The Asian World: How Does Architecture Record History?
The Asian World: How Does Architecture Record History?
The Asian World: How Does Architecture Record History?
How does architecture
record history?
Angkor Wat is a symbol of Cambodia and appears on its flag. First
built by the Khmer as a Hindu temple, it has served as a Buddhist
shrine since the fourteenth century. Although most of the walls have
carvings of Hindu stories, there are images of the Buddha. In this
chapter you will learn about the changes in the Asian world.
• How does the architecture in your city or state relate to
its history?
• Which structures have been changed based on their use?
Werner Forman/Art Resource, NY, Stuart Dee/Getty Images
Who What
Identifying Create a
Yoritomo 1206 four-tab book to record
establishes Mongols elect Temüjin When e
Who, What, When, and Wher
Kamakura Genghis Khan Where facts while you
shogunate read about Kublai Khan
or Genghis Khan.
1100 1300 1500
Mansa Mūsā begins
Timbuktu mosque (ISTORY /.,).%
Chapter Overview—Visit to preview Chapter 8.
Stuart Dee/Getty Images, (l) National Museum, Tokyo/SuperStock, (r) Nik Wheeler/CORBIS
China Reunified
In 581 the Sui dynasty succeeded in unifying China for the
GUIDE TO READING first time in hundreds of years. Over the next several centuries,
The BIG Idea with only a brief period of disorder in the 900s, a series of three
Order and Security After centuries of dynasties would bring progress and stability to China. During
chaos and civil war, three dynasties unified China,
this period, China would invent block printing and gunpowder,
bringing peace, stability, and technological
progress. participate in increased foreign trade, and reinstitute a merit-
based system of civil service.
Content Vocabulary
• scholar-gentry (p. 269) • dowry (p. 269)
Three Dynasties
Academic Vocabulary
• period (p. 266) • complexity (p. 267) The Sui, Tang, and Song dynasties restored peace to China in
between periods of chaos and disorder.
People and Places HISTORY & YOU Do you know what tests are required to qualify for government
• Sui Yangdi (p. 264) • Hangzhou (p. 266) jobs in the United States? Learn about merit-based civil service in early China.
• Tibet (p. 265) • Changan (p. 268)
• Tang Xuanzang • Marco Polo (p. 269)
(p. 265) • Wu Zhao (p. 269) The Han dynasty is considered to have set the standard for the
• Uighurs (p. 266) Chinese dynasties that followed. In fact, the Chinese word for
someone who is Chinese means “a man of Han.”
Reading Strategy
Summarizing Information As you
read, create three charts like the one shown below
The Sui Dynasty
to help you study. Summarize the time periods, the The Han dynasty came to an end in 220, and China fell into
most important rulers, and the reasons for decline chaos. For the next three hundred years, the Chinese suffered
of the Sui, Tang, and Song dynasties. through disorder and civil war. Then, in 581, a new Chinese
empire was set up under a dynasty known as the Sui (SWAY). The
Sui dynasty
Sui dynasty (581–618) did not last long, but it managed to unify
China once again under the emperor’s authority.
Sui Yangdi, the second emperor of the dynasty, completed the
Grand Canal, built to link the two great rivers of China, the Huang
He (Yellow River) and the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River). Both riv-
ers flowed from west to east. The new canal linked north and
south, making it easier to ship rice from the south to the north.
Sui Yangdi was a cruel ruler. He used forced labor to build the
Grand Canal, which he used to keep an eye on his empire. This
practice, together with high taxes, his extravagant and luxurious
lifestyle, and military failures, caused a rebellion. The emperor
was murdered, and his dynasty came to an end.
60°E Sea of Japan
I (East Sea)
Huang He JAPAN
(Yellow R.)
E Zhongdu
S (Beijing)
Sea 30°
Sui Empire, 581– 618 iang East
g Je R
L a tz .) China
Tang Empire, 618– 907 A
Ch ng
Y Sea
Song Empire, 960–1279 A (Y CAN
. IC O
Silk Road TROP
Grand Canal Taiwan 20°
Xi R. Guangzhou (Formosa)
South China
M Sea
The Sui dynasty was the first to reunify China on
after the fall of the Han dynasty. 10°N
stable economy by giving land to the peas- Tang rulers worked hard to restore the
ants and breaking up the power of the power of China in East Asia. They brought
owners of the large estates. They also peace to northwestern China and expanded
restored the civil service examination from their control to the borders of Tibet, an
earlier times to serve as the chief method area north of the Himalaya. China claimed
of recruiting officials for the civilian to be the greatest power in East Asia.
bureaucracy. Neighboring states, including Korea,
The civil service examination tested a offered tribute to China. The Chinese impe-
student’s grasp of Confucian principles. rial court also set up trade and diplomatic
Young men who were preparing to take relations with the states of Southeast Asia.
the examination memorized all of the Con- Like the Han, however, the Tang sowed
fucian classics. During their studies, they the seeds of their own destruction. Tang
had little free time for recreation and were rulers were unable to prevent plotting and
forbidden to take part in any strenuous government corruption. One emperor was
physical activities. They were taught never especially unfortunate.
to use their hands except for painting or Emperor Tang Xuanzang (SHWAHN•
writing. Even after many years of educa- DZAHNG) is remembered for his devo-
tion, only about one in five students man- tion to a commoner ’s daughter, Yang
aged to pass the examination and receive a Gul Fei. To entertain her, he kept hun-
position in the civil service. dreds of dancers and musicians at court.
of female
from Sui
Sui dynasty
Tang dynasty begins
Mongols led by
907 Kublai Khan defeat
Five Song dynasty and
Dynasties 960 absorb China into
▲ Kublai Khan founds
Era begins Song dynasty begins Mongol Empire
Yuan dynasty
It was used to make explosives and a prim- Trade with regions near China also
itive flamethrower called a fire-lance. The increased during the Tang and Song dynas-
fire-lance could spit out a mixture of flame ties. The Chinese exported tea, silk, and
and projectiles that could travel 40 yards. porcelain to the countries beyond the South
Long-distance trade had declined China Sea. In return, they received exotic
between the 300s and 500s as a result of the woods, precious stones, and various tropi-
collapse of both the Han dynasty and the cal goods. As a result of trade, Changan
Roman Empire. Trade began to revive (modern-day Xi’an), with a population esti-
under the Tang dynasty and the unifica- mated at two million, became the wealthi-
tion of much of Southwest Asia under the est city in the world during the Tang era.
Arabs. The Silk Road was renewed and
thrived as caravans carried goods between ✓Reading Check Comparing In what ways did
China and the regions of Southwest Asia trade improve during the time between the Sui and
and South Asia. Song dynasties?
The Mongols and China
At the time of the Mongol invasion, art and literature in
GUIDE TO READING China were in the middle of a golden age, spurred, in part,
The BIG Idea by the invention of porcelain and the printing press. Also,
Ideas, Beliefs, and Values Shifts in religious attitudes were changing in favor of a revived
religious belief caused major changes in the orga-
Confucianism, which would remain the basis of Chinese
nization of Chinese society, which were intensified
when the Mongol Empire conquered China. government for centuries.
Content Vocabulary
• khanate (p. 270) • porcelain (p. 275) The Mongols
• neo-Confucianism
(p. 273) The Mongols created the world’s largest land empire by conquering
all of China.
Academic Vocabulary HISTORY & YOU What do you think drove rulers to expand their empires? How
• acquired (p. 273) • vision (p. 275) would the lives of the citizens of these conquered lands have to change?
• available (p. 274)
40°E 60°E 80°E 100°E 120°E 140°E 160°E
20°E Moscow
Kiev (Kyiv) ga
Venice Dan Sea Karakorum
ube R.
Constantinople Black Sea Ca Khanbalik
spia GOBI (Beijing)
(Istanbul) Bukhara Samarqand Sea of Japan
n Sea
Kashi 40°N
Huang He (East Sea)
(Yellow R.) KOREA
dite JAPAN
Sea rranea Baghdad TIBET
n Damascus H CHINA
IM Hangzhou
B .
A L r ah ma pu tr a R Ch an g J ia n g
In an (Yangtze R.) China PACIFIC
Persian Gulf ges R.
(Arabian Gulf) Sea OCEAN
Pagan 20°N
Sea W E
Bay of
g R.
Bengal S
only the death of Genghis Khan kept the KAHN), completed the conquest of the
Mongols from attacking western Europe. Song and established a new Chinese
In 1231 the Mongols attacked Persia and dynasty, the Yuan (YWAHN). Kublai Khan,
then defeated the Abbasids at Baghdad in who ruled China until his death in 1294,
1258. Mongol forces attacked the Song established his capital at Khanbalik—the
dynasty in China in the 1260s. city of the Khan—later known by the Chi-
In their attack on the Chinese, the Mon- nese name Beijing.
gols encountered the use of gunpowder Under the leadership of the talented
and the fire-lance. By the end of the thir- Kublai Khan, the Yuan, or Mongol, dynasty
teenth century, the fire-lance had evolved continued to expand the empire. Mongol
into the much more effective gun and can- armies advanced into Vietnam, and Mon-
non. By the early fourteenth century, for- gol fleets were launched against Java and
eigners employed by the Mongol rulers of Sumatra and twice against the islands of
China had introduced the use of gunpow- Japan. Only Vietnam was conquered, how-
der and firearms into Europe. ever, and then only for a while. The other
In 1279 one of Genghis Khan’s grand- campaigns failed. The Mongols used tactics,
sons, named Kublai Khan (KOO•bluh such as cavalry charges and siege warfare.
Feuding between Mongol leaders In 1351 Chinese peasants revolted.
in China and abroad weakened the Rebels attacked the capital in 1368,
Mongol Empire. ending the reign of the Yuan Dynasty.
Sea of JAPAN
Khanbalik (East Sea)
(Beijing) Edo
Sea 140°E
Hu Fukuoka
M Chengdu East
AY China
Genghis Khan, declared victory over
A the Chinese Song Dynasty, uniting Sea ANC
China and becoming the first ruler PIC
of the Yuan Dynasty.
Xi R. Wuzhou
20°N ASIA Taiwan
Bay of Bengal PACIFIC
Extent of the Yuan dynasty South OCEAN
Present-day China China
0 600 kilometers
0 600 miles
Two-Point Equidistant projection
Religion and Government dynasty, both Buddhism and Daoism
became more attractive to many people. See page R39
to read excerpts from
Between the Han and Yuan dynasties, Both philosophies gained support among The Buddha’s Sermon
religion’s role in Chinese government changed. the ruling classes. in the Primary
The growing popularity of Buddhism Sources and
HISTORY & YOU Throughout history, all religions
have tried to answer some basic questions. What do
continued into the early years of the Tang Literature Library.
you think some of these questions are? dynasty. Early Tang rulers lent their sup-
port to Buddhist monasteries that were set
up throughout the country. Buddhists even
Confucian principles became the basis became advisers at the imperial court but
for Chinese government during the Han ultimately lost favor.
dynasty. By the time of the Sui and Tang Buddhism was criticized for being a for-
dynasties, Buddhism and Daoism rivaled eign religion. Like Christian monasteries in
the influence of Confucianism. Europe during the Middle Ages, Buddhist
monasteries had acquired thousands of
Buddhism and Daoism acres of land and serfs. With land came
Buddhism was brought to China in the corruption. The government reacted
first century a.d. by merchants and mission- strongly. During the later Tang period, it
aries from India. At first, only merchants and destroyed countless Buddhist temples and
intellectuals were intrigued by the new monasteries and forced more than 260,000
ideas. However, as a result of the insecurity monks and nuns to leave the monasteries
that prevailed after the collapse of the Han and return to secular life.
Buddhists taught that the material world
was not real, but an illusion. By teaching
this, Buddhism was denying the very
Genghis Khan built
a powerful empire. essence of Confucian teachings—the need
for devotion to family and hard work.
These were virtues that the Chinese state
had reason to support.
From the Song dynasty to the end of the
dynastic system in the twentieth century,
official support went to a revived Confu-
cianism, which became the heart of the
state government. This new doctrine,
called neo-Confucianism, served as a Con-
fucian response to Buddhism and Daoism.
It teaches that the world is real, not an illu-
sion, and that fulfillment comes from par-
ticipation in the world.
Neo-Confucianists divide the world into
a material world and a spiritual world.
Humans live in the material world but are
also linked with the Supreme Ultimate.
The goal is to move beyond the material
1. Hypothesizing How might
world to reach union with the Supreme
Mongol rulers have prevented the Ultimate. Humans do this through a care-
decline of the empire? ful examination of the moral principles
2. Describing What tactics did the that rule the universe.
Mongols use to expand their
empire? ✓Reading Check Explaining What caused
Buddhism to lose favor with the Chinese government?
Life in Genghis Khan’s Army
Most states that have disappeared into history met their demise in the same
way: they were conquered by a foreign army. There have always been outsiders
who threaten force to take territories and goods away from other groups.
One of the most feared of these outside forces was the army of the Mongol
ruler Genghis Khan. It was an army and state in one—and it could move. 75,000 oxen and camels
What was it like to march with him on his conquests that built the largest carried the Mongols’ felt
tents, called ger, as well as
empire in history? supplies and gear.
Women were in charge of tending
animals and domestic duties. During
battle they collected arrows and killed 100,000 sheep and
wounded enemy soldiers. 10,000 goats kept a
tumen supplied with
milk, meat, and wool.
Early Japan and Korea
Early Japan was unified by a noble family that gave rise to a
GUIDE TO READING line of emperors. Over time, power passed from the hands of
The BIG Idea the emperor to powerful aristocratic families, then to military
Physical Geography The geography of leaders called shoguns. Finally, centralized power disappeared
Japan, a string of islands, and of Korea, a peninsula
altogether. Korea’s history during this period is one of a
bordering China, have had a huge impact on their
respective histories. struggle for independence against the neighboring Chinese.
Content Vocabulary
• samurai (p. 280) • daimyo (p. 281) Early Japan
• Bushido (p. 280) • Shinto (p. 282)
• shogun (p. 281) • Zen (p. 282) Japan’s history has been marked by power struggles between rulers
and independent families.
Academic Vocabulary HISTORY & YOU How has geography played an important role in the growth of
• revenue (p. 279) • code (p. 280) your area? Read about geography’s role in the development of Japan.
People and Places The ancestors of present-day Japanese settled in the Yamato
• Osaka (p. 278) • Minamoto Yoritomo
(p. 281) Plain near the location of the modern cities of Ōsaka and Kyōto in
• Kyoto
ˉ (p. 278)
• Murasaki Shikibu the first centuries a.d. Their society was made up of clans. The
• Shotoku
ˉ Taishi
(p. 279) (p. 282) people were divided between a small aristocratic class (the rulers)
• Yi Sŏng-gye (p. 283) and a large population of rice farmers, artisans, and household
servants. The local ruler of each clan protected the population in
Reading Strategy return for a share of the annual harvest.
Categorizing Information As you Eventually, one ruler of the Yamato clan achieved supremacy
read, create a chart like the one below to help you over the others and became, in effect, ruler of Japan.
study which elements of Chinese culture were
adopted by Korea and Japan.
The Impact of Geography
Chinese Culture in . . .
Chinese and Japanese societies have historically been very dif-
Japan Korea
ferent. One of the reasons for these differences is geography.
Whereas China is located on a vast continent, Japan is a chain of
many islands. The population is concentrated on four main
islands: Hokkaidō, the main island of Honshū, and the two smaller
islands of Kyūshū and Shikoku. Japan’s total land area is approxi-
mately 146,000 square miles (378,000 sq. km)—about the size of
the state of Montana.
Like China, much of Japan is mountainous. Only about 11 per-
cent of the total land area can be farmed. The mountains are vol-
canic in origin. Volcanic soils are very fertile, which has helped
Japanese farming. The area, however, is prone to earthquakes. In
1923 an earthquake nearly destroyed the entire city of Tokyo.
The fact that Japan is an island nation has also affected its his-
tory. Because of their geographical isolation, the Japanese devel-
oped a number of unique qualities. These qualities contributed to
the Japanese belief that they had a destiny separate from that of
the peoples on the continent.
140°E 150°E 160°E
lIs. 0 200 kilometers
S Extent of control
c. 600
Sea of Japan PACIFIC c. 800
(East Sea) Honshu OCEAN c. 1000
Yellow JAPAN
Heian-kyo Mt. Fuji
(Kyoto) Kamakura
ait Osaka
a S tr
Kore Nara Ise
1. Location List, from north to south, the
Shikoku four major islands that make up Japan. On
Kyushu which island are the major cities of early
Japan located?
30°N 2. Regions Heian-kyo (Kyōto) and Ōsaka
East were important cities in early Japan. Today
China Sea Tokyo is a major city. What geographic
features contributed to their importance?
140°E 160°E
Am E
ASIA 80°E 100°E 120°E
Hakata (Fukuoka)
R Dali How did the “divine wind” change Japan?
Xi R.
Bay of Guangzhou
2. Evaluating How did Japan’s policy of
Bengal isolation help the country? How was it det-
0 600 kilometers China rimental to the country?
0 600 miles
Two Point Equidistant projection SOUTHEAST ASIA
India After the Guptas
After the Gupta Empire collapsed, Muslim conquerors moved
GUIDE TO READING into India, eventually taking control of nearly all of the
The BIG Idea subcontinent. The majority of the population in India remained
Ideas, Beliefs, and Values When Hindu, which often led to tension and open conflict.
Islamic peoples conquered much of India, tension
arose between the Muslim rulers and the majority
Hindu population.
The Impact of Religion
Content Vocabulary Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam all influenced the development of
• Theravada (p. 284) • Mahayana (p. 284)
Academic Vocabulary HISTORY & YOU How have patterns of religious belief changed in your own
• retained (p. 284) • traditional (p. 289) state or region? Read about the patterns of religion in India.
People and Places For hundreds of years, Buddhism had retained widespread
• Ghazna (Ghaznıˉ ) • Timur Lenk (p. 286)
(p. 286)
acceptance among the Indian people. The teachings of the Bud-
• Samarqand (p. 286)
• Mahmuˉd of Ghazna
dha came to be interpreted in different ways, however. People did
∙ • Moguls (p. 286)
(p. 286) not always agree on the meaning of the Buddha’s teachings. As a
• Dandin (p. 289)
• Rajputs (p. 286) ∙∙ result, a split developed among the followers of Buddhism in
• sultanate of Delhi India.
(p. 286) One group believed that they were following the original teach-
ings of the Buddha. They called themselves the school of
Reading Strategy Theravada, “the teachings of the elders.” Followers of Theravada
Contrasting As you read, use a chart like the see Buddhism as a way of life, not a religion that is centered on
one below to help you study the main differences individual salvation. They continue to insist that an understand-
between Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism. ing of oneself is the chief way to gain nirvana, or release from the
“wheel of life.”
Another view of Buddhist doctrine was emerging in northwest
India. This school, known as Mahayana Buddhism, said that
Theravada Mahayana
Theravada teachings were too strict for ordinary people. To
Mahayana Buddhists, Buddhism is a religion, not a philosophy.
The Buddha is not just a wise man, but also a divine figure. Nir-
vana is not just a release from the wheel of life, but a true heaven.
Through devotion to the Buddha, people can achieve salvation in
this heaven after death.
Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam in India
The Eastward Expansion replaced it. India was divided into about
70 states, which fought constantly. During
of Islam this time, warriors were held in very high
In the early eighth century, Islam became esteem. One Indian poet wrote:
popular in the northwestern part of the
Indian subcontinent and had a major PRIMARY SOURCE
impact on Indian civilization. This impact
“When you see a fight, rush to the front, divide
is still evident today in the division of the
your enemy’s forces, stand before them, and get
subcontinent into mostly Hindu India and your body scarred by the deep cuts of their swords;
two Islamic states, Bangladesh and Paki- thus your fame is pleasant to the ear, not your
stan. One reason for Islam’s success was body to the eye. As for your enemies, when they
the state of political disunity in India when see you, they turn their backs, and with bodies
it arrived. The Gupta Empire had col- whole and unscarred, they are pleasant to the
lapsed, and no central authority had eye, not so their shame to the ear.”
Stapleton Collection/CORBIS
Indian Society and Culture Like rulers elsewhere at this time, many
Muslim rulers in India were intolerant of
The ruling class of India was made up other faiths. They generally used peaceful
of Muslims, but some members of the Hindu popula- means, however, to encourage people to con-
tion also prospered. The rich culture of India was vert to Islam. Still, some could be fierce when
reflected in its art, literature, architecture, and techno- their religious zeal was aroused. Said one,
logical advances.
HISTORY & YOU Recall the interaction between PRIMARY SOURCE
Aryans and Dravidians. Read to compare with the
“I forbade the infliction of any severe punishment
interaction between Hindus and Muslims.
on the Hindus in general, but I destroyed their idol
temples and raised mosques in their place.”
—a Muslim ruler
The imposition of Islamic rule by
Mah.mˉud of Ghazna and his successors
created a level of general tension in Indian Most Muslim rulers realized that there
society. The life of the typical Indian, how- were simply too many Hindus to convert
ever, remained about the same as it had them all. They reluctantly accepted the
been for the past several hundred years. need to tolerate religious differences. Nev-
ertheless, Muslim rulers did impose many
Islamic customs on Hindu society. Overall,
Islam and Indian Society the relationship between Muslims and
The Muslim rulers in India viewed them- Hindus was that of conqueror and con-
selves as foreign conquerors. They tried to quered, a relationship marked by suspi-
maintain a strict separation between the Mus- cion and dislike rather than friendship and
lim ruling class and the Hindu population. understanding.
Islamic Architecture
Economy and Daily Life in southern India, for example, had more
Between 500 and 1500, most Indians than 100,000 soldiers in his pay, along with
lived on the land and farmed their own 900 elephants and 20,000 horses. Another
tiny plots. These peasants paid a share of ruler kept a thousand high-caste women to
their harvest each year to a landlord, who sweep his palace. Each carried a broom
in turn sent part of the payment to the local and a brass basin holding a mixture of cow
ruler. In effect, the landlord worked as a dung and water.
tax collector for the king, who in theory
owned all the land in his state. PRIMARY SOURCE
The rents paid by the farmers funded the “When the King goes from one house to
sumptuous lifestyle, the wars, and the another, or to a house of prayer, he goes on foot,
grand temples of the rich and high born. At and these women go before him with their
best the peasants scraped by. At worst, they brooms and basins in their hands, plastering the
fell into debt and were victims of money- path where he is to tread.”
lenders who charged high rates of interest.
Although the vast majority of Indians Agriculture was not the only source of
were peasants, reports by foreign visitors wealth in India. Since ancient times, India’s
between 500 and 1500 indicate that many location had made it a center for trade
people lived in the cities. It was here that between Southwest Asia and East Asia. It
the landed elites and rich merchants lived, had also been a source for other goods
often in conditions of considerable wealth. shipped throughout the world.
Rulers naturally had the most wealth. Internal trade within India probably
One maharaja (great king) of a small state declined during this period, primarily
Main Ideas
Culture in India 2. Create an outline like the one shown
Between 500 and 1500, Indian artists and writers built below to describe the impact of Timur
on the achievements of their predecessors while making Lenk.
innovations in all fields of creative endeavor, both secular
and religious. Here, we examine two such fields: architec- I. Timur Lenk
ture and prose literature. A. born during 1330s in Samarqand
During this period, religious architecture in India devel- B.
oped from caves to new, magnificent structures. From the C.
eighth century on, Indian architects built monumental
3. Summarize the principal sources of wealth
Hindu temples. Each temple consisted of a central shrine
in India.
surrounded by a tower, a hall for worshipers, an entryway,
and a porch, all set in a rectangular courtyard. Temples
became ever more ornate. The towers became higher and Critical Thinking
the temple complexes more intricate. Some became walled 4. The BIG Idea Evaluating What was
the impact of the introduction of Islam into
compounds set one within the other, resembling a town.
the Indian culture? Give reasons to support
Probably the greatest examples of Hindu temple art of whether the impact was a positive or
this period are found at Khajuraho. Of the 80 temples orig- negative one.
inally built there in the tenth century, 20 remain standing
5. Making Connections How do you think
today. All of the towers on these temples are buttressed
India’s expansive foreign trade affected its
(supported by stone walls) at various levels on the sides. development?
This gives the whole temple a sense of unity and creates
an upward movement similar to that of Gandisê (Kailas) 6. Analyzing Visuals Contrast the temple on
page 288 with the mosque on page 287.
in the Himalaya, a sacred place to Hindus.
How do they differ in decoration and layout
The use of prose in fiction was well established in India from each other?
by the sixth and seventh centuries. This is truly astonish-
ing in light of the fact that the novel did not appear in
Japan until the tenth or eleventh century and in Europe Writing About History
7. Expository Writing Using the information
until the seventeenth century.
contained in Chapters 3, 6, and 8 describe
One of the greatest masters of Sanskrit prose was the differences and similarities in Hindu,, a seventh-century author. In The Adventures of the Buddhist, and Muslim arts.
Ten Princes, he relates the exploits of 10 princes as they
search for love and power. He created a fantastic world,
fusing realistic portrayal of human behavior with super-
natural occurrences, including the direct intervention of
gods in worldly affairs. His powers of observation, details
of everyday life, and humor give his writing much
(ISTORY /.,).%
✓Reading Check Describing How does Indian architecture For help with the concepts in this section of Glencoe World
History, go to and click Study Central.
reflect Hindu ideals?
Civilization in Southeast Asia
Unlike most of the other regions of Asia, Southeast Asia was
GUIDE TO READING never unified under a single government, largely due to its
The BIG Idea formidable geographic barriers. Therefore, the history of the
Physical Geography The mountains, area tells of the competition and interaction between several
river valleys, and islands of Southeast Asia had a
small states.
major effect on its political, cultural, and economic
Angkor (Khmer)
Re Dai Viet
R Kediri
Pagan .
R DAI Pagan
VIET Srivijaya
The Burmese were pastoral peoples, but The vast majority of the people of the region
they adopted farming soon after their arrival were of Malay background, but the peoples
in Southeast Asia. In the eleventh century, were divided into numerous separate
they founded the first great Burmese state, communities.
the kingdom of Pagan. Like the Thai, they Two organized states eventually emerged
converted to Buddhism and adopted Indian in the region. In the eighth century, the
political institutions and culture. state of Srivijaya (sree•wih•JAW•yuh)
During the next two hundred years, came to dominate the trade route passing
Pagan became a major force in the western through the Strait of Malacca.
part of Southeast Asia. The capital city was At the same time, the kingdom of Sailen-
at the center of a network of highways, dra emerged in eastern Java. Both states
which allowed it to exert power over large were influenced by Indian culture. Whereas
distances. It also played an active role in Srivijaya depended on trade, the wealth of
sea trade throughout the region. Attacks Sailendra was based primarily on farming.
by the Mongols in the late 1200s, however, In the late 1200s, the new kingdom of
weakened Pagan, causing it to decline. Majapahit (mah•jah•PAH•hiht) was
founded. It became the greatest empire the
The Malay World region had yet seen. In the mid-fourteenth
In the Malay Peninsula and the Indone- century, Majapahit incorporated most of
sian archipelago, a different pattern the archipelago and perhaps even parts of
emerged. For centuries, this area had been the mainland under a single rule. Majapa-
tied to the trade that passed from East Asia hit did not have long to enjoy its status,
into the Indian Ocean. The area had never however. By the 1400s, a new state was
been united under a single state, however. beginning to emerge in the region.
Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat is a model of the Hindu
Angkor Wat was originally a Hindu universe, with a shrine at its hub,
temple but was taken over by Buddhists enclosed by three courtyards, and
during the sixteenth century. topped by five towers.
Visual Summary
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a Period
The Kamakur
C Uighurs A All men were samurai and therefore had little time for
artistic pursuits.
D Rajputs
B Women were better educated than men.
C Men believed prose fiction was beneath them.
Section 5 (pp. 290–295)
D The Shinto religion forbade the writing of fiction by men.
13. Who founded the kingdom of Angkor?
A Jayavarman
17. What was a major cause of the expansion of trade through-
B Dai Viet out Southeast Asia?
C Timur Lenk A The construction of stronger vessels
D B The blessings of important religious figures
C The growing demand for spices
D The construction of beautiful temples
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Analyze the map and answer the question that follows. Base your
answer on the map. “Heaven is my father and Earth is my mother, and even
such a small being as I finds a central abode in their midst.
Therefore that which fills the universe I regard as my body
Population Growth in China, 750–1250 and that which directs the universe I consider as my nature.
0 400 kilometers All people are my brothers and sisters, and all things are my
0 400 miles companions.”
Lambert Azimuthal
Equal-Area projection Yellow — Chang Tsai
g He
Huan River)
(Ye l l o w 20. Can you detect any echoes of Daoism in this excerpt? What
are they?
East 21. How do the ideas in this quotation conflict with the basic
Ji ideas of Buddhism?
ian e
Ch z Sea
N Extended Response
Xi River Taiwan W E
22. Imagine that you are a Korean person who is traveling
through the states of Southeast Asia during the fifteenth
century. Which states will seem most familiar to you? Which
Decrease will seem most foreign? Why?
South 301%–1,000%
China More than 1,000%