The Hosting Service: Saas Service Level Agreement (Sla)

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SaaS Service Level Agreement (SLA)

The purpose of this document is to define the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the maintenance and support
of the Hosting Service (“Service”). Service Level Agreements are used as a tool to measure and guide Licensor
and Licensee in achieving the goals for effective service delivery of all licensed applications (“Software”) to the
Licensee. Licensor is providing Licensee with the capability to run the Software in a hosted environment. Licensor
may choose to work with other Internet or Application Server service providers in providing its Service to

1. The Hosting Service

Specifically, Licensor will provide the following:

 Application Administration
Software installation and software updates (patches, upgrades, support, and maintenance)
 Technical Support
Online email support during coverage hours, 24x7 access to support portal
 Service Management
Client activation, security monitoring, change control, problem management, and escalation procedures
 System Administration
System configuration, deployment, support, monitoring, response, repair, tuning and capacity planning
 Network Administration
Network provisioning, monitoring, response, repair, security, utilization management and capacity
 Data backup and retention
Backups of Licensee data

Licensee is responsible for purchase and maintenance of its own equipment, hardware and access, including but
not limited to network and data connection, to establish a connection to the Internet.

1.1 Non-Hosting Services

o Training & Professional Services
o Data Conversion Services
Please refer to our website for a full description of our service offerings.

2. Server Environment
2.1 Location
All application environments are physically located in Tier 1 Enterprise Class Data Centers. Each data
center has the following attributes:
24x7 Security HVAC
Redundant Internet Feeds Fire Detection and Suppression
Redundant Power Feeds SOC II Compliant

2.2 Hardware
The hardware configuration of the application environment is as follows:
Firewalls Application Servers
Load balancing Clustered Database servers
Failover Raid 50 Data Storage

 All servers are equipped with dual power supplies and powered by separate power circuits.
 Dedicated servers may be allocated to Licensees upon request with additional fees.

2.3 Software

Server Operating System Microsoft Windows Server

Database IBM Domino Database
Web Server IBM Domino Server

Licensee: _______ Licensor: _______ 1

2.4 Bandwidth Allocation
The application environment is equipped with a committed data circuit feed that is burstable to 100 Mbps.

2.5 Security
Licensor ensures that Licensee data is protected with physical security, data encryption, user authentication,
application security, and more. Specific measures include:

 All servers are located behind the firewall with only essential ports enabled.
 All firewalls have Intrusion Detection enabled.
 All Licensee data is stored in separate physical databases.
 128-bit SSL encryption

3. Service Measures
3.1 Quotas
The following quotas for disk and bandwidth usage are applied:
 Database Disk quota (for standard account information): Licensee’s database size can utilize 5GB of
disk space. Additional disk space may be purchased separately.
 Document Storage quota (for files uploaded by users): Licensee’s document storage can utilize 1GB of
disk space. Additional disk space may be purchased separately.
3.2 Availability
The following availability will be maintained:

Measurement Definition Licensor SLA

Software Availability The periods of time that the 24 x 7 x 365, 99.8% average over a
Software is available for use by month not including scheduled
the Licensee not including downtime.
scheduled downtime.
User Response Time The time it takes for the Software Because of many external factors
to complete a user request and involved in this measurement, the
return a response response time cannot be specified.
Backups Licensee data as well as Full database backups are performed
application installation backups every evening between the hours of 1am
– 3 am EST. Two copies of the backups
are retained one onsite and the other
offsite on a daily basis. Backup files will
be retained for thirty days.
Restoration of Services In the event of a major disaster Licensor will restore services at alternate
event, such as flooding of the location within 3 business days
hosting facility or an earthquake
that destroys the infrastructure,
Maximum Restore Age It is the maximum age of the data No More than 48 hours.
should we need to restore
production data from backup.
Problem Response Time Provision of user support. 90% of issues responded to in one hour
or less during primary coverage.
Primary Coverage will be 9am-
5pm Licensee’s local time We are targeting a 90% compliance rate
Monday through Friday, that every issue will be responded to in
excluding statutory holidays. one hour or less during primary
coverage. To calculate this we take: # of
issues responded to in 1 hr or less / total
Response time will be calculated number of issues. For example if a
by dividing the numbers of issues customer logs 10 issues in 1 month and
responded to in one hour or less 9 of them were responded to in 1 hour,
divided by the total number of we have a 90% compliance rate which
issues received for the month. means we hit our target.
Licensee: _______ Licensor: _______ 2
Problem Correction Provision of any correction for a
reproducible error in the

Primary support hours for error

correction will be 9am-5pm local
time Monday through Friday,
excluding statutory holidays.

The table below outlines the

severity levels and the response
and resolution time commitments
for each.

3.3 Priority Levels

Initial Target Resolution

Priority Problem Description
Response Time Commitment

Priority 1 The Problem causes complete 1 hour during Worked on The problem will
loss of service. Work cannot Primary Continuously until a be worked on until
reasonably continue as the Coverage hours solutions found, fixed or a
feature or function does not (one hour after however, targeting an reasonable
allow completion of work and hours for clients 8 hour resolution time workaround is
its operation is mission with 24 x 7 x or until a viable applied.
critical to the business. 365 support workaround can be
plan) applied Updates will be
Examples: provided to the
a) Majority or all of the users Licensee every 4
are unable to use the hours.
b) Highly important reports
(such as invoicing) cannot be
c) System crashes repeatedly
after restart attempts.

Priority 2 The problem causes 4 hour during 3 Business Days The problem will
important loss of service. A Primary be worked on until
major software function is Coverage hours fixed or a
experiencing a reproducible (4 hour after reasonable
problem that causes a major hours for clients workaround is
inconvenience to the with 24 x 7 x applied.
Licensee. 365 support
plan) Updates will be
An acceptable workaround provided at the end
may or may not be available, of every day.
however, operation can
continue in a restricted
fashion. The current release
should be patched if a
permanent workaround
cannot be found and the next
release is not imminent.

Licensee: _______ Licensor: _______ 3

Priority 3 The Problem causes minor 24 hour during 5 days or Licensor will work with
loss of service or is a minor Primary Mutually Licensee to mutually
error. The impact is an Coverage agreed to prioritize and schedule
inconvenience that may hours time resolutions into regular
require a workaround to release cycles.
restore functionality or is a
minor error, incorrect
behaviour, or a
documentation error that does
not impede the operation of a

3.4 Downtime / Maintenance

Licensor periodically adds, repairs, and upgrades the data center network, hardware and the Software and shall
use its best efforts to accomplish this without affecting the Licensee’s access to any Software; however, repairs
of an emergency or critical nature may result in the Service not being available for the Licensee’s usage during
the course of such repairs. Licensor reserves the right to take down the server(s) at the data center in order to
conduct routine maintenance to both software and hardware according to the following protocols;

Item Description Commitment

Standard Maintenance Wed: 9 pm – 1 am
Window Sun: 9am-1 pm
Scheduled Uploads Regular planned uploads of new - Minimum of 10 day Notice
functionality will take place during the prior to the upload going into the
standard maintenance window. production environment.

- A message will be displayed on

the main site stating Licensor will
be down.
Scheduled Maintenance Routine, scheduled maintenance will - A message will be displayed on
performed inside the maintenance the main site stating Licensor will
window. be down.
Non-Scheduled/Emergency May be performed outside the - Licensee will be notified
Maintenance maintenance window and will be immediately
counted as unscheduled downtime.
- A message will be displayed on
the main site stating Licensor will
be down.

4. Compatibility with New Software

Licensee consents and acknowledges that prior to upgrading third party software, the Licensee is solely
responsible to verify and insure that such third party software is compatible with their current or future versions
of Software. The most significant applications which the Licensee should carefully check for compatibility before
upgrading are: new versions of operating systems, databases, web servers, report engines, business intelligence
software, accounting software, project planning tool, CRM application, reporting tools, or any other third party
tools used by or integrated with the Software. Licensor will not be responsible for any failures or malfunctions’
resulting from such upgrade and reserves the right not to provide support for such installations.

5. Support Discontinuance
Company agrees to support any given version of the Licensed Product for 36 months as of its official release,
regardless of Licensee’s decision to upgrade to the new version or not upon the availability of such upgrade.

Licensee: _______ Licensor: _______ 4

6. Limitation of the SLA
6.1 The SLA expressly excludes the following:

a) Training
b) Installation, configuration and technical support for Licensee equipment or operating systems
c) Technical support, consultation or problem resolution pertaining to software applications other than those
supplied by Licensor and described in this Agreement including IBM Domino Server
d) Resolution of problems resulting from negligence of the system user. Including specifically the incorrect
data entry, the use of altered data or source code and the failure to use the Software according to the
instructions provided in the user guide
e) Support for development (SDK, Web pages, etc.), integration and custom reports, whether developed by
Licensee or any party other than Licensor
f) Any alterations or additions, performed by parties other than Licensor, except for programs using product
interfaces provided by Licensor
g) Use of the Software on an Operating Environment other than that for which such Software was designed,
except as expressly prescribed in the user guide
h) Maintenance and support for non-production environments and sand boxes
i) Data migration

If Licensee requires that a member of Licensor’s staff provide services pertaining to any of the above exclusion
which are not included as part of the SLA, Licensee hereby agrees to pay Licensor for these services according to
the daily support service rate then in effect, prorated hourly.

Licensee: _______ Licensor: _______ 5

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