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Transaction History: Name: Account Number: Address: Card Number: Reporting Period: Email

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Please direct inquiries to:

smiONE Card Customer Service, PO Box 2489, Carrollton, GA 30112



Name: Miriam Prieto Account Number: 883109860741

Address: Card Number: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-1830

2921 Nw 135th St Rear,
Opa Locka, Florida 33054 Reporting Period: 03/01/2020 TO 03/31/2020

Email: prietomiriam1965@gmail.com Opening balance: $122.27 Closing balance: $39.62

Sum of fees Prior Month: $5.50

Total sum of fees for selected period: $1.00
Total sum of fees Year to Date: $11.50

Date Reference No Description Debit Credit Currency

03/01/20 209747756 DOLLAR GENERAL #14611, FORT MYERS, FL-1830 $78.86 USD
03/01/20 41639530 A00000000007T52 OSCAR FORT MYERS FL-1830 $20.56 USD
03/07/20 41929881 A00000000007T52 OSCAR FORT MYERS FL-1830 $10.00 USD
03/07/20 41939404 A00000000007T52 OSCAR FORT MYERS FL-1830 $9.75 USD
03/11/20 26597955 TEXAS OAG, TX48000 $266.08 USD
03/12/20 213155607 BOOST MOBILE, 888-266-7848, KS-1830 $35.00 USD
03/12/20 213035956 WALGREENS STORE 12041 P, FORT MYERS, FL-1830 $17.77 USD
03/13/20 42234995 000029891413 DOLLARTR FORT MYERS FL-1830 $62.34 USD
03/13/20 42226849 A00000000007T52 OSCAR FORT MYERS FL-1830 $13.25 USD
03/13/20 42256731 000000000276910 SUNOC FORT MYERS FL-1830 $27.52 USD
03/13/20 213262022 WALGREENS STORE 12041 P, FORT MYERS, FL-1830 $18.07 USD
03/13/20 213355894 SQ *PATRICIA'S TAMALES, FORT MYERS, FL-1830 $11.70 USD
03/13/20 213439812 BECKS FOOD STORE, FORT MYERS, FL-1830 $20.82 USD
03/13/20 213248062 WENDY'S 2008, FORT MYERS, FL-1830 $12.42 USD
03/13/20 213429532 MCDONALD'S F7042, FORT MYERS, FL-1830 $5.00 USD
03/15/20 42357775 000011994889 DOLLAR G OPA LOCKA FL-1830 $9.31 USD
03/15/20 42347581 04400073804701 7-ELEV FORT MYERS FL-1830 $20.00 USD
03/15/20 42352246 04400073485901 7-ELEV MIRAMAR FL-1830 $5.67 USD
03/18/20 214532624 IDT*BOSS INTL CALLING, 800-6768312, NJ-1830 $10.00 USD
03/24/20 26957925 TEXAS OAG, TX48000 $269.08 USD
03/27/20 42988561 A00000000007T52 OSCAR FORT MYERS FL-1830 $24.25 USD
03/28/20 43021791 04400073489201 7-ELEV FORT MYERS FL-1830 $10.00 USD
03/28/20 43020612 434368867884 MAXX FOO FORT MYERS FL-1830 $11.77 USD
03/28/20 43045753 A00000000007T52 OSCAR FORT MYERS FL-1830 $19.25 USD
03/28/20 43019899 000000000133951 LA ME FORT MYERS FL-1830 $30.99 USD
03/28/20 43023790 000029891413 DOLLARTR FORT MYERS FL-1830 $49.30 USD
03/29/20 43095799 000012032003 DOLLAR G FORT MYERS FL-1830 $15.66 USD
03/30/20 43122865 000000000276910 SUNOC FORT MYERS FL-1830 $22.85 USD
03/30/20 43120356 720000102169 CIRCLE K N FORT MEYERS FL-1830 $5.84 USD
03/30/20 43141893 A00000000007T52 OSCAR FORT MYERS FL-1830 $15.00 USD
03/30/20 217273744 WISH, 800-266-0172, CA-1830 $2.74 USD
03/30/20 217273745 WISH, 800-266-0172, CA-1830 $2.00 USD
03/30/20 20673311 Declined Transaction Fee-1830 $0.50 USD
03/30/20 20673295 Declined Transaction Fee-1830 $0.50 USD
03/31/20 43168453 000012032003 DOLLAR G FORT MYERS FL-1830 $19.12 USD

Information About Your Right to Dispute Errors

In ca s e of errors or ques tions a bout the Ca rd Account, ca ll 1-866-532-9636 (if ca lling from outs ide the U.S., plea s e ca ll +8007-332-3266, from Mexico 01-800-099-
1203) or write to s miONE Ca rd Cus tomer Service, P.O. Box 2489, Ca rrollton, GA 30112, if you think a n error ha s occurred on the Ca rd Account or if you need more
informa tion a bout a tra ns a ction lis ted on your electronic or written his tory or receipt. We mus t a llow you to report a n error until s ixty (60) da ys a fter the ea rlier
of the da te you electronica lly a cces s the Ca rd Account, if the error could be viewed in your electronic his tory, or the da te we s ent the FIRST written his tory on
which the error a ppea red. You ma y reques t a written his tory of your tra ns a ctions a t a ny time by ca lling 1-866-532-9636 (if ca lling from outs ide the U.S., plea s e
ca ll +8007-332-3266, from Mexico 01-800-099-1203) or writing to s miONE Ca rd Cus tomer Service, P.O. Box 2489, Ca rrollton, GA 30112. You will need to tell us :
1. Your na me a nd the 16-digit Ca rd number
2. Why you believe there is a n error, a nd the dolla r a mount involved
3. Approxima tely when the error took pla ce
If you provide this informa tion ora lly, we ma y require tha t you s end your compla int or ques tion in writing within ten (10) bus ines s da ys .
We will determine whether a n error occurred within ten (10) bus ines s da ys a fter we hea r from you a nd will correct a ny error promptly. If we need more time,
however, we ma y ta ke up to forty-five (45) da ys to inves tiga te your compla int or ques tion. If we decide to do this , we will credit the Ca rd within ten (10)
bus ines s da ys for the a mount you think is in error, s o tha t you will ha ve the us e of the money during the time it ta kes to complete the inves tiga tion. If we a s k
you to put your compla int or ques tion in writing a nd you do not provide it within ten (10) bus ines s da ys , we ma y not credit the Ca rd Account.
For errors involving new Ca rds , POS tra ns a ctions , or foreign-initia ted tra ns a ctions , we ma y ta ke up to ninety (90) da ys to inves tiga te your compla int or ques tion.
For new Ca rd Accounts , we ma y ta ke up to twenty (20) bus ines s da ys to credit the Ca rd Account for the a mount you think is in error.
We will tell you the res ults within three (3) bus ines s da ys a fter completing the inves tiga tion. If we decide tha t there wa s no error, we will s end you a written
expla na tion. Copies of the documents us ed in the inves tiga tion ma y be obta ined by conta cting the phone number or a ddres s s hown a t the beginning of this
s ection. If you need more informa tion a bout our error-res olution procedures , ca ll 1-866-532-9636 (if ca lling from outs ide the U.S., plea s e ca ll +8007-332-3266,
from Mexico 01-800-099-1203) or vis it www.s mioneca rd.com.

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