Coba Anda Jelaskan Pengertian Clause Dan Kemudian Berikan Contoh Untuk Masing-Masing Jenis Clause Seperti Yang Disebutkan Di Atas

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Coba Anda jelaskan pengertian clause dan kemudian berikan contoh untuk masing-

masing jenis clause seperti yang disebutkan di atas.

Clause adalah sekumpulan kata-kata yang saling berhubungan yang berisi subyek dan verba.
You buy a book
Kalimat diatas terdiri dari you = subject, dan buy = verba (kata kerja)
Jenis – jenis Clause dan contohnya:
A. Independent caluse:
Indipedent clause dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai bagian dari kalimat.
Indipendent clause terdiri atas subject dan predicate yang dapat dipahami.
I want an ice cream (I = subject, want an ice cream = predicate)
Dalam suatu kalimat bisa terdapat beberapa independent clause. Penggabungan independent
clause bisa dengan menambahkan:
1) Koma dan titik koma
I wanted to see a scary movie; however, my friend wanted to see a comedy
Ada 2 Independent Clause dikalimat diatas, yang digabung dengan menggunakan tanda titik
1. I wanted to see a scary movie
2. however, my friend wanted to see a comedy
2) and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so  disebut juga coordinate conjuction
a. My father was very wise man, and he taught me a lot about his bussines.
b. They asked me who I was in Portuguese, Spanish, and French, but I didn’t understand
c. You can go now or you can stay as long as you like
d. Nowadays I cannot ride my motorbike nor I can drive a car.
e. My mum complains a lot for she does all the work around here
f. We played well, yet we didn’t qualify for the finals
g. I’m behind the schedule in completing my module, so I spend my weekend writing

3) Because, althought, (subordinating conjuction) that, which, whichever, who, whoever,

whom, whomever, whose and of which (relative pronoun)
a. Agus never talked to his friends about going to China, because he was afraid they would
make fun of him
b. This a typical Monday morning disaster for Jeremy, although it did mean that he
wouldn’t have to go to his French lesson to day.
c. The earthquake that stroke Aceh was 8.9 on the Richter scale
d. I don’t trust Mrs. Wong whom I met in Zhen zhen
e. Vony is the girl who got the job
f. Give it to whomever deserves it
g. Mam, the woman whose educational background is English, would like to meet you
h. We must give him, whoever he is, severe punishment for what he has done
B. Dependent Clouse
Dependent Clause adalah sekumpulan kata yang mempunyai sebuah subjek dan sebuah verba
dan tidak dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai sebuah kalimat (subordinate clause).
1. Before you met me
2. After you finished your duty
Dependent Clause terdiri dari 3 jenis yaitu:
1) Adeverd Clause; berisi informasi yang menerangkan tentang apa yang sedang dibicarakan
dalam verba utama. Untuk Adverb Clause terdiri dari subjeck+verb+subordinate conjuction
(after, because, since, when, although, dll)
a. You were sleeping when she arrived
b. He had no idea why she cried
2) Adjective Clause; berisi informasi yang menerangkan tentang apa yang sedang dibicarakan
dalam nomina utama. Untuk Adjective Clause terdiri Subjek + verb + relative pronoun
(who, which, whose, whom, that, …-ever) atau relative adverb (why, where, when)
a. I like the book that you just read.
b. My TV that is broken is being repaired
3) Noun Clouse; Untuk Noun Clause terdiri Subjek + verb + question word (what, who,
whose, whom, which, when, where, how, …-ever) atau if atau wheather
a. I listened carefully to what she said
b. Do you know what that means?
c. What she does is no concern of mine

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