Sector Fact Sheet 7 Campgrounds
Sector Fact Sheet 7 Campgrounds
Sector Fact Sheet 7 Campgrounds
Recommended Best Practices
Campground Communicate clearly: Communicate clearly:
Operators • Post information throughout the campgrounds and • Develop regular communication with campers through
surrounding areas to frequently remind campers and a variety of channels (text, emails, social posts, etc.) to
customers to take steps to prevent the spread clearly communicate the steps your campground is
of COVID-19. These messages should include information taking to protect campers and stop the spread of
about: COVID-19. Develop an updates website, send emails
• Staying home if you are sick or do not feel well. to campers with additional preventative steps the
• Using social distancing and maintaining at least six feet facility is taking, as well as communicate any changes
between individuals in all areas of the campgrounds campers should expect to experience.
and with other campsites.
• Not gathering in groups.
• Wearing a mask or face covering when entering
buildings or interacting in close proximity to other
campers, practicing good personal hygiene
including washing hands often with soap and water
for at least 20 seconds, using hand sanitizer, refraining
from touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed
hands, coughing and sneezing into an elbow, etc.
Maintain public restrooms, showerhouses, and laundry Maintain public restrooms, showerhouses, and
facilities to lower risk of spread of virus. laundry facilities to lower risk of spread of virus.
• Ensure there are functional toilets. • Post a cleaning schedule at each location.
• Clean and sanitize public areas and restrooms in the • Install touch-free entry points at restrooms and
morning and evening, with increased instances other facilities.
of cleaning and sanitation during peak usage times. • Install seat-cover dispensers and motion-sensing
Cleaning should be conducted using EPA-registered faucets, soap, and towel dispensing in restrooms
disinfectants, particularly on high-touch surfaces such and other facilities.
as faucets, toilets, doorknobs, and light switches
• Make sure supplies for handwashing, including soap
and materials for drying hands, are fully stocked every
time the bathroom is cleaned.
• Provide hand sanitizer where water is not available.
• Restrooms, showerhouses, and laundry facilities should
limit the number of users at any one time based on
the facility size and current social distancing guidelines.
Cleaning and sanitizing public areas and restrooms
should occur in the morning and evening, with
increased instances of cleaning and sanitation
during peak usage times.
Regarding Be as flexible as possible with staff attendance and sick- • Encourage third-party delivery staff to wait outside
leave policies. Remind staff to stay at home if they are sick. or in non-congested areas practicing social
Employees Isolate and send home anyone who exhibits fever, cough, distancing guidelines. Encourage third-party
and Vendors or shortness of breath.
delivery staff to wear face coverings.
Educate on proper use, disposal, and maintenance
• Employees must perform a daily symptom assessment of face coverings. Enhance education on proper use
prior to reporting for work. Per the CDC, symptoms of gloves, per code.
include cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, • Health checks may include temperature
fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, assessments, questionnaires, employee self-checks,
headaches, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell. screening apps, or other tools. Update files with log
• Require employees to stay at home if symptomatic and of “health checks.”
perform daily symptom assessment requirements • Conduct symptom assessments over the phone
before returning to work. for employees who were ill and planning to return
• Following recommendations in current orders, to work.
employees must wear clean masks and gloves when • As employee rehiring begins, consider virtual
indoors and interacting with guests and other interviewing and on-boarding when possible.
employees. Employers should provide proper PPE • Reinforce education per current food safety code
including masks and gloves to staff and define about when to wash hands. Post health department
proper use when interacting with customers, as well as handwashing posters at sinks and stations. Set times
the expectation to keep these items clean (for example, for periodic handwashing.
change gloves frequently). Allow ample opportunities • Avoid switching tasks when possible to reduce cross
for employees to wash and sanitize their hands. contamination concerns. Increase handwashing if
• Employee vehicles, golf carts, keys, tools, break rooms, changing tasks is necessary.
bathrooms, and other common areas must be cleaned • Appoint an employee safety team or point of contact
and disinfected at the end of each shift, or for non-as to identify safety concerns, suggest additional safety
signed items or equipment after an employee or sanitizing measures, and make ongoing
completes use and prior to another employee using improvements to safety plans. Make sure all
the item. employees know who is on this team and how to
• Wherever possible, implement staggered employee contact them. This team can be responsible for
entry, work in assigned teams, vary arrival and training, developing, and distributing information
departure, and stagger breaks to avoid interaction regarding updated protocols, answering questions,
or grouping among staff. and displaying information.
• Regularly provide staff with up-to-date information
about COVID-19 and related business procedures
and policies. Communicate the importance of
practicing preventive actions.
* Per the CDC, symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headaches, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell
Mandatory Recommended Best Practices
Campers • Only one family household may occupy each site, with a • Stay home if you are sick or do not feel well.
pre-determined limit for any campsite (always ten people • Wear a mask or face covering when entering
or fewer). buildings or interacting in close proximity to other
• Use social distancing and maintain at least six feet campers.
between individuals from other households in all areas of • Practice good personal hygiene including
the campgrounds and with other campsites. washing hands often with soap and water for at
• Do not gather in groups. least 20 seconds, using hand sanitizer, refraining
• Practice self-contained camping when possible. from touching eyes, nose, and mouth with un
washed hands, coughing, and sneezing into an
elbow, etc.
• Bring trash bags, food, and supplies. Plan to carry
in and carry out trash and other items.
Revised 5/14