new
identity without lashing out, they may heal one as well.
Agendas - Page 53
⚉⚉ Invoke the community
⚉⚉ Flesh out their alien and human lives
⚉⚉ Be a fan of the players’ characters
⚉⚉ Make your move but misdirect
⚉⚉ Treat all humans as possible threats
⚉⚉ Treat all alien NPCs as possible allies
⚉⚉ Remind the aliens of their decisions
⚉⚉ Address yourself to the aliens, not the players
⚉⚉ Ground the story in a neighborhood divided by politics
and identity
⚉⚉ Give everyone secrets and underlying motivations
⚉⚉ Ground alienness in being beautiful and strange
These are the rules to pay attention to when shaping the
details of your plot. They give opportunities for you to
push the characters towards heartbreakingly humanizing mo-
ments and will help you address the emotional temperature
of the game.
Principles - Page 55
Moves are how you advance the story: how you create sus-
pense and intrigue when someone misses a roll, or how you
get things moving when there’s a lull. To modulate the in-
tensity of your story, you can choose to use softer moves
or harder moves. Softer moves often foreshadow future
trouble and always give PCs a chance to respond. Harder
moves bring the trouble to the fore and create immediate
change, giving the PCs a chance to respond only after the
⚉⚉ Ambush the aliens
⚉⚉ Award +Alien or +Human
⚉⚉ Reveal someone’s secret
⚉⚉ Remind the characters of their alien past
⚉⚉ Tempt them with intimacy
⚉⚉ Demonstrate how precarious their position is
⚉⚉ Put their identities in conflict with each other
⚉⚉ Separate or isolate someone
⚉⚉ Push painful secrets out into the open
⚉⚉ After every move: “What do you do?”
GM Moves - Page 57
The Intermingler
The Intermingler is the tragically romantic figure, torn
between loyalty to their past and the new love that they’ve
found in this life. Give them moments of deep vulnerabili-
ty with both human and alien NPCs and draw from them prom-
ises that they can’t possibly keep.
The Halfling
A player choosing The Halfling is ready for a story arc of
adolescence. Mire them in the angst and anxiety of high
school, but tie it back to the alien drama—they feel torn
between the two halves of their lives, but those halves
refuse to stay separate.
The Outsider
The Outsider is defined by having an ideology that diverges
from that of most of the other aliens. Surround them with
alien and N.A.A.A. connections so that they keep getting
drawn into the Cell’s issues and they can choose the most
dramatic moment to make their opinions known.
The Hidden
The Hidden is constantly in flux, not having any single
human identity, unlike the others, and spending most of
their time hiding their identity from the others. Make
them dependent on the Cell structure by intertwining their
wellbeing with that of the Cell, and give them opportuni-
ties to see things that no one else does.
Long Example
To demonstrate how the game works, here is an example
of play with Zhonglin as the GM; River-Dry, The Hidden,
played by Siri; Time-Lost, The Poster Child, played by Re-
becca; and Sun-Change, The Halfling, played by Josh.
The Cell is about to undertake a mission that they’ve been planning for
months: infiltrating the Erads. It was revealed last session that Time-Lost’s
neighbor Barbara—who helped him put together the neighborhood pot-
luck— is the head of Walnut Hills’ chapter of the Erads. The group tailed
Barbara to the Erad headquarters located in some warehouses just be-
yond the town boundaries. The plan was for each of the aliens to shape-
shift to mimic Erad members and enter that way. However, Sun-Change
just found out that his real alien mother has been held captive by the
Erads for the past two years and he’s not in the mood to wait for the oth-
ers. He heads off alone.
“So there’s just one visible guard outside the warehouse. You know from
your recon that usually there are two guards but this is during a shift
change so you have about fifteen minutes before another one shows up,”
Zhonglin tells Josh.
“Can I get closer to see if there are any other threats right now?”
“Seems like you’re trying to tune into your surroundings,” Zhonglin tells
him. “Roll plus questions.”
“Alright so… is this situation familiar to me? No, I guess not. And is my
position secure? Well, I think I have a good hiding spot in this alleyway,
so sure. So I roll… a 6, and then get +1… so that’s a 7. My question is,
‘Where does the power lie?’”
“Well, as you get closer, you begin to pick something up with your senses,
something that feels way too familiar. You realize that the guard’s psychic
presence is alien, not human. He’s covered in clothing from head to toe
but you can see something that looks like a shock collar around his neck.”
“Oh shit.” Josh pauses and then says, “I’m going to try talking to him. I
emerge from my hiding space and… I think I shift my hand into its alien
“I think we get a close up of the guard’s face smiling in recognition. He
mouths something that looks a little bit like, ‘my son’ and then the collar
begins to glow and he screams in pain. But before we see what hap-
pens, let’s cut across town. Have Time-Lost and River-Dry realized that
Sun-Change is gone?”
“Yeah,” Siri says, “I think we were going to all meet at Time-Lost’s house to
discuss our next move and Sun-Change just never showed up.”
Cell Members:
⚉⚉ PC:
⚉⚉ PC:
⚉⚉ PC:
⚉⚉ PC:
⚉⚉ PC: